CLC :: Volume #6

#597: White tiger broken armed forces

To Sky Sword hear that, does not have the hesitant nod saying: „!” 冲天剑闻言,丝毫没有犹豫的点头道:“正是!” Ha Ha, is very good, is very good!” Seven Souls Kill star along with, even if has not contained saying with a smile of enmity: „ Such as “哈哈,很好,很好!”七魂杀星随即便没含仇怨的笑道:“如 This mentioned, should you also know that Song Zhong? ” 此说来,你也应该认识那宋钟了?” How is?” Said to Sky Sword disgruntled knitting the brows. “是又如何?”冲天剑不悦的皱眉道。 Is the words, asked you to help me have a few words to him!” Seven Souls Kill star spoke, while personal appearance in a flash, changed into seven person's shadows instantaneously, the cloth has gotten down part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, afterward then said: Present you, are next he!” “是的话,就请你帮我带一句话给他!”七魂杀星一边说话,一边身形一晃,瞬间化为七个人影,布下了天罡北斗七星阵,随后接着道:“现在的你,便是下一个他!” Then, the seven personal appearance of Seven Souls Kill star change into seven to mount the light instantaneously, plunges to Sky Sword fiercely. 说完,七魂杀星的七个身形瞬间化为七道裱光,猛地扑向冲天剑。 Early is prepared sees that to Sky Sword, hurriedly shake-out layer upon layer the Sword Qi resistance, the innumerable [say / way] swords light maliciously chop to the opposite party, submerges the seven deadly sins flowing light of match directly. 早有准备的冲天剑见状,急忙抖出层层剑气抵御,无数道剑光狠狠劈向对方,直接就将对手的七逆流光淹没。 However, at this time, that referee was actually surprised, hurried [say / way]: „ Under remains 然而,就在这个时候,那位裁判却大吃一惊,急忙道:“手下留 Sentiment! ” During the speeches, he washes one's hands to project together Divine Light, protects in front of flushing Sky Sword. 情!”说话间,他抖手射出一道神光,保护在冲天剑面前。 Seven Daoist believers who what a pity, he late one step, the Seven Souls Kill stellate had light, not only penetrated to the sword light that layer upon layer Sky Sword projects, protection Divine Light that even also hastily arranges the referee also shoots through, on soaring to the heavens the sword blade has left behind seven transparent holes! 可惜,他还是晚了一步,七魂杀星射出的七道流光,不仅穿透了冲天剑射出的层层剑光,甚至还将裁判仓促布置起来的防护神光也射穿,在冲天剑身上留下了七个透明的窟窿! Called out pitifully to Sky Sword, then poured in the ground stupor, the whole person suffocated. The referee comes hurriedly the examination, immediately that brow wrinkled. 冲天剑惨叫一声,便倒在地上昏迷过去,整个人都奄奄一息了。裁判急忙过来察看,随即那眉头就皱了起来。 Originally big wants the hole to be destroyed by the strength of Seven Souls Kill star to seven of Sky Sword front all, not only that fearful seven kill the real strength still to destroy is flushing the meridians of Sky Sword. 原来冲天剑胸前的七大要穴尽数被七魂杀星的劲气所摧毁,不仅如此,那可怕的七杀真力还在不停的破坏着冲天剑的经脉。 Although the referee afterward helped him force seven to kill the real strength, to sores in best Elixir, but he actually knows that this injury, almost did not have the medicine to govern, although the life has preserved, but the strength will reduce to the Earth Immortal boundary, how later to practice again, will not recover. In other words, was abandons to Sky Sword thoroughly! 裁判随后虽然帮他逼出了七杀真力,也给伤处上了最好的灵药,但是他却知道,这种伤势,几乎就是无药可治,虽然命是保住了,但是实力会降低到地仙的境界,以后再怎么修炼,也不会复原。也就是说,冲天剑算是彻底废了! Sees this, in the referee heart a regret, the angry quirk, should not the general idea, not should secretly the general idea, if responded earlier that can save him?’ 看到这,裁判心中一阵后悔,暗自恼火道,‘不该大意啊,不该大意,要是早点反应过来,怎么也能救下他啊?’ Actually, reason that the Seven Souls Kill star can break through the protection of referee, completely is because the referee extremely pulls rank, has not thought that will come up to have such bad risk situation, therefore hastily will get rid, the itself strength 1% have not displayed continually. Finally caused to clash the tragedy of Sky Sword. 其实,七魂杀星之所以能够突破裁判的防护,完全是因为裁判太过托大,没想到一上来就会出现这么凶险的情况,所以才会仓促出手,本身实力连1都没有发挥出来。结果就导致了冲天剑的悲剧。 Naturally, if trades individual attack, even if hastily gets rid, the referee can also block, is this Seven Souls Kill star is different, although is Gold Immortal, may in fact have surmounted the majority of Greater Gold Immortal striking power, the referee that also because of so, causes the Primordial Stage Gold Immortal rank is unable to rescue to clash Sky Sword from his hand in a hurry. 当然,要是换个人进攻,哪怕就是仓促出手,裁判也能够挡住,可是这七魂杀星却不一样,虽然是金仙,可实际上已经拥有了超越大部分大罗金仙的攻击力,也正是因为如此,才使得混元金仙级别的裁判都无法在仓促间从他手上救下冲天剑。 Sees to the pitiful condition of Sky Sword, referee is at heart guilty, has given birth to discontented, along with, even if 看到冲天剑的惨状,裁判心里愧疚,也就生出了一股不满,随即便 Stared Seven Souls Kill star one, gets angry: Is practices wushu technique, your why next violent treachery?” 瞪了七魂杀星一眼,怒道:“不过就是演武较技,你何必下次毒手?” Must know that has not preserved in the field the safety of player, is that the dereliction of duty of this referee? This going back, must have must be ridiculed by the colleague, even Jade Emperor will also give birth discontentedly, this is he most annoyed place. 要知道,没有保住场上选手的安全,那就是他这个裁判的失职啊?这次回去,少不了要被同僚嘲笑,甚至玉帝也会生出不满,这才是他最恼火的地方。 However Seven Souls Kill star no matter actually this, he sneers a sound track: Senior, this boy skill does not dare to come up rampantly, dies pities insufficient!” 但是七魂杀星却不管这个,他只是冷笑一声道:“前辈,这小子一点本事没有就敢上来嚣张,死不足惜!” Referee one hear, has almost not irritated, cannot bear scold strolls: He and you said how many words, how could to be rampant? I looked that clearly is you uses one's office to redress personal grievances?” 裁判一听,差点没气死,忍不住骂逛:“他和你不过就说了几句话,何曾嚣张了?我看分明是你公报私仇?” Hey!” The Seven Souls Kill star slightly did not speak, but provocation looked at Song on a stage “嘿嘿!”七魂杀星小而不语,只是挑衅似的看了一眼台上的宋 The clock, then maliciously made one to shear the action of neck. 钟,然后狠狠做了一个割脖子的举动。 Song Zhong sees that is not only not angry, instead he he smiles, then applauds to say loudly: „The Seven Souls Kill star, you may really be our good brothers! Dry good!” 宋钟见状,不仅不生气,反而呵呵一笑,然后大声叫好道:“七魂杀星,你可真是咱的好兄弟啊!干的好!” The Seven Souls Kill star had gawked at that time, the heart said that I the companion of this fellow abandoning, is he so how happy? 七魂杀星当时就愣了,心说,我把这家伙的同伴给废了,怎么他还这么高兴啊? Song Zhong a few words have then solved his doubts, only listens to Song Zhong saying: I and that idiot have bitter hatred, was only a pity that with is God of Fire Heaven disciple, wants to punch him unable to find the excuse! Has not thought that your friend helped me but actually, was really too thanks! Another day will ask you to drink!” 宋钟接着一句话就解开了他的疑惑,只听宋钟道:“我和那白痴有深仇大恨,只可惜同为祝融天门下,想揍他都找不到借口啊!没想到你老兄倒帮了我的忙,真是太感谢了!改天请你喝酒啊!” The Seven Souls Kill star hears this saying almost not to irritate, is angry he to stamp the feet maliciously, cannot bear to the ground to Sky Sword with saying: „Didn't your this damn fool, how early mediate him to have a grudge?” 七魂杀星听闻这话差点没气死,恼得他狠狠一跺脚,忍不住对地上的冲天剑与道:“你这该死的笨蛋,怎么不早说和他有仇啊?” To revenge for the colleague obviously, instead helped the personal enemy solve a trouble. Does this make the Seven Souls Kill star feel sad? 明明是想替同僚报仇,反而帮着仇人解决了一个麻烦。这让七魂杀星情何以堪? Saw his appearance of lamentation, the referee also to feel better at heart, could not bear sneer, said: Gets what one deserves!” 看见他那副悔恨的模样,裁判心里也好过了很多,忍不住冷笑一声,道:“活该!” Seven Souls Kill star hear that, was more annoyed. If changes individual here, he will be perhaps straight 七魂杀星闻言,更恼火了。要是换个人在这里,他说不定都会直 Meets to punch the person, was only a pity that referee is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, he does not dare to move, can only pent up anger there! 接揍人,只可惜裁判是混元金仙,他才没敢动,只能在那里生闷气! Subsequently the referee then announced that the Seven Souls Kill star wins, sent him. But God of Fire Heaven also flushing Sky Sword lifting. 随后裁判便宣布七魂杀星获胜,把他打发走了。而祝融天的也把冲天剑给抬了回来。 Sees his fearful injury, the fire virtue enlightened emperors to heave a sigh, [say / way]: „Is this why? Is this why? Doesn't listen to advice good?” 看见他那一身可怕的伤势,火德圣君是唉声叹气,一个劲的道:“这是何必?这是何必啊?听劝不行吗?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is at heart was quite naturally happy that after all this clashes Sky Sword is the apprentice of sworn enemy Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist most treasure, he discarded, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist does not know that will love dearly! 烈火真君自然是心里极为高兴,毕竟这冲天剑是死对头裂天真君最宝贝的徒弟,他废掉了,裂天真君不知道会多么心疼呢! Naturally, in this situation, he definitely does not dare to reveal appearance that takes pleasure in others'misfortunes, therefore can only suppress the happy expression, is pretending anything not to know at the same time. 当然,在这个场合下,他肯定不敢表露出幸灾乐祸的模样,所以只能强忍住喜色,在一边装作什么都不知道的。 ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 Song Zhong does not care about this actually, maliciously after happy, this receives the happy expression, then curious asked that Xiao Xue said: Xiao Xue, is this Seven Souls Kill star very probably strange? Why does he have that strong striking power? Broke including the protection of Primordial Stage Gold Immortal? Must know, although that is in a hurry arrangement protection Divine Light, but is Greater Gold Immortal of commonplace not necessarily able to break?” 倒是宋钟不在乎这个,狠狠乐了一顿之后,这才收起喜色,然后好奇的问小雪道:“小雪,这七魂杀星好像很奇怪啊?凭什么他有那么强的攻击力?连混元金仙的防护都打破了?要知道,虽然那是仓促间布置的保护神光,可等闲的大罗金仙都未必能打破呢?” He He, this is because you do not know the Seven Souls Kill star the origin!” Xiao Xue shows a faint smile, opens “呵呵,这是因为你不知道七魂杀星的来历!”小雪微微一笑,开 The beginning explained for Song Qian. 始为宋钤解释起来。 Originally, this Seven Souls Kill star unexpectedly is very special existence. Initially, they are actually seven people, composed one part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, worked for in Big Dipper Squad. 原来,这七魂杀星竟然是一种非常特殊的存在。当初,他们其实是七个人,组成一个天罡北斗七星阵,在七杀军中效力。 However once, a member keeps off the blade for the ally, the body dies in the battlefield . Moreover the Primordial Spirit injury is also very serious, can only insist reluctantly a small meeting, then wants the flying ash annihilation. 但是有一次,其中一个成员为战友挡刀,身体死在战场上,而且元神的伤势也很重,只能勉强坚持一小会,然后就要飞灰湮灭。 At this time, under the rescued immortal was moved, received in this Primordial Spirit own body, wanted him to seize the shed rebirth, own Primordial Spirit looked for the body in addition. But that is in the battlefield, suddenly where has the appropriate body? 这时候,被救的仙人感动之下,就把这元神收入自己的身体里,要他夺舍重生,自己的元神另去找身体。但那是在战场上,一时间哪有合适的身体啊? Therefore injured Primordial Spirit lets this ally and he temporarily public Primordial Spirit. After the result fights, two people suddenly discovered that Primordial Spirit does not know 所以受伤的元神就让这位战友和他暂时公用一个元神。结果一战过后,两个人忽然发现,元神不知 Does not see to pester in together, was hard to separate. 不见间纠缠在一起,难以分开了。 They therefore simply no longer demand, two Primordial Spirit public this bodies. Finally in afterward fight and practice, discovered that like this has the huge advantage, the speed of practice is equal to the sum totals of two people, moreover fights time can simultaneously use two magic arts. What is most abnormal, two Primordial Spirit built up to melt an armor to make this Natal Artifact respectively, after checking, has become two people, can display their battle efficiency. 他们于是索性就不再强求,两个元神公用这一个身体。结果在后来的战斗和修炼中,发现这样有着巨大的好处,修炼的速度等于两个人的总和,而且战斗的时候可以同时施展两种道法。最变态的是,两个元神各自炼化了一件铠甲做本命法宝,寄存进去之后,就成了两个人,可以发挥出两人的战斗力。 Afterward, the other people of this squad also died in battle in the intense fight, only left behind Primordial Spirit, but then conditions did not allow their Primordial Spirit to be protected well. Therefore their several people simply completely with using a body, has become the present Seven Souls Kill star. 后来,这个小队的其他人也在激烈的战斗里战死了,只留下元神,而当时的条体又不允许他们的元神好好被保护下来。于是他们几个人索性就全部同用一个身体,就成了现在的七魂杀星。 Although this Seven Souls Kill star is a person, has seven independent Primordial Spirit. Their facts passed to the ear of Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor, to commend their war friendship, Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor has built seven sets of big dipper Big Dipper armor to them personally, is joined to one to each Primordial Spirit. Then, they can control seven armor, fought like seven people. And can also combine part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, the might is powerful. 这位七魂杀星虽然是一个人,却拥有七个各自独立的元神。他们的事迹传到了玄武天帝的耳朵里,为了表彰他们的战友情,玄武天帝亲自给他们打造了七套北斗七星铠,给每个元神配上一件。如此一来,他们就可以操控七副铠甲,像七个人一样战斗了。并且还能够组合成天罡北斗七星阵,威力非常强大。 These seven Primordial Spirit, each has the Gold Immortal peak strength, after combining part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, can display more formidable battle efficiency, even is victorious several Gold Immortal peak immortals. Also because of so, him became in Big Dipper Squad, Gold Immortal first-level seat of honor. Participates in Martial Arts Convention on behalf of Big Dipper Squad. 这七个元神,每一个都有金仙巅峰的实力,组合成天罡北斗七星阵之后,更是可以发挥出更为强大的战斗力,甚至都打得过十几个金仙巅峰的仙人。也正是因为如此,他才成为了七杀军里,金仙一级的首席。代表七杀军参加演武大会 After Song Zhong hear the story of Seven Souls Kill star, could not bear hold breath a cold air/Qi, the forced smile said: „A person has seven Gold Immortal peak Primordial Spirit, but can also the coordination with each other, arrange part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper? Was this fellow rather too also abnormal? No wonder continually mixes - can the protection of Yuan Gold Immortal hasty arrangement defeat? Then defeats to Sky Sword in his hand, is not seriously undeserved!” 宋钟听完七魂杀星的故事后,忍不住倒吸了一口冷气,苦笑道:“一个人拥有七个金仙巅峰的元神,还能相互配合,布置天罡北斗七星阵?这家伙也未免太变态了吧?难怪连混-元金仙仓促布置的防护都能击破呢?那冲天剑败在他手上,当真是一点不冤枉!” He He!” Xiao Xue hear that, actually shows a faint smile, said: „The Seven Souls Kill star is no doubt fierce is not anything, at least in the Black Tortoise Armed forces three seats of honor, he most also on platoon to third!” “呵呵!”小雪闻言,却微微一笑,道:“七魂杀星固然厉害可是也不算什么,至少在玄武军三个首席里,他最多也就排到第三名而已!” What? The Seven Souls Kill star was so abnormal, merely is the setting the base goods?” Song Zhong “什么?七魂杀星这么变态了,也才仅仅是垫底的货色?”宋钟 Cannot bear the shocking [say / way]: That Black Tortoise Armed forces who first and is second? Abnormal?” 忍不住震惊的道:“那玄武军的第一和第二是谁?有多变态啊?” First has not come out, should in the next round. As for this second?” Xiao Xue shows a faint smile, then stretches out a finger finger of front, said with a smile: „Do you have a look at that white robust man? He is the second seat of honor of Black Tortoise Armed forces, White Tiger Army Splitting Spear!” “第一还没有出来,应该在下一轮。至于这第二吗?”小雪微微一笑,然后伸出手指一指前方,笑道:“你看看那个白色的壮汉没有?他就是玄武军的第二个首席,白虎破军枪!” Song Zhong hear that, one looked toward that side hurriedly that really sees tall and powerfully built, a silver military might heavy armor robust man, but his match, is one looks at Lei \;! The year is less than green clothes young miss. 宋钟闻言,急忙往那边一看,果然看见一个身材魁梧,一身银色威武重甲的壮汉,而他的对手,则是一个看起耒\;!岁不到的绿衣小姑娘。 Two people knew obviously that for a long time, the speed quickly had ended to Sky Sword and fire virtue Star Lord, but these two link the hand not to move. 两个人显然认识,这么长时间了,速度快的冲天剑和火德星君都已经结束,可这两人连手还没有动。 Only listens to saying with a smile that guy flatters: „ Sister Green Vine, does not see for a long time, you fortunately 只听那位大汉略带讨好的笑道:“青藤师姐,许久不见,您还好 ? ” 吧?” Em!” That the young miss who called Green Vine nods, indifferent [say / way]: I fortunately!” “恩!”那位叫青藤的小姑娘点点头,无所谓的道:“我还好!” „! That is good!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear then again said that today's weather is really good!” “啊!那就好!”白虎破军枪然后再次道,“今天天气真好!” Jade Emperor Heaven always has the fine weather!” The Green Vine young miss unhurriedly [say / way]. 玉皇天总是有好天气!”青藤小姑娘不慌不忙的道。 Yes, yes! Ha Ha, did I forget?” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear flexure the scalp was saying. “是啊,是啊!哈哈,我都忘记了呢?”白虎破军枪挠着头皮道。 Finally, White Tiger Army Splitting Spear inferior talk skill has made Green Vine some impatient, she white White Tiger Army Splitting Spear, said: ” Good, you and I said had rubbish of less than half double-hour quickly, although can the time of immortal was not valuable, ask you such do not waste? ” 终于,白虎破军枪低劣的谈话技巧已经让青藤有些不耐烦了,她白了白虎破军枪一眼,道:”好啦,你和我已经说了快有小半个时辰的废话了,虽然仙人的时间不值钱,可拜托你也不要这么浪费好么?” Yes, yes, yes!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear hurries to nod saying: „ Or, we open “是,是,是!”白虎破军枪赶紧点头道:“那要不,咱们开 Beginning? ” 始?” Good!” Green Vine nods saying that I momentarily wait for you to attack!” “好!”青藤点点头道,“我随时等你进攻!” Oh, isn't this good? How do I give up the initiative heavy hand to destroy flower?” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear is awkward “哎呀,这不好吧?我怎么舍得主动辣手摧花?”白虎破军枪为难 [Say / Way]. 的道。 Is this?” Green Vine helpless forced smile, then said: „ Or you prepare “是这样啊?”青藤无奈的苦笑一声,然后道:“那要不你准备 Good, I attack! ” 好,我来进攻!” Does not want!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear actually hurries saying: „ Female apprentice, everybody is a person on one's own side, hits “不要!”白虎破军枪却赶紧道:“师姐,大家都是自己人,打打 Aren't many of killing good? ” 杀杀的多不好啊?” Green Vine by this wordy White Tiger Army Splitting Spear was made soon collapsed directly, she could not bear call out: Oh, you do not begin, does not make me begin, are you how is it?” 青藤被这罗嗦至极的白虎破军枪弄得直接快要崩溃了,她忍不住叫道:“天哪,你不动手,也不让我动手,那你到底想怎么样?” Female apprentice, you look!” [Say / Way] that White Tiger Army Splitting Spear did best to convince at this time suddenly: I am a talent extraordinary white tiger, very young time grasped the strong [gold/metal] is strength Qi of Sharp Gold. But you are Green Vine, belongs to Wood Element. Everyone knows, in Five Elements Jin Kemu? Obviously you were restrained by me inborn, completely isn't my match? Such being the case, you why must fight to the finish with me, have injured each other friendly? In my opinion, was inferior that the female apprentice you did hurry to admit defeat?” “师姐,你看!”白虎破军枪这时忽然苦口婆心的道:“我是一只天赋超绝的白虎,很年轻的时候就掌握了超强金系力量锐金之气。而你是一根青藤,属于木系。谁都知道,五行之中金克木啊?可见你天生被我克制,完全不是我的对手?既然如此,你又何必非要跟我一决雌雄,伤了彼此的和气呢?依我看,不如,师姐你就赶紧认输了吧?” After Green Vine hear this saying, shows the whites of the eyes directly, cannot bear ridicule saying: Small white tiger small white tiger, I only think that on you thick-skinnedness, actually does not know the skin on your face to be thicker! Probably you had forgotten we fight these many times, you absolutely one time does not have Ying Guoye!” 青藤听完这话之后,直接一翻白眼,忍不住笑骂道:“小白虎啊小白虎,我只以为你身上的皮厚,却不知道你脸上的皮更厚!好像你忘记了咱们交手这么多次,你根本一次都没有嬴过耶!” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear one hear of this saying, shameless immediately one red, argued hurriedly: I that was letting you before, now is different, was this Martial Arts Convention? I must be earnest, if I get angry, for a while let slip you give to injure, can that not know what to do?” 白虎破军枪一听这话,老脸顿时一红,急忙辩解道:“我以前那是让着你,现在不一样了,这是演武大会啊?我必须认真的,要是我真发起怒来,一时失手把你给伤了,那可如何是好啊?” Your few idle talk!” Green Vine by White Tiger Army Splitting Spear was made finally is impatient, she maliciously “你少废话!”青藤终于被白虎破军枪弄得不耐烦了,她狠狠的 Scolded: Must hit a bit faster, does not hit hurries itself to admit defeat to leave office!” 骂道:“要打就快点,不打就赶紧自己认输下台!” How I possibly admit defeat, the person of admitting defeat should be you are right!” White tiger broken armed forces exam was saying, pulls out a golden long spear conveniently, is pointing at Green Vine with the lance point, said: I give you finally again an opportunity, do you admit defeat?” “我怎么可能认输,认输的人应该是你才对!”白虎破军检说着,随手掏出一杆金色的长枪,然后用枪尖指着青藤,道:“我最后再给你一次机会,你到底认输不认输?” Does not admit defeat!” Green Vine [say / way] without hesitation. “不认输!”青藤毫不犹豫的道。 Doesn't admit defeat really?” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear asked again. “真不认输?”白虎破军枪再次问道。 Does not admit defeat really!” The Green Vine anger said. “真不认输!”青藤怒道。 „Can I begin?” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear said again. “那我可动手啦?”白虎破军枪再次道。 Begins!” Green Vine lets somebody cool off or calm down square to say. “动手吧!”青藤冷冷格道。 My this time really begins?” White Tiger Army Splitting Spear said again. “我这次可是真动手啦?”白虎破军枪再次道。 Green Vine was mad by him results in the face to be green, stamps the feet maliciously, obloquies saying that „ damn, you 青藤被他气得脸都绿了,狠狠一跺脚,大骂道,“该死的,你到 Does the bottom have not to end? ” 底有完没完啊?” However, when Green Vine roars, White Tiger Army Splitting Spear actually while opposite party flaw, started the charge that keeps silent directly, the golden long spear from the sky leaves behind together the remnant shade, throat of sharp lance point straight thrust Green Vine! 然而,就在青藤怒吼的时候,白虎破军枪却趁着对方这个破绽,直接闷声不响的就发动了冲锋,金色的长枪在空中留下一道残影,犀利的枪尖直刺青藤的咽喉! Originally, the White Tiger Army Splitting Spear front idle talk is the camouflage, the goal is for this nearly sneak attack snatches. 原来,白虎破军枪前面的废话都是障眼法,目的就是为了这近乎偷袭的一抢。
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