CLC :: Volume #6

#587: Fights with the fists seven to kill

The Song Zhong Middle Nine Heavens matter is not very clear, Upper Nine Heavens let alone, therefore he does not know any Big Dipper Squad from the start. However Song Zhong behind Xiao Xue, actually seems one Immortal World, in 33 days do not have her not to know probably. 宋钟中九天的事情都不很清楚,上九天就更别说了所以他压根就不知道什么七杀军。但是宋钟身后的小雪,却似乎是一个仙界通似的,33天里好像就没有她不知道的。 But what is most essential, Xiao Xue after these days being together, had nearly mind interlinked feeling with Song Zhong, she can always , when Song Zhong doubts, just right makes the illustration to him, this time is no exception. 而最为关键的是,小雪经过这些天的相处,和宋钟有了一种近乎心灵相通的感觉,她总是能在宋钟疑惑的时候,恰到好处的给他做出解说,这次也不例外。 Depresses by the sense of fear that seven deicides scare forcefully, Xiao Xue in the Song Zhong back, trembling explanation: „ A Black Tortoise Great Emperor Five Great Celestial Emperors guards Eastern jade Mystical Sky, there and outside the territory Heavenly Demon Demon World borders on, to resist the Heavenly Demon invasion, Black Tortoise Great Emperor subordinates altogether 1 XII ten thousand celestial troops and generals, sharpest is was known as that kills seven of broken wolf to kill, broken armed forces, as well as Sirius Wolf three strengthening of the armed forces. They are the Black Tortoise Great Emperor sharpest sharp swords, naturally extremely hides shortcomings and cherishes to them, gradually, made this three services become the arrogant arrogant troops brave warrior, once left jade Mystical Sky, everywhere will cause trouble, nobody dares to annoy! 强行压下被七个杀神吓坏的恐惧感,小雪宋钟的背后,颤巍巍的解释道:“五大天帝之一的玄武大帝驻守东方玉玄天,那里和域外天魔魔界接壤,为了抵御天魔入侵,玄武大帝麾下总共有1Ⅻ万的天兵天将,其中最为精锐的便是号称杀破狼的七杀,破军,以及天狼三支强军。他们是玄武大帝最为犀利的利剑,对他们自然极为护短和爱护,久而久之,就让这三军成了飞扬跋扈的骄兵悍将,一旦出了玉玄天,就会到处惹是生非,无人敢惹! Afterward, Xiao Xue also specially reminded: „ Big Dipper Squad excels at part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, therefore seven people are one group, enters , then with food, the origin with the war, all day in the same place, many years later, trained the extremely fearful tacit understanding. Compares other immortals skill that is good at independent combat, these people are good at ganging up on, once under the cloth part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, can resist with all one's strength the several fold in their enemies, therefore you are certainly careful! 随后,小雪还特意提醒道:“七杀军擅长天罡北斗七星阵,所以七人为一组,入则同食,出则同战,整日都在一起,多年下来,就培养出了极为可怕的默契。相比其他仙人擅长单打独斗的本事,这些人更擅长群殴,一旦布下天罡北斗七星阵,能力敌数倍于他们的敌人,所以你一定要小心啊! Although the Xiao Xue sound is very small, however the surrounding person actually each is a master, in addition is away from not near, therefore listened to a clarity completely. 虽然小雪的声音很小,但是周围的人却各个都是高手,再加上距离不近,故而全部都听了一个清清楚楚。 Big Dipper Squad hear that of that lead, then stares immediately, immediately said with a smile: „ Has not thought your this small girl also many, he he, that is good. This Fellow Daoist, looks in marking of your front, should be God of Fire Heaven disciple, our brothers did not feel embarrassed you, my front this small girl made impertinent remarks, you taught well, gave us to calculate to apologize the females of your back that Ashura Clan again, this matter on the past! 那位领头的七杀军闻言,顿时便是一愣,随即笑道:“没想到你这小丫头还懂的不少,呵呵,那就再好不过了。这位道友,看在你胸前的标识,应该是祝融天门下,我们兄弟也不为难你了,我面前这小丫头出言不逊,你好好教训一下,再把你背后那阿修罗族的女子交给我们算赔罪,这事就过去了吧! This person of this saying said is very rampant, but listens in others ear, actually also really thinks that he indeed showed mercy. God of Fire Heaven that because Song Zhong is, is to all Celestial Emperor army arms procurement armor and other valuable cargo places, therefore these fellows do not dare to offend excessively, so as to avoid, created obstacles by the God of Fire Heaven person. Therefore has then borne Small Cha this small girl to their shame. 此人这话说的很是嚣张,但是听在别人耳中,却还真的都认为他的确是手下留情了。因为宋钟所在的祝融天,乃是给所有天帝部队供应武器铠甲等重要物资的地方,所以这些家伙也不敢过分得罪,免得以后被祝融天的人刁难。故而这才忍住了小茶这小丫头对他们的羞辱。 If changes elsewhere immortal, even if several other Celestial Emperor disciple, these fellows definitely already began to hit half dead the opposite party, then snatched the person to walk! They step on, no matter these, arrive above noisily, at the worst was also reprimanded turns, above may not give up in heavy fine their these armed forces elite. As for that woman, snatched, will definitely not go back. 要是换个别处的仙人,哪怕就是其他几位天帝门下,这些家伙肯定早就动手把对方打个半死,然后抢了人就走啦!他们踩不管这些,闹到上面,大不了也就是被申斥一翻,上面可舍不得重罚他们这些军中精锐。至于那女人,都抢来了,也肯定不会还回去。 Why till is also their secure reasons. 迄也是为什么他们有恃无恐的原因。 The immortal of onlooking saw that the Big Dipper Squad person said that in the heart somewhat is slightly disappointed. They want to watch the fun, but then evidently could not hit. Because wants to come in them, a female of Ashura Clan, is not considered as anything, since the Big Dipper Squad person has given the face, this is the God of Fire Heaven immortal, 80% honest hands over the person. Only if he does not have the idiot of brain to resist, in that case, not only the person must be robbed, 80% must make into the severe wound including oneself. 旁观的仙人见到七杀军的人这么说,心中稍稍有些失望。他们原本想看热闹,但是这下看样子是打不起来了。因为在他们想来,一个阿修罗族的女子,并不算是什么,既然七杀军的人给了面子,这为祝融天的仙人,八成会老老实实的把人交出来。除非他是没脑子的白痴才会抗拒,那样的话,不仅人肯定要被抢走,连自己也八成要被打成重伤。 Regarding the matter of Song Zhong win, they have not thought from the start, because of the Big Dipper Squad person, always does not manage these customs of immortal, hits together gets rid. Song Zhong can Duel, is impossible to be victorious to form part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper seven people? These seven Gold Immortal peak, after the Big Dipper Squad elite lineup that the innumerable bloody battles grow, can perhaps fight including Greater Gold Immortal! 至于说宋钟取胜的事,他们压根就没有想过,因为七杀军的人,从来都不管仙人的那些规矩,打不过就一起出手。宋钟就算是能单挑一个,也不可能打得过结成天罡北斗七星阵的七个人啊?这七个金仙巅峰,经过无数血战成长起来的七杀军精锐布阵之后,恐怕连大罗金仙都能斗一斗了! However, various all people do not favor Song Zhong time, makes them unable to believe the matter that simply own informer occurred. 然而,就各所有人都不看好宋钟的时候,一件让他们简直都不敢相信自己耳目的事情发生了。 Sees only that Song Zhong left hand to extend, draws Small Cha behind, the right hand extends, negligent load Xiao Xue hugs in the bosom, then a face disdains to front Big Dipper Squad elite [say / way]: „ Is happy today while the young master, your several trash have many to me leave far, otherwise, the father abandoned you! 只见那宋钟左手一伸,把小茶拉到身后,右手一伸,大咧咧的担小雪抱在怀里,然后一脸不屑的对面前的七杀军精锐道:“趁着小爷今天心情不错,你们几个垃圾给我有多远滚多远,要不然,老子就把你们一个个都废了! As soon as Big Dipper Squad several people listen to this saying, good long while had not tasted! Their Big Dipper Squad in Immortal World, is domineering and tyrannical these many years, is always only then they bully the share of person, down to the short step has made an ominous name, the ordinary immortal saw has wanted to hide, from the start does not dare to provoke, also has fostered they rampant domineering temperament. But is booing today, they are rampant, the opposite fellow also wants rampant 100 times compared with them, listens to that tone, does not pay attention to them unexpectedly completely! 七杀军的几个人一听这话,好半天都没有回过味来!他们七杀军仙界,横行霸道这么多年,从来都是只有他们欺负人的份,以至亍打出了一身凶名,普通仙人见了就想躲,压根就不敢招惹,也就也养成了他们嚣张跋扈的脾气。可今天倒好,他们嚣张,对面的家伙比他们还要嚣张100倍,听那口气,竟然是完全不把他们放在眼里! Seven people have gotten immediately angry, the following several fellows have sent immediately out cold Murderous Qi, proceeds to take a step, wants to begin. 七个人顿时就怒了,后面几个家伙随即就发出了凛凛杀气,往前迈步,就想动手。 However that leader is very steady, wild does not represent him to be silly. He is very clear, although usually bullies the person to be able, but some sheet irons not 但是那位首领却很稳重,猖狂不代表他傻。他心里很清楚,虽然平时欺负人可以,但是有一些铁板还是不 Can kick. Now saw in situation that the opposite this person clearly is knowing their status, but also dares to be so rampant, he cannot bear somewhat beats a drum, the secret passage, other is ` this boy Ran the person who we cannot provoke? 能踢的。如今见到对面这人在明知道他们身份的情况下,还敢这么嚣张,他心里就忍不住有些打鼓,暗道,‘这小子别冉是我们招惹不起的人? Thinks of this, he puts out a hand to block behind ally immediately, then neither arrogant nor servile [say / way]: Your excellency quite crazy tone, but does not know the honored name, who studies under? Perhaps, are we old friends?” Obviously, he wants to ascertain the details of opposite party, then decides to hit. 想到这,他马上伸手拦住身后的战友,然后不卑不亢的道:“阁下好狂的口气,但不知尊姓大名,师从何人?说不定,咱们还是故人呢?”显然,他是想问清楚了对方的底细,然后再决定是不是打。 Song Zhong naturally understands his intention, that obviously not easily then his hoping, therefore Song Zhong sneers a sound track: „ You could rest assured that I and your bold fellow definitely therefore people, cannot throw that person! 宋钟自然明白他的用心,那显然是不会轻易遂了他的愿,所以宋钟冷笑一声道:“你放心,我和你们这些没脸没皮的家伙肯定不是故人,丢不起那个人啊! Ha ~ listens to Song Zhong this saying, these immortals who surrounds laughter make noise immediately, they already could not get used to seeing Big Dipper Squad was domineering, but cannot stir up, now saw that some people so shame them, naturally is excited serious, all laughs. “哈哈哈~”听完宋钟这话,围观的那些仙人顿时爆笑出声,他们早就看不惯七杀军的跋扈了,可是又惹不起,如今见到有人如此羞辱他们,自然是兴奋的不得了,全都开怀大笑起来。 Opposite Big Dipper Squad person hear that, actually immediately is the air/Qi results in the complexion to be red, that leader could not bear, they ride roughshod in Immortal World, so to have been ridiculed how could? Under becomes angry out of shame, that leader is angry saying: „ Brat, goes too far, teaches him to me! 对面七杀军的人闻言,却顿时是气得脸色通红,就连那位首领也都忍不住了,他们在仙界横行无忌,何曾被人如此奚落过啊?恼羞成怒之下,那位首领大怒道:“臭小子,欺人太甚,给我教训教训他! As his voice falls, a Big Dipper Squad immortal then immediately roars, has fired into Song Zhong 随着他话音一落,一个七杀军的仙人便马上怒吼一声,冲向了宋钟 Although Big Dipper Squad excels at part of great bear big dipper Big Dipper, may not be casual uses to anyone. Song Zhong is Gold Immortal middle level, they all are the Gold Immortal peak, naturally cannot come up to send out fully, such also too lost face! Therefore that is the leader sends out a person, tries the Song Zhong weight. 虽然七杀军擅长天罡北斗七星阵,可也不是随随便便对谁都用。宋钟不过是金仙中级,他们全是金仙巅峰,自然不会一上来就出动全力,那样也太丢人了!所以那是首领才派出一个人,去试试宋钟的斤两。 That fellow short temper of getting rid, is the strength greatly infinite flood dragon, he fights to like going straight there and coming straight back, looks at Song Zhong is Gold Immortal middle level, in the heart secretly despises, has not been serious him, therefore after overrunning, the fist walks the palace, straight pounding to the nose of Song Zhong, planned that punched black and blue to say Song Zhong again. 出手的那个家伙脾气暴躁,乃是力大无穷的蛟龙所化,他打架喜欢直来直去,看宋钟不过是金仙中级,心中暗自鄙视,根本就没有把他当回事,所以冲过去之后,拳走中宫,笔直的砸向宋钟的鼻子,打算把宋钟揍个鼻青脸肿再说。 Song Zhong what person? Chaos Titan Clan family background! Compares the strength with him? That does not look for the stimulation 宋钟什么人啊?混沌巨灵族出身!跟他比力气?那不是找刺激 ? 吗? Therefore Song Zhong looked that this stance he was happy, first delivers to with the supple vigor Small Cha and Xiao Xue behind open area, a fist that then smiles moves forward to meet somebody! 所以宋钟一看这架势他就乐了,二话没说,先把小茶小雪用柔劲送到身后的空地上,然后便笑眯眯的一拳迎上去! Song Zhong and opposite party have not appeared prototypes, therefore is the altitude of ordinary humanity, but he 宋钟和对方都没有显出原型,所以全是普通人类的高度,但是他 Their strengths do not have therefore to reduce many. 们两人的力气却没有因此而降低多少。 That two cloudy - fist after connection, the people hear the bang of bang, the naked eye obvious explosive shock wave produced from their fist interface point together. 那两昙-拳头在空中交接之后,众人就听见轰的一声巨响,一道肉眼可见的爆炸冲击波就从两人的拳头交接处产生了。 The next quarter, the land of their surrounding Min ten li (0.5km) surrounding area was destroyed by the shock-wave all, the innumerable crushed stone soils splash, has tunnelled the vision of people. As then, a pitiful yell transmits, the black person's shadow was hit to fly upside down together. 下一刻,两人周围敏十里方圆的土地被冲击波尽数摧毁,无数碎石泥土飞溅开来,挡住了众人的视线。接着,随着一声惨叫传来,一道黑色的人影被打得倒飞出去。 Because most people were punched the person who flies are Song Zhong, but they fix the eyes on look, actually surprised discovery, Song Zhong fortunately good is standing same place, on the contrary is his match, by him, as soon as fights with the fists to fly, in airborne spits blood one after another. 绝大多数人都因为被揍飞的人是宋钟,但是他们定睛一看,却惊讶的发现,宋钟还好好的在原地站着,反倒是他的对手,被他一拳打飞,在空中接连吐血。 His ally luckily comes and thump, rescues it. However looked that his arm becomes the soft appearance, the people understand that the arm of this person perhaps was the comminuted fracture. Although this. The type injury, regarding the immortal, is not too serious, with the help of Elixir, most 1-2 months can convalesce, however pain actually absolutely must have. 幸好他的战友来的及咚,才将其救下。但是看他那条手臂变得软软的模样,众人就都明白此人的手臂恐怕是粉碎性骨折了。虽然这.样的伤势,对于仙人来说,并不算太严重,在灵药的帮助下,最多一两个月就可以痊愈,但是这其中的痛苦却绝对少不了。 Brother!” Other six Big Dipper Squad see that immediately Bei Hu, comes up together the examination, immediately on the shocking discovery, this fellow officer was not only the arm bone has broken to pieces, the five main internal organs (entrails) was also shaken the wound by a fearful strength, even if had Elixir to take, did not have an enemy hundred years of training, picked out to return to the original condition! “兄弟!”其他六位七杀军见状,顿时悲呼一声,齐齐上来察看,随即就震惊的发现,这位同袍不仅是手臂骨头碎了,就连五脏六腑也被一股可怕的力量震伤,就算是有灵药服用,没有敌百年的修养,都剔想恢复原状啊! „!” Saw that the brothers so caused heavy losses, that leader flies into a rage immediately, he is wicked “啊!”看到兄弟受到如此重创,那位首领顿时勃然大怒,他恶狠 Ruthless stares Song Zhong saying that is good your brat, you play unexpectedly cloudy!” 狠的瞪着宋钟道,“好你个兔崽子,你竟然玩阴的!” Actually, is not only he believes that surrounding immortal also completely because Song Zhong wins with the cloudy move. Because he is the Gold Immortal middle level person, in any event, shouldn't a fist hit a Gold Immortal peak elite soldier so pitifully? 其实,不仅仅是他这么认为,就连周围的仙人也全部都因为宋钟是用阴招获胜。因为他不过是个金仙中级的人,无论如何,也不该一拳就把一个金仙巅峰的精锐战士打得如此凄惨啊? But Song Zhong is treats certainly unjustly, actually that fist he had not put forth a moment ago fully! Reason that will have the scene of so shocking, completely is reason that because the opposite that fellow extremely has a low opinion of the enemy. 宋钟当然是冤枉的,其实刚才那一拳他还没有使出全力呢!之所以会出现如此震撼的场面,完全是因为对面那家伙太过轻敌的原因。 He thinks that Song Zhong that pitiful look definitely does not dare to shake with him directly hardly, 80% will fend or resists with its other source, therefore on the fist only uses three force components, other strengths are remaining completely, thinks and other Song Zhong fended or will present other subsequent parties the time again causes. The result has not thought of Song Zhong solidly actually with him hard right a fist. 他以为宋钟那副熊样肯定不敢和他正面硬撼,八成会闪避或者用其他方抵挡,所以拳头上只用三分力,其他力量全部留着,想等宋钟闪避或者出现其他后手的时候再使。结果没想到宋钟却实实在在的就和他硬对了一拳头。 By Song Zhong that abnormal strength, this fellow fully gets rid, cannot block, let alone put forth the trivial three points of strength? In fact, he does not have dies in Song Zhong at the scene, the animal pen is he transports! 宋钟那身变态的力量而言,这家伙就算是全力出手,也挡不住,更别说才使出区区三分力量了?事实上,他没当场死在宋钟手里,都苄是他运!
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