CLC :: Volume #6

#577: Decisive battle phoenix

Although Song Zhong also with schemes and tricks Ying's Zi Shuang, but slightly has not actually caused others' repugnance, instead has initiated people's consistent support. After is Zi Shuang displays the plot in first, now by Song Zhong counter- cloudy , can only say him to be stupid, really no wonder others. 虽然宋钟也是用阴谋诡计嬴的紫爽,但是却丝毫没有引起别人的反感,反而引发了众人的一致支持。毕竟是紫爽施展阴谋在先,如今被宋钟反阴一把,也只能说他自己笨,实在怪不得别人。 After having tidied up this fellow, own audience of Song Zhong to supporting holds the fist in the other hand to hint, then once more returned to own seat. All people including Immortal Daoist Lie Huo heartfelt congratulates to him. 收拾了这个家伙之后,宋钟对支持自己的观众抱拳示意,然后便再次回到了自己的座位上。包括烈火真君在内的所有人都衷心的向他祝贺。 Especially Lie Yangzi, the happy mouth could not close, expression of gratitude, good that praise Song Zhong that but also keeps hits. 尤其是烈阳子,高兴的嘴巴都合不上了,一个劲的道谢,还不停的夸奖宋钟打的好。 Regarding people's commendation, Song Zhong jokes it away, deals with, may not have to think is really Gold Immortal is invincible. After all Immortal World was too big, does not know many skilled person hidden Pu. Was not saying other, said in this God of Fire Heaven, will have will display Red Lotus Karmic Fire Feng Mingxiao. 对于众人的称赞,宋钟都是一笑了之,应付一下也就罢了,可没有真的以为已经是金仙无敌。毕竟仙界太大了,不知道有多少强手隐蒲.着,不说别的,就说这祝融天里,就有会施展红莲业火凤鸣宵在。 May be she , can only dominate in these years God of Fire Heaven recently, before had not been one's turn her. She also merely can only dominate here for a while, once to true Martial Arts Convention on, is actually not any specially strong master, otherwise her champion will not have obtained. Thus it can be seen, the Immortal World abnormal master has how. 可就算是她,也只能在最近这些年的祝融天称霸,以前还轮不到她。况且,她也仅仅只能在这里称雄一时而已,一旦到了真正的演武大会上,却也不算什么特别强的高手了,要不然她也不会一次冠军都没有获得过。由此可见,仙界的变态高手有多么多。 Therefore Song Zhong not, because tidies up two to ban the soldier to feel one great, as before maintained the calm stance. 所以宋钟并没有因为收拾两个禁兵就感到自己有多了不起,依旧保持了冷静的姿态。 After has punched Zi Shuang maliciously, the Song Zhong day becomes idle. Perhaps is everybody fears by him, as soon as fights with the fists everywhere randomly leave, in brief, later any match who must contest with Song Zhong, has almost chosen completely the forfeit, even is no exception to Sky Sword on the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist favorite disciple. 在狠狠揍了紫爽一顿之后,宋钟的日子就变得清闲起来。或许是大家都怕被他一拳打得满地乱滚,总之,以后凡是要和宋钟过招的对手,几乎全部都选择了弃权,甚至就连裂天真君的得意弟子冲天剑也不例外。 But this person, - is Song Zhong carries on of gambling, his yielding peacefully, making Immortal Daoist Lie Huo bring back itself to lose to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist all treasure with ease. 而这个人,就-是和宋钟进行赌博的那一个,他的不战而降,让烈火真君轻轻松松的拿回了自己输给裂天真君的所有宝贝。 When Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is excited , the somewhat small regret, he is also hoping Song Zhong flushing Sky Sword teaches well. Even if cannot kill, breaks several bones, was equal to venting anger frightening! 烈火真君兴奋之余,也不禁有些小小的遗憾,原本他还期盼着宋钟把冲天剑好好教训一下呢。就算是不能打死,打断几根骨头,也等于出气了吓! Must know that in the past with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo disciple that this fellow competed with, may be the severe wound leaves office, even Lie Yangzi ate his big to owe, therefore Immortal Daoist Lie Huo so is hoping Song Zhong can teach him. 要知道,往常和这家伙比试的烈火真君门下,可都是重伤下台的,甚至就连烈阳子都吃过他的大亏,所以烈火真君才如此期盼着宋钟能够教训他。 Was only a pity that Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist does not give the Song Zhong opportunity, how regardless of not to make the disciple go on stage. Actually, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist does not have the helpless action of means that if in usually, him rather makes the disciple suffer one to punch, will not lose face like this. But the present opportunity cannot allow him such to do. Because is to Sky Sword - a bottleneck. 只可惜裂天真君不给宋钟机会,无论如何也不让弟子上场。其实,裂天真君也是没有办法的无奈之举,要是在平时,他宁可让弟子去挨一顿揍,也不会这样丢人。可是如今的时机并不能允许他这么做。因为冲天剑恰好处于-一个瓶颈。 At this time, was in not too stable condition to the [say / way] heart of Sky Sword. If broke through, he was equal to flattening has been promoted the Greater Gold Immortal road. But if had the accident, for example was punched by the same level person maliciously, that had the possibility to break a heart, repaired for does not increase instead falls, in the event of this situation, that was also equal to announcing that discarded to Sky Sword! 这个时候,冲天剑的道心处于不太稳定的状况。如果突破了,那他就等于是铺平了晋级大罗金仙的路。可如果出了意外,比如被同级的人狠狠揍一顿,那就有可能破了道心,修为不增反降,一旦出现这个情况,那也就等于是宣布冲天剑废掉了! Therefore Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist does not dare to take the disciple lifetime future risk, this using the status of teacher, forcefully suppressed to clash the war intent of Sky Sword. 所以裂天真君不敢拿弟子一生的前途冒险,这才利用师尊的身份,强行压制住了冲天剑的战意。 It is said that for this reason clashes Sky Sword not to be very happy, even angry no longer watches the following competition, returned to Shan Biguan directly. 据说,为此冲天剑很不高兴,甚至都恼怒的不再观看后面的比试,直接回山闭关去了。 Regarding flushing the act of Sky Sword, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist has not been angry, instead relaxed slightly, goes back to close up piqued and headstrong, compared with was always discarded by Song Zhong stronger? 对于冲天剑的行径,裂天真君并没有生气,反而稍稍松了一口气,负气回去闭关,总比被宋钟废掉要强啊? Then, Song Zhong carefree has treated one month on the stand, finally instead overcame one difficulty after another, enters first four. At this time, the remaining people had went to the qualifications of Jade Emperor Heaven, everybody for the honor, struggled a height. 就这样,宋钟无忧无虑的在看台上待了一个来月,结果反而一路过关斩将,进入到了前四名。这个时候,剩下的人就已经都有了去玉皇天的资格,大家只是为了荣誉,争一个高低罢了。 On this day, arranges according to the program, Song Zhong must with that Karma Fire Phoenix Feng Mingxiao to, they probably compete for the right of finals finally. 这一日,按照日程安排,宋钟终于要和那位业火凤凰凤鸣宵对上了,她们要争夺决赛的权利。 When has not made war, near the Lie Yangzi gathering Song Zhong ear quietly, asked suddenly: Friend, next was Feng Mingxiao that girl. Can you have confidence the win?” 在还没有开战的时候,烈阳子忽然悄悄的凑到宋钟耳边,问道:“老兄,下一场便是凤鸣宵那丫头了。你可有把握取胜?” Song Zhong has raised the eyebrow, at a moderate pace [say / way]: Attained the quota in any case, didn't Ying win her not to be different?” 宋钟扬了扬眉毛,不紧不慢的道:“反正都拿到名额了,嬴不赢她还不都一样?” Although Song Zhong has not stated clearly anything, but between the lines showed his manner. 宋钟虽然没有明说什么,可是字里行间都表现出了他的态度。 That is the later weaponry belongs not to have the competition of significance, he was disinclined to strive, Hao let alone match is a woman. 那就是以后的仗都属于没有意义的比试,他已经懒得出力了,昊何况对手还是个女人。 Lie Yangzi naturally listened to the meaning of Song Zhong, he therefore smiled, said: „ I know that you think, your this fellow, was too lazy. However I must remind you, chief this qualifications, but has the use very much! 烈阳子自然听出了宋钟的意思,他于是嘿嘿一笑,道:“我就知道你会这么想,你这家伙,实在太懒了。不过我可是得提醒你,首席这个资格,可是很有用处的! Seat of honor?” Song Zhong stares first, immediately understands that refers to first, therefore he “首席?”宋钟先是一愣,随即就明白过来,是指第一名,于是他 Then curious pursues asks: Is useful?” 便好奇的追问道:“有什么用处?” From the seat is an honor, the biggest use naturally shows off. However, in addition, has a series of privileges, for example, omits the tournament on Martial Arts Convention, directly advances to first 64! ” Lie Yangzi said with deep veneration: „ This can make you little fight many wars -! 自席是个荣誉,最大的用处自然是炫耀。不过,除此之外,也还有一系列的特权,就比如,省去演武大会上的排位赛,直接进入前64强!”烈阳子肃然道:“这可以让你少打很多仗哦-! Song Zhong one hear, immediately eye one bright, said: „Is this real?” 宋钟一听,顿时眼睛一亮,道:“这是真的?” Naturally is not false!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile: „ Our God of Fire Heaven said that is also is responsible for various armed forces rear services the place, who dares to offend us? Therefore, although here does not become famous by master. But as before some privileges, for example the seat of honor directly enters 64 is one of them. “当然不假!”烈阳子笑道:“我们祝融天怎么说也是负责各军后勤的地方,谁敢得罪我们啊?所以,尽管我们这里不以高手出名.可是依旧有一些特权,比如首席直接进入64强便是其中之一。 If you not chief, must with about thousand masters from other Heaven Beyond the Heaven, strive for other i 64 strong quota! 而如果你不是首席的话,就必须和来自其他天外天的近千位高手,争夺另外则i来个64强的名额! Oh, has not thought that this chief status also has such big advantage!” Song Zhong hear that, has cancelled immediately to the idea that Feng Mingxiao turns on the water, said with a smile: ” It seems like, I have to strive to turn fully! “哎呀,没有想到这首席的身份还有这么大的好处!”宋钟闻言,顿时就打消了对凤鸣宵放水的想法,笑道:”看来,我不得不全力争取一翻啦! That was the natural, chief quota is occupied nearly millenniums by that girl, other Heaven Beyond the Heaven immortal, saw our seats of honor each time is a woman, will scoff our God of Fire Heaven man to be incompetent!” [Say / Way] that Lie Yangzi cannot bear some grief and indignation: „ Brother, whether our God of Fire Heaven can shake the husband outline, may probably think your! “那是当然,首席的名额已经被那丫头占据近千年了,每次别的天外天仙人,看见我们这一界的首席是女人,都会耻笑我们祝融天的男人无能!”烈阳子忍不住有些悲愤的道:“兄弟,咱们祝融天能否一震夫纲,可都要看你的了! Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the [say / way] that does not know whether to laugh or cry: „Do you rather want to be too many?” 宋钟闻言,忍不住哭笑不得的道:“你们未免想太多了吧?” Not not, real!” Lie Yangzi hurried [say / way]: ” On several times I go to Jade Emperor Heaven time, such had been scoffed by others! Moreover more than once, in any case this time, you in any event must make every effort to succeed! “不不,是真的啦!”烈阳子急忙道:”上几次我去玉皇天的时候,就被人家这么耻笑过!而且还不止一次,反正这次,你无论如何都要争气啊! Saw that Lie Yangzi is so serious, Song Zhong also has to receive the smiling face, guarantees saying: „ Good, I 见到烈阳子如此严肃,宋钟也只好收起笑容,保证道:“好吧,我 Does everything possible and that's the end! 尽力而为就是了! Ha Ha, this also almost!” Lie Yangzi laughs to say immediately. “哈哈,这还差不多!”烈阳子立刻大笑道。 But exerted this time, finally had the referee to start to shout loudly the Song Zhong name, explained that finally arrived on him 而就奋这时,终于有裁判开始高喊宋钟的名字,说明终于到了他上 The time of field. 场的时间。 Song Zhong greeted with Lie Yangzi hurriedly, then flew to No. 5 location that oneself were. 宋钟急忙和烈阳子打个招呼,然后便飞向了自己所在的五号场地。 Song Zhong arrives in the location time, Feng Mingxiao of scarlet already first to one. Sees this, Song Zhong cannot bear be startled. Because No. 5 location exactly in central, is away from Song Zhong and Feng Mingxiao is equally far. But Song Zhong has caught up fully, actually also slow opposite party one step, this explained that at least in the flying speed, he compared with this Saint in many. 宋钟来到场地上的时候,一身红衣的凤鸣宵已经先到一步了。看到这,宋钟就忍不住吃了一惊。因为五号场地恰好在中央,距离宋钟凤鸣宵一样远。而宋钟已经是全力赶来了,却还慢了对方一步,这就说明,至少在飞行速度上,他是要比这位圣上很多的。 However imagines this is very normal, Song Zhong never the flying speed grows perceptibly, most is the short distance eruption is astonishing. But the opposite party is actually a phoenix clan, the flight is the instinct, in addition others are the Gold Immortal complete greatly region, the strength are also higher than one section compared with Song Zhong, therefore flies should also be quickly compared with Song Zhong. 不过想象这也很正常,宋钟从来不以飞行速度见长,最多就是短距离爆发惊人。而对方却是凤凰一族,飞行乃是天性,再加上人家是金仙大圆满的境地,实力也比宋钟高出一截,所以飞的比宋钟快也是应该的。 Song Zhong has not made the entanglement in this matter, after arrives on, first salutes to the referee the regards, had has said a hello to Feng Mingxiao. 宋钟并没有在此事上多做纠缠,来到场上之后,先对裁判施礼问候,有对凤鸣宵打了一个招呼。 Stems from Song Zhong to wind unexpected is, arrogance Feng Mingxiao actually also responded to Song Zhong, has not been disrespectful slightly, obviously regards as important Song Zhong very much. 出乎宋钟意料之外络是,傲气的凤鸣宵竟然也回应了宋钟,丝毫没有失礼,显然是很看重宋钟 Facing God of Fire Heaven two outstanding, that Daoist immortal referee was also very happy that has encouraged their several much, and persuaded them do not make really hot, all peaced is precious. Decided the victory and defeat to be good, do not have any damage. 面对祝融天的两位俊杰,那位真君裁判也很高兴,多多勉励了两人几句,并劝说他们不要打出真火,一切以和为贵。分出胜负就行了,万万不要有任何损伤。 The referee turns the good intention obviously, he knows that Song Zhong and Feng Mingxiao background was very big, whom injures 裁判显然是一翻好意,他知道宋钟凤鸣宵的背景都很大,伤了谁 It is not good to handle, will therefore say. 都不好处置,故而才会这么说。 Song Zhong and Feng Mingxiao can forgive his pains, therefore Song Zhong first took a stand: „ Senior 宋钟凤鸣宵都能体谅他的苦心,所以宋钟抢先表态道:“前辈 Said is really, younger generation from, when complied with, does not dare to violate a regulation! 所言甚是,晚辈自当遵从,绝不敢犯规! Feng Mingxiao also said with the family: „ Younger generation is also same! 凤鸣宵也跟眷道:“晚辈也是一样! He He, such is good!” The referee shows a faint smile, immediately said: „ Such being the case, you “呵呵,那样就好!”裁判微微一笑,随即道:“既然如此,那你 Starts! ” Then, he then moved sideways to fly one side. 们就开始吧!”说完,他便闪身飞到了一边。 Afterward, Song Zhong and Feng Mingxiao have then turned around, relatively and vertical. Song Zhong has holding the fist in the other hand of demeanor to salute to say extremely: „ Also asked the female apprentice to show mercy! 随后,宋钟凤鸣宵便转过身来,相对而立。宋钟极有风度的抱拳施礼道:“还请师姐手下留情! Feng Mingxiao slightly hesitant, said: „ I pull rank, call you a fellow! 凤鸣宵稍稍犹豫了一下,道:“恕我托大,叫你一声师弟! He He, does not pull rank, originally this so!” Song Zhong winds the polite [say / way]. “呵呵,不托大,本来就该如此!”宋钟络客气的道。 Fellow was polite!” Feng Mingxiao said afterward with deep veneration: „ I know that the fellow is Chaos Titan Clan, in the ordinary magic arts, I self-examined does not have idea only with you, therefore, I can take the thing of getting rid only, is my Natal True Fire, Red Lotus Karmic Fire. This hot might is astonishing, female apprentice I also can only send to present ashamed cannot receive, once displays, again is unable to take back. If the fellow you can resist this Red Lotus Karmic Fire, the female apprentice I can admit defeat immediately. If cannot, but also asked the fellow do not attempt easily. Good! “师弟客气了!”凤鸣宵随后肃然道:“我知道师弟乃是混沌巨灵族,单以普通道法,我自问拿你没辙,所以,我唯一可以拿出手的东西,便是我的本命真火,红莲业火。只是此火威力惊人,师姐惭愧到现在我也只能发不能收,一旦施展,就再也无法收回。如果师弟你可以抵挡这红莲业火,师姐我马上就可以认输。要是不能的话,还请师弟不要轻易尝试.才好! He He, many thanks the female apprentice cared!” Song Zhong shows a faint smile, said: Red Lotus Karmic Fire indeed might, but, the trivial no talent, reluctantly has the law of resistance!” “呵呵,多谢师姐关心!”宋钟微微一笑,道:“红莲业火的确威力,不过,区区不才,却也勉强有抵御之法!” . ..
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