CLC :: Volume #6

#579: Returning in triumph

Regarding Song Zhong these soon on behalf of God of Fire Heaven, will go to Jade Emperor Heaven to participate in the Martial Arts Convention immortal, virtue Star Lord is the courteous reception. He received the people in the broad main hall, after encouraging to turn, has granted big pile of treasure. Although in the Song Zhong eye, these value over a thousand Purple Jade things is not anything, is regarding other immortals, is actually a very rich reward. 对于宋钟这些即将代表祝融天,去玉皇天参加演武大会的仙人,德星君还是很礼遇的。他在恢弘的大殿里接见了众人,勉励一翻后,赐予了一大堆的宝贝。虽然在宋钟眼里,这些价值上千紫玉的东西并不算什么,可是对于其他仙人来说,却是一笔非常丰厚的奖励。 After rewarding, fire virtue Star Lord has held the banquet, entertains the people. Song Zhong is also first time officially attended this Immortal Family banquet, has saying that is the world of mortals is different. 在奖励完之后,火德星君又举行了宴会,招待众人。宋钟也是第一次正式参加这种仙家的宴席,不得不说,就是和凡间大不一样。 First is the scale, the person who others banquets sit are not many, competes with the player besides 39, is 35 Daoist immortals is invited along, has Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. However, person of seat, although are not many, the person but who serves actually does not know that has many. 首先就是规模,人家的宴席坐的人不多,除了39个比试选手之外,就是35个真君作陪,其中就有烈火真君。但是,坐席的人虽然不多,可是伺候的人却不知道有多少。 Side each immortal, light adds the liquor to deliver the dish Apsara Fairy, has eight. Moreover, at the banquet, the large-scale dance performance, frequently is tens of thousands of ginsengs leads. The musicians reach 3000 audiences, that 3000 musical instrument broad symphony sounds, really made one shock. 每个仙人身边,光添酒送菜的飞天仙女,就有八个之多。另外,在宴席上,还有大型的歌舞表演,动辄就是成千上万人参导。乐师更是多达3000之众,那3000乐器恢弘至极的交响声,实在太令人震撼了。 As the seat of honor of Gold Immortal rank, Song Zhong obtained giving favored treatment, can with fire virtue Star Lord as well as several Daoist immortals sits together. 作为金仙级别的首席,宋钟获得了优待,可以和火德星君以及几位真君坐在一起。 After the liquor over three patrol, fire virtue Star Lord then asking with a laugh: Song Zhong, your this does Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire practice? Can make us also experience?” 酒过三巡之后,火德星君便笑呵呵的问道:“宋钟啊,你这炫疾天火到底是怎么练出来的?能不能让我们也见识见识啊?” Regarding this issue, all people are interested, all winks is looking at Song Zhong, etc. 对于这个问题,所有人都很感兴趣,全都一眨不眨的望着宋钟,等 His reply. 着他的回答。 Song Zhong saw unable to hide, has to smile bitterly a sound track: „ Actually does not have anything, in the world of mortals, regularly was divided by Heavenly Tribulation, chops is dividing, from ordinary world of mortals divine lightning, excessively arrived at Immortal Lightning of Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire this rank. My divided are too many, some be used to it, unknowingly, grasped Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire. 宋钟见到躲不过去了,只好苦笑一声道:“其实也没有什么,就是在凡间的时候,隔三差五的就被天劫劈,劈着劈着,就从普通的凡间神雷,过度到了炫疾天火这种级别的仙雷。我被劈的太多,有些习惯了,不知不觉中,就掌握了炫疾天火 The worldly person of fire virtue Star Lord this rank, what nature saw Song Zhong to say was the truth, but has concealed some details. Who if casual to be divided how many by Heavenly Tribulation, can grasp Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, that will everybody display this rank the Immortal Family fireworks? Such definitely meets the worldwide chaos! 火德星君这种级别的人精,自然一眼就看出宋钟说的是实话,只不过隐瞒了一些细节。要是随便谁被天劫劈几顿,都可以掌握炫疾天火的话,那岂不是谁都会施展这种级别的仙家焰火?那样肯定会天下大乱的! However, although Song Zhong somewhat conceals, fire virtue Star Lord does not have the responsibility to be timid he, after all this is others secrets, others are not willing saying that is also normal. Therefore he shows a faint smile, said sentence good luck ’, then no longer closely examines this matter, then starts to inquire after the well being to Song Zhong, pledged him, so long as won the Martial Arts Convention first place, added the brilliance to God of Fire Heaven, he well rewarded Song Zhong. The Song Zhong naturally modest expression does everything possible. 不过,尽管宋钟有些隐瞒,火德星君也没有责怯他,毕竟这都是人家的秘密,人家不愿意说也是正常的。所以他只是微微一笑,说了句好运气’,然后便不再追问此事,转而开始对宋钟嘘寒问暖,承诺他,只要夺得了演武大会头名,给祝融天增添光彩,他就好好奖励宋钟一回。宋钟当然谦虚的表示尽力而为。 Afterward, the people in one relaxed atmosphere, finished these have continued three days of banquets. The people said goodbye to depart, Song Zhong also left with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo 随后,众人就在一种轻松的气氛中,结束了这一场持续了三天之久的宴席。众人纷纷告辞离去,宋钟也跟着烈火真君离开 On the road, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo says with a smile: „ Song Zhong virtue nephew, could see that Star Lord he regards as important to you very much! Your this time may probably make every effort to succeed well, striving enables our God of Fire Heaven also to take first! 在回去的路上,烈火真君就笑着道:“宋钟贤侄,看得出,星君他对你很是看重啊!你这次可要好好争气,争取让我们祝融天也可以拿个第一来! Ok, I as far as possible!” Song Ling said with a smile. “行,我尽量吧!”宋铃笑道。 In any case I hoping to pin on you! “反正我是把希望寄托在你身上了! Goes, any matter should not be done, prepares by all means relieved, I will send for inviting to the time your! 去,什么事情都不要做了,只管安心备战,到时间我会派人去请你的! Good, many thanks Daoist immortal!” Song Zhong hurried polite. Afterward two people also chatted several, then punishes in transmission. Song Zhong went to Eastern Emperor World, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo has met own family. “好的,多谢真君!”宋钟急忙客气一句。随后两个人又闲扯了几句,然后便在传送阵处分开。宋钟去了东皇界,烈火真君则会自己的家。 After returning to Purple Star Palace once more, Song Zhong suddenly had to plant the feeling of family. Small Cha is also same as Xiao Xue, they have also benefitted from Song Zhong, please be attended the fire virtue Star Lord banquet. Really good delicious, the thing in fire virtue Star Lord banquet, that is not the simple delicacy, not only the flavor is good, will also have all kinds of functions. For example outside concise magic power, the promotion spirit and Divine Sense wait / etc., placed is also the priceless precious thing. The ordinary immortal wants to eat cannot buy, only then Primordial Stage Gold Immortal of fire virtue Star Lord this rank, is entitled to enjoy. 再次回到紫辰殿之后,宋钟忽然有种到了家的感觉。小茶小雪也一样,她们也沾了宋钟的光,被请去参加了火德星君的宴席。着实好好吃了一顿,火德星君宴席上的东西,那可不是简单的美味,不仅味道好,而且还会有各式各样的作用。比如凝练法力,提升精神和神识等等,放在外面也都是价值连城的珍贵东西呢。平常仙人想吃都买不到,也就只有火德星君这个级别的混元金仙,才有资格享受。 Small Cha and Xiao Xue are also first time eat such good thing, therefore opened wide the appetite to overeat for three days three nights, the belly is about to break open. Therefore after coming back, ran to sleep. Pouring made Song Zhong obtain the rare peace. 小茶小雪也是第一次吃这么好的东西,所以就敞开了胃口大吃特吃了三天三夜,肚子都快撑破了。所以回来之后,二话没说,就跑去睡觉了。倒让宋钟得到了难得的安宁。 However, Song Zhong does not have the peaceful how much time, because he suddenly discovered that in these months that oneself exit, Ling Xiaozi came back, and is waiting for him in Purple Star Palace. 不过,宋钟也没有安宁多少时间,因为他忽然发现,在自己出去的这几个月里,凌霄子已经回来了,并在紫辰殿等着他。 Song Zhong one hear of he came back, makes people call hurriedly him. Ling Xiaozi sees Song Zhong, immediately excited holds the fist in the other hand to salute saying: „ Congratulated your majesty, obtained the seat of honor! 宋钟一听他回来了,急忙让人把他叫来。凌霄子一见到宋钟,就马上兴奋的抱拳施礼道:“恭喜主公,一举获得首席! He He, is the luck!” Song Zhong smiles is beckoning with the hand to say. “呵呵,都是运气罢了!”宋钟微笑着摆摆手道。 Hey, whether or not the luck, your this time was equal to opening the reputation! Suddenly said: „ Sir, I thought that this is an opportunity, you should use this victory! “嘿嘿,不管是不是运气,您这次都等于是打开了名声!忽然道:“大人,我觉得这是个机会,您应该利用这次的胜利么! Ling Xiaozi makes what 凌霄子做点什 „Is your meaning?” Song Zhong cannot bear curious asking. “那你的意思是?”宋钟忍不住好奇的问道。 I thought that you should open a shop in Zhurong City, sold to the black marketeer the goods honestly, really has owed . Moreover, purchases the thing time, must leave high level, is really not cost-effective!” The Ling Xiaozi persuasion said. “我觉得,您应该在祝融城开一家店铺,老实把货卖给黑市商人,实在是太亏了,而且,收购东西的时候,也都要出高阶,实在不划算!”凌霄子劝说道。 But, we sell the thing the words, what name what commodity is good?” Song Zhong knits the brows: Must know, our things, may unable to be exposed to light?” “可是,我们卖东西的话,以什么名义什么商品好呢?”宋钟皱眉道:“要知道,咱们那些东西,可都是不能见光的啊?” This I have thought!” Ling Xiaozi said with a smile: ” Starts, we only sell elsewhere special product, said that traffics in other Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Meanwhile, the low price purchases some local special products again, has waited on for several years later, can trade the local material splendidly, same could be said as just purchased. “这个我已经想好了!”凌霄子笑道:”开始的时候,咱们只卖别处的特产,就说是在其他天外天贩运过来的。同时,再低价收购一些本地的特产,等过上几年之后,就可以堂而皇之的贩卖本地的材料,一样可以说是刚刚收购的。 Ling Xiaozi hunchback to continue says with a smile, „ Immortal World has not collected taxes in any case, some people will not inquire about the details of commodity. In addition you and God of Fire Heaven high-level relations are good, should not have any issue, even if they gets suspicious, thinks that was you have mined the mine in Eastern Emperor World secretly. That is your lawfully earned income, some people will not say this and that! 凌霄子偻续笑道,“反正仙界也没有收税的,也不会有人来过问商品的底细。再加上您和祝融天高层的关系都不错,应该不会有什么问题,就算是他们起疑心,也只是会认为是您偷偷在东皇界开采了矿场而已。那都是您的合法收入,就更不会有人说三道四了! Em, your this idea is very good!” Song Zhong immediately suddenly strange [say / way]: „ But, immortal “恩,你这个想法很不错!”宋钟随即忽然奇怪的道:“不过,仙 Didn't have tax revenue saying really? ” 界真没有税收这一说?” Said accurately does not have, but, the Zhurong City house shop is Imperial Court, anybody cannot buy and sell, can only rent, moreover must look for getting down that the relations can manage. This. The rent is very expensive, was almost equal to the tax money!” Ling Xiaozi transports: „ But, compares in the discount that in the black market trades, this “准确的说是没有,只不过,祝融城的房屋店铺都是天庭的,任何人都不能买卖,只能租赁,而且还要去找关系才能办的下来。这.租金很贵,差不多就等于是税金了!”凌霄子运:“不过,相比在黑市上交易的折扣,这点 The loss of position does not have anything but actually! 位置的损失倒没有什么! Ok, can test first!” Song Zhong nods saying: „ How then this matter should “行,可以先实验一下!”宋钟点点头道:“那么此事应该怎么 Office? ” 办?” This matter I cannot act!” Ling Xiaozi said with deep veneration: „ After all I am must not exposed to light, I mean, you look for one most at least are also the Gold Immortal rank, person who help has the real power, I looked that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo disciple Lie Yangzi is very appropriate, his manner is refreshed, the path is very broad, moreover relates with you. So long as you as soon as the start to talk, that naturally does not have any issue! “这件事我就不能出面了!”凌霄子肃然道:“毕竟我是见不得光的,我的意思是,您去找一位最起码也是金仙级别,有实权的人帮忙,我看,烈火真君门下烈阳子就很合适,他为人爽快,路子很广,而且和您关系好。只要您一开口,那自然就没有任何问题! If, the matter of shop were very in this case easy to do. But the issue is, whom I give to manage “要是这样的话,店铺的事情就很好办了。可问题是,我交给谁管 Principle? Are you perhaps incorrect? ” Song Zhong knits the brows to say. 理呢?你恐怕是不行的吧?”宋钟皱眉道。 Yes, I am a black person, is not suitable is exposed to light. Moreover must help you walk the black market that line, there cannot break.” Ling Xiaozi awkward thinking, then avaricious factory: „ In my opinion, the person in shop should better is a person on one's own side, might as well make your Flower Monster hold the post! “是啊,我还是黑人,不宜见光。而且得帮您走黑市的那条线,那里也不能断。”凌霄子为难的想了想,然后婪厂:“依我看,店铺里的人最好都是自己人,不如就让您的那些花妖担任! They are the girls, shows face in public outside is not convenient!” Song Zhong actually knits the brows: „ I was look, in God of Fire Heaven also had the playboys, if which day met a lascivious fellow, must take away them forcefully, I living that was not necessarily able to protect! “她们都是女孩子,在外面抛头露面的不方便!”宋钟却皱眉道:“我算是看出来了,祝融天里也有纨绔子弟,万一哪天碰见一个好色的家伙,非要强行带走她们,我都未必能够护的住啊! This but actually is also, the God of Fire Heaven situation is special, the influence of here monster clan Imperial Court is not only weaker , some young masters indeed many thing of these monster clans. Perhaps really will have such matter, but in the event, even if makes to fire virtue Star Lord there, he definitely will not be helping you!” Ling Xiaozi has the feelings [say / way], „ after all the monster clan potential is big, unites, so long as is not the fool, not for trivial several Flower Monster and these fellows will have a falling out! “这倒也是,祝融天情况特殊,这里妖族的势力比天庭的只强不弱,那些妖族的少爷们的确有不少混账东西。说不定真会发生这样的事情,而一旦出现,就算是闹到火德星君那里,他也肯定不会帮着您的!”凌霄子颇有感触的道,“毕竟妖族势大,又团结,只要不是傻瓜,就不会为了区区几只花妖和这些家伙闹翻! What to do did you say?” Song Zhong knits the brows to say. “那你说怎么办?”宋钟皱眉道。 Or this!” Ling Xiaozi said suddenly: ” Your simply please several natives give you to manage. Can become the fellow of immortal in any case, was insufficient to embezzle your thing, was only the source of that material, a point must keep secret to them! “要不这样吧!”凌霄子忽然道:”您干脆请几个本地人给您管理吧。反正能成为仙人的家伙,也不至于会贪污了您的东西,只是那材料的来源,一点要对他们保密! This I knew, but I to God of Fire Heaven am not very familiar, does not know that which finds the person?” Song Zhong depressed [say / way]. “这个我晓得,但是我对祝融天不是很熟悉,不知道去哪找人啊?”宋钟郁闷的道。 As the saying goes the incident' bothersome two hosts, why together did not ask Lie Yangzi to help you solve -?” Ice “有道是一事不'烦二主,何必一起请烈阳子帮您解决-了呢?”凌 Clouds said with a smile. 霄子笑道。 Oh!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear sigh, the forced smile said: „ I trouble others repugnantly, but now looks like , can only so. My this time makes Lie Yangzi owe the next favour luckily, pours did not fear that he does not help with all one's heart! “唉!”宋钟闻言,忍不住叹息一声,苦笑道:“我最讨厌麻烦别人,不过现在看来,也只能如此了。幸好我这次让烈阳子欠下一个人情,倒也不怕他不尽心帮忙! That may too be good, it seems like, this matter is solved. “那可就太好了,看来,这件事情就已经算是解决了。 Ling Xiaozi said with a smile afterward, „ when the time comes shop opened, by your materials pure qualities 凌霄子随后笑道,“到时候铺子一开,以您那些材料的精纯品质 With the rich quantity, did not fear absolutely does not have the business to do! 和丰厚的数量,绝对不怕没有生意做啊! Perhaps!” Song Zhong shows a faint smile, no longer pesters this matter, then asked: Was right, can your this exiting, complete my matter of previous commission?” “或许吧!”宋钟微微一笑,不再纠缠此事,转而问道:“对了,你这次出去,可把我上次嘱托的事情办妥了?” Two matters managed was similar!” Ling Xiaozi said immediately with deep veneration: First is Lightning Gathering Platform, I made five samples, and passed through turned the experiment, you looked!” Saying, Ling Xiaozi has pulled out five giant metal platforms from his space ring, each has dozens zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area. “有两件事情已经办的差不多了!”凌霄子随即肃然道:“第一件就是聚雷台,我弄回来了五件样品,并经过了一翻实验,您看!”说着,凌霄子就从他的空间戒指里掏出了五个巨大的金属台子,每一个都有数十丈方圆。 Ling Xiaozi is pointing at a [say / way]: „ The speed of this platform gathering thunder is fastest, words that does not control, so long as three days can gather Immortal Lightning, but the might is smallest. 凌霄子指着其中一个道:“这个台子聚雷的速度最快,不操控的话,只要三天就可以聚集一颗仙雷,但是威力最小。 Afterward Ling Xiaozi points at side a slightly big platform saying: „The Immortal Lightning might of this Lightning Gathering Platform manufacture is strongest, was a moment ago that over five times, but actually requires ten days of time to gather Immortal Lightning. Several other types are between both, is the might is stronger, the time is shorter! You look, that appropirateness?” 随后凌霄子又指着旁边稍大的一个台子道:“这个聚雷台制造的仙雷威力最强,是刚才那个的五倍以上,但是却需要十天时间才能聚集一颗仙雷。其他几种介乎两者之间,都是威力越强,时间越短!您看,那种合适?” Also with asking?” Song Zhong points at the biggest platform to say directly: „ Naturally is this Immortal Lightning might is bigger, the Divine Boat might of manufacture is also stronger, what I need is Immortal Lightning Divine Boat of big might, naturally wants this might biggest platform! “还用问吗?”宋钟直接指着最大的台子道:“当然是这个仙雷的威力越大,制造的神舟威力也就越强,我需要的是大威力的仙雷神舟,自然要这个威力最大的台子! Oh, although this ~s is good, is the construction cost is high!” Ling Xiaozi knits the brows: „ Compared with it “唉,这个~s子虽然好,可是造价高啊!”凌霄子皱眉道:“比其 His platform are least high over 30%! Changes into the Purple Jade words, least value ten Purple Jade! 他台子最少高三成以上!换成紫玉的话,最少价值十块紫玉! Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the funny [say / way]: You think that I also do lack this?” 宋钟闻言,忍不住好笑的道:“你以为,我还缺这个吗?” „, This but actually is also!” Ling Xiaozi smiles bitterly to say immediately: It seems like I am when poor person when was used to it! Since this, I do give this strongest might below bill?” “哦,这倒也是!”凌霄子随即苦笑道:“看来我是当穷人当习惯了!既然这样,那我就给这最强威力的下单子?” First do not worry, puts forward our requests, then told them us not to be short of money, has a look at them whether can also make a stronger might Immortal Lightning Lightning Gathering Platform, then under bill! Song Zhong said. “先不要着急,把我们的要求提出去,然后再告诉他们我们不差钱,看看他们是否还能造出更强威力的仙雷聚雷台,然后再下单子!宋钟道。 Good, in this case, did not fear that they did not put out the skill of clothes left unworn in the drawer to come!” Ling Xiaozi “好,这样的话,就不怕他们不拿出压箱子的本事来了!”凌霄子 Immediately complies with one, then said: „ As for another matter, is the thunder Fellow Daoist whereabouts! 立刻答应一声,然后道:“至于另外一件事,就是雷霆道友的下落! Em?” Song Zhong one hear, pursues hurriedly asks: Where is he at?” “恩?”宋钟一听,急忙追问道:“他在哪?” Does not know that I inquired, the enemy hundred years ago, many people was inquiring his whereabouts, then he then everywhere fled, but was discovered that as if in Lower Nine Heavens somewhere passed through a war, then he again did not have the news!” Ling Xiaozi moved [say / way]: „ I analyze, he had possibly been grasped, pressed for an answer Thunderbolt Divine Boat below fell behind, then has suffered the mishap! “不知道,我只是打听到,在敌百年前,有很多人在打听他的下落,然后他便到处潜逃,但还是被发现了,似乎在下九天的某处经过了一场大战,然后他就再也没有消息了!”凌霄子伤感的道:“我分析,他可能已经被人抓起来,逼问出雷霆神舟的下落后,便惨遭了不测! Damn!” Song Zhong also already thinks was actually such a matter, after all initially he left to foresee the ambush in the Thunder Prison entrance, but there only then Thunderbolt Taoist knew. Just, that is the guess of Song Zhong, now obtains such news, he felt that is very uncomfortable. “该死的!”宋钟其实也早就想到是这么回事了,毕竟当初他在雷狱入口出预见了伏击,而那里可是只有雷霆道人才知道的。只不过,那都是宋钟的猜测,如今真得到这样的消息,他还是感觉很不舒服。 After all Song Zhong and Thunderbolt Taoist are the nominal priests and disciples relations, the cheap master who Thunderbolt Taoist this has not met, gave him to help much, Freezing Cold Ice Spirit Divine Boat, was Thunderbolt Divine Boat, greatly strengthened the Song Zhong strength, making him evade the crises of deaths. Therefore Song Zhong is very grateful to Thunderbolt Taoist, wants in Immortal World and he, see above sees, but actually discovered now that this is not the desire that is possible to realize. 毕竟宋钟雷霆道人是名义上的师徒关系,雷霆道人这个没有见过面的便宜师傅,也给了他不少帮助,无论是寒凛冰煞神舟,还是雷霆神舟,都大大增强了宋钟的实力,使得他避过了一次次死亡的危机。所以宋钟雷霆道人还是很感激的,原本想在仙界和他见上一见,可是现在却发现,这已经是不可能实现的愿望了。 When picks the clock to be angry, then pursues asks: „ Knows that was who has harmed him? 采钟恼怒之余,便追问道:“知道是谁害了他吗? „It is not clear, at that time chased down his person to be very mixed, as if came from the big school. Probably is they received any pressure, can so. But can give these big school pressures the influence not to be many, but Thunderbolt Taoist is more impossible to provoke like this big influence on own initiative.” Ling Xiaozi knits the brows saying that „ considered your factor, as well as attack of that Thunder Prison, I think, the secret evil behind-the-scenes manipulator can only be a Black Tortoise clan! “不清楚,当时追杀他的人很杂,似乎来自很多大门派。好像是他们受到了什么压力,才会如此的。而能够给予这些大门派压力的势力并不多,而雷霆道人更是不可能会主动去招惹这样的大势力。”凌霄子皱眉道,“考虑到你的因素,以及那次雷狱的遇袭,我想,幕后黑手就只能是玄武一族! Is these bastards!” Song Zhong cannot bear bitterly scolded: One day, I must kill these bastards!” “又是这些王八蛋!”宋钟忍不住恨恨的骂道:“总有一天,我要把这些王八蛋都干掉!” . ..
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