CSG :: Volume #27

#2648: The war ended

Little Junior Brother, you make the Tianyuan Clan person first stay in Azure Sea Divine Palace temporarily, I feared that Nine Flash Star Lord will divulge on the anger Tianyuan Clan.” Chu Jian also opened the mouth, facing Nine Flash Star Lord this grade of powerhouse, by the Martial Soul Lineage strength strength resists, does not have aggrieved hiding in Martial Soul Mountain. 小师弟,你让天元家族的人暂时先呆在沧海神宫吧,我怕九曜星君会将怒火宣泄到天元家族上。”楚剑也开口了,面对九曜星君这等强者,以武魂一脉的实力根本就不可力抗,只得憋屈的躲在武魂山中。 Martial Soul Mountain, is a Martial Soul Lineage final defense line, is a strongest defense line. 武魂山,就是武魂一脉最后的一道防线,同时也是最强的一道防线。 In several people spoke, Yun Ziting, Su Qi also returned from outside, their two people experienced a fierce battle obviously, on the clothes was contaminating the blood. 就在几人说话间,云子亭,苏琪也从外面返回,他们两人显然经历了一次激烈交战,衣服上都沾染着鲜血。 However this is not their blood, but came from the blood of enemy. 不过这不是他们的鲜血,而是来自于敌人的血液。 In addition, brings to wipe the exhausted color in their two people expression, this is Martial Soul Force loses causes seriously. 除此之外,在他们两人神色间也是带着一抹疲惫之色,这是武魂力损耗严重导致的。 What? Eighth Junior Brother, your does Huan Zhen (really) dare Young Star Lord cutting?” “什么?八师弟,你还真敢把小星君给斩了?” Yun Ziting and Su Qi have not known Young Star Lord already falls/dies, when they knew when this news, was feared. 云子亭苏琪还不知道小星君已经陨落,当他们得知这个消息时,一个个都被惊住了。 But that is all, has not blamed the meaning of Jian Chen. Just like this Hun Zang said, their Martial Soul Lineage does not stir up trouble, but is actually not afraid of getting into trouble. 但也仅此而已,并没有丝毫怪罪剑尘的意思。这正如魂葬所说,他们武魂一脉不惹事,但却不怕事。 This point, somewhat is actually similar to the Jian Chen character. 这一点,倒是与剑尘的性格有几分相似。 Ha Ha Ha, killed good, bullied this situation, how could not to kill him, if feared the hand to fear the foot, feared that this feared that instead was not our Martial Soul Lineage conduct attitude.” Yun Ziting Ha Ha laughs, carefree incomparable, casts the vision that commended to Jian Chen. 哈哈哈,杀的好,都欺负到这种地步了,岂能不杀他,若是畏手畏脚,怕这怕那的,那反而不是我们武魂一脉的行事作风。”云子亭哈哈大笑,畅快无比,向剑尘投去赞许的目光。 Called seven Junior Brother and six Junior Brother, Young Star Lord died, Nine Flash Star Lord will not give up, we must return to Martial Soul Mountain immediately.” Saying of Su Qi serious. “把七师弟和六师弟叫回来吧,小星君死了,九曜星君绝不会善罢甘休,我们要立即回武魂山。”苏琪严肃的说道。 Martial Soul Lineage several successor moods are very dignified, is preparing to return to Martial Soul Mountain by quickest speed. But all these instigator Jian Chen are actually seems very calm, but he also understood regarding several Senior Brother moods. 武魂一脉的几位传人心情都很凝重,都在准备以最快的速度返回武魂山。而这一切的始作俑者剑尘却是显得很镇定,不过对于几位师兄的心情他也十分理解。 In this vast Saint Realm, Huan Zhen (really) few individuals can unable to withstand the Nine Flash Star Lord anger, after all Nine Flash Star Lord has stood in a summit existed fearfully, is next to incarnation Heavenly Dao, like Supreme of Grand Dao incarnation, offended this character, even in Saint Realm the renowned top big influence cannot escape from the fate of demise. 在这浩瀚圣界,还真没有几个人能够承受得住九曜星君的怒火,毕竟九曜星君已经是站在一界之巅的可怕存在了,仅次于化身天道,如同大道化身的太尊了,得罪了这种人物,即便是圣界中声名赫赫的顶级大势力也逃脱不了灭亡的下场。 Information that however because some Dao Jiu disclosed that enabling retaliation of Jian Chen to Nine Flash Star Lord is not that worried, therefore he resulted in calmly. 不过由于有道九透露的信息,使得剑尘九曜星君的报复并没有那么担心了,因此他才镇定得下来。 Several Senior Brother, you do not need to worry for me, some time ago our Tianyuan Clan came Dao Family Senior, that Senior said that Nine Flash Star Lord because of some reasons, will not begin to Tianyuan Clan temporarily.” Jian Chen said that although he also the first time is saw Dao Jiu, but he believes that such as Dao Jiu this grade of character, will not deceive his. “几位师兄,你们不必为我担心,不久前我们天元家族来了一位道氏家族前辈,那位前辈九曜星君因为一些原因,暂时不会对天元家族动手。”剑尘说道,虽然他也是第一次见道九,但他相信如道九这等人物,是绝不会欺骗他的。 What? Dao Family? Should not be of Dao Family that extremely ancient Antiquity Family?” hearing that, Hun Zang several people are startled. “什么?道氏家族?该不会是那极为古老的远古家族之一的道氏家族吧?”闻言,魂葬几人纷纷一惊。 Any influence that dares to be called Antiquity Family, inherited fearful existence at least one era without exception, they are the colossi that in Saint Realm are unable to shake, but the disrespecting world, fearless all, besides Supreme, in the world have nothing to exist to suppress them. 凡是敢称为远古家族的势力,无一例外都是传承了至少一个纪元的可怕存在,他们就是圣界中无法撼动的庞然大物,可不敬天地,无惧所有,除了太尊之外,天地间已经没有任何存在能够压制他们。 Sees Jian Chen to nod, Hun Zang closely examines immediately: „Does he name?” 剑尘点了点头,魂葬立即追问:“他叫什么名字?” Dao Jiu!” Jian Chen replied. 道九!”剑尘答道。 Dao Jiu?” Hun Zang twittering, knits the brows to rack one's brains in a low voice, then shaking the head of gently, said: Dao Family, although hidden world, but does not isolate with the outside world completely, some inside regarded top powerhouse I have almost heard, middle does not have Dao Jiu this name, perhaps he is one of a small number I do not know.” 道九?”魂葬低声呢喃,皱眉苦思,而后轻轻的摇了摇头,道:“道氏家族虽然隐世,但和外界也不是完全隔绝,里面一些具有名气的顶尖强者我几乎都听说过,当中没有道九这个名字,或许他是我不知道的少部分人之一。” Any Antiquity Family in Saint Realm, be more fearful than Nine Flash Star Lord, but they are almost at the hidden world condition, rarely makes an appearance in Saint Realm, therefore in Saint Realm knows the person who they have is scarce.” “不过圣界中的任何一个远古家族,都要比九曜星君更可怕,只是他们几乎处于隐世状态,很少在圣界露面,因此在圣界中知道它们存在的人非常稀少。” A Hun Zang tone stop, weighed earnestly, said: Since said that the person of these words is Antiquity Family powerhouse, then this matter, is credible. Naturally, you must add carefully.” 魂葬语气一个停顿,认真衡量了番,道:“既然说这番话的人是远古家族强者,那么这件事,还是可信的。当然,你还是要多加小心。” Then, Qing Shan and Bai Rufeng also return to Tianyuan Clan, but they not dull, exchanged greetings with Jian Chen accompanied Hun Zang and the others to depart together, returning to Martial Soul Mountain was the worst result prepares. 接下来,青山白如风也同时返回天元家族,不过他们没有多呆,和剑尘寒暄了番就随同魂葬等人一同离去,回武魂山为最坏的结果做准备。 Jian Chen kept Tianyuan Clan, has not accompanied Hun Zang to return to Martial Soul Mountain together. Cloud Province after all is the Tianyuan Clan root, especially after these flames of war baptism, this has become incomparably reliable, then waits for its then grows healthy and strong, unless it is absolutely essential, he does not hope that Tianyuan Clan leaves Cloud Province. 剑尘则是留在了天元家族,没有随同魂葬一起回武魂山云州毕竟是天元家族的根,特别是经过这一次次的战火洗礼后,这根已经变得无比牢固了,接下来等待它的便是茁壮成长,不到万不得已,他也不希望天元家族迁离云州 Jian Chen looked down several Space Ring in hand, these Space Ring were Hun Zang, before Su Qi and Qing Shan they just before leaving, remained, what inside installed was not the treasure, when was their trip corpses that attained. 剑尘低头看了眼手中的几枚空间戒指,这些空间戒指都是魂葬,苏琪青山他们临走前留下来的,里面所装的并不是什么宝物,而是他们此行时所获的一具具尸体。 Jian Chen, we then what to do? Leaves Cloud Province? ” Qing Yixuan arrived in front of Jian Chen, expression multi- big change, she has not come the Tianyuan Clan time is not long, the sense of belonging is not intense, has no emotion to Cloud Province, therefore leaves, she is on the contrary indifferent. 剑尘,我们接下来怎么办?是离开云州吗?”青怡轩来到了剑尘面前,神色没有多大变化,她来天元家族的时间并不长,归属感并不强烈,对云州同样没有什么情感,因此离不离开,她反倒无所谓。 Heard the question of Qing Yixuan, in Tianyuan Clan collected everyone vision here neat looked, among expression brought to be anxious and disturbed. 一听到青怡轩的问话,天元家族内汇集在这里的所有人目光齐刷刷的看了过来,一个个神色间带着紧张和忐忑。 Among them, more people are not willing to leave here, but they also understand that this is not they can decide, Tianyuan Clan is goes or remains, all in Jian Chen a thought. 他们当中,更多的人不愿离开这里,可他们也明白这根本就不是他们所能决定的,天元家族是去还是留,全在剑尘一念间。 Because of Jian Chen, is a Tianyuan Clan blue sky! 因为剑尘,就是天元家族的一片青天! Jian Chen hesitated the meeting, then shouted lowly: Mo Xingfeng!” 剑尘沉吟了会,然后低喝道:“墨邢风!” Patriarch!” Mo Xingfeng stood from the crowd immediately, is holding the fist in the other hand to Jian Chen. 家主!”墨邢风立即从人群中站了出来,对着剑尘抱拳。 You act immediately, restore Peaceful Heaven Dynasty all lost territory, reconstructs Peaceful Heaven Dynasty!” The Jian Chen order said. “你立即行动,收复平天皇朝所有失地,重建平天皇朝!”剑尘命令道。 hearing that, Mo Xingfeng expression one happy, Jian Chen this decision, to everyone announced without doubt Tianyuan Clan does not leave Cloud Province. 闻言,墨邢风神色一喜,剑尘这一决定,无疑是向所有人宣告天元家族不离开云州 This makes many senior statesmen in Tianyuan Clan excited immediately, naturally, in the person heart is extremely worried about the retaliation of Nine Flash Star Lord. 这顿时让天元家族内的众多元老兴奋不已,当然,也有一部人心中非常担心九曜星君的报复。 Custodian Xue, Custodian Xing, Custodian Bai, Custodian Mei where.” Jian Chen drinks lowly. 雪护法,星护法,白护法,魅护法何在。”剑尘低喝。 Patriarch!” Mentioned by name Four Great Custodians simultaneously stand, is the manner respectful holds the fist in the other hand to salute to Jian Chen. 家主!”被点名的四大护法齐齐站了出来,皆是神态恭敬的对剑尘抱拳行礼。 Your four people assist Mo Xingfeng to regain Peaceful Heaven Dynasty on the spot, must establish in the shortest time Peaceful Heaven Dynasty.” Jian Chen said. “你们四人协助墨邢风收复平天皇朝实地,务必在最短的时间内将平天皇朝重新建立起来。”剑尘道。 Yes, Patriarch!” Four Great Custodians said with one voice. “是,家主!”四大护法齐声说道。 Xi Yu, the restoration work of Tianyuan Clan, and reconstruction of Dong An County on plenary powers was under the charge to you.” Jian Chen also said to Xi Yu. 惜雨,天元家族的恢复工作,以及东安郡的重建就全权由你负责了。”剑尘又对惜雨说道。 Patriarch, how that Heavenly Moon Dynasty should process.” The Xi Yu opens the mouth, the betrayal of Heavenly Moon Dynasty enraged her thoroughly, now the Tianyuan Clan heavy palm power, she first thinks is Heavenly Moon Dynasty. 家主,那天月皇朝该怎么处理。”惜雨开口,天月皇朝的背叛彻底激怒了她,如今天元家族重掌大权,她首先想到的就是天月皇朝 Heavenly Moon Dynasty, handles as you like 天月皇朝,随你们处置吧” After the approximate matter confesses, Jian Chen works as the waving the arms about showcase, no longer inquired about the restoration and operation of Tianyuan Clan, all these, had Xi Yu and Tianyuan Clan many senior statesmen manage. 将大致事情交代完毕之后,剑尘就当起了甩手展柜,不再过问天元家族的恢复以及运作,这一切,都有惜雨以及天元家族的众多元老去办。 He brings Shangguan Mu'er and experiences personally the heavily damaged Nubisi to arrive in the Tianyuan Clan restricted area, various Divine Pill exhibit , helping Nubisi healing. 他带着上官幕儿和身受重创的努比斯来到了天元家族的禁地中,各种神丹摆出,帮助努比斯疗伤 Meanwhile, in Cloud Province central region, Eastern Territory and frigid war of Northern Territory performance, with Tong Wuming, Zhou Zhidao and Lieyan Wuji their returns reverses rapidly, the Four-Divisions Alliance army under making a move of these three big Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse, was then routed in a minute, numerous Great Primal Beginning Realm Supreme Elder were cut to kill. 与此同时,在云州中域,东域北域上演的惨烈大战,也是随着嗵无名,周之道烈焰无极他们的归来而迅速扭转,四象联盟的大军在这三大太始境强者的出手之下,片刻间便被击溃,众多混元始境太上长老纷纷被斩杀。 Without Four-Divisions Alliance that Highest Beginning Realm powerhouse assumes, immediately the total military defeat, Beginning Realm powerhouse was killed above 8-layer, finally under the situation, starts to surrender to Justice Alliance. 没有太始境强者坐镇的四象联盟,顿时兵败如山倒,始境强者被杀了八层以上,最后迫于形势,开始向正义联盟投降。 Justice Alliance has not been ruthless to Four-Divisions Alliance, accepted the surrender of Four-Divisions Alliance remaining forces, Martial Artist that Four-Divisions Alliance all survives, degenerates into the captive completely. 正义联盟也没有对四象联盟赶尽杀绝,接受了四象联盟残余部队的投降,四象联盟所有存活下来的武者,全部都沦为俘虏。 Hence, broke through later turbulence many years of Cloud Province from past Great Demon Venerable Wu Tian, finally was the radical restoration tranquil, entire Great Province, became auspicious again. 至此,自当年无天大魔尊突破之后动荡多年的云州,终于是彻彻底底的恢复了宁静,整个大洲,再次变得一片祥和。
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