CSG :: Volume #23

#2214: 1-Star talent

Here is only Radiant Temple sets up a branch outside, is responsible to joins the person who disciple registrates newly, is several wears the white clothing, chest front wears a female of Radiant Temple exclusive badge. 这里只是光明圣殿设立在外的一个分部,负责对新加入弟子进行登记的人,是几名穿着白色衣衫,胸前佩戴有一枚光明圣殿专属徽章的女子。 These females seem like not old, but from appearance, small only has 16 or 17-year-old, big is also only 20 years old over, each one young beautiful appearance, very pleasant. 这几名女子的年纪看上去并不大,但从面貌上来,小的仅有十六七岁,大的也不过才二十岁出头,个个年轻美貌,很是令人赏心悦目。 Naturally, although they are seemingly young, but in fact, no one knows that the cultivation had many years. 当然,虽说她们看上去年纪不大,但实际上,谁也不知道修炼有多少年了。 This is an inspection token, you record your status information on the inspection token, then takes your inspection token to go through the test.” Those who receive Jian Chen is one seems like the 17~18 years old young girl, skilled puts out a middle finger wide token to give Jian Chen. “这是一枚考核令牌,你在考核令牌上纪录你的身份信息,然后拿着你的考核令牌去通过测试吧。”接待剑尘的是一名看上去十七八岁的少女,熟练的拿出一枚三指宽的令牌交给剑尘 This token, by jade refinement, not only the itself material quality is firm, and also has the deposit information function, can record the thing through Spiritual Consciousness in inside. 这令牌,是以玉石炼制而成,不仅本身材质坚固,并且还拥有储蓄信息的功能,可以通过神识在里面纪录东西。 Jian Chen takes the token, then went to the place of test directly. 剑尘拿着令牌,便直接去了测试之地。 When he arrived here, here the scattered collection over a hundred Radiant Saint Master, they or have a face tense color, in the heart perturbed, or the whole face anticipated, being ready to fight is waiting, one both were full of various expression vision, focuses on front that white jade column in abundance. 当他来到这里时,这里已经零零散散的汇集了上百名光明圣师,他们或是带着一脸紧张之色,心中七上八下,或是满脸期待,摩拳擦掌的等候着,一双双充满了各种神色的目光,纷纷聚焦在前方那根白色玉柱上。 That jade column, ten zhang (3.33 m) high, the water jar is thick or thin, above covered entirely the dense and numerous marks, inside and outside, does not know that was inscribed many heavy formation, feels, is similar this jade column, the completeness is a bodywork structure of formation. 那玉柱,有十丈高,水缸般粗细,上面布满了密密麻麻的阵纹,里里外外,也不知被铭刻了多少重阵法,给人的感觉,就仿佛这玉柱,完完全全就是一个阵法的承载体。 This jade column, is Radiant Saint Master tests natural talent to use specially. 这玉柱,就是专门为光明圣师测试天赋所用。 This is each must join Radiant Temple disciple, an important link that must experience, is relating each Radiant Saint Master future. 这是每一名要加入光明圣殿弟子,都必须要经历的一个重要环节,关系着每一名光明圣师的未来。 natural talent that because tests is stronger, that also means after you join Radiant Temple, treatment that receives, the position is also higher. Once good starting point, that future your growth space, naturally also even more huge. 因为测试出的天赋越强,那也就意味着你加入光明圣殿之后,所受的待遇,地位等也就越高。一旦有一个好的出发点,那今后你的成长空间,自然也就愈加的巨大。 Jiangcheng, middle-grade natural talent......” “江城,中等资质......” Fei Nasi, low-grade natural talent......” 菲娜丝,低等资质......” Gu Dela, low-grade natural talent......” 古德拉,低等资质......” Xin Jiang, high-grade natural talent......” 新绛,高等资质......” ...... ...... As the white jade column is glittering rays of light not in varying degrees, that old man who specifically is responsible for testing, is shouts loudly the natural talent rank of famous tester keeping. 随着白色玉柱不停的闪烁着不不同程度的光芒,专门负责测试的那名老者,也是不停的将一名名测试者的资质等级高喊出来。 But the Jian Chen also clear and bright discovery, can make rays of light of white jade column rush to three zhang (3.33 m), is low-grade natural talent, exceeded three zhang (3.33 m), then belongs to middle-grade natural talent, if some people exceeded six zhang (3.33 m), then belongs to high-grade natural talent. 剑尘也明锐的发现,能让白色玉柱的光芒冲上三丈以内,则是低等资质,超过了三丈,则是属于中等资质,若是有人超过了六丈,则是属于高等资质 But among person who here tests, mostly is belongs to low-grade and middle-grade natural talent, high-grade natural talent is rare. 而在这里测试的人当中,大多都是属于低等中等资质,高等资质都非常稀有。 However at this moment, with test the natural talent Bai Yu (white jade) column, suddenly blooms dazzling rays of light, sees only at this moment, on the Bai Yu (white jade) column sparkles, but rays of light, was nine zhang (3.33 m) high unexpectedly all of a sudden, and rose one foot to stop slowly. 然而就在这时,用以测试天赋白玉柱,突然绽放出耀眼的光芒,只见此刻,白玉柱上闪耀而起的光芒,竟然一下子达到了九丈之高,并且又缓缓上升了一尺才停了下来。 Finally, this rays of light stable in nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot, its color also no longer is the monotonous white, but turned into five colors variegated. 最终,这光芒稳定在九丈一尺,其色彩也不再是单调的白色,而是变成了五彩斑斓。 „The 1-Star talent, is the opposite sex talent...... in field resounds screams unexpectedly immediately, the collection person here, reveals the color of envying. 一星天才,竟然是异性天才......”场中顿时响起一片惊呼声,汇集在这里的人,纷纷露出羡慕之色。 Jian Chen also raises eyes to look, sees only at this moment in front of the Bai Yu (white jade) column, animated is standing an age about 20-year-old female. 剑尘也举目望去,只见此刻在白玉柱面前,正俏生生的站着一名年纪大约20岁的女子。 Her appearance is delicate, beautiful moving, a pair of black gem big eye flashes, as if the speech will be ordinary, body Chuan Xiang is drafting the Radiant Saint Master white long gown, is raising head to look at the Bai Yu (white jade) mast top end, that rose nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot highly colored rays of light merely, knits the brows slightly, resembles quite some not to satisfy such result. 她面貌清秀,美丽动人,一双黑宝石般的大眼扑闪扑闪,就仿佛会说话一般,身上穿象征着光明圣师的白色长袍,正仰着头望着白玉柱顶端,那仅仅才上升了九丈一尺高度的彩色光芒,略微皱眉,似颇有些不满意这样的成绩。 Bai Yu (white jade), 1-Star talent!” On that old man face that is responsible for testing showed the smile to come finally, his friendly nods to Bai Yu (white jade), said: Bai Yu (white jade), congratulates you, from now henceforth, you were the Radiant Temple 1-Star talent.” 白玉,一星天才!”负责测试的那名老者脸上终于露出了笑容来,他友善的冲着白玉点了点头,道:“白玉,恭喜你,从今以后,你就是光明圣殿一星天才了。” At once, Bai Yu (white jade) by a deacon who wears the black clothing carrying off. 旋即,白玉被一名身穿黑色服饰的执事给带走了。 So long as were examined talent natural talent, even if the rank lowest 1-Star talent, its treatment also and common disciple is different. 只要被检测出天才资质,哪怕是等级最低的一星天才,其待遇也与寻常弟子大不一样。 Common disciple, even if high-grade natural talent, after testing, is the unification waits here, only has the star-level talent, will be arranged to manage takes to Radiant Temple immediately. 寻常的弟子,哪怕是高等资质,测试完之后都是统一在这里等候,唯有星级天才,才会被安排执事立即带往光明圣殿 Then, the test is continuing, after experienced more than ten people of tests, this tests the natural talent Bai Yu (white jade) column, finally erupts intense rays of light again. 接下来,测试在继续进行着,当又经历了十余人的测试之后,这测试资质白玉柱,终于是再次爆发出强烈的光芒来。 Sees only an intense white light, by compared with the Bai Yu (white jade) test also wants the swift and violent potential, was almost the flash then broke in nine zhang (3.33 m) high from the place bottom, the test natural talent Bai Yu (white jade) column that made bloomed the five colors variegated color. 只见一股强烈的白光,以比白玉测试时还要迅猛之势,几乎是一瞬间便从地底冲入了九丈之高,令的测试资质白玉柱绽放出五彩斑斓的色彩。 But this color light, such as Bai Yu (white jade) like that has not actually halted in nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot altitude, but conflicted quickly nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot, nine zhang (3.33 m) two chi (0.33 m)...... 而这一股彩光,却并没有如白玉那般,止步在九丈一尺的高度,而是很快的冲突了九丈一尺,九丈二尺...... Finally, colored rays of light stopped in nine zhang (3.33 m) five chi (0.33 m) altitude, and distance's sixth foot, is not far. 最终,彩色的光芒在九丈五尺的高度停了下来,并且距离第六尺,也已经不远了。 „The 5-Star talent, unexpectedly is the 5-Star talent......” this time, that old man who is responsible for testing cannot bear called out in alarm, among expression filled excitedly. 五星天才,竟然是五星天才......”这一次,负责测试的那名老者忍不住的惊叫了出来,神色间充满了激动。 But in testing main hall, has tested, in common disciple that the one side waits, these are waiting for test Radiant Saint Master, similarly is staring at that 5-Star talent that a face envies, even mixes in middle many females, in phoenix not mincing matter reveals the color of admiration. 而在测试大殿内,无论是已经测试完毕,正在一旁等候的寻常弟子,还是那些等着测试的光明圣师,同样是一脸羡慕的盯着那名五星天才,甚至夹杂在当中的不少女子,凤目中更是毫不掩饰的流露出倾慕之色。 Jian Chen, was casts the curious vision that could not bear, that was one seems like the age to differ not the big, long extremely handsome demeanor youngster with him, at this moment, he has taken back according to testing the hand on jade column, is carrying both hands, face self-confident standing there, among the manners has the pride that wiped unable to conceal. 就连剑尘,也是忍不住的投去了好奇的目光,那是一名看上去年纪与他相差不大,长的极为英俊的风度少年,此刻,他已经收回了按在测试玉柱上的手,正背着双手,一脸自信的站在那里,神态间有着一抹掩饰不住的骄傲。 Zhuo Feng, after 5-Star talent......” takes a deep breath, that old man who is responsible for testing, announced with the exciting tone. 卓峰,五星天才......”深吸一口气之后,负责测试的那名老者,用激动的语气宣布。 Afterward, is a deacon who wears black clothed, extremely polite Zhuo Feng carrying off. 随后,又是一名身穿黑衣的执事,极为客气的将卓峰给带走。 After Zhuo Feng walks, waited for the moment, finally was one's turn Jian Chen. 卓峰走后,又等候了片刻,才终于轮到了剑尘 Jian Chen walked in an unhurried manner, gives that the token the old man who tranquilly is responsible for testing, the vision looks that at present this has ten zhang (3.33 m) high Bai Yu (white jade) column fully. 剑尘从容不迫的走了上去,将令牌递给那名负责测试的老者,目光平静的看着眼前这足有十丈之高的白玉柱。 You called Changyang, the hand according to the test stone, then condensed Radiant Saint Force with your full power. Do not be worried that the rank of Radiant Saint Master is too low, the result that the test stone examines will change the low issue, this test stone, will only judge natural talent of person, had nothing to do with the cultivation level boundary.” That old man who is responsible for testing was saying to Jian Chen. “你叫长阳是吧,将手按在测试石上,然后用你的全力凝聚光明圣力。不要担心光明圣师的等级过低,测试石检测出的成绩会变低的问题,这测试石,只会评判一个人的资质,与修为境界等无关。”负责测试的那名老者对着剑尘说道。 many thanks Senior informs, Junior understands.” Jian Chen is holding holding the fist in the other hand to this old man, the vision fell on the Bai Yu (white jade) column, silent moment, gently the hand according to the test stone, starts condensation Radiant Saint Force slowly. 多谢前辈告知,晚辈明白。”剑尘对着这名老者抱了抱拳,目光落在白玉柱上,沉默了片刻,才轻轻的将手按在测试石上,开始缓缓的凝聚光明圣力 Immediately, white rays of light from the Bai Yu (white jade) base of cylinder section ascension, is not quick by one type, but very calm speed is actually promoting slowly, quick is three zhang (3.33 m) high, six zhang (3.33 m) high. 顿时,一股白色的光芒白玉柱底部升腾而起,以一种并不是很快,但是却十分沉稳的速度缓缓提升着,很快就达到三丈高,六丈高。 Finally, Radiant Saint Force that Jian Chen is concise, making rays of light on Bai Yu (white jade) column rush to nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot altitude. 最终,剑尘凝练出的光明圣力,让白玉柱上的光芒冲上了九丈一尺的高度。 „The 1-Star talent, was almost OK.” The Jian Chen time is paying attention to rays of light on Bai Yu (white jade) column, in stable in nine zhang (3.33 m) one foot altitude, estimated secretly, then after doing intentionally, appearance that the strength is insufficient, stopped. 一星天才,差不多可以了。”剑尘时刻都关注着白玉柱上的光芒,在稳定在九丈一尺的高度,暗自估量了下,便故作后力不足的样子,停了下来。 This is not the Jian Chen limit is, Jian Chen when conducting test, has deliberately been suppressing own, after being the degree of 1-Star talent, he then stopped the advance. 这并非剑尘的极限所在,剑尘在进行测试时,一直都在刻意的压制着自己,在达到一星天才的程度之后,他便停止了前进。 He fully realized that now the own status is sensitive, in Radiant Temple, is not really easy to show off, excessively remarkable, only needs one to be able in the status in Radiant Temple cultivating then. 他深知现在自己身份敏感,在光明圣殿内,实在是不易大出风头,过度的惹人注意,只需要一个能够在光明圣殿内修炼的身份即可。 But 1-Star talent status, in Radiant Temple, is not exactly high in one type not the low position, can satisfy him to need, will not be conspicuous. 一星天才这个身份,在光明圣殿内,恰好也是处于一种不高也不低的位置,既能满足他所需,同时也不会太显眼。 Old man very inspired announcement that Changyang, the 1-Star talent......” is responsible for testing, discovered all of a sudden three star-level talents, this to him, is a big merit. 长阳,一星天才......”负责测试的老者非常振奋的宣布道,一下子发现了三名星级天才,这对他来说,可是一件不小的功劳。 Then, Jian Chen was also managed by black clothed picking, takes to Radiant Temple. 接下来,剑尘同样被一名黑衣执事给接走了,带往光明圣殿 PS: Nirvana Immortal Venerable four Divine Sword, Mundane Sword, Reincarnation Sword, Immortal Execution Sword, Soul Extinguishing Sword is famous, four Divine Sword sword qi, until now also seal Huan Zhen Tower. To see these four Divine Sword portraits, pays attention to the Xiao Yao WeChat public number, can find in the historical news. PS:寂灭仙尊的四柄神剑,凡尘剑,往生剑,诛仙剑,灭神剑可谓是大名鼎鼎,四名神剑剑气,至今都还封印者还真塔。想一睹这四柄神剑的真容吗,关注逍遥微信公众号,在历史消息里能找到。 Has some brothers to respond that has not known how to add the public number, under here explained that first WeChat turned the address book, will see the public number option in the above, clicked, then searched: xinxingxiaoyao110 or the direct search Xin Xing Xiao Yao pen name can find. 有个别的兄弟反应还不知道怎么加公众号,这里说明下,首先微信翻到通讯录,在上方会看见公众号的选项,点击进去,然后搜索:xinxingxiaoyao110或者直接搜索心星逍遥的笔名就能找到了。
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