CLC :: Volume #6

#585: Star big

In Song Zhong in the day of fire virtue Star Lord temporary palace, he besides has asked for advice with fire virtue Star Lord about the matter on practice, but also read two Ancient Inheritance Scroll. And, in Chaos Titan Clan Ancient Scrolls, records that special Dragon Veins Divine Axe refinement method and Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning law decides. 宋钟在火德星君行宫的日子里,他除了和火德星君讨教了一些关于修炼上的事情之外,还阅读了两份传承古卷。其中,混沌巨灵族古卷里,就记载着那种特殊龙脉神斧的炼制方法和混沌仙雷的法决。 Dragon Veins Divine Axe, is the Chaos Titan Clan only one weapon, is the only nonego. Regarding Chaos Titan Clan, any flying sword, Magical Artifact, the armor, fights the clothes, completely is the unnecessary things, so long as they had Dragon Veins Divine Axe to be enough. 龙脉神斧,是混沌巨灵族唯一一种武器,也是唯一一件外物。对于混沌巨灵族来说,什么飞剑,法宝,铠甲,战衣,全部都是多余的东西,他们只要有一把龙脉神斧就足够了。 But this Dragon Veins Divine Axe also indeed is abnormal formidable existence, Dragon Veins Divine Axe that an entire Dragon Vein compression refinement becomes, will be different according to various minerals that this Dragon Vein will contain, but will have to have the different wondrous uses. 而这龙脉神斧也的确是异常强大的存在,把一整条龙脉压缩炼制而成的龙脉神斧,会根据这条龙脉所含的各种矿物不同,而有具有不同的妙用。 For example Song Zhong this Dragon Veins Divine Axe, has Qi of Sharp Gold and Qi of Thick Earth, Qi of Sharp Gold makes it have the sharpness of destroying the hardest defenses, but the air/Qi of thick point makes it have the fearful protection capability, can resist including Red Lotus Karmic Fire and Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, might be considered as a great treasure. 比如宋钟的这把龙脉神斧,就拥有锐金之气厚土之气,其中锐金之气让它拥有无坚不摧的锋利,而厚尖之气则让它拥有可怕的防护能力,连红莲业火炫疾天火都能够抵挡,堪称是一件了不起的宝贝。 Depending on these two characteristics, Song Zhong this axe, although in the might slightly is bad, was the wondrous use actually already not compared with Ninth Grade Immortal Tool difference many. However, this Dragon Veins Divine Axe might can be increased, so long as keeps increases other Dragon Vein essence, its might gradually will promote, until achieving to surmount the Ninth Grade Immortal Tool situation. This makes Song Zhong feel that abnormal is excited. 就凭这两种特性,宋钟的这把斧子虽然威力上还稍差,可是妙用却已经不比九品仙器差多少了。不过,这种龙脉神斧的威力是可以提升的,只要不停的增添其他龙脉的精华,它的威力就会逐渐升级,直到达到超越九品仙器的地步。这让宋钟感到异常兴奋。 Moreover, the Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning method is also Song Zhong most anticipates definitely. As an only immortal law that Chaos Titan Clan can use, the Primal Chaos divine lightning might may be called in the territory first, can place on a par without any. 另外,混沌仙雷的法决也是宋钟最为期待的。作为混沌巨灵族会用的唯一一种仙法,混沌神雷的威力堪称域内第一,没有任何雷法可以相提并论。 Reason that said that because of the Primal Chaos attribute, resembles Five Elements, and non- Five Elements, can transform as all Five Elements attributes. In other words, it can at any time, change the attribute that needs, then restrains the Five Elements attribute of enemy. 之所以这么说,是因为混沌的属性,似五行,而又非五行,可以转化为一切五行属性。也就是说,它可以在任何时候,变化出所需的属性,然后去克制敌人的五行属性。 Naturally, Primal Chaos divine lightning is a very huge system, Song Zhong is impossible to grasp quickly. He can only start to practice from simplest Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning. But this simplest Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning, includes to refine Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Heaven's First True Water, Qi of Sharp Gold, Qi of Thick Earth as well as Long Living Green Wood special Five Elements attribute divine lightning, then combines, thus forms extremely fearful Primal Chaos Primordial Stage Immortal Lightning. 当然,混沌神雷是一个很庞大的体系,宋钟不可能很快掌握。他只能从最简单的混沌仙雷开始练习。而这最简单的混沌仙雷,就包括炼制炫疾天火,天一真水,锐金之气,厚土之气以及长生青木等特殊五行属性的神雷,然后再加以组合,从而形成极为可怕的混沌混元仙雷 According to this Ancient Inheritance Scroll dagger record, so long as practices any special attribute Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning. Can be vertically and horizontally invincible in the Gold Immortal rank, Primal Chaos Primordial Stage Immortal Lightning that 2-3 Five Elements attributes combine, can hit everywhere Greater Gold Immortal runs. Once can combine completely in five species together, is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, cannot resist. 根据这传承古卷匕记载,只要练成任何一种特殊属性的混沌仙雷。就可以在金仙级别纵横无敌,两三种五行属性组合成的混沌混元仙雷,就能够将大罗金仙打得到处跑。而一旦可以把五种属性全部组合在一起,那么就是混元金仙,也抵挡不住。 Just, these five special attributes each same specially are hard to grasp, generally speaking, after at least also Greater Gold Immortal, possibly grasps 1-2 types. If the luck is not good, even one type cannot. But Song Zhong because of the Thunder Prison special condition, grasped this complete five species ahead of time, this made Ling Zhuang move loved reading, passed to him in Chaos Titan Clan one of the only three Ancient Inheritance Scroll. Along with merely is most base broken Ancient Inheritance Scroll, may also be the Chaos Titan Clan treasure, is the person in clan. Easily is hard to see. But Ling Zhuang actually happy makes Song Zhong perceive through meditation for hundred years, obviously his thinking highly of heart to Song Zhong. 只不过,这五种特殊属性每一样都特别难以掌握,一般来说,至少也得大罗金仙之后,才可能掌握其中一两种。要是运气不好,甚至一种都不会。而宋钟却因为雷狱的特殊条件,提前掌握了这全部的五种属性,这才使得灵壮动了爱才之念,传给他混沌巨灵族里仅有的三部传承古卷之一。随着仅仅是最基破的一部传承古卷,可也是混沌巨灵族的宝贝,就是族里的人。都轻易难以得见呢。而灵壮却痛快的让宋钟参悟百年,可见他对宋钟的器重之心了。 It can be said that Chaos Titan Clan the Ancient Inheritance Scroll simply to Song Zhong customizes, Dragon Veins Divine Axe or Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning, greatly will promote his strength. Song Zhong scruples, after learn/master five Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning, perhaps small defeated Greater Gold Immortal not quite to be difficult. Even to Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, strength of the war, is insufficient to resign oneself to extinction. 可以说,混沌巨灵族的这部传承古卷简直就是给宋钟量身定做的一样,无论是龙脉神斧还是混沌仙雷,都将会大大提升他的实力。宋钟顾忌,等自己学会五种混沌仙雷之后小恐怕击败大罗金仙都不太困难了。甚至就算对上混元金仙,也有一战之力,不至于束手待毙。 My heart intention touches heart to heart line to touch the heart harmoniously 我心心怀和谐触心心线触心 After looking at Chaos Titan Clan Ancient Inheritance Scroll, Song Zhong naturally while convenient also looked at itself receiving in exchange Ancient Inheritance Scroll from the stall. The result does not look importantly, does not look had a scare. 看完混沌巨灵族传承古卷之后,宋钟自然顺便也看了自己从小摊上无意间换取的传承古卷。结果不看不要紧,一看就吓了一跳。 Thing that actually originally, on this Ancient Inheritance Scroll records. Is Formation Chart, the name says Heaven's Constellations Great Circuit Formation! This name, has the experience immortal regarding any, that can be deafening without doubt! 却原来,这块传承古卷上记载的东西。是一副阵图,名曰周天星斗大阵!这个名字,对于任何一个有见识的仙人来说,那无疑都是可以震耳欲聋的! In Immortal World historical, formation evolves myriad, spreads really broadly, almost in everybody metropolis two. After these many talent astonishing rare talents develop the evolution, presented innumerable formidable formation, most famous several, then have Immortal Beheading Sword Formation of exceedingly high founder, Yin Yang Eight Trigrams Formation of laozi, sea of clouds three clouds Yellow River Nine Tunes Formation wait / etc., but these formation, although Xiong certainly for a while, is great, can strangle to death including Celestial Emperor, but actually cannot be considered as on is the first under heaven! 仙界的历史上,阵法演化万千,流传甚广,几乎谁都会上一手两手的。在这么多天赋惊人的奇才加以发展演化之后,更是出现了数不清的强大阵法,其中最著名的几种,便有通天教主的诛仙剑阵,太上老君的两仪八卦阵,云海三霄的九曲黄河阵等等,但是这些阵法,虽然都雄绝一时,是一等一的强阵,连天帝都能绞杀,可是却都不能算得上是天下第一! In Immortal World, strongest formation that all immortals recognize, has two, before them, other formation is the dregs! 仙界中,所有仙人公认的最强阵法,就只有两个,在他们面前,其他所有阵法都是渣! One of these two formation, are Chaos Titan Clan Heaven's Zodiac Primal Chaos Great Formation. 这两种阵法之一,便是混沌巨灵族十二都天混沌大阵 Legend, this formation, once were displayed by the Chaos Titan Clan immortals of 12 Primordial Stage Gold Immortal ranks, can summon Pangu True Body, that has the prestige of energy to destroy the Heavens and extinguish the Earth seriously, no one can block! 传说,这种阵法,一旦被12名混元金仙级别的混沌巨灵族仙人施展出来,就可以召唤出盘古真身,那当真是具有毁天灭地之威能,谁都挡不住! As for another type, is this Heaven's Constellations Great Circuit Formation. The legend, this formation is monster clan the treasure of town gate, is different from Chaos Titan Clan Heaven's Zodiac Primal Chaos Great Formation, the person who this formation needs are many, more is fiercer, once after several million audiences, can become reassignment sidereal revolution Stars Power, the person in confrontation strangles to death. Celestial Emperor falls, has not fresh, even if existence of sage rank, must delaminate the skin possibly to withdraw, wants to break through the enemy lines that is impossible. 至于另外一种,便是这周天星斗大阵。传说,这阵法乃是妖族的镇门之宝,和混沌巨灵族十二都天混沌大阵不同,这种阵法需要的人很多,越多就越厉害,一旦有数百万之众以后,就可以自成调动周天星辰之力,对阵中的人进行绞杀。天帝陷进去,有死无生,哪怕就是圣人级别的存在,也要脱层皮才可能脱身,想要破阵那是不可能的。 Just, this formation is extremely complex the person request to lineup to have the extremely high coordination slightly, must be similar to a body is good, but this may too be difficult, therefore this also arranges in the monster clan heyday successfully. After the monster clan four big giants have a falling out, again had not been arranged, and was lost including Formation Chart. Even including the present queen mother of the west, initial Jade Lake Goddess did not know complete Formation Chart. 只不过,这种阵法太过复杂小对布阵的人要求具有极高的协调性,必须如同一体才行,而这可就太难了,所以此阵也就在妖族全盛时期布置成功过。在妖族四大巨头闹翻之后,就再也没有被布置出来,并且连阵图都失传了。甚至连现在的西王母,当初的瑶池圣母都不知道全部的阵图 However, she only depending on a point that oneself know, recombination the opinion on formation, on Wan Yao day that homemade became famous shocking below, it is said the might is also quite abnormal, can definitely contend with Celestial Emperor. 但是,她仅凭自己知道的一点,再结合自己在阵法上的见解,就自创出了名震天下的万妖的天阵,据说威力也极为变态,完全可以抗衡天帝 It can be imagined, Song Zhong after knowing one obtained Heaven's Constellations Great Circuit Formation. That chapter of matter what mood. He does not know that should cry, should smile. 可想而知,宋钟在得知自己无意间获得了周天星斗大阵之后。那回事什么样的心情。他都不知道是该哭,还是该笑了。 This Heaven's Constellations Great Circuit Formation, regarding present Song Zhong, completely is the weak. He knows not deeply about formation, wants to perceive through meditation completely thoroughly, little said that also needs several thousand years to be good. But he under many Flower Monster, were the strength was too bad, and was not enough to send 周天星斗大阵,对于现在的宋钟来说,完全就是鸡肋。他对阵法了解不深,想要完全参悟透彻,少说也要数千年才行。而他手下虽然有不少花妖,可是实力却太差了,并不足以发 But what is most essential, Song Zhong does not dare to train! This Heaven's Constellations Great Circuit Formation that is the thing that the sages are jealous , the person of even/including Sanqing that rank, cannot create to come compared with this stronger formation, can they not want? 而最关键的是,宋钟不敢演练啊!这周天星斗大阵那是圣人都眼红的东西,连三清那种级别的人,都创不出比这更强的阵法来,他们能不想要吗? Therefore Song Zhong was equal to obtaining a useless thing. And is very hot. After all he obtains this gadget time, there is a bystander to present, although Lie Yangzi seems like is a steady person, may he not be serious most likely from the start, speaks thoughtlessly then to say. 所以宋钟等于是得到了一块没用的东西。而且还很烫手。毕竟他得到这玩意的时候,有外人在场,虽说烈阳子看似是个稳重人,可也保不定他压根就没当回事,随口便说了出去。 Those who most make Song Zhong depressed is, he was unable to remind Lie Yangzi, because in that case, is equal to telling Lie Yangzi clearly, he obtained the treasure. If Lie Yangzi closely examines, Song Zhong can say? Deceives the friend not to be good, did not say and queers, this may really make Song Zhong in a dilemma! 最让宋钟郁闷的是,他还不能提醒烈阳子,因为那样的话,就等于是明白告诉烈阳子,他获得宝贝了。万一烈阳子追问起来,宋钟可怎么说啊?欺骗朋友不行,不说又得罪人,这可真是让宋钟左右为难! In addition has the incident, was makes the Song Zhong regret break the intestines. That is when Martial Arts Convention preliminary contest, he is in front of clever many people, pounds others backs of the head with Ancient Inheritance Scroll. In other words, he has worked as the idiot once again. 另外还有一事,更是让宋钟悔断了肠子。那就是在演武大会初赛的时候,他当着乖么多人面,用传承古卷砸人家的后脑勺。也就是说,无意间,他又一次当了白痴。 Although Song Zhong were crisp, the hidden danger that but left is actually out of control to make him have a fearful and apprehensive feeling. If this accidentally leaks the news to go, that may big is not wonderful. 虽然宋钟自己是爽了,可是留下的隐患却禁不住让他有种心惊肉跳的感觉。这万一要是泄露出消息去,那可大大的不妙了呀。 However, Song Zhong knows that the worry is also useless, the past matter was unable the party. 不过,宋钟知道担心也没有用,过去的事情已经无法晚会。 He the only idea, is hurries to recover now. 他现在唯一的想法,就是赶紧补救。 Song Zhong thinks it over, finally had found a best remedial measure, that is forge together Dashibei, then when Martial Arts Convention, will break next time at the scene. As the matter stands, Lie Yangzi and these audiences will only think the stele on Song Zhong are other thing, but does not think toward Ancient Inheritance Scroll on that such was equal to safeguarding own secret. 宋钟想来想去,终于找到了一个最好的补救办法,那就是伪造一块大石碑,然后在下次演武大会的时候,当场砸碎。这样一来,烈阳子和那些观众只会认为宋钟手上的石碑是别的东西,而不会往传承古卷上想,那样就等于是保住自己的秘密了。 Thinks of this, Song Zhong again could not wait, hurries while closing up the opportunity, hid two Ancient Inheritance Scroll, and with some color approximate best quality goods material, has made one. Back stars Song Zhong honest portray, but these pour out the article, he actually does not dare to write. Because Martial Arts Convention time, will possibly have Celestial Emperor to observe, they understand the antique god article most likely, if pour out the writing to write, if were recognized to be possible by them not to be good. 想到这,宋钟就再也等不及了,赶紧趁着闭关的机会,把两块传承古卷藏了起来,并用颜色近似的某种极品材料,又制造了一块。背后的星辰宋钟老老实实的刻画上去了,但是那些斟斟文,他却没有敢写。因为演武大会的时候,很可能会有天帝观战,他们八成都是懂得太古神文的,要是自己把真的斟斟文字写上去,万一被他们认出来可就不好了。 Therefore Song Zhong shouted writes the same place, superficially before as if the pouring out material article was similar, may in fact actually completely not be the antiquity god article. 所以宋钟就呼写一起,表面上看起来似乎和以前的斟料文差不多,可实际上却完全不是上古神文。 My heart intention touches the mountain core to be divided the core to touch the forge Ancient Inheritance Scroll matter harmoniously, has spent Song Zhong several days of times. After doing well with great difficulty, went to the Martial Arts Convention date also to arrive. Song Zhong cannot bear the sorrow sigh that „ are really the cruel fate? Has the opportunity to be admitted to the Star Lord palace with great difficulty, but actually all used the time in the fabrication, did not have a time to saunter obstinately in all directions, missed an opportunity in vain, oh, actually cheap Small Cha and Xiao Xue these two girls!, 我心心怀和谐触山心分心线触伪造传承古卷的事情,花费了宋钟好几天的功夫。好不容易弄好之后,前往演武大会的日期也到了。宋钟忍不住哀叹道,“自己真是命苦啊?好不容易有机会住进星君的宫殿,可是却全把时间用在造假上了,愣是没有一点功夫去四处转悠转悠,白白错过了机会,唉,倒是便宜了小茶小雪这两个丫头!, Song Zhong goes out, immediately sent for calling by fire virtue Star Lord, said that immediately wanted. Song Zhong does not dare to neglect, handles hurriedly slightly, is bringing Small Cha and Xiao Xue they go to converge with fire virtue Star Lord. 宋钟才一出关,马上就被火德星君派人叫了去,说马上就要出发了。宋钟不敢怠慢,急忙稍稍打理一下,就带着小茶小雪两人前去同火德星君汇合。 Place that the people gather in a spacious palace, Song Zhong arrives at time, others came. Besides fire virtue Star Lord and doing of his under several Greater Gold Immortal ranks, Daoist immortal rank is the officer, fire virtue Star Lord had three, includes Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. Looks at the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo appearance, as if can follow fire virtue Star Lord to participate in Martial Arts Convention is a how honorable matter. But he also knows that this has been lucky the Song Zhong face, therefore looked to the Song Zhong look also becomes even more grateful. 众人集合的地方是在一处宽敞的宫殿里,宋钟到的时候,人家已经都来了。除了火德星君和他手下几位大罗金仙级别的干将之外,真君级别的属官,火德星君就带了三个,其中就包括烈火真君。看烈火真君的样子,似乎能够跟随火德星君去参加演武大会是件多么光荣的事情。而他也知道,这还是多亏了宋钟的面子,所以望向宋钟的眼神也变得越发感激。 As for other people, is the immortal who 29 attend three rank competition. These fellows regarding oneself one line of were waiting for that the Song Zhong matter, feels is angry very much, particularly sees him to be also surrounded by beautiful women, leading two pretty girls to come to look angry slightly. Sizes up Song Zhong with the vision of taking pleasure in others'misfortunes. 至于其他人,就是29个参加三种级别比试的仙人。这些家伙对于自己一行人都在等待宋钟的事,感觉很生气,尤其是看见他还左拥右抱,带着两个漂亮的女孩进来小更是怒形于色。一个个都用幸灾乐祸的目光打量宋钟 They in abundance at heart the secret passage, „ your boy are chief, can't such pull rank? We , does here have fire virtue Star Lord and three Daoist immortals in? You dare to make them wait for unexpectedly, but also is leading the irregular person, the groaning boy, your this time died, Star Lord will not forgive absolutely your!, 他们纷纷在心里暗道,“就算你小子是首席,也不能这么托大啊?我们还罢了,这里可是还有火德星君和三位真君在呢?你竟然敢让他们等待,还带着不相干的人,哼哼小子,你这次死定了,星君绝对不会饶恕你的!, However, at this moment, making the matter that all participating immortals shocked occur, after fire virtue Star Lord saw Song Zhong, actually slightly has not been angry, instead kind saying with a smile: Oh, you may be come! Ha Ha, this servant was finally uneven!” 然而,就在这时,让所有参赛仙人都大跌眼镜的事情发生了,火德星君看见宋钟之后,竟然丝毫没有生气,反而亲切的笑道:“哎呀呀,你可算是来啦!哈哈,这下人总算是齐了!” Sorry, recently closed up the practice, lost time. Song Zhong salutes the apology to say hurriedly. “抱歉,最近闭关修炼,耽误了时间”。宋钟急忙施礼道歉道。 Harms! Closes up the practice, what crime has!” Fire virtue Star Lord actually laughs saying: ” Said that I also really am the admiring your diligence! ” “误!闭关修炼,何罪之有啊!”火德星君却哈哈大笑道:”说起来,我还真是钦佩你的勤奋呢!” Um?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying have gawked, but also thinks that this is fire virtue Star Lord is satirizing itself, red that immediately shameless shames. Other people see that also awakens immediately, then in heart dark crisp. “嗯?”宋钟一听这话就愣了一下,还以为这是火德星君在讽刺自己呢,顿时一张老脸就羞的通红。其他人见状,也马上醒悟过来,跟着在心中暗爽。 However fire virtue Star Lord looks at the Song Zhong complexion, knows that he has misunderstood, explained hurriedly: Song Zhong, do not misunderstand, what I said is real!” 然而火德星君一看宋钟的脸色,就知道他误会了,急忙解释道:“宋钟,你不要误会,我说的是真的!” Afterward, fire virtue Star Lord then whole face [say / way] with deep veneration: My this brings to entertain your temporary palace, is in all my residences is most attractive, most comfortable, other people live in such palace, already wallowed in this beautiful scenery, was hard to extricate oneself. Even if the strength in meditation high person, at least will find a time to tour, so as to avoid Bai to come. But you? Here stayed for several days, a time has not gone out to play obstinately, besides asks for advice to me, all time spend in the practice. This diligent manner is I most regards as important, I am also heartfelt expressed admiration to you. 随后,火德星君便满脸肃然的道:“我这处拿来招待你的行宫,是我所有住所中最漂亮,最舒适的一所,旁人住在这样的宫殿里,早就沉迷在这美丽的景色中,难以自拔了。就算是定力高的人,也至少会抽出点时间游览一下,免得白来一趟。可是你呢?在这里住了十几天,愣是一次没有出去玩过,除了向我讨教之外,所有时间都花费在修炼上。这种勤奋的态度是我最为看重的,我也是衷心的对你表示钦佩”。 Listened to a fire virtue Star Lord such saying, Song Zhong to understand that in the heart could not bear the [say / way] that did not know whether to laugh or cry, „ my there does not want to play to chat everywhere is the time is really tight, the duty was arduous, has to step up the time fabrication?, 听火德星君这么一说,宋钟才明白过来,心中忍不住哭笑不得的道,“我那里是不想到处玩聊实在是时间紧,任务重,不得不加紧时间造假啊?, But after other people listen, was startled, they self-examined, „, if change the Song Zhong position, in such beautiful palace, definitely not parsimonious 1-2 days of time of playing. But Song Zhong is actually used to practice, no wonder others can have such achievement! It seems like that fire virtue Star Lord so regards as important him, pours also has reason 而其他人听后,也都是吃了一惊,他们自问,“要是自己换到宋钟的位置,在这么美丽的宫殿内,肯定不会吝啬一两天游玩的时间。但宋钟却全都用来修炼,也难怪人家能够有如此成就呢!看来,火德星君如此看重他,倒也不是没有原因” After praising turned Song Zhong, fire virtue Star Lord then no longer rubbish, is drawing Small Cha and Xiao Xue, wields gently, said: Ok, the time early, we did not hurry along!”( To be continued, how such as wants to know things to do after death, to land the muscle, the chapter are more, supports to do 在表扬了一翻宋钟之后,火德星君便不再废话,一手拉着小茶小雪,一手轻轻一挥,道:“行啦,时间不早了,咱们也赶路吧!”(未完待续,如欲知后事如何,请登陆肌,章节更多,支持作
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