CLC :: Volume #6

#582: Mystical great axe

Song Zhong hear that, awkward [say / way], Daoist immortal has opened the mouth immediately, I should not reject, but, my this Hsintien is open for business, the thing of urgently needed support facade, you looked that can make me remain in private little, gathers the big customer easily-to-use?” 宋钟闻言,立刻为难的道,“真君开口了,我本不该拒绝,不过,我这新店开张,急需一点支撑门面的东西,您看,能不能让我私下留一点点,好用来招揽大顾客?” Ha Ha!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo says with a smile immediately: „Do you want through the way of shady deal, to win over the relations in God of Fire Heaven?” “哈哈!”烈火真君立刻笑道:“你是想通过暗地交易的方式,在祝融天拉拢关系吧?” Hey!” Song Zhong was divulged the thoughts by Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, can only awkward smiling, not dare to say. “嘿嘿!”宋钟烈火真君说破了心思,只能尴尬的笑了笑,不敢多说。 Immortal Daoist Lie Huodid not say with a smile in cover directly: Has saying that your idea is very good, comes about very much easily, but, you, if by this means that actually quite easily does not win over the true big influence, others does not lack this thing. Another you are off-the-books deal, the person who will probably not exposed to perhaps also be jealous light, will divulge a secret, was not when the time comes good to end.” 烈火真君却不在芋这个”直接笑道:“不得不说,你的想法很好,也很容易得以实现,不过,你要是靠这种办法,却比较不容易拉拢到真正的大势力,人家一个是不缺少这点东西。另外一个你这是黑市交易,见不得光,说不定还会被妒忌的人走漏风声,到时候就不好收场了。” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo [say / way] cautiously, I thought afterward that you to win over other Daoist immortals with it, these fellows are also same as me, is worrying for the duty of material, if you can help them at this time, they will feel grateful absolutely your! Actually, I also want to help friend, the meeting wants to buy the following thing. However since you said now, I can be an intermediary, making them buy in your hand directly! How?” 烈火真君随后小心翼翼的道,“我觉得,你到是用它拉拢其他真君,那些家伙也和我一样,正在为材料的任务发愁呢,要是你可以在这个时候帮助他们,他们绝对会感激你的!其实,我也是想帮朋友一把,才会想买走下面的东西。不过既然你现在说出来了,我可以从中穿针引线,让他们直接在你手上买!如何?” The meaning of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is very clear, wants to help own friend. 烈火真君的意思很明白,就是想帮自己的朋友。 This to Song Zhong, brings only benefit , and no harm whatsoever. If can win over several Daoist immortals, then he in the God of Fire Heaven day, that may become will feel better. 这对宋钟来说,有百利而无一害。要是真可以拉拢几个真君,那么他在祝融天的日子,那可就会变得更加好过了。 Therefore Song Zhong almost does not have any hesitation, immediately complies saying: Ok, but, in my hand such material are not many, this is the larger part, does not have these many again, but does not know that can help several Daoist immortals?” 所以宋钟几乎没有任何犹豫,就立刻答应道:“可以,不过,我手上这样的材料可不多,这就已经是一大半了,再也没有这么多,只是不知道可以帮助几个真君?” Has not related!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: Distance hands over this era some duty also days, but they also how many collected, these materials on your hand, almost can help my several friends, moreover young you have the mineral lode in any case, can dig slowly is not?” “没关系!”烈火真君笑道:“距离交这个纪元的任务还有些日子,而他们也自己多少收集了一些,你手上的这些材料,就差不多可以帮助我好几个朋友了,况且小反正你有矿脉,可以慢慢挖不是?” Song Zhong hear that, the forced smile said: I started under over a million Flower Monster, is almost after the entire day unearths, has dug these, later cannot guarantee that also has this output!” 宋钟闻言,苦笑道:“我发动了手下上百万花妖,几乎是全天后挖掘,也就挖了这些,以后可不敢保证还有这个产量啊!” Has not related, many calculates many, in any case also difference are not many!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo says with a smile: Actually we understand that after you are the worry reveal wealth, levied taxes.” “没关系,有多少算多少,反正也差的不多了!”烈火真君笑着道:“其实我们都明白,你是担心露富之后被征税。” Hey, really has this worry!” The Song Zhong forced smile said: In family the thing is not a little easy, if were recruited by Imperial Court, that may compensate in a big way!” “嘿嘿,确实有这个担心!”宋钟苦笑道:“家里有点东西不容易,要是被天庭征召了,那可赔大啦!” Ha Ha, this does not need to be worried that Imperial Court also has no reason to increase taxes for no reason, in that case, will cause more the big god to be repugnant, when the time comes will not do well will cause the civil strife. As for your there, is a peculiar circumstance, starts to develop, must undertake the handle work of our God of Fire Heaven all trash, therefore does not pay taxes should also, where regardless of places, I did not fear that others said this and that.” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: Naturally, if you are willing to produce, sold to our God of Fire Heaven, then Imperial Court will not only not investigate this matter. Also greatly will reward your me!” “哈哈,这个不用担心,天庭也没有理由无故加税,那样的话,会引起很多很多大神反感的,到时候弄不好都会引起内乱。至于你那里,是个特殊情况,才开始开发,又要承担我们祝融天所有垃圾的处理工作,所以不交税也应该,无论放在哪里,我都不怕别人说三道四。”烈火真君笑道:“当然,要是你肯把所有出产,都卖给我们祝融天的话,那么天庭不仅不会追究此事。还会大大奖励你我呢!” Right?” Song Zhong immediately pleasantly surprised said again. “是吗?”宋钟立刻惊喜的再道。 That is natural, you must know, the minerals in territory are the feudal lord private, although Imperial Court refuses these things to buy and sell in private, has the priority, but other these feudal lord which aren't the worldly people? Words that they want to get rich, some are the paths, for example refines Immortal Tool these materials, Magical Artifact, then sells, such can avoid the stipulation of Imperial Court. Such words, our God of Fire Heaven is also insufficient unable to receive the material, after own mineral lode dries up, creates the material shortage!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo explained: Therefore, if at this time, you are willing to sell to us the material in large numbers, we will only feel grateful, and performs to praise encourages, but definitely will not suppress! If in that case, our material handling are unable to guarantee!” “那是当然,你要知道,领地里的矿产都是领主私有的,虽然天庭严禁这些东西私下买卖,拥有优先权,可是其他那些领主哪个不是人精?他们想发财的话,有的是路子,比如将这些材料炼制成仙器,法宝,然后出售,那样就可以避开天庭的规定了。要不是这样的话,我们祝融天也不至于收不到材料,以至于在自己的矿脉纷纷枯竭之后,造成材料短缺了!”烈火真君解释道:“所以,如果在这个时候,你肯把材料大批卖给我们,我们只会感激,并加以表扬鼓励,而肯定不会打压的!要是那样的话,我们的材料供应就更无法保证啦!” I understood!” Song Zhong hear that, this big stone fell to the ground, hurried [say / way]: Since this, I felt relieved. The material that later there produces, gives you completely, I cannot use in any case!” “我明白了!”宋钟闻言,这才一块大石头落了地,急忙道:“既然这样,那我就放心了。以后我们那里出产的材料,全部都给你们,反正我自己也用不上!” Ha Ha, that may really be good, I for the God of Fire Heaven colleague thank you!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo immediately excited laughs. “哈哈,那可真是太好了,我替祝融天同仁谢谢你啊!”烈火真君顿时兴奋的大笑起来。 Then, excited Immortal Daoist Lie Huo accompanied Song Zhong to drink day of liquor personally, then issued the post, making several knowledge make the good friend, came secretly secretly. 接下来,兴奋的烈火真君亲自陪着宋钟喝了一天的酒,然后才去广发帖子,让几位知交好友,暗地里偷偷过来。 Altogether came 56 Daoist immortals, quietly dressed up afterward, so as to avoid being remarkable. After all no one wants who Song Zhong this has treasures the material massively to expose, such, not only Song Zhong will be very awkward, they also will be implicated. 一共来了56个真君,都是悄悄装扮后来的,免得引人注意。毕竟谁也不想让宋钟这个拥有大量珍惜材料的人暴露出去,那样不仅宋钟会很为难,就连他们也会受到牵连。 Rising suddenly is heart immortal and touches a minute of core to touch the heart 崛是心仙和触分心线触心 A few days later, Song Zhong returns home with a full load, these time exits, he not only with the help of numerous position Daoist immortal, has attained a best shop, but also obtained 150,000 contribution values. According to the custom, can exchange some best quality goods in Imperial Court Fourth Grade Immortal Tool, even is slightly inferior Fifth Grade Immortal Tool. 几天后,宋钟满载而归,这一次出去,他不仅在众位真君的帮助下,拿到了一处最好的店铺,而且还获得了150000贡献值。按照规矩,可以在天庭兑换一些极品的四品仙器,甚至是稍次一些的五品仙器 Naturally, Song Zhong does not dare the interest to these things, he plans to continue to save the contribution value, strives to get so far as such as ten thousand, when the time comes, he can exchange best Ninth Grade Immortal Tool. That is his pursue. 当然,宋钟对那些东西都不敢兴趣,他打算继续积攒贡献值,争取弄到如万,到时候,他就可以兑换到最好的九品仙器了。那才是他的追求。 The tour of this God of Fire Heaven, to Song Zhong, that happily attains the abundant harvest, obtains the shop or the minor matter, won over 78 Daoist immortal that all of a sudden is the biggest harvest. Had these people to support, Song Zhong this Sir World Lord also finally stood firm in God of Fire Heaven. Even if makes some contrary matters, has them to lend a hand slightly can also basic unobstructive. This was equal to hitting steadily Song Zhong in the Immortal World foundation! 这次祝融天之行,对宋钟来说,那真可谓是喜获丰收,得到铺子还是小事,一下子就拉拢了78个真君那才是最大的收获。有了这些人支持,宋钟这个界主大人也总算是在祝融天站稳了脚跟。哪怕就是做出一些违规的事情,有他们帮衬小也可以基本无碍。这就等于是打稳了宋钟仙界的根基啊! After returning purple to be shocking, Song Zhong told An clouds the process of matter, and makes him be responsible for making behind the shop matter. 回到紫震天之后,宋钟就把事情的经过告诉了安霄子,并让他负责去弄店铺后面的事情。 Ling Xiaozi is the Immortal World fleeing criminal, cannot make an appearance in God of Fire Heaven. Now is but different, many Daoist immortal asylums, why in addition Ling Xiaozi does not have the too odd matter, therefore Song Zhong raises slightly, the Daoist immortal of a responsible God of Fire Heaven household register and order issue immediately the big hand wields. Managed the household register of God of Fire Heaven official immortal to Ling Xiaozi. Enables Ling Xiaozi from now, with the true self to walk across Immortal World, does not need to be worried about anything again. After Ling Xiaozi attains the household register, excited wants to cry. Does not have the vagrant immortal of foundation as one, if no Song Zhong, his sin is forever do not want to wash clean. But now, he such selects the time with Song Zhong merely, has levelled front all matters, but also became not a small shop nominal owner, this for him. Simply with having a dream to be the same! 原本凌霄子仙界逃犯,不能在祝融天露面。可是现在就不一样了,有诸多真君庇护,再加上凌霄子也没有干什么太离谱的事,所以宋钟稍稍一提,一位主管祝融天户籍和治安问题的真君就马上大手一挥。给凌霄子办下了祝融天正式仙人的户籍。使得凌霄子从此以后,都可以用本来面目在仙界各地行走,再也不必担心什么了。凌霄子拿到户籍后,激动的都想哭出来。作为一个毫无根基的流浪仙人,要是没有宋钟,他身上的罪孽是永远也别想洗清的。而现在,他仅仅跟着宋钟这么点时间,就抹平了前面所有的事情,还成为了一家不小的店铺名义上的东主,这对他来说。简直就和做梦一样啊! Excited, Ling Xiaozi numerous expressed gratitude to Song Zhong, Sichuanfrom showing to help Song Zhong handle surely various matters, to report the Song Zhong graciousness to cast aside * 兴奋过后,凌霄子重重的对宋钟道谢,川”从示定会帮助宋钟把各种事情打理好,以报宋钟的恩撇※ Song Zhong encouraged Ling Xiaozi to turn, sent him. Afterward Song Zhong formally starts to close up, the distance went to Jade Emperor Heaven to carry on Martial Arts Convention already not how much time, he closed up urgently needed reviews the technical combat capability. 宋钟勉励了凌霄子一翻,就将他打发走了。随后宋钟就正式开始闭关,距离去玉皇天进行演武大会已经没有多少时间了,他急需闭关重温一下战斗技能。 Rising suddenly isheart touches the harmony heart cut-off rule to touch the heart 崛是“心触谐似心分割线触心 In an instant, several months passed by. On this day, Song Zhong is closing up, suddenly was actually awakened by outside alarm bell, receives the merit to come out to discover that hurriedly was Lie Yangzi comes unexpectedly. 转眼间,几个月过去了。这一日,宋钟正在闭关,却忽然被外面的警铃惊醒,急忙收功出来发现竟然是烈阳子来了。 Lie Yangzi as if very much worries, does not wait for Song Zhong to question, coming hurriedly, holds on the hand of Song Zhong saying: Follows me quickly, posthaste!” 烈阳子似乎很着急,不等宋钟问话,就急匆匆的过来,一把拉住宋钟的手道:“快跟我走,十万火急啊!” Song Zhong one hear, is surprised immediately, flies with Lie Yangzi, while asked that had an accident?” 宋钟一听,顿时大吃一惊,一边跟着烈阳子飞,一边问道,“出什么事了?” Has a great person to look for you, fire virtue Star Lord and my master are accompanying, your boy good fortune comes!” Lie Yangzi says with a smile. “有个大人物找你,火德星君和我师傅正在陪着呢,你小子造化来啦!”烈阳子笑着道。 Oh? What great person wants fire virtue Star Lord to be invited along personally?” Song Zhong puzzled asking. “噢?什么大人物要火德星君亲自作陪啊?”宋钟不解的问道。 This I do not know that my master had not said that but makes me a bit faster ask you to go, added that has the good deed!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo honest [say / way]. “这个我也不知道,我师傅没说,只是让我快点找你去,还说有好事!”烈火真君老实的道。 Song Zhong speechless, can only follow him immediately. 宋钟顿时一阵无语,只能跟着他走。 Under two people hurry along fully, without spending how much time, through two giant transmission, directly arrived at the fire virtue Star Lord mansion. Then they are under fire virtue Star Lord one officer's leadership, flies toward a finest dwelling. 在两个人全力赶路之下,没有花费多少时间,就通过两个巨型传送阵,直接来到了火德星君的府邸。然后他们在火德星君一位属官的带领下,往一处最精美的宅院飞去。 Song Zhong they just flew into a delicate bamboo grove, immediately saw three people. And two are fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, they in Vice-Chief, but sits the fellow on seat of honor, is actually the guy who looks like fills with the wild aura. 宋钟他们刚刚飞入一片清秀的竹林里,马上就见到了三个人。其中两个是火德星君烈火真君,他们都在下首,而坐在主位上的家伙,却是一个看起来充满狂野气息的大汉。 The guy wears a beast leather skirt, the whole body muscle sticks out, the skin presents the bronze, although less than two zhang (3.33 m) high, actually appears incomparably capable. 那大汉身穿一件兽皮裙,浑身肌肉隆起,皮肤呈现古铜色,虽然不到两丈高,却显得无比精壮。 After Song Zhong they approach several thousand zhang (3.33 m) range, the guy suddenly gained ground, a swift and fierce look locks on Song Zhong instantaneously. 宋钟他们靠近数千丈范围之后,那大汉就猛然间抬起头来,一股凌厉的眼神瞬间就锁定在宋钟身上。 Immediately, Song Zhong felt a greatest pressure right in the face pounds, that formidable aura, just like withstanding great pressure general. Such forces the Song Zhong abnormal person, has to fall on the ground, struggles desperately. 顿时,宋钟就感觉到一股莫大的威压劈头盖脸的砸下来,那强大的气息,就宛如泰山压顶一般。逼得宋钟这么变态的人,都不得不落在地上,苦苦挣扎。 However, Song Zhong Lie Yangzi and that fire virtue Star Lord is the officer, as if slightly has not actually felt that they also noted certainly Song Zhong abnormal, under fire virtue Star Lord and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo look hinted, disguised not to see, did not have turning around of loyalty to depart very much, vanished beyond several hundred li (0.5km) instantaneously. 然而,宋钟身边的烈阳子和那位火德星君的属官,却似乎丝毫没有感觉到,他们当然也注意到了宋钟异常,但是在火德星君烈火真君的眼神示意下,都假装没有看见,很没有义气的转身离去,瞬间消失在数百里之外。 After they disappear, that guy cracks into a smile suddenly, said directly: The boys, meet my fist! ” 在他们消失之后,那位大汉忽然咧嘴一笑,直接道:小子,接我一拳!” Saying, the personal appearance of wild guy instantaneously was vanishing side fire virtue Star Lord, merely after the flash, leapt several thousand zhang (3.33 m) distance, with a fist of large bowl size, pounded maliciously to the chest of Song Zhong. 说着,狂野大汉的身形就瞬间消失在火德星君身边,仅仅一瞬间之后,就飞跃了数千丈的距离,用一只海碗大小的拳头,狠狠砸向宋钟的胸口。 Song Zhong felt immediately he was locked by a fearful power and influence, although this fist in his eyes appeared clearly, but he absolutely does not have the means to fend or resist the only coping style, resists, by fist to fist, by mechanical reactance strength! 宋钟顿时就感觉到自己被一种可怕的威势锁定住,这一拳在他眼里虽然清清楚楚的出现了,可是他却完全没有办法闪避或者招架唯一的应对方式,就是抵挡,以拳对拳,以力抗力! Although this guy imposing manner is astonishing, is Song Zhong is not affable. Comes up to be punched, Song Zhong is suppressing at heart also Fire Qi, therefore he is impolite, puts forth directly fully, was maliciously right with this fellow a fist! 虽然这大汉气势惊人,可是宋钟却也不是好惹的。上来就被人揍,宋钟心里也憋着一股火气,所以他也再不客气,直接使出全力,和这家伙狠狠对了一拳! Song Zhong thinks, by the Chaos Titan Clan terrifying power, even if cannot injure the opposite party, may be insufficient to suffer a loss is. 原本宋钟以为,凭借自己混沌巨灵族的恐怖力量,就算是不能伤了对方,可怎么也不至于吃亏才是。 However the result, makes Song Zhong be surprised, he felt own this fist, hits in the entire world is the same, definitely is unable to shake, a boundless vast strength, hits to be flown directly Song Zhong. 但是结果,却让宋钟大吃一惊,他就感觉自己这一拳,打在整个天地上一样,完全无法撼动,一股磅礴浩瀚的力量,直接就把宋钟打得到飞起来。 Song Zhong resembles the broken line kite to be the same afterward, flew over the distance of number hundred zhang (333m), hit does not know that many Immortal World immortal bamboos, this time fell on the ground. ” Song Zhong right somewhat distorted, he even suspected that his arm broke, loves him unable to bear miserably shout in a low voice. Simultaneously in the heart shocks to say secretly: „Who is this fellow? How is the strength older than me these many?” 宋钟随后就好像断线的风筝一样,飞越了数百丈的距离,撞断了不知道多少棵仙界的仙竹,这次落在地上。啊啊”宋钟的右得有些变形了,他甚至都怀疑自己的手骨都断了,疼得他忍不住低声惨呼起来。同时心中暗自震惊道:“这家伙到底是什么人啊?怎么力量比我还大这么多?” When Song Zhong from resentful from sorrow, as everyone knows he gives shock that other people create more formidable. The reason lies, that hits a guy of Song Zhong fist, under the fierce counter-attack of Song Zhong, cannot stand firm the both feet unexpectedly, had been repelled a half step! 就在宋钟自怨自哀的时候,殊不知他给其他人造成的震撼更强大。原因就在于,那位打宋钟一拳的大汉,竟然在宋钟的凶猛反击之下,都稳不住双脚,被愣生生打退了一小步! Although the guy in occupies completely the winning side with the resistance of Song Zhong. However one step of this cannot help but backlash, actually as before heavy that he shakes, stared in a big way both eyes, whole face inconceivable looks after distant place that crawled , the fellow who stamped one's foot, evidently, after he has eaten a fist, was only some arm distortions, a body injury did not have actually. 虽然大汉在和宋钟的对抗中占尽上风。但是这不由自主后退的一步,却依旧把他震的不轻,以至于瞪大了双眼,满脸不可思议的看着远处那个爬起来之后只是跳脚的家伙,看样子,他吃了一拳之后,只是手骨有些变形,身上其实一点伤势都没有。 Quick, the guy sobers, immediately has a good laugh: Ha! Good, was really good! In young one generation, your boy absolutely is the first person that deserves!” 很快,大汉就清醒过来,随即仰天大笑道:“哈哈哈!好,真是太好了!年轻一辈中,你小子绝对是当之无愧的第一人啊!” Song Zhong making to stare by the strange appearance of this guy. Does not know that should say any good. Unexpectedly opposite party after saying, waves the arms about to throw to a Song Zhong handle giant axe directly. 宋钟被这大汉的怪异样子给弄得一愣。不知道该说什么好。却不料对方在说完之后,直接甩手扔给宋钟一柄巨型的斧子。 The boys, catch, it was your! ” Guys throws, while heroic spirit [say / way]: Do not give this treasure to lose face!” 小子,接住,它是你的了!”大汉一边扔,一边豪气的道:“别给这宝贝丢人啊!” After Song Zhong receives, immediately is shaken to practice to retrocede several by the strength that on the axe supplemented steps to anchor, he then shocking discovery, this axe too was then heavy, did not know many jin (0.5 kg). In any case by Song Zhong present abnormal strength, just can display. Must know, although Song Zhong now is the human form, is in the strength and prototype time difference are not quite many, that has to pull out the super anomaly of strength of mountain! In other words, this axe wants to be heavier than the mountain! 宋钟接过来之后,顿时就被斧子上附带的力量震得练练后退了好几步才停住,然后他便震惊的发现,这斧子实在太重了,不知道有多少斤。反正以宋钟现在的变态力量而言,也只是刚好可以施展起来。要知道,宋钟现在虽然是人形,可是力量上和原型时差不太多,那都是拥有拔山之力的超级变态!也就是说,这斧子比山岳都要重很多! When Song Zhong shock, looked down carefully hurriedly. Discovered that this is one jet black like black ink, all over the body is the tiny crack metal axes, modeling, the handle department is somewhat curving, the axe blade edge is very big, has almost accounted for 50% lengths. Looks at the modeling, is very strange, even is it can be said that ugly, just like by the trash that the person builds at will. If throws him on the ground, Song Zhong believes that even if 100 passes through to see it personally, most little will have 99 people not to pay attention, remaining 80% will also look at one. 宋钟震惊之余,急忙低头仔细看了看。发现这是一把漆黑如墨,通体都是细小裂纹的金属斧子,造型奇古,柄部有些弯曲,斧子刃很大,几乎占了一半的长度。看造型,很是奇怪,甚至可以说是丑陋,就宛如是被人随意打造出来的垃圾。如果把他扔在地上,宋钟相信,就算是100个人经过看见它,都最少有99个人不会加以理会,剩下一个八成也就多瞄一眼而已。 However, if this common axe in the hand, that feeling completely was different, besides the weight of its terror, you will also feel that a specially intimate comfort, resembles this axe for you customize, can make your easily displays the whole body strength, displays it to quarry a mountain the mountain terrifying prestige energy. 但是,如果将这把不起眼的斧子拿在手上,那感觉就完全不同了,除了它那恐怖的重量之外,你还会感觉到一种特别贴心的舒适,就好像这斧子是为你量身定做的一样,可以让你轻易的将全身力量都施展出来,发挥出它开山断岳的恐怖威能。 . ..
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