CLC :: Volume #6

#584: Inherits Gu Juan

This thing, but treasure, named Ancient Inheritance Scroll! Is the antique Ancient Era seniors makes, specifically is used to record the profound law of respective school to decide, in your hand this, is our Chaos Titan Clan the book of inheritance, above has to refine the Dragon Axe way, as well as Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning practice method Ling Zhuang said with deep veneration: „ You may probably remember. In this thing clan also three, therefore cannot to you, only be able to lend you to perceive through meditation for hundred years, later must give back to the clan, moreover inside thing, you can only in the brain, but cannot record with the writing. “这东西可是宝贝,名叫传承古卷!是太古时代的前辈们制造的,专门用来记载各自门派的高深法决,你手上这一块,就是咱们混沌巨灵族的传承之书,上面有炼制龙斧的方式,以及混沌仙雷的修炼方法灵壮肃然道:“你可要记住。这东西族里也就三块,所以不能给你,只能借给你参悟百年,之后就必须还给族里,而且里面的东西,你只能记在脑子里,而不能用文字记录”。 „?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, are out of control to be startled, that thing that in the heart the secret passage, I obtained unexpectedly is also Ancient Inheritance Scroll! Does not know that what has recorded, but has not related, this book with that book is the same writing, thinks that Ling Zhuang will teach me to read? Thinks of this, Song Zhong is then probing the [say / way]. 30 Sixth Uncle. What on this is the curving writing? Was the writing of antiquity monster clan?” “啊?”宋钟一听这话,禁不住吃了一惊,心中暗道,原来我得到的那东西竟然也是一本传承古卷啊!只是不知道纪录了什么,不过没关系,这本书和那一本都是一样的文字,想必灵壮会教给我怎么读吧?想到这,宋钟便试探着道。“30六叔。这上面弯弯曲曲的文字是什么啊?难道是上古妖族的文字?” This was the antiquity god article. Is the Great God Pangu creation. Includes the mystery of many days of good fortunes. Only can get an idea cannot explain, only then the antiquity strong god clan, can grasp. Generally speaking. You of Gold Immortal rank do not have qualifications to study, least is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal is also good. However your situation is special, after having that five types to the strong strength , has studied the qualifications of Primal Chaos Immortal Lightning, therefore I can make an exception, taught Ancient Inheritance Scroll as well as this antiquity God Mark to you!” Ling Zhuang said that puts out a hand to place on the Song Zhong forehead. “这是上古神文。乃是盘古大神创造的。含有多天造化的玄妙。只能意会不可言传,只有上古超强的神族,才能够掌握。一般来说。金仙级别的你是没有资格学习的,最少也是混元金仙才行。但是你情况特殊,拥有那五种至强力量之后,也拥有了学习混沌仙雷的资格,所以我可以破例,把传承古卷以及这种上古神纹传授给你!”灵壮说完,伸手放在宋钟的额头上。 Song Zhong felt immediately huge information reach the brain from the opposite party hand directly. Although merely is only a language, the information content that but inside contains too was big, even forgives the massive Heavenly Law highest good, is the Song Zhong head is big enough, if changes individual, must be exploded the head by such huge information brace. May for all this, Song Zhong after receiving this type of antiquity god article , the headache wants to crack, almost could not come to a stop. 宋钟随即就感觉到一股股庞大的信息从对方手上直接传进脑子。虽然仅仅只是一种语言,可是里面蕴含的信息量却实在太大了,甚至都包涵大量的天道至理,也就是宋钟脑袋够大,要是换个人,说不定都要被这么庞大的信息撑爆脑袋。可尽管如此,宋钟在接收完这种上古神文之后,也头疼欲裂,几乎都站不稳了。 However Ling Zhuang sees that actually once more surprised [say / way]: „ Good, good, you indeed are the talent extremely high fellow, I think you will unable to support to cause the stupor, unexpectedly you unexpectedly have actually insisted, perhaps this physical quality, can compare favorably with our Chaos Titan Clan Greater Gold Immortal! The child, your this ability practices?. 但是灵壮见状,却再次惊奇的道:“不错,不错,你的确是天赋极高的家伙,我原本以为你怎么也会支撑不住而导致昏迷呢,却不料你竟然坚持了下来,这身体素质,恐怕都能和我们混沌巨灵族大罗金仙相媲美了!孩子,你这身能耐都是怎么练出来的啊?。 Was divided by Immortal Lightning. Song Zhong says with a smile painstakingly. “都是被仙雷劈出来的”。宋钟苦笑着道。 Em?” Ling Zhuang hear that, ponders slightly, then knits the brows: Lightning Tribulation indeed has the wash bloodlines, strengthens the effect of physique. You rise from the mortal, after each boundary breaks through, must have been through repeatedly Lightning Tribulation, in addition Thunder Prison that disaster, is really is divided by Immortal Lightning. Can have this result, pours is not accidental. Oh. What a pity our Chaos Titan Clan child, is born is Earth Immortal, steadily not several hundred years on True Immortal slightly even Heavenly Immortal. In Immortal World, they are the pets in world, will not provoke Lightning Tribulation, although safe was safe, how many good opportunities what a pity actually also lost? You said that I am in this suggestion clan, making these kids find the way to provoke to select Lightning Tribulation to play?” “恩?”灵壮闻言,微微沉思一下,然后皱眉道:“雷劫的确有洗涤血脉,强化筋骨的功效。你从凡人升上来,每一个境界突破后,都要历经雷劫,再加上雷狱的那次劫难,果然是一路被仙雷劈过来的。能够有此成绩,倒也不算意外。唉。可惜我们混沌巨灵族的孩子,出世就是地仙,长不几百年就真仙小甚至天仙了。在仙界里,他们都是天地的宠儿,也不会招惹雷劫,虽然平安是平安了,可惜却也失去了多少好机会啊?你说,我是不是该建议族里,让那些小屁孩们想办法招惹点雷劫玩玩?” After Song Zhong hear, actually immediately smiles bitterly saying: Does ten thousand not to want. Ordinary world of mortals Lightning Tribulation but actually. They can relaxed anti- in the past, is Immortal World Lightning Tribulation is different, frequently is Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, Heaven's First True Water, that absolutely is not True Immortal, even the person of Heavenly Immortal rank can resist. 宋钟听后,却立刻苦笑道:“干万不要。普通的凡间雷劫倒也罢了。他们都可以轻松抗过去,可是仙界雷劫就不一样了,动辄就是炫疾天火,天一真水,那绝对不是真仙,甚至天仙级别的人可以抵御的”。 „, Said is also. It seems like I offered a stupid idea!” Ling Zhuang this time awakens, immediately said with a smile: ” Good, since the axe has also given, Ancient Inheritance Scroll has also delivered, I also nothing, earlier go back to report after carrying out orders! You remember that receives good Ancient Inheritance Scroll, does not may make widely known. Cannot lose, this is the gadget that Celestial Emperor is jealous , the gadget, if lost, you may probably become the Chaos Titan Clan criminal! ” “啊,说的也是。看来我是出了个馊主意!”灵壮这次醒悟过来,随即笑道:”好啦,既然斧子也给了,传承古卷也送了,我也没有什么事啦,就早点回去复命吧!你记得,收好传承古卷,万万不可张扬。更不能遗失,这可是天帝都眼红的玩意,玩意要是丢了,你可就要成为混沌巨灵族的罪人啦!” Yes!” The Song Zhong hurried nod said: I understand!” “是!”宋钟急忙点头道:“我明白!” That is good!” Ling Zhuang the racket the shoulder of Song Zhong said afterward: Does well, I favor you. First with comes back to us on Martial Arts Convention, lets the clan head long face!” “那就好!”灵壮随后拍拍宋钟的肩膀道:“好好干,我看好你。在演武大会上给我们拿个第一回来,也让族里长长脸!” You could rest assured that I will do everything possible!” Song Zhong hurried [say / way]. “您放心,我会尽力而为!”宋钟急忙道。 Em!” Ling Zhuang nods, then said: Was good, such being the case, is all right! I go also. Said. Ling Zhuang soars directly, changes to flowing light to vanish together instantaneously does not see. “恩!”灵壮点点头,然后道:“行了,既然如此,就没什么事啦!我去也”。说完。灵壮直接腾空而起,化作一道流光瞬间消失不见。 Ling Zhuang such refreshed walks, Song Zhong actually immediately fell into the awkward position. Because he sees fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo suddenly appears again, obviously is knows that Ling Zhuang walked. 灵壮这么爽快的一走,宋钟却顿时就陷入了尴尬境地。因为他忽然看见火德星君烈火真君再次出现,显然是知道灵壮走了。 But Song Zhong? He stands in a big spoiled bamboo grove, in the heart is not very comfortable! Others asked him to be a guest, he was booing, others immortal bamboo groves chopping a none remaining. Must know. This is not the ordinary immortal bamboo. Each grew several thousand years, puts out one casually, can refine low level Immortal Tool, some years reach as high as several hundred thousand years, even can refine high level Immortal Tool 宋钟呢?他站在一大片被糟蹋的竹林里,心中别提多不自在了!人家请他来做客,他倒好,把人家的仙竹林给砍了个精光。要知道。这可不是普通的仙竹。每一株都生长了数万年之久,随便拿出一根,就能炼制低级仙器,有的年份高达几十万年,甚至都可以炼制高阶仙器 Such a big piece, that is it can be said that priceless! 这么一大片,那可以说是价值连城啊! Song Zhong is really embarrassed, only when can pass the saluting fat mountain one losing year. Has destroyed your grove. Solid heinous crime!”...... Sichuan 宋钟实在不好意思,只能过去施礼膘山一“时失年。毁了您的林子。实在罪该万死!”……川 Ha!” Fire virtue Star Lord actually frank smiles, said: Trivial several bamboos, are not anything, you do not need to rebuke oneself!” “哈哈哈!”火德星君却爽朗的一笑,道:“区区几根竹子而已,不算什么,你也不必自责!” Song Zhong by others a few words, is extremely been at heart warm, the heart that said said thatthis was the Star Lord bearing, over a million Purple Jade things have destroyed, did not bring to care. This cordiality, I must take down!, Its excessive body heat virtue Star Lord also very much loves dearly obviously, but fears Song Zhong to rebuke oneself, has not expressed. This clearly is to one thinking highly of Song Zhong, therefore Song Zhong felt one have owed others a favour. 宋钟被人家的一句话,就说的心里万分温暖,心说,“这才是星君的气度,上百万紫玉的东西毁了,都不带在乎的。这个情意,我得记下!,其实火德星君显然也很心疼,只不过怕宋钟自责,没有表示出来罢了。这分明就是对宋钟的一种器重,所以宋钟才感觉自己欠了人家一份人情。 Fire virtue proper Monarch has not done to haggle over at the matter of bamboo, holds on the hand of Song Zhong to walk toward nearby alcove in directly, said with a smile: Comes. Said with me that what this time has to harvest?” 火德妥君并没有在竹子的事情上多做计较,直接拉住宋钟的手往旁边的亭子里走去,同时笑道:“来来来。和我说说,这次有什么收获?” 30 Sixth Uncle has given me an axe!” Song Zhong honest [say / way]. However calmly has actually omitted the Ancient Inheritance Scroll matter. After all that thing involves really in a big way, cannot reveal. “30六叔给了我一把斧子!”宋钟老老实实的道。但是却不动声色的省去了传承古卷的事情。毕竟那东西牵扯甚大,不可泄露。 Fire virtue Star Lord does not know the Ancient Inheritance Scroll matter, therefore has not cared. Instead hears Song Zhong to call Ling Zhuang for uncle, immediately great happiness: „Did you call him for the uncle? He has also delivered you axe, was this explanation, Chaos Titan Clan formally acknowledged your this clansman?” 火德星君并不知道传承古卷的事情,所以并没有在意。反而听见宋钟灵壮为叔叔,顿时大喜道:“你称呼他为叔叔?他还送了你斧子,这是不是说明,混沌巨灵族已经正式承认你这个族人了?” Song Zhong nods saying: Listens to uncle's meaning, as if!” 宋钟点点头道:“听叔叔的意思,似乎是的!” Ha Ha, that may too be good, has not wasted me, as soon as turns the regard!” Fire virtue Star Lord laughs to say. “哈哈,那可就太好了,没有枉费我一翻心意啊!”火德星君大笑道。 Song Zhong by the fire virtue Star Lord words was made stares. How cannot master this matter also to have the relations with him. Raging fire Star Lord at the same time simply, explained hurriedly: Virtuous nephew has not to know. After Martial Arts Convention. Star Lord sees you not to have weapon while convenient. Therefore then specially sends for Chaos Titan Clan, in name reported good news, but actually selects you to be now newly-arrived secretly, was unfamiliar with the people and place, even weapon while convenient did not have continually, might be bullied. The Chaos Titan Clan person hears this matter, this sends out this senior. One is to inspect you, another also while convenient draws your.” 宋钟被火德星君的话弄得一愣。搞不懂这事怎么还和他有关系。一边的烈火星君简直,急忙解释道:“贤侄有所不知。演武大会之后。星君见到你没有趁手的武器。于是便专门派人去混沌巨灵族,名义上是报喜,可是暗地里却点出你现在初来乍到,人生地不熟,甚至连趁手的兵器都没有,有可能会被人欺负。混沌巨灵族的人听闻此事,这才派出这位前辈。一个是考察你,另外一个也是顺便拉你一把。” Song Zhong only knows that originally the Chaos Titan Clan person suddenly appears, is fire virtue Star Lord strove in inside. He is moved immediately extremely, salutes to say hurriedly: Many thanks Star Lord cultivation!” 宋钟这才知道,原来混沌巨灵族的人突然出现,是火德星君在里面出了力。他顿时感动万分,急忙施礼道:“多谢星君栽培!” He He, but slight effort is not anything!” Fire virtue Star Lord feels the white beard, [say / way] with a laugh: It spoke the truth. This is also the result that you try hard, you reveal Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, I do not dare such to take the liberty gives Chaos Titan Clan your situation report, they so will not attach great importance to you, send out the strength compared with I also strong Brother Ling Zhuang, saw to lead by the hand you specially!” “呵呵,只是举手之劳不算什么!”火德星君摸着白胡子,笑呵呵的道:“其实说起来。这也都是你自己努力的结果,要不是你露出炫疾天火,我也不敢这么冒昧的把你的情况通报给混沌巨灵族,他们也不会对你如此重视,派出实力比我还强的灵壮老哥,专门来看望提携你了!” No matter what, your graciousness to my cultivation, I never forgets!” Song Zhong Chen agree [say / way]. “不管怎么说,您老人家对我的栽培之恩,我都永世难忘!”宋钟陈肯的道。 Facing the Song Zhong feeling grateful manner, fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo secretly expressed satisfaction, only then such moral behavior, was worth them spending such big strength cultivation. 面对宋钟的感恩态度,火德星君烈火真君都暗自表示满意,也就只有这样的人品,才值得他们花费这么大的力气栽培。 If that ingratitude, is in power on the rampant fellow, which idiot is willing to give him to help? 要是那种忘恩负义,得势就嚣张的家伙,哪个白痴才愿意给他帮助呢? Naturally, in the fire virtue Star Lord surface has made an amiable elder manner, has encouraged Song Zhong several maliciously, then after hosted a banquet to welcome a time, this made the person arrange Song Zhong, lived in own guest room. 当然,火德星君表面上还是做出了一副谦和的长者态度,狠狠勉励了宋钟几句,然后又设宴招待了一次之后,这才让人安排宋钟,就住在自己客房里。 Reason that does not make Song Zhong go back , because the Martial Arts Convention time has approached the necessity that has not closed up again, would rather uses this time, obtains some useful directions from fire virtue Star Lord here. 之所以不让宋钟回去住,是因为演武大会的时间已经临近了再也没有闭关的必要,倒不如利用这点时间,从火德星君这里得到一些有用的指点。 Therefore under fire virtue Star Lord great kindness invitation, Song Zhong simply went back to arrange slightly other trivial matters, then brought to with the private tea and Xiao Xue, lived in the fire virtue Star Lord temporary palace together. 所以在火德星君盛情邀请之下,宋钟就索性回去稍稍安排了一下其他的琐碎事情,然后就带着死活都要跟着的私茶和小雪,一起住在了火德星君的行宫里。 Small Cha and Xiao Xue in the following several day time all day here play, happy serious. But fire virtue Star Lord also very much likes them, Xiao Xue is Ashura Clan, some fire virtue Star Lord many also taboos. However that Small Cha may be extraordinary. The instinct is lovable, was pure, is liked by everybody did not say that was Dao Comprehending Tea. Even if in Immortal World, Dao Comprehending Tea is also few. Does not have a successful incarnation to become the human form. 在接下来的几日时间里小茶小雪整日在这里游玩,幸福的不得了。而火德星君也很喜欢她们,小雪是阿修罗族,火德星君多少还有些忌讳。但是那小茶可就了不得了。天性可爱,性格纯真,人见人爱不说,还是悟道茶所化。即便是在仙界,悟道茶也是寥寥无几。更没有一个成功化身成人形的。 With Small Cha in the same place, her every action and every movement, every word and deeds, seems like has no intention, actually agrees without consultation Heavenly Law, the time that who and she treats grew, will comprehend. Is very big to the boundary promotion help. Even if fire virtue Star Lord, in has treated several times after Small Cha, the boundary slightly has the promotion. 小茶在一起,她的一举一动,一言一行,看似无意,却都暗合天道,无论是谁和她待的时间长了,都会有所领悟。对境界提升帮助很大。纵然是火德星君,也在和小茶待过几次之后,境界略有提升。 Do not look at this wee bit promotion, has made fire virtue Star Lord benefit greatly! Must know that to fire virtue Star Lord this situation, any tiny bit progress is the extraordinary matters, needs frequently several thousands. Even for several thousand years save are good. 别看这一丁点提升,却已经让火德星君受益匪浅了!要知道,到了火德星君这个地步,任何一丝一毫的进步都是了不得的事,都需要动辄数千。甚至数万年来积攒才行。 Therefore, facing Small Cha this kind of human form treasure, fire virtue Star Lord likes wishing one could her to turn own. In fact, has scruples Song Zhong back Chaos Titan Clan, fire virtue Star Lord is really perhaps competent the matter that buys and sells by using compulsion.( To be continued just taught the old mouth positive... 8( fishing book) non- type experience! 所以,面对小茶这样一株人形宝物,火德星君喜欢得都恨不得把她变成自己的。事实上,要不是顾忌宋钟背后的混沌巨灵族,火德星君说不定真能干出强买强卖的事情来。(未完待续刚训旧口阳…8(渔书吧)不样的体验!
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