CLC :: Volume #6

#598: Cocculus tunbergii fairy maiden

Has saying that the opportunity that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear this fellow stresses is really good, opposite Green Vine has not thought completely he sneak attacked at this time. Naturally, what is most essential, the talent that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear acts in a play is not bad, looks at his semblance sturdy man, who can think that he will use this cloudy move? 不得不说,白虎破军枪这家伙抓的时机还真好,对面的青藤完全没有想到他这个时候偷袭。当然,最关键的是,白虎破军枪演戏的天分也不差,看他外表粗壮的一个汉子,谁能想到他会用这种阴招呢? In addition White Tiger Army Splitting Spear itself strength also super formidable, is the Black Tortoise Armed forces ranks the second seat of honor worthily. This spear|gun, that called a rapidness, was the same with the lightning. Opposite that young misses who called Green Vine have not responded that others lance points punctured to the chest on. 再加上白虎破军枪的本身实力也超级强大,不愧是玄武军排名第二的首席。这一枪,那叫一个快,就和闪电一样。对面那个叫青藤的小姑娘都没有反应过来,人家的枪尖都已经刺到胸口上了。 Thereupon, under glare of the public eye, the pitiful Green Vine young miss was punctured one to putting on by this wild White Tiger Army Splitting Spear at the scene! 于是乎,在众目睽睽之下,可怜的青藤小姑娘被这个狂暴的白虎破军枪当场刺了一个对穿! However, after the white tiger guy punctures, actually suddenly feels does not suit, the feeling that because White Tiger Army Splitting Spear on his hand transmits has not stabbed completely likely a person, the reversed image was to puncture a blockhead. 然而,白虎大汉刺完之后,却忽然感觉不对劲,因为他手上的白虎破军枪传来的感觉完全不像是刺中了一个人,倒像是刺上了一块木头。 White Tiger Army Splitting Spear fixes the eyes on hurriedly looked that really discovered that on own long spear not any corpse, but left a blockhead. 白虎破军枪急忙定睛一看,果然发现,自己的长枪上并没有任何尸体,只是多出了一根木头。 Oh the important matter is not good!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear a facial color color, cannot bear the [say / way] that worries immediately, Wood Element Puppet Substitution Technique!” “哎呀大事不好!”白虎破军枪顿时面色一色,忍不住着急的道,“木系傀儡替身术!” The White Tiger Army Splitting Spear voice falls, side immediately broadcasts an angry sound: He He, good, is Puppet Substitution Technique, has not thought that has not thought that your this small white cat becomes such has prospects unexpectedly, compelled me to use the unique skill of maintaining life!” 白虎破军枪话音一落,旁边就马上传来一个愤怒的声音:“呵呵,不错,正是傀儡替身术,没想到啊,没想到,你这只小白猫竟然变得这么有出息,都逼我使出了保命的绝招!” After White Tiger Army Splitting Spear hears this angry sound, the whole face is the cold sweat, trembling has turned head, finally saw one to let his fearful and apprehensive scene. 白虎破军枪听见这个愤怒的声音之后,满脸是冷汗,颤巍巍的扭过头去,结果就看见了一个让他心惊肉跳的场景。 Sees only that Green Vine young miss, flutters in airborne, the under foot steps on two to reach several feet vine thickly. But she behind, all was the forest that the dense and numerous vines composed, the surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) covers entirely. 只见那青藤小姑娘,飘荡在空中,脚下踩着两根粗达数尺的藤蔓。而她身后,全是密密麻麻的藤蔓组成的森林,方圆数千里都布满了。 This is one type looks like adorable, may in fact the abnormal fearful vines. 这是一种看起来可爱,可实际上异常可怕的藤蔓植物。 In the surface it was only thick a point, knew how things stand the hundred zhang (333m) to be high, several feet thickness. The above emerald green leaf clear desire drops, colorful floret densely covered above, as if a lethality does not have. 表面上它只是粗大了一点,有数百丈高,数尺粗细。上面翠绿的叶子清脆欲滴,五颜六色的小花密布其上,似乎一点杀伤力都没有。 However White Tiger Army Splitting Spear actually clear awareness, this long Oigoshi is not ordinary Immortal World Spiritual Herb(s), but was he does not know the origin XianTian antiquity heterogeneous. This gadget not only tenacious abnormal, does not fear the Five Elements magic arts, but also flexible, the strength is greatly infinite, is that floret is also extraordinary, the pollen that releases, can Xie Wandu, can have various wondrous uses. 但是白虎破军枪却清楚的知道,这种长生藤可不是普通的仙界灵草,而是一种他也不知道来历的先天上古异种。这玩意不仅坚韧异常,不惧五行道法,而且还灵活多变,力大无穷,就是那小花也了不得,释放出来的花粉,即可以解万毒,又可以产生各种妙用。 Although said the [gold/metal] e wood, but has the [gold/metal] is strong strength Qi of Sharp Gold White Tiger Army Splitting Spear, actually must be utterly routed in several times and Green Vine junction. Under the Green Vine temperament is good, never has the overweight hand, adds on two role model gate some origins again. Therefore White Tiger Army Splitting Spear planned that strives to strike with the means of sneak attack successfully. The goal is to directly defeat it, so long as in any case afterward apologizes, Green Vine cannot a homicide. 虽然说金e木,可是拥有金系超强力量锐金之气白虎破军枪,却在数次和青藤的交得溃不成军。只是青藤脾气好,从来没有下过重手,再加上两人师门有些渊源。所以白虎破军枪才打算用偷袭的办法争取一击成功。目的就是为了直接将其击败,反正事后只要赔礼道歉,青藤也不能把他杀了。 But White Tiger Army Splitting Spear actually has not thought that own sneak attack was actually failed, not only that he also thorough has enraged Green Vine. Because he sees suddenly, the clothing of Green Vine front has broken an opening, falls to reveal inside infinite spring scenery. Obviously does obeisance the sneak attack of White Tiger Army Splitting Spear to bestow. It can be said that he is away from the success, has the one pace! 可是白虎破军枪却万万没有想到,自己的偷袭竟然失败了,不仅如此,他还彻底的激怒了青藤。因为他忽然看见,青藤胸前的衣衫破开了一个口子,陷陷露出里面的无限春光。显然是拜白虎破军枪的偷袭所赐。可以说,他距离成功,就只有一步之遥啊! At this time, a Green Vine young miss correct use hand is covering the crack, simultaneously is staring White Tiger Army Splitting Spear maliciously, the [say / way] of clenching jaws: Small white cat, you quite ruthless heart! It seems like that I must entertain you well, as soon as turns is good!” 此时,青藤小姑娘正用一只手捂着破口,同时狠狠瞪着白虎破军枪,咬牙切齿的道:“小白猫,你好狠的心啊!看来,我得好好招待你一翻才行!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear hears this saying, immediately frightens the streaming with sweat, his where also dares to continue with Green Vine to the war? Hurries to throw White Tiger Army Splitting Spear on hand, yelled: I throw...” 白虎破军枪听见这话,顿时吓得汗如雨下,他哪里还敢继续和青藤对战啊?赶紧一扔手上的白虎破军枪,大叫道:“我投…” At this time, all people know that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear wants to say anything, clearly must surrender, otherwise weapon throwing. 这个时候,所有人都知道白虎破军枪想说什么了,分明就是要投降,要不然也不会把兵器给扔了。 Finally the White Tiger Army Splitting Spear words, only said half, by the mute Taoist skill that Green Vine sent out breaking. Then her face suffering from injustice at the same time said to referee: Sir, others ensure cannot abandon him! Under the lesson, was slightly good, asks you!” 结果白虎破军枪的话,只说出来一半,就被青藤发出的静音道术给打断了。然后她一脸委屈的对一边的裁判道:“大人,人家保证不会废了他的!只是稍稍教训下,好不好,求求您了!” Is looking at the young miss suffering from injustice facial expression, in addition White Tiger Army Splitting Spear just the dry matter was really atypical, that referee smiles bitterly, said: Do not go too far!” Then, turned, obviously has tacitly consented to the proposition of Green Vine. 望着小姑娘委屈的神情,再加上白虎破军枪刚刚干的事情也实在过于不地道,那位裁判苦笑一声,道:“别太过分啊!”说完,就把头扭过去了,显然是默许了青藤的提议。 White Tiger Army Splitting Spear sees this, that heart, immediately cool cool. He hurries to dance with joy hints itself to surrender to admit defeat to the referee, because what a pity actually cannot make the sound, is unable explicitly to express that then, that referee naturally can disguise unable to understand. 白虎破军枪看见这一幕,那心啊,顿时就哇凉哇凉的。他赶紧手舞足蹈的对裁判示意自己投降认输,可惜却因为发不出声音来,根本就无法明确表示出来,如此一来,那位裁判自然就可以假装看不懂了。 But Green Vine sees that also fears a long delay usually means many problems, outrageously launched the general attack directly, young miss back Green Vine, Wan She sways immediately, from is pulling out in all directions to White Tiger Army Splitting Spear, that scene, is blots out the sky to be the same simply. 青藤见状,也怕夜长梦多,直接就悍然发动了全面进攻,小姑娘背后的青藤,立即万蛇攒动,从四面八方对着白虎破军枪抽过来,那情景,简直就是铺天盖地一样。 White Tiger Army Splitting Spear had straightened out at this time finally, knows the surrender to be inadequate, does not dare to sit waiting for death, picks up White Tiger Army Splitting Spear hurriedly, washes one's hands of then emits the myriad golden rays, white tiger Sharp Gold air/Qi, bursts out comprehensively. 白虎破军枪这时候终于开窍了,知道投降不成,也不敢坐以待毙,急忙捡起白虎破军枪,抖手便放出万道金光,白虎锐金气,全面迸发。 Has saying that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear can rank the second seat in the Black Tortoise Armed forces, does not have unearned reputation, has a good skill really! After this Qi of Sharp Gold erupts, able to move unhindered several hundred li (0.5km), all are the golden light. Was sheared a trace from far Green Vine, the distance nearly directly around the middle has cut off. 不得不说,白虎破军枪能够在玄武军里排名第二道席,绝非是浪得虚名,真有一身好本事!这锐金之气爆发之后,纵横数百里,全是金光。距离远的青藤都被割出了条条痕迹,距离近就直接被拦腰斩断。 If trades a Immortal World spirit wood, completely was already cut to pieces by Qi of Sharp Gold. What a pity White Tiger Army Splitting Spear this time match is actually XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine, has the extremely fearful resistance to the Five Elements Taoist skill, therefore the Qi of Sharp Gold effect has not appeared completely. 要是换一种仙界灵木,早就被锐金之气全部切碎了。可惜白虎破军枪这次的对手却是先天异种青藤,对五行道术都有极其可怕的抗性,所以锐金之气的效果并没有完全显现出来。 But such injury, to blotting out the sky XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine, completely is one of the jiao nine cows, at is not anything. With Green Vine girl's immortal True Qi support, wound XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine returned to the original condition immediately, being cut off Green Vine, on the half falls on the ground, immediately takes root, the lower half immediately germinates, in a flash has become two Green Vine. 而这样的伤害,对铺天盖地的先天异种青藤来说,完全是九牛之一毛,根本不算什么。在青藤小姑娘的长生真气支持下,伤的先天异种青藤立刻就恢复了原状,断掉的青藤,上半截落在地上,马上生根,下半截则立刻发芽,转瞬就成了两根青藤 This manifested fearful location of Wood Element cultivator, although they did not have the Fire Type explosive force, without the destructive power of [gold/metal] department, did not have the Earth element defensive power, but had the most abnormal resiliency, so long as cannot kill it, then they will quickly recover such as beginning. Once falls into the seesaw battle, then the person of final victory 80% are Wood Element cultivator. 这就体现出来木系修士的可怕之处了,他们虽然没有火系的爆发力,没有金系的破坏力,也没有土系的防御力,可是却拥有最最变态的恢复力,只要不能一口气打死它,那么他们就会很快复原如初。一旦陷入拉锯战,那么最后胜利的人八成就是木系修士 Facing the so abnormal resiliency, does White Tiger Army Splitting Spear also hit? He can only put together completely whole body strength, breaknecking eruption Qi of Sharp Gold, cutting is away from oneself near Green Vine. 面对如此变态的恢复力,白虎破军枪还怎么打啊?他只能拼尽全身力量,玩命的爆发锐金之气,切割距离自己近的青藤 However such force eruption is obviously unendurable, after merely the less than half double-hour, White Tiger Army Splitting Spear on tired panting, the whole body is the perspiration. Finally Immortal Qi consumes serious him, closed by Green Vine, bundles the steamed rice dumpling. 但是这样的强力爆发显然不能持久,仅仅小半个时辰之后,白虎破军枪就累的气喘吁吁,浑身是汗。最终仙气耗损严重的他,被青藤一拥而上,捆成了粽子。 The small girl not specially are vicious, has not discarded the match like the Seven Souls Kill star thoroughly. But she starts is very ruthless, after White Tiger Army Splitting Spear ties up, directs several XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine, brushes his buttocks maliciously, pulls out, the young miss also while scolded: I called you not to learn, I called you to sneak attack me, I called you so to be again bad!” 小丫头也不算特别狠毒,并没有像七魂杀星一样把对手彻底废掉。可是她下手也挺狠,把白虎破军枪捆住之后,指挥十几根先天异种青藤,狠狠的抽打他的屁股,一边抽,小姑娘还一边骂:“我叫你不学好,我叫你偷袭我,我叫你再这么坏!” In front of these many immortals, one of the solemn Black Tortoise three seats of honor, were hung to spank, this, this may really be too disgraced. The face of White Tiger Army Splitting Spear already bashful red, wished one could to hurry to look for a crack to worm one's way into. 当着这么多仙人的面,堂堂玄武三首席之一,被人吊起来打屁股,这,这可真是太丢人了。白虎破军枪的脸早就羞的通红,都恨不得赶紧找个地缝钻进去。 After the Green Vine one breath pulls out White Tiger Army Splitting Spear was bruised and lacerated, left this foul odor, puts it. Then the referee announced that she wins. Although the White Tiger Army Splitting Spear wound looks scary, may in fact not have what greatly, absolutely is the skin flesh wound, the physique does not have the matter, has Immortal World Elixir, several months can bursting with energy general, may probably be more relaxed than by the person of Song Zhong interruption bone. 青藤一口气把白虎破军枪抽了一个皮开肉绽之后,才算是出了这口恶气,将其放下来。然后裁判才宣布她获胜。虽然白虎破军枪的伤看着吓人,可实际上却没有什么了不起的,完全是皮外伤,筋骨都没有事,有仙界灵药在,几个月就可以生龙活虎一般,比被宋钟打断骨头的人可要轻松多了。 Looks that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear was lifted to apply medicine, Song Zhong cannot bear the curious [say / way]: White Tiger Army Splitting Spear is truly abnormal, Qi of Sharp Gold grasps is profounder than me, the Seven Souls Kill star to he, 80% several will be torn down an armor by Qi of Sharp Gold. Such strong fellow, was played by this Green Vine punches to fall face down, is she who unexpectedly also resembles who? So is why fierce?” 看着白虎破军枪被人抬下去上药,宋钟忍不住好奇的道:“白虎破军枪确实很变态,锐金之气掌握的比我还精深,七魂杀星对上他,八成几下就会被锐金之气拆掉一身铠甲。这么强的家伙,竟然被这个青藤玩也似的揍趴下了,她到底是谁啊?为何如此厉害?” Xiao Xue shows a faint smile saying: If I have not guessed that wrong, she should be Green Vine, from immortal Celestial Emperor disciple. It is said that immortal Celestial Emperor 1 million years ago, the heavenly music obtains a seed of XianTian Green Vine, he was overjoyed at that time, plants it hurriedly, and trains, 1 million years later, it grows into XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine, had the wisdom, in immortal Celestial Emperor proposes, became a different races monster repairs, is now this Green Vine fairy maiden.” 小雪微微一笑道:“如果我没有猜错的话,她应该是青藤,来自长生天帝门下。据说,长生天帝在1000000年前,仙乐得到一颗先天青藤的种子,他当时大喜过望,急忙将其种上,并加以培养,1000000年后,它长成一颗先天异种青藤,同时也拥有了智慧,在长生天帝提点下,成为了一位异类妖修,便是如今这位青藤仙子。” Xiao Xue continues to say afterward: Do not look that her semblance is delicate, may be in fact formidable, when as XianTian heterogeneous Green Vine, she is solid the time should be Pangu is epoch-making, after the birth, then has in five big strong strengths Wood Element immortal nature/wood qi. Because her immortal nature/wood qi is inborn bringing, and there is 1 million years of accumulation, therefore the might and grade are high. Although White Tiger Army Splitting Spear Qi of Sharp Gold restrains her, what a pity is actually Houtian training, in the quality was well below that the Green Vine fairy maiden is vigorous, therefore instead fell the hinayana!” 小雪随后继续说道:“你可别看她外表柔弱,可实际上却非常强大,作为先天异种青藤,她结实的时候应该是盘古开天辟地之时,出生后,便拥有五大超强力量里木系的长生青气。由于她的长生青气是天生自带,并且有1000000年的积淀,所以威力和品级都非常高。白虎破军枪锐金之气虽然克制她,可惜却是后天培养的,在质量上远远不如青藤仙子浑厚,所以反而落了下乘!” So that's how it is!” Song Zhong cannot bear call out in alarm afterward said that perhaps, if, the strength of this Green Vine fairy maiden does not compare that dumb kid and pink clouds is slightly bad!” “原来如此!”宋钟随后忍不住惊呼道,“要是如此说来,这青藤仙子的实力恐怕丝毫不比那个傻小子和彩云稍差呢!” That Earth element dumb kid I could not completely understand that is not good to appraise, but pink clouds fairy maiden, although is fierce, but once to Green Vine fairy maiden, must defeat without doubt!” Xiao Xue affirmative [say / way]. “那个土系的傻小子我看不透,不好评价,但是彩云仙子虽然厉害,可一旦对上青藤仙子的话,必败无疑!”小雪肯定的道。 Em? Why is this?” Song Zhong immediately puzzled [say / way]. “恩?这是为何?”宋钟马上不解的道。 Do not forget, the pink clouds fairy maiden most excels is poisonous, but the Green Vine fairy maiden most excels, actually detoxifies, Wood Element immortal nature/wood qi, but most can exorcise evil spirits to treat. In the attribute, immortal nature/wood qi of Green Vine fairy maiden restrains the pink clouds fairy maiden completely the pink clouds malaria, therefore she must win without doubt.” Xiao Xue has the self-confident [say / way] extremely. “你别忘了,彩云仙子最擅长的便是毒,而青藤仙子最擅长的,其实是解毒,木系长生青气,可是最能辟邪治疗的。在属性上,青藤仙子的长生青气完全克制彩云仙子的彩云瘴气,所以她必胜无疑。”小雪极有自信的道。 Originally is this!” Song Zhong nods, then knits the brows saying that that you said that how if I to Green Vine fairy maiden can?” “原来是这样啊!”宋钟点点头,然后皱眉道,“那你说,我要是对上青藤仙子会如何?” . ..
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