CSG :: Volume #22

#2192: Old friend reunion

Hears this sound, Gusi Clan Patriarch Gu Yuan, is in the heart criticizes, big feeling headache. 听见这道声音,古斯家族家主古元,也是心中暗骂不已,大感头疼。 Although he does not know the female who makes this sound is actually , but actually very clear own son's conduct, does not need to want also to understand, this female decides however is concerned with his son. If in the ordinary days, he is disinclined to pay attention to such minor matter, but at present this time, if made this status origin high scary Changyang Young Master see at present, that inevitable left a poor impression in the opposite party heart. 他虽然不知道发出这道声音的女子究竟是谁,但却十分清楚自己儿子的品行,不用想也明白,这名女子定然与他的儿子有关。如果是在平日间,他根本就懒得理会这样的小事,但眼下这种时刻,若是让眼前这位身份来历都高的吓人的长阳公子看见了,那将不可避免的在对方心中留下不好的印象。 This is not Gu Yuan is naturally willing to see. After all, he also wants taking this opportunity, to climb up the friendship with this Changyang Young Master at present. 这自然不是古元愿意看到的。毕竟,他还想借着此次机会,和眼前这位长阳公子攀上交情呢。 Changyang Young Master, this was under people produces what contradiction to quarrel mostly. Changyang Young Master, your status is noble, is not suitable to stay in the place that below people live, we have a look to elsewhere.” Gu Yuan said in the one side. 长阳公子,这多半是下人们又产生了什么矛盾而争吵了起来。长阳公子,您身份高贵,不适合呆在下人们居住的地方,我们还是到别处去看看吧。”古元在一旁说道。 However, when finishing speaking of Gu Yuan, was full of the immoral sound also to pass on together. 然而,就在古元的话音刚落时,一道充满淫邪的声音也是紧接着传了过来。 Ha Ha Ha, from exploding? Depending on your trivial Origin Returning Realm, wants in front of this young master from exploding, you rather also underestimates this young master. This woman Huan Zhen (really) is good, not only the fresh beautiful face moon/month appearance, the makings are refined, the most important thing is on her, actually has the imposing manner that powerhouse has.” 哈哈哈,自爆?就凭你区区归源境,也想在本少面前自爆,那你未免也太小看本少了吧。啧啧啧,这个女人还真不错,不仅生的花容月貌,气质脱俗,最重要的是在她身上,竟然有着一股只有强者才具备的气势。” It is said that you come up from Lower Realm, then, you once were also Lower Realm side Supreme, was above that absolutely person, existence of Ruler all living things destiny. Hehehe, this young master likes this woman, conquered once Lower Realm Supreme, this seemed like a very wonderful feeling......” “据说,你是从下界上来的,这么说来,你曾经也是下界的一方至尊,是那种万万人之上,主宰众生命运的存在。嘿嘿嘿,本少就是喜欢这种女人,征服曾经的一位下界至尊,这似乎是一种很美妙的感觉......” Hears this sound, Gu Yuan complexion became ugly/difficult to look at. 听见这道声音,古元脸色变得难看了起来。 But the folding fan in Jian Chen hand, was bang one folded, walks toward the palace that the sound conveyed directly. 剑尘手中的折扇,则是的一声折叠了起来,径直朝着声音传来的殿宇走去。 When is close to the front door, Black Crow moves sideways to go forward, opened the front door directly. 当接近大门时,黑鸦一个闪身上前,直接推开了大门。 The Jian Chen stride stepped, just entered in the palace, then sees a fresh beautiful face moon/month appearance, extraordinary women's whole face pale standing there, is staring the front by the incomparably swift and fierce vision. 剑尘大步迈了进去,刚一进入殿宇内,便一眼看见一名生的花容月貌,气质非凡的女子正满脸铁青的站在那里,以无比凌厉的目光瞪着前方。 On her face, has not seen the slight fear and fear color, has, only has hatred and intense murderous intention in thorough bone. 在她的脸上,没有看到丝毫的恐惧和害怕之色,有的,只有一股深到骨子里的恨意和强烈的杀机 The Jian Chen vision, solidified on this female, a same azure clothes, that familiar appearance, was he had not just had happening together Qing Yixuan in Sea Region initially. 剑尘的目光,在这名女子身上凝固了下来,同样的一袭青衣,那熟悉的面貌,不正是他当初在海域有过交集的青怡轩吗。 Seeing Qing Yixuan is perfect, temporarily had not been injured slightly, this made Jian Chen raise on the heart of throat also to put finally. 青怡轩完好无损,暂时还没有受到丝毫的伤害,这让剑尘提在嗓子眼的心也是终于放了下来。 Who are you? Who makes you come in?” “你是谁?谁让你进来的?” At this time, big loudly shout of man passed on together, saw only in Qing Yixuan not far away, appearance quite handsome youth is standing there, he who a face laughed at obscenely, Jian Chen that also with rushed suddenly but restrained rapidly, face gloomy, vision swift and fierce is staring Jian Chen. 这时,一道男子的大喝声传了过来,只见在青怡轩不远处,一名长相颇为英俊的青年正站在那里,原本一脸淫笑的他,也是随着突然闯进来的剑尘而迅速收敛了起来,一脸阴沉,目光凌厉的瞪着剑尘 Cannot be impolite!” A Gu Yuan face ugly/difficult to look at walked from outside, the calm face is staring this youth. “不可无礼!”古元一脸难看的从外面走了进来,沉着一张脸瞪着这青年 Father, how you came.” The arrival of Gu Yuan, makes that youth expression be startled immediately, he knew in the heart own this father, will never go to this place. “爹,你怎么来了。”古元的到来,立即是让那名青年神色一怔,他可是心知自己这位父亲,是从来不会到这个地方来的。 This is Changyang Young Master, has not paid a visit Changyang Young Master quickly.” Gu Yuan is shouting to clear the way to this youth lowly, then polite was saying to Jian Chen: Changyang Young Master, this is the obsolete good-for-nothing son, Gu Feng.” “这位是长阳公子,还不快拜见长阳公子。”古元对着这名青年低喝道,然后才客客气气的对着剑尘说道:“长阳公子,这位是老朽不成器的儿子,古风。” The Gu Feng ignorant person, from his father's manners, he has not then seen this Changyang Young Master, the background fears is big, immediately depresses the disaffection in heart, surprised uncertain looked at Jian Chen, immediately salutes to Jian Chen submissively. 古风并未愚昧之人,从他父亲的神态间,他便已经看出这长阳公子,来头怕是不小,当即是压下心中的不满,惊疑不定的看了眼剑尘,立即对剑尘拱手行礼。 Strange, the region that I am, in the family situated in the quite remote place, at present this Changyang Young Master that makes the fathers probably treat quite, how also to arrive at this type of remote place to come?” Gu Feng feels very puzzled. “奇怪,我所在的这片区域,在家族中都是位于比较偏僻的地方,眼前这位让爹都要好生对待的长阳公子,又怎么会到这种偏僻之地来?”古风感到很是不解。 Well, a good unique female!” Jian Chen has not responded Gu Feng, his vision looks to Qing Yixuan, the eye immediately one brightly, swung the folding fan to walk regarding Qing Yixuan, full of enthusiasm is sizing up, exuded the murmur: Stubborn, the would rather die than surrender spirits, the most important thing is, this young master saw on her unexpectedly that unique makings that peak powerhouse has. Un, this female has the qualifications actually, when the this young master maidservant, takes care of this young master.” “咦,好独特的一位女子!”剑尘并未搭理古风,他目光看向青怡轩,眼睛当即一亮,摇着折扇围绕着青怡轩走了一圈,兴致勃勃的打量着,发出赞叹声:“性格倔强,有一股宁死不屈的精神,最重要的是,本少竟然在她身上看到了一种只有巅峰强者才具备的那种独特气质。嗯,此女子倒是有资格当本少的侍女,服侍本少。” One hear of this saying, Gu Feng complexion immediately changes, when will open the mouth, Gu Yuan that sound with a laugh then passed on: Can be regarded as important by Changyang Young Master, is her good fortune, since Changyang Young Master likes, that obsolete then takes responsibility, such as the flower female granted Changyang Young Master this beautiful appearance.” 一听这话,古风脸色顿时一变,正要开口时,古元那笑呵呵的声音便是传了过来:“能被长阳公子看重,也是她的福气,既然长阳公子喜欢,那老朽便做主,将这名美貌如花的女子赠与长阳公子了。” Father......” the Gu Feng opens the mouth, complexion is ugly, a face is the color of being unwilling, however actually under Gu Yuan stares, forcefully the following words suppressing. “爹......”古风开口,脸色难看,一脸都是不甘之色,然而却在古元一瞪之下,硬生生的将后面的话给憋回去了。 At this time, the Qing Yixuan vision looked suddenly to Jian Chen, cold voice said: If as your maidservant, I can follow merely side you, but you must promise me, will not have any infringement to me.” As a result of Jian Chen disguise, hidden had gone to the original appearance, and aura also restrained, therefore Qing Yixuan has not recognized Jian Chen. 这时,青怡轩目光忽然看向剑尘,冷声道:“如果仅仅是作为你的侍女,我可以跟随在你身边,但你必须要向我保证,不会对我有任何的侵犯。”由于剑尘已经易容,隐去了本来面貌,并且就连气息也收敛了起来,因此青怡轩根本就没有认出剑尘来。 On the Jian Chen face has the smile that is wiping to look down on the world, in the folding fan with hand picked up the chin of Qing Yixuan gently, said with a smile lightly: This is Saint Realm, was not you once earthshaking Lower Realm, you small Origin Realm did Martial Artist, what qualifications have and this young master discusses the condition?” 剑尘脸上带着一抹玩世不恭的笑容,用手中的折扇轻轻的托起了青怡轩的下巴,轻笑道:“这是圣界,可不是你曾经叱咤风云的下界,你一个小小的源境武者,有什么资格与本少谈条件?” hearing that, Qing Yixuan expression one gloomy, but still face stubborn saying: You , if not comply, I at the point of death not, since.” 闻言,青怡轩神色一黯,但仍然一脸倔强的说道:“你如果不答应,那我临死不从。” At the point of death not, since?” Jian Chen as if heard the funniest joke to be the same, hehe said with a smile: In front of this young master, you small Origin Realm, wants dead difficultly, you absolutely do not have to choose.” “临死不从?”剑尘就仿佛听见了最好笑的笑话一般,呵呵笑道:“在本少面前,你一个小小的源境,想死都难,你根本就没得选择。” But at this time, Black Crow one step went forward, has selected in Qing Yixuan conducts the back, easy then controlled Qing Yixuan, then brought Qing Yixuan to follow in Jian Chen behind, walked swaggering. 而这时,黑鸦一步上前,一直点在青怡轩背上,轻而易举的便控制了青怡轩,然后带着青怡轩跟在剑尘身后,大摇大摆的走了出去。 Gusi Clan Patriarch, does not dare to say no, instead greets with a smile to bow in the one side, for fear that has tiny bit neglecting. 古斯家族家主,根本就不敢说半个不字,反而在一旁陪笑躬身,生怕有一丝一毫的怠慢。 The goal achieves, Jian Chen is not willing to continue to stay for a long time, soon, then said goodbye with Gu Yuan, bringing Qing Yixuan to leave Gusi Clan. 此行目的达成,剑尘也不愿继续久留,不久之后,便和古元告辞,带着青怡轩离开了古斯家族 Father, you discovered that this Changyang Young Master is somewhat strange, from your narration, how I to feel that this Changyang Young Master, seems like makes a special trip to this woman.” After Jian Chen walks, Gusi Clan saying of Young Master Gu Feng face suspicion. “爹,你有没有发现这个长阳公子有些奇怪,从你的讲述中,我怎么感觉这个长阳公子,似乎是专程冲着这个女人来的。”剑尘走后,古斯家族少爷古风一脸猜疑的说道。 Good, Patriarch, I have this feeling......” a Gusi Clan God King Realm high level also to second the motion to say. “不错,家主,我也有这种感觉......”古斯家族的一名神王境高层也附议道。 Goose Patriarch Gu Yuan looks at the direction that Jian Chen is vanishing, hesitated the moment, just now said: Has little strange, but two points are certain at least, the first point, is this Changyang Young Master is not very simple, I display secret skill in secret, is unable to see his accurate strength unexpectedly, can see from this point, this Changyang Young Master is not the ordinary person.” 古斯家主古元望着剑尘消失的方向,沉吟了片刻,方才说道:“是有一点点古怪,但最起码有两点是可以肯定,第一点,就是这位长阳公子很不简单,我暗中施展秘法,竟然都无法看出他的确切实力,从这一点就能看出,这位长阳公子绝非等闲之辈。” Second, follows in his side that is a guard, truly is God King peak boundary powerhouse, its cultivation level, even compared with me and Great Elder, must be higher than the frontline faintly. But so powerhouse, in front of Changyang Young Master, actually revealed the respectful color. And this respectful, is from the heart, true regards own is a servant, a retinue regards, without counterfeits slightly, what did this explain?” “第二点,就是跟随在他身边的那为护卫,确确实实是一位神王巅峰境强者,其修为,甚至是比起我和大长老,都还要隐隐高出一线。可如此强者,在长阳公子面前,却是露出了恭敬之色。并且这恭敬,是发自内心,真真正正的将自己当成是一位下人,一位仆从来看待,没有丝毫作假,这说明了什么?” Perhaps, was this Changyang Young Master after seeing this extraordinary female, already somewhat impatient wanted to enjoy, therefore hastily left.” God King initial-stage hehe said with a smile. “或许,是这位长阳公子在见到了这名气质不凡的女子之后,已经有些迫不及待的想要享用了,所以才匆匆离开。”一名神王初期嘿嘿笑道。 ...... ...... Meanwhile, in Thousand Leaves Dynasty Imperial City, with Gusi Clan with is in Bloody Battle Clan Thousand Leaves Dynasty three big top influences, establishes in the place bottom deep place, by secret room that outside formation covers layer on layer/heavily, broadcast a low and deep sound. 与此同时,在千叶皇朝皇城中,和古斯家族同为千叶皇朝三大顶尖势力之一的血战家族内,一间建立在地底深处,被重重阵法笼罩的密室外,传来了一道低沉的声音。 Reported Old Ancestor, just received the message, the aristocratic family Eldest Young Master who doubted from the top respected family suddenly appeared in Imperial City, and went to Gusi Clan.” “禀告老祖,刚刚收到消息,有一名疑是来自于顶尖大家族的世家大少突然出现在皇城中,并且去了一趟古斯家族。” What relations does this matter have with our Bloody Battle Clan?” In the secret room, broadcast Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor that indifferent sound. “这件事情与我们血战家族有什么关系?”密室内,传来了血战家族老祖那冷漠的声音。 Old Ancestor, our Bloody Battle Clan and Gusi Clan strength is equivalent, to destroy completely Gusi Clan at our Bloody Battle Clan strength, this is almost a not possible matter, but at present, I think that we destroyed completely the Gusi Clan opportunity to come.” 老祖,我们血战家族古斯家族实力相当,要想以我们血战家族本身的力量灭掉古斯家族,这几乎是一件不可能的事,但是眼下,我认为我们灭掉古斯家族的机会来了。” „Is your meaning to let our Bloody Battle Clan wins over behind that powerful aristocratic family Young Master?” Bloody Battle Clan Old Ancestor said. “你的意思是让我们血战家族去拉拢那位背后势力庞大的世家少爷?”血战家族老祖说道。 Won over words, will not necessarily play the effect, immediately is most direct the effective way, killed this aristocratic family Eldest Young Master, frames by planting stolen goods on to shift blame to Gusi Clan. However side that aristocratic family Eldest Young Master, God King peak, therefore, to be cautious, this matter also needs Old Ancestor to act personally.” “拉拢的话,不见得会起到好效果,当下最直接有效的办法,就是杀了这位世家大少,栽赃嫁祸给古斯家族。不过在那世家大少身边,有一名神王巅峰,因此,为了稳妥起见,此事还需要老祖亲自出手。”
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