CLC :: Volume #6

#578: The struggle of immortal fire

Heard Song Zhong saying that Feng Mingxiao gawked slightly, along with, even if frowns saying: But does not know that is the what law of resistance? Does not know whether to make me experience?” 听见宋钟这么说,凤鸣宵微微一愣,随即便皱着眉头道:“但不知是何抵御之法?不知道可否让我见识一下?” The Feng Mingxiao expression is somewhat bad, obviously is thinks that Song Zhong was boasting. After all Red Lotus Karmic Fire in Immortal World that is prestige illustrious, few people can be a worthy opponent, rises from Immortal World cannot arrive at one year of fellow, announced can one resist? Whom did this change to believe? 凤鸣宵的语气有些不善,显然是以为宋钟在吹牛。毕竟红莲业火仙界那是威名赫赫,很少有人能够匹敌,一个才从仙界升上来不到一年的家伙,却宣布自己能够抵御?这换了谁能信啊? Facing the question of Feng Mingxiao, unhurriedly of Song Zhong performance, he shows a faint smile, said: Naturally, just wants to ask the female apprentice to advise! Please look that ~ was saying, Song Zhong lifts the hand, in the control Bang a light sound, burns suddenly one group of purple flame. This type of flame looks very beautifully beautiful, just like visionally, making people pleasant. 面对凤鸣宵的质疑,宋钟表现的不慌不忙,他微微一笑,道:“当然可以,正想请师姐指教!请看~”说着,宋钟抬起手来,手心里忽然砰的一声轻响,燃烧起一团紫色的火焰。这种火焰看着非常妖艳美丽,就宛如梦幻般,让人赏心悦目。 However, the purple flame appears after the people front, actually immediately causes one to call out in alarm! 但是,紫色的火焰出现在众人面前之后,却立刻就引起了一阵惊呼! Especially Feng Mingxiao, stares the big 7 eyes, an inconceivable expression, Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire? This, what's all this about? When your can Chaos Titan Clan display this type of flame?” 尤其是凤鸣宵,更是瞪大7眼睛,一副不可思议的表情,“炫疾天火?这,这是怎么回事?你们混沌巨灵族什么时候可以施展这种火焰了?” Hacks the person I unclear, in any case I am the meeting!” Song Zhong was saying, controlled that group of flame to saunter several charts in the side, was divided into several it, regarding own orderly loafing, demonstrated the astonishing control skill. Thus it can be seen, Song Zhong on controlling Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire , has the attainment, is not the novice. “剐人我不清楚,反正我是会的!”宋钟说着,操控那团火焰在身边转悠了几图,又将其分成数朵,围绕着自身有规律的游荡,显示出惊人的操控技巧。由此可见,宋钟在操控炫疾天火上,也是颇有心得,并非是新手。 Feng Mingxiao sees that not startled counter- happy, suddenly excited saying with a smile: „ Happen, I already want to ask the meeting Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire fellow to try, has a look is my Red Lotus Karmic Fire is fierce, is altar|jar Heaven's Swift Fire is stronger, since has met today, that makes us divide a victory and defeat! 凤鸣宵见状,不惊反喜,忽然兴奋的笑道:“正好,我早就想找个会炫疾天火的家伙来试试,看看到底是我的红莲业火厉害,还是坛疾天火更强,既然今天碰见了,那就让咱们分个胜负吧! Song Zhong knows that this weaponry does not hit good. Because Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire were equal, does not spell, but also is very difficult to decide the victory and defeat, therefore he is not artificial, nods directly, said with deep veneration: „ Also good, the female apprentice invited! 宋钟知道这一仗不打不行。因为炫疾天火红莲业火本质上是相等的,不拼一场,还真的很难分出胜负,所以他也不矫情,直接点点头,肃然道:“也好,师姐请! Then, the Song Zhong double hand back after behind, the body imposing manner rises, big group purple Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire soars on one of the bang, the more than ten zhang high flame, wraps Song Zhong completely 说完,宋钟双手背在身后,身上气势一涨,紧接着,一大团紫色的炫疾天火就轰的一声腾空而起,十几丈高的火焰,将宋钟完全包裹 Obviously, Song Zhong is knows one play the skill not to compare the phoenix clan that all day controls the flame, therefore on simple disagreement Feng Mingxiao compared with the skill, is only the defense of going all out. If Red Lotus Karmic Fire can burn, he admits defeat, otherwise, that was his Ying! 显然,宋钟是知道自己玩技巧比不上整日操控火焰的凤凰族,所以就干脆不和凤鸣宵比技巧,只是拼命的防守。如果红莲业火能烧进来,他就认输,否则的话,那就是他嬴了! Feng Mingxiao naturally knows the plan of Song Zhong, is impolite, soars directly, then called out loud: „ Fellow was careful that I come! 凤鸣宵自然知道宋钟的打算,也不客气,直接腾空而起,然后高声叫道:“师弟小心,我来也! Then, Feng Mingxiao opens mouth spits, brilliant red flame from her mouth blowout, has crashed in Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire. 说完,凤鸣宵张嘴一吐,一股红艳艳的火焰就从她嘴里喷出,冲进了宋钟炫疾天火中。 Afterward, Song Zhong and Feng Mingxiao high degree of concentration spirit, is observing the changes of two flame. Even if other audiences also has a relish is watching. 随后,宋钟凤鸣宵都高度集中精神,观察着两股火焰的变化。即使是其他的观众也都饶有兴致的观看着。 Finally, under the gaze of people, the flame that Red Lotus Karmic Fire forms, bear in Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire 结果,在众人的注视下,红莲业火形成的火焰,在炫疾天火中熊 The bear burns, quick on without a trace of disappearance. 熊燃烧起来,很快就消失的无影无踪。 Feng Mingxiao sees that a brow wrinkle, said: Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire is known as burns through all, really lives up to reputation, links my this Red Lotus Karmic Fire also to burn down unexpectedly. The speed that just, you burn, can have me to spit quick?” 凤鸣宵见状,眉头一皱,道:“炫疾天火号称燃尽一切,果然名不虚传,竟然连我这红莲业火也可以烧掉。只不过,你烧的速度,能有我吐的快吗?” Then, Feng Mingxiao yawn mouth, a fold of yarn zhang (3.33 m) thickness, dozens zhang (3.33 m) thick column of flame spurts once more from the mouth, source - source unceasing Red Lotus Karmic Fire, is attacking Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire wave after wave. 说完,凤鸣宵再次张口嘴巴,一股数丈粗,几十丈长的粗大火柱就从嘴里喷出来,源-源不断的红莲业火,一波接着一波的冲击着宋钟身边的炫疾天火 The plan of Feng Mingxiao is very simple, the Red Lotus Karmic Fire fierce place, lies in does not have to resist, once burns Primordial Spirit, does not die continuous, was equal to Ying Ding. Therefore she wants to break through the stop of Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire forcefully, delivers to Red Lotus Karmic Fire the body of Song Zhong. 凤鸣宵的打算很简单,红莲业火的厉害之处,在于无可抵御一旦烧到元神,就是不死不休,等于嬴定了。所以她就想强行冲破炫疾天火的阻拦,把红莲业火送到宋钟的身体上。 Song Zhong naturally not whatever she prevails, increased the output of Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire hurriedly. Then, has formed the aspect of deadlock. 宋钟当然不会任凭她得逞,急忙也加大了炫疾天火的输出。如此一来,就形成了僵持的局面。 However, Song Zhong obvious - took advantage, because the Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire characteristics are to burn through all, the red fire of karma is also then same, was regarded the fuel, the fever is more prosperous. 不过,宋钟显然-是占了大便宜,因为炫疾天火的特性是燃尽一切,红遂业火也一样,被当成了燃料,以至于越烧越旺。 But Feng Mingxiao Red Lotus Karmic Fire is her Natal True Fire, consumption too many words, she will unable to withstand. Therefore has been spurting maliciously several times, discovered that did not have the after effect, Feng Mingxiao decisively to stop, then a face regrettable [say / way]: „ Evidently, seemed I loses! 凤鸣宵红莲业火乃是她的本命真火,消耗太多的话,她会承受不住的。所以在狠狠喷了几次,发现没有效果之后,凤鸣宵就果断的停下了,然后一脸遗憾的道:“看样子,似乎是我输了! Song Zhong sees others to admit defeat, hurried polite square said: ” Was female apprentice receiving lets! 宋钟见人家认输,急忙礼貌格道:”是师姐承让了! No, I have not been letting you, is only underprepared!” The Feng Mingxiao forced smile said: If early knows that you have Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire in the body, I led everybody to come! Ok, now said that anything late, this time calculates your Ying!” Then, she then very happy said goodbye to depart. “不,我没有让着你,只是准备不足罢了!”凤鸣宵苦笑道:“要是早知道你有炫疾天火在身,我就带点大家伙来了!算了,现在说什么都晚了,这次算你嬴吧!”说完,她便很痛快的告辞离去。 Actually, this Song Zhong, although wins, actually does not represent Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire really to be fiercer than Red Lotus Karmic Fire, just the opposite, if really compares to the lethality of immortal, Red Lotus Karmic Fire instead must even better. 其实,这次宋钟虽然获胜,却并不代表着炫疾天火就真的比红莲业火厉害,恰恰相反,如果真要是比较对仙人的杀伤力的话,红莲业火反而要更胜一筹。 Reason that this Feng Mingxiao can 这次凤鸣宵之所以会 , Completely because of two nature decisions of flame. Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire key burns through in one, anything can burn, this causes has the fearful might at the same time, was certainly limited. If hits, others can definitely draw on a mountain from the surroundings conveniently, can your Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire blocking. ,完全是因为两种火焰的性质决定的。炫疾天火重点在一个燃尽,什么都可以烧,这使得拥有可怕威力的同时,也受到了一定的限制。要是真打起来,人家完全可以随手从周围招来一座大山,就能够把你的炫疾天火给挡住了。 Therefore Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire wants to injure the words of enemy, must on all things the road burn down is good, but this usually needs a process, in this time, does not have the shade that others already ran away most likely. 所以炫疾天火想伤害敌人的话,就必须把路上所有的东西都烧光才行,而这往往需要一个过程,在这个时间里,人家八成早就逃的没影了。 But Red Lotus Karmic Fire does not have this situation, the place of its fearfulness lies in disregards all defenses, regardless of Magical Artifact, is various types of goods, cannot resist its attack, it can penetrate all defenses of enemy, fires Primordial Spirit directly. 红莲业火就不存在这种情况,它的可怕之处就在于无视一切防御,无论法宝,还是各种物品,都不能抵挡住它的侵袭,它可以穿透敌人的一切防御,直接灼烧元神 Therefore in comparison, virtually impossible to guard against Red Lotus Karmic Fire is easier to hit, is more fearful. Although Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire is fierce, what a pity actually compares to be hard to hit the enemy, this little fell while. 所以相比之下,防不胜防的红莲业火更容易命中,也更加可怕。炫疾天火虽然厉害,可惜却比较难以击中敌人,这就少落下乘了。 But takes this competition, if changes a place, Feng Mingxiao has not been possible to lose to Song Zhong. Because she can use large object in the environment, attacks Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, making Red Lotus Karmic Fire hide. In these everybody, then, Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire must burn down these everybody first, can threaten inside Red Lotus Karmic Fire. 而就拿这次的比试来说,要是换个地方,凤鸣宵还真不一定会输给宋钟。因为她可以利用周围环境里的大型物体,来冲击宋钟炫疾天火,让红莲业火隐藏.在这些大家伙中,如此一来,宋钟炫疾天火就必须先把那些大家伙烧掉,才能威胁到里面的红莲业火 However the large-scale goods are not the flash can burn down completely. Therefore will very likely occur, Red Lotus Karmic Fire under the cover of large object, throws to Song Zhong situation. 80% that once in that case, loses were Song Zhong. Because of Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire can also combustion Primordial Spirit, he unable to use own Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire to reduce fever Red Lotus Karmic Fire on oneself Primordial Spirit? 但是大型的物品可不是一瞬间就能够完全烧毁的。所以很可能就会发生,红莲业火在大型物体的掩护下,扑到宋钟身上的情况。一旦那样的话,输的八成就是宋钟了。因为炫疾天火也可以燃烧元神,他总不能利用自己的炫疾天火去烧掉自己元神上的红莲业火啊? Some that also for this reason, Feng Mingxiao can lose are not willingly. Because she, if early knows that Song Zhong has Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire, can definitely take to bring in several mountains from outside, when the time comes pounds, had very big opportunity to burn to Song Zhong. 也正是因为这个原因,凤鸣宵才会输的有些不甘心。因为她要是早知道宋钟炫疾天火的话,完全可以从外面带进来几座大山,到时候砸过去,就有很大机会烧到宋钟了。 Naturally, this is also only the idea that Feng Mingxiao one-sided wishes, if really to that situation, Song 当然,这也只是凤鸣宵一厢情愿的想法,真要是到了那个地步,宋 The clock perhaps will have the method of counterattacking. 钟也说不定会有反制的手段。 However no matter what, because of Song Zhong it - unexpectedly, Feng Mingxiao recognizes the defeat to concede finally, lets Song Zhong successful self-satisfied being promoted! 但是不管怎么说,因为宋钟的出其-不意,凤鸣宵最终认败服输,让宋钟成功的得意晋级! But in fact, this time, although is promoted in name, may in fact actually be equal to that announced Song Zhong wins. Because everyone knows, if in the God of Fire Heaven Gold Immortal player strongest Feng Mingxiao is not the match, other people 80% will not be the Song Zhong matches. 而事实上,这一次虽然名义上是晋级,可实际上却等于已经是宣布了宋钟夺魁。因为谁都知道,如果连祝融天金仙选手中最强的凤鸣宵都不是对手的话,其他人八成也不会是宋钟的对手。 But matter that then has, has fully proven this point, the match of Song Zhong finals has forfeited directly, the courage of even with Song Zhong not having fought. However, although he displays spiritlessly, anybody will not have ridiculed him. Because this is also understandable, after all Song Zhong Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire was too overbearing, stains any fever anything. If hits with Song Zhong, Immortal Tool on others hand may probably meet with a disaster! Does not know that will burn out many by him, others are not silly, naturally not in the situation in knowing perfectly well not beating, but also loss precious Immortal Tool for no reason! 而接下来发生的事,也充分证明了这一点,宋钟决赛的对手直接弃权了,甚至都没有和宋钟一战的勇气。不过,他虽然表现懦弱,却并没有任何人会嘲笑他。因为这也是可以理解的,毕竟宋钟炫疾天火实在太霸道了,沾上什么烧什么。所以要是和宋钟打起来,那人家手上的仙器可就要遭殃了!不知道会被他烧坏多少件,人家又不傻,当然不会在明知不敌的情况下,还平白无故的损耗珍贵的仙器! Determined Song Zhong wins into God of Fire Heaven Gold Immortal chief time, passed for three months. May for all this, the time of this Martial Arts Convention expenditure, was shorter than before. The reason lies in Song Zhong is extremely strong, dares to confront with him has 2-3 individuals. Following compared with the ore assay is the forfeit, even plays in the finals is the same, this has naturally saved the big time. 确定宋钟夺魁成为祝融天金仙首席的时候,已经过去了三个多月。可尽管如此,这一次演武大会花费的时间,也比以前短了很多。原因就在于宋钟太过强势,以至于敢和他对阵的就只有两三个人。后面的比试金是弃权,甚至决赛都一样,这自然就节省了大把的时间。 However, these audiences therefore have not felt unhappy, on the contrary, they can present Song Zhong this master to feel trip has not been made in vain for this competition! Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire and Red Lotus Karmic Fire showdown, in Immortal World is also extremely scarce, can see this, far away ran to be also worth! 不过,那些观众并没有因此而感到不快,相反,他们都为这次的比试可以出现宋钟这个的高手而感到不虚此行!炫疾天火红莲业火的对决,在仙界里也是极其稀少的,能看见这一幕,大老远跑来也值得了! The audiences very much prepare after the competition that thinks diverge, but Song Zhong this seat of honor actually walks inadequately, he must accept summon and reward of fire virtue Star Lord, this was the past years custom. 观众们都很备觉的在比试后散去,但是宋钟这个首席却走不成,他还要接受火德星君的召见和奖励,这是历年的规矩。 Naturally, such official summon, cannot carry on this place, must be good in the fire virtue Star Lord main hall. 当然,这样正式的召见,是不可以在这种地方进行的,要在火德星君的正殿里才行。 Under Song Zhong in the fire virtue Star Lord preparing officer leads, said good-bye Immortal Daoist Lie Huo one line, with first ten Gold Immortal, as well as True Immortal and Heavenly Immortal, a launching to transmission. 宋钟在火德星君的备官带领下,辞别了烈火真君一行人,和前十名金仙,以及真仙天仙,一起飞向传送阵。 After sitting transmission, people arrived in a abnormal grand architectural complex, at least has the surrounding area 1 million li (0.5km), everywhere is various type fine palaces, the innumerable celestial troops and generals earnest guard, the boundless many yellow turbans person of great strength is a servant, juggles. Some other Apsara Fairy back and forth dances in the air, a Immortal Family picture. 坐完传送阵之后,众人就来到了一处异常雄伟壮丽的建筑群里,至少有方圆1000000里,到处都是各式精美的宫殿,还有数不清的天兵天将认真把守,茫茫多的黄巾力士为仆役,忙里忙外。另有飞天仙女来回飞舞,一派仙家景象。 Compared with here, the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo temporary palace is a dregs! But fire virtue Star Lord also merely is only the God of Fire Heaven head, on him also has Five Great Celestial Emperors. Is that Celestial Emperor temporary palace, the grand picture? Song Zhong was wants unable to think in any case. 和这里比起来,烈火真君的行宫就是个渣呀!而火德星君还仅仅只是祝融天的负责人,他上面还有五大天帝。那天帝的行宫,将会是何等壮丽的景象?宋钟反正是连想都不敢想了。 . ..
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