CLC :: Volume #6

#600: War seven souls

Told you, the primary form of Heaven Stealing was an antiquity unusual animals Heaven Stealing mouse!” Xiao Xue said with a smile: Very rare!” “告诉你吧,偷天手的原形乃是一只上古异兽偷天鼠!”小雪笑道:“很稀罕的耶!” Originally is a big mouse?” Song Zhong is then suddenly enlighted saying: No wonder a shifty-eyed appearance!” “原来是一只大老鼠啊?”宋钟这才恍然大悟道:“怪不得一副贼眉鼠眼的样子呢!” Do not judge people solely on appearance, I told you, his strength may be abnormal. This antiquity heterogeneous, does not have one to be a vegetarian!” Xiao Xue earnest [say / way]: Perhaps is the Green Vine fairy maiden to he, loses wins few!” “你可别以貌取人,我告诉你,他的实力可变态啦。这种上古异种,就没有一个吃素的!”小雪认真的道:“恐怕就是青藤仙子对上他,都输多胜少呢!” „?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, were immediately startled, pursues hurriedly asks: Heaven Stealing does have what unusual place? Why XianTian spirit wooden isn't the Green Vine fairy maiden a match?” “啊?”宋钟一听这话,顿时便吃了一惊,急忙追问道:“偷天手到底有何奇特之处?为何连先天灵木所化的青藤仙子都不是对手?” As antiquity heterogeneous, the Heaven Stealing mouse has several types of very abnormal abilities, first is the speed is quick, moves like the electricity, in addition the personal appearance is thin and small, is very difficult to hit it. Second is his superficial knowledge has the special ability, can resist the attack of Five Elements Immortal Technique, basically, except for Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire and other abnormal strengths, other type Immortal Technique attacks it to disregard.” Xiao Xue light [say / way]. “作为上古异种,偷天鼠有几样很变态的能力,第一个就是速度快,行动如电,加上身形瘦小,很难击中它。第二个就是他那一身皮毛有特殊的能力,可以抵御五行仙术的攻击,基本上,除了炫疾天火等几种变态力量,其他类型的仙术攻击它都无视。”小雪淡淡的道。 This?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear said curiously: Although is the good ability, can be also insufficient to running away in fear the Cloud Swallowing Beast degree?” “就这?”宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇道:“虽然是不错的能力,可也不至于强到吓跑吞云兽的程度吧?” Naturally is not only this, he most abnormal ability, is that pair of Heaven Stealing, was known as that had Heaven Stealing to rob the energy of day!” Xiao Xue answered. “当然不仅仅是这样,他最变态的能力,还是那双偷天手,号称有偷天盗日之能!”小雪解释道。 „Did Heaven Stealing rob the energy of day?” Song Zhong hear that, immediately curious pursues asks: That fierce?” 偷天盗日之能?”宋钟闻言,马上好奇的追问道:“那有多厉害?” Said that draws an analogy!” Xiao Xue said: Compared with his strength slightly inferior immortal, before him is the treasure house that does not garrison, so long as he puts out a hand to pull out, can fly high to steal the five main internal organs (entrails) of match! Only if there is a greatly strengthened Immortal Tool protection, otherwise can only , no matter what it butchers!” “怎么说呢,打个比方吧!”小雪道:“比他实力稍次的仙人,在他面前就是一个不设防的宝库,他只要伸手一掏,就能凌空把对手的五脏六腑都偷出来!除非有极强的仙器保护,不然就只能任其宰割!” „!” After Song Zhong hear, cannot bear said surprised: Is so abnormal?” “啊!”宋钟听后,忍不住吃惊道:“这么变态?” This is very indeed abnormal, such ability can only aim at the strength largely weak in his person, if the strength is approximate, he cannot fly high to steal others' five main internal organs (entrails), must move the opposite party to be good!” Xiao Xue said: But this regarding him, is not considered as that the how difficult matter. At his flexible degree, almost nobody can guarantee that does not make his near body move, particularly Cloud Swallowing Beast like this big head. Once by this mouse near body, that may be big on the pleasure. He touches on you casually two, can on most valuable the part you pull out!” “这的确很变态,不过这样的能力只能针对实力大幅弱于他的人,要是实力近似的话,他就不能凌空偷取别人的五脏六腑了,必须要碰触到对方才行!”小雪道:“但是这对于他来说,也不算是多么困难的事。以他的灵活程度,几乎没有谁可以保证不让他近身碰触的,尤其是吞云兽这样的大个头。而一旦被这只老鼠近了身,那可就乐子大了。他在你身上随便摸两下,就能把你身上最值钱的部分掏出来!” „, No wonder Cloud Swallowing Beast does not dare with him to the war, this, if hits, his valuable scale, bone lou, even is Inner Core, can be stolen away?” Song Zhong immediately curious asking. “哦,怪不得吞云兽不敢和他对战呢,这要是打起来,他身上值钱的鳞片,骨髅,甚至是内丹,岂不是都要被偷走?”宋钟立刻好奇的问道。 Good, is this, I guessed that Cloud Swallowing Beast definitely was before has only eaten owing of this clever head, therefore maliciously shamed him in the arena, as soon as turned, then hurried not to fight to draw back, so as to avoid being stolen away components by thief!” Xiao Xue answered. “不错,正是这样,我猜测,那只吞云兽肯定是以前吃过这个贼头的亏,所以才在擂台上狠狠羞辱他一翻,然后便赶紧不战而退,免得被贼头偷走身上的零件!”小雪解释道。 Passing that so said!” Song Zhong nods, then suddenly curious [say / way]: But, if depends on this skill, I do not think that Heaven Stealing wins the Green Vine fairy maiden. That Green Vine fairy maiden has Puppet Substitution Technique, mysteriously appears and disappears, who can near body?” “如此就说的通了!”宋钟点点头,然后忽然好奇的道:“不过,如果就凭这点本事,我可不认为偷天青藤仙子。那青藤仙子有傀儡替身术,神出鬼没,谁能近身啊?” Copes with the Green Vine fairy maiden not to need near body!” The Xiao Xue forced smile said: Actually, the Heaven Stealing in addition abnormal place, that steals magic power. But which this does not need one of the near body even not to need to know the opposite party true body, so long as can see the magic arts that the opposite party uses, he can fly high to absorb inside magic power, and supplements oneself. Then, magic power of enemy are getting fewer and fewer, his magic power are getting more and more, he naturally can finally the romp home. Therefore the Green Vine fairy maiden definitely cannot hit Heaven Stealing!” “对付青藤仙子不需要近身!”小雪苦笑道:“其实,偷天手另外还有一个变态的地方,那就是偷取法力。而这是不需要近身的1甚至不需要知道对方的真身在哪,只要能够看见对方施展出来的法术,他就可以凌空摄取里面的法力,并补充到自身。如此一来,敌人的法力越来越少,他的法力越来越多,他最后自然就可以轻易取胜。所以青藤仙子是肯定打不过偷天手的!” Oh, had such abnormal ability!” Song Zhong then calls out in alarm one, then said: If, that Heaven Stealing were in this case invincible?” “哇塞,原来还有这么变态的能力!”宋钟这才惊呼一声,然后道:“要是这样的话,那偷天手岂不是无敌了?” Who knows? Perhaps you can protect itself with Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, prevents by near body larceny five main internal organs (entrails), then has not stolen your magic power before him is clean, it strikes to kill!” The Xiao Xue direction said. “谁知道呢?或许你可以用炫疾天火保护自己,防止被近身偷窃五脏六腑,然后趁着他没有把你的法力偷干净之前,将其击杀!”小雪指点道。 Em!” Song Zhong nods, said: Is good good means that if later has the opportunity, is certain so copes with him!” “恩!”宋钟点点头,道:“是个不错的好办法,要是以后有机会,一定得这么对付他!” Then, Song Zhong then and Xiao Xue honest watched the competition. 接下来,宋钟便和小雪老老实实的看起了比赛。 In an instant, the first round competition on the past, to the second round time, only remaining favored individual. In this round, Song Zhong very fortunately and Seven Souls Kill star meeting. 转眼间,第一轮比试就过去了,到了第二轮的时候,就只剩下了宠个人。在这一轮里,宋钟很凑巧的和七魂杀星给碰见了。 After the ballot result comes out, Song Zhong was called by fire virtue Star Lord immediately, he rubbish, [say / way] that clenches jaws directly: Song Zhong, I, no matter you and Sky Splitting Sword sect have any gratitude and grudges, in any case this time is our God of Fire Heaven gratitude and grudges, you must teach a heart Seven Souls Kill star to me maliciously, if can discard, should not be impolite! Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor there, I help you go against!” 抽签结果出来之后,宋钟立刻就被火德星君叫了去,他也不废话,直接咬牙切齿的道:“宋钟,我不管你和裂天剑宗有什么恩怨,反正这次是咱们祝融天的恩怨,你得给我狠狠的教心一下七魂杀星,如果能够废掉,就别客气!玄武天帝那里,我帮你顶着!” Obviously, fire virtue Star Lord was angry , the procedure of Seven Souls Kill star, is equal to slapping the face on his face simply! If this does not counter-attack, he will lose in the Immortal World prestige, even entire God of Fire Heaven also will be looked continually down upon. 显然,火德星君是真生气了,七魂杀星的做法,简直就等于是在他脸上抽耳光啊!这要是不加以反击,他在仙界的威望就会丧失,甚至连整个祝融天也会被人看不起。 Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist old match Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also stands, persuaded: Song Zhong virtue nephew, although our hedge Sky Sword that goods do not regard as important, but Seven Souls Kill star this time actually also really extremely. Is equal to bullying our entire God of Fire Heaven, moreover this time matter is also you directs, can't you stand by?” 就连裂天真君的老对手烈火真君也站出来,劝说道:“宋钟贤侄,虽然我们对冲天剑那货都不看重,但是七魂杀星这次却也实在太过。等于是欺负我们整个祝融天,况且这次的事情也是你引起来的,你可不能袖手旁观啊?” Since said including Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, Song Zhong where will also say no? He said on happy complying immediately: Invited Star Lord and Daoist immortal felt relieved that I whole-heartedly, will certainly punch to fall face down this fellow. But spoke of this time, Song Zhong was face the color of feeling embarrassed. 既然连烈火真君都这么说了,宋钟哪里还会说半个不字啊?他马上就痛快的答应道:“请星君和真君放心,我一定会全力以赴,揍趴下这家伙。只不过”说到这的时候,宋钟是一脸的为难之色。 Fire virtue Star Lord sees that pursues hurriedly asks, just what?” 火德星君见状,急忙追问道,“只不过什么?” At the interlude does not only have referee , is that Primordial Stage Gold Immortal? I am not necessarily able to discard the Seven Souls Kill star instantaneously, after all that fellow is not a vegetarian. “只不过场上有裁判在,那可是混元金仙啊?我未必能在瞬间废掉七魂杀星,毕竟那家伙也不是吃素的。 Song Zhong helpless [say / way]. 宋钟无奈的道。 Hey, this you did not need to be worried!” Fire virtue Star Lord hear that, actually gloomy smiles, said: Martial Arts Convention is our Jade Emperor Heaven domain, all referees are the Jade Emperor Heaven people. Although they impartially will usually enforce the law, agonic not approaches, but this time is actually an exception!” “嘿嘿,这个你就不用担心了!”火德星君闻言,却阴森森的一笑,道:“演武大会可是咱们玉皇天的地盘,所有裁判都是玉皇天的人。虽然他们平时都会秉公执法,无偏无向,可是这次却是个例外!” Fire virtue Star Lord afterward mysterious smiles, said that I do not need them to help, so long as when the time comes turns a blind eye, disguised to rescue ineffectively was good, you said that was?” 火德星君随后神秘的一笑,道,“我不需要他们偏帮,只要到时候睁一只眼闭一只眼,假装救援不力就行了,你说是不是?” Song Zhong not silly one hear understood. Immediately said: Yes, so long as they rescue retards slightly little, I have confidence to discard the Seven Souls Kill star!” 宋钟又不傻一听就明白了.马上道:“是,只要他们救援的时候稍稍延迟一点点,我就有把握废掉七魂杀星!” That is good!” Fire virtue Star Lord said immediately: But, you must pay attention to the discretion, by all means do not make the human life, such was not quite good. Although you definitely are all right, but referee actually must carry on the back the responsibility, I will be unfair to the old friend “那就好!”火德星君马上道:“不过,你也要注意分寸,千万不要闹出人命,那样就不太好了。虽然你肯定没事,可是裁判却要背上责任,我会对不起老朋友的” Yes, I will pay attention!” Song Zhong hurried [say / way]. “是,我会注意的!”宋钟急忙道。 Good, you handle matters, I could rest assured that compared with is coming to the injury of Sky Sword, should better also make the Seven Souls Kill star turn into the waste!” Fire virtue Star Lord the racket the shoulder of Song Zhong said afterward: So long as this matter you have completed, I will make Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist well thank you!” “好,你办事,我放心,就比着冲天剑的伤势来,最好也让七魂杀星变成废物!”火德星君随后拍拍宋钟的肩膀道:“只要此事你完成了,我会让裂天真君好好谢谢你的!” „It is not at all!” Song Zhong hears this word, is actually out of control to smile bitterly. His heart said that I am about to extinguish Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist world Dao, is his apprentice so miserable because of me, how could he will also express gratitude to me? “不敢当!”宋钟闻听此言,却禁不住苦笑一声。他心说,我把裂天真君的人间道统都快灭了,他徒弟如此惨也是因为我,他岂能会给我道谢啊? Fire virtue Star Lord sees that also knows that Song Zhong thinks anything, knows that hatred between Song Zhong and Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is not good to melt, therefore he also no longer said anything, but smiles bitterly, then sent Song Zhong to go back. 火德星君见状,也知道宋钟想什么,知道宋钟裂天真君之间的仇恨不好化解,所以他也不再多说什么,只是苦笑一声,便打发宋钟回去了。 Next day, on Martial Arts Convention, Song Zhong finally and Seven Souls Kill star has bumped into one. 第二天,演武大会上,宋钟终于和七魂杀星碰到了一起。 Holds the post of this referee Primordial Stage Gold Immortal is an appearance serious middle-aged person, he completely is a fair fair appearance, as if fire virtue Star Lord from the start has not asked him to be the same. Even also specially many left a speechless desolateness to Song Zhong. 担任这次裁判的混元金仙乃是一个面目严肃的中年人,他完全是一副公正公平的样子,就似乎火德星君压根没有找过他一样。甚至于对宋钟还特别多出了一丝无言的冷淡。 May be this, Song Zhong more felt relieved. If this fellow turns toward Song Zhong obviously at heart, actually also in the presence of everyone displays, that instead must make Song Zhong depressed. Because this after is not the honored matter, secret is better! 可越是这样,宋钟就越是放心。要是这家伙明明心里向着宋钟,却还当众表现出来,那反而要让宋钟郁闷了。因为这毕竟不是什么光彩的事,越隐秘越好啊! After Song Zhong and Seven Souls Kill star came, salutes the regards to the referee. The referee any had not indicated that was cold a face to start the speech. Compares other referees, this fellow was instead wordy, specially severe emphasis cannot offend somebody. 宋钟七魂杀星都来了以后,向裁判施礼问候。裁判没有任何表示,冷着一张脸就开始了演讲。相比其他裁判,这家伙反而罗嗦了一些,特意严厉的强调不得伤人。 In others eyes, this referee is fulfills duty to fulfill responsibility, knows that Song Zhong and Seven Souls Kill star does not cope, therefore reminded them specially, was Song Zhong at heart actually clear very much, this fellow blustered completely, one will hit, he actually most likely wanted response to be slow! 在别人眼里,这裁判是尽职尽责,知道宋钟七魂杀星不对付,所以特别提醒他们,可是宋钟心里却清楚的很,这家伙完全就是虚张声势,一会打起来,他却八成要‘反应迟钝’! After referee wordy one, he then announced the martial arts contest to start, has flown then the distant place. But Song Zhong and four eyes of Seven Souls Kill star two people, instantaneously lock together, rich Murderous Qi spreads, can feel them among outside audience clearly the smell of gunpowder. 在裁判罗嗦一阵之后,他便宣布比武开始,然后便唰的一声,飞到了远处。而宋钟七魂杀星两个人的四只眼睛,就瞬间锁定到一起,浓郁的杀气扩散开去,连外面的观众都能清楚的感受到两人之间的火药味。 Song Zhong, I and others you were very long!” Seven Souls Kill star Murderous Qi steaming [say / way]. 宋钟,我等你很久了!”七魂杀杀气腾腾的道。 Song Zhong indifferent has pulled out ear, [say / way] that then does not care about: „Do you want to go back to accompany your good-for-nothing allies earlier?” 宋钟无所谓的掏了掏耳朵,然后不在乎的道:“你就这么想早点回去陪着你那些窝囊废战友?” Seven roses kill the star to hear this word, immediately is mad seethes with rage, infuriated, he cannot bear yell: Shut up, they are not good-for-nothings!” 七瑰杀星闻听此言,顿时就气得七窍生烟,火冒三丈,他忍不住大叫道:“闭嘴,他们不是窝囊废!” How isn't the good-for-nothing to be punched to fall face down 18 by me?” Song Zhong grinning asking. “不是窝囊废怎么会被我一个人揍趴下18个啊?”宋钟笑嘻嘻的问道。 That is because you are deceitful, shameless!” The Seven Souls Kill star anger exclaimed. “那是因为你奸诈,无耻!”七魂杀星怒吼道。 This?” Song Zhong does not worry, instead grinning [say / way]: Then please ask that the blade many besieges a person personally, is shameless?” “这样啊?”宋钟也不着急,反而笑嘻嘻的道:“那么请问,刀多个人围攻一个人,算不算无耻啊?” This......” the Seven Souls Kill star was speechless immediately. Indeed, the strength many people hit one, how not to be is frank and upright, has won, can also lose? Can this also say? “这……”七魂杀星顿时就无话可说了。的确,力多人打一个,怎么都算不上是光明正大,赢了还罢了,可偏偏还输了?这还能怎么说啊? The Seven Souls Kill star also knows obviously one do not occupy the principle, really says Song Zhong. Therefore his armor, devours simply, emits another six seven to kill to fight armor, coordinating him to form part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper. 七魂杀星显然也知道自己不占理,实在是说不过宋钟。所以他索性一阵铠甲,唰嘬嘬,放出另外六副七杀战甲,配合他自己形成天罡北斗七星阵。 Then the Seven Souls Kill star shakes the lance points of seven long-barrelled guns, points at Song Zhong saying: Idle talk little said that you die today!” 然后七魂杀星一抖七根长枪的枪尖,指着宋钟道:“废话少说,你今天死定了!” Accompanies you?” [Say / Way] that Song Zhong disdains: Also matches?” “陪你?”宋钟不屑的道:“也配?” Bastard!” The Seven Souls Kill star flies into a rage saying: Actually so underestimates me? You give me dead! The Big Dipper seizes the soul thorn!” “混蛋!”七魂杀星勃然大怒道:“竟然如此小看我?你给我去死吧!七星夺魂刺!” During the speeches, seven High Grade armor of Seven Souls Kill star direction, then respectively wield the long spear that begins, coordinates with each other across a great distance, stays for temporary lodging the star strength of space big dipper Big Dipper, has formed a formidable imposing manner, afterward seven point radiant asterism, shot at Song Zhong from the lance point. 说话间,七魂杀星指挥的七副上品铠甲,便各自挥动手上的长枪,遥相呼应,借住天上北斗七星的星力,形成了一股强大至极的气势,随后七点璀璨的星芒,就从枪尖上射向了宋钟 Facing formidable killing move of Seven Souls Kill star use part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper discharge, Song Zhong does not dare to have slight neglecting. 面对七魂杀星利用天罡北斗七星阵放出的强大杀招,宋钟也不敢有丝毫的怠慢。 Sees only Song Zhong to sneer, then jumps high, person in airborne, suddenly changed a hundred zhang (333m) high giant, in the hand also left a dozens zhang (3.33 m) giant tomahawk. 只见宋钟冷笑一声,然后高高跃起,人在空中,就突然变化成一个百丈高的巨人,手上也多出了一把几十丈长的巨大战斧。 Looks at my Heaven Opening Seven Chops!” As the Song Zhong voice falls, seven golden strength, have divided instantaneously, welcomed exactly to the seven asterism of Seven Souls Kill star. “看我开天七斩!”随着宋钟话音一落,七道金色的劲气,瞬间就劈了下来,恰好迎向七魂杀星的七点星芒。 Under the gazes of all audiences, seven golden strength and seven silver asterism, are similar to the needle-tip to the wheat awn, bumping maliciously in the same place. 在所有观众的注视下,七道金色的劲气和七道银色的星芒,如同针尖对麦芒,狠狠的碰在一起。 Afterward, the silver asterism vanishes instantaneously, was swallowed by the golden bracing cold completely, then these seven Venus potentials are drainless, hit following Seven Souls Kill star maliciously. 随后,银色的星芒瞬间消失,被金色的气劲完全吞噬,然后这七点金星余势不竭,狠狠的击中下面的七魂杀星。 At this time, the Seven Souls Kill star in the day spot star aspect, all seven armor is normally exactly the same, the aura does not have the difference, Song Zhong was impossible to find the true body. However he actually knows that in the Song Zhong left eye has the river chart, in the right eye has Luoshu, these two big God Mark seriously infinitely subtles, he sweeps gently, has recognized the Seven Souls Kill star true body on the petal, and directs Qi of Sharp Gold to eradicate it. 此时,七魂杀星正在天斑星位,按说所有的七副铠甲都一模一样,气息都没有差别,宋钟是不可能找到真身的。但是他却知道,宋钟左眼里有河图,右眼里有洛书,这两大神纹当真奥妙无穷,以至于他轻轻一扫,就瓣认出了七魂杀星的真身,并指挥锐金之气将其破除。 Seven roses kill the star not to think that own star strength and others Song Zhong Qi of Sharp Gold differs these many, merely one put in an appearance is destroyed, and has not thought that Song Zhong identified his true body to be at all of a sudden, was hit one to be caught off guard, by the Qi of Sharp Gold penetration armor, had been left behind seven transparent holes on the body at the scene. 七瑰杀星万万没有想到自己的星力和人家宋钟锐金之气相差这么多,仅仅一个照面就被摧毁了,另外更没有想到宋钟一下子就辨认出了他的真身所在,以至于被打了一个措手不及,当场就被锐金之气穿透铠甲,在身上留下了七个透明的窟窿。 Afterward the Seven Souls Kill star then sends out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, then cannot fall to the ground. If at this time some people opened his armor, definitely will discover that seven of his front big want in the hole the hole, wants the hole to be discarded thoroughly, with initially flushed the injury of Sky Sword to be exactly the same. 随后七魂杀星便发出一声凄厉的惨叫,然后倒地不起。如果这个时候要是有人揭开他的铠甲,就必然会发现,他胸前的七大要穴上都有一个窟窿,要穴被彻底废掉,和当初冲天剑的伤势一模一样。 Until this time, that referee as if ‚’ awakened, he flushed to say hurriedly: Stops, do not hit!” 直到这时,那位裁判似乎‘才’醒悟过来,他急忙冲过来道:“停下,不要打啦!” Then he goes to side the Seven Souls Kill star to start to rescue, looks at his shock, the appearance of regret, as if really but. Can actually? The discerning people can look, this referee has the issue. 然后他跑到七魂杀星身边就开始救助,看他那一副震惊,懊悔的样子,就似乎是真的很无奈似的。可其实呢?明眼人都看得出来,这个裁判有问题。 Because Song Zhong Qi of Sharp Gold was too strong, not only Qi of Sharp Gold that used on Dragon Veins Divine Axe to bring, but also has added on Song Zhong itself magic power Qi of Sharp Gold, both added together, the might multiplied, this can a move discard the Seven Souls Kill star. 因为宋钟锐金之气太强了,不光用上了龙脉神斧上自带的锐金之气,还加上了宋钟本身法力所化的锐金之气,两者相加,威力倍增,这才能一招废掉七魂杀星。 Seven roses kill the star rank to be low, cannot see mystery. 七瑰杀星级别低,看不出其中的奥妙。 However the referee is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, how could can't he see? If under normal circumstances. Song Zhong Qi of Sharp Gold, he should know the consequence, can definitely stop, so as to avoid the Seven Souls Kill star was discarded. However this time he obviously was slow one step. 但是裁判乃是混元金仙,他岂能看不出?要是在正常情况下.宋钟锐金之气一出,他就应该知道后果了,肯定会加以阻拦,免得七魂杀星被废掉。但是这一次他却明显慢了一步。 . ..
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