CSG :: Volume #23

#2215: One Color Yuan Core

Jian Chen is wrapped by a milky white Saint light that the black clothed deacon sends out, by one type in the Jian Chen eye, very slow speed flew from the city, speeds away to go toward the distant place. 剑尘黑衣执事发出的一道乳白色的圣光包裹着,以一种在剑尘眼中,很是缓慢的速度飞离了城池,朝着远方疾驰而去。 This black clothed manages obviously is Battle Saint Master, he is unemotional, a callousness of face, quiet, does not make any exchange with Jian Chen, but wholly-absorbed brings Jian Chen to hurry along. 黑衣执事显然是一名圣战天师,他面无表情,一脸的冷酷,沉默寡言,也不与剑尘做任何交流,只是专心的带着剑尘赶路。 But Jian Chen has not spoken similarly, at this moment he has closed the eye, in induces this black clothed to manage silently to the utilization and control of Radiant Saint Force, during is perceiving through meditation the mystery. 剑尘同样也没有说话,此刻他已经闭上了眼睛,在默默的感应着这名黑衣执事对光明圣力的运用以及掌控,在参悟当中的玄妙。 cultivation level boundary that this black clothed manages, although is equivalent to God Lord initial-stage boundary Martial Artist, such strength, in has cuts to kill Beginning Realm powerhouse to be able in the Jian Chen eye, almost like ants small and weak. However this black clothed manages the achievement in Radiant Saint Force aspect, is actually not Jian Chen this 9th-Rank Radiant Saint Master can compare merely. 这名黑衣执事的修为境界,尽管只是相当于一名主神初期境界的武者,这样的实力,在已经拥有斩杀始境强者之能的剑尘眼中,几乎是如蝼蚁般的弱小。但是这名黑衣执事在光明圣力方面的成就,却绝非剑尘这个仅仅九阶光明圣师可以比拟的。 Therefore, on the black clothed deacon body, has can let the place that Jian Chen studies much. 因此,在黑衣执事身上,拥有不少可以让剑尘学习的地方。 Quick, Jian Chen then immerses in completely to the sensibility of Radiant Saint Force during. He is one has powerhouse that after all can fight with Beginning Realm, has the rich background, once his Radiant Saint Force stayed in 9th-Rank, but is unable to break through , because he had not found the way forward. 很快,剑尘便完全沉醉于对光明圣力的感悟之中。他毕竟是一位拥有能与始境一战的强者,拥有丰厚的底子,曾经他的光明圣力停留在九阶而迟迟无法突破,是因为他还没有找到前进的方向。 But at this moment, he senses black clothed to manage under so near distance to the utilization of Radiant Saint Force, this to him, as if saw a beacon light in the boundless night, making him see the way forward in an instant. 而此刻,他在如此近的距离之下感悟黑衣执事对光明圣力的运用,这对他来说,就仿佛是在茫茫黑夜中看见了一盏明灯,让他刹那间看见了前进的道路。 Suddenly, around the body of Jian Chen, the dazzling milky white rays of light sparkle, more comes is also intense, just like the hot sun of space like that covers the Jian Chen entire body. 猛然间,在剑尘的身体周围,有一股耀眼的乳白色光芒闪耀而起,越来也强烈,就宛如天上的烈日那般,将剑尘的整个身躯笼罩。 Meanwhile, extremely pure Radiant Saint Force source strength, from collects to come in all directions, ultimately in the Jian Chen top of the head, formed one only to have the energy vortex that Radiant Saint Master can feel, but Jian Chen, was such as heavy drinker absorbing water is ordinary, will collect in Radiant Saint Force source strength of top of the head absorbs all. 与此同时,一股股极为精纯的光明圣力本源之力,也是从四面八方汇集而来,最终在剑尘的头顶,形成了一道唯有光明圣师才能感受到的能量漩涡,而剑尘,则是如长鲸吸水一般,将汇集在头顶的光明圣力本源之力尽数吸收。 In the brain of Jian Chen, that is condensed by Radiant Saint Force source strength completely, symbolizes 9th-Rank Radiant Saint Master Yuan Pill to revolve rapidly, Yuan Pill is strengthening by very terrifying speed, is conducting a transformation of quality. 剑尘的脑中,那颗完全由光明圣力本源之力凝聚而成,象征着九阶光明圣师元丹在飞速的旋转着,元丹正在以一种十分恐怖的速度增强着,在进行着一种质的转变。 Finally, Yuan Pill of pure white no flaw, turned into red, its static suspended in the brain of Jian Chen, sends out light red rays of light, seeming like, just like red flowers. 最终,原本洁白无瑕的元丹,变成了一片赤色,它静静的悬浮剑尘的脑中,散发出淡淡的红色光芒,看上去,就宛如是一朵赤色的花朵。 Broke through at this time unexpectedly, it seems like that this boy, the natural talent is quite good.” Escorts Jian Chen that black clothed managing wear a look of surprise cast aside Jian Chen, in the heart is also an exclamation. “竟然在这个时候突破了,看来这小子,天资颇为不俗啊。”护送剑尘的那名黑衣执事面带诧异的撇了眼剑尘,心中也是一阵惊叹。 But clearly, Jian Chen, even if breaks through, its strength cannot amount to something in the black clothed deacon eyes as before, therefore, his breakthrough has not caused black clothed to manage the too big attention. 但很明显,剑尘即便是突破,其实力在黑衣执事眼中依旧是上不了台面,因此,他的突破倒也没有引起黑衣执事太大的关注。 Does not know, when the black clothed deacon knows when Jian Chen is one can cut to kill Beginning Realm powerhouse, whether can also can maintain so calm? 就是不知当黑衣执事知道剑尘是一位可以斩杀始境强者时,能否还能保持这般的镇定? Yuan Pill seven colors, is corresponding three big Origin Realm, four big God Realm, my present Yuan Pill is the red, explained that my Radiant Saint Master boundary, had broken through 9th-Rank officially, was among the 10th-Rank ranks.” In the Jian Chen heart secretly thought, he has not thought that has not arrived at Radiant Temple, his Radiant Saint Force then made the first breakthrough. 元丹七色,对应着三大源境,四大神境,我现在元丹为赤色,说明我光明圣师的境界,已经正式的突破了九阶,跨入了十阶的行列。”剑尘心中暗道,他也没有想到还没有到光明圣殿,他的光明圣力便做出了第一步突破。 And, this is in without Cultivation Technique, all with sensing black clothed managed to the utilization of Radiant Saint Force looks for the direction, seized the chance to break through. 并且,这还是在没有修炼功法,全是凭着感悟黑衣执事对光明圣力的运用而找准了方向,趁机突破的。 This made in his heart fill with the anticipation, he does not know, when obtained high-grade level Cultivation Technique from Radiant Temple, rank of his Radiant Saint Master, will progress by leaps and bounds in the what kind astonishing form. 这不禁让他心中充满了期待,他不知当从光明圣殿内获得了高等功法时,他光明圣师的等级,又将会以何种惊人的形式突飞猛进。 After all, he is different from the average man, in the surface, although was one just entered into 10th-Rank Radiant Saint Master merely, but in secret, was actually Martial Artist that had powerful Primordial Spirit. 毕竟,他不同于常人,表面上虽然仅仅是一名刚迈入十阶光明圣师,但是暗中,却还是一名拥有强大元神武者 Arrived, here is Radiant Temple.” At this time, the black clothed deacon listened, was saying to Jian Chen. “到了,这里就是光明圣殿。”这时,黑衣执事听了下来,对着剑尘说道。 hearing that, Jian Chen raises eyes to look, discovered that own already in Radiant Saint Force incomparably abundant continuous hills, in the mountain ranges, stone buildings or Cave Mansion, find at everywhere, Radiant Saint Master that wear the white long gown looks for help everywhere, they soar in the world, was wrapped under by a rich white light, seems like quite somewhat the dwelling place of celestial beings imposing manner. 闻言,剑尘举目望去,发现自己已经在一片光明圣力无比充沛的连绵群山之中,山峦之间,一栋栋石屋或是洞府,更是随处可见,一名名身穿白色长袍的光明圣师四处活动,他们飞翔于天地之间,被一层浓郁的白光所包裹之下,看上去颇有几分仙家气势。 The scene between mountain ranges, Jian Chen sweeps merely at will, then lifted the head suddenly, the vision stares at the distant place. 山峦间的景象,剑尘仅仅是随意一扫,便豁然抬起了头,目光凝望远方。 By his eyesight, clear incomparable saw 1000000 miles away, the incomparably giant temples stand erect above the clouds, sends out the dazzling pure white Saint light to shine in the world, is covering this continuous endless hills. 以他的目力,清晰无比的看见了在1000000里之外,有一座无比巨大的神殿屹立在云端之上,散发出耀眼的洁白圣光照耀着天地间,笼罩着这片连绵无尽的群山。 Entire temple holy incomparable, has one imperceptibly * aura, one type was full of the sacred feeling. 整座神殿都圣洁无比,无形中带着一股*的气息,给人一种充满了神圣的感觉。 Here is our Radiant Temple outer mountain, gathering some natural talent is ordinary, strength mean disciple. You are the 1-Star talent, is qualified for directly inner mountain, does obeisance in a Radiant God King hanger-on, each Radiant God King, in our Radiant Temple, all has the Custodian title.” “这里是我们光明圣殿外山,聚集着一些资质普通,实力低微的弟子。你是一星天才,有资格直接进入内山,拜在一名光明神王门下,每一名光明神王,在我们光明圣殿,皆是拥有护法的称号。” However recently in the ten years time, all new basic star-level talent disciple, is responsible for by Han Custodian.” “而最近这十年时间,所有新入门的星级天才弟子,则都是由韩护法负责。” I lead you to go to Han Custodian territory, from now on you will follow to cultivate in Han Custodian hanger-on well, if displays prominently, may have the qualifications of entering the temple cultivation.” black clothed manages to Jian Chen is answering, mentions the temple, his vision then can not help reveals to yearn for the color. “我带你去韩护法的领地,今后你就跟在韩护法门下好好修炼吧,若是表现突出,或许会有进入圣殿修炼的资格。”黑衣执事对着剑尘解释道,一谈起圣殿,他的目光便情不自禁的流露出向往之色。 black clothed managed Jian Chen led into on a inner mountain mountain peak, then departed. 黑衣执事将剑尘带入了内山的一座山峰上,便独自一人离去。 But on this mountain peak, Jian Chen discovers besides own, two people also waits again. 而在这座山峰上,剑尘发现除了自己之外,还有两人也再次等候。 This two people he is not strange, joins Radiant Temple another two star-level talents with him on the same day, respectively is 1-Star talent Bai Yu (white jade), as well as 5-Star talent Zhuo Feng. 两人他并不陌生,正是和他在同一天加入光明圣殿的另外两名星级天才,分别是一星天才白玉,以及五星天才卓峰 Well, you are also the star-level talent, can tell us, are you several star talents?” “咦,你也是星级天才呀,能不能告诉我们,你是几星天才呀?” Bai Yu (white jade) and Zhuo Feng that the arrival of Jian Chen, made cast the vision that sized up in abundance, but a big eye of Bai Yu (white jade) flashed is staring at Jian Chen, brings face curious asking. 剑尘的到来,令的白玉卓峰纷纷投来打量的目光,而白玉的一双大眼睛扑闪扑闪的盯着剑尘,带着一脸好奇的问道。 Pushed in the ranks of 1-Star talent reluctantly.” Jian Chen raises hand token, expression light saying. “勉强挤入了一星天才的行列。”剑尘扬了扬手中的令箭,神色平淡的说道。 Your did Yuan Pill achieve several colors?” Zhuo Feng opens the mouth to ask, among the manners has the arrogance that cannot conceal, almost treats Jian Chen with a stance of high-rank. “你的元丹达到几色了?”卓峰开口问道,神态间有着一股掩饰不住的倨傲,几乎是以一位上位者的姿态来对待剑尘 In Saint Realm, Radiant Saint Master does not have the view of 10th-Rank 11th-Rank, judges the boundary by the Yuan Pill color. 圣界,光明圣师没有十阶十一阶的说法,都是以元丹的色彩来判断境界。 Just condensed the first color.” Jian Chen does not care about the Zhuo Feng attitude, tone light replying, now his status, is not Martial Artist, but merely is weak Radiant Saint Master. “刚刚才凝聚出第一色。”剑尘并不在意卓峰的态度,语气平淡的答道,现在他的身份,并不是一名武者,而仅仅是一名实力弱小的光明圣师 You condense the first color, giggle, my strength compared with you, I have condensed Two Colors, Zhuo Feng Senior Brother is fiercest, he has arrived at the Three Color peak. If as expected, Zhuo Feng Senior Brother because of this/should can be our Big Senior Brother, I am your two Senior Sister, as for you, naturally is our Little Junior Brother.” “你才凝聚出第一种色彩啊,咯咯咯,那我的实力比你强,我已经凝聚出第二色了,卓峰师兄最厉害,他已经到三色的巅峰了。若不出意外,卓峰师兄因该会是我们的大师兄,我则是你的二师姐,至于你咯,当然就是我们的小师弟咯。” Little Junior Brother, you name, right, hurried to call two Senior Sister.” The Bai Yu (white jade) character is lively, smiles giggle was saying to Jian Chen. 小师弟,你叫什么名字啊,对了,赶紧叫一声二师姐。”白玉性格活泼开朗,笑咯咯的对着剑尘说道。 But Zhuo Feng, after hearing Jian Chen merely One Color Yuan Core, in the vision cannot help but reveals wipes the contempt. 卓峰,在听到剑尘才仅仅一色元丹之后,目光中不由得露出一抹轻视。
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