CLC :: Volume #6

#591: The evil people complained

General Shé one hear is the Chaos Titan Clan person, has blown at the scene, a long time had not tasted. 蛇将军一听是混沌巨灵族的人,当场就镇住了,老半天没有回过味来。 After he is with great difficulty sober, immediately is angry gives a that fellow ear and area around it, then shouted abuse: In your heads is dog shit? How to hit including the Chaos Titan Clan people? To die do not tow father to be good? 等他好不容易清醒以后,立刻气恼又给那家伙一个耳光,然后破口大骂道:你们的脑袋里都是狗屎吗?怎么连混沌巨灵族的人都打?想死也别拖着老子好吧? If the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces is a Immortal World tyrant, then Chaos Titan Clan is the king of overlord! Do not look that their are few, altogether several hundred people, but actually the master pours forth, is abundance of capable people. Especially the Chaos Titan Clan town clan three treasures, an axe, a thunder, Formation Chart, is overawes Immortal World 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven all demons and monsters, the immortal Buddha shintoism. 如果说玄武三强军是仙界一霸,那么混沌巨灵族就是霸王之王啊!别看他们人数少,总共就几百人,可是却高手辈出,人才济济。尤其是混沌巨灵族的镇族三宝,一斧,一雷,一阵图,更是威震仙界33层天外天的所有妖魔鬼怪,仙佛神道。 An axe is Dragon Veins Divine Axe, a thunder is Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning, Formation Chart is 12 days of Primal Chaos Great Formation! The soldier who front two let Chaos Titan Clan has the fearful individual strength, able to move unhindered Immortal World, same level invincible! But the latter is actually Chaos Titan Clan dominates an immortal basis. Has 12 days of Primal Chaos Great Formation them, greeted 12 Primordial Stage Gold Immortal in clan casually, after being unworthy this, can call Pangu True Body, can punch including Celestial Emperor everywhere randomly crawled. Facing such abnormal Chaos Titan Clan, who dares to provoke! 一斧就是龙脉神斧,一雷就是混沌仙雷,一阵图就是12天都混沌大阵!前面的两种让混沌巨灵族的战士拥有可怕的个人实力,纵横仙界,同级无敌!而后者却是混沌巨灵族称霸仙届的根本。拥有12天都混沌大阵的他们,随便在族里招呼出12个混元金仙,不值成这个阵之后,就可以招呼出盘古真身,连天帝都能揍的满地乱爬。面对这么变态的混沌巨灵族,谁敢招惹啊! The people of Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces to other on Heaven Beyond the Heaven, can unscrupulous beginning, to the previous several Celestial Emperor subordinate, can rampant rampant, even to going to the western heaven Buddha main [lineage/vein] wait / etc. ancient times big god subordinates, dares to make threatening gestures, is to others Chaos Titan Clan, that can only unable to eat to capture is walking! 玄武三强军对上其他天外天的人,可以肆无忌惮的动手,对上几位天帝的部属,也可以嚣张嚣张,甚至对上西天佛主一脉等等远古大神麾下,都敢张牙舞爪,可是对上人家混沌巨灵族,那就只能吃不了兜着走啦! Which pulled out whole face is pitiful Gold Immortal of blood, actually at heart is also extremely suffering from injustice, he cannot bear argue: At that time he was an appearance of average person, who knows that he was Chaos Titan Clan? 哪位被抽的满脸是血的可怜金仙,其实心里也是极为委屈,他忍不住辩解道:当时他就是一个普通人的模样,谁知道他是混沌巨灵族啊? Won't you ascertain? The General Shé anger said. 那你不会问清楚了?蛇将军怒道。 Asked, but that boy did not say. That person of suffering from injustice [say / way]. 问了,可那小子不说呀。那人委屈的道。 You General Shé air/Qi also wants to punch him. But at this time, another immortal suddenly interrupted: Probably some do not suit, although Chaos Titan Clan is fierce, but also is insufficient the anomaly to this situation? middle level can Gold Immortal, how be victorious several Gold Immortal peak? “你”蛇将军气的还想揍他。可是就在这个时候,另外一个仙人忽然插嘴道:好像有些不对劲啊,混沌巨灵族虽然厉害,但是也不至于变态到这种地步吧?一个中级金仙,如何能够打得过十几个金仙巅峰的? „!” Nearby bald guy cannot bear feel the beard saying: I have seen many Chaos Titan Clan Gold Immortal, if the intermediate stage, the powerhouse in Big Dipper Squad this Gold Immortal peak can also punch to fall face down easily 35, that is not a problem, but to previous several, perhaps more unfortunate than fortunate! “就是啊!”旁边的光头大汉也忍不住摸着胡子道:我见过不少混沌巨灵族金仙,如果是中期的话,七杀军这种金仙巅峰中的强者也可以轻易揍趴下35个,那不成问题,但是对上十几个,恐怕还是凶多吉少呢! Yes, our Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces most are good at collaborating to jointly attack, particularly Big Dipper Squad part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, after the prepare, seven people can go against 20 to use, how can lose?” General Shé also remembered this matter at this time, cannot bear strange asking. “是啊,咱们玄武三强军最擅长联手合击,尤其是七杀军的天罡北斗七星阵,布置好之后,七个人就能顶20个用,怎么会输的呢?”蛇将军这时也想起此事,忍不住奇怪的问道。 „The fellow is a anomaly, he will use three strong strengths unexpectedly. Qi of Thick Earth defends invincibly, we cannot break through, Qi of Sharp Gold and Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire are the sharp weapons of attack, everybody's weapon put in an appearance completely destroys on these two types of gadget!” Fellow suffering from injustice saying of: That fellow is also afterward extraordinary not easy changing from, holds our two brothers to treat as the weapon with their bodies directly, greeted toward us on. We for fear that injured the person on one's own side, does not dare to hit back, this was hit by him was so pitiful! “那家伙是个变态,他竟然会用三种超强的力量。厚土之气防御无敌,我们攻不破,锐金之气炫疾天火更是进攻的利器,大家伙的兵器一个照面就全部毁在这两种玩意上了!”那家伙委屈的说道:随后那家伙又出奇不易的化形,直接抓住咱们两个兄弟用他们的身体当做兵器,往咱们身上招呼。我们生怕伤了自己人,根本不敢还手,这才被他打的这么凄惨! „?” After General Shé hears the word, cannot bear call: This fellow also very astute? “啊?”蛇将军闻言之后,忍不住叫到:这家伙还挺精明的啊? Other Primordial Stage Gold Immortal also in abundance eyes one bright, acclaimed the intelligence of this person secretly. 其他混元金仙也纷纷眼睛一亮,暗自赞叹这个人的聪明。 After General Shé sighed one, then asked: Our people injure how? 蛇将军感叹一句之后,便问道:咱们的人伤的如何了? Is very fierce, particularly was regarded white tiger and Azure Dragon of weapon by him, the bone of whole body has broken to pieces nine, suffocated!” That person cries: Perhaps at least must raising millenniums above, can regain the condition! ” “很厉害,尤其是被他当成兵器的白虎和青龙,全身的骨头碎了九层,已经奄奄一息了!”那人哭着脸到:恐怕至少要将养千年以上,才能恢复状态!” Damn!” Crying of General Shé air/Qi said: Leads me to have a look “该死的!”蛇将军气的大叫一声道:带我去看看 Is that person complies with one hurriedly, then leads General Shé to walk toward outside. “是”那人急忙答应一声,然后领着蛇将军就往外面走。 Other Primordial Stage Gold Immortal like lively, sees such amusing matter occurrence, naturally will not miss, therefore also laughing. 其他混元金仙都喜欢热闹,见到有这么好玩的事情发生,当然不会错过,于是也嘻嘻哈哈的跟着去了。 Although General Shé clearly knows that these fellows want to look at their joke, but also takes them not to manage, can only be pale the face, whatever they follow. 蛇将军虽然明知道这些家伙是想看自己的笑话,可是却也拿他们没办,只能铁青着脸任凭他们跟随。 The time is not big, the group returned to the accident site. At this time, Song Zhong already walked, injured Divine Beast was put a treatment by the companions of hurrying back. General Shé and the others looked in the past that all changed the complexion. 时间不大,一行人就回到了事发现场。此时,宋钟早就走了,受伤的神兽都被赶回来的同伴们放到一处救治。蛇将军等人过去一看,全都变了脸色。 Divine Beast of enough 18 Gold Immortal peak has lain down place, majority are also in the stupor, minority sober whinning that also keeping. Several companions go all out applies medicine to them, quickly died! But an immortal big pile that the surroundings watch the fun, actually sees only the smiling face whole face, has not seen one to come out to help. From this can see the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces smelly in the Immortal World reputation. 足足18个金仙巅峰的神兽躺了一地,大多数都还处于昏迷之中,少数清醒的也在不停的哀嚎。几个同伴拼命的给他们上药,都快忙死了!而周围看热闹的仙人一大堆,却只见笑容满脸,没见一个出来帮忙的。由此就可以看出玄武三强军在仙界的名声有多臭。 General Shé sees here, is anxious and angry at heart, first maliciously scolded to the surrounding person: What looks at to look that hasn't gone? 蛇将军看到这里,心里是又急又气,先狠狠的对周围的人骂道:看什么看,还不快滚? However General Shé frightens is occupied by others actually not to daunt Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, as well as some backstage formidable monster clans, all also dozens people in laughing surrounding, General Shé also had self-knowledge, does not dare simultaneously to provoke these many fellows, therefore disguised not to see, arrived at side a also sober flood dragon without consulting anybody, asked: The boys, said quickly, what's the matter? 但是蛇将军吓的住别人却吓不住混元金仙,以及一些后台强大的妖族,所有还有数十人在嘻嘻哈哈的围观,蛇将军也有自知之明,不敢同时招惹这么多家伙,所以假装没看见的,径自来到一个还清醒的蛟龙身边,问道:小子,快说,是怎么回事? The fellow looked is own immediate superior General Shé, the words had not said that the tears first have streamed down, he cries to say immediately loudly: General, you may probably take responsibility for the brothers, the fellow has gone too far, we said that does not hit, he is also unforgiving, you have a look to punch us, the lightest person must heal from a wound for over ten years, this Martial Arts Convention, we were equal to Bai to come! 那家伙一看是自己的顶头上司蛇将军,话还没说,眼泪就先下来了,他立刻放声大哭道:将军啊,你可要替兄弟们做主啊,那家伙欺人太甚了,我们都说不打了,他还不依不饶啊,你看看把我们揍的,最轻的人也得养伤十年以上,这次演武大会,我们就等于白来了啊! Saw that this strong man weeps copiously, General Shé is also at heart uncomfortable, his [say / way] in a muffled voice: I knew, you said first specifically with me what's the matter, why can with a person conflict of Chaos Titan Clan? 看到这坚强的汉子泪如雨下,蛇将军心里也不是滋味儿,他闷声闷气的道:我知道了,你先和我说说具体是怎么回事,为何要和一位混沌巨灵族的人冲突? Has brothers, seeing ordinary middle level Gold Immortal to lead Ashura's beautiful little girl, had the thoughts, looks at his indication, is the God of Fire Heaven person, we may not feel embarrassed him, but well told him that wants to change that little girl with the treasure!” That flood dragon suffering from injustice [say / way]: But who predicted that the boy clearly knows we are the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, actually the name does not give, not only does not comply, but also quarrels to our slander, the brothers could not bear had the conflict with him, finally projected on the half time, knows that boy was grasps three strong strengths Chaos Titan Clan “是有个兄弟,看见一个普通的中级金仙带着个阿修罗的美妞,就动了心思,看他的标示,是祝融天的人,咱们可真就没有为难他,只是好好的跟他说,想用宝物换那个妞!”那条蛟龙委屈的道:可是谁承想,那小子明知道咱们是玄武三强军,却一点名字不给啊,不仅不答应,还对咱们恶语相向,兄弟们忍不住才和他发生了冲突,结果打到半截的时候,才知道那小子是个掌握三种超强力量的混沌巨灵族 Said this time, he said embarrassed, clarifies the fellow who is these bullies the weak and fears the strong to kick on the sheet iron, in the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, Dragon Lei and turtle class were most, next was the white tiger and other monster clans classes, but these fellows were the lascivious varieties, particularly dragon springing up in a throng extremely **, saw that the attractive female could not walk, will otherwise not have hundreds of thousands of bastard Dragon Clan emergence. 说道这的时候,他自己都不好意思说下去了,摆明了就是这些欺软怕硬的家伙踢在了铁板上了啊,玄武三强军里,龙类和龟类最多,其次便是白虎和其他妖族之流,而这些家伙都是好色的品种,尤其是龙族生性极其**,见到漂亮的雌性就走不动路,要不然也不会有数十万杂种龙族的出现了。 Therefore General Shé one listened to know what's the matter, he was not silly, special understanding these arrogant troops brave warrior he of , naturally knows that was the troubles of lasciviously causing, he therefore could not bear shout abuse: Your these bastards, were really the dog cannot change to eat the excrement, arrived at Jade Emperor Heaven, all day to be thinking how also the woman? 所以蛇将军一听就知道是怎么回事了,他也不傻,特别了解这些骄兵悍将手下的他,自然知道都是好色惹的祸,他于是忍不住破口大骂到:你们这些王八蛋,真是狗改不了吃屎啊,都到了玉皇天,怎么还就整天想着女人? Nearby was destroyed the profile Azure Dragon unable to bear insert one at this time: Is that little girl is too attractive, no one can bear except for the court eunuch. 旁边一个被打碎半边脸的青龙这时候忍不住插了一句:实在是那妞太漂亮啦,除了太监谁都忍不住啊。 „!” Several other fellows also in abundance nod. Ha Ha is really one crowd has the individuality subordinate to see this, the surrounding immortals cannot bear the taunt that laughs. But General Shé directly was almost air/Qi spits blood, he was could not be bearing, obloquied to say directly: When his mother, you also has been thinking little girl sweet little girl General Shé scolded while maliciously has pulled out that several fellow, they who frightened do not dare rubbish. “恩恩!”其他几个家伙也纷纷点头。“哈哈真是一群有个性的手下啊”看到这一幕,周围的仙人们都忍不住哈哈大笑的嘲讽起来。而蛇将军则直接差点被气得吐血,他是在是忍不住了,直接大骂道:“都他妈什么时候了,你们还想着妞妞妞”蛇将军一边骂一边狠狠的抽了那几个家伙一顿,吓的他们再也不敢废话了。 After General Shé has vented anger, looks to lie down a person of place, in the heart dehumanizing, cannot bear plaintively scolded: Your these bastards, I issue the written pledge to fulfill a military order before the sovereign, snatches this assignment from old turtle, now may be booing, the congress has not started, on the lying down larger part, this also made the progress? Asked me to confess with the sovereign? 蛇将军出完气之后,看着躺下一地的人,心中一阵凄苦,忍不住哀怨的骂道:你们这些王八蛋啊,我是在帝君面前立下军令状,才从老龟手里抢到这个差事的,现在可倒好,大会还没开始呢,就躺下一大半了,这还怎么取得成绩?叫我怎么和帝君交代啊? Picked General Shé to get angry, these fellows also finally worried a hurried [say / way]: Sir, how this is not strange. Really is that boy does not show due respect for feelings, knows that our status, have not shown mercy, clearly is intentionally. Also, has bought and sold inadequate justice and humanity, we want to buy that little girl, has not snatched, he does not agree, why to shame us, the brothers really could not bear, begins with him. 捡到蛇将军真怒了,那些家伙也终于着急了其中一个急忙道:大人,这不怪怎么啊。实在是那小子不给面子,都知道咱们的身份了,还不手下留情,分明就是故意的。再说了,买卖不成仁义在啊,咱们只是想买那个妞,又没有抢,他不同意也就罢了,凭啥羞辱我们,兄弟们也是实在忍不住了,才和他动手的啊。 Is radically is that boy bullies, General, you cannot give up with him. Other Divine Beast also throw filthy water toward Song Zhong on. 就是就是根本就是那小子仗势欺人,将军,你不能和他善罢甘休。其他神兽也都纷纷往宋钟身上泼脏水。 General Shé hear that, the brow wrinkles maliciously, gets angry: How doesn't give up I to be able? Punches his, my this short remaining life does not have! 蛇将军闻言,眉头狠狠皱起来,怒道:不善罢甘休我又能如何?揍他一顿,那我这老命就没啦! General Shé this saying does not exaggerate, do not look that he is the Black Tortoise sovereigns sits down one of the most efficient turtle snake two generals, if he dares to press greatly slightly bullies Song Zhong, that Chaos Titan Clan old fogy definitely will get the gate, even if cannot kill him, fights to be paralyzed certainly, even if the Black Tortoise sovereign, cannot protect him, must discuss to hide shortcomings, Chaos Titan Clan is not worse than the Black Tortoise sovereigns. 蛇将军这话一点不夸张,别看他是玄武帝君坐下最为得力的龟蛇二将军之一,要是他敢以大压小欺负宋钟,那混沌巨灵族的老家伙肯定会打上门去,就算弄不死他,也绝对打个半身不遂,纵然是玄武帝君,也护不住他,真要论起护短来,混沌巨灵族是丝毫不比玄武帝君差的。 His General Shé such saying, most Divine Beast showed the depressed expression unable to bear the plaintive [say / way]: That boy hits us such miserably such considers as finished inadequately? 蛇将军这么一说,多数神兽都露出了沮丧的表情忍不住哀怨的道:难道那小子把咱们打的这么惨就这么算了不成? Other immortals see that said with a smile secretly: You have today, others punch your times, you knew to put in great inconvenience, that initially you bullied others time, didn't know this? 其他仙人见状,暗自笑道:你们也有今天啊,人家揍你们的时候,你们就知道委屈了,那当初你们欺负别人的时候,又怎么不知道这个呢? However, at this time, a quite cunning fellow suddenly said: Sir, cannot such consider as finished, although we cannot teach Song Zhong directly, but goes to complain, here is Jade Emperor Heaven, under governing of Jade Emperor, the boy beats me for no reason and other participants, has not clearly paid attention to the Jade Emperor command 然而,就在这个时候,一个比较奸猾的家伙去忽然道:大人,不能就这么算了,咱们虽然不能直接去教训宋钟,但是去可以去告状啊,这里是玉皇天,玉皇大帝的治下,那小子无故殴打我等参赛人员,分明就是没有将玉帝令放在眼里啊 Right General Shé one hear of this saying, immediately at present one bright, cannot bear pats the thigh maliciously, called: We have been wronged, was hit in the Jade Emperor domain, we must ask Jade Emperor to come out to take responsibility, the brothers, follow me, look for Jade Emperor to complain. “对啊”蛇将军一听这话,顿时眼前一亮,忍不住狠狠一拍大腿,叫到:咱们受委屈了,在玉帝的地盘上被打啦,咱们得请玉帝出来做主啊,兄弟们,跟我走,找玉帝告状去。 Saying, General Shé was lifting the hand to wield white clouds, picked up the injured person to turn toward the Jade Emperor palace to fly. In General Shé heart secretly favorite [say / way]: Chaos Titan Clan I indeed cannot stir up, but has not related, so long as your Jade Emperor can stir up on the line, we were the guest, the guest are hit in any case here, acted as the master was responsible, hey I must have a look but actually, how your this Jade Emperor handled that boy, em, most at least must ask him to lose the participating qualifications to be good. 说着,蛇将军抬手挥出一片白云,托起受伤的人就向着玉帝的宫殿飞去。蛇将军心中暗自得意的道:混沌巨灵族我的确惹不起,可是没关系啊,只要你玉帝惹得起就行,反正我们在这里是客人,客人被打了,做主人的要负责任吧,嘿嘿我倒要看看,你这玉帝怎么处置那小子,恩,最起码也得叫他失去参赛的资格才行。 Planning of General Shé, the surrounding immortal also understands that they look at this situation, in abundance grinning with, mutually was discussing, was this help old friend General Shé, wanted the justice for him, naturally, their not really such good intention, but was worried that the strength of that Chaos Titan Clan powerhouse, feared he won the champion, that own subordinate has been hopeless, therefore wants taking this opportunity, to give to make the most threatening player, by facilitating own superior under. 蛇将军的算计,周围的仙人也都明白,他们一看这情况,也纷纷笑嘻嘻的跟上去,同时也在互相讨论着,是不是该帮助老友蛇将军一把,替他讨回公道,当然,他们并不是真的这么好心,只是担心那位混沌巨灵族强者的实力,怕他夺取冠军,那自己的手下就没戏了,所以想借着这个机会,把最有威胁的选手给弄下去,以方便自己的手下上位。 Is hitting the immortals of different abacus, in addition General Shé subordinate, enough about hundred people, enormous and powerful, has flown the Jade Emperor temporary palace, after finding out Jade Emperor whereabouts, brought upon oneself on the diameter. 打着不同算盘的仙人,加上蛇将军的部属,足足有近百人,浩浩荡荡,飞到了玉帝行宫,问明玉帝所在之处后,就径自找了上去。 At this time in somewhere the tall and pleasing to the eye main hall, one group of immortals was meeting, on the seat of honor, was sitting well a man and a woman two dignified middle-aged people, the male surface such as the pale [gold/metal], the item such as the bright moon/month, wore the imperial robe, color of the face dignity \; The female appearance is quite solemn, imposing inviolable air/Qi fills the whole body, her above wears the love affair color deterioration lined jacket, below is the mountains and rivers geography skirt, wears the phoenix coronet, the back has the rosy-colored clouds at dawn to reappear faintly, at this time static listens to the people to speak, these two are the Jade Emperor Heaven master, Jade Emperor and queen mother of the west. 这个时候在某处美轮美奂的大殿里,正有一群仙人在开会,主位上,端坐着一男一女两个威严中年人,男子面如淡金,目如朗月,身穿龙袍,一脸威严之色\;女子长相极为端庄,一股凛然不可侵犯之气弥漫全身,她上面穿着风月变色袄,下面是山河地理裙,头戴凤冠,背后隐隐有朝霞浮现,此时正静静的听着众人说话,这两人便是玉皇天的主人,玉皇大帝和西王母。 Under them is whole face white beard, high-ranking court official who gentle Taibai Jinxing, as well as Tuotatianwang and fire virtue Star Lord , etc. were assigned away from the capital. One group of people are listening to fire virtue Star Lord and the others to report the respective situation, finally suddenly had been broken by outside noisy sound, a day officer is then anxious the hasty running over, salutes saying: Opens reports your majesty, Black Tortoise Great Emperor sits down General Shé to lead several wounded person, seeks an interview outside, wants to request you to take responsibility, the person who for their these bullied upholds the justice. 他们下面则是满脸白胡子,慈祥的太白金星,以及托塔天王和火德星君等外放的重臣。一群人正听火德星君等人汇报各自的情况呢,结果忽然被外面一阵嘈杂的声音打断了,紧接着,一个天官便急忙忙的跑过来,施礼道:启禀陛下,玄武大帝坐下蛇将军带着十几个伤员,在外面求见,想要求你做主,为他们这些被欺负的人主持公道。
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