CLC :: Volume #6

#580: Prepares to open a shop

Ling Xiaozi one hear, actually complexion big change, feels saying: „ Your majesty, you may by all means do not say outside. Must know, a strength of Black Tortoise clan is very abnormal, light the great person of Primordial Stage Gold Immortal rank, others have several! At least before you are promoted Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, cannot provoke 凌霄子一听,却脸色大变,感觉道:“主公,您可千万不要在外面这么说。需知,玄武一族的实力可是很变态的,光混元金仙级别的大人物,人家就有好几个呢!至少在您晋级混元金仙之前,是招惹不得的 Listened to the Ling Xiaozi words, Song Zhong to realize a Black Tortoise clan in the Immortal World strong presence, along with, even if nods saying: You felt relieved that I also not tired of living. Will not play dumb!” 听了凌霄子的话,宋钟才意识到玄武一族在仙界的强大势力,随即便点点头道:“你放心吧,我还没有活腻。不会犯傻的!” Ling Xiaozi hear that, the complexion is then fairly good. 凌霄子闻言,脸色这才稍好一点。 Afterward, Song Zhong continues to ask: Flying boat core that not to mention this, I wanted? Can begin to materialize?” 随后,宋钟继续问道:“暂且不说这个了,我要的飞舟核心呢?可有眉目?” Has excelled at sect disciple of refiner to several bill, they have also met, but this thing refinement uses energy, is not casual can make, least must wait for several years?” Ling Xiaozi helpless [say / way]. “已经给几个擅长炼器的宗门下了单子,他们也接了,但是这种东西炼制费劲,可不是随随便便就能造出来的,最少也要等几年的时间才可以啊?”凌霄子无奈的道。 Ok, several years of several years, you are staring to me. Song Zhong said. “行,几年就几年,你给我盯着点吧”。宋钟道。 Yes, I understand. Ling Xiaozi nods to say. “是,我明白”。凌霄子点点头道。 On the whole also on these matters, calling Lian Qing to help me prepare a gift, I looked for Lie Yangzi, was not always good to begin Song Zhong to tell spatially easily “大体上也就这些事情了,叫莲青帮我预备一份礼物,我去找烈阳子,总不好空着手宋钟吩咐易 Is. Ling Xiaozi also saw that Song Zhong is somewhat exhausted, therefore complies with one hurriedly, then said goodbye to depart. “是”。凌霄子也看出宋钟有些疲惫,所以急忙答应一声,便告辞离去。 After Ling Xiaozi walked, Song Zhong then returned to this life space, planned that stele that studies to obtain newly. 凌霄子走了之后,宋钟便回到了本命空间,打算研究一下自己新得到的那块石碑。 Why also does not know, Song Zhong always thought that this stele is not simple, inside definitely has the trick. In outside, he worries are too many, does not dare carefully to study. Now finally had the time, he then simply found a quiet place to close up, carefully studied this Dashibei. 也不知道为什么,宋钟总是觉得这石碑没有那么简单,里面肯定有猫腻。只是在外面的时候,他顾虑太多,不敢仔细研究。如今终于有了时间,他便干脆找了个清静的地方闭关,仔细研究起这块大石碑来。 Grid heart unconventional idea cut-off heart 栅心仙心割线心 Three days later, Song Zhong a face was walking painstakingly. Can be able to see from his expression that these three days of research ended in failure obviously. 三天之后,宋钟苦着一张脸走了出来。从他的表情就可以看得出,这三天的研究显然是以失败而告终了。 The fact so, in these three days, Song Zhong has also exhausted all methods, cannot master the usage of stele. This thing probably is together is smelly and hard stone, magic power cannot infiltrate, Divine Sense kept off outside, this lets the Song Zhong abnormal surprise. 事实也正是如此,在这三天里,宋钟用尽了所有方法,都搞不懂石碑的用法。这东西就好像是一块又臭又硬的石头,法力渗不进去也就罢了,就连神识都被挡在了外面,这让宋钟异常诧异。 After several probe not fruits, Song Zhong somewhat became angry out of shame, starts to use the violence to treat it, what a pity, Song Zhong, even if uses Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, how finally cannot this stele. 几番试探不果之后,宋钟有些恼羞成怒了,开始使用暴力对待它,可惜,宋钟哪怕就是用上炫疾天火,最终都没有能够把这石碑怎么地。 However, this result, although makes Song Zhong somewhat depressed, may simultaneously make him give birth to wild with joy. Must know that Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire is known as burnout in society all! Although its this is only an exaggerating title, but most things, it can definitely burn down, even if some high level Immortal Tool is also same. 不过,这个结果虽然让宋钟有些沮丧,可同时却又让他生出了一种狂喜。要知道,炫疾天火可是号称燃尽世间一切啊!虽然它这只是一个夸大的称号,但是绝大多数东西,它还是肯定能够烧毁的,哪怕是高级些的仙器也一样。 But this Dashibei actually resisted the ignition of Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, this explained that its essence was extremely high, obviously was a great treasure. Depending on this point, the two ten thousand Purple Jade of Song Zhong expenditure on it came back on the value. 而这块大石碑却抵御住了炫疾天火的灼烧,这就说明它的本质极高,显然是一件了不起的宝贝。就凭这一点,宋钟花费在它身上的两万紫玉就都值回来了。 Although now the details of Dashibei are not clear, is unable to use its wondrous use, perhaps, obtained its application method! Has an expectation well always . Moreover, how this thing said that also has, when the use of brick. Also does not calculate that has no merit to speak. 虽然现在大石碑的底细还不清楚,也根本无法使用它的妙用,可是说不定什么时候,就得到了它的使用方法呢!有个盼头总还是好的啊,况且,这东西怎么说也有个当板砖的用处。也不算是一无是处。 Such comforts itself, the Song Zhong mood changes was better. Immediately he then goes out, with Small Cha, after Xiao Xue has met, tells Ling Xiaozi to look after the house, but he is bringing the gift of Lian Qing preparation, visits Lie Yangzi, while convenient also own shop problem solve. 这么一安慰自己,宋钟的心情变的好了很多。随即他便出关,和小茶,小雪见过一面后,就吩咐凌霄子看家,而他则带着莲青准备的礼物,去探望烈阳子,顺便也把自己的店铺问题解决了。 Touches the heart to touch the harmony to touch immortal to touch the cut-off to touch the heart 触心触谐叭触仙触割线触心 Lie Yangzi the place and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo are not far, after all they are the sentiment such as fathers'and sons' relations. Also is impossible to leave was too far. 烈阳子所住的地方和烈火真君所住不远,毕竟他们是情如父子的关系。也不可能离的太远了。 Before Song Zhong, has not gone, but actually listens to Lie Yangzi to tell the concrete looking law. Instead in the God of Fire Heaven city, all constructions is having the custom, means that therefore Song Zhong said according to Lie Yangzi, quick had found a very big mansion, has several hundred li (0.5km) surrounding area. Although cannot compare his master, but in Gold Immortal small is also good. 宋钟以前并没有去过,但是却听烈阳子告诉过具体的找法。反正在祝融天的城市里,所有建筑都是很有规矩的,所以宋钟按照烈阳子所说的办法,很快就找到了一处很大的府邸,怎么也有几百里方圆。虽然比不上他师傅,可是在金仙里小也算是不错的了。 Song Zhong had been blocked by standing guard dozens celestial soldier(s) in the entrance, therefore he then asked the person to go to notify one, said that Eastern Emperor World World Lord Song Zhong came to see him. 宋钟在门口就被站岗的几十个天兵拦住了,于是他便请人进去通报一声,就说东皇界界主宋钟来看他了。 celestial soldier(s) that is responsible for receiving hears is Song Zhong, immediately enforces, turns around hurriedly runs toward inside, the time is not big, saw that Lie Yangzi leads a person to dash. 那位负责接待的天兵一听说是宋钟,立刻严肃起来,急忙掉头就往里面跑,时间不大,就见到烈阳子带着一个人飞奔出来。 Song Zhong has far away recognized with the Lie Yangzi person, is that red giant Hou Tian. Also by cloudy fellow of Zi Shuang in arena. Looks at his appearance, as if injury did not have quite agily, to run. After seeing Song Zhong, Lie Yangzi laughs to say immediately: Brother, I just want to look for you, actually unexpectedly you actually first come!” 宋钟老远就认出了跟着烈阳子的人,正是那位红色巨人候天。也就是被紫爽在擂台上阴的家伙。看他的样子,似乎身上的伤势都没有好利索,就跑出来了。见到宋钟之后,烈阳子立刻大笑道:“兄弟,我正想去找你呢,却不料你倒是先自己来啦!” Does not wait for Song Zhong to speak, side that red giant Hou Tian directly clashes, holds on Song Zhong, grateful [say / way]! Many thanks the brothers avenge a grievance for me, Hou Tian is deeply grateful! Vitriol deep poolshows you to have any trouble in God of Fire Heaven, although looks for me, my Hou Tian, goes through fire or water, does not refuse under any circumstances!” 不等宋钟说话,旁边那位红色巨人候天就直接冲过来,拉住宋钟的,感激的道!“多谢兄弟替我报仇雪恨,候天感激不尽!矾渊“示你在祝融天有任何麻烦,尽管来找我,我候天,赴汤蹈火,在所不辞!” Serious was serious!” Song Zhong hurried polite [say / way]: Is the slight effort, is unworthy Dao Brother so!” “严重了严重了!”宋钟急忙客气道:“不过是举手之劳而已,不值道兄如此!” Hou Tian one hear was anxious, immediately called out. „Will this be unworthy? This benevolence is big!” 候天一听就急了,马上叫道。“这怎么会不值得呢?这恩情大啦!” Sees him to be so excited, Song Zhong some do not know that said any was good, looking that has to seek help to Lie Yangzi. 见他如此激动,宋钟都有些不知道说什么好了,只好求助的望向烈阳子 Ha Ha!” Lie Yangzi sees that to laugh, said: Two my worthy brother, we had the words to go to say that ben't standing here? Today, we must drink a happiness, not go home until drunk!” “哈哈!”烈阳子见状哈哈一笑,道:“二位贤弟,咱们有话就进去说吧,别在这里站着啦?今天,咱们一定要喝个痛快,不醉不归!” Saying, Lie Yangzi was drawing Hou Tian and Song Zhong on about, directly soared own mansion. 说着,烈阳子就左右拉着候天宋钟,直奔自己的府邸。 The time is not big, three people went to a spacious lobby, Lie Yangzi Hou Tian and Song Zhong according to a seat of big round table. Then called out: On banquet!” 时间不大,三人就来到了一处宽敞的大客厅里,烈阳子候天宋钟按在一个大圆桌的座位上。然后便叫道:“上酒席!” The Immortal World efficiency is high, Lie Yangzi shouted a throat, but a time of meeting, table ample food has chocked up, several jug nice wines. 仙界的效率就是高,烈阳子就喊一嗓子,不过一会的功夫,一桌子大鱼大肉就摆满了,还有好几坛子好酒。 Afterward Lie Yangzi expels the toxin the miscellaneous personnel, then starts to urge to drink repeatedly. 随后烈阳子就把闲杂人等都赶出毒,然后便开始频频劝酒。 Since to this situation, Song Zhong naturally was unable to feel disappointed, therefore carefree drank to do obeisance with two people 既然到了这个地步,宋钟自然也不能扫兴,于是就和两个人畅快的喝了起拜 In an instant, the liquor over three patrol, the dish crosses the five senses, Lie Yangzi then curious asking: „ I said the brothers, you not well closes up prepares Martial Arts Convention, how to run up to here to come suddenly?. 转眼间,酒过三巡,菜过五味,烈阳子这才好奇的问道:“我说兄弟,你不好好的闭关准备演武大会,怎么忽然间跑到我这里来了?。 He He, said that but also is really the safe does not ascend the Buddhist temples!” Song Zhong does not conceal says with a smile directly: „ Little brother I was in need for cash recently, wants to open My Family's Store in Zhurong City, but inquired, knows that cannot rent without the path. I am newly-arrived, where has what path? Therefore thinks it over, thought of you!, Is small “呵呵,说起来,还真是无事不登三宝殿!”宋钟也不隐瞒直接笑道:“小弟我最近手头紧,想在祝融城里开一家铺子,可是打听后才知道,没有路子根本就租不下来。我初来乍到,哪有什么路子啊?所以想来想去,就想到你了!,小 Lie Yangzi one hear of this saying, said immediately with deep veneration: My worthy brother, you , if in need for cash, can with me say that why tosses about a shop?” 烈阳子一听这话,马上肃然道:“贤弟,你要是手头紧,可以和我说吗,何必折腾一个铺子呢?” Yes. Red giant Hou Tian also said: „The Zhurong City shop is not good, the qualification is very big, does not do well loses money!” “是啊”。红色巨人候天也跟着道:“祝融城的铺子可不好开,本钱很大,弄不好就亏本啦!” Not. Song Zhong actually immediately shakes the head saying: „ My Eastern Emperor World is on the wane, I must from the beginning construct, does not know how much money can spend? If one do not open the shop, is insufficient, regarding borrowing, that not to mention, haven't I been able to lend money to build the house?. “不不不”。宋钟却立刻摇摇头道:“我的东皇界可谓是一片凋零,我得从头建设,不知道要花费多少钱?自己要是不开铺子,是根本不够用的,至于说借,那就更别提了,我总不能借钱盖房子啊?。 But the issue is, the Zhurong City present shop competition is very fierce, are you not necessarily able to make money?” Hou Tian wrinkles the shoulder to say. “可问题是,祝融城现在的铺子竞争都很激烈,你未必能够赚钱啊?”候天皱着肩头道。 My worthy brother, this matter he is familiar compared with me, you should better listen to his opinion!” Lie Yangzi also said. “贤弟,这事他比我熟悉,你最好听听他的意见!”烈阳子也跟着道。 He He, many thanks two cares. Song Zhong said with a smile, „, but, the matter of this shop I was the process turn actually think. I have several paths in other Heaven Beyond the Heaven, can get so far as other Heaven Beyond the Heaven goods to come this . Moreover the price is not high. I already and here price has compared, how I sell in any case am insufficient to suffer a loss. “呵呵,多谢二位关心”。宋钟笑道,“不过,这铺子的事情我其实是经过一翻深思熟虑的。我在其他天外天有几条路子,可以弄到其他天外天的货品来这,而且价格还不高。我已经和这里的价格比了,反正我怎么卖都不至于吃亏”。 Really?” Hou Tian frowns small „, if in this case, this business can actually do, is only, is your source of goods stable? Must know that rents shop in Zhurong City, but must pay four years of rent, isn't that a decimal?” “真的?”候天皱着眉头道小“要是这样的话,这买卖倒是可以做,只是,你那货源稳定吗?要知道,在祝融城租铺子,可是要一口气交四年的租金的,那可不是个小数啊?” About how many?” Song Zhong asked hurriedly. “大约有多少?”宋钟急忙问道。 This must look at the position and size, most expensive one year wants ten ten thousand Purple Jade, cheapest also wants several hundred, but hands over is 100 years, that is also tens of thousands Purple Jade!” Waits Heavenly Law. “这就要看位置和大小了,最贵一年就要十万紫玉,最便宜的也要几百,但是一交就是100年的,那也是好几万紫玉呢!”候天道 Em?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the curious [say / way]: „Are you to this, so how familiar?” “恩?”宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇的道:“你怎么对这个,如此熟悉啊?” Ha Ha, my worthy brother, this time you may ask to the person!” Lie Yangzi laughs to say immediately: „The Hou Tian elder, some people are responsible for managing the Zhurong City store, you hold the matter of shop to look for him, sure right. “哈哈,贤弟啊,这次你可问对人了!”烈阳子马上大笑道:“候天的长辈,就有人负责管理祝融城的商铺,你开铺子的事情找他,肯定没错”。 So that's how it is!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, are overjoyed at heart immediately, immediately said with a smile: It seems like, this matter said that can not probably trouble to wait the brother!” “原来如此!”宋钟一听这话,心里顿时大喜过望,马上就笑道:“看来,这事说不得要麻烦候兄了!” This issue is actually not big, I asked the uncle to say one on the line, but, the too big store did not have the vacancy, that was each big influence wraps, could not move including my uncles. Most also makes a medium shop to you!, Small Hou Tian embarrassed [say / way]. “这个问题倒是不大,我找叔叔说一句就行,但是,太大的商铺是没有空缺的,那都是各个大势力包下了,连我叔叔都动不得。最多也就给你弄个中等的店铺!,小候天不好意思的道。 Medium was also enough!” Song Zhong said with a smile: I start in any case will not make is too big. I thought that several thousand Purple Jade one year of shops, are only this inside matter I are not quite clear, but must trouble your friend to help to elect!” “中等的也足够了!”宋钟笑道:“反正我开始的时候也不会弄的太大。我觉得,几千紫玉一年的铺子就可以,只是这里面的事情我不太清楚,还要麻烦你老兄帮着选一下!” This nature does not have the issue, I definitely will make to you well!” Hou Tian said afterward:, „, but, several thousand Purple Jade one year of words, 100 years of rent is several hundred thousand Purple Jade, can you take?” “这个自然没有问题,我肯定会给你弄最好的!”候天随后道:,“不过,几千紫玉一年的话,100年的租金就是几十万紫玉啊,你能一口气拿出来?” „ Do I give a try?. Coming out that Song Zhong takes actually, but said, he regretted, oneself come to here, these much money of which coming? Therefore hurries to change a statement \; „ Do my something, could value these?. “我试试看吧?。宋钟其实拿的出来,但是说完之后他就后悔了,自己才来这里,哪来的这么多钱啊?所以赶紧改口道\;“我有些东西,或许能值这些吧?。 . ..
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