CLC :: Volume #6

#594: Evil fire unicorn

After Song Zhong said good-bye Jade Emperor, returning to oneself to live in the place that the process with a Small Cha Xiao Xue saying, two females was overjoyed. Song Zhong also specially thanked the Xiao Xue souvenir photo jade, but Xiao Xue blushes saying: Fool, you fights with all might for me and person, saved is thanks me to come on the contrary?” 宋钟辞别玉帝之后,回到了自己住的地方,把经过和小茶小雪一说,二女都乐不可支。宋钟还特意感谢了小雪的留影玉,而小雪则红着脸道:“傻瓜,你为我和人拼杀,怎存反倒是谢起我来了?” A few words asked Song Zhong a big red painted-face, flexure the back of the head, is laughing foolishly, does not know that said anything is good. But at this time, among them atmosphere becomes ambiguous, made that he is quite awkward. 一句话就把宋钟问了一个大红脸,挠着后脑勺,一阵傻笑,不知道说什么才好。而此时,两人之间的气氛就变得暧昧起来,弄得他极为尴尬。 At this time, fire virtue Star Lord came back luckily, summoned Song Zhong. Song Zhong hurries to say good-bye two 幸好在这个时候,火德星君回来了,召见宋钟宋钟赶紧辞别二 Female, runs sees fire virtue Star Lord that also resembles. 女,跑也似的去见火德星君 ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 After seeing fire virtue Star Lord, Song Zhong has not waited to salute upon meeting gives regards, was drawn by fire virtue Star Lord, according to arriving on seat, then fire virtue Star Lord laughs saying: Ha Ha, Song Zhong virtue nephew, you today dry is really excellent!” 见了火德星君之后,宋钟没等见礼问好,就被火德星君拉起来,按到座位上,然后火德星君大笑道:“哈哈,宋钟贤侄,你今天干的实在是大好啦!” Hey, right, gives us the God of Fire Heaven air vent!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo at the same time also smiles “嘿嘿,没错,给咱们祝融天出气喽!”一边的烈火真君也笑呵 [Say / Way]. 呵的道。 Song Zhong hear that actually stares, cannot bear curious asking: Is difficult to be inadequate our people also to be bullied by the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces?” 宋钟闻言却是一愣,忍不住好奇的问道:“难不成咱们的人还被玄武三强军欺负过?” That is natural, in Imperial Court had not been bullied by these fellows almost does not have!” The fire virtue Star Lord forced smile said: „ Also because of this, their fame becomes the unbearable stink! After today was taught by you, not only does not have one to come out to ask favor, instead one group of people are taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. “那是自然,天庭里没有被这些家伙欺负过的几乎没有!”火德星君苦笑道:“也正是因为这样,他们的名气才变得臭不可闻!以至于今天被你教训后,不仅没有一个出来求情的,反而一群人在幸灾乐祸。 Hey!” Song Zhong cannot bear say with a smile: Gets what one deserves!” “嘿嘿!”宋钟忍不住笑道:“活该!” Ha Ha, right, gets what one deserves!” Fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo loudly said with a smile. “哈哈,没错,就是活该!”火德星君烈火真君一起大笑道。 Afterward fire virtue Star Lord complexion one entire, said: But, Song Zhong virtue nephew! Although your this time vented anger, may also thoroughly offend the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces. Although behind you have Chaos Titan Clan, did not fear that they retaliate in secret, however in arena, is more careful!” 随后火德星君脸色一整,道:“不过,宋钟贤侄啊!你这次虽然出了气,可也彻底得罪了玄武三强军。虽然你背后有混沌巨灵族,不怕他们暗中报复,但是在擂台上,还是要小心些的!” Good!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also urged: „ If you were punched in the arena, really “不错!”烈火真君也跟着叮嘱道:“如果你是在擂台上被揍,甚 For those killed, even if Chaos Titan Clan does not have the means to help over you! ” 至被杀,纵然是混沌巨灵族也没办法帮你出头的!” After Song Zhong hear, actually strange [say / way]: „Did the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces have that General Shé not to be expelled? Whom am I also careful?” 宋钟听后,却奇怪的道:“玄武三强军还有那位蛇将军不是都被赶走了吗?我还小心谁啊?” „!” Fire virtue Star Lord actually immediately swings loses said: „ Is only the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces participated to besiege your person to be expelled, moreover three chief masters have not participated, therefore stayed here as before. “没有没有!”火德星君却马上摇失道:“只是玄武三强军的参加围攻你的人被赶走了,另外还有三个首席高手没有参加,所以依旧留在这里。 They may be the genuine skilled people, can send to advance directly 64 fellows, you and they have had such big enmity, if this foresees in the arena, they definitely will spell with you!” The Immortal Daoist Lie Huo urging said that in brief you may be certainly careful!” “他们可都是真正的强手,能直接报送进前64名的家伙,你和他们结下了这么大的仇怨,这要是在擂台上预见,他们肯定会往死里和你拼的!”烈火真君叮嘱道,“总之你可一定要小心啊!” Understood!” Song Zhong nods hurriedly, then pursues said: „ Can tell me also remaining “明白了!”宋钟急忙点点头,然后追道:“能不能告诉我还剩下 Who are three people? I am also good, when meets them to be ready! ” 的三个人是谁?我也好在碰见他们的时候做好准备!” This naturally does not have the issue!” Fire virtue Star Lord said with a smile: „The remaining three fellows, separately are the Big Dipper Squad seat of honor, the Seven Souls Kill star \; The seat of honor of broken armed forces god armed forces, White Tiger Army Splitting Spear \; The seat of honor of corrupt wolf armed forces, Heaven Stealing! These three people one by one fierce, has the Greater Gold Immortal battle efficiency, if you have met, may be absolutely careful!” “这个当然没有问题!”火德星君笑道:“剩下的三个家伙,分别是七杀军的首席,七魂杀星\;破军神军的首座,白虎破军枪\;贪狼军的首座,偷天手!这三人一个比一个厉害,都有大罗金仙的战斗力,你要是碰见了,可万万要小心啊!” Em! I remembered!” Song Zhong earnest nods - said. “恩!我记住了!”宋钟认真的点点头-道。 He He, remembers well, actually, when the time comes carefully dealt with has been OK, did not need too “呵呵,记住就好,其实,到时候小心应付就可以了,也不需要太 Crosses the worry, although these three people fierce, not necessarily is your match! ” Fire virtue Star Lord said with a smile. 过担心,这三人虽然厉害,也未必是你的对手!”火德星君笑道。 Yes, your boy the crest of wave vigor, became wins the championship now is greatly popular. “是啊,你小子现在风头正劲,已经成为夺冠大热门了。 It is said that on the Imperial Court plate mouth, your winning percentage rose up first! ” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile 据说,天庭的盘口上,你的胜率升到了第一了呢!”烈火真君笑道 I thought that you can press a oneself note actually, perhaps can also gain one greatly!” “我觉得,你倒是可以压自己一注,说不定还能大赚一把!” Right?” Song Zhong hear that, immediately an eye bright, hurried [say / way]: How many are my winning percentage? How many are the plate mouth?” “是吗?”宋钟闻言,顿时眼睛一亮,急忙道:“那我的胜率是多少?盘口又是多少?” Your winning percentage has 50%, therefore the plate mouth compensates one!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: „ Also “你的胜率有五成,所以盘口是一赔一!”烈火真君笑道:“也就 Said that pressed ten ten thousand Purple Jade, Ying turned into 20,000! ” 是说,压十万紫玉,嬴了就变成20000啦!” However after Song Zhong hear, so is not optimistic, on the contrary, his face surprise [say / way]: I 50% winning percentage?” 但是宋钟听后,却并没有这么乐观,相反,他一脸诧异的道:“难道我就才五成胜率?” ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ minute of ~^■~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~^■~~~割 Must know that Song Zhong rewards for champion comes. As Chaos Titan Clan, he has extremely high winning to hope that in addition in today's fight, a person punches to fall face down 18 Gold Immortal peak, but also has put forth Dragon Veins Divine Axe, as well as Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Qi of Sharp Gold and Qi of Thick Earth three big strong strengths. In this case, how Song Zhong thinks that thought own winning percentage can over 80% be right, actually unexpectedly merely 50%! This may make him somewhat unable to accept. 要知道,宋钟可是为了冠军奖励才来的。作为一个混沌巨灵族,他本身就拥有极高的夺冠希望,再加上今天的战斗里,一个人揍趴下18个金仙巅峰,还使出了龙脉神斧,以及炫疾天火,锐金之气厚土之气三大超强力量。在这种情况下,宋钟怎么想,都觉得自己的胜率可以超过八成才对,却不料才仅仅五成!这可让他有些接受不了了。 Fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear of Song Zhong such saying, Qi Qi has revealed the forced smile. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said: Virtuous nephew, 50% many, the second talent 15%! Old times time maximum also 12 tenths!” 火德星君烈火真君宋钟这么一说,都齐齐露出了苦笑。烈火真君道:“贤侄啊,五成不少啦,第二名才一成半!往年的时候最高的也就12成而已!” Right!” Fire virtue Star Lord also shakes the head the forced smile saying: Recent 100,000 years, your this 50% winning percentage are ranks second high, merely time Yu Min ten thousand years ago is that evil fire mang Qilin 10%, you content? Must know that in Immortal World 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven, is the capable person are innumerable?” “没错!”火德星君也摇头苦笑道:“最近100000年时间里,你这五成的胜率已经是排名第二高的了,仅仅次于敏万年前那位邪火硭麟一成而已,你就知足吧?要知道,在仙界33层天外天里,可是能人无数啊?” Capable person are countless I to know, but aren't 50% winning percentage truly high?” Song Zhong knits the brows afterward suddenly: Was right, did you just say the evil fire Qilin? I am not short in the Immortal World time, had heard several clock unicorns, don't have evil fire joyful Qilin type probably?” “能人无数我知道,但是五成胜率也确实不高啊?”宋钟随后忽然皱眉道:“对了,您刚刚说邪火麒麟?我在仙界时间也不短了,听说过十几钟麒麟,好像没有邪火欣麟这一种啊?” He He, this is because the evil fire joyful Qilin is not a branch of Qilin, it is only special “呵呵,这是因为邪火欣麟并不是一个麒麟的分支,它只是一只特 Different membrane Qilin! ” Fire virtue Star Lord says with a smile. 殊的膜麟而已!”火德星君笑着道。 Special Qilin? How special law?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear curious questioning “特殊的麒麟?怎么个特殊法?”宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇的追问 Said. 道。 Is this!” Fire virtue Star Lord explained immediately: This evil fire Qilin is the hybrid variety! His father is a black ink Qilin, this life magic arts are nine quiet soul fires, her mother are actually Karma Fire Phoenix, this life magic arts are Red Lotus Karmic Fire. Finally after he is born, body jet black like black ink, semblance taking the form of membrane Qilin, actually had a phoenix wing, but this life magic arts, actually turned into nearly transparent special flame, has the intelligence of nine quiet soul fires to move fast, as well as Red Lotus Karmic Fire terrifying ability. Is a brand-new flame, might also above Red Lotus Karmic Fire, the people manage the first bid evil fire, therefore he is called the evil fire Qilin!” “是这样!”火德星君随即解释道:“这只邪火麒麟是个杂交品种!他父亲是一只墨麒麟,本命法术是九幽阴魂火,她母亲却是一只业火凤凰,本命法术是红莲业火。结果他出世之后,身体漆黑如墨,外表形似膜麟,却长了一对凤凰翅膀,而本命法术,却变成了一种近乎透明的特殊火焰,拥有九幽阴魂火的灵性飘忽,以及红莲业火的恐怖能力。是一种全新的火焰,威力还在红莲业火之上,人们管起叫邪火,所以他就被称为邪火麒麟!” „, Is this!” Song Zhong immediately curious [say / way]: „ Is he very severe “啊,原来是这样!”宋钟立刻好奇的道:“那他是不是很厉 Evil? ” 害?” „ It is not very severe “不是很厉 The evil, is very abnormal! The fire virtue Star Lord forced smile said: „ Nine quiet soul fire things, drift from place to place, 害,是很变态!火德星君苦笑道:“九幽阴魂火这东西,飘忽不定, Extremely flexible, is almost unable to fend, but Red Lotus Karmic Fire the might is astonishing, has to disregard the characteristics of defense, is the speed of spread slightly is what a pity slow, the most people can fend! But the evil fire of far evil fire Qilin, after actually simultaneously inherited two superiority of flame, turned into a might to be astonishing, is unable to resist, fearful flame that was also extremely difficult to fend, that was the might is seriously infinite! This fellow most famous success is, when the Gold Immortal intermediate stage, by an enemy two, has killed two Greater Gold Immortal! Obviously he many were also abnormal! ” 极为灵活,几乎无法闪避,而红莲业火虽然威力惊人,也拥有无视防御的特性,可惜就是蔓延的速度稍微慢一点,以至于多数人都可以闪避开!而远邪火麒麟的邪火,却同时继承了两种火焰的优势之后,变成了一种威力惊人,无法抵御,又极难闪避的可怕火焰,那当真是威力无穷啊!这家伙最出名的战绩是,在金仙中期的时候,以一敌二,杀了两个大罗金仙!可见他又多变态了!” „!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear call out in alarm said: „ Defeats a numerically superior enemy, jumps the ranks the challenge, “哇!”宋钟闻言,忍不住惊呼道:“以少胜多,还是越级挑战, This was greatly inconceivable! ” 这大不可思议了!” „!” Fire virtue Star Lord also said: Is because he is so abnormal, therefore when participates in Martial Arts Convention, had 60% winning percentage, this is one until now, the record that nobody surmounts.” “就是啊!”火德星君也道:“就是因为他如此变态,所以才在参加演武大会的时候,拥有了六成的胜率,这是一个到现在为止,都无人超越的记录。” May be this, he has not won the champion, obviously Martial Arts Convention brutal!” “可就算是这样,他也没有取得冠军,可见演武大会的残酷啊!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo at the same time has the feelings [say / way]. 一边的烈火真君颇有感触的道。 Song Zhong one hear of this words, cannot bear call out in alarm immediately said: Abnormal hasn't such evil fire Qilin won? How this may - can?” 宋钟一听此言,顿时忍不住惊呼道:“这么变态的邪火麒麟都没有获胜?这怎么可-能?” In society not anything impossible matter!” Fire virtue Star Lord said with deep veneration: Evil fire Qilin, although is strong, is actually not invincible existence. The boy is bigger than the general idea, is extremely rampant, from Netherworld Ghost Town has enraged a match thoroughly, the opposite party has used the move of going all out, with a Blood Essence price, turns on six samsara forcefully, has delivered the evil firebox Qilin, to the present, the fellows still has endured hardship in six samsara!” “世间没有什么不可能的事!”火德星君肃然道:“邪火麒麟虽然强,却也不是无敌的存在。那小子大过大意,也太过嚣张,把一个来自幽冥鬼域的对手彻底激怒了,以至于对方使出了拼命的招数,用一身精血的代价,强行打开六道轮回,把邪火膛麟送了进去,一直到现在,那家伙都还在六道轮回里吃苦呢!” „!” Song Zhong hear that, could not bear hold breath a cold air/Qi, the secret passage, this Immortal World was really “啊!”宋钟闻言,忍不住倒吸了一口冷气,暗道,这仙界果然是 Skilled people like clouds, is not taken lightly! 强手如云,不可小看啊! But Immortal Daoist Lie Huo earnest [say / way] at the same time: Virtuous nephew, you may probably take the evil fire Qilin as the abstention, cannot extremely offend the match, so-called Rao Renchu, and Rao people, is so!” 而一边的烈火真君则认真的道:“贤侄,你可要以邪火麒麟为戒,万万不能太过得罪对手,所谓得饶人处且饶人,便是如此!” Song Qian lowered the head to salute to say hurriedly: Yes, the younger generation remembered!” 宋钤急忙低头施礼道:“是,晚辈记住了!” Saw that Song Zhong is so respectful, fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo they smile, to feel that is gratified. Has the strength like Song Zhong the modest young people, now little saw. 看到宋钟如此恭敬,火德星君烈火真君两人相视一笑,都感觉非常欣慰。像宋钟这样有实力又谦虚的年轻人,现在已经很少见到了。 Afterward, fire virtue Star Lord then said with a smile: You remember well. Right, how many city tp does your this plan press your?” 随后,火德星君便笑道:“你记住最好。对了,你这次打算压你自己多少市tp?” Song Zhong thinks that said: Some how many pressure how many?” 宋钟想了想,道:“有多少压多少吧?” Em?” Fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that, stares immediately, fire virtue Star Lord cannot bear the forced smile say: What's wrong? I and you said these many, do you also so have the self-confidence to yourself?” “恩?”火德星君烈火真君闻言,顿时为之一愣,火德星君忍不住苦笑道:“怎么?我和你说了这么多,你还对自己如此有自信?” Hey, self-confident naturally is a little!” Song Zhong grinning [say / way]: After all, the younger generation this time presents has not gotten rid fully, some clothes left unworn in the drawer bottoms things. If shines, even if again bad, can break the winning percentage record of evil fire Qilin. In other words, I should have 60%-70% winning percentage, this probability does not lower, definitely should bet! My family property was not very in any case thick, loses did not matter.” “嘿嘿,自信当然是有一点啦!”宋钟笑嘻嘻的道:“毕竟,晚辈这次奉没有全力出手,还有一些压箱子底的东西呢。要是都亮出来,就算是再不济,也能打破邪火麒麟的胜率记录。也就是说,我应该有六七成的胜率,这几率不低了,完全应该赌一把!反正我的家底不很厚,输了也无所谓。” He He, originally your confidence here!” Fire virtue Star Lord felt the beard to say with a smile has saying that your words also several truth, such being the case, my also multi- pressures, look can occupy a little profit!” “呵呵,原来你的信心在这里啊!”火德星君摸着胡子笑道“不得不说,你的话也有几番道理,既然如此,那我也多压一些,看看能不能占点小便宜!” Em, I also favor you, that multi- pressures!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also serious [say / way]. “恩,我也看好你,那就多压点吧!”烈火真君也一本正经的道。 Afterward, three people also said that Song Zhong said goodbye to the place that fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo returned to themselves to live in once more. 随后,三个人又说了一阵,宋钟就告别了火德星君烈火真君再次回到自己住的地方。 ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 Over the next few days passed in tranquility, Song Zhong depresses all Purple Jade that has been able to take on oneself, altogether 200,000, then the rest of the time used and Small Cha, Xiao Xue plays on. 接下来的几天都在平静中度过,宋钟在自己身上压下了能拿出来的所有紫玉,总共200000,然后剩下的时间就都用在了和小茶,小雪游玩上。 Had examples of Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, this Song Zhong takes a stroll outside again has not met any 有了玄武三强军的例子,这次宋钟在外面溜达就再也没有碰见任何 Troublesome. Is and many people became friends on the contrary. 麻烦。反倒是和不少人交了朋友。 In an instant, arrived at paint Wuhai University to make war officially. 转眼间,就到了漆武大会正式开战的时候了。 On this day, very early in the morning Song Zhong is leading two females, is following the large unit, arrived at Martial Arts Convention 这一日,一大早宋钟就带着二女,跟随着大部队,来到了演武大会 Location. 的场地。 Jade Emperor Heaven gathering place, nature compared with God of Fire Heaven is larger. God of Fire Heaven gathering place ten thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area, but Song Zhong this gathering place has hundreds of thousands li (0.5km) square at present fully. The ground in gathering place completely is the white jade, was held the innumerable bans by in addition, Greater Gold Immortal of commonplace do not have wanted to injure its slightest. 玉皇天的场子,自然比祝融天的要大的多。祝融天的场子才万里方圆,而宋钟眼前这个场子却足有十几万里见方。场子的地面全部都是白色的玉石,被加持了无数层禁制,等闲的大罗金仙都别想伤其分毫。 Around gathering place, is catwalks, altogether has several. The stage that and Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west are is biggest, is highest, is most luxurious, above is divided into several, has occupied the sensitive ten thousand people. Small every day renewed the entire writing to include all troops of Jade Emperor department quickly, as well as player, included Song Zhong. 在场子周围,也是一个个的高台,总共有十几个之多。其中玉帝和西王母所在的高台最大,最高,最豪华,上面分成好几层,足足占了敏万人之多。小小每天最快更新全文字包括了玉帝一系的所有人马,以及参赛选手,其中就包括宋钟 Song Zhong and the others were arranged on fourth, this is Gold Immortal. Many are participating Gold Immortal, there are with the elder comes to see lively. They have their seat, the table, the above turning transparent banquet, often has Apsara Fairy to pour out wine, it may be said that is the excellent service. 宋钟等人被安排在第四层,这一层全是金仙。多数都是参赛的金仙,也有跟着长辈来看热闹的。他们都有自己的座位,还有桌子,上面拐明了酒宴,不时有飞天仙女过来斟酒,可谓是待遇优厚。 Other catwalks, similar speed situation. Song Zhong was looks, only then other day Emperor Stage person of high skill, had the qualifications to bring under to enjoy a stage. Naturally, is not all Celestial Emperor will come, if they do not come, this stage turns over to their representatives to occupy. 其他的高台,也都差不多速度情形。宋钟算是看出来了,只有天帝级别的高人,才有资格带着手下享有一个高台。当然,并不是所有天帝都会来,如果他们不来,这高台就归他们的代表所占据。 As the master, the day Emperor Stage master who Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west beginning time gives first proposes a toast then encourages to turn, then formally announced the competition starts. 作为主人,玉皇大帝和西王母开场时候先给来的天帝级高手敬酒然后又鼓励一翻,便正式宣布了比试开始。 Nature or Heavenly Immortal and practicing wushu of True Immortal that rank first carries on. Before they can be said as one type , the upholstery of play. Actually, these people attached great importance to not specially, because of Heavenly Immortal, is not steady with the immortals of True Immortal boundary, the later development has not finalized, even if obtained the immortal of champion, possibly for a while neglects, henceforth damages to fall. 首先进行的自然还是天仙真仙级别的演武。他们可以说是一种前戏的铺垫。其实,这些人并不特别受到重视,因为天仙,和真仙境界的仙人都不稳,以后的发展都没有定型,就算是获得了冠军的仙人,也可能一时疏忽,就从此损落。 But Gold Immortal is different, to this boundary, the strength has stabilized, the following development can foresee. Generally speaking, can enter the first ten people, inevitably is capable of being promoted Primordial Stage Gold Immortal. Therefore, regarding the major influences, Gold Immortal is the climax, most is worth winning over. 金仙就不一样,到了这个境界,实力就稳定下来,后面的发展都可以预见到。一般来说,能进入前十的人,就必然有能力晋级混元金仙。所以,对于各大势力而言,金仙才是重头戏,最为值得拉拢。 Naturally, Heavenly Immortal and True Immortal first several have certain potential, is worth carrying on the investment and 当然,天仙真仙的前几名也还是有一定潜力的,值得进行投资和 Wins over, but cannot compare Gold Immortal such to have confidence. 拉拢,只是比不上金仙那样有把握。 Because the Jade Emperor Heaven domain is big, can be operational the location to be many one time. Therefore Heavenly Immortal and competition of True Immortal boundary has not spent the too long time, merely several days terminated. But is the climax that the people hope , the fight of Gold Immortal rank! 由于玉皇天的地盘大,可以一次性投入使用的场地就多。所以天仙真仙境界的比试并没有花费太长的时间,仅仅十几天就完结了。而接下来就是众人期盼的重头戏,金仙级别的战斗!
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