CLC :: Volume #6

#596: Seven the souls kill the star

His body is decadent, on the fist also wraps the yellow luminescence. Generally speaking, Water type is the black or the blue color, the green also has, but the yellow is extremely scarce, is the corrosive poisonous water. But the yellow is the color of Earth element and [gold/metal] department. Looks at the yellow luminescence on his fist is not the ray of metal, obviously he is not [gold/metal] Xi, but is Earth element!” Xiao Xue knits the brows: This fellow tidies up the hot Qilin completely with playing to be the same, has not put forth the real skill, obviously the real strength is immeasurably deep, I thought that he compares that pink clouds miasma also to want the dangerous many, you may probably be careful!” “他的身体是黄色的,拳头上也包裹黄光。一般来说,水系是黑色或者蓝色,绿色也有,但是黄色极其稀少,都是腐蚀性的毒水。而黄色是土系和金系的颜色。看他拳头上的黄光并不是金属的光芒,可见他并非金系而是土系!”小雪皱眉道:“这家伙收拾火麒麟完全就和玩一样,根本就没有使出真本事,可见真实实力深不可测,我觉得,他比那位彩云瘴还要危险的多,你可要小心了!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear smile bitterly a sound track: Some of my regrets came to here suddenly. The pink clouds miasma sufficed to dislike, finally presented the dumb kid who did not know the details. These two people I do not have many stratagem which ensures success merely, but they merely are start. In the seat of honor of following 3 z sending, almost each is the thorny roles, has not known that passes many conceal. Dragon Wohu!” 宋钟闻言,忍不住苦笑一声道:“我突然有些后悔来这里了。彩云瘴就够讨厌了,结果又出现一个不知道底细的傻小子。仅仅这两个人我就没有多少胜算,可他们才仅仅是开始而已。后面的3z个报送的首席里,几乎各个都是棘手的角色,还不知通有多少藏.龙卧虎呢!” In the following seat of honor definitely also has the master, but looks at present these two, inevitably is your powerful enemy, I estimated that your winning percentage will reduce further. If you have the confidence to win, we bought your plate mouth at this time, will gain one greatly!” Xiao Xue suddenly grinning [say / way]: How is it? Others want to take to bet the dowry, do you think to be able Ying?” “后面的首席里肯定还有高手,但是就看眼前这两个,就必然是你的劲敌,我估计,你的胜率会进一步降低。如果你还有信心获胜的话,我们这个时候买你的盘口,会大赚一把!”小雪忽然笑嘻嘻的道:“怎么样?人家想把嫁妆拿出来赌了,你觉得能嬴么?” This Song Zhong looked at the Xiao Xue fine cheek, then smiles bitterly saying: I do not know that the pink clouds also had that dumb kid too to be mystical extravagantly, no one has revealed the real skill. If really with them to, I most has 60% stratagem which ensures success?” “这个”宋钟看了看小雪精致的脸蛋,然后苦笑道:“我不知道,彩云奢还有那个傻小子都太神秘了,谁也没有露出真本事。真要是和他们对上,我最多只有六成胜算吧?” 60%? Many!” Xiao Xue said that „, but, is insufficiently many, I look temporarily “六成吗?不少了!”小雪道,“不过,还是不够多,我暂时看 Looked says again! ” 看再说吧!” ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 In following one month, the elimination series of Gold Immortal rank eventually ended. This a series of competition can be called is colorful, making People that observes shout satisfies a craving. Song Zhong benefits greatly. 接下来的一个多月里,金仙级别的淘汰赛终于结束了。这一连串的比试都可以称得上是精彩纷呈,让来观战的人大呼过瘾。宋钟更是从中受益匪浅。 In this intense competition, emerged one group of masters, was most abnormal, naturally was pulls out that dumb kid and colored clothing female. What dumb kids is the defense is invincible, who no matter the match is, with any move, takes his means not to have, regardless of the sword and spear sword halberd, the axe yue hook fork, is various Magical Artifact, the Taoist skill, does not have same to other party to become the injury. 在这激烈的比试中,涌现出了一堆的高手,其中最为变态的,自然就是拔那个傻小子和彩衣女子。傻小子的是防御无敌,不管对手是谁,用什么招数,都拿他一点办法都没有,无论刀枪剑戟,斧钺钩叉,还是各种法宝,道术,就没有一样能够对他造成伤害的。 In match who he meets, has to use Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Great Sun Colored Glass True Fire, as well as Ninth Grade Immortal Tool immortal. But these many people, these many lethality abnormal Taoist skills, not same - can make him receive, even if injures little! 他遇见的对手中,就有使用炫疾天火,大日琉璃真火,以及九品仙器的仙人。可是这么多人,这么多杀伤力变态的道术,就没有一样-能够让他受到哪怕一点点伤害! This dumb kid always after the opposite party puts forth the complete skill, a fist defeats it. So far, does not have a defeat. 这傻小子总是在对方使出全部本事之后,一拳将其击败。到目前为止,无一败绩。 Depends upon this may be called the magnificent success, dumb kid not only Ying resulted in has not gone bad the Guardian Deity reputation, had 30% winning percentage in the gambling establishment at one fell swoop, has held on to the second position in a hierarchy. 依靠这堪称辉煌的战绩,傻小子不仅嬴得了不坏金刚的美誉,更是在赌场上一举拥有了三成的胜率,坐稳了第二把交椅。 As for the colored clothing female, refuses to admit being inferior, the style of rao and dumb kid is clearly opposite. The dumb kid defends the anomaly, but she is the attack is sharp, so far, nobody can block her pink clouds to strike, even protects the immortal of body with Qi of Mother Earth, planted in her hand. One similarly after the success of total victory obtains 64 strong quotas, this makes good use of the female of pink clouds miasma with obtaining the reputation of pink clouds immortal, had 25% winning percentage in the gambling establishment, is next to that defense invincible dumb kid. 至于彩衣女子,也不甘示弱,娆和傻小子的风格截然相反。傻小子是防御变态,而她则是进攻犀利,到目前为止,就没有谁能够挡住她彩云一击,甚至有一位用后土之气护体的仙人,都栽到了她的手上。一同样以全胜的战绩取得64强的名额之后,这位善用彩云瘴的女与获得了彩云仙的美誉,同时也在赌场里拥有了2成半的胜率,仅次于那位防御无敌的傻小子。 Receives these two abnormal threats, crest of wave vigor Song Zhong no longer is also favored by all people, the winning percentage was reduced 35%. Although as before is first, but with the second disparity, actually becomes very small. 受到这两个变态的威胁,风头正劲的宋钟也不再被所有人看好,胜率被降低到了三成半。虽然依旧是第一名,但是和第二的差距,却变得非常小。 ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 Finally, under ten thousand audiences hope, the elimination series is held, the 64 strong quotas of freshly drawing a charge appeared. Except that outside the seat of honor of 3 z sending, is 3 z the immortal who fights with all might from below 终于,在万众期盼之下,淘汰赛进行完毕,新鲜出炉的64强名额都出现了。除去3z个报送的首席之外,便是3z个从下面拼杀出来的仙人 And what is seperately accidental, of Sky Splitting Sword sect is also in which to Sky Sword. Although in God of Fire Heaven, he under the kind teacher Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist pressure, is forced to admit defeat to Song Zhong, but he had won the first ten positions at that time, has the qualifications to come to here as before. 其中另外意外的是,裂天剑宗的那位冲天剑也名列其中。虽然在祝融天的时候,他在恩师裂天真君的压力下,一被迫对宋钟认输,可是那时候他已经取得了前十的名次,依旧有资格来这里。 Just, looks like in Song Zhong, is not very strong to the strength of Sky Sword, most also wins compared with Big Dipper Squad these good-for-nothing fever plans, should be very difficult to advance to first 64. However who knows that this boy luck surpasses, in overcame one difficulty after another unexpectedly, kills 64 to be strong. 只不过,在宋钟看来,冲天剑的实力不算很强,最多也就比七杀军那些废柴烧胜一筹,应该很难进入前64强的。但是谁知道这小子运气超好,竟然一路过关斩将,杀到了64强里。 Afterward Song Zhong inquired knows, originally, arranged in the match who gave beforehand, 2-3 were Black Tortoise Great Emperor subordinates, but these people, were all punched to fall face down by Song Zhong, was expelled by Jade Emperor, has deprived the qualifications to compete. 后来宋钟一打听才知道,原来,事先安排给的对手里,有两三个都是玄武大帝麾下,而这些人,全都被宋钟揍趴下,又被玉帝赶走,取消了比赛资格。 Thereupon, has hit merely to Sky Sword two, has won two mixed fish, valiant spirited was promoted! 于是乎,冲天剑仅仅就打了两场,赢了两只杂鱼,就雄赳赳气昂昂的晋级了! This may make Song Zhong soon while still alive depressed, gathers like mad to hit, is equal to 这可让宋钟快要活活郁闷死了,合着自己拼死拼活打一场,等于是 The boy leads the way! 那小子开路呢! Has saying that this clashes the luck of Sky Sword also is really good to arrive to explode, the number that the match forfeits, compares the number of fighting more than him. In comparison, the God of Fire Heaven another seeded player Feng Mingxiao luck had bad luck thoroughly, first also calculated, depended upon Red Lotus Karmic Fire to take easily. Second met match, after struggling hard, reluctantly wins. 不得不说,这冲天剑的运气也真是好到爆,对手弃权的场次,比他比斗的场次都多。相比之下,祝融天另外一位种子选手凤鸣宵的运气就倒霉透了,第一场还算可以,依靠红莲业火轻易拿下。第二场就遇见了对手,苦战之后才勉强胜利。 Finally to third, has met directly that dumb kid. Red Lotus Karmic Fire quickly spat not to have, has not burnt down others root hair. That dumb kid is also shows tender affection luckily, has not begun to punch her, but urged her to get down. Feng Mingxiao has then exempted the shame, was perfect drawing back went to the arena. 结果到了第三场,直接就碰见那傻小子。红莲业火都快吐没了,也没有烧掉人家一根毛。幸好那傻小子还算是怜香惜玉,没有动手揍她,只是劝她自己下去。凤鸣宵这才免去了羞辱,算是完好无损的退下了擂台。 But this to supercilious Feng Mingxiao, as before is not a small attack. 可是这对心高气傲的凤鸣宵来说,依旧是个不小的打击。 In the past she was the God of Fire Heaven seat of honor, can advance to 64 easily. This year is booing, the chief position had been snatched by Song Qian, the elimination series hit three three to be inspired to be eliminated, has been promoted to Sky Sword including her defeated, she actually can only push the match low-spirited, can this make her feel sad? 往年她都是祝融天的首席,轻易就可以进入64强。今年倒好,首席的位置被宋钤抢去了,淘汰赛才打了三场就被三振出局,连她的手下败将冲天剑都晋级了,她却只能黯然推赛,这可让她情何以堪啊? Compares the depression of Feng Mingxiao, to Sky Sword is actually put on a high and mighty act, wants in the following competition, gives full play. However this boy has not actually thought that the first round competition has not started, he meets the matter that has made him almost irritate. 相比凤鸣宵的郁闷,冲天剑却是趾高气昂,想要在下面的比试中,大显身手。但是这小子却万万没有想到,第一轮比赛还没有开始,他就遇见了一件让他差点气死的事。 Originally, this 64 strong competitions, that eliminates by the field, after the ballot decides the match, wins is promoted, loses gets the hell out. Such population brandish every time reduces half, 64 change 3 z , 3 z changes 16,6 changes 8,8 changes 4,4 changes 2, finally is the finals of two people. 原来,这64强的比赛,那就是逐场淘汰,抽签决定对手后,打赢就晋级,打输就滚蛋。这样人数每抡都减少一半,64变3z,3z变16,6变8,8变4,4变2,最后就是两个人的决赛。 The result used the good luck to Sky Sword probably cleanly, the luck at games of chance of this ballot was really not really good, pulled out Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces chief one unexpectedly, Seven Souls Kill star! 结果冲天剑好像把好运都用干净了,这次抽签的手气真真不好,竟然抽到了玄武三强军的首席之一,七魂杀星! Has not been serious to Sky Sword, his present confidence rises suddenly, always thinks one had the ability and world outstanding heroes has fought to the finish, therefore still in essence', c prepared, prepared to destroy completely the opposite party! 冲天剑没有当回事,他现在信心暴涨,总以为自己有能力和天下群雄一决雌雄了,所以还在精',c备战,准备灭掉对方呢! However fire virtue does Star Lord understand the matter? He heard that to the match of Sky Sword is the Seven Souls Kill star, hurried flushing Sky Sword calls the past, making him advocate - moved admits defeat, so as to avoid the regret was life-long! 但是火德星君明白事啊?他一听说冲天剑的对手是七魂杀星,就赶紧把冲天剑叫过去,让他主-动认输,免得遗憾终生! Fire virtue Star Lord this may really be to clash Sky Sword is good, he knows that this Seven Souls Kill star takes the Big Dipper Squad seat of honor, the strength super anomaly, tidies up with playing to be the same to Sky Sword. If usually but actually does not matter, lost, the opposite party will not go too far. After all God of Fire Heaven supplies the rear service of Black Tortoise Armed forces, they will give several points of face. 火德星君这可真是为了冲天剑好,他知道这七魂杀星作为七杀军的首席,实力超级变态,收拾冲天剑就和玩一样。要是平时倒也无所谓,输了,对方也不会太过分。毕竟祝融天供应玄武军的后勤,他们怎么也会给几分面子。 This time is not but good, that Song Zhong one breath punches to fall face down the soldiers of 18 Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, but also harms remaining several brings ruin and shame upon oneself, by match penalty. Shamelessly lost including General Shé cleanly, did not have the face to participate in Martial Arts Convention dull here. 可是这次不行啊,那宋钟一口气揍趴下18个玄武三强军的战士,还把剩下几个也害得身败名裂,被取消比赛资格。连蛇将军都把老脸丢干净了,以至于都没有脸呆在这里参加演武大会 Is this big enmity? It can be imagined, the Seven Souls Kill magnitude three Black Tortoise Armed forces remaining seats of honor, will hate the God of Fire Heaven person! If this asked him to meet to Sky Sword, that hasn't punched? 这是多大的仇啊?可想而知,七魂杀星等三位玄武军剩下的首席,会多么憎恨祝融天的人!这要是叫他碰见冲天剑,那还不往死里揍啊? Although said that Martial Arts Convention late referee, is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal holds the post, is considering the abnormal places of these talents, is impossible to protect them completely. In the past years reason wound lethal, the immortal who crippled may no longer minority. 虽然说演武大会后期的裁判,都是混元金仙来担任,可是鉴于这些天才的变态之处,也不可能完全护住他们。历年来因伤致死,致残的仙人可不再少数。 To Sky Sword is the disciple who Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist most loves, but Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is the fire virtue Star Lord disciple efficient assistant. Under loves it and everything that comes along with it, fire virtue Star Lord naturally does not hope that was given to discard by others to Sky Sword, therefore bitter woman j 冲天剑乃是裂天真君最为疼爱的弟子,而裂天真君又是火德星君门下得力的助手。爱屋及乌之下,火德星君自然不希望冲天剑被人家给废掉,所以才苦口婆j
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