CLC :: Volume #6

#586: Seven deicide armed forces

Along with catching fire the palm of virtue Star Lord falls, people presented fiery red clouds instantaneously, has picked up all people on the scene, then flies at the extremely quick speed to transmission of distant place. Time in an instant, several thousand li (0.5km) distance has flown merely, regardless of the speed or the smoothness, is not the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo previous time cloud can compare, obviously this fire virtue Star Lord strength, how immeasurably deep! 随着火德星君的手掌落下,众人脚下瞬间就出现了一片火红的云彩,托起了在场的所有人,然后以极快的速度飞向远处的传送阵。仅仅一转眼的功夫,数千里的路程就飞到了,无论速度还是平稳度,都不是烈火真君上次的云彩所能比拟的,可见这火德星君的实力,是多么的深不可测! When the people sighed the fire virtue Star Lord strength is strong, dragging everybody's red Yun Bian to adopt transmission, arrived at a fine spring day above directly the celestial mountain. 就在众人感叹火德星君实力强劲的时候,拖着大家的红云便已经通过了传送阵,直接来到一处鸟语花香的仙山之上。 After arriving at this, people felt the huge difference immediately. In the God of Fire Heaven air is rich Fire Type Immortal Qi, the temperature is everywhere high. However here, actually only then cool breeze, the faintly recognizable immortal clouds slowly that the climate comfortably was very pleasant. If God of Fire Heaven is the fiery summer, that this absolutely is the spring of being liked by everybody. 来到这一界之后,众人马上就感受到了巨大的不同。祝融天的空气里到处都是浓郁的火系仙气,温度非常高。但是在这里,却只有徐徐清风,飘渺仙云,气候别提多舒适宜人了。如果说祝融天是火热的夏,那这绝对是人见人爱的春。 Naturally, rich Immortal Qi not disappointing, at least is higher than ten times to continue compared with God of Fire Heaven. Many places, rich Immortal Qi congeals the immortal fog of liquid, causes here in all directions is the white mist. 当然,浓郁的仙气也没有让人失望,比祝融天至少高出十倍不止。以至于很多地方,过于浓郁的仙气凝结成液体的仙雾,使得这里四处都是白茫茫的雾气。 However, the mist is not thick, cannot tunnel the vision of immortal, therefore their existences not only have not covered up here scenery, instead made here add the aura of several Divided Spirit secret. Sees such attractive fairyland, first time comes here people out of control to call out in alarm one, is delighted beyond measure. Especially Small Cha and Xiao Xue, do not know simply should be how happy, is only calling out in alarm. 不过,雾气并不浓,根本挡不住仙人的视线,所以它们的存在不仅没有遮掩这里的景色,反而使得这里平添了几分神秘的气息。看见这么漂亮的仙境,第一次来这里的众人都禁不住惊呼一声,喜不自胜。尤其是小茶小雪,简直都不知道该怎么高兴了,只是一个劲的惊呼。 Fire virtue Star Lord was already unalarmed by strange sights, does not think allow. On the contrary, he also at the same time flies, trilateral interestings directs the surrounding scenery to Small Cha and Xiao Xue. 火德星君早已见怪不怪,并不以为许。相反,他还一边飞行,三边饶有兴趣的给小茶小雪指点周围的景色。 In this relaxed atmosphere, the people arrived at a beautiful garden, the occupying land area little said that also had about hundred li (0.5km), was attractive. This place is the God of Fire Heaven participating person and others the residence, fire virtue Star Lord put down Song Zhong and the others, after giving the immortal officer who is responsible for this place, led several Daoist immortals to fly away. They need to see right in front of one Jade Emperor, reported some report trivial matters. 在这种轻松的气氛下,众人来到了一处美丽的庭院,占地少说也有百里左右,非常漂亮。此地是祝融天参赛人等的住所,火德星君宋钟等人放下,交给负责此地的仙官之后,就带着几位真君飞走了。他们需要去面见玉帝,禀报一些琐碎的事情。 The heart I touch diverting attention of heart several hearts to touch 心我触心几心的分心触 Fire virtue Star Lord and the others such walk, there immediately on only remaining Song Zhong and other participating people, then without doubt, everybody must be primarily the Song Zhong this Gold Immortal seat of honor. 火德星君等人这么一走,那里立刻就只剩下了宋钟等参赛的人,那么无疑,大家就要以宋钟这个金仙的首席为主了。 Song Zhong is impolite, the negligent start directs here is the officer assigns the dwelling. But he, but occupied a best residence without hesitation, was bringing Small Cha and Xiao Xue lived. 宋钟也不客气,大咧咧的开始指挥这里的属官分配住处。而他自己,而毫不犹豫的占据了最好的一处居所,带着小茶小雪住了进去。 Although Song Zhong is comes in this Gold Immortal the boundary to be lowest, merely is Gold Immortal middle level, is other people actually as before does not dare to be dissolute to him, after all this is takes the strength as Venerable the world, who called the Song Zhong fist to be hard? 虽然宋钟是来这的金仙里面境界最低的,才仅仅是金仙中级,可是其他人却依旧不敢对他放肆,毕竟这是一个以实力为尊的世界,谁叫宋钟拳头硬呢? After all people place, then is the time of free activity. Official Martial Arts Convention, must carry on three days later, some people of high skill of long way have not come. In these three days, everybody does not have what restraint, can have one's wish. 把所有人都安置好之后,接下来便是自由活动的时间。正式的演武大会,要在三天后才进行,远道的一些高人还没有来呢。在这三天里,大家都没有什么约束,是可以随心所欲的。 Song Zhong asks that is responsible for the immortal officer in this palace area, finds from his there that oneself and the others are has completely freely, can exit to arrive at will, plays, so long as the place of not close celestial troops and generals guard were OK. 宋钟问了问负责这片宫殿区的仙官,从他那里了解到,自己等人是拥有完全自由的,可以随意出去走到,游玩,只要不接近天兵天将把守的地方就可以了。 But generally speaking, these participating immortals came in the past, will go to one place that called Bright Moon Lake, everybody got together there, one was the convenience makes to become friends, another can also seize the chance with the thing that other Heaven Beyond the Heaven cultivator exchanged some each other needs. After all in Immortal World, among Heaven Beyond the Heaven is very difficult to walk, particularly goes to Upper Nine Heavens, is difficult, this time came with great difficulty, naturally must seize the opportunity small many and other Heaven Beyond the Heaven immortals exchanges. 而一般来说,往年那些参赛的仙人来了之后,都会去一个叫明月湖的地方,大家在那里聚会一下,一个是方便交交朋友,另外一个也可以趁机和其他天外天修士交换一些彼此需要的东西。毕竟在仙界里,天外天之间是很难走动的,尤其是去上九天,更是难上加难,这次好不容易来了,自然要抓住机会小多和其他天外天的仙人交流了。 Small Cha and Xiao Xue hear to have this place, immediately must draw Song Zhong to play. 小茶小雪听见有这种地方,马上就要拉着宋钟去玩玩。 But the activity of Song Zhong fabrication has been completed, in addition stuffy these many days, even/including Huode the Star Lord temporary palace did not have quite amusingly, in his heart early has regrettable, therefore this time without hesitation complies. He does not want to come Jade Emperor Heaven one time, anything has not actually seen, that may owe. 宋钟造假的活动已经完成,再加上闷了这么多天,连火德星君的行宫都没有好好玩,他心中早有遗憾,所以这次毫不犹豫的就答应下来。他可不想来玉皇天一次,却什么都没有看见,那可太亏了。 Has not thought that has the person of similar idea to be many with Song Zhong, thereupon, everybody then simply goes hand in hand, is when the time comes good to take care. 没想到,和宋钟有同样想法的人还不少,于是乎,大家便干脆结伴而行,到时候也好有个照应。 According to the direction of immortal officer, one group of people have flown quickly Bright Moon Lake, this is one occupies a land area of several thousand li (0.5km) great lake, because of shape such as bright moonlight, but name. 按照仙官的指点,一群人很快就飞到了明月湖,这是一个占地数千里的大湖,因为形如明月而的名。 On the bund, far away can see the assorted immortal who takes a stroll in all directions. Here immortal quantity has several hundred, from different Heaven Beyond the Heaven, some of them is carrying on to set up a stall the transaction, some each other were chitchatting, some were admiring the scenery, looked like is very satisfied. 在湖边上,老远就可以看见四处溜达的各色仙人。这里的仙人数量有好几百,都是来自不同的天外天,他们有的在进行摆摊交易,有的则在彼此攀谈,有的则在欣赏风景,看起来都很惬意。 Small Cha and Xiao Xue to becoming friends not to have interest, they with liking looking at the thing that the immortal suspends. Can come Jade Emperor Heaven to participate in the Martial Arts Convention immortal, is the masters in master, the thing that they take should not miss. 小茶小雪对交朋友没有兴趣,她们跟喜欢看仙人摆出来的东西。能来玉皇天参加演武大会的仙人,都是高手中的高手,他们拿出来的东西应该不会差了。 Therefore, under pulling of Small Cha and Xiao Xue, Song Zhong can only first look at the thing that these place. 于是,在小茶小雪的拉扯下,宋钟只能首先去看那些摆放出来的东西。 Has saying that Song Zhong one, in sobbing, appears the comparison varies to suddenly come the numerous armor immortals wants armor Run, including few of doubling, thinks that Song Zhong is surrounded by beautiful women like this, radically is unique. 不得不说,宋钟一、在泣里,显得比较突不一为来众甲的仙人都要甲润,连成对的都很少,想宋钟这样左拥右抱的,根本就是绝无仅有。 But what most depressed is, Song Zhong this person long how, only cannot be ordinary, before the delicate and pretty immortal, completely is an ugly image. But Small Cha is naive with Xiao Xue two person different Small Cha, the young miss image of having little experience of the world, but Xiao Xue is outstandingly beautiful astonishing, the beautiful woman is not enough to describe its monster, shames the moon and flowers to be not enough to describe its colorfully, even if in beautiful woman such as cloud Immortal World, was very difficult to find to be able with the female who she compared favorably with. 而最让人郁闷的是,宋钟这人长的并不如何,只能算是普通,在俊美的仙人面前,完全就是一个丑陋的形象。而小茶小雪两个人却不一样小茶天真可爱,一副涉世不深的小姑娘形象,而小雪则是绝色惊人,沉鱼落雁不足以形容其妖,闭月羞花不足以形容其艳,就算是在美女如云的仙界,也很难找到可以和她媲美的女子。 Therefore Small Cha and Xiao Xue side is beautiful, in the coordination mediocre of Song Zhong semblance, has appeared an ideal condition of being incompatible, makes many immortals unable to bear the shaking the head sorrow sigh that fresh flower, how inserted on dog shit!” 所以小茶小雪的极美,配合上宋钟外表的平庸,就显出了一种格格不入的意境,以至于让很多仙人都忍不住纷纷摇头哀叹道,“鲜花啊,怎么就都插在了狗屎上!” Sound that although these fellows spoke extremely however by the strength of immortal, how also to hear? Song Zhong naturally is air/Qi Small Cha does not have the institute certainly, but Xiao Xue actually already is happy grinning with ear to ear soon. 虽然这些家伙说话的声音极但是以仙人的实力,又如何听不见啊?宋钟自然是气得要死小茶却毫无所绝,而小雪却早就已经是快要乐的合不拢嘴了。 Sees the Xiao Xue so appearance, Song Zhong unable to bear the forced smile that self-ridicules say: Has fresh flower on dog shit? What has to be worth being so happy?” 看见小雪如此模样,宋钟忍不住自嘲的苦笑道:“插在狗屎上的鲜花啊?有什么值得你这么高兴的?” He He!” Xiao Xue by Song Zhong funny smiles, [say / way] that then smiles: Is inserting dog shit of fresh flower, please, with your dog shit same head, well think?” “呵呵!”小雪宋钟逗的一笑,然后便笑眯眯的道:“插着鲜花的狗屎啊,请你自己,用你那狗屎一样的脑袋,好好想想吧?” Teased Song Zhong was speechless immediately, he can only the helpless forced smile say: Oh it seems like leads you to come out is a mistake! Next time I must absorb to teach, which regardless of went not to lead you. 被调侃的宋钟顿时无语了,他只能无奈的苦笑道:“哎呀呀看来带你出来就是个错误啊!下次我得吸取教,无论去哪都再也不带你了”。 You dare, unprincipled person!” Xiao Xue threatens to say immediately: You, if dares such to do, I die to you look!” Then, her also Bo Chen stared Song Zhong one, that appearance, just like is flirting with one another with Song Zhong! “你敢,坏人!”小雪随即威胁道:“你要是敢这么做,我就死给你看!”说完,她还薄嗔的瞪了宋钟一眼,那模样,活脱脱就是在和宋钟打情骂俏呢! Song Zhong sees Xiao Xue this appearance, could not bear have a thought of fluttering flags at heart! Through these months of being together, Song Zhong liked to Xiao Xue more and more. Although this small girl seems like cunning and unreasonable, may quite be in fact sensible, making Song Zhong be free from worry specially, she not only has not troubled Song Zhong, on the contrary, she also can always , when Small Cha pesters endlessly, maintaining composure gang Song Zhong prevents her. Such sensible and beautiful unparalleled girl, who can not move? 宋钟见到小雪这幅模样,心里也忍不住生出了一丝旖旎的念头!通过这几个月的相处,宋钟小雪是越来越喜欢了。这小丫头虽然看似刁蛮,可实际上却极为懂事,让宋钟特别省心,她不仅从来没有麻烦过宋钟,相反,她还总是能在小茶胡搅蛮缠的时候,不动声色的帮宋钟阻止她。这么懂事又美丽无双的女孩子,谁又能不动心呢? However, when Song Zhong at heart itchy, a unharmonious sound actually suddenly conveys, this Fellow Daoist please please do not bother to see me off!” 然而,就在宋钟心里痒痒的时候,一个不和谐的声音却忽然传来,,“这位道友请留步!” The Song Zhong three people turn the face away looked that actually the discovery seven husky fellows arrived at their near. On these seven people puts on the unification service pattern black armor. Above has ray flowing of stars faintly, among the hard helmets of military might, special marking, are seven become the stars of big dipper shape arrangement. Their seven people of appearances are very fierce, rich Murderous Qi, sends out faintly. Song Zhong looks at this, immediately can conclude that their seven, definitely is the soldier of some Celestial Emperor under elite regiment, only then that person, will put on the service pattern armor, will have such rich Murderous Qi. 宋钟三人扭脸一看,却发现有七个彪形大汉来到了自己的近前。这七个人身上都穿着统一制式的黑色铠甲。上面隐隐有星辰的光芒流动,威武的头盔中间,有一个特殊的标识,是七颗成北斗形状排列的星星。他们七人长相都很狰狞,身上一层浓郁的杀气,隐隐散发出来。宋钟一看这样子,马上就敢断定他们七个,肯定是某个天帝手下精锐军团的战士,也就只有那种人,才会穿制式铠甲,才会有这么浓郁的杀气 Slaughters in the battlefield regarding these, defends the Immortal World peaceful serviceman, some Song Zhong at heart respect. Towering that therefore they present freely, Song Zhong has not been disrespectful, holds the fist in the other hand to return salute saying:, Does not know that what Fellow Daoist does look for my?” 对于这些在战场厮杀,保卫仙界安宁的军人,宋钟心里还是有些尊敬的。所以尽管他们出现的突兀,宋钟也没有失礼,抱拳还礼道:,“不知道诸位道友找我何事?” Is this!” Is the guy of head said: ” By Fellow Daoist this female, but Ashura Clan? ” Saying, he refers to Xiao Xue. “是这样的!”为首的一位大汉道:”道友旁边这位女子可是阿修罗族?”说着,他一指小雪 Song Zhong a brow wrinkle, said immediately: Please below no comment!” 宋钟顿时眉头一皱,道:“请恕在下无可奉告!” Although Song Zhong respects to the serviceman, actually does not represent him to like being inquired about the private affair, therefore Song Zhong so simple rejects the reply. 虽然宋钟对军人尊敬,却也不代表他喜欢被人问及私事,故而宋钟才如此干脆的拒绝回答。 That person sees that is also not angry, but shows a faint smile saying: Since this, I when she! I have brothers, had a liking for her, Fellow Daoist you open a price!” 那人见状,也不生气,只是微微一笑道:“既然这样,那我就当她是了!我有一位兄弟,看上了她,道友你开个价吧!” Listens to this saying, the Song Zhong complexion instantaneously changed, was mad red by him. But Xiao Xue reveals a miserable appearance, closely preserves the arm of Song Zhong. Small Cha most is did not look that others bully Xiao Xue, points at the nose of opposite party to shout abuse: Hello, what thing are you? What qualifications do you have to buy my family's Xiao Xue?” 听完这话,宋钟的脸色瞬间就变了,被他气得通红。而小雪则露出一副楚楚可怜的样子,紧紧保住宋钟的手臂。小茶最是看不得别人欺负小雪,二话没说,指着对方的鼻子就破口大骂道:“喂,你是个什么东西啊?你有什么资格买我家的小雪?” After that person was scolded by Small Cha, somewhat is immediately disgruntled, along with, even if sneers saying: Depends on us is Big Dipper Squad, Ok?” 那人被小茶骂了以后,也顿时有些不悦,随即便冷笑道:“就凭我们是七杀军,可以么?” At this time, the surrounding immortal noted here situation, turned the face away to look in abundance. After waiting to hear the status of these people, many immortals cannot bear call out in alarm one, then discussed that, originally was they, then that boy may probably trouble!” 这时候,周围的仙人都注意到了这里的情况,纷纷扭脸望过来。等听见这些人的身份之后,很多仙人都忍不住惊呼一声,然后议论道,,“原来是他们,这下那个小子可就要麻烦啦!” Yes, seven kill, the broken armed forces, Sirius Wolf, that is the famous Black Tortoise Great Emperor subordinates three strengthening of the armed forces, is the elite masters who and outside the territory Heavenly Demon slaughters. Is known as invincible!” “是啊,七杀,破军,天狼,那可是大名鼎鼎的玄武大帝麾下三强军,都是和域外天魔厮杀出来的精锐之师。号称所向无敌啊!” Particularly Big Dipper Squad, it is said kills the head of broken wolf three services! No wonder their each on has the symbol of big dipper Big Dipper, originally is the Big Dipper Squad person.( To be continued “尤其是七杀军,据说更是杀破狼三军之首呢!怪不得他们头每上有北斗七星的标志,原来是七杀军的人”。(未完待续
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