CLC :: Volume #6

#590: Returning in triumph

Saw them to run, Song Zhong was also disinclined to pursue, in fact he also knew unable to overtake. Therefore scolded several in behind, then once more changes the human form, arrives at side Small Cha and Xiao Xue. 看见他们跑了,宋钟也懒得追,实际上他也知道追不上。于是就在后面骂了几句,便再次变回人形,来到小茶小雪身边。 At this time, making the Song Zhong unexpected matter appear one after another. First is crowds claps the hands and shouts praise, praise Song Zhong. 这时,让宋钟意想不到的事情接二连三的出现了。首先是围观群众纷纷拍手叫好,一个的夸奖宋钟 Hits good! Hits is really good!” “打的好啊!打得实在太好啦!” These bastards are owe to punch! You may vent anger for everybody!” “这些王八蛋就是欠揍!你可替大伙出气啦!” Brothers I favor you, if these fellows come back. You may probably then punch!” “兄弟我看好你,那些家伙要是回来。你可要接着揍啊!” After Song Zhong listened, that then does not know whether to laugh or cry immediately. The heart said that I ate to the full supporting also keeps this to continue to punch others? 宋钟听了以后,那顿时便是哭笑不得。心说,我吃饱了撑的还留在这继续揍人家啊? But when Song Zhong forced smile, Xiao Xue actually whole face excited throws, does not give a thought to Song Zhong skin outside bloodstain and contamination, grasps the neck of Song Zhong directly, has kissed on his face maliciously, excited saying with a smile: You good Shuai Ye, others first time saw that for man who I fight!” 而就在宋钟苦笑的时候,小雪却满脸激动的扑过来,不顾宋钟皮肤外面的血迹和污秽,直接抱住宋钟的脖子,在他脸上狠狠亲了一下,激动的笑道:“你好帅耶,人家还是第一次见到为我打架的男人呢!” Song Zhong by a beautiful Xiao Xue such lane, immediately on what is bashful is reddens all over the face, two hands both do not know where toward placed. 宋钟被美艳至极的小雪这么一弄,顿时就羞的是满脸通红,两只手都不知道往哪里摆放了。 Small Cha ran over luckily at this time, pulls open Xiao Xue, called out: Do not make. Hasn't seen his one is wound? A bit faster applies medicinal ointment!” 幸好小茶这时候跑了过来,一把拉开小雪,叫道:“别闹了。没看见他一身是伤吗?快点抹药!” Originally, Song Zhong and opposite party battle time, these fellows know to be hard to resist, goes all out to counterattack Song Zhong in the final moment. Although they are unable to cause mortally injured to Song Zhong that solid physique, is these fellow sharp lackeys, has left behind scars on the skin of Song Zhong, although is not deep, is the dripping with blood, looks very scary. 原来,宋钟和对方争斗的时候,那些家伙自知难以抵挡,都纷纷在最后关头拼命还击宋钟。虽然他们对宋钟那一身结实的筋骨无法造成致命伤害,可是这些家伙锋利的爪牙,还是在宋钟的皮肤上留下了一道道的伤痕,虽然都不深,可是鲜血淋漓,看着很吓人。 Song Zhong one of us knows from the family work, these completely are the skin flesh wounds, even if not apply medicine, by his terrifying resilience, in a short time will be complete such as beginning. Therefore he applying medicine, instead first has not been hugging anxiously two females, said with a smile: This place is not suitable stays for a long time, we went back to say again!” Saying, he hurries to harness in flying sword, flies toward the place that oneself live. 宋钟自家人知道自家事,这些完全都是皮外伤,哪怕不上药,以他恐怖的恢复能力,也会在很短的时间内完好如初。所以他并没有急着上药,反而先把两女抱起来,笑道:“此地不宜久留,咱们还是回去再说吧!”说着,他就赶紧驾驻飞剑,往自己住的地方飞去。 The heart I am heart to heart extensive and heart heart to heart shear to touch 心我心心恢和心心心割触 When Song Zhong goes back to go to therapy, escaping soldiers of that several Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces, arrived in a fine main hall. Here sits dozens immortals, all came from other Heaven Beyond the Heaven Primordial Stage Gold Immortal. 就在宋钟回去接受治疗的时候,逃跑的那几个玄武三强军的战士,也来到了一处精美的大殿里。这里坐着几十个仙人,全是来自其他天外天混元金仙 These Primordial Stage Gold Immortal represents the respective Heaven Beyond the Heaven team leader, is not a Jade Emperor department, not compared with whereabouts Jade Emperor report like fire virtue Star Lord. Therefore then crowds together, eats and drinks, chats, makes the friendly contacts. After all everybody belongs to Imperial Court [lineage/vein], has had to do, many cordialities, in an instant many person several hundred over a thousand years had not met, naturally must get together. 这些混元金仙都是代表各自天外天的领队,又不属于玉帝一系,不比像火德星君一样去向玉帝报告。所以便都凑在一起,吃吃喝喝,说说笑笑,也算是联络一下感情。毕竟大家都是属于天庭一脉,相互之间都打过交道,多少有些情意,转眼间很多人都数百上千年没有见面了,自然要聚会一下。 In these immortals. Status highest naturally is several Celestial Emperor representatives, the thin middle-aged Men in Black, face air/Qi of cloudy offense, the speech also is quite rampant, he then comes this's General Shé on behalf of Black Tortoise Great Emperor. 在这些仙人里。地位最高的自然就是几位天帝的代表,其中,就有一位瘦瘦的中年黑衣人,一脸的阴戾之气,说话也极为嚣张,他便是代表玄武大帝来此的蛇将军 So-called what what soldier will lead, from arrogant of Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces. Can see this General Shé is any goods. 所谓什么样的将带什么样的兵,从玄武三强军的飞扬跋扈上。就可以看出这位蛇将军是什么货色了。 Sees only him to sit well above the jade chair, abnormal favorite [say / way]: I said that this Martial Arts Convention you are Bai to come! Because of first, definitely is our Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces! Even first three must be assumed full responsibility of by us!” 只见他端坐在玉椅之上,异常得意的道:“我说诸位,这次演武大会你们是白来啦!因为第一名,肯定是我们玄武三强军的!甚至前三都说不定要被我们包揽!” „, You boasted!” Another bald guy ridiculed gratefully: Perhaps did the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces gang up on a little skill slightly to say arena Duel? Ahem, you stand out of the way!” “切,你就吹牛吧!”另外一个光头大汉毫不客气的嘲笑道:“玄武三强军或许群殴有点本事小要说擂台单挑?哼哼,你们还是靠边站吧!” Ha, said right!” Other people create a disturbance to say immediately. Everybody is many years of friend, General Shé is not angry, is only the [say / way] of smiling: In the past perhaps was this, is different this year! The people who I bring are hundred war elites, particularly some anomaly in Big Dipper Squad, even has to challenge the Greater Gold Immortal skill! He thinks that doesn't take first difficultly?” “哈哈哈,说的没错!”其他人马上跟着起哄道。大家都是多年的朋友,蛇将军也不生气,只是笑眯眯的道:“往年或许是这样,可是今年不一样啊!我带来的人都是百战精英,尤其是七杀军里的某个变态,甚至都有挑战大罗金仙的本事!他想不拿第一都难啊?” Ahem!” [Say / Way] that another Mr. Bai Huzi disdains: You think that Gold Immortal challenge Luo Xian is very great? As far as I know, over the years, has this skill participant and no longer minority, almost each time Martial Arts Convention first five, even first ten have this ability. Therefore, most also can only say that you have the struggle first ten assurances, wants to take first? How many talents in Immortal World 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven has? How many masters? Which is so easy?” “哼哼!”另外一个白胡子老头不屑的道:“你以为金仙挑战大罗仙很了不起吗?据我所知,历年来,有这种本事的参赛者并不再少数,几乎每次演武大会的前五,甚至前十名都有这能耐。所以,最多也只能说你们有争前十的把握,想拿第一?仙界33层天外天里有多少天才?多少高手?哪那么容易啊?” Is, Martial Arts Convention is rich in the place of talent, the strength, also does not dare saying that must win!” Another immortal also said. “就是,演武大会就是盛产天才的地方,实力在强,也不敢说必胜的!”另外一个仙人也道。 Curling the lip that General Shé hear that, actually disdains, then mysterious [say / way]: I told you, this time was different, our that won the killer bronze medal!” 蛇将军闻言,却不屑的一撇嘴,然后神秘兮兮的道:“我告诉你们啊,这次不一样,我们那位,有杀手铜!” Mentioned listens?” Nearby immortal asks immediately. “说来听听?”旁边一个仙人立刻问道。 Does not have the gate, do not want to inquire his details from here!” [Say / Way] that General Shé disdains extremely: This time, our Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces are elite completely leaves in any case, not only need take first, but must first ten take previous 78 to be good!” “没门,别想从我这里打听到他的底细!”蛇将军极为不屑的道:“反正这次,我们玄武三强军是精锐尽出,不仅要拿第一,还要把前十拿上78个才行!” Ha Ha, can your boy dare to say really? Our crape myrtle exorcize demons armed forces, may refuse to accept! “哈哈,你小子可真敢说啊?我们紫薇降魔军,可不服! Gou Chen executes the monster armed forces not to care about you!” 勾陈诛妖军也不在乎你们!” „The immortal azure armed forces are are not a vegetarian!” Several other Celestial Emperor representatives also took a stand. “长生天青军也不是吃素的!”其他几个天帝的代表也纷纷表态。 Ha Ha, such being the case, in our arena sees, when the time comes, if were hit half dead by my subordinate, you can not probably ask me to complain tearfully?” General Shé rampant [say / way]. “哈哈,既然如此,那咱们就擂台上见,到时候,要是被我的手下打个半死,你们可不许找我哭诉啊?”蛇将军嚣张的道。 „!” One group of people indicated not to spare a glance to General Shé! “切!”一群人纷纷对蛇将军表示不屑一顾! But at this time, Big Dipper Squad soldiers in Gold Immortal Hengfeng flushed, diving posture to the General Shé whisper several. 而就在这个时候,一位金仙横峰的七杀军战士就冲了进来,飞身到蛇将军耳语了几句。 The immortals understood at a glance to have an accident, otherwise the following person was impossible such not to have custom the banquet of direct impact higher authority. The fellows who thereupon, these anxious to stir up trouble, hurry the merit to transport binaural, plans to listen is any matter. 众仙人一看就知道出事了,要不然下面的人不可能这么没规矩的直冲上级的宴席。于是乎,这些唯恐天下不乱的家伙们,就一个个赶紧功运双耳,打算听听是什么事。 In front of Primordial Stage Gold Immortal of these abnormal ranks, spoke in a low voice speaks loud is completely same, therefore they heard the words of that Big Dipper Squad soldier clearly: Important matter is not good! Sir. We and others hit!” 在这些变态级别的混元金仙面前,低声说话和高声说话完全一样,所以他们都清清楚楚的听见了那位七杀军战士的话:“大事不好啦!大人。咱们和人家打起来啦!” General Shé hear that, is not accidental, instead frowns directly, scolds: „Does your idiot, which time come Martial Arts Convention you to disagree others to fight? Hits hits, oneself found the way to wipe the buttocks to be good, why didn't sweep my being popular at this time?” 蛇将军闻言,一点都不意外,反而直接一皱眉头,骂道:“你个白痴,哪次来演武大会你们不和人家打架?打就打吧,自己想办法擦屁股就行了,何必非在这个时候来扫我的兴?” Obviously, General Shé already was used to the flying upwards Ba Nve subordinate to annoy the car(riage) to oneself, moreover has been familiar with the process of handling. In the past was they handles, did not need him to act, even if provokes the fierce character. 显然,蛇将军早就习惯了飞扬跋虐的手下给自己惹车,而且也熟悉了处置的过程。往年都是他们自己搞定,根本不用他出面,就算是招惹到了厉害人物。 They also know that afterward looks for General Shé again, will not disturb him and friend talks about old days. Therefore after General Shé this time was disturbed, will not be happy that thinks this first time participated in the Martial Arts Convention subordinate somewhat to make a fuss over a trifling matter! 他们也知道事后再找蛇将军,根本不会打搅他和朋友叙旧。所以蛇将军这次被打搅之后,才会很不高兴,以为这个第一次来参加演武大会的手下有些小题大做了! General Shé thinks one scolded, he will retreat! Finally has not actually thought that person not only has not retreated, instead puts on a long face saying: Sir, this time is different, we suffer a loss!” 蛇将军以为自己一骂,他就会退走呢!结果却没想到那人不仅没有退走,反而哭丧着脸道:“大人,这次不一样,咱们吃亏啦!” Em?” General Shé then changed the complexion, cannot bear the curious [say / way]: I remember that our Black Tortoise three did strengthen the armed forces about 30 people? How to suffer a loss? Difficult to be inadequate is you completes the order form?” “恩?”蛇将军这才变了脸色,忍不住好奇的道:“我记得咱们玄武三强军来了将近30个人啊?怎么会吃亏的?难不成是你们落单了?” We know that own personal enemy concubine, where dares to complete the order form? Everybody in the same place, but this drop is too hard, strength many close. Was hit scared shitless!” The clever person the face was saying painstakingly that Sir, this matter may be big, we most little had ten several brothers to fall face down, all breaks the severe wound of bone fracture muscle, they were evidently impossible to participate in this Martial Arts Convention!” “咱们知道自己仇家妾,哪里敢落单啊?大家都在一起,只不过这次点子太硬,力多个一拥而上。还是被打得屁滚尿流!”乖人苦着脸道,“大人,这次事可大啦,咱们最少有十好几个兄弟趴下了,全是断骨折筋的重伤,看样子,他们是不可能参加这次演武大会了!” What?” General Shé hear that flies into a rage immediately, direct a racket has broken to pieces front table, roared: Ten several can't participate? Were that most people finished?” “什么?”蛇将军闻言顿时勃然大怒,直接啪的一声拍碎了面前的桌子,咆哮道:“十好几个不能参赛?那岂不是大半人都完蛋啦?” Right!” That person wipes the cold sweat to say. “没错!”那人抹着冷汗道。 As soon as the surrounding immortal listens to this saying, immediately is pleasantly surprised, what startled will actually have such serious fighting event, but happy will be the Black Tortoise three strengthening of the armed forces removes the most player, a oneself side winning percentage will increase! This is the space falls meat pie simply the good deed! 周围的仙人一听这话,顿时又惊又喜,惊的是竟然会发生这么严重的斗殴事件,而喜的则是玄武三强军去掉大半选手,自己一方胜率大增啊!这简直就是天上掉馅饼的好事! However regarding General Shé, this is actually a news awfully. One just and several youngest brothers pursued the cow saying that their subordinate was how fierce. Finally the voice has not fallen, the participating person fell face down the larger part! This inadequate did boast in the presence of everyone? In front of these many people, this person loses, that may really be sends greatly! 但是对于蛇将军来说,这却是一个要命的消息。自己刚刚和几个老兄弟们追牛说自己的部下如何如何厉害。结果话音未落,参赛的人就趴下了一大半!这不成自己当众吹牛了吗?当着这么多人的面,这人丢的,那可真是大发了! Under the General Shé air/Qi that face red also purple, purple was also instantaneously blue, becomes angry out of shame, he catches directly the subordinate of notifying, the anger exclaimed: Said that is these bastards does?” In his opinion, can under punch to fall face down oneself these many, can only be more people, only by doing so, he can pick several points of face countenance. 蛇将军气得那张脸瞬间就红了又紫,紫了又蓝,恼羞成怒之下,他直接把报信的手下抓起来,怒吼道:“说,是那些混蛋干的?”在他看来,能把自己这么多手下揍趴下,就只能是更多的人,只有这样,他才能捡回几分颜面。 However has not thought that the fellow of that notifying actually stretched out a finger, the forced smile said: „!” 但是没想到,那个报信的家伙却伸出了一根手指头,苦笑道:“就一个!” What?” General Shé cannot believe that simply own ear, gets angry: „Does a person, punch to fall face down your many people? How is this possible?” “什么?”蛇将军简直就不敢相信自己的耳朵,怒道:“一个人,就揍趴下你们那么多人?这怎么可能?” At this time, nearby immortal could not bear interpose: Is difficult to be inadequate, what getting rid is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal?” 这时,旁边一位仙人忍不住插话道:“难不成,出手的是一位混元金仙?” „, Right!” General Shé also awakened at this time, immediately pursues asks: Is a senior gets rid? Scolded, to bully greatly too wasn't the thing? Who such is not concerned about face! The father and he has not ended!” “啊,对!”蛇将军这时也醒悟过来,马上追问道:“是不是个前辈出手的?骂的,以大欺太不是东西了?谁这么不要脸啊!老子和他没完!” However the immortal of that notifying actually once more shakes the head, a face depressed [say / way]: „It is not Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, is only one with our same Gold Immortal, moreover merely is middle level!” 然而那个报信的仙人却再次摇摇头,一脸郁闷的道:“不是混元金仙,只是一个和我们一样的金仙,而且还仅仅是中级而已!” „ After surroundings big group of people hear this saying. Cannot bear call out in alarm one completely, along with, even if has held breath a cold air/Qi! All people cannot bear call out in alarm in secret said thatmiddle level Gold Immortal does punch to fall face down several Gold Immortal peak? This possibility?. “周围一大堆人听见这话之后。全部都忍不住惊呼一声,随即便倒吸了一口冷气!所有人都忍不住暗中惊呼道,“中级金仙揍趴下十几个金仙巅峰?这可能吗?。 Doesn't General Shé believe? He direct, has given a that fellow ear and area around it, then shouted abuse, your boy has not awaked, played specially my?” 蛇将军也不信啊?他直接啪的一声,给了那家伙一个耳光,然后破口大骂道,“你小子是不是没睡醒,特意来玩我的?” No, this is real, fellow, yes, yes, that person stutter said several, not willingly [say / way]: „ Is Chaos Titan Clan!”( To be continued “没有啊,这是真的,那家伙,是,是,那人结结巴巴的说了几遍,才不甘心的道:“是混沌巨灵族!”(未完待续
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