CSG :: Volume #22

#2191: Arrogant

The Gusi Clan front door place, in an instant becomes completely silent, everyone's vision all condenses in disguise later Jian Chen and Black Crow two people, the atmosphere does not dare to have one. 古斯家族的大门处,刹那间变得鸦雀无声,所有人的目光皆是凝聚在易容之后的剑尘以及黑鸦二人身上,大气都不敢出一口。 Can make powerhouse of God King peak boundary be the guard, this person, is not they can provoke. 能让一位神王巅峰境的强者做护卫,此人,万万不是他们所能招惹的。 Jian Chen is swinging the folding fan gently, the manner cast aside the eye to kneel in front of own arrogantly, gave to knock broken God Lord the knee, lifted the hand slightly, hinted Black Crow to restrain own aura, then said with the careless tone: Your Gusi Clan, entertains the guest like this?” 剑尘轻轻摇着折扇,神态倨傲的撇了眼跪在自己面前,将膝盖都给磕碎的主神,微微抬起了手,示意黑鸦收敛自己气息,然后才用漫不经心的语气说道:“难道你们古斯家族,就是这样招待客人的吗?” Ha Ha Ha, obsolete does not know that has the honored guest to approach, has to lose welcomes, but also please excuse me.” At this moment, together the old sound, bringing the heroic laughter to convey from Gusi Clan. 哈哈哈,老朽不知有贵客来临,有失远迎,还请见谅。”就在这时,一道苍老的声音,带着豪迈的笑声从古斯家族内传来。 Sees only an old man who wears the white long gown, glowing with health takes big strides from inside, distant is the attitude amiable holds the fist in the other hand to Jian Chen, is very polite. 只见一名身穿白色长袍的老者,红光满面的从里面阔步走来,远远的便是态度谦和的冲着剑尘抱拳,十分客气。 But in old man behind, but also the progress follows the high level that more than ten ages are varying, is the step comes in a hurry, but vision, then condenses in abundance on Jian Chen. 而在老者身后,还进步跟随着十余名年纪不一的高层,皆是步伐匆匆而来,而目光,则是纷纷凝聚在剑尘身上。 The Jian Chen vision sweeps lightly, then looks at the strengths of these people clear, is that old man of head in God King Realm late-stage, follows in his behind more than ten people, in God King Realm, majority in God King Realm initial-stage, God King middle-stage only has three people completely. 剑尘目光淡淡一扫,便将这些人的实力看得一清二楚,为首的那名老者在神王境后期,跟随在他身后的十余人,也全部都在神王境,大多数都在神王境初期,神王中期仅有三人。 As for God King late-stage, including the frontline that old man, altogether also only has two people. 至于神王后期,包括最前方的那名老者在内,总共也只有两人 Obsolete Gu Yuan, is Gusi Clan current Patriarch, obsolete representative Gusi Clan high and low, welcome this Young Master to come our Gusi Clan to be a guest.” Gu Yuan saying with a laugh, his vision glance stood in Jian Chen Black Crow, shrinks, treats the Jian Chen attitude that the pupil slightly cannot be checked even more cautiously, at once is drinking in the God Lord Realm guard leader to that cultivation level: That raises, you how can impolite, has not apologized with this Young Master quickly.” “老朽古元,是古斯家族现任家主,老朽代表古斯家族上下,欢迎这位公子前来我们古斯家族做客。”古元笑呵呵的说道,他目光一瞥站在剑尘身边的黑鸦,瞳孔微不可查的一缩,对待剑尘的态度愈加的慎重了起来,旋即对着那名修为主神境的护卫头领喝到:“那提,你岂能如此无礼,还不快跟这位公子道歉。” At this time, where that was called guard leader that raised not to know that present person, was not own can incur to stir up. Let alone is he, even his behind Gusi Clan, feared that does not dare to provoke, hesitation that immediately has no, kneels on the ground immediately, the whole face confession kowtows to beg for mercy to Jian Chen. 这个时候,那名叫那提的护卫头领哪里还不知道眼前之人,根本就不是自己所能招惹得起的。别说是他,就算是他身后古斯家族,怕是都不敢招惹,当即没有任何的迟疑,立即跪在地上,满脸忏悔的向剑尘磕头求饶。 Jian Chen looked that does not look at that to propose one, he is swinging gently the folding fan, very optional is sizing up the Gusi Clan internal style, the manner is arrogant, stance that has keen eyesight in withstand/top, careless saying: this young master is not the petty generation, gets up, previously disrespecting to this young master, this young master did not investigate, but will definitely not have next time.” 剑尘看也不看那提一眼,他轻轻摇摆着折扇,很是随意的打量着古斯家族的内部风格,神态倨傲,一副眼高于顶的姿态,漫不经心的说道:“本少也不是心胸狭窄之辈,起来吧,先前对本少的不敬,本少就不追究了,但绝对不会有下次。” That raises such as the Mongolian pardon, the respectful voice expression of gratitude of busy non- place. Can make God King peak boundary powerhouse be the guard, this made that worry has given birth to the heart of fear to Jian Chen. 那提如蒙大赦,忙不地的恭声道谢。能让一位神王巅峰境强者做护卫,这让那提心中对剑尘已经生出了恐惧之心。 This actually the big background, can let a God King peak Expert extremely, regarding is the guard treats. 这究竟得多大的背景,才能让一位神王巅峰的绝顶高手,当成是护卫来对待啊。 At least, each God King Realm, even if God King Realm initial-stage, is such as the treasure is ordinary in their Gusi Clan, the position is very prominent, will not regard the guard to treat. 最起码,每一名神王境,哪怕是神王境初期,在他们古斯家族中都是如宝贝疙瘩一般,身份地位无比显赫,绝不会当成护卫来对待。 Ha Ha Ha, Young Master can come our Gusi Clan, really lets our Gusi Clan you honor my humble home , in please, Young Master be please quick requests personally.” Gusi Clan greeting of Patriarch Gu Yuan warm over the face Jian Chen, the speech is cautious, where for fear that offended this master. 哈哈哈,公子能来我们古斯家族,真是让我们古斯家族蓬荜生辉啊,请,请,公子快里面请。”古斯家族家主古元热情满面的招呼着剑尘,说话都是小心翼翼的,生怕在什么地方得罪了这位爷。 In the Gusi Clan main hall, all guests had been invited by Gu Yuan, the high level in Gusi Clan gets together, entertains Jian Chen by the etiquette of highest standard. 古斯家族的大殿内,所有的来宾都已经被古元请了出去,古斯家族内的高层齐聚,以最高格的礼仪来招待剑尘 In main hall, Jian Chen very optional sitting on chair, manner nature, not slightly cautious. But Black Crow, is such as a loyal and devoted guard is ordinary, unemotional standing in Jian Chen behind, is the God King Realm peak vigorous imposing manner to wind around faintly, causes more than ten God King initial-stage and middle-stage that is invited along in the main hall, all felt that very strong pressure, among manners, is extremely the non- nature. 大殿内,剑尘很是随意的坐在椅子上,神态自然,没有丝毫拘谨。而黑鸦,则是如一名忠心耿耿的护卫一般,面无表情的站在剑尘身后,属于神王境巅峰的浑厚气势隐隐缭绕,使得在大殿内作陪的十余名神王初期中期,皆是感到很强的压力,一个神态间,都是极不自然。 Gu Yuan Gusi Clan present high-level 11 will introduce to Jian Chen, is asking to Jian Chen submissively: Does not know how this Young Master should call?” 古元将在座的古斯家族高层一一向剑尘介绍了番,然后才拱手对着剑尘问道:“不知这位公子该如何称呼?” this young master Changyang.” 本少长阳。” Originally is Changyang Young Master, Changyang Young Master, is it possible that came from Heavenly Nether Star central region?” Gu Yuan arched cupping one hand in the other across the chest with a smile, but in the heart is actually thinking with hardship, the surname of which top influence has to be related with Changyang on Heavenly Nether Star. “原来是长阳公子,长阳公子,莫非是来自于天冥星中域?”古元笑着拱了拱手,而心中却在苦苦思索着,在天冥星上有哪个顶尖势力的姓氏与长阳有关。 Jian Chen ships out an arrogant stance intentionally, he sipped the mouth gently by the tea that precious heavenly material treasure infuses becomes, said: this young master is not the Heavenly Nether Star person, when this time in the elder along with the family/home goes out, passed by Heavenly Nether Star, the elder because of must visit a old friend, therefore then makes the temporary stay on Heavenly Nether Star. But this young master always likes the freedom, likes each place having a look at different local conditions favor, therefore has not then passed with the elder together, but strolled on Heavenly Nether Star alone.” 剑尘故意装出一副傲慢的姿态,他轻轻的抿了口以名贵天材地宝泡制而成的茶水,道:“本少并非天冥星的人,此次随家中长辈外出,路过天冥星时,长辈因要去拜访一位故人,因此便在天冥星上做短暂的停留。而本少向来喜爱自由,喜欢到各个地方去看看不同的风土人情,因此便没有随着长辈一同过去,而是独自在天冥星上闲逛了起来。” Changyang Young Master is brilliant, having an imposing appearance, looks is the non- average man, but can be the Changyang Young Master elder, does not need to think, was top powerhouse of merit ginseng/partake good fortune.” Gu Yuan face optional saying, making a veiled attack details of probe Jian Chen. 长阳公子头角峥嵘,器宇轩昂,一看就是非常人,而能作为长阳公子的长辈,不用想,也是功参造化的绝顶强者了。”古元一脸随意的说道,旁敲侧击的试探剑尘的底细。 Jian Chen pretends not to know, face proper saying: My elder, breaks through Great Primal Beginning Realm several million years ago, such strength , can only be is suspended in midair in the family, where can be what merit ginseng/partake good fortune.” 剑尘装作不知,一脸正经的说道:“我那位长辈,也是在数百万年前才突破到混元始境,这样的实力,在家族中也只能算是不上不下,哪里算得上什么功参造化啊。” One hear of this saying, hand of Gu Yuan, even if fierce shakes, just carried the teacup in hand, nearly falls on the ground, in the vision reveals the panic-stricken color. 一听这话,古元的手就算剧烈一抖,刚刚端在手中的茶杯,险些摔在地上,目光中露出惊骇之色。 But is invited along more than ten Gusi Clan God King that in the main hall, also reveals the panic-stricken color, looks to the Jian Chen vision, in abundance was becomes respectful, brings thick dreading. 而在大殿内作陪的十余名古斯家族神王,也是同样露出惊骇之色,随之看向剑尘的目光,纷纷是变得恭敬了起来,带着浓浓的忌惮。 Walks, Gu Yuan Patriarch, we go out to stroll, bringing this young master to visit your here sceneries well.” Jian Chen stood suddenly, walks toward outside directly, no matter what a world I line of stances, did not consider completely here master is whether convenient. “走,古元家主,咱们出去逛逛,带本少好好参观参观你们这里的风景。”剑尘突然站了起来,径直朝着外面走去,一副天下任我行的姿态,完全不去考虑这里主人是否方便。 However Jian Chen this act, falls on Gu Yuan and the others in the eye, instead conforms to the Jian Chen status. 不过剑尘此举,落在古元等人眼中,反而才更加符合剑尘的身份。 As for Young Master of Jian Chen solemn top influence, why had the interest in they small Gusi Clan suddenly, this is not they considers obviously. They completely by that Great Primal Beginning Realm elder who Jian Chen sent out shaking, at this moment the brain thinks that was must entertain this aristocratic family Eldest Young Master well, climbed up the relations. 至于剑尘堂堂一个顶尖势力的少爷,为何突然间对他们小小的古斯家族产生了兴趣,这显然已经不是他们考虑的了。他们完全被剑尘报出的那名混元始境的长辈给震住了,此刻满脑子想的,都是一定要好好的招待好这位世家大少,借此攀上关系。 Changyang Young Master, here invited.” Gu Yuan brings a numerous high level to be Jian Chen leads the way immediately, the attitude was baser and lower, is the color of flattering. 长阳公子,这边请。”古元带着一众高层立即为剑尘引路,态度更加的卑微了,一路都是讨好之色。 Jian Chen in Gu Yuan and the others under the accompaniment, strolls in Gusi Clan everywhere, superficially goes, he is a viewing the flowers full moon, the stance of glance world happy thing, but in fact, in his heart is actually secret anxious. 剑尘古元等人的陪同之下,在古斯家族内四处闲逛,表面上看去,他是一副赏花望月,一览世间美好之物的姿态,但实际上,在他心中却是暗暗焦急。 Gusi Clan after all is an ancient family that has Beginning Realm powerhouse to assume, here is equipped with formation barrier everywhere, keeping his Spiritual Consciousness from investigating, therefore, he does not know where Qing Yixuan was imprisoned to be sleepy. 古斯家族毕竟是一个有始境强者坐镇的古老家族,这里到处都设有阵法结界,让他的神识根本无法探查,因此,他根本就不知道青怡轩被囚困在什么地方。 Even is he does not know whether Qing Yixuan was really closed in Gusi Clan. 甚至是他都不知道,青怡轩是否真的被关在古斯家族之中。 What a pity he cannot ask visibly Qing Yixuan matter, after all he acts now, is Young Master of big influence, once inquired Origin Receiving boundary Martial Artist on own initiative, that then can make many careless mistakes, will have the issue that could not explain. 可惜他又不能明着问青怡轩的事,毕竟他现在扮演的,可是一个大势力的少爷,一旦主动去打听一个纳源武者,那便会出很多纰漏,会产生很多解释不清的问题。 Changyang Young Master, here is the place that under people live, I thought that this place does not need to go, in order to avoid smeared the foot of Changyang Young Master.” When will soon pass through together barrier, Gu Yuan at the same time cautious saying, some expression non- natures. 长阳少爷,这里是下人们居住的地方,我看这处地方就没必要去了吧,以免弄脏了长阳少爷的脚。”在即将穿过一道结界时,古元在一边小心翼翼的说道,神色有些不自然。 Because this region, is he divides to Gusi Clan big Young Master specially, but Gusi Clan big Young Master is quite lascivious, when inside long will have some not good exposed matter. 因为这个区域,是他专门划分给古斯家族少爷的,而古斯家族少爷极为好色,因此里面时长会发生一些不好见光的事。 These matters, naturally are the small matter of goose bumps in the Gu Yuan eye, but if made this status origin high scary Changyang Young Master see at present, that influence was not good. 这些事,在古元眼中自然是属于鸡毛蒜皮的小事儿,可若是让眼前这位身份来历都高的吓人的长阳公子看见了,那影响可不好。 However, Jian Chen does not respond, the manner is arrogant, is swinging the folding fan, strolling faces forward to walk, passed through barrier directly. 然而,剑尘并不搭理,神态傲慢,摇着折扇,闲庭信步的朝前走去,直接穿过了结界 Gu Yuan does not dare to stop, to have in the heart to sigh secretly, implored in do not have some matters of indecently, then braced oneself with. 古元根本就不敢阻拦,只得心中暗暗叹息一声,祈求着里面不要发生一些不堪入目的事,然后硬着头皮跟了进去。 Lets loose me, if you dare to bump me again, I immediately from exploding......” “放开我,你若再敢碰我,我就立即自爆......” Just when across barrier, was full of the angry female voice then to pass on together by far. 刚穿过结界时,一道充满愤怒的女子声音便是远远的传了过来。 Hears this familiar sound, Jian Chen complexion to sink, intense killing intent flashes to pass from the eye. 听着这熟悉的声音,剑尘脸色一沉,强烈的杀意自眼中一闪而逝。 Because this is the Qing Yixuan sound. 因为这正是青怡轩的声音。 PS : 20 evening 8 o'clock, is 8 : 00 pm, Xiao Yao will announce the red packet password in the WeChat public number to the brothers, asking the brothers to pay attention to the public number the information. PS:20号晚上八点钟,也就是今晚八点,逍遥会在微信公众号上向兄弟们公布红包口令,请兄弟们一定要注意公众号的信息。 Because the Alipay red packet most can only give 300 Yuan red packet one time, 500 Yuan red packet that therefore Xiao Yao prepares for the brothers, will produce two passwords, the first password is 300 Yuan red packet, the second password is 200 Yuan, although the amounts of two passwords are different, but according to the population converts, the average amount is the same. 由于支付宝红包一次性最多只能发三百元红包,因此逍遥为兄弟们准备的五百元红包,会生成两条口令,第一条口令是三百元红包,第二条口令是两百元,虽然两条口令的金额不同,但按照人数换算,平均数额都是一样的。 Please want to participate in this activity, the reader who simultaneously has not paid attention to the Xiao Yao public number, must pay attention to the Xiao Yao WeChat public number before this time. 请想要参加这个活动,同时又没有关注逍遥公众号的读者,一定要在这个时间之前关注逍遥的微信公众号。 The public number is: xinxingxiaoyao110. 公众号是:xinxingxiaoyao110. Xin Xing Xiao Yao pen name, in addition warning telephone, or direct search pen name. 心星逍遥的笔名,外加一个报警电话,或者直接搜索笔名也可以。 Friendship prompt: Because is dice game package of forms , the share is limited, first come , first served, therefore asked the brothers do not stare at the first password, started from the second password directly, may be better. 友情提示:由于是抢红包的形式,份额有限,先到先得,因此请兄弟们都不要盯着第一条口令,直接从第二条口令下手,或许会更好一些。
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