CLC :: Volume #6

#592: The jade emperor summoned

That immortal officer spoke, oneself were a face strange color, obviously was abnormal is novel, the heart said that ‚the ordinary Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces bullies the fellow of person, every time was the defendants, how this time instead to have been bullied by others, can complain? This may really be too strange!’ 那仙官说话的时候,自己都是一脸怪异之色,显然是异常新奇,心说,‘平常玄武三强军都是欺负人的家伙,回回都是被告,怎么这次反而被人家欺负了,要来告状呢?这可真是太稀奇了!’ In fact, is not only the immortal officer thinks strange, is in those present, including Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west, completely is a face surprise. Then Jade Emperor says with a smile painstakingly, you said that because General Shé was wronged, coming here to complain?” 事实上,不仅仅是仙官觉得稀奇,就是在场的人里,包括玉帝和西王母,也全部都是一脸诧异。然后玉帝苦笑着道,“你所说,蛇将军因为受了委屈,来我这里告状?” Yes, your majesty!” The immortal officer nods to say. “是的,陛下!”仙官点头道。 He He the immortals in main hall have smiled completely, even queen mothers of the west not “呵呵”大殿里的众仙人全部都笑了起来,甚至就连西王母都不 By smiling. 由得莞尔。 Jade Emperor is laughs saying: „ Really is strange, originally the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces have is bullied 玉帝更是哈哈大笑道:“真是稀奇啊,原来玄武三强军也有被人欺 Defeated/Carrying time? Called in a big hurry him, we listen what's the matter! ” 负的时候?快快把他叫进来,我们都听听是怎么回事!” The immortal officer complies with one hurriedly, turns around. 仙官急忙答应一声,转身出去。 One group of immortals who only in the remaining main halls hey smiles. Also no wonder they are taking pleasure in others'misfortunes, is General Bao the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces of subordinates is extremely really arrogant, causes trouble frequently, but also takes them not to manage! 只剩下大殿里嘿嘿笑的一群仙人。也难怪他们都在幸灾乐祸,实在是鲍将军麾下的玄武三强军太过飞扬跋扈,经常惹是生非,还偏偏拿他们没办! Because, this Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces after all are the subordinate subordinates of Black Tortoise Great Emperor, Jade Emperor cannot manage. Even if they courted disaster, so long as is not as big as the degree of murder rebellion, Jade Emperor also can only turn a blind eye, most reproves Primordial Stage Gold Immortal of team leader, making him go back to teach strictly. 因为,这玄武三强军毕竟是玄武大帝的直属部下,玉帝管不着。就算是他们惹了祸,只要不是大到杀人造反的程度,玉帝也只能睁一只眼闭一只眼,最多就是训斥一下领队的混元金仙,让他回去严加管教。 However Black Tortoise Great Emperor subordinates hide shortcomings one by one, after they go back, are most in other words following person several, does not give up the severe punishment. Gradually, has fostered these fellow arrogant temperament, causes trouble everywhere, makes to be annoyed by everybody. Therefore the immortals heard that their this time has suffered a loss, all takes pleasure in others'misfortunes, Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west, felt that is specially crisp! 但是玄武大帝麾下一个比一个护短,他们回去以后最多也就是说下面的人几句,根本舍不得严惩。久而久之,也就养成了这些家伙飞扬跋扈的脾气,到处惹是生非,弄得人见人烦。所以众仙人一听说他们这次吃亏了,全都幸灾乐祸,就连玉帝和西王母,都感觉特别爽! How long however the smiling faces on their face have not continued, by at present fearful one to not having, tightly frowns, has revealed the color of shock. 但是他们脸上的笑容并没有持续多久,就被眼前可怕的一幕冲没了,以至于一个个都紧皱眉头,露出了震惊之色。 Originally, that General Shé brought own subordinate to fly the main hall, 18 Divine Beast each severe wounds, have lain down place! Also is the Jade Emperor main hall is luckily big enough, the surrounding area about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), otherwise cannot install them. 原来,那蛇将军带着自己的部属飞上了大殿,18只神兽各个重伤,躺了一地啊!也幸亏是玉帝的大殿足够大,方圆近万丈,要不然都装不下他们。 The people immortal sees these Divine Beast bones to break the muscle booklet, the whole body is the blood, even also has to lack arm few legs, appearance abnormal is pitiful. Especially a white tiger and Azure Dragon, the whole body is soft, probably is one group of surface, understood at a glance that the whole body bone will be least over 80% like this, that painfully? Even if their vitality is exuberant, Immortal World Elixir are innumerable, a such heavy injury over a thousand years of training, do not want to restore such as beginning! 众人仙人就看见那些神兽一个个骨断筋折,浑身是血,甚至还有缺胳膊少腿的,样子异常凄惨。尤其是一只白虎和一条青龙,全身软绵绵的,就好像是一团面似的,一看就知道,浑身的骨头最少断了八成以上才会这样,那得多痛苦啊?即便是他们生命力旺盛,仙界灵药无数,这么重的伤势没有上千年的修养,都别想恢复如初! Sees this, can the immortals on the scene not be shocked? Even if in the immortal accidentally has to begin the battle, makes into this person, was somewhat excessive. Especially regarding has been used to rampantly the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, this owes to eat, is really somewhat big, no wonder General Shé can be mad this appearance, that face pale and evil spirit some spell! 看到这,在场的仙人都能不震惊啊?即便是仙人之中偶然有动手争斗的,把人打成这样,也有些过分了。尤其是对于嚣张惯了的玄武三强军来说,这亏吃的,实在是有些大,也难怪蛇将军会气成这幅模样,那张脸铁青的都和厉鬼有的拼! I ~~ 我~~ Yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears 是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 The jade belt looked at this situation, on face also receives the smiling face, knit the brows to ask: „ General Shé, this 玉带一看这情况,脸上也收起了笑容,皱眉问道:“蛇将军,这 What's the matter? ” 是怎么回事?” General Shé kneels down directly in front of Jade Emperor, complained tearfully to stroll: Opens reports your majesty, my child were the person had the little corners of the mouth, actually made into this appearance, requesting earnestly your majesty to take responsibility for us?” 蛇将军直接跪倒在玉帝面前,哭诉逛:“启禀陛下,我的孩儿们不过就是和人发生了一点点口角,却被人打成这幅模样,恳请陛下为我们做主啊?” Em?” Jade Emperor hear that, a brow wrinkle, said: „ The struggle of corners of the mouth makes into this merely, “恩?”玉帝闻言,眉头一皱,道:“仅仅口角之争就打成这样, Somewhat is truly excessive, who is behavior? ” 确实有些过分,到底是何人所为?” Actually Jade Emperor vitality, mainly not for pitiful conditions of Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, but is the person who starts angry does not look at the opportunity. Martial Arts Convention immediately started, finally the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces of favorite were discarded, does this make on this organizer face really not have the brilliance? So starts in his domain, clearly doesn't give him the face? How can he not be angry? 其实玉帝生气,主要不是为了玄武三强军的惨状,而是恼怒下手的人不看时机。演武大会马上就开始了,结果夺冠热门的玄武三强军就被废掉,这让他这个组织者脸上也实在是没有光彩啊?在他的地盘上如此下手,分明就是不给他面子啊?他如何能不生气? General Shé has also regarded as important this point, runs to come the jade shape. In his opinion, Jade Emperor for own face, must punish the troublemaker. Although is insufficient that Primordial Chaos Beast - the fellows of spirit clan how, so long as deprives the qualifying of opposite party, General Shé this tone was also equal to leaving. 蛇将军也正是看重了这一点,才跑来告玉状的。在他看来,玉帝就算是为了自己的面子,也得严惩肇事者。虽然不至于把那位混沌兽-灵族的家伙如何了,但是只要取消对方的参赛资格,蛇将军这口气也等于是出了。 Therefore one hear of Jade Emperor such asked that General Shé immediately called out: Opens reports your majesty, we do not know that who that fellow is, only knows that he is God of Fire Heaven Gold Immortal!” 所以一听玉帝这么问,蛇将军就马上叫道:“启禀陛下,我们不知道那家伙是谁,只知道他是祝融天的一个金仙!” Gold Immortal?” After Jade Emperor hear, immediately calls out in alarm said: „ General Shé you do not crack a joke “一个金仙?”玉帝听后,立刻就惊呼道:“蛇将军你不是开玩笑 ? God of Fire Heaven did Gold Immortal, under make into this your many? ” 吧?祝融天的一个金仙,就把你这么多手下都打成这样了?” General Shé hear that, is shameless immediately one red, argued hurriedly: „The fellow is Chaos Titan Clan, but also is controlling Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, who Qi of Sharp Gold, the Qi of Thick Earth three strong strengths, the younger generations hit?” 蛇将军闻言,顿时老脸一红,急忙辩解道:“那家伙是混沌巨灵族,还掌控着炫疾天火,锐金之气,厚土之气三种超强力量,晚辈们谁打的过啊?” „!” One hear of this saying, the surrounding immortal has held breath an cold air/Qi, but along with it but “啊!”一听这话,周围的仙人都倒吸了一口冷气,但是随之而 Comes, is actually pleasantly surprised, even Jade Emperor also eye one bright. 来的,却是惊喜,甚至就连玉帝也眼睛一亮。 Must know that God of Fire Heaven that is the Jade Emperor domain, fire virtue Star Lord is also the Jade Emperor subordinates, then his there person, is the Jade Emperor person? In the people on one's own side can be so fierce, does he have can not be happy? 要知道,祝融天那可是玉帝的地盘,火德星君也是玉帝的麾下,那么他那里的人,也就是玉帝的人啊?自己人中能有这么厉害的,他有怎么能不高兴呢? Naturally, the Jade Emperor extremely obvious performance, he will not be light smiles, then asked 当然,玉帝不会太过明显的表现出来,他只是淡淡一笑,然后问 Said: Fire virtue Star Lord, who can you know this person are?” 道:“火德星君,你可知这人是谁?” Fire virtue Star Lord leaves ranks hurriedly, salutes saying: Opens reports your majesty, possibly is my God of Fire Heaven Gold Immortal seat of honor, Song Zhong, he is our only Chaos Titan Clan person!” 火德星君急忙出列,施礼道:“启禀陛下,可能是我祝融天金仙首座,宋钟,他是我们那里唯一一个混沌巨灵族的人!” One hear of this saying, an immortal of numerous Jade Emperor department revealed the happy expression, Chaos Titan Clan has pressed the talented person 一听这话,众多玉帝一系的仙人都露出了喜色,混沌巨灵族硌人才 Who doesn't like? 啊,谁不喜欢? Jade Emperor is in the heart pleasantly surprised, to consider the General Shé face, he is light asking: Really so? Bang - why does under he want so the violent treachery?” 玉帝更是心中惊喜,不过为了照顾蛇将军的面子,他还是淡淡的问道:“果然如此?砰-他为何要下如此毒手啊?” Opens reports your majesty!” Fire virtue Star Lord knits the brows: How subordinate does not know the special details, but that Song Zhong service person I knows. This child is an honest and good-natured person, is never arrogant in God of Fire Heaven, causes trouble!” “启禀陛下!”火德星君皱眉道:“属下不知具体情况如何,但是那宋钟的务人我是知道的。这孩子乃是个老实人,在祝融天从不飞扬跋扈,惹是生非!” As soon as the people listen to this saying, could not bear smile. Fire virtue Star Lord this may really be the model of indirect insult! Is invisible the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, only said good of person on one's own side. But that General Shé has suspended scolding obviously, is actually speechless, after all others only said praise the person on one's own side, hasn't said their faults? Everybody understands at heart that who is arrogant, person of causing trouble. 众人一听这话,都忍不住笑了起来。火德星君这可真是指桑骂槐的典范啊!不明着吗玄武三强军,只说自己人的好。而那位蛇将军明明摆了骂,却也偏偏无话可说,毕竟人家只说夸自己人,没说他们的坏处啊?只是大家都心里明白,谁才是飞扬跋扈,惹是生非的人。 Has eaten invisible losses General Shé unwilling # 039 \;, Has gotten angry immediately: qu \; You said that he is not arrogant, causes trouble, wasn't he arrogant, causes trouble? Here has lain down a person of place, how did you say? ” 吃了暗亏的蛇将军不甘#039\;,了,马上怒道:qu\;你说他不飞扬跋扈,惹是生非,他就不飞扬跋扈,惹是生非了吗?我这里躺了一地的人,你怎么说?” Fire virtue Star Lord at a moderate pace [say / way]: Pitchfork does not know how should say, I only know certain people cannot lose! Has hit others, he is complacent, what pretends not knowing, the person on one's own side was hit, immediately jumps to complain, a suffering from injustice countenance, em, you said how this should ask me to say?” 火德星君不紧不慢的道:“杈不知道该怎么说,我只知道某些人输不起啊!把人家打了,他就得意洋洋,什么都装不知道的,自己人被打了,就马上跳出来告状,一副委屈的嘴脸,恩,你说这该叫我怎么说呢?” You General Shé two turn, almost cannot bear must pass to punch his. However General Shé has not gone crazy after all, therefore forcefully bears finally, the weapon armor of oneself Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces depend on God of Fire Heaven to transport, if have hit fire virtue Star Lord, won to lose not to mention, the later logistics replenishment must worry in any case. “你”蛇将军两眼一翻,差点忍不住就要过去揍他一顿。不过蛇将军毕竟还没有发疯,所以最终还是强行忍住,自己玄武三强军的兵器铠甲都靠祝融天输送,要是自己打了火德星君,打嬴打输且不说,反正自己以后的后勤供应就要担忧了。 Therefore General Shé does not dare extremely to offend fire virtue Star Lord, therefore then turns the face away to Jade Emperor said: Your majesty, no matter what, my person has injured these many, can you give us a confession?” 所以蛇将军不敢太过得罪火德星君,于是便扭脸对玉帝道:“陛下,不管怎么说,我的人伤了这么多,您得给我们一个交代吧?” The jade belt looked also to be difficult, in heart criticizes General Shé to be mean and shameless. If changes individual, General Shé will not look for Jade Emperor to complain from the start, already personally in the past punched one. But Song Zhong is the Chaos Titan Clan person, General Shé does not dare to punch, has to complain, offending the Chaos Titan Clan assignment pushes to Jade Emperor. 玉带一看也为了难,心中一个劲的暗骂蛇将军卑鄙无耻。要是换个人,蛇将军压根不会来找玉帝告状,早就亲自过去揍一顿了。可是宋钟乃是混沌巨灵族的人,蛇将军不敢揍,就只好来告状,把得罪混沌巨灵族的差事推给玉帝 Although Jade Emperor in name is the lord of Immortal World, the place that but in fact he truly can have jurisdiction over are not many, the big god who cannot offend is one pile, Chaos Titan Clan is one of them. If trades a situation, he will definitely not manage the young small hands to hit., Matter that but this has on own Martial Arts Convention after all, General Shé is the subordinates of Black Tortoise Great Emperor, can't the face not give? Primordial Stage Gold Immortal that also one pile of other Celestial Emperor and big god flag, gets down also came to see to live it up, he cannot favor in any event. 玉帝虽然名义上是仙界之主,可是实际上他真正能够管辖的地方不多,不能得罪的大神更是一堆,混沌巨灵族便是其中之一。要是换个场合,他肯定不会管小小手打.,但是这毕竟是在自己演武大会上发生的事,蛇将军又是玄武大帝的麾下,不能一点面子不给啊?况且还有一堆其他天帝和大神麾,下的混元金仙也来看热闹了,他无论如何不能过于偏袒。 Therefore under absolutely being able be helped, Jade Emperor has to get a light from another light virtue Star Lord forced smile saying: Called Song Zhong, I ask what's the matter!” 所以万般无奈之下,玉帝只好对火德星君苦笑道:“把宋钟叫来,我问问是怎么回事!” Yes!” Fire virtue Star Lord does not worry, sends Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to call Song Zhong conveniently. “是!”火德星君也不着急,随手就打发烈火真君去叫宋钟 I ~~ 我~~ Yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ minute of ~^■~~~ shears 是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~^■~~~割 The time is not big, Song Zhong arrived at main hall jl with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, according to the direction of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, Song Zhong respectful salutes to Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west. Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west see Song Zhong to be neither arrogant nor servile, a calm stance, in the heart somewhat likes immediately. 时间不大,宋钟就跟着烈火真君来到了大殿jl,按照烈火真君的指点,宋钟恭恭敬敬的给玉帝和西王母行礼。玉帝和西王母看见宋钟不卑不亢,一副沉着冷静的姿态,心中立刻就有些喜欢。 Jade Emperor therefore then called Song Zhong to set out, then said: „ Song Zhong, General Shé sues the body to beat his 玉帝于是便叫宋钟起身,然后道:“宋钟,蛇将军状告体殴打他的 The subordinate, does not know that can have this matter? ” 部属,不知可有此事?” Has!” Song Zhong nods, then points at the ground is lying down Divine Beast saying: „ These crooked melons are poor “有!”宋钟点点头,然后指着地上躺着的神兽道:“这些歪瓜劣 The jujube, fool good-for-nothing, was all punched to fall face down by me! ” 枣,笨蛋窝囊废,全是被我一个人揍趴下的!” Ha Ha ~ full Dian the immortal, including comes to see lively Primordial Stage Gold Immortal unable to bear laugh heartily with General Shé. The west and mother and Jade Emperor could not bear, corners of the mouth. “哈哈~”满殿的仙人,包括跟着蛇将军来看热闹的混元金仙都忍不住纵声大笑起来。就连西与母和玉帝也忍不住了,嘴角一个劲的。 General Shé was angry immediately, immediately the air/Qi results in the face to be green, cannot bear shout abuse: Song Zhong, you go too far!” 蛇将军却顿时就恼了,立刻气得脸都绿了,忍不住破口大骂道:“宋钟,你欺人太甚!” Afterward General Shé complained tearfully immediately to Jade Emperor: „Did your majesty, you see? Did this boy hit the person so to be rampant? If not punish, where Immortal Family is just? Imperial Court dignified what Cun?” 随后蛇将军马上对玉帝哭诉道:“陛下,您看见了吧?这小子打了人还这么嚣张?要是不加以严惩,仙家正义何在?天庭威严何存?”
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