CLC :: Volume #6

#602: XianTian earth essence

Because the hope to victory and Song Zhong of this native place player Jade Emperor, enjoyed the so-called east host advantage. Most obvious is two points. First, his competition match is the Green Vine fairy maiden, other relative two. Is weakest one point. Second, the competition of Song Zhong is second. 由于玉帝对胜利的渴望、宋钟这个本土选手、着实享受到了所谓东东道主之利。最为明显的就是两点.第一,他的比赛对手是青藤仙子,相对其他两个.算是最弱的一环。第二,宋钟的比赛是第二场. He can watch the Heaven Stealing mouse and dumb kid first two contends, competition that then carries on. This enables Song Zhong targeted to retain a secret, naturally, this is only possible . Moreover the possibility is not high. However sometimes, the little possibility will affect the entire general situation. 他可以先观看偷天鼠和傻小子两强相争,然后再进行的比试。这就使得宋钟可以有针对性的保留一点秘密,当然,这只是可能,而且可能性不高.但是有时候,一点点可能性都会影响整个大局。 Therefore also calculates on is the little convenience. 所以也算的上是一点点便利。 In resting one day latter 0.4 strong neck first, finally started under being a focus of public attention. 在休息了一日后0.4强脖第一场,在万众瞩目之下、终于开始了。 Holds the post of first to compete with the referee the person is fire virtue Star Lord. As the Imperial Court high-ranking court official, his presence brought in one to cheer. Regarding him, this also absolutely is a very high honor. 担任第一场比试裁判的人是火德星君.作为天庭重臣,他的出场引来了一阵喝彩。对于他来说,这也绝对是一项很高的荣誉。 Although the Heaven Stealing mouse is Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor person, moreover and God of Fire Heaven is somewhat contradictory. May be so. He does not think that fire virtue Star Lord will favor the dumb kid in this competition. As the God of Fire Heaven chancellor person. Fire virtue Star Lord could not have thrown this person. Is such important competition. He definitely will catch up carefully, rather a leaning ancestor Heaven Stealing mouse, cannot to get the handle. This chapter by shushu 偷天鼠虽然是玄武天帝的人、而且也和祝融天有些矛盾.可就算是如此.连他也不会认为火德星君会在这次比试中偏袒傻小子。作为祝融天的主事人.火德星君还丢不起这个人.越是如此重要的比试.他就肯定会赶加小心,宁可偏祖一点偷天鼠,也不能让人抓住把柄。本章节由shushu After the Heaven Stealing mice and dumb kid two people see to go too far virtue Star Lord. Fire virtue Star Lord then Wen that seizing praised their several, raised to select not to need the principle of heavy hand. Then directly announced that compared with wiping to start. 偷天鼠和傻小子两个人见过火德星君之后.火德星君便温言的夺夸奖两人几句,又提点了不需下重手的原则.然后便直接宣布比拭开始。 A Heaven Stealing mouse shifty-eyed appearance. Looks that owes to punch. After he was sideways. 偷天鼠一副贼眉鼠眼的模样.看着非常欠揍。他侧过身来之后. False smile said to the dumb kid: Oh, this Fellow Daoist, our two brothers Bang one, is really the fate!” 皮笑肉不笑的对傻小子道:“哎呀、这位道友,咱们哥俩砰一块了,真是缘分啊!” Hey, yes, fate!” The dumb kids say with a smile silly. Although this fellow looks silly. However in the eye is passing astutely, but nobody thinks that really this fellow is a fool. “嘿嘿,是啊是啊,缘分啊!”傻小子傻笑着道。虽然这家伙看着傻乎乎的.但是眼睛里透着精明,可没有谁会真以为这个家伙是傻子。 The Heaven Stealing mouse naturally will not be swindled, therefore he then shows a faint smile, said: „ Fellow Daoist, since we such have the fate. Kills isn't good?, 偷天鼠也当然不会上当,于是他便微微一笑,道:“道友、既然咱们这么有缘分.打打杀杀的就不好啦?、 Em?” As soon as the opposite dumb kid listens to this saying, immediately stares, cannot bear, divides the victory and defeat of askingdoes not kill? “恩?”对面的傻小子一听这话,顿时就是一愣,忍不住问道“不打打杀杀的、怎么分胜负啊? Ha Ha, we actually, does not need to fight to divide the victory and defeat!” Heaven Stealing mouse mysterious saying with a smile. “哈哈,咱们其实,也不必非要打拼才能分胜负啊!”偷天鼠神秘的笑道。 „? Is this what intent?” Dumb kid puzzled asking of is very simple!” The Heaven Stealing mouse said directly: „ So long as you are willing to join our Black Tortoise Armed forces, except for greatly beyond treatment, this competition, calculates that you won!, One hear of Heaven Stealing mouse saying and surrounding audience are out of control to call out in alarm one, obloquies to say in secret that shameless Yuan shame, wins over the person with this means unexpectedly? “哦?这是何意?”傻小子不解的问道“很简单!”偷天鼠直接道:“只要你肯加入我们玄武军、除了大把的待遇之外,这场比试,算你赢了!,一听偷天鼠这话、周围的观众都禁不住惊呼一声,暗中大骂道,无耻啊元耻,竟然用这种办法来拉拢人? And Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west are must die, cannot bear the secret passage that regrets:. Misjudges, misjudges! Early knew so, lets the Green Vine fairy maiden and Heaven Stealing mouse has fought, at least did not need to be worried that Green Vine fairy maiden will undermine a wall by the Black Tortoise Armed forces!, All people on the scene almost recognized that the dumb kid definitely will accept this condition, because the Heaven Stealing mouse is not ordinary Gold Immortal. Walks the enemy? To can steal magic power, to nearly to rob the five main internal organs (entrails), such anomaly, the dumb kid may not be victorious. But so long as he now nods. Not only the victory is extremely easy to obtain. Moreover can obtain the rich treatment that the Black Tortoise Armed forces provide, cushy job that kills several birds with one stone absolutely? 其中玉帝和西王母更是后悔的要死,忍不住暗道:.失算,失算啦!早知道如此,就让青藤仙子和偷天鼠一战了,至少不用担心那青藤仙子会被玄武军挖墙脚啊!,在场的所有人几乎都认定傻小子必然会答应这个条件,因为偷天鼠可不是普通的金仙.乃走一个劲敌啊?离远能偷法力、离近能盗五脏六腑,这样的变态,傻小子真不一定能够打得过。而他现在只要点点头.不仅胜利唾手可得.而且还能获得玄武军提供的丰厚待遇,绝对一举数得的美差啊? However. Those who let all people not think, that dumb kid actually shakes the head saying: „It is not good. It is not good, did not hit wins does not have the meaning, did we begin a minute of victory and defeat?” 但是.让所有人都没有想到的是,那位傻小子却摇摇头道:“不好.不好,不打就赢太没意思了,咱们还是动手分个胜负吧?” What?” The Heaven Stealing mouse cannot believe own ear simply. He could not bear call outyou saying that rather put together life and death with me, is not willing to agree with my condition. Joins the Black Tortoise Armed forces? “什么?”偷天鼠简直都不敢相信自己的耳朵.他忍不住叫道“你是说,宁可和我拼个你死我活,也不愿意同意我的条件.加入玄武军? Em!” The dumb kids nod to say without hesitation: Is this view!” “恩!”傻小子毫不犹豫的点点头道:“就是这个说法!” Ha Ha!” Hears this saying, numerous influence that is hanging the heart fell. “哈哈!”听见这话,众多势力那颗悬着的心就都落了回去。 So long as the person had not belonged. They have the opportunity! 只要人还没有归属.那他们就有机会啊! But Heaven Stealing mouse hear that. Actually immediately flies into a rage. He has not thought of this boy so not to him the face. This not only despises him. Looks down upon the Black Tortoise Armed forces simply? After these many people also to be refusing the Black Tortoise Armed forces to stretch out the olive branch that this lets the Black Tortoise Armed forces sees the person? 偷天鼠闻言.却顿时勃然大怒.他没想到这小子如此不给他面子.这不仅仅是轻视他了.简直就是看不起玄武军啊?当着这么多人的面拒绝玄武军伸出的橄榄枝、这让玄武军以后还怎么见人? The original Heaven Stealing mouse is not willing to resign this victory. However for the benefit of Black Tortoise Armed forces, the choice that he has to be contrary to convictions sacrificed Bai Ji. Actually unexpectedly own sacrifice traded. Actually is ** bare shame, can this make him feel sad? 本来偷天鼠就不愿意让出这场胜利.但是为了玄武军的利益,他不得不违心的选择牺牲白己.却不料自己的牺牲换来的.却是**裸羞辱,这可让他情何以堪啊? Under becomes angry out of shame. The Heaven Stealing mouse anger instead said with a smile extremely: „ Well good. You have to plant, since proposes a toast does not eat to be made to drink as a forfeit. That do not blame me being cruel and merciless. Hits to fall face down you here! 恼羞成怒之下.偷天鼠怒极反笑道:“好好好.你有种既然敬酒不吃吃罚酒.那就别怪我心狠手辣.把你打趴下在这里啦! Ha Ha, ok, so long as your this shrimp has the skill, although hits, I raise do not fear to hit. Feared that feared shook badly your small hands!” The dumb kid strikes one's chest to laugh to say. “哈哈,行啊,只要你这三寸丁有本事,尽管来打,俺提不怕打.怕就怕震坏了您的小手啊!”那傻小子拍着胸脯大笑道。 Because the Heaven Stealing mouse is much longer, therefore most abstained from that others called him the shrimp. Finally today actually in the presence of everyone listens by this dumb kid, has directed consistent laughing of surrounding audience, this may the Heaven Stealing mouse thorough be angry. 由于偷天鼠长得矮小,所以最为忌讳别人叫他三寸丁.结果今天却被这傻小子当众听出来,引了周围观众的一致大笑,这可把偷天鼠彻底气恼了。 The Heaven Stealing mouse face was red, were not many said that the idle talk, overran directly. Said: Since this, you give me dead!” 偷天鼠脸已通红,再也不多说废话、直接冲过去.道:“既然这样,那你给我去死吧!” Facing Heaven Stealing mouse of becoming angry out of shame. The dumb kids have not paid attention to and not dodged him really from the start do not evade, are supporting the chest, no matter what it beats. 面对恼羞成怒的偷天鼠.傻小子还真就没有把他放在眼里、压根就不闪不避,挺着胸脯任其殴打。 Has saying that defensive power that this is silly small truly abnormal must die, on Martial Arts Convention comes, he meets any match, never fends. Also does not resist, whatever various attacks of opposite party hit on the body. The little injury has not actually received. 不得不说,这傻小乎的防御力确实变态的要死,演武大会上一路过来,他碰见任何对手,都从来不闪避.也不抵挡、任凭对方的各种攻击打在身上.却一点点伤害都没有受到过。 Also relies on so abnormal defense, he will look down upon the stature thin and small Heaven Stealing mouse. 也正是凭借如此变态的防御,他才会看不起身材瘦小的偷天鼠. Depending on his pair of small hands pats from already front. 凭他那双小手拍在自已的胸前。 The next quarter, the Heaven Stealing mouse flies to flee. In the hand left one group of golden soils, to have the liquid 0.1 formidable Earth element energies of faint trace to radiate from above, surroundings hundreds of thousands of li (0.5km) immortal clear did arrive „? Competes however is the XianTian earth essence, is your boy the XianTian earth essence obtains enlightenment?” A Heaven Stealing mouse face pleasantly surprised craziness said with a smile: „ Ha Ha, this time my big wealth 1 下一刻,偷天鼠飞窜回去.手上多出了一团金色的泥土、还带着丝丝的液体0.1股强大的土系能量从上面辐射出来,周围数十万里的仙人都清清楚楚的威史到了“啊?竞然是先天土精,你小子是先天土精得道?”偷天鼠一脸惊喜的狂笑道:“哈哈,这次我大财啦1 The pleasant surprise of Kirby Heaven Stealing mouse. The dumb kids actually sorrowfully cover the chest and pitiful yell [say / way] „! Pain. In my body has been short of a meat probably!, Sees this. The immortal on the scene all shocked. They have made the innumerable guesses to the dumb kid who this presents mystically. Has not actually determined his prototype. Has not thought that today, was given by the Heaven Stealing mouse present. 柯比偷天鼠的惊喜.傻小子却痛不欲生的捂住胸口、惨叫道“啊!疼啊.我身子里好像少了一块肉!,看到这一幕.在场的仙人全都震撼了。他们对这个神秘出现的傻小子做过无数猜测.却从来没有确定过他的原型.没想到今天、被偷天鼠给现了。 What thing is XianTian gentleman fine that? Earth element essence that before is Pangu is epoch-making, exists, after Pangu is epoch-making, this gadget became extinct. Almost could not find again. Has not thought that this dumb kid is the XianTian earth essence that the antiquity left behind is immortal unexpectedly, no wonder he has such abnormal defensive power! 先天士精那是什么东西?是盘古开天辟地之前就存在的土系精华,在盘古开天辟地之后,这玩意就算是绝种了.几乎再也找不到。没想到这个傻小子竟然是上古留下的先天土精得道成仙,怪不得他拥有这么变态的防御力呢! XianTian earth fine powder evolves is Qi of Thick Earth. Only Mother Earth is mad the itself defense to be astonishing, let alone this dispersed the Qi of Thick Earth XianTian earth essence. 先天土精散演化出来的便是厚土之气.光后土之气本身就防御惊人,更别说这散厚土之气先天土精了。 Presently after the primary form of dumb kid, not only the Heaven Stealing mouse is excited, other immortals are incomparably pleasantly surprised, in the eye has emitted the greedy appearance. The XianTian earth essence is not the conventional material. 现了傻小子的原形之后,不仅偷天鼠兴奋莫名,就连其他仙人是无比惊喜,眼中都放出了贪婪的神采。先天土精可不是普通材料. But can refine the XianTian treasure the handing over level material. The Fifth Step Earth apricot yellow flag on yuan shi tian zun with the XianTian earth fine refinement, the might is infinite! 而是可以炼制先天宝物的递级材料。元始天尊手上的戊土杏黄旗就是用先天土精炼制的,威力无穷啊! Looks at the size of this dumb kid, if refined him. Reconstructs a Fifth Step Earth apricot yellow flag is not impossible. 看这傻小子的大小,要是把他炼制了.再造一件戊土杏黄旗也不是不可能。 But regarding the Heaven Stealing mouse. Now is once in a thousand years opportunity, traded the day by his Heaven Stealing the skill, showed dumb kid XianTian earth essence comes, even if only stole one less than half. 而对于偷天鼠来说.现在更是千载难逢的机会,凭借他偷天换日的本事,把傻小子身上的先天土精多透出一些来,哪怕就只偷出一小半. Also can ask Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor to help to refine XianTian spirit treasure. That is most Primordial Stage Gold Immortal no treasures! 也可以请玄武天帝帮着炼制一件先天灵宝了。那可是大多数混元金仙没有的宝物啊! Thinks that this, the Heaven Stealing mouse eyeball was red. Receives conveniently that XianTian earth essence, then plunges the dumb kid once more, simultaneously said with a smile ferociously: Boy, asked you to be unappreciative and look that the father was secretly clean you,” 想到这、偷天鼠眼珠子都红了.随手把那块先天土精收起来,然后再次扑向傻小子,同时狞笑道:“小子、叫你不识抬举、看老子把你偷干净,” During the speeches, the both hands of Heaven Stealing mouse soon moved the chest of dumb kid. By his abnormal, the dumb kid clumsy body of cannot fend in any event. 说话间,偷天鼠的双手就快要碰触到傻小子的胸口了。以他那变态的度,傻小子笨拙的身躯是无论如何都闪避不开的。 When all people because dumb kid will be stolen away a meat by the Heaven Stealing mouse again, actually expects the dumb kid to roar a sound track: Gives me dead!” 就在所有人都因为傻小子会再次被偷天鼠偷走一块肉的时候,却料傻小子怒吼一声道:“给我去死吧!” Along with the dumb kid voice same place, is similar to the solar radiant golden light emits from the dumb kid together fiercely. Meanwhile, as heavy as the extreme imposing manner along with it raising. 随着傻小子话音一起,一道如同太阳般璀璨的金光猛地从傻小子身上放出.与此同时,一股沉重到极点的气势随之升起。 From they several thousand li (0.5km) far Song Zhong. Felt that whole body for it single layer, probably was been same by the mountain pressure. It can be imagined, the near at hand Heaven Stealing mouse can be the what kind feeling! 距离他们数万里远的宋钟.都感觉浑身为之一重,好像被大山压压中一样.可想而知,近在咫尺的偷天鼠会是何等感觉! The Heaven Stealing mouse had almost not fallen at that time face down to the pressure by this pressure, he knows immediately the important matter shakes wonderfully, the hurriedness wants to scatter draws back. All were too what a pity late. After the Heaven Stealing mouse scatters fully. A golden whip departs from the ray, pulling out maliciously to the Heaven Stealing mouse. 偷天鼠当时差点没被这股压力给压趴下,他顿时就知道大事晃妙,急忙就想撒退。可惜一切都太晚了.就在偷天鼠全力后撒的时候。一条金色的鞭子就从光芒中飞出,狠狠的抽向偷天鼠。 The people see only golden light flashes to dodge, immediately that Heaven Stealing mouse on pitiful yell one, then flies upside down 众人就只见金光一闪,随即那偷天鼠就惨叫一声,然后倒飞出去” Several thousand li (0.5km) far. Falls after the ground. Also get lost does not know that many stops. But at this time. 数千里远。落在地上之后.又滚出去不知道多远才停下.而这个时候. He already inadequate * human form. 他已经不成*人形了。 Sees only that Heaven Stealing mouse two arm completely soft dangling, just likes the noodles general, from top to bottom is the blood. Especially the chest and lower abdomen, undercut completely, the bone of waist became the pink / white! But this, merely was only he slightly is also rubbed by the golden light, because he attractive fast movement has avoided the result of most might! 只见那偷天鼠两只手臂全部都软软的垂下、犹如面条一般、浑身上下全是血.尤其是胸口和小腹,全部都下陷进去,腰部的骨头都成粉了!而这、还仅仅只是他被金光稍稍蹭了一下,因为他漂亮迅捷的身法而避开了绝大部分威力的结果! Sees this. All immortals were shocked. Must know. Although the Heaven Stealing mouse the mortal body is quite small and weak, is formidable to resistivity abnormal of Five Elements magic arts, but links him one to be swept this by the golden light gently, obviously the might of that golden light much was fearful. 看见这一幕.所有仙人都震惊了。要知道.偷天鼠虽然肉身比较弱小,可是对五行法术的抵抗力却异常强大,但是连他都被金光轻轻一下扫成这样,就可见那金光的威力有多可怕了。 At this time. The people note in the dumb kid hand. Does not know when left a whip. This whip is very common, 34 feet in length, thickly like finger. Looks that looks like the toy that the child picks to take casually is the same, but on this plain whip, is actually dispersing a shocking fearful imposing manner. 这时候.众人才注意到傻小子手上.不知道何时多出了一根鞭子。这鞭子很不起眼,长就34尺,粗如手指.看着就像是儿童随便捡取的玩具一样,但是这古朴的鞭子上,却散着一股令人震惊的可怕气势。
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