CLC :: Volume #6

#583: Said goodbye the stele

Song Zhong grasps ugly axe this after the hand. The feeling such has not felt better, has waved conveniently two, cannot bear curious asking: What axe is this? Feels strangely?” 宋钟将这把丑陋的斧子握在手上之后。感觉就从来没有这么好过,随手舞动了两下,忍不住好奇的问道:“这是什么斧子?怎么感觉怪怪的?” This is [lineage/vein] Dragon Axe, your boy is good, I think you most also use with Tiger Axe, or Leopard Axe, has not thought that your strength so is unexpectedly strong, can use Dragon Axe reluctantly!” Guy has feelings [say / way]: ” Moreover I also felt several other formidable strengths from your within the body, worthily the immortal who tribulation from the world of mortals experience, was fiercer than the later generation of Immortal World birth! ” “这是一脉龙斧,你小子不错,我原本以为你最多也就用用虎斧,或者豹斧,没想到你的实力竟然这么强,都可以勉强使用龙斧了!”大汉颇有感触的道:”而且我还从你体内感受到了其他几种强大的力量,不愧是从凡间历劫上来的仙人,就是比仙界出生的后辈厉害啊!” Em?” Song Zhong hear of this tones, to are the manner to the younger generation, in the heart cannot bear secretly the surprised [say / way] likely: „ Is difficult to be inadequate this fellow is also the Chaos Titan Clan person?. “恩?”宋钟听他这口气,到像是对晚辈的态度,心中忍不住暗自吃惊的道:“难不成这家伙也是混沌巨灵族的人?。 The guys as if also saw the doubts of Song Zhong, waves to say to behind fire virtue Star Lord: Brother, taking advantage of your place, said a matter with him. 大汉似乎也看出了宋钟的疑惑,挥手对身后的火德星君道:“老弟,借你地方,和他说点事”。 Well. Fire virtue Star Lord does not dare to neglect, complies with one hurriedly, drew Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to walk. “好好”。火德星君丝毫不敢怠慢,急忙答应一声,拉着烈火真君走了。 Periphery saw nobody, the guy with a smile came, patted the shoulder of Song Zhong, said: I am a Chaos Titan Clan entrance door deacon, heard that you must participate in Martial Arts Convention, but also has resulted in the seat of honor in God of Fire Heaven, the elders in clan asked me to come to see you, delivered you while convenient a weapon. Our Chaos Titan Clan is the Great God Pangu descendant, will only use the axe, moreover is axe that we make!” 见到周围没有人了,大汉才笑着过来,一拍宋钟的肩膀,道:“我是混沌巨灵族的一位外门执事,听说你要参加演武大会,还在祝融天得了首席,族里的长老叫我来看看你,顺便送你件兵器。咱们混沌巨灵族乃是盘古大神的后裔,只会用斧子,而且是咱们自己做的斧子!” Song Zhong one hear if so, immediately affected in the extreme, cannot bear the excited [say / way]:, This, how does this feel all right?” 宋钟一听果真如此,顿时感动的无以复加,忍不住激动的道:,“这,这怎么好意思啊?” Harms, the whole family did not speak two words!” The guys beckon with the hand saying: Gives you, you accept. Good!” Song Zhong nods, then said: Does not know how to call you?” “误,一家人不说两家话!”大汉摆摆手道:“给你,你就收下”。“好!”宋钟点点头,然后道:“不知道如何称呼您?” You called me 30 Sixth Uncle, I called spirit strong, was situated 36 in the clan, looked at your skill, poured can also be joined to makes my younger generation. The guys said with a smile. “你叫我30六叔吧,我叫灵壮,在族里排行36,看你的本事,倒也配得上做我的晚辈了”。大汉笑道。 Line. Song Zhong immediately respectful kneeling on the ground. Shouting:, Pays respects to 30 Sixth Uncle. “行”。宋钟立刻恭恭敬敬的跪在地上。喊道:,“给30六叔请安”。 Although Song Zhong is not the pure Chaos Titan Clan family background, but he in the most crucial time, was actually saved by the person of this clan, moreover afterward has not demanded, but also sends this high-grade weapon, completely oneself, when the younger generation looks. So-called feels for others, others are so good to Song Zhong. How can Song Zhong not be grateful? Therefore what the kowtowing ritual of this younger generation his line is willingly quietly hopes, is quite grave! 宋钟虽然不是纯正的混沌巨灵族出身,但是他在最关键的时刻,却是被这一族的人所拯救,而且事后也没有丝毫索取,还送来这种上等的武器,完全是把自己当晚辈看。所谓将心比心,人家对宋钟这么好。宋钟又如何能不感激涕零啊?所以这个晚辈的叩头礼他行的是心甘悄愿,极为庄重! The guys see that draws hurriedly Song Zhong, then said:, Good child, you to have this heart on the heart, our Chaos Titan Clan. But outmoded this set!” 大汉见状,急忙把宋钟拉起来,然后道:,“好孩子,你有这个心就心了,咱们混沌巨灵族。可不兴这一套!” Em! However, first meeting, this ritual cannot abandon!” Song Zhong earnest [say / way]. “恩!不过,初次见面,这礼不可废!”宋钟认真的道。 You. Spirit strong, although on the mouth said that is is very at heart gratified, the secret passage, this little boy is sensible, is the reasonable person, is worth cultivating! “你啊”。灵壮虽然嘴上这么说,可是心里却很欣慰,暗道,这小小子懂事,是靠谱的人,值得栽培啊! 30 Sixth Uncle. Song Zhong then changes the topic afterward: You just said that this is Dragon Axe, moreover as if also two Tiger Axe, is Leopard Axe?” “30六叔”。宋钟随后便岔开话题道:“您刚刚说这是龙斧,另外似乎还有两种虎斧,豹斧,是不是?” Good!” Spirit strong explained with a smile: Our Chaos Titan Clan axe, is divided into three types, separately by dragon tiger leopard name, actually, they with entire Dragon Vein, after over 100,000 years refinements, slowly refinement. And Leopard Axe, with Dragon Vein of 1 million li (0.5km) rank. Tiger Axe is ten million li, Dragon Axe with absolutely above Dragon Vein refines!” “不错!”灵壮笑着解释道:“我们混沌巨灵族的斧子,分成三种,分别是以龙虎豹命名,其实,它们都是用整条龙脉,经过100000年以上的炼制,慢慢炼制而成的。其中豹斧,是用1000000里级别的龙脉虎斧就是千万里,龙斧就是用万万里以上的龙脉所炼制!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, are immediately surprised, he has a dream has not thought that this axe must consume super Dragon Vein unexpectedly, was this also too rather shocking? 宋钟一听这话,顿时便大吃一惊,他做梦也没有想到,这一把斧子竟然要消耗一条超级龙脉,这未免也太耸人听闻了? But makes Song Zhong surprised still in behind, listens to 30 Sixth Uncle to continue to say spirit strongly: „ Generally speaking, Tiger Axe and Leopard Axe are the things that the children play, generally the Sir, most at least must brandish moves Dragon Axe to be good. In other words, your boy now is an Sir! Ha Ha 而更让宋钟吃惊的还在后面,就听30六叔灵壮继续道:“一般来说,虎斧豹斧都是孩子们玩的东西,一般大人,最起码也要挥舞的动龙斧才行。也就是说,你小子现在已经是大人了!哈哈 Originally is this?. Song Zhong afterward suddenly strange asking: „ After if, what to do my strength did increase?” “原来是这样?。宋钟随后忽然奇怪的问道:“那要是以后我力量增加了怎么办?” That can only refine by you slowly!” Spirit strong explained afterward: „ In clan only to clansman an axe, when you can choose, wants any rank, but the total can only be, everyone is no exception. “那就只能靠你自己慢慢炼制了!”灵壮随后解释道:“族里只会给族人一把斧子,你可以选择在什么时候,要什么级别的,但是总数只能是一把,谁也不能例外。 If you, when was very small has chosen Leopard Axe, then can only depend upon own strength its to build up to turn into Tiger Axe slowly, until Dragon Axe. Actually, we to thought that refines the axe that to be best from most low level slowly, such more appropriate own style ”. 如果你在很小的时候就选择了豹斧,那么就只能依靠自己的力量慢慢将其炼化成虎斧,直至龙斧。其实,我们到是觉得,从最低级自己慢慢炼制起来的斧子最好,那样更合适自己的风格”。 Spirit strong then said afterward that your boy is an exception, because you come up from below . Moreover, you must participate in Martial Arts Convention immediately, really does not have that many time to refine slowly, therefore can only give you directly ready-made Dragon Axe. However, this axe but actually also good, is very ancient time refines, but had not used, young clansman early has chosen Leopard Axe, no one could wait for this Dragon Axe.” 灵壮随后接着道,“不过你小子是个例外,因为你是从下面上来的,另外,你马上就要参加演武大会了,实在没有那么多时间慢慢炼制,所以只能直接给你一把现成的龙斧了。不过,这把斧子倒也不错,乃是很古老的时候炼制的,只是一直没有用出去,年轻的族人早早的就选择了豹斧,谁也等不及这把龙斧了。” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear curiously pursues asks: „ What special place the axe does this have?. 宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇的追问道:“这把斧子有什么特别的地方吗?。 Naturally has!” Said with a smile spirit strongly: We refine the axe year time, now the matter step to Dragon Vein lecture of line of reconnaissances, however the shield taking according to other mineral lode as well as magical things that „ plate contains, decided again concrete refines Fang Xian “当然有!”灵壮笑道:我们炼制斧年的时候,都今事步对龙脉讲行勘察,然盾服据“盘含的矿脉以及其他灵物,再决定具体的炼制方线 I heard that this axe the old people refine, what choice is abnormal formidable Dragon Vein, inside small also has the different abnormal scarce thing besides the innumerable mineral resource, one is the air/Qi of sharp [gold/metal], one is the air/Qi of thick earth. Therefore after this axe practices, looks like rustic, does not have the rays of other axes, but you, once uses, knew fierce location ”. 我听说,这把斧子被老人们炼制的时候,选择的是一处异常强大的龙脉,里面除了无数矿藏之外小还有两样异常稀少的东西,一个是锐金之气,一个是厚土之气。所以这把斧子练成之后,看起来一身土气,丝毫没有其他斧子的光芒,但是你一旦用上,就知道其中的厉害之处了”。 Really has the air/Qi and sharp [gold/metal] air/Qi of thick earth?” The Song Zhong hear this saying, the pleasantly surprised eyeball must stare. Must know that these two thing that are the there's a long stories behind this, in Five Elements, can with Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, several other types that too True Water places on a par, includes the air/Qi of thick earth, the air/Qi of sharp [gold/metal], as well as immortal wood gas! “竟然有厚土之气和锐金之气?”宋钟听完这话,惊喜的眼珠子都要瞪出来了。要知道,这两种东西那可是大有来历的,在五行中,能够和炫疾天火,太一真水相提并论的其他几样,就包括厚土之气,锐金之气,以及长生木气! And, Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire nothing which is not burns \; Too True Water can melt the myriad things \; The air/Qi of thick earth is vigorous, can resist various attacks, even including Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire this type of abnormal flame, can resist. As for the air/Qi of sharp [gold/metal], then has the attribute of destroying the hardest defenses, with weapon that it transforms, absolutely is the god soldier sharp weapon of cutting iron like mud. As for immortal wood gas, then has to exorcise evil spirits, exorcises as well as expedites various types of magical things the effects, similarly is abnormal abnormal, particularly copes with the demon time, even is stronger than the Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire lethality. 其中,炫疾天火无所不烧\;太一真水能融化万物\;厚土之气浑厚磅礴,能够抵御各种攻击,甚至连炫疾天火红莲业火这种变态的火焰,都可以抵挡住。至于锐金之气,则拥有无坚不摧的属性,用它幻化的武器,绝对是削铁如泥的神兵利器。至于长生木气,则拥有辟邪,驱邪以及催生各种灵物的功效,也同样是变态异常,尤其是对付邪魔的时候,甚至比炫疾天火的杀伤力还强。 These five Five Elements shapes, are Immortal World are quite scarce formidable. Song Zhong when initially was stranded Thunder Prison, has encountered completely. At that time, he almost ruthlessly was divided by these five species Immortal Lightning every time, chops has been hundred years. Although is a narrow escape, but also makes him turn misfortune into a blessing, has subdued within the body river chart Luoshu two big God Mark at the same time, grasped these five types to the strong Five Elements attribute energy. 这五种五行形态,都是仙界极为稀少强大的。宋钟在当初被困雷狱的时候,全部都遭遇过。那时候,他几乎每时每刻都被这五种属性的仙雷狠劈,足足劈了长达百年之久。虽然是九死一生,可是却也让他因祸得福,收服了体内河图洛书两大神纹的同时,也掌握了这五种至强五行属性能量。 Song Zhong manner restraining, will not expose the complete card in a hand easily, therefore usually only uses Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, other people do not know that he also has another four abnormal strengths. However is very obvious, Song Zhong has not concealed the truth spirit strong, just after he had hit a Song Zhong fist, had understood the Song Zhong internal situation, will otherwise not say such one to turn the words to come. 只是宋钟为人收敛,轻易不会暴露全部底牌,所以平时只用炫疾天火,其他人都不知道他还有另外四种变态的力量。但是很显然,宋钟没有瞒过灵壮,刚刚他打了宋钟一拳之后,就了解了宋钟的内部情况,要不然也不会说出那样一翻话来了。 He He. Sees Song Zhong to be so happy spirit strongly, is out of control with saying with a smile: ” Right is these two types, ordinary time, in several hundred Dragon Vein rarely sees is the same, but in this Dragon Vein presented two types, especially was naturally precious. Was only a pity that it is too big, younger generations could not refine, but after the elders refined, directly became Dragon Axe, which younger generation without is willing to wait for tens of thousands years to have own weapon, therefore can only give up it. Then, is you and it are destined to meet! This has put several million years of thing in the storehouse, finally had found your such master. Also was lucky that I prepare fully, in three types of axe various belt. Cheap your boy! ” “呵呵”。灵壮见宋钟如此高兴,也禁不住跟着笑道:”没错就是这两种,平常的时候,几百条龙脉里都难得见到其中一样,可是这条龙脉里却出现了两种,自然就尤为珍贵了。只可惜它太大,晚辈们炼制不了,而长辈们炼制出来以后,就直接成为了龙斧,没有哪个晚辈愿意等几万年才有自己的武器,所以只能将其放弃。说起来,也算是你和它有缘啊!这件在库房里放了数百万年的东西,终于找到了你这么个主人。也多亏我准备充分,在出来的时候三样斧子各带一把。才便宜了你小子呢!” Hey!” After Song Zhong hear, only remaining laughed foolishly. “嘿嘿!”宋钟听后,就只剩下傻笑了。 Good, do not smile, how tries its might. The spirit strong proposition said “好啦,别笑了,试试它的威力如何吧”。灵壮提议道 Good. Song Zhong is impolite, complies with one directly, then instills into which Primal Chaos magic power. “好”。宋钟也不客气,直接答应一声,然后就将混沌法力灌输其中。 The next quarter, is similar to the beggar equally shabby axe, suddenly then the golden light writings, reveal the air/Qi of sharp [gold/metal] in contains. Golden point following axe blade edge light shoots. Place visited, surrounding immortal bamboo silent cut off, in an instant, one purple immortal bamboo groves well, were chopped several mu by Song Zhong. 下一刻,原本如同乞丐一样寒碜的斧子,忽然间便金光大作,流露出里面蕴含的锐金之气。金色的锋芒顺着斧子刃轻飘飘的射出去。所过之处,周围的仙竹无声无息的就被砍断了,转眼间,一片好好的紫色仙竹林,就被宋钟无意间砍到了好几亩。 Saw itself to spoil others these many immortal bamboos, Song Zhong had had immediately a scare, took back magic power hurriedly, then surprised [say / way]: Very strong might?” 看见自己糟蹋了人家这么多仙竹,宋钟顿时就吓了一跳,急忙将法力收回,然后吃惊的道:“好强的威力啊?” Ha Ha, this is not anything. Spirit strong actually laughs saying: Your axe after all only then Dragon Vein, therefore called [lineage/vein] Dragon Axe. Although by your present strength, looked like was very great, but compared with us, was far on the difference! I was using 18 [lineage/vein] Dragon Axe, you later must continue to try hard to be good!” “哈哈,这可不算什么”。灵壮却大笑道:“你的斧子毕竟只有一条龙脉,所以才叫一脉龙斧。虽然以你现在的实力,看起来已经很了不起了,可是和我们比,就差远啦!我都在用18脉的龙斧了,你以后还要继续努力才行!” 18 [lineage/vein]?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear call out in alarm said: That 18 super do Dragon Vein concentrate together? This abnormally?” “18脉?”宋钟闻言,忍不住惊呼道:“那岂不是18条超级龙脉浓缩在一起?这得多变态啊?” Also assembles!” [Say / Way] that spirit strong actually thinks little of:, „ In our clan, master such as Dragon Axe of Yun even/including three figures have, I calculate what?. “还凑合吧!”灵壮却不以为意的道:,“咱们族里,高手如云连三位数的龙斧都有,我又算的了什么?。 The Song Zhong hear this saying, was directly speechless, the heart said that is really is more abnormal, not most abnormal? 宋钟听完这话,直接就无语了,心说,果然是只有更变态,没有最变态啊? Was right, this thing also your. Was saying spirit strongly, pulls out a giant stele to give Song Zhong. “对了,还有这个东西也是给你的”。灵壮说着,又掏出一块巨大的石碑递给宋钟 Song Zhong receives looked that immediately was shocked. Because of the big appearance of this stele, is almost exactly the same as that stele that he buys. Only different is, on the stele that Song Zhong buys has the stars design, but on this stele, actually only then that strange pouring out writing, seems is describing any merit law. 宋钟接过来一看,顿时就愣住了。因为这块石碑的大模样,都和他买到的那块石碑几乎一模一样。唯一不同的就是,宋钟买的石碑上有星辰图案,而这块石碑上,却只有那种怪异的斟斟文字,似乎是在描述什么功法似的。 Song Zhong cannot bear curiously pursues asks: What is this?”( To be continued 宋钟忍不住好奇的追问道:“这是什么?”(未完待续
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