CLC :: Volume #6

#595: Masters like saying

Saves 595 masters like clouds.'... 存595节高手如云.'… Comes this to participate in Martial Arts Convention Gold Immortal, fully several hundred people, only then the chief disciples of 32 each big influences, can directly advance to first 64. The remaining people, must attend the invitational meet first, can strive for the qualifications of participation first 64 tournaments. 来此参加演武大会金仙,足有好几百人,其中,只有32个各个大势力的首席弟子,才可以直接进入前64强。剩下的人,必须先参加预选赛,才能争取到参加前64名排位赛的资格。 These several hundred Gold Immortal, come from each Immortal World influence, but also has the extra-superior master who the folk presents. Although, as a whole, has inheritance big influence disciple, the strength on plans to continue compared with the folk master. However, Master Men inheritance, has limited the creativities of these big school disciple talent disciples. 这数百金仙,多数来自各个仙界的势力,但是也有民间出现的超一流高手。虽说,总体上,有传承的大势力门下,实力比民间高手强上一筹不止。但是,师门的传承,也限制了这些大门派门下天才弟子的创造力。 In this case , the disciple progress of big influence disciple is no doubt amazingly quick, but can achieve extremely the rank truly, becomes one generation of masters of great learning and integrity, creates the style, the person who for later generation beginning, are few! Such person, often in folk master. 在这种情况下之下,大势力门下的弟子固然进步神速,可是真正能够达到绝顶级别,成一代宗师,创一路风格,为后世先河的人,却非常少!这样的人,往往都是在民间高手里。 In fact, can see according to the statistics of all previous Martial Arts Convention, although the old times player was disciple of big influence is in the majority, but can smile the arrogant outstanding heroes truly, the extra-superior master who won the champion, 80% were actually taken away by these folk disciples. 事实上,根据历代演武大会的统计就可以看出,往年的参赛选手虽然是大势力的门下居多,但是真正能够笑傲群雄,勇夺冠军的超一流高手,却有八成被这些民间弟子夺去了。 This is also Imperial Court conducts the Martial Arts Convention goal, that then discovers these peerless masters, absorbs own influence. 这也是天庭举办演武大会的目的,那便是找出这些绝世高手,吸收进自己的势力。 However, can become extremely the person of master, the lofty character, easily will not comply to sell into servitude thoroughly. However at least they and Imperial Court relations, because this congress becomes harmonious, even if will have the matter in the future, everybody can also discuss well. After all has a substantial number of talents to want, for a better condition joins Imperial Court. But these people in the future often have become the Imperial Court a person of great ability and tremendous potential. Conducting Martial Arts Convention that therefore Imperial Court spares no effort, and gradually intensifies the reward effort, in order to attracts more peerless talents. 不过,能够成为绝顶高手的人,都有一身傲骨,轻易不会答应彻底卖身。但是至少他们和天庭的关系,会因为这次大会变得融洽起来,就算是日后有事,大家也可以好好商量。况且,毕竟还是有为数不少的天才愿意为了更好的条件加入天庭的。而这些人日后往往都成了天庭的栋梁之才。所以天庭才不遗余力的举办演武大会,并且逐渐加大奖励力度,以求吸引更多的绝世天才。 But this time, the reward of Imperial Court were more than before, even supplemented a title of mountain Great Emperor. This is not a brevet rank, but the solid real power government position, is equal to world kingdom border pass troop commander, the subordinates little said that also over 100,000 celestial troops and generals, controls at least 1 million li (0.5km) surrounding area boundary. Specifically how, this must look is sealed where! 而这一次,天庭的奖励比以前更多,甚至追加了一个山岳大帝的头衔。这可不是一个虚衔,而是实实在在的实权官职,相当于人间王国的边关总兵一职,麾下少说也有100000以上的天兵天将,掌控至少1000000里方圆的地界。具体如何,这就要看被封在哪里了! In addition the random three treasures in Celestial Emperor treasure house, are make the person be jealous, can say, so long as wins the championship, that is equal to reaching the sky in a single bound! Especially after being sealed / the mountain Great Emperor, where all practice resources were controlled by him, to the promotion of itself strength does not know that must have many help, and can also open the tooth to construct the palace, has own legitimate influence! 再加上天帝宝库里的任意三件宝物,更是让人眼红,可以说只要夺冠,那就等于是一步登天啊!尤其是被封÷山岳大帝之后,哪里所有的修炼资源就都被他所掌控,对本身实力的提升不知道要有多少帮助,并且还能够开牙建府,拥有属于自己的合法势力! So enticement, let alone the folk master, many big influences could not sit still, has sent out the outstanding disciple in abundance, in remote mountain Solo-Cultivation many years of Gold Immortal, acts as soon as one gets the news. 如此诱惑,别说民间高手了,就连许许多多的大势力都坐不住了,纷纷派出了杰出弟子,很多在深山苦修多年的金仙,也闻风而动。 Song Zhong these days listened to the person saying that originally by the fearful strength that he exposes, can definitely have with the past evil fire Qilin approximate winning percentage, but Bu Bi attempts for this reward is extremely rich, attracted too many too many masters, obstinately its winning percentage pulling down. 宋钟在这些日子里听人说,原本以他展露的可怕实力,完全可以拥有和当年邪火麒麟近似的胜率,可布匕是图为这次奖励太过丰厚,吸引了太多太多的高手,才愣是将其胜率给拉了下来。 After listening to this saying, how Song Zhong has not cared, in the heart has been full of confidence with oneself as before. However after looking at several fights of Gold Immortal ranks, Song Zhong is actually out of control to hold breath a cold air/Qi, the secret passage, this damn Immortal World, if is really the master if clouds! 听了这话之后,宋钟并没有如何在意,心中依旧对自己充满了信心。但是在看了几场金仙级别的战斗之后,宋钟却禁不住倒吸了一口冷气,暗道,这该死的仙界,果真是高手如云啊! First lets the Song Zhong shocking person, is the colored clothing female, she is hoodwinking the face, cannot see the facial features completely, but can see from the slender stature, she inevitably is the peerless beautiful woman. 首先一个让宋钟震惊的人,是位彩衣女子,她蒙着脸,完全看不见面容,只是从窈窕的身材可以看出,她必然是绝世美人。 With her to war - is strength abnormal strong Black Tortoise Divine Beast, from a Black Tortoise clan, is a Black Tortoise clan blood conceal. Many masters, have not added eight any influences, therefore has not obtained the position of seat of honor. However shows the strength that from him, when a seat of honor absolutely does not have the issue. 和她对战的-是一位实力异常强劲的玄武神兽,来自玄武一族,乃是玄武一族血藏.的诸多高手,并没有加八任何势力,故而才没有取得首席之位。但是从他表现的实力来看,当一个首席完全没有问题。 Because this fellow has controlled Heaven's First True Water this strong Water type strength unexpectedly. A Black Tortoise clan excels with the Water type magic arts, but can from Water type spell, comprehend the Heaven's First True Water person, is actually very few, any is a talent character of Black Tortoise clan. 因为这家伙竟然掌控了天一真水这种超强的水系力量。玄武一族擅长用水系法术,但是能够从水系术法中,领悟到天一真水的人,却是少之又少,任何一个都是玄武一族的天才人物。 After this person makes war, waves is the dreadful flood, was overrunning to that female. The mighty current place visited, White Jade flagstone completely corroded bumpy in ground, least also sliced off one foot thick one! 此人开战之后,挥手便是滔天洪水,对着那位女子就冲了过去。洪流所过之处,地面上的白玉石板全部都被腐蚀的坑坑洼洼,最少也被削掉了一尺多厚的一层! Must know that here White Jade flagstone may by various types be banned in addition holds the innumerable meetings, Greater Gold Immortal wants to leave the trace to be very difficult above, is under the corrosion of Heaven's First True Water this strong strength, melted easily, obviously fearful location of this Heaven's First True Water. 要知道,这里的白玉石板可都是被各种禁制加持过无数会的,大罗金仙想在上面留下痕迹很困难,可是在天一真水这种超强力量的腐蚀下,轻易就融化了,可见这天一真水的可怕之处了。 When all people think this fellow must win, that colored clothing female actually sneers, then waves to sprinkle a nose - pink clouds. 就在所有人都以为这家伙必胜的时候,那位彩衣女子却只是冷笑一声,然后挥手洒出一鼻-彩云。 This pink clouds do not know that is any thing, in any case very hard to deal with, sneaked in opposite party Heaven's First True Water directly, dyed seven color colors the torrential mighty current completely. 这片彩云也不知道是什么东西,反正非常的难缠,直接就钻进了对方的天一真水中,把滔滔洪流全部染成了七彩的颜色。 Finally, has not waited for the mighty current to submerge that colored clothing female, the masters of that Black Tortoise Clan, fell down, the whole face was the colorful brilliance, resembled on the face to be many a rainbow to be the same. 结果,没等洪流把那彩衣女子淹没,那位玄武族的高手就啪嗒一声,倒在了地上,满脸都是五颜六色的光彩,就好像脸上多出一层彩虹一样。 Sees this, all person shock in the extreme, Song Zhong is also fearing of face 看到这一幕,所有人都震惊的无以复加,就连宋钟也是一脸的恐 Fears, does not endure 惧,忍不 11 th,' j 11,'j Lives to ask that side Xiao Xue said: You know that what gadget this is?” 住问边的小雪道:“你知道这是什么玩意吗?” In the Song Zhong eye, Xiao Xue probably is the Immortal World know-it- is same, the matter that does not know asked her freely, did not have her not to know to the present in any case. 宋钟眼里,小雪就好像是仙界的万事通一样,不知道的事情尽管问她,反正到现在还没有她不知道的。 But this Xiao Xue has not disappointed Song Zhong, sees only her to frown slightly, then slightly has the [say / way] of doubts: Small every day renewed the full text written agreement to say quickly that in the place of antiquity uncultivated land, certain poisonous herb crowded institutes, will have a pink clouds miasma, trillion years accumulated, this pink clouds miasma cleverly will obtain enlightenment! They wave to release the terror the pink clouds miasma, can take down including Greater Gold Immortal easily! ” 而这次小雪也没有让宋钟失望,只见她稍稍一皱眉头,便略有疑惑的道:小小每天最快更新全文字据说,在上古蛮荒之地,某些毒草密集之所,会生出一种彩云瘴,亿万年积淀下来,这种彩云瘴就会通灵得道!她们挥手间就可以释放出恐怖的彩云毒瘴,连大罗金仙都可以轻易放倒!” Song Zhong one hear understood, cannot bear call out in alarm said: You said that after she is the pink clouds miasma obtains enlightenment cleverly, immortal who turns into?” 宋钟一听就明白了,忍不住惊呼道:“你是说,她是彩云瘴通灵得道之后,变成的仙人?” ** Does not leave ten!” Xiao Xue light [say / way]: ” This female is your powerful enemy, although your Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire restrains her pink clouds miasma, but wants to burn down completely, actually requires a lot of time, once in this process, you broke in within the body by pink clouds miasma, you are the body of Chaos Titan, perhaps also more unfortunate than fortunate! ” “**不离十!”小雪淡淡的道:”这女子是你的劲敌,你的炫疾天火虽然克制她的彩云瘴,但是想要完全烧毁,却需要不少时间,而一旦在这个过程中,你被一丝彩云瘴冲入体内,那你就算是混沌巨灵之身,恐怕也凶多吉少啊!” Troublesome, how in the world also to have such abnormal thing?” A Song Zhong face anxiety “麻烦,世界上怎么还有这么变态的东西啊?”宋钟一脸愁苦的 Said. 道。 ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~... ~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~…~~割 But in the following competition, made the match who Song Zhong frowned appear. This is one looks like the simple and honest adorable Little Fatty pillar, is long a face to be rustic, wears a yellow shirt, reveals two sturdy arms, sees likely is a dumb kid! 而接下来的比试中,一个更加让宋钟皱眉头的对手出现了。这是一个看起来憨厚可爱的小胖墩,长得一脸土气,穿着一件黄色短衫,露出两条粗壮的胳膊,怎么看都像是个傻小子! But you must think really he is a dumb kid, that may be the blunder, but made a mistake especially. This fellow certainly 可是你要真以为他是傻小子,那可就是大错而特错了。这家伙绝 For those existence of abnormal rank. 对是个变态级别的存在。 His match, is a hot membrane Qilin, the Gold Immortal peak, but also has Eighth Grade Immortal Tool, fire Yun Chi, is good at wishing melts really hot! 他的对手,乃是一位火膜麟,金仙巅峰,还拥有一件八品仙器,火云尺,擅长祝融真火! Although said that wished melts the really hot might to be inferior to Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, may also differ not many. 虽然说祝融真火的威力不如炫疾天火,可也相差不多。 Wish melts hot the most major characteristics is the temperature is extremely really high, was known as that burns Shan Shan to melt, burnt iron iron 祝融真火最大的特点就是温度极高,号称,烧山山融化,烧铁铁 to become He, this may not blow absolutely - good, but. 成河,这可绝对不是吹-牛,而是真的。 Especially after coordinating Eighth Grade Immortal Tool, that might, but if brandishes to burn the thing efficiency 尤其是配合上八品仙器之后,那威力,但要是抡烧东西效率的 The annotation, perhaps is Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, not necessarily compares this to be only hot Qilin! 诠,恐怕就算是宋钟炫疾天火,都未必比这只火麒麟强! But is so abnormal hot Qilin, takes this dumb kid means not to have obstinately. 可算是如此变态的火麒麟,却愣是拿这傻小子一点办法都没有。 In starting, hot Qilin has not been serious this dumb kid, the casual move wished melts really hot on the fever, finally others dumb kids stood, in wishing melted in the real fire, a satisfied appearance, absolutely did not have an injury. The hot Qilin is then surprised, hurries bright getting angry Yun Chi, and puts forth the skills to start the fierce fever. 在开始的时候,火麒麟并没有把这傻小子当回事,随便招出祝融真火就烧,结果人家傻小子站在祝融真火里,一副惬意的模样,完全没有一点伤害。火麒麟这才大吃一惊,赶紧亮出火云尺,并使出浑身解数开始猛烧。 Ties the bitter edible plant to see that dumb kid not to hit back, does not resist, on Nawu Station there to catching fire 结荼就看见那傻小子也不还手,也不抵挡,就那务站在那里对着火 The Qilin Ha Ha smiles. 麒麟哈哈笑。 The hot Qilin caused seriously the strength of nursing, had no alternative to others, did this also ask him to hit? 火麒麟当真是把吃奶的力气都使出来了,却对人家无可奈何,这还叫他怎么打啊? However relates to the point of honor, can't he such admit defeat? Therefore he simply gave up flame, rushes directly, plans and this dumb kid carries on the hand-to-hand fighting. 但是关系到面子问题,他也不能就这么认输啊?于是他就干脆放弃了火焰,直接冲上去,打算和这傻小子进行肉搏战。 Must know that the hot Qilin is not the physique small and weak generation, the physical quality, can definitely compare favorably with four big Divine Beast, is strength greatly infinite Divine Beast! 要知道,火麒麟可不是体格弱小之辈,身体素质,完全可以和四大神兽媲美,也是力大无穷的神兽啊! But has not thought that he overruns, others that dumb kids maliciously have given him a fist! This fist seems like is not extraordinary, is on the fist is wrapping golden light, but hits after the hot Qilin body, that effect was too fearful! 可是没想到,他才冲过去,人家那傻小子就狠狠给了他一拳!这一拳看似并不出奇,就是拳头上包裹着一层金光,但是打在火麒麟身上之后,那效果就太可怕了! more than ten zhang long hot Qilin! Fought with the fists to fly dozens li (0.5km) far by this dumb kid, falls get lost on the ground dozens li (0.5km). Hit chest place direct goes in hollowly, did not know many bones. The promising youth of pitiful Qilin clan, such fought with the fists to abandon! 十几丈长的火麒麟啊!愣生生被这傻小子一拳打飞出去几十里远,落在地上又滚出去几十里。被打的胸口处直接凹陷进去,不知道断了多少根骨头。可怜一位麒麟族的后起之秀,就这么被一拳打废了! Sees this, Song Zhong stared. Although the strength of this dumb kid is not small, Song Zhong to does not fear, compared with him also almost. But this dumb kid abnormal protection strength, really made Song Zhong unable to master, why did he melt the really hot feeling not to that strong wishing? 看见这一幕,宋钟的瞪出来了。这傻小子的力气虽然不小,宋钟到也不惧,比他还差一点。可是这傻小子变态的防护力,就实在让宋钟搞不懂了,凭什么他就对那么强的祝融真火一点感觉都没有呢? Must know that is Song Zhong the body of Chaos Titan, does not dare absolutely forcefully and wishes melts resists really hot, must protect itself to be good with magic power. Small every day renews the entire writing quickly after is the flesh and blood, how to be possible and wishing of terror melts resists really hot directly? That basic disagreement common sense! 要知道,就是宋钟混沌巨灵之身,也绝对不敢强行和祝融真火对抗,必须用法力来保护自己才行。小小每天最快更新全文字毕竟是血肉之躯,怎么可能和恐怖的祝融真火直接对抗啊?那根本不和常理! When Song Zhong shock, hurries to ask Xiao Xue. This time, Xiao Xue has also hesitated, she has thought good long while, the [say / way] that cannot affirm: As far as I know, can wish with the mortal body resistance directly melts the really hot person, can only several types of Five Elements magical things be immortal is good. However, just wishing melted hot was too strong, the Five Elements magical things of commonplace met, does not dare to resist with the mortal body hardly. This explained that he is some type of very formidable Earth element magical things obtains enlightenment, concrete is anything. Was not good to guess!” 宋钟震惊之余,赶紧就问小雪。这次,小雪也迟疑了,她想了好半天,才不敢肯定的道:“据我所知,可以直接用肉身对抗祝融真火的人,就只能几种五行灵物得道成仙才行。但是,刚刚的祝融真火太强了,等闲的五行灵物遇见,也不敢用肉身硬抗。这就说明,他是某种非常强大的土系灵物得道,具体是什么。就不好猜测了!” After Song Zhong hear, cannot bear the strange [say / way]: „ Why certainly is Earth element? Isn't Water type good? 宋钟听后,忍不住奇怪的道:“为什么一定是土系水系不行吗?
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