CLC :: Volume #6

#593: Steps on the snake general ruthlessly

Sees General Shé solemn Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, could be mad by Song Zhong, other Jade Emperor and immortals also moved the compassion, stops laughing in abundance, started to blame Song Zhong to come secretly. 看见蛇将军堂堂一个混元金仙,被宋钟气得下来了,玉帝和其他仙人也都动了恻隐之心,纷纷停止大笑,暗自开始责怪起宋钟来了。 So-called murder not excessive point place! Your Song Zhong made into the person like this, but must step on a foot in the throne room maliciously, was really somewhat excessive. This General Shé and Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, although is arrogant, causes trouble, may have the feudal official after all! When outside the resistance territory Heavenly Demon, others have bled, has been injured, even has lost the life? Otherwise the Immortal World person so will not tolerate them to deliberately create trouble. 所谓杀人不过头点地!你宋钟都把人打成这样了,还非要在金銮殿上狠狠踩一脚,实在是有些过分。这蛇将军和玄武三强军虽然飞扬跋扈,惹是生非,可毕竟有之臣!在对抗域外天魔的时候,人家可是流过血,受过伤,甚至丢过命的啊?要不然仙界的人也不会如此纵容他们胡闹了。 To these feudal officials, when they make mistakes restless, above is always high holds up, falls slowly, punishes slightly, does not contain under the heavy hand. Song Zhong this time punches this person, in their opinion is slightly has excessive, now actually must so ridicule, the shame, that some are not quite amiable. 对这些臣,在他们闹腾犯错的时候,上面从来都是高高举起,缓缓落下,稍稍惩治也就罢了,都不含得下重手。宋钟这次把人揍成这样,在他们看来就已经算是稍有过分了,现在却还要如此奚落,羞辱,那就有些不太仁义。 Therefore a Jade Emperor brow wrinkle, said: Song Zhong, General Shé sues you, because the small corners of the mouth beats his subordinate, can have this matter?” 所以玉帝眉头一皱,道:“宋钟,蛇将军状告你因为一点小小的口角就殴打他的下属,可有此事?” Tampers to report your majesty!” Song Zhong cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute, then angry [say / way]: „ The General Shé blood-stained mouth spurts “夯禀陛下!”宋钟拱手施礼,然后愤怒的道:“蛇将军血口喷 People, utter nonsense! ” 人,一派胡言!” One hear of Song Zhong this saying, numerous immortals instead revealed complexion suddenly, the heart said that this was right, Chaos Titan Clan People know, although was powerful, was very benevolent, even was wooden, will not bully the person on own initiative, hits also to keep the hand, little punched. Perhaps this time under such ruthless hand, provoked anger by the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces suddenly. In fact, the attitude of by the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces being domineering and tyrannical, this possibility is very big! 一听宋钟这话,众多仙人反而露出了恍然的脸色,心说,这就对了,混沌巨灵族的人大家都知道,虽然实力强大,却都很仁慈,甚至是木纳,根本不会主动欺负人,就是打起来也多会留手,很少往死里揍的。这次突然间下这么狠的手,恐怕是被玄武三强军惹急了。事实上,以玄武三强军横行霸道的作风,这种可能性还很大! Jade Emperor also immediately understood, the complexion relaxes slightly, then asked: „ How that is 玉帝也马上就明白了,脸色稍微缓和,然后问道:“那到底是怎 Matter? ” 么回事?” Opens reports your majesty, outside I led a female friend to go to play a moment ago, was blocked by the Big Dipper Squad seven fellows suddenly, they actually kept on proclaiming, said that must buy my female! Although my Song Zhong no talent, how also to do such mean matter? Therefore I sternly refused immediately. However these fellows not only do not restrain, instead said the boastful talk, was takes advantage to overwhelm with numerical strength, active threat I! To seize my female friend!” Song Zhong angry [say / way]: Under broad daylight, ringing in the universe, is the Imperial Court center, the Jade Emperor under foot, these thing do such matter unexpectedly, is simply absurd? Did your majesty you say? How can I not punch them?” “启禀陛下,我刚才带着一任红颜知己去外面游玩,突然间就被七杀军的七个家伙拦住,他们竟然口口声声,说要买我身边的女子!我宋钟虽然不才,又岂会干这样下作的事情?所以我立刻严词拒绝。但是那些家伙不仅不收敛,反而口出狂言,更是依仗人多势众,主动攻击我!想要强抢我的红颜知己!”宋钟恼怒的道:“光天化日之下,朗朗乾坤之中,更是天庭中枢,玉帝脚下,这些混账东西竟然干出这样的事情,简直岂有此理啊?陛下您说?我怎么能不揍他们?” All immortal hear that including Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west, have revealed immediately the angry complexion. The immortals, that is concerned about face to want skin, seizing daughter such mean matter that abhors absolutely! Let alone does in Jade Emperor Heaven? Which does this make the Jade Emperor face countenance toward separate? 包括玉帝和西王母在内的所有仙人闻言,顿时就都露出了恼怒的脸色。仙人,那是要脸要皮的,对强抢民女这样下作的事情那绝对都是深恶痛绝的!更何况还是在玉皇天这么干?这让玉帝的颜面往哪隔呀? Therefore Jade Emperor immediately angry asked that General Shé said: „Did the snake outer coffin armed forces, how you explain?” 所以玉帝立刻恼怒的问蛇将军道:“蛇椁军,你怎么解释?” This General Shé one listens to know the misdemeanor, once such obscene charge fastens, that can bring ruin and shame upon oneself? Therefore he hurries to deny: " Absolutely does not have such a matter! As far as I know, is under wants to buy his Ashura female not to be false, but has not seized, which our seizes the daughter such mean matter competently? But that Song Zhong really should not say the boastful talk, so-called business inadequate justice and humanity in? He does not sell, brothers but who also shames our Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, this arouses public discontent, had the dispute with him. Then because this corners of the mouth began! ” “这个”蛇将军一听就知道坏事,这么下流的罪名一旦扣上,那可就身败名裂啦?所以他赶紧否认道:"根本就没有这么回事!据我所知,是手下是想买他身边的阿修罗女子不假,可是并没有强抢,我们哪能干强抢民女那样下作的事情?只不过那宋钟实在不该口出狂言,所谓买卖不成仁义在吗?他不卖也就罢了,还羞辱我们玄武三强军的兄弟,这才引起公愤,和他起了争执。然后因为这点口角动了手!” Afterward General Shé exhibits a suffering from injustice appearance to come, to complain tearfully, „, but if heaven pities me, our brothers are begin also to know to show mercy, everybody after is Imperial Court [lineage/vein], calculates on is a colleague. Also does not have what bitter hatred, why hits? But that Song Zhong actually takes advantage to be powerful, is in power does not forgive the person, after my brother said does not hit, chasing down that as before is unforgiving, has made into the severe wound these many people! Your majesty, can you probably take responsibility for us? 随后蛇将军摆出一副委屈的样子来,哭诉道,“但是天可怜见,我们的兄弟就算是动手也知道手下留情,大家毕竟都是天庭一脉,算的上是同僚。又没有什么深仇大恨,何必往死里打呢?可是那宋钟却依仗实力强大,得势不饶人,在我的兄弟已经说不打之后,依旧不依不饶的追杀,以至于把这么多人都打成了重伤!陛下,您可要为我们做主啊? Yes your majesty, this Song Zhong goes too far simply, you must layer on layer punish, can maintain “是啊陛下,这宋钟简直欺人太甚,您一定要重重责罚,才能维护 The Immortal Family justice, Imperial Court is dignified! ” Ground Divine Beast also cry the entreaty to say. 仙家正义,天庭威严啊!”地上的神兽们也纷纷哭着哀求道。 This Jade Emperor frowns saying that Song Zhong, the standard did have what Hua to say?” “这个”玉帝皱着眉头道,“宋钟,格有何话说?” Jade Emperor did not shout at heart actually darkly well, the matter passed in any case, does not have the human testimony and material evidence, 80% must evolve either , either, the woman said that the woman has the township $! Aspect. Once both sides were unyielding, needed Jade Emperor to adjudicate. But Jade Emperor does not have the ruling, if punishes Song Zhong, offended Chaos Titan Clan not saying that also made the person on one's own side look disappointedly, after all he was a subordinate of department. 玉帝心里其实已经暗叫不好了,反正事情已经过去,也没有人证物证,八成就要演变成公说公有理,婆说婆有乡$!的局面。一旦双方争执不下,就需要玉帝来裁决。可是玉帝却根本无裁决,要是罚宋钟,得罪混沌巨灵族不说,也让自己人看着寒心,毕竟他是自己一系的部属。 But must punish General Shé, feared that the fellow of Black Tortoise Great Emperor that hiding shortcomings refuses to accept, when the time comes said one shield the subordinate, on everybody face cannot attractively. 可是要惩罚蛇将军,又怕玄武大帝那个护短的家伙不服,到时候说自己袒护部属,大家脸上都会不好看。 However, when Jade Emperor is awkward, Song Zhong actually suddenly sneers a pingpong -, said: So-called facts speak louder than words, I am not no need to say rubbish, invited your majesty and immortal has a look with own eyes, knew the outcome!” 然而,就在玉帝为难的时候,宋钟却忽然冷笑一乒-,道:“所谓事实胜于雄辩,我也不必多说废话了,就请陛下和诸位仙人亲眼看看,就知道究竟!” Saying, Song Zhong was lifting the hand to reveal together the snow color jade, then toward the above point 说着,宋钟抬手亮出一块雪色的玉石,然后往上面一点 , That jade emits ten thousand rays of light immediately, then the light shadow to appear before the people, that is Song Zhong and Big Dipper Squad person is negotiating, has the sound to spread. ,顿时那玉石就放出万道毫光,然后一个个淡淡的影子就出现在众人面前,那是宋钟七杀军的人在交涉,其中还有声音传出。 General Shé looks at this situation, immediately shouted one not to be wonderful darkly. Originally, he has recognized the stone in Song Zhong, is one very rare treasure, the souvenir photo jade. Can record some time image. This gadget are not many in Immortal World, cherishes very much. However in the Song Zhong treasure house has, Small Cha looks attractively, takes to play frequently. 蛇将军一看这情况,顿时暗叫一声不妙。原来,他认出了宋钟手里的石头,乃是一种非常罕见的宝物,留影玉。能记录一段时间的影像。这玩意在仙界都不多,很是稀罕。但是宋钟宝库里却有一些,小茶看着漂亮,经常拿出来玩。 Naturally, when today Song Zhong and others fight, the Small Cha wisdom cannot think that with this souvenir photo jade record then situation, is good to remain to make the evidence. However don't forget, Small Cha, although is silly, Xiao Xue is actually an astute lord, she when both sides start to confront, does not know wonderfully, therefore hurries to open one souvenir photo jade that must come quietly from Small Cha, records today's matter entire journey. Then when Song Zhong goes to the throne room, has given him. 当然,在今天宋钟和别人战斗的时候,小茶的智慧是想不到用这种留影玉记录当时的情况,好留做证据的。但是别忘了,小茶虽然傻乎乎的,小雪却是个精明的主,她在双方开始对峙的时候,就知道不妙,于是赶紧悄悄打开一块从小茶手里要来的留影玉,把今天的事情全程记录下来。然后在宋钟去金銮殿的时候,就递给了他。 But Song Zhong only needs a then situation broadcast now, who is who was not clear. 宋钟现在只需要把当时的情况一播放,谁是谁非就一清二楚了。 What in front of the souvenir photo jade records is a Big Dipper Squad fellow first begins to beat Song Zhong, was actually punched by a Song Zhong fist on the ground, this was solid is Big Dipper Squad was not. However this has not ended, what is most splendid is following one, is other Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces support the time speaks a few words. 留影玉前面记载的是七杀军的一个家伙首先动手殴打宋钟,却被宋钟一拳头揍在地上,这就坐实了是七杀军的不是。但是这还没有完,最精彩的是后面一段,就是其他玄武三强军来支援的时候说一段话。 Sees only person put on a high and mighty act scolding of above Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, is this ***, father has a liking for his woman, he not only does not give, but also made impertinent remarks, even has injured our brothers, was too hateful!” 只见上面玄武三强军的人一个个趾高气昂的骂道,“就是这***,老子看上他一个女人,他不仅不给,还出言不逊,甚至打伤了我们兄弟,实在太可恶了!” cake, goes too far!” “∽糕子,欺人太甚啊!” Wants women not to give, looks down upon our brothers?” “要个娘们都不给,看不起我们兄弟吗?” Wants his woman gives him the face, he has not dared unexpectedly, since? Really being concerned about face “要他的女人是给他面子,他竟然还敢不从?真是给脸不要脸 ! ” 啊!” The image of souvenir photo jade puts this, Song Zhong switched off on direct outer coffin it, received. Then sneers is looking at General Shé, the [say / way] that whole face disdains: „Did everybody see? This thinks that representative Imperial Court is just, countenance of Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces! In their eyes, snatches others' women show due respect for the feelings? General Shé, excuse me, my this time has not given you face, I apologized to you!” 留影玉的影像放到这,宋钟就直接椁其关掉,收了起来。然后冷笑着看着蛇将军,满脸不屑的道:“大家都看见了吧?这就是自以为代表天庭正义的,玄武三强军的嘴脸!在他们眼里,抢别人的女人都是给面子呢?蛇将军,不好意思啊,我这次没给您面子,我向您道歉啦!” Saying, Song Zhong also specially gives the General Shé arch to cup one hand in the other across the chest! 说着,宋钟还特意给蛇将军拱拱手! General Shé raised the head to throw out the chest, put on a high and mighty act, but now that head low quickly pasted on the ground, wished one could to look for a crack to worm one's way into? 蛇将军原本仰首挺胸,趾高气昂,但是现在那脑袋低的都快贴在地上了,恨不得找个地缝钻进去啊? The surrounding immortal has one is, all a face strange looked at General Shé, in the heart the secret passage, the Black Tortoise three is strengthening the armed forces this time was finished, the person lost in a big way! ’ 周围的仙人有一个算一个,全都一脸怪异的望着蛇将军,心中暗道,▲玄武三强军这次完蛋喽,人丢大啦!’ As for General Shé, he really suffering from injustice cried quickly! Actually he does not know that his subordinate such is not the thing, but what he is silly is over these fellows, looks for Jade Emperor to consider the accusation! But is booing now, is working as Jade Emperor, the grandmother empress, sur- 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven the surface of various group of deities, oneself play the program that an evil person complained first! After this called itself, can see the person? The shamelessness of 1 million years of saving, loses cleanly! 至于蛇将军,他真是委屈的快哭出来了!其实他也不知道自己的部属会这么不是东西,而他却还傻乎乎的为这些家伙出头,找玉帝告御状!可如今倒好,当着玉皇大帝,王母娘娘,外加33层天外天的各路神仙的面,自己玩了一次恶人先告状的戏码!这叫自己以后可怎么见人啊?1000000年积攒的老脸,都丢干净啦! Now reveals the truth, Jade Emperor is also mad heavily, said to the clam general directly: „ General governs 如今真相大白,玉帝也气得不轻,直接对蛤将军道:“将军治下 Good subordinate! ” 的好部属啊!” Facing the Jade Emperor responsibility, General Shé has not then managed to play the fool, can only be red 面对玉帝的职责,蛇将军这下没办装傻了,只能通红着一张 The face, said: Subordinate does not teach strictly, ashamed, ashamed! Wish to get your majesty to punish!” 脸,道:“属下管教不严,惭愧,惭愧!愿领陛下责罚!” Oh! You!” Shaking the head that Jade Emperor expects too much, then said: You are Black Tortoise Celestial Emperor subordinate, I may not punish, you go back to process! Comes the person, participating in this matter's Black Tortoise three services soldier, flaunts!” “唉!你啊!”玉帝恨铁不成钢的摇摇头,然后道:“你是玄武天帝的部属,我可责罚不得,还是你们自己回去处理吧!来人,把参与此事的玄武三军战士,都逞回去!” General Shé one hear, arrived home at heart immediately painstakingly. So-called sends back, that cancelled has practiced wushu greatly She's qualifications. Moreover is not only 18 injured people, has not been injured, so long as participated has besieged Song Zhong, that must leave. Then, the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces come here person, ten go, nearly was annihilated! Also owed oneself and youngest brothers boasts must take many first ten quotas! 蛇将军一听,心里顿时是苦到家了。所谓送回去,那就是取消了演武大佘的资格。而且不仅仅是18个受伤的人,就连没有受伤的,只要参加了围攻宋钟,那也就得滚回去。如此一来,玄武三强军来这里的人,十去,近乎全军覆没了!还亏自己和老兄弟们吹牛说要拿多少前十的名额呢! May for all this, General Shé not dare to say no, really did not have the face to argue a few words again! He only wants to hurry to flee this place now, do not continue again disgraced! 可尽管如此,蛇将军也不敢说半个不字,实在是没有脸再多辩解一句话了!他现在只想赶紧逃离此地,别再继续丢人了! Therefore General Shé cups one hand in the other across the chest to comply with one, immediately leads the subordinate to run away distressedly. 所以蛇将军拱手答应一声,就立刻带着属下狼狈逃走。 His not good intention yong dull here, went back with the family. 连他都不好意恿呆在这里了,也跟眷回去了。 It is said that after going back, General Shé was cussed out by Black Tortoise Great Emperor, he is depressed must die, maliciously has not punched half dead the remaining several injured fellows. 据说,回去之后,蛇将军被玄武大帝臭骂了一顿,他自己更是郁闷的要死,把剩下几个没有受伤的家伙也都狠狠揍了一个半死。 After sending General Shé, the Jade Emperor good words comfort Song Zhong several, granted him several pot imperial liquor to make him go back. Could see that Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west very much regard as important to Song Zhong, very with all one's heart carries on is winning over the work. 打发走蛇将军之后,玉帝好言宽慰宋钟几句,又赏赐了他几壶御酒才让其回去。看得出,玉帝和西王母对宋钟还是很看重的,非常尽心的进行着拉拢工作。
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