CLC :: Volume #6

#581: The accident is pleasantly surprised

Heard Song Zhong to say. Lie Yangzi and Hou Tian are immediately surprised, the heart said that Song Zhong there is not poor awfully? Manshan is the trash, to have how possibly value these many treasures? Must know that several hundred thousand Purple Jade, can buy Seventh Grade Immortal Tool, that is the Greater Gold Immortal above immortal can use. 听见宋钟这么说。烈阳子候天顿时都感到意外,心说,宋钟那里不是穷的要命的吗?满山都是垃圾,怎么可能会有价值这么多的宝物啊?要知道,几十万紫玉,都能买到七品仙器了,那可是大罗金仙以上的仙人才可以使用的。 Song Zhong also saw their doubts, explained hurriedly: My there has several types of good mineral lode, for the recent several months found. Has refined part, should issue not be big.” 宋钟也看出了两人的疑惑,急忙解释道:“我那里有几种不错的矿脉,最近几个月找到的。炼制了一部分,应该问题不大。” One hear of this saying, again individual immediately eye one bright, Hou Tian says with a smile immediately: Oh, but does not know that is what ore, in such a short time, sufficiently collects these many?” 一听这话,再个人顿时都眼睛一亮,候天立刻笑道:“哎呀呀,但不知是什么矿,在这么短的时间里,就凑够这么多啊?” Is some black star stones, too flame jade and so on thing.” Song Zhong was saying, has pulled out several quick big ores from this life space. All has the half a Zhang to be high, compares the high level goods. “是一些黑星石,太炎玉之类的东西。”宋钟说着,就从本命空间里掏出了好几快大矿石。全有半丈多高,算是比较高级的货色。 Sees this, two people are surprised immediately, Lie Yangzi cannot bear the surprised [say / way]:” Unexpectedly is this type of thing, oh, Brother, this gadget was controlled, cannot sell casually! ” 看到这,两个人顿时大吃一惊,“烈阳子忍不住吃惊的道:”竟然是这种东西,哎呀,老弟,这玩意都是受到管制的,可不能随便卖啊!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, think immediately wonderfully, do not pursue hurriedly ask: „Did this say what intent?” 宋钟一听这话,顿时觉得不妙,急忙追问道:“此言何意?” Is this!” Lie Yangzi answered, these materials were very useful to Immortal World, in the respective utensil that we refined needed, had been listed as the goods of banned in private business by Imperial Court. If you have the little, we can look but not see. But you all of a sudden put out these many, that can only sell to Imperial Court. Besides it, outside big influence who buys, whose crime, definitely will be investigated!” “是这样!”烈阳子解释道,“这些材料对仙界很有用,我们炼制的各自器物中需要,已经被天庭列为禁制私下买卖的物品了。要是你有一点点,我们都可以视而不见。可是你一下子拿出这么多,那就只能卖给天庭。除了它之外,外面的大势力谁买,谁犯罪,必然会被追究的!” That sold to Imperial Court, I did not matter!” Asking of some Song Zhong worries: Is only. These mines?” “那就卖给天庭吧,我是无所谓了!”宋钟有些担心的问道:“只是。那些矿场?” He He, this does not have anything to relate but actually. Immortal World had not said that does not permit you to mine. The eastern heaven has sealed to you, is your private property, inside thing also is your, nobody will say this and that. Your domain has produced this type of Imperial Court urgently needed precious commodity, that needs first to sell to Imperial Court!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile: Otherwise is offends superstitiously, words that reported. You will be very troublesome!” “呵呵,这个倒没什么关系。仙界可没说不准你挖矿。东皇天已经封给了你,就是你的私产,里面的东西也全是你的,没有人会说三道四。只是你的地盘出产了这种天庭急需的珍贵物资,那就需要优先卖给天庭!”烈阳子笑道:“不然便是触犯天条,被人举报的话。你会很麻烦的!” „Is, such big quantity, was I am reported that also definitely was the dead end. In the family could not rescue!” Hou Tian also said. “是是,这么大的数量,就是我被举报了,也肯定是死路一条。家里都救不了呢!”候天也跟着道。 That sold to Imperial Court, is only in the price, can be suppressed?” Asking that Song Zhong is worried about. “那就卖给天庭吧,只是价格上,会不会被打压?”宋钟担心的问道。 This, on the contrary, the price will not be but actually just . Moreover, many that you sell, will also obtain the contribution value. Saves, will also be rewarded by Imperial Court!” Hou Tian says with a smile. “这倒不会,相反,价格都很公道,而且,你卖的多,还会获得贡献值。积攒起来,还会被天庭奖励!”候天笑着道。 Well? Is Imperial Court so good?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the strange [say / way]. “咦?天庭这么好?”宋钟闻言,忍不住奇怪的道。 That is natural, if Imperial Court does not work hard, how can also receive these many scarce resources from the immortal hand?” Hou Tian said with a smile: After all ordinary time, this type of thing very much scattered appears. In scarce, in private the transaction words, the price is very odd!” “那是当然,天庭要是不下大力气,又怎么可以从仙人手上收到这么多稀缺资源啊?”候天笑道:“毕竟平常的时候,这种东西都是很零散出现的。在稀缺的时候,私下交易的话,价格可是很离谱的!” Originally is this!” Song Zhong said that suddenly once more curious pursues asks, please ask. Is the contribution value that you said what?” “原来是这样啊!”宋钟说完,忽然再次好奇的追问道,“请问。你们说的贡献值是什么?” That is Imperial Court to the appraisal that each immortal makes, if you serve for Imperial Court, will obtain certain contribution value. Be responsible for providing by each department. Once contributed the value quantity to the certain extent. Can receive in exchange for some special rewards of Imperial Court. For example the high level law decides, various types of Elixir marvelous medicines.” Lie Yangzi said with a smile: According to the amount of this transaction, this contribution value sufficiently exchanges three Fourth Grade Immortal Tool!” “那是天庭对各个仙人做出的评价,如果你为天庭服务,就会获得一定的贡献值。由各个部门负责发放。一旦贡献值数量到了一定程度。就可以换取天庭的一些特殊奖励。比如高阶的法决,还有各种灵丹妙药。”烈阳子笑道:“依照你这次交易的数额,这贡献值就足以交换一件三四品仙器啦!” Oh!” Song Zhong one hear, immediately pleasantly surprised [say / way]: Has not thought that this contribution value is so good to gain, I sold to their thing, can be rewarded three Fourth Grade Immortal Tool?” “哇塞!”宋钟一听,立刻惊喜的道:“没想到这贡献值这么好赚,我不过就是卖给他们一点东西,都可以被奖励三四品仙器?” Is good to gain?” After Lie Yangzi and Hou Tian hear, Qi Qi has revealed the forced smile. “好赚?”烈阳子候天听后,都齐齐露出了苦笑。 Hou Tian shakes the head saying: Brother, is your luck is good. Has attained these many Imperial Court urgently needed scarce resources, will obtain these many contribution values, usual time, who can have such luck? They can find little such thing, even if the good luck. Sold to Imperial Court also to gain less than many contribution values. Said with our brothers, so far. The contribution value of earning, not compared with your this earning many!” 候天摇头道:“老弟啊,是你运气好。拿到了这么多天庭急需的稀缺资源,才会获得这么多贡献值,平时的时候,谁能有这样的运气啊?他们能找到一点点这样的东西,就算是好运啦。卖给天庭也赚不到多少贡献值的。就拿我们兄弟说,到目前为止。赚取的贡献值,都不比你这一次赚取的多啊!” Chatted unexpectedly is this?” Song Zhong immediately curious pursues asks: How do you earn the contribution value?” “聊竟然是这样?”宋钟随即好奇的追问道:“那你们都怎么赚取贡献值?” „ The person comparison of our God of Fire Heaven is unitary, the scarce resource that two principal channels, will unable to use sold to Imperial Court. With to make the armament equipment, another personally goes to Zhurong City, makes Immortal Tool according to the request of Imperial Court. “咱们祝融天的人方法比较单一,有两种主要途径,一个就是将自己用不上的稀缺资源卖给天庭。用以制造军械装备,另外一个就是亲自去祝融城,按照天庭的要求制造仙器 The first type is quite difficult. After is not all people have own domain. But the second type contributes the value to be quite quick, was too tired, after all refined Immortal Tool is consumes the time and energy matter, moreover there is a failure probability. Sometimes the laborious several years, finally actually finally were defeated. Not only does not have the contribution value, but must compensate the material money! That really owed! ” 第一种比较困难。毕竟不是所有人都有属于自己的地盘的。而第二种虽然来贡献值比较快,可是却太累了,毕竟炼制仙器是件耗费时间和精力的事情,而且还有失败几率。有时候辛苦好几年,结果却最后失败了。不仅没有贡献值,还要赔偿材料钱!那才真是亏死了!” „?” After Song Zhong hear, cannot bear the curious [say / way]: If in this case, who also will help?” “啊?”宋钟听后,忍不住好奇的道:“要是这样的话,那谁还会去帮忙啊?” Person who goes to were many, our brothers, when eyebrow Yun Shi the sharp participation will arrive unexpectedly at us to sob a boundary, the fire stirred up the probability really not to be just high, but after the refinement was completed, the degree of contribution of giving were also many. The almost laborious 78 times, can obtain with your this similar contribution value!” Hou Tian answered. At that time. Can receive in exchange to treasure the material from Imperial Court, then refined own gets along well together Immortal Tool! My coiling dragon stick. Such comes.” “去的人多了,就连我们兄弟,也会在眉云事的时候尖参与竟都到了我们泣个境界,火激刚几率实在不高,而炼制完成之后,给的贡献度也不少。差不多辛苦78次,就可以获得和你这次差不多的贡献值!”候天解释道。“那时候。就可以从天庭换取到一些珍惜材料,然后自己炼制属于自己的合手仙器了!我的盘龙棍。就是这么来的。” So that's how it is!” Song Zhong was saying, suddenly remembers the incident, hurried [say / way]: Listened to you saying that probably this was only the God of Fire Heaven situation, that other did Heaven Beyond the Heaven have other obtains the contribution value the means?” “原来如此!”宋钟说着,忽然想起一事,急忙道:“听你们说,好像这只是祝融天的情况,难道那其他天外天还有另外获得贡献值的办法?” That is natural, each Heaven Beyond the Heaven situation is different, is slightly different, has to be rich in the material place, will make the immortal collect the material, has to have the fight the place, will also entrust the immortal to help to fight, in addition has other strange ways, this needs to look at the special details!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile afterward: Brother, did your things sell to my master? He will definitely give you to contribute the value much! Moreover, can help God of Fire Heaven solve these many to treasure the material, to him, is a merit!” “那是当然,每个天外天的情况不同,也略有不同,有盛产材料的地方,就会让仙人收集材料,有发生战斗的地方,还会委托仙人帮助战斗,另外还有其他稀奇古怪的途径,这就需要看具体情况了!”烈阳子随后笑道:“老弟,你这些东西就卖给我师傅吧?他老人家肯定会给你不少贡献值的!而且,能够帮助祝融天解决这么多珍惜材料,对他老人家来说,也是个功绩!” Since is favor done at little or no cost, moreover there is an advantage to take, Song Zhong naturally cannot oppose that immediately complies. 既然是顺水人情,而且还有好处拿,宋钟自然不会反对,马上就答应下来。 Lie Yangzi is overjoyed immediately, immediately personally runs to ask Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to come. 烈阳子顿时大喜过望,马上就亲自跑去请烈火真君过来。 The time is not big, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is almost slightly runs to fly, sees nearby several precious material, immediately is delighted beyond measure, was very happy. 时间不大,烈火真君就几乎是小跑着飞过来,看见旁边的几块宝贵材料,顿时喜不自胜,别提多高兴了。 He holds on the hand of Song Zhong directly, laughs saying: Oh, the virtuous nephew, you may save us!” 他直接拉住宋钟的手,大笑道:“哎呀呀,贤侄啊,你可救了我们啦!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, were shocked immediately, asked hurriedly: Is several materials, as for this?” 宋钟一听这话,顿时就愣住了,急忙问道:“不过就是几块材料而已,至于这样吗?” You have not to know!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo then sits to the seat of honor on afterward, starts to pour out one's grievances to Song Zhong greatly. “你是有所不知啊!”烈火真君随后便坐到主位上,开始对宋钟大吐苦水。 Originally, God of Fire Heaven present situation some are not indeed wonderful. Because goes on an expedition in successive years, Immortal World has consumed too many resources, in addition the world of mortals immortal flies upwards massively, they have the enormous demand to the material, this causes the material that treasured, becomes rarer. This causes to material requirement quantity very big God of Fire Heaven is very the headache. 原来,祝融天现在的情况的确有些不妙。因为连年征战,仙界消耗了太多的资源,加上凡间仙人大量飞升,他们也对材料有极大的需求,这就使得原本珍惜的材料,变得更加稀有。这使得对材料需求量非常大的祝融天很是头疼。 After must supply five Celestial Emperor, in addition a about hundred million celestial troops and generals weapon armor, as well as supplementary facilities. The material of that need were too many. The conventional material said fortunately that can perform the fining with the low level material, for example the pure steel refines Origin Steel , same can let the ordinary soldier use 毕竟是要供应五位天帝,加起来将近一亿天兵天将的武器铠甲,以及配套设施。那需要的材料实在太多了。普通材料还好说,用低级材料就可以加以精炼,比如纯钢炼制成钢母,一样能够让普通的士兵使用 However these make the high level material of high-ranking military officer weapon armor, once after being short, absolutely does not have what good means that can only reduce the supply. But as the matter stands, all of a sudden has caused the Five Great Celestial Emperors disaffection. 但是那些制造将官武器铠甲的高级材料一旦短缺后,就完全没有什么好办法,只能减少供应量。而这样一来,就一下子引起了五大天帝的不满。 After all now is not the peace period, everybody somewhat is going to war, this Wu Bei cannot follow, but must kill. 毕竟现在不是和平时期,大家多多少少都在打仗,这武备跟不上,可是要出人命的。 In order to obtain enough commodity, Five Great Celestial Emperors gave God of Fire Heaven to bring the pressure, the request first has been supplied. Such five big gods. God of Fire Heaven director fire virtue Star Lord is everyone cannot offend. Made that his head was big. 为了得到足够的物资,五大天帝都给祝融天施加了压力,要求优先得到供应。这么五位大神。祝融天的主事者火德星君是谁也得罪不起。弄得他脑袋都大了。 Under absolutely cannot be helped, fire virtue Star Lord has to pass the burden the pressure to the following Daoist immortal, requests their fixed quantity collection material, if who cannot complete the task, must be reprimanded, even is the penalty of demotion. 万般无奈之下,火德星君只好把压力转嫁给下面的真君,要求他们定额收集材料,谁要是完不成任务,就要受到申斥,甚至是降职的惩罚。 In order to avoid punishing, each Daoist immortal is busy collecting the material, so far, is quick their prime task. But the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo curtain however because of the relations of monster clan, can obtain some materials through the special channel, but that after is not the long-term plan, the favour always usefully ends time 为了避免惩罚,各个真君都在忙着收集材料,到目前为止,都快成了他们的主要工作了。而烈火真君幕然因为和妖族的关系,可以通过特殊渠道取得一些材料,可那毕竟不是长久之计,人情总有用完的时候 The especially recent several thousand years, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo was also in very poverty-stricken situation. Wishes one could itself to find a place to open up a mine. Now, when he for the duty of this hundred years of era worries, Lie Yangzi actually suddenly runs to tell him. Said that Song Zhong baseless changes big pile of high level materials, he was excitedly is certainly incomparable. 特别是最近几千年,烈火真君也到了非常窘迫的地步。都恨不得自己去找个地方开矿去。如今,就在他为这一个百年纪元的任务发愁的时候,烈阳子却忽然跑来告诉他。说宋钟凭空变出一大堆高阶材料,他当然是兴奋无比了。 After explaining these matters, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo excited [say / way]: These material enough I completed two eras the duties, at least 200 years, do not need to worry for this matter again, the virtuous nephew, you may really save me!” 解释完这些事情之后,烈火真君兴奋的道:“这些材料足够我完成两个纪元的任务了,至少200年内,不必再为此事发愁,贤侄啊,你可真是救了我呀!” Song Zhong shows a faint smile, then said: „ Is the slight effort, in any case is also on the way. 宋钟微微一笑,然后道:“不过是举手之劳罢了,反正也是顺路。 Hey, you could rest assured that here, I definitely will give you highest contribution value quota!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said afterward suddenly: Was right. Heard that your there also has the mineral lode, produces the quantity of ore by present this, how long but can also use?” “嘿嘿,你放心,在我这里,我肯定会给你最高的贡献值额度!”烈火真君随后忽然道:“对了。听说你那里还有矿脉,以现在这个产矿的量,还能用多久?” Under this Song Zhong was silly, because he does not know that the normal these mineral lode are the high quantities, for fear that will speak incorrectly will have given oneself away, therefore then ambiguous [say / way]: „ Should have much?” “这宋钟之下就傻了,因为他不知道正常的这些矿脉是多高的量,生怕说错了会露出马脚,于是便含糊的道:“应该还有不少吧?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo one hear, knows that Song Zhong has concealed, but he does not haggle over, is only anxious saying with a smile: „Can virtuous nephew, hit to discuss, later your there output. Entirely turns over to me. I ensure buys by the maximum valency that Imperial Court permits, moreover gives back to your maximum quota the degree of contribution. Moreover, is I owes you a favour!”( To be continued 烈火真君一听,就知道宋钟有所隐瞒,不过他也不计较,只是急切的笑道:“贤侄,能不能打个商量,以后你那里的产出。全部归我。我保证以天庭允许的最高价买,而且还给你最高额度的贡献度。另外,也算是我欠你一个人情!”(未完待续
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