CLC :: Volume #6

#576: Stele sneak attack

After Song Zhong watched this competition, somewhat sympathizes to the red giant at heart, has remembered simultaneously the appearance of purple giant secretly. The secret passage, this fellow was too sinister, if later meets him, must pay attention to be good!’ 宋钟看了这次比试之后,心里对红色巨人有些同情,同时暗地里也记住了紫色巨人的模样。暗道,‘这家伙太阴险了,以后要是碰见他,一定要注意才行!’ Afterward, Song Zhong shifted on attention Lie Yangzi that. Lie Yangzi and Song Zhong below field, is only his match is quite together hard to deal with, is excels at the Fire Type spell beautiful female 随后,宋钟就把注意力转移到了烈阳子那一场身上。烈阳子宋钟一起下的场,只是他的对手比较难缠,是个擅长火系术法的美丽女子 This female gorgeous scarlet, is much longer movingly, but is the whole face arrogance. Her strength is also formidable, in the hand does not have the weapon, pinches the law to decide merely, releases a series of offensive eyes cannot take it all , the raging fire, almost covered the location of several thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area. 这女子一身艳丽的红衣,长得妖娆动人,可就是满脸傲气。她的实力也非常强大,手上没有武器,仅仅掐动法决,就释放出一连串让人目不暇接的攻势,大片大片的烈火,几乎把数千里方圆的场地都覆盖了。 However, Lie Yangzi is in itself also the expert of Fire Type magic arts, facing the flame, unusual is layer upon layer free, in the hand that deals fiery red flying sword, about shakes, emits layer upon layer the flame, blocks the offensive total of opposite party, appears relaxed enjoyable. 不过,烈阳子本身也是火系道法的达人,面对层层火焰,应对的非常自如,手上一把火红的飞剑,左右摇动,也放出层层火焰,将对方的攻势全数挡住,显得轻松写意。 Although two people hit look like abnormal are intense, but looks in the Song Zhong eye, he actually felt that resembles them is dealing with, but is not true fighting with all might. Song Zhong cannot bear secretly the strange [say / way], is difficult to be inadequate they to have the intrigue? But evidently as if doesn't suit? That female repairs to look in the eye of Lie Yangzi, may not have the slight cordiality, instead has a light contempt, seems looks down upon Lie Yangzi. May for all this, she actually as before a moderate pace attack, has not put out the true skill, is clearly turning on the water? This what's the matter? ’ 虽然两个人打得看起来异常激烈,可是看在宋钟眼里,他却总感觉好像他们是在应付,而并非真正的拼杀。宋钟忍不住暗自奇怪道,难不成他们两个有奸情?可是看样子似乎不对劲啊?那位女修看烈阳子的眼睛里,可没有丝毫的情意,反而有种淡淡的轻视,好似看不起烈阳子似的。可尽管如此,她却依旧不紧不慢的攻击着,并没有拿出真正的本事,分明是在放水吗?这到底是怎么回事啊?’ When Song Zhong is puzzling, Lie Yangzi jumps out outside yu suddenly, drags the fist directly, said with a smile: Female apprentice magic arts are profound, I am not a match, candidly admits defeat!” 就在宋钟百思不得其解的时候,烈阳子突然跳出圉外,直接一拖拳,笑道:“师妹道法高深,愚兄不是对手,甘拜下风!” His simple actually admitted defeat! 得,他干脆的竟然认输了! Opposite that female not polite, was only modest several, then said receiving to let, accepted admitting defeat of Lie Yangzi. But that referee also as if thinks naturally, without hesitation announced that Lie Yangzi lost the competition. 对面的那位女子也没有客气,只是谦虚了几句,便言道承让,算是接受了烈阳子的认输。而那位裁判也似乎认为理所当然,毫不犹豫的就宣布烈阳子输了比试。 Afterward, Lie Yangzi then turns around to fly back to stage. Lie Yangzi that Song Zhong looks , an angry color of face, did not have just smiling face again, could not bear secretly strangely, therefore then in Lie Yangzi sat after nearby seat, collected to pursue asks: Dao Brother? Just looked that you have not fallen in leeward, why can actually admit defeat? Difficult to be inadequate that woman to intimidate in you? Makes you so be angry?” 随后,烈阳子便转身飞回高台。宋钟看着回来的烈阳子,一脸的愤怒之色,再也没有刚刚的笑容,忍不住暗自奇怪,于是便在烈阳子坐在旁边的座位后,凑过去追问道:“道兄?刚刚看你并未落于下风,为何却要认输?难不成那女人威逼于你?才让你如此生气?” Not ~ Lie Yangzi shakes the head the forced smile to say hurriedly: „ I am angry with her have nothing to do, lose to “不不不~”烈阳子急忙摇头苦笑道:“我生气和她无关,输给 She is perfectly justified, I was sincerely convinced! ” 她是天经地义,我心服口服!” Em?” The Song Zhong son-in-law word, was shocked immediately, cannot bear the forced smile say: „ This is for “恩?”宋钟婿言,顿时就愣住了,忍不住苦笑道:“这是为 What? ” 何?” You do not know her!” Lie Yangzi explained: She called Feng Mingxiao, was Karma Fire Phoenix, had Red Lotus Karmic Fire, my master and their clan had the friendship, she already burnt me with Red Lotus Karmic Fire. She gives me the face, lets me and she socializes, is good to have dignified being defeated. As counts continuously is God of Fire Heaven first Gold Immortal she, I definitely am not a match, being sincerely convinced that therefore loses, does not dare to have any complaint!” “你是不认识她!”烈阳子解释道:“她叫凤鸣宵,乃是业火凤凰,拥有红莲业火,要不是我师傅和她们一族有交情,她早就用红莲业火烧我了。只是她给我面子,才让我和她周旋一下,好有个体面的落败而已。作为连续数界都是祝融天第一金仙的她,我肯定不是对手的,所以输的心服口服,不敢有任何怨言!” Listened to a Lie Yangzi such saying, Song Zhong was clear, originally was such a matter. Indeed, red then fire of karma type of abnormal flame, is Greater Gold Immortal, even Primordial Stage Gold Immortal does not dare to mess with easily, in the battle efficiency of Gold Immortal rank, is nearly invincible existence. Meets her, admitting defeat is only sooner or later matter, if were used Red Lotus Karmic Fire to burn by her, perhaps is the surroundings has the referee protection of Greater Gold Immortal rank, 80% the vitality damages greatly! 烈阳子这么一说,宋钟才明白,原来是这么回事。的确,红遂业火这种变态的火焰,就是大罗金仙,甚至混元金仙都不敢轻易沾惹,在金仙级别的战斗力,更是近乎无敌的存在。碰见她,认输只是迟早的事,要是被她用红莲业火烧一下,恐怕就算是周围有大罗金仙级别的裁判保护,也八成得元气大损啊! Song Zhong sees Lie Yangzi not for this vitality, ” was strangeer, therefore then asked: „Did why I just see friend as if am very the appearance of vitality?” 宋钟烈阳子不是为了这个生气,”了中更为奇怪,于是便问道:“那为何我刚刚看见老兄似乎很是生气的样子?” Oh!” Lie Yangzi sighing air/Qi, grief and indignation [say / way]: Franks, that red giant who just planned, is my life and death best friend, his named Hou Tian, is Raging Fire Violent Ape, gets along well with me. Unexpectedly was actually planned by the villain in this, lost the competition, but also is disgraceful, really is really the air/Qi ghost I!” “唉!”烈阳子叹了一口气气,悲愤的道:“实不相瞒,刚刚被人算计的那个红色巨人,乃是我的生死至交,他名叫候天,乃是一只烈火暴猿,和我非常投契。却不料在此受到小人算计,输了比试,还要丢人现眼,真真是气煞我也!” Song Zhong then understands that originally Lie Yangzi such is angry for own friend, indeed, the red, giant Hou Tian loses also really treats unjustly. In fact, looked by Song Zhong, if they fight with all might earnestly, the Hou Tian slightly stratagem which ensures success on the contrary wants high. It pitied others clever trick, inexplicableness that lost, vexed! 宋钟这才明白,原来烈阳子是为了自己的朋友才这么生气的,也的确,红色,巨人候天输的也实在是冤枉。事实上,以宋钟看,他们要是认真拼杀的话,候天略胜算反倒是要高一点。其呵惜中了人家的诡计,输的不明不白,窝囊至极! At this time, Lie Yangzi suddenly grabbed the hand of Song Zhong, then earnest [say / way]: Brother, I have the incident to request that you may probably promise me!” 就在这个时候,烈阳子忽然一把抓住宋钟的手,然后认真的道:“兄弟,我有一事相求,你可一定要答应我!” Song Zhong one hear was shocked, hurries saying: Friend has the words to tell freely, I who can be am certainly bounden!” 宋钟一听就愣住了,赶紧道:“老兄有话尽管吩咐,能做的我一定义不容辞!” Good!” Lie Yangzi along with, even if red the eye saying that I have defeated in the Feng Mingxiao subordinate, lost the qualifications that continues to compete with, gave the opportunity that the brothers revenged not to have continually. Now friend you also in field, if you foresee the disfigured of that purple skin, whether to punch his maliciously, gives me that brothers to revenge?” “好!”烈阳子随即便红着眼睛道,“我已经败在了凤鸣宵的手下,失去了继续比试的资格,以至于连给兄弟报仇的机会都没有了。现在老兄你还在场上,要是你预见那紫色皮肤的丑八怪,可否狠狠揍他一顿,给我那兄弟报仇?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, immediately complexion one austere, said: Does not have the issue, I also already looked in any case that fellow is not pleasing to the eyes! When the time comes if he meets me, I made him unable to eat absolutely, was capturing walking!” 宋钟一听这话,顿时脸色一肃,道:“没问题,反正我也早就看那家伙不顺眼了!到时候他要是碰见我,我绝对让他吃不了,兜着走!” However is the slight effort, since Lie Yangzi strove, where Song Zhong can not give others the face 不过是举手之劳,既然烈阳子都求出来了,宋钟哪能不给人家面子 ? Therefore then happy complies. 啊?所以这才痛快的答应下来。 Lie Yangzi one hear of this saying, immediately excited [say / way]: So may many thanks the friend!” 烈阳子一听这话,顿时兴奋的道:“如此可多谢老兄啦!” He He, might as well, if foresaw, I naturally also its solution, if cannot bump into, “呵呵,无妨,要是预见了,我自然也就将其解决,要是碰不上, I do not have the means! ” The Song Zhong helpless booth begins to say. 那我也没办法啦!”宋钟无奈的摊着手道。 Hey, this you could rest assured that you definitely will meet his!” Lie Yangzi grins fiendishly a sound track: „The fellow is an external family whose fortunes are on the decline, dares to be here rampant, looked how I tidy up him!” “嘿嘿,这个你放心,你肯定会碰见他的!”烈阳子狞笑一声道:“那家伙不过是个外来的破落户,也敢在这里嚣张,看我怎么收拾他!” Then, Lie Yangzi set out. Although he has not said anything, but Song Zhong actually knows that he is finds the person to ply the connections most likely, must make that purple giant probably meet Song Zhong. 说完,烈阳子就起身走了。虽然他没有说什么,可是宋钟却知道,他八成是找人托关系,要让那紫色巨人务必碰见宋钟 Although Song Zhong guessed correctly the Lie Yangzi petty action, has not actually paid attention, isn't hits one? Fights with whom is different? Is that Feng Mingxiao Song Zhong did not fear, let alone this. Purple giant. 宋钟虽然猜出了烈阳子的小动作,却也没有理会,不就是打一场吗?和谁打还不都一样?就是那个凤鸣宵宋钟都不怕,更别说这.个紫色巨人了。 Really, under the arrangement of Lie Yangzi, three days later, Song Zhong the object of next competition, is that purple giant. Until now, the details of Song Zhong not clear opposite party, do not know the name. Really is he is disinclined to inquire that in any case is the goods of relaxed solution, definitely does not need to make the care. 果然,在烈阳子的安排下,三天后,宋钟的下一场比试的对象,便是那位紫色巨人。直到现在,宋钟都不清楚对方的底细,就连名字都不知道。实在是他懒得打听,反正都是轻松解决的货色,完全没有必要多做关心。 After Song Zhong and purple giant depot, this hears the opposite party to introduce oneself is, Zi Shuang. 宋钟和紫色巨人土场之后,这才听到对方自我介绍为,紫爽。一个 With his semblance act already not symmetric name. 和他外表行径既不相称的名字。 Although Song Zhong was held, teaches this fellow intentionally. But he actually one has not come up to reveal own intention, but smiling looks at the opposite party, is thinking how should tidy up him was good. 虽然宋钟是受人所托,故意来教训这家伙的。可是他却并没有一上来就露出自己的意图,只是笑眯眯的看着对方,想着该怎么把他收拾了才好。 However, has not waited for Song Zhong to think that purple giant Zi Shuang also spoke, „ brothers, listen 然而,没等宋钟想好,那位紫色巨人紫爽却又说话了,“兄弟,听 Said that you are the Chaos Titan Clan person, real false? ” 说你是混沌巨灵族的人,真的假的?” Should real?” Song Zhong feels the nose to say. This is also mostly the enemies knows in any case “应该是真的吧?”宋钟摸着鼻子道。反正这也是大多敌人都知道 The matter, conceals does not have what significance, he was also simply disinclined to deny. 的事情,掩饰也没有什么意义,索性他也就懒得否认了。 Oh!” Zi Shuang one hear of this saying, yelled immediately: This, we may some hit! I said that since you are Chaos Titan Clan, we may unable same to fight with other people, such really does not have the meaning. I have a proposition, does not know whether you are interested!” “哎呀!”紫爽一听这话,马上就大叫道:“这样的话,咱们可就有的打了!我说,既然你是混沌巨灵族,那咱们可就不能和其他人一样蛮战了,那样实在没意思。我有一个提议,不知道你是否感兴趣!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, were shocked immediately. He looked said that this idiot does not want with the previous time same played me? He thinks that has caused a time cheap trick, but can also make me be swindled? Does that also rather look down upon me?’ 宋钟一听这话,顿时就愣住了。他看了说,‘这白痴不会还想和上次一样的玩我吧?难道他以为,已经使过一次的小把戏,还能让我上当?那也未免太看不起我啦?’ Thinks of this, [say / way] that Song Zhong then maintains composure: Ok, you mentioned first listen!” 想到这,宋钟便不动声色的道:“行啊,你先说来听听!” You may probably listen!” The purple giant said immediately: My meaning is very simple, our, you hit my three, I only resist do not fend, then I hit your three again, you also can only resist cannot fend, in turn the attack, in turn the defense, whom having a look at to arrive will unable to support finally! How did you say?” “那你可要听好了!”紫色的巨人随即道:“我的意思很简单,咱们这样,你打我三下,我只招架不闪避,然后我再打你三下,你也只能招架不能闪避,轮流进攻,轮流防守,看看谁到最后会支撑不住!你说如何?” After Song Zhong hear, is good to hang is given to irritate by this fellow, the heart said that he also really does dare to play with me again one time? Does this brat, really court death really? When he I am an idiot? Others got up one time to work as, how could did I also again previous time work as?’ 宋钟听完之后,好悬没被这家伙给气死,心说,‘他还真就敢跟我再玩一次?这兔崽子,真真是找死啊?他当我是白痴吗?人家都上过一次当了,我还岂能再上一次当?’ When Song Zhong thinks, opposite Zi Shuang actually continues saying: We must reach an agreement, you are Chaos Titan Clan, must make me select, making me hit your three first! Must otherwise. You may give you Chaos Titan Clan to lose face!” 就在宋钟这么想的时候,对面的紫爽却继续道:“不过咱得说好,你可是混沌巨灵族,得让着我点,让我先打你三下!要不然的话.你可就给你混沌巨灵族丢脸了!” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, have smiled immediately, the heart said that ` lines, the brat, will play to stir up really 宋钟一听这话,顿时就笑了,心说,‘行啊,臭小子,真会玩激 Law! Also really thinks that I am an idiot who that type tricked casually can be swindled? ’ 将法啊!还真以为我是那种随便忽悠就能上当的白痴吗?’ Thinks of this, Song Zhong shows a faint smile, said: Ok! I look!” 想到这,宋钟微微一笑,道:“行啊!我看可以!” One hear of Song Zhong said that surroundings note this person to be startled. The heart said that Song Zhong this fellow does play dumb? The boy previous time so was cloudy, was he also swindled? Must make him come really first, what he will definitely not manage to agree, does the absolute one breath kill you?’ 一听宋钟这么说,周围注意到这的人都吃了一惊。心说,‘宋钟这家伙犯傻吗?那小子上次就这么阴了一个了,他怎么还上当啊?真要让他先来,他肯定不会管什么约定,绝对一口气把你打死啊?’ And Lie Yangzi Nie Wei to worry, has the banned files, he wishes one could to overrun the reminder 其中烈阳子聂为着急,要不是有禁制档着,他都恨不得冲过去提醒 Song Zhong. 宋钟了。 That Zi Shuang may, no matter these many, see Song Zhong to comply, immediately is overjoyed, immediately beckons with the hand four corner mace, said with a smile: Good, does not owe is the Chaos Titan Clan person of high skill, is refreshed, you are ready, I may probably start!” 那位紫爽可不管这么多,一见宋钟答应下来,顿时大喜过望,随即一摆手中的四棱锏,笑道:“好,不亏是混沌巨灵族的高人,就是爽快,那你做好准备,我可要开始啦!” „!” Song Zhong nods, then a fierce inspiration, the personal appearance rises suddenly to instantaneously with the Zi Shuang same altitude, then he pulled out that stele to treat as the weapon conveniently, has waved in the hand, discovered that under this altitude, 12 zhang (3.33 m) stele, cannot treat as the brick. However is used to treat as the backless stool to arrest the person, is convenient. “恩恩!”宋钟点点头,然后猛的一吸气,身形瞬间就暴涨到和紫爽一样的高度,然后他随手掏出了那块石碑当作武器,在手里舞动了一下,发现这个高度下,12丈大小的石碑,就不能当作板砖了。不过用来当作板凳拘人,道也还算是顺手。 Sees Song Zhong to put out such strange appearance the weapon, that Zi Shuang immediately was also startled unable to bear ask: I said the buddy, what gadget are you? Sees such likely is a stele?” 见到宋钟拿出这么怪模样的兵器,那位紫爽也顿时吃了一惊忍不住问道:“我说哥们,你这是啥玩意啊?怎么看着这么像是一块石碑呢?” Hey, this is a stele!” Song Zhong said with a smile. “嘿嘿,这就是一块石碑!”宋钟笑道。 „? You do not use the weapon, instead uses this gadget? Do you look down upon me?” “诶?那你怎么不用兵器,反而用这玩意啊?难道你看不起我?” Zi Shuang cannot bear the [say / way] that is not feeling well. 紫爽忍不住不爽的道。 Song Zhong is not angry, but shows a faint smile saying: Really is in my hand does not have the convenient weapon, therefore can only with such together also be the solid stele temporarily thump is using, the friend you much forgives!” 宋钟也不生气,只是微微一笑道:“实在是我手上没有顺手的兵器,所以只能用这么一块还算是结实的石碑暂咚用着,老兄你就多多包涵吧!” Listens sincerity that Song Zhong said that Zi Shuang does not think strangely, said directly: Good, since this, I do not haggle over, you prepared, can I start to attack?” 宋钟说的诚恳,紫爽也不以为怪,直接道:“好吧,既然这样,那我也就不计较了,你准备好了没有,我可是要开始进攻啦?” Good, good!” Song Zhong says with a smile. “好啦,好啦!”宋钟微笑着道。 You were careful that I come!” Zi Shuang was saying, has held up four corner mace. “那你小心,我来啦!”紫爽说着,就举起了四棱锏。 However, just held up four corner mace in Zi Shuang, has not hit, the Song Zhong actually suddenly complexion changes, is pointing at Zi Shuang, surprise [say / way]: I said the friend, behind you that what's the matter?” 但是,就在紫爽刚举起四棱锏,还没有打出来的时候,宋钟却忽然脸色一变,指着紫爽的身后,诧异的道:“我说老兄,你背后那是怎么回事?” Zi Shuang one hear has gawked, does not know that what Song Zhong was saying? Therefore puts down four corner mace, transfers the body to look that anything has not actually seen. 紫爽一听就愣了,不知道宋钟在说什么啊?于是就放下四棱锏,转过身躯一看,却什么都没有看到。 However at this time, a bang actually from the Zi Shuang back, is Song Zhong is at 然而就在这个时候,一声巨响却从紫爽的背后,也就是宋钟所在的 The place has made a sound. 地方响了起来。 Hears the sound that this familiar crushed stone explodes, in the Zi Shuang mind, recalled that terror one that he saw couple days ago instantaneously, Song Zhong steps on has broken to pieces the firm incomparable ground, a fist has knocked down a match! 一听见这熟悉的碎石爆开的声响,紫爽的脑海里,瞬间就回忆起了前几天他看见的那恐怖一幕,宋钟踩碎了坚固无比的地面,一拳打晕了一个对手! Zi Shuang thinks of this, immediately does not realize wonderfully, the hurriedness wants to make the countermeasure. Only may 紫爽想到这,就马上意识到不妙,急忙就想做出应对之策。只可 Pities, all were too late. 惜,一切都太晚了。 Steps on the fearful speed that the broken ground brings by Song Zhong, let alone sneak attacks from the back, directly hits, living that Zi Shuang may not resist? 宋钟踩碎地面带来的可怕速度,别说从背后偷袭,就是正面打过来,紫爽都不一定能够抵挡的住啊? This fellow felt after the brain, evil customs are bad, after feels the brain, by firm thing arresting maliciously, the next quarter, this purple giant fell into the stupor together. 这家伙就感觉脑后恶风不善,紧接着就感觉到脑后被一块坚固的东西狠狠的拘上了,下一刻,这个紫色巨人就陷入了昏迷之中。 Also this fellow has fainted luckily, if he is sober, definitely while still alive will be given by Song Zhong 也幸亏这家伙昏过去了,要是他还清醒的话,肯定会被宋钟活活给 Irritates may not. 气死不可。 Originally, Song Zhong starts is the empty and false snake, the goal cancels his vigilant heart radically, then deceives his unexpectedly, making him turn around, immediately Song Zhong while this opportunity, treads the ground to overrun, brandishes Dashibei, regards the backless stool, arresting maliciously on the back of the head of this fellow. 原来,宋钟开始的时候根本就是虚与伪蛇,目的就是打消他的警惕心,然后出其不意的骗他一下,让他转过身去,随即宋钟就趁着这个机会,踏碎地面冲过去,抡起大石碑,当成板凳,狠狠的拘在了这家伙的后脑勺上。 Because received entrusting of Lie Yangzi, Song Zhong these, although has not done utmost, so as to avoid kills him, may also really add several force components, after one gets, hits Zi Shuang is similar to leave the bottle gourd to be ordinary, get lost dozens li (0.5km) to stop on the ground one after another. 因为受到了烈阳子的托付,宋钟这一下虽然没有竭尽全力,免得把他打死,可也着实加了几分力,以至于一下打上之后,把个紫爽就打得如同滚地葫芦一般,在地上接连滚出去几十里远才停下。 When Zi Shuang stops with great difficulty, his weapon also lost, the person also the stupor, from top to bottom knocked on the ground completely is the extravasation. But is most essential, behind Song Zhong that plots, has broken his attachment point of head and backbone, if changes a mortal, already passed away. The referee on the scene is very luckily fierce, displays the magic arts treatment hurriedly, this preserves his life. 等到紫爽好不容易停下的时候,他武器也丢了,人也昏迷了,浑身上下都在地上磕得尽是瘀伤。而最关键的,还是宋钟那背后的一记暗算,把他脑袋和脊梁骨的连接处都打断了,要是换个凡人,早就一命呜呼。幸好在场的裁判很厉害,急忙施展法术救治,这才保住他的一条命。 Sees this, immediately the audience in an uproar, afterward people then as if by prior agreement cheered loudly 看到这一幕,顿时全场哗然,随后众人便不约而同的大声喝彩起 . ..
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