CLC :: Volume #6

#599: Steals deity

Your details I do not know, Dragon Veins Divine Axe that but, displays merely from you, as well as Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Qi of Sharp Gold and in the Qi of Mother Earth three strengths looks, perhaps you are also not the match of Green Vine fairy maiden!” Xiao Xue was speaking, somewhat depressed [say / way]: I suddenly discovered that I probably gambling stake under too early!” “你的底细我也不知,但是,仅仅从你表现出来的龙脉神斧,以及炫疾天火,锐金之气后土之气三种力量上看,恐怕你还不是青藤仙子的对手!”小雪说到着,有些郁闷的道:“我忽然发现,我好像把赌注下的太早了!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the forced smile say: „Can't you to my a little confidence?” 宋钟闻言,忍不住苦笑道:“你就不能对我有点信心啊?” Xiao Xue one hear of this saying, immediately eye one bright, said that „? Do you have the subsequent party? Em, this is also very normal, conforms to your sinister manner custom!” 小雪一听这话,顿时眼睛一亮,道,“怎么?难道你还有后手?恩,这也很正常,符合你阴险的为人习惯!” I how in sinister?” A Song Zhong face depressed [say / way]. “我怎在就阴险啦?”宋钟一脸郁闷的道。 Until now, you hit that many to return, had not seen that you got rid fully, has not known how many secrets had to hide the truth from me, hasn't this called sinisterly?” Xiao Xue has cast aside Song Zhong one, then grinning [say / way]: Immediately this you went on stage, was inferior that you display fully one time, gives others a confidence, is good?” Saying, Xiao Xue in the past was grasping swaying that the arm of Song Zhong keeps. “到现在为止,你打了那么多回,都没有见到你全力出手,还不知道有多少秘密瞒着我,这还不叫阴险?”小雪撇了宋钟一眼,然后笑嘻嘻的道:“马上就该你上场了,不如你全力发挥一次,给人家一点信心,好不好?”说着,小雪就过去抱住宋钟的胳膊不停的摇晃。 Song Zhong wants to reject, but after having turned head, he is frightened by the front spring scenery that Xiao Xue reveals, could not speak again. 宋钟原本想拒绝,可是扭过头来之后,他就被小雪无意间露出的胸前春光所震慑,再也说不出话来了。 Xiao Xue had also discovered at this time the Song Zhong complexion is not right, covers the chest hurriedly, blushes to scold, your necrosis!” 小雪这时候也发现了宋钟脸色不对,急忙捂住胸口,红着脸骂道,“你坏死了!” Hey!” Song Zhong laughs foolishly, just wants to say anything, actually suddenly hears the referee in field to call his name. “嘿嘿!”宋钟傻笑一声,刚想说什么,却忽然听见场上的裁判喊他的名字。 Song Zhong does not dare to neglect, said to Xiao Xue hurriedly: I urge to go faster come back!” Said running that then the wind also resembles. 宋钟不敢怠慢,急忙对小雪道:“我去去就回来!”说完便风也似的跑了。 Xiao Xue looks at the Song Zhong back, in the heart has had an inexplicable mood. 小雪看着宋钟背影,心中生出了一股莫名的情绪。 And said after Song Zhong arrives, his match, that is the snow clothes female who a whole body braves the cold air. 且说宋钟来到场上之后,他的对手也跟着来了,那是一位浑身冒着寒气的雪衣女子。 Song Zhong and that female saluted to referee together the regards, the referee said friendly several, announced the competition started. 宋钟和那女子一起对裁判施礼问候,裁判和气的说了几句,就宣布比赛开始。 After they turn to pass away together, made mutually vigilantly looked. Song Zhong is the man naturally must display the demeanor, therefore then cups one hand in the other across the chest to say for the ritual: God of Fire Heaven, Song Zhong, has seen the fairy maiden!” 两人一起扭过身来之后,相互警惕的弄了看。宋钟身为男人自然要表现一下风度,于是便拱手为礼道:“祝融天,宋钟,见过仙子!” The female who that cold air braves has not saluted, similarly returns a courtesy said: Jade cold day, Yu Qing, has seen Fellow Daoist!” 那寒气直冒的女子也没有施礼,同样回礼道:“玉寒天,玉清,见过道友!” After they have greeted, Song Zhong then [say / way] with a laugh: Originally is the jade female apprentice, loses the respect to lose the respect! This time we can meet here, is a fate, one will look also at the female apprentice, shows mercy!” 两人打过招呼之后,宋钟便笑呵呵的道:“原来是玉师姐,失敬失敬!这次咱们能在这里碰见,也是一种缘分,一会还望师姐,手下留情!” Oh!” Opposite Yu Qing sighed, the forced smile said: Fellow Daoist was polite, what perhaps shows mercy is you are right. The Chaos Titan Clan person, I am not a match, moreover I heard that you also meet Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Qi of Sharp Gold and Qi of Mother Earth, this real?” Obviously, she also heard that has not seen with own eyes. “唉!”对面的玉清却叹息了一声,苦笑道:“道友客气了,恐怕手下留情的是你才对。混沌巨灵族的人,我本来就不是对手,况且我听说,你还会炫疾天火,锐金之气后土之气,这都是真的吗?”显然,她也只是听说,并没有亲眼见到。 Song Zhong naturally cannot anything say, therefore he then grinning [say / way]: Incorrectly relayed an erroneous message, I will use Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire actually, as for Qi of Sharp Gold and Qi of Mother Earth, was on Dragon Veins Divine Axe!” 宋钟自然不能什么都说出来,于是他便笑嘻嘻的道:“都是以讹传讹,我倒是会用炫疾天火,至于锐金之气后土之气,都是龙脉神斧上的!” Obviously, Song Zhong this is hiding own strength, wants to wait till the following cloudy person. 显然,宋钟这是在隐藏自己的实力,想等到后面阴人。 After Yu Qing listens, relaxed slightly, but frowns the forced smile saying: Is Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, is not good to cope!” 玉清听后,稍稍松了一口气,不过还是皱着眉头苦笑道:“就算是炫疾天火,也不好对付啊!” Listens to the tone of Yu Qing, has to make Song Zhong give up faintly using these three strengths the meanings. However didn't Song Zhong see the beautiful woman on the idiot of not being able to walk? This time first is takes for Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus, he does not dare to have any negligence. Therefore Song Zhong laughs foolishly, has not replied, does intentionally unable to understand. 听玉清的口气,隐隐有让宋钟放弃使用这三种力量的意思。但是宋钟又不是见了美女就走不动路的白痴?况且这次第一乃是为了冰火并蒂双莲而拿的,他可不敢有任何疏忽。所以宋钟只是傻笑,并没有答话,故作听不懂的。 Yu Qing sees that knows that Song Zhong is not willing to have the slight concessions. She does not have what good means that can only smile bitterly saying: Although knows that is not the Fellow Daoist match, but no matter what, arrived here, must experience fierce of Fellow Daoist!” 玉清见状,知道宋钟不肯有丝毫让步。她也没有什么好办法,只能苦笑道:“虽然知道不是道友的对手,但是不管怎么说,都到了这里,怎么也要见识一下道友的厉害!” Female apprentice invited!” Song Zhong politeness has given a hand signal, hinted to cope to start. “师姐请!”宋钟礼貌的做了一个手势,示意对付可以开始了。 Yu Qing immediately complexion one entire, said: Fellow Daoist was careful!” 玉清随即脸色一整,道:“道友小心了!” Then, Yu Qing vanishes in front of Song Zhong instantaneously, the next quarter, a giant phoenix phoenix appeared in the Song Zhong front. This is one counts hundred zhang (333m) wingspan Cold Ice Phoenix, is heterogeneous of phoenix clan. 说完,玉清瞬间消失在宋钟面前,下一刻,一只巨大的凤凰神鸟就出现了在宋钟的面前。这是一只数百丈翼展的寒冰凤凰,乃是凤凰一族的异种。 After seeing only she appears the circular, then rubbish, small mouth one, immediately on blowout cold currents, in a surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) range, instantaneously by the cold air package, the ground everywhere is the cold frost. 只见她显出圆形之后,便再不废话,小嘴一张,马上就喷出一道道寒流,方圆数万里范围内,瞬间就被寒气包裹,地上到处都是寒霜。 Song Zhong sees the main body of Yu Qing is actually the rare ice phoenix, in the heart was also startled, but he is not flustered, then by the fire to the ice, emits Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire simply, guard around body. 宋钟见到玉清的本体竟然是稀有的冰凤凰,心中也是吃了一惊,不过他却并不慌张,索性便以火对冰,将炫疾天火放出,护卫在身体周围。 Looks from afar, Song Zhong was counted the hundred zhang (333m) high purple roaring flame to wrap, probably makes Mt. Huoyan to be the same. How regardless of outside wind frost and snow sword sways, vanishes into thin air under the Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire terrifying might. 远远望去,宋钟被数百丈高的紫色烈焰所包裹,就好像是一做火焰山一样。无论外面风霜雪剑如何吹拂,都在炫疾天火的恐怖威力下化为乌有。 It spoke the truth, the strength of Cold Ice Phoenix Yu Qing was very good, even was fiercer than the Seven Souls Kill star. She most excels is Bone Eroding Yin Wind, this was one type is not inferior to the big day colored glaze Heavenly Fire abnormal ability. 其实说起来,寒冰凤凰玉清的实力还是很不错的,甚至比七魂杀星都厉害。她最擅长的便是蚀骨阴风,这是一种不亚于大日琉璃天火的变态能力。 It is silent, the achromatic color does not have, can freeze to death the person, Immortal Tool of commonplace is hard to resist. 它无声无息,无色无相,不知不觉间就可以把人冻死,等闲的仙器都难以抵御。 But unfortunately, she to Song Zhong. 但可惜的是,她偏偏就对上了宋钟 Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire is her difficult adversary. How regardless of she blows, the cold wind is unable to pass through the Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire barrier to be burnt cleanly. 炫疾天火正是她的克星。无论她怎么吹,阴风都无法穿越炫疾天火的屏障就被烧干净了。 Although Song Zhong only defends does not attack, but Yu Qing is actually a sensible person, knows one lost. Others are not willing to be lost by oneself is too ugly, intentionally so. If is really unappreciative again, compelling Song Zhong with dazzling the illness attacks on own initiative, she must make a boner may not! 虽然宋钟只守不攻,但是玉清却是个明白人,知道自己已经输了。只是人家不愿意让自己输的太难看,才故意如此罢了。真要是再不识抬举,逼着宋钟用炫疾主动进攻,那她就非要出丑不可啦! Therefore, to this time, the arrogance of phoenix clan, having made in Yu Qing field make the entanglement embarrassed again. Therefore then happy admits defeat, loses to the Chaos Titan Clan person in any case, does not have the place that any can lose face. On the contrary, uses others show due respect for the feelings opportunity, brazen-faced and shameless does not admit defeat, that loses face! 所以,到了这个时候,凤凰族的高傲,让玉清不好意思再场上多做纠缠。于是便痛快的认输了事,反正输给混沌巨灵族的人,也没有任何可以丢脸的地方。相反,利用人家给面子的机会,死皮赖脸的不认输,那才丢人呢! Song Zhong sees Yu Qing to know the limitation, will certainly not show due respect for the feelings, praised hurriedly again and again, receiving let, receiving let!” Also was then polite several, respectively diverges. 宋钟见玉清识相,也当然不会不给面子,急忙连连称道,“承让,承让!”然后又客气了几句,才各自散去。 After Song Zhong comes back, Xiao Xue has twisted his immediately, said: Sly fellow, does not have the use killer copper!” 宋钟回来之后,小雪立刻拧了他一把,道:“狡猾的家伙,还是没有用处杀手铜来!” Hey, does not have the means that then the attractive beautiful woman, I do not give up!” Song Zhong grinning [say / way]. “嘿嘿,没办法,那么漂亮的美人,我舍不得啊!”宋钟笑嘻嘻的道。 Sex maniac!” Xiao Xue maliciously white, then suddenly said: Oh, looks quickly looks quickly, that short person!” Saying, she has referred to the front. “色鬼!”小雪狠狠白了一眼,然后忽然道:“哎呀,快看快看,那个矮个子!”说着,她指了一下前方。 Song Zhong looked following the direction of Xiao Xue finger hurriedly that discovered there presented two participating immortals, is thin and small, has three feet high, with a mouth, 3 children is similar. That appearance is extremely dreadful, coordinates ash-gray clothes, sees likely is clever head on an avenue. 宋钟急忙顺着小雪手指的方向一看,发现那里出现了两个参赛的仙人,其中一个非常瘦小,只有三尺高,和一个口,3的孩子类似。那长相更是极为猥琐,配合一身灰色的衣服,怎么看都像是一个大街上的贼头。 Song Zhong sees that cannot bear ask: Who is this dreadful old man? Why to ask me to think him?” 宋钟见状,忍不住问道:“这个猥琐的老头是谁?干嘛叫我看他?” „Is he Black Tortoise Armed forces ranks the first seat of honor? Heaven Stealing of family background corrupt wolf armed forces!” Xiao Xue explained: This fellow ear is fiercer than the match who you foresaw, was one of your powerful enemies!” “他就是玄武军排名第一的首席啊?出身贪狼军的偷天手!”小雪解释道:“这家伙耳比你预见的对手厉害多了,乃是你的劲敌之一!” Song Zhong hear that, immediately eye one bright, said: Originally is he, I must be attractive!” Then, he then starts to look earnestly Heaven Stealing and person compete with. 宋钟闻言,顿时眼睛一亮,道:“原来是他呀,那我得好好看看!”说完,他便开始认真看着偷天手和人比试。 Heaven Stealing in field does not know one stared by Song Zhong, adopts a dreadful haughty stance as before, negligent and referee has greeted. After waiting for the referee to announce starts, he then directly to the own match grinning [say / way] of: Oh, this is not Friend Cloud Swallowing Beast, for a long time does not see, can you always be good?” 场上的偷天手并不知道自己已经被宋钟盯上了,依旧摆出一副猥琐狂傲的姿态,大咧咧的和裁判打过招呼。等裁判宣布开始之后,他便直接对自己的对手笑嘻嘻的道:“哎呀呀,这不是吞云兽老兄,好久不见,你一向可好?” As soon as the people listen to this saying, immediately thinks two people are the good friends. Finally has not actually thought that opposite husky fellow hear that, not only does not have the happy meaning, instead extremely angry shouted abuse directly: Is good your head! Clever head that your this damn 10,000 bastard, the belt wicked belches smoke! You should get down 18 hells, by the Patriarch Blood River extraction one's wits, was lit a by all means year while still alive!” 众人一听这话,马上都以为两个人是好朋友呢。结果却没有想到,对面的彪形大汉闻言,不仅没有高兴的意思,反而极为愤怒的直接破口大骂道:“好你个头啊!你这个该死10000回的王八蛋,缺德带冒烟的贼头!你就该下18层地狱,被血河老祖抽取三魂六魄,活活烧上一千万年!” This Cloud Swallowing Beast so virulent cursing, his face the color of grief and indignation, fully had proven in addition he has account how to hate to this Heaven Stealing. 吞云兽如此恶毒的咒骂,加上他那一脸的悲愤之色,都充分证明了他对这个偷天手到底有多么帐恨。 In front of these many people, Heaven Stealing is scolded also reddens all over the face, the heart medium baking temperature gets up, cannot bear sneer saying: Ok, Cloud Swallowing Beast, you scolded was actually crisp, was this Martial Arts Convention. Ratio scolding merit. Don't forget, can we also begin to gesticulate?” 当着这么多人的面,偷天手被骂得也是满脸通红,心中火起,忍不住冷笑道:“行啊,吞云兽,你骂的倒是爽了,可是这演武大会.并非比的骂功。别忘了,咱们还得动手比划呢?” In the words of Heaven Stealing, is passing a threat faintly. 偷天手的话语里,隐隐透着一股威胁。 Your this head by the super fool who donkey kicks the idiot, who and this trash goods gesture? The fathers feared dirty the hand!” After Cloud Swallowing Beast scolded, immediately said to the referee: I must forfeit!” Then, does not give Heaven Stealing any opportunity, direct fleeing went to the arena, alone keeps above Heaven Stealing. “你这个脑袋被驴踢成白痴的超级笨蛋,谁和这垃圾货色比划?老子都怕脏了手!”吞云兽骂完之后,立刻对裁判道:“我要弃权!”说完,根本不给偷天手任何机会,就直接窜下了擂台,把偷天手独自留在上面。 Ha Ha!” The people see that could not bear send out one to laugh, although this Heaven Stealing has won the competition, but actually also threw in a big way the person! Was such given scolding, that may really be too comedy. “哈哈!”众人见状,都忍不住发出了一阵大笑,这偷天手虽说赢了比试,可是却也丢大了人啊!被人这么痛骂,那可真是太搞笑了。 Heaven Stealing does not have the means that can only have a lot of sulks to go back. 偷天手对此毫无办法,只能带着一肚子的闷气回去。 Regarding the competition of this time nearly farce, Song Zhong also felt that abnormal is funny. However after having smiled, Song Zhong then cannot bear ask: Xiao Xue, what skill this Heaven Stealing does have? How to frighten Cloud Swallowing Beast does not dare to meet head-on? Since the fellow can advance to 64, thinks that is not a vegetarian?” 对于这次近乎闹剧的比试,宋钟也感觉异常好笑。不过笑过之后,宋钟便忍不住问道:“小雪,这偷天手有什么本事啊?怎么把一只吞云兽吓得都不敢迎战呢?那家伙既然能进入64强,想必也不是吃素的吧?” Hey, this you have not to know!” Xiao Xue said with a smile: I asked you, you may know the primary form that Heaven Stealing what thing was?” “嘿嘿,这你就有所不知了!”小雪笑道:“我问你,你可知道偷天手的原形是什么东西吗?” This I have not known really!” Song Zhong shakes the head to say immediately. “这个我还真不知道!”宋钟马上摇摇头道。 . ..
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