CLC :: Volume #6

#601: Enters the round of four

Naturally. Although carries to sentence suspicion of turning on the water, merely is only the suspicion. Anybody has not had the evidence to prove this point, even if General Shé also. Also can only suffer loss without redress dry, let alone he also not in? 当然.尽管载判有放水的嫌疑,也仅仅只是嫌疑而已.没有任何人有证据证明这一点,即便是蛇将军还在.也只能干吃哑巴亏,更何况他还不在呢? It can be said that mystery was seen. Also will not have any issue. Especially plants the treatment Seven Souls Kill star that sentences to do one's best, but also often grief and indignation accusation Song Zhong starts to be too ruthless. - Computer visit. - 可以说,这其中的奥秘就算是被人看到.也不会有任何问题。尤其是栽判尽心尽力的治疗七魂杀星,还不时悲愤的指责宋钟下手太狠。-电脑访问.- This turns to be artificial, who can also say his not? 这一翻做作下来,谁还能说他的不是啊? Has to say. The ginger is old spicy! This flock of old foxes play the mind. Indeed is not the lid. 不得不说.姜还是老的辣啊!这一群老狐狸玩心眼.的确不是盖的。 After Song Zhong was accused. Also can only not know whether to laugh or cry admits mistakes, said that lets slip for a while. 宋钟被指责之后.也只能哭笑不得的低头认错,说是一时失手。 Then exhibits a regret the appearance to go back. Has completed performance of this cheating. 然后再摆出一副后悔的样子回去.完成了这次坑人的演出。 But after coming back. Song Zhong may not be the facial expression of that regret, the whole face smiles, sees likely is very crisp appearance. Fire virtue Star Lord is also lowering the head to him the smile, expressed the appreciation. 而回来之后.宋钟可就不是那副后悔的神情了,满脸都是微笑,怎么看都像是很爽的模样。火德星君也在对他低头微笑,表示赞赏。 Even Song Zhong felt that Jade Emperor has also shot the vision that praised to him. But these also makes Song Zhong sober suddenly. Understood the behind-the-scenes force of this matter, originally is this your majesty. 甚至宋钟都感觉到了玉帝也对他射来表扬的目光。而这一下也让宋钟忽然清醒过来.明白了这次事情的幕后推手,原来是这位陛下。 However thinks that is also. How the Seven Souls Kill star said that is also the Big Dipper Squad Gold Immortal seat of honor, Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor love. If no Jade Emperor to agree that fire virtue Star Lord does dare to plan to discard his plan at will? 不过想想也是.七魂杀星怎么说也是七杀军金仙首席,玄武天帝的爱将.要是没有玉帝首肯,火德星君又怎么敢随意策划废掉他的计划啊? After ravelling these matters, Song Zhong also immediately awakens. Knows that water, is not the general depth. After already is best to be careful, so as to avoid by person, when the spear|gun caused not to know. 弄明白这些事情之后,宋钟也顿时醒悟过来.知道这其中的水,不是一般的深.自已以后最好小心着点,免得被人当枪使了都不知道。 As for this time. Whom doesn't that matter, to call seven roses to kill the star actually first to come to him? Yu Qing Yu Li, he has the reason of retaliation.. The back has Chaos Titan Clan to be the backer, Song Zhong does not fear any Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor. 至于这一次.那倒是无所谓、谁叫七瑰杀星首先冲着他来呢?于情于理,他都有报复的理由。况且.背后有混沌巨灵族做靠山,宋钟可不怕什么玄武天帝 After having tidied up the Seven Souls Kill star, Song Zhong does not care and continues to watch the competition, in this round fight. Other these seeded players became station are promoted. Has not met the skilled person. Therefore the fight is not intense. Also has not revealed killing technique. 收拾了七魂杀星之后,宋钟也不在意、继续观看比试,这一轮战斗中。其他那些种子选手都成站晋级了.没有碰见强手.所以战斗并不激烈。也没有露出杀手锏来。 Afterward is the next round 16 strong duels. As if Imperial Court also intends to retain the powerhouse, in any case Song Zhong, dumb kid, Heaven Stealing, Green Vine fairy maiden. Pink clouds fairy maiden these skilled people. Mutually has not met, all was to other masters. 随后就是下一轮16强的决斗.似乎天庭也有意把强者保留下来,反正宋钟,傻小子,偷天手,青藤仙子.还有彩云仙子这些强手.都没有相互遇到,全是对上了其他高手。 Regarding them. Gold Immortal of commonplace tolerates to be fiercer. Also is not the match. These person very relaxed manuscripts decide. Enters the round of eight. But at this time. Looks at the folk master fierce in fact 0.8 strong. True family background big influence. Has Green Vine fairy maiden one. Other people. What although somewhat represents is big influence, but in fact is also the folk family background. For example Song Zhong. Although God of Fire Heaven person. May in fact actually be the stock in stock. Immortal who rises from the world of mortals. Is the status is it may be said that lowest. Even if others are the folk masters, actually was also the Immortal World birth growth. 对于他们来说.等闲的金仙纵容厉害一些.也不是对手.这些人都很轻松的稿定.晋级8强。而这个时候.就看出来民间高手的厉害事实上0.8强中.真正出身大势力的.就只有青藤仙子一个.其他人.虽然有些代表的是大势力,但实际上也是民间出身。比如宋钟.虽说是祝融天的人.可实际上却是草根中的草根.从凡间升上来的仙人.可谓是地位最低。别人纵然是民间高手,却也是仙界出生成长的。 Several other powerhouses, is the similar cases, even if Heaven Stealing, before joining the Black Tortoise Armed forces, is the clever head of vagrant, but the luck is good. Stole on Black Tortoise Great Emperor. Was grasped present. Then the Great Emperor feels sorry , a skill. Takes back disciple, has become regular army. 其他几个强者,也都是类似情况,哪怕就是偷天手,在加入玄武军之前,也是个流浪的贼头,只不过运气好.偷到了玄武大帝头上.被抓了现行.然后大帝可怜,一身本事.才收归门下,成了正规军。 Also is extremely outstanding because of these folk powerhouses' performance, makes each influence in Imperial Court very much regard as important them, does not hesitate to conduct Martial Arts Convention to gather the talented person. Once has discovered that with every effort will win over. 也正是因为这些民间强者的表现太过抢眼,才使得天庭中的各个势力都很看重他们,不惜举办演武大会招揽人才。一旦发现了,就会尽力拉拢。 Because Song Zhong the situation is special, can say that was the Jade Emperor person. Therefore other big influences do not have to harass. Such became has undermined a wall. 宋钟因为情况特殊,可以说算是玉皇大帝的人了。所以其他大势力才没有来骚扰.那样就成了挖墙脚了。 However Song Zhong actually heard, for serveral days, light that dumb kid, entertained the person who did not know many wave of winning over. Several Celestial Emperor to compete for him. Won to be heavily engaged secretly. Several aspects have arrived at the extremely high price. This boy also really can stand firm. Waits for a better price obstinately. 但是宋钟却听说,这些天里、光那个傻小子,就招待了不知道多少波拉拢的人。几位天帝为了争夺他.暗地里已经争得不可开交了.几方面都开到了极高的价钱。只是这小子也真稳得住.愣是待价而沽. Has not complied with any side. 就是没有答应任何一方。 Similar situation also has pink clouds fairy maiden, as one of the favorites. She also gathered many olive branches. However what and is different from that dumb kid, her early agreed with the invitation of immortal Celestial Emperor. Has joined the immortal blue sky armed forces. 类似的情况还有彩云仙子,作为夺冠热门之一.她也收取到了不少橄榄枝。但是和和那个傻小子不一样的是,她早早的就同意了长生天帝的邀请.加入了长生青天军。 It is said. Pink clouds fairy maiden decision has provoked several other Celestial Emperor, although is visible they unable the immortal Celestial Emperor person to be what kind. However has gotten secretly actually down a wrap. 据说.彩云仙子这个决定着实惹恼了其他几个天帝,虽然明着他们不能把长生天帝的人怎么样.但是暗地里却下了一个套。 Thereupon 0.8 strong between competition from the beginning. The pink clouds fairy maiden to is the immortal Celestial Emperor disciple Green Vine fairy maiden. 于是乎0.8强之间的比试一开始.彩云仙子就对上了同是长生天帝门下青藤仙子。 Five big favorites. Finally two met. Actually is also a family background. Must say that this is fortunately and also truly possibly skillful, but must say that collects the platoon intentionally. Perhaps the probability will be bigger. 五大夺冠热门.终于有两个见面了.却还都是一个出身的.要说这是凑巧、也确实可能巧,可要说是故意凑排.恐怕几率会更大。 In any case in no matter what, four are strong, immortal Celestial Emperor disciple only to retain one. The quota of although steadily obtaining. However the discerning people know. If hits, 反正不管怎么说,都四强里、长生天帝门下就只能保留一个。虽然是稳稳获得的一个名额.但是明眼人都知道.要是真打起来的话、 Perhaps others can be promoted. 人家说不定都能晋级。 At least the miasma of that pink clouds fairy maiden. Besides the Green Vine fairy maiden, almost nobody can block. 至少那位彩云仙子的毒瘴.除了青藤仙子之外,几乎没有人能够才挡得住。 Is Song Zhong is fearful and apprehensive. But the Green Vine fairy maiden takes XianTian heterogeneous, no one feared besides the Heaven Stealing mouse. Even if cannot defeat to Heaven Stealing mouse, is only the winning percentage is low. Therefore this arrangement., Also really can be suffers a loss to the immortal Great Emperor slightly. 就是宋钟都是胆战心惊。而青藤仙子作为先天异种,更是除了偷天鼠之外谁都不怕.就是对上偷天鼠也不是必败,只是胜率较低而已。所以这个安排.对长生大帝来说、还真能算是略略吃亏。 However, this is the minor matter, immortal Celestial Emperor impossible to be restless for this small unfair. After all he obtained one of the two big new person masters. Calculates that gained. Therefore to this matter. The immortal Celestial Emperor representative shows a faint smile, and thinks little. 不过,这都是小事,长生天帝不可能为了这点小小的不公就闹腾起来.毕竟他已经获得了两大新人高手之一.怎么算都是赚了。所以对这事.长生天帝的代表只是微微一笑,并不以为意。 Thereupon 0.4 such produce, separately is Song Zhong. Heaven Stealing mouse. The dumb kids have the Green Vine fairy maiden. 于是乎0.4强就这么产生,分别是宋钟.偷天鼠.傻小子还有青藤仙子。 Song Zhong depend on going on stage to discard the Seven Souls Kill star the power and prestige 0.1 to come up to compel the match directly to forfeit. The buddy is not afraid of losing to Song Zhong. Also did not fear that was punched by Song Zhong, but feared that was discarded by Song Zhong? Did the victory that for cannot attain obviously sacrifice itself? 宋钟挟上场废掉七魂杀星的威风0.1上来就逼得对手直接弃权了。那哥们不怕输给宋钟.也不怕被宋钟揍一顿,可是怕被宋钟废掉啊?把不着为了一个明显拿不到的胜利牺牲自己吧? Actually Song Zhong is not the brutal scum. Does not have the enmity with others without the injustice, will win will not discard the match. 其实宋钟并非残酷的人渣.和人家无冤无仇,就是赢了也不会废掉对手。 Was only a pity that the opposite party has really feared, therefore simply insures. Forfeits. 只可惜对方实在是怕了,所以干脆保险一点.弃权了事。 But lost the day mouse, the dumb kids passes through turned the fight to win. To this rank. 而输天鼠,傻小子都是经过了一翻战斗才获胜的。到了这个级别. Almost did not have not to look weakly. Even if they. Also abandoned really turned hands and feet to win. Heaven Stealing mouse fortunately. Has spent most double-hour You Dou. Has stolen away match less than half magic power. 几乎没有没有弱看了。纵然是他们两个.也着实废了一翻手脚才取胜。偷天鼠还好点.花了大半个时辰游斗.偷走了对手小半法力. Compelled the opposite party to surrender. 硬逼着对方投降了。 But the dumb kid with hardship has actually suffered more than three double-hour punches fiercely. Makes the match be sincerely convinced, 而傻小子却是苦苦挨了三个多时辰的猛揍.才让对手心服口服、 Recognizes the defeat to concede. 认败服输。 As for the Green Vine fairy maiden, is the same with Song Zhong, is promoted with ease. The pink clouds fairy maiden knew that is not her match. After all restrained fierce extremely. In addition they is a camp, has naturally not been able dead to spell. Therefore they went through the motions had finished, although said that the front fight is not considered as specially intense. However also has the place of losing face. But after entering four to be strong. That is different, these four people. One by one fierce. Although the Song Zhong current winning percentage is highest. But also left compared with other three people partly has become. Therefore the people very much anticipate the following fierce struggle between two evenly matched opponents. 至于青藤仙子,则和宋钟一样,轻松晋级。彩云仙子自知不是她的对手.毕竟被克制的太过厉害。再加上两人都是一个阵营的了,自然不会死拼.所以她们只是走个过场就结束了虽然说前面的战斗都不算是特别激烈.但是也都有出彩之处。而进入四强之后.那就不一样了,这四个人.一个比一个厉害.虽说宋钟目前的胜率还是最高.可是也不过就比其他三人多出了半成而已。所以众人都很期待接下来的龙争虎斗。 In fact. This may not only be the showdowns of Song Zhong these players, relates to the Celestial Emperor point of honor. Present four strong. Song Zhong on behalf of Jade Emperor. The Green Vine fairy maiden represents immortal Celestial Emperor. Steals the mouse to represent Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor. A dumb kid Yuan gate not sends, is the thorough folk stock! 事实上.这可不仅仅是宋钟这些选手的对决,更关系到天帝们的面子问题。如今的四强中.宋钟代表玉帝.青藤仙子代表长生天帝.偷鼠代表玄武天帝.傻小子元门无派,算是彻底的民间草根! Whoever wins the final champion. The influence that behind them represents definitely meets the prestige to inspire greatly, to attracting folk talented person, is quite powerful. Therefore to this matter. Which influence extremely attaches great importance. 无论谁拿到最后的冠军.他们背后所代表的势力都肯定会声威大振,对吸引民间人才,极为有力。所以对这事.哪个势力都极为重视。 Song Zhong does not know others. Said him. After entering four are strong, that treatment is immediately different. Place that lives, ten ten thousand celestial troops and generals guards, the military officer who leads troops is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, moreover fire virtue Star Lord also moves. For fear that Song Zhong was dispatched master to extinguish by other Celestial Emperor. Considers however this is only prevents accidents before they occur. 宋钟不知道别人.就说他自己.进入四强之后,那待遇立刻就不一样了。住的地方,有十万天兵天将把守,其中带兵的将领乃是混元金仙,另外火德星君也搬过来住.生怕宋钟被其他天帝派遣高手灭了似的。告然这只是防患于未然。 Moreover. Song Zhong various will meet also when production costs rise , prices rise too, eats and drinks with, completely is the Primordial Stage Gold Immortal treatments, 100 Apsara Fairy that the side serves are the True Immortal ranks. Are pretty like the flower. Carriage beautiful fascinating'winsome. 另外.宋钟的各种将遇也水涨船高,吃喝用度,完全都是混元金仙的待遇,身边伺候的100名飞天仙女都是真仙级别.一个个是貌美如花.体态婀娜。 The female celestial of lead is Gold Immortal later. Named Cui Liu. She comes time visibly said. 领头的仙女乃是金仙后期.名叫翠柳.她来的时候就明着说了. Jade Emperor decree, so long as Song Zhong wins the championship, they will become the Song Zhong people. 玉帝旨意,只要宋钟夺冠,她们就会成为宋钟的人。 Moreover. Fire virtue Star Lord also secretly gave Song Zhong to promise one pile of good conditions . The water of semi-transparent jade neck bottle let alone the clock wants. Is 9000 Immortal Peach. Enjoys his several! 不仅如此.火德星君还暗地里给宋钟许诺了一堆的好条件.别说钟想要的羊脂玉颈瓶的水了.就是9000年的蟠桃.都赏他几个! At the beginning Song Zhong to this condition is very shocking, but explained after fire virtue Star Lord, he all understood. 开始的时候宋钟对这条件很是震惊,但是经过火德星君解释之后,他就全都明白了。 Originally, although Jade Emperor in name is the head of Celestial Emperor. The skill strength is not higher than others. But rubs is bad. Finishes competition others is with the fight that the alien race evil spirit keeps. Very easy to present the skilled person. Jade Emperor here peace time are much. The master of becoming a useful person is inferior to others. Therefore in this case. Martial Arts Convention over the years, the champions and Jade Emperor does not have the fate very much. He has only won the trivial several championships. Also many afterward gather are. May miss others result was too farther. 原来,玉皇大帝虽然名义上是天帝之首.本事实力却并不比人家高。而磨下更是不济.毕竞人家都是在和异族妖魔不停的战斗.很容易出现强手.玉帝这里和平时间较多.成器的高手就不如人家。所以在这种情况下.演武大会历年来,冠军都和玉帝很没有缘分.他只获得过区区几届的冠军.还多数是事后招揽来才算的。比人家的成绩可差的太远了。 This makes Jade Emperor not have the face in numerous Celestial Emperor very much, several other Celestial Emperor ridiculed frequently Jade Emperor subordinates has not become a useful person. 这让玉帝在众多天帝里很是没有面子,其他几位天帝经常嘲笑玉帝麾下没有一个成器的。 In this case, Jade Emperor nature anxious wants a native player to act to win the championship. Also strives for the face countenance for him. Therefore. He so will take seriously Song Zhong, under the promise these many good conditions. 在这种情况下,玉帝自然急切的想要一个本土选手出面夺冠.还为他争取到颜面。故而.他才会如此重视宋钟,许诺下这么多好条件。 Actually. Although the Jade Emperor condition looks like very good in Song Zhong. May in fact. In others Jade Emperor eye, doesn't calculate a drop in the bucket? For face. Such selects the thing is really not anything, after doing understands these matters, Song Zhong at heart cannot bear to this champion long. 其实.虽说玉帝的条件在宋钟看来很不错.可实际上.在人家玉帝眼里,连九牛一毛都不算啊?为了面子.这么点东西实在不算什么,搞明白这些事情后,宋钟心里就忍不住对这个冠军更为渴望起来。 . ..
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