CLC :: Volume #6

#575: There can never be too much deception in war

And said that after Song Zhong defeats that is verve, then fast leaves the field, returned to the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo stage, he received all people the congratulations of including Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. After Song Zhong 11 replies, then old - sat truly , to continue to disguise the low key. 且说宋钟击败那位刚猛之后,便快速离场,回到了烈火真君的高台,他受到了包括烈火真君在内的所有人的祝贺。宋钟11应答之后,便老老-实实的坐了回去,继续假装低调。 Because Song Zhong finished was too quick, deeply has attacked the morale of other entering the war players all of a sudden, they have even forgotten the competition, but silly looks at Song Zhong to fly away, was lifted verve, then at heart [say / way], damn, is this bastard so fierce? Does he and we attend the competition together? Does that have our means of livelihood?’ 由于宋钟结束的实在太快了,以至于一下子就深深打击了其他参战选手的士气,他们甚至都忘记了比试,只是傻乎乎的看着宋钟飞走,刚猛被人抬下去,然后心里一个劲的道,‘该死的,这混蛋怎么就这么厉害啊?他和我们一起参加比试?那还有我们的活路吗?’ However, they know luckily that God of Fire Heaven goes to the Jade Emperor Heaven quota to have ten, even if Song Zhong takes away one, nine can divide, therefore after they adjusted the mood slightly, then prepares to start to fight. 不过,幸好他们都知道,祝融天玉皇天的名额有十个之多,就算宋钟拿走一个,也还是有九个可以分的,所以他们稍稍调剂了一下心情之后,便纷纷准备开始战斗。 In the remaining several gathering places, Song Zhong most settles on fights between two giants, because everybody is the build is huge, type that is good at fighting hand-to-hand, therefore Song Zhong can perhaps from their tactical rules, absorb to the useful thing. 在剩下的几个场子里,宋钟最看中两个巨人之间的战斗,因为大家都是体型庞大,擅长肉搏的种类,所以宋钟说不定可以从他们的战法上,吸取到一些对自己有用的东西。 These two fellows grow abnormal to be majestic, has 30 Lei zhang (3.33 m) high. Whole body red scales, the full head combustion flame, in the hand is raising a coiling dragon stick, is higher than him, fully has 78 feet thickness. 这两个家伙长得都异常雄壮,都有30耒丈高。一个浑身红色鳞甲,满脑袋燃烧火焰,手里提着一把盘龙棍,比他还高一点,足有78尺粗细。 This person of opposite fellow is the ugly ghost of whole body purple skin, that fang appears abnormal is fierce. In his hand is raising pair of strange pointed weapons, the name day that four corner mace, have the more than ten zhang size fully, is similar to the house. This thing builds for the babbit metal all over the body, above Immortal Qi surrounds, obviously was held by in addition does not know that many bans and formation, absolutely is grade not low Immortal Tool. 这人对面的家伙是个满身紫色皮肤的丑鬼,那一口的獠牙显得异常狰狞。他手上提着一对怪异的兵刃,名曰四棱锏,足有十几丈大小,和房子差不多。此物通体为乌金打造,上面仙气环绕,显然被加持了不知道多少层禁制和阵法,绝对是一件品级不低的仙器 These two people are the Gold Immortal peak cultivation sickness, the battle efficiency are also same, will have evidently soon one to fight. 这两个人都是金仙巅峰的修恙,战斗力也是半斤八两,看样子即将有一场大战了。 They defer to the custom, after salutes, not anxiously starting, but has sized up mutually, on the face has revealed the prudent stance, knows that the opposite party is a powerful enemy, does not dare to act rashly. 他们按照规矩,行礼过后,并没有急着开打,而是相互打量了一下,脸上露出了谨慎的姿态,知道对方是个劲敌,不敢轻举妄动。 At this time, that purple giant suddenly cracking mouth smiled, said: I said the brothers, we come one not to be easy, I thought that if with other person of same hitting like mad, tired did not say, moreover does not have any meaning, I have a proposition, does not know that you do want to listen!” 就在这个时候,那个紫色的巨人忽然裂嘴一笑,道:“我说兄弟,咱们来一趟不容易,我觉得要是和其他人一样拼死拼活的打,累不说,而且还没啥意思,我有个提议,不知道你想不想听听!” Red, the giant is interested obviously very much, said directly that line, you said!” 红色,的巨人显然很感兴趣,直接道,“行,你说!” I may say!” The purple giant said immediately: My meaning, our, you hit my three, I only resist do not fend, then I hit your three again, you also can only resist cannot fend, in turn the attack, in turn the defense, whom having a look at to arrive will unable to support finally! How did you say?” “那我可就说啦!”紫色的巨人随即道:“我的意思是呢,咱们这样,你打我三下,我只招架不闪避,然后我再打你三下,你也只能招架不能闪避,轮流进攻,轮流防守,看看谁到最后会支撑不住!你说如何?” This red giant heard him saying that could not bear somewhat scruple, in heart “这个”红色的巨人听见他这么说,就忍不住有些迟疑,心中 Secret passage fellow, is not the strength specially will be big, dares such ratio? 暗道这家伙,不会是力量特别大,才敢这么比的吧? The purple giant looks at the opposite party to hesitate, immediately sneers a sound track: „ If brothers you 紫色的巨人一看对方犹豫,马上就冷笑一声道:“要是兄弟你 Thought to fear, that has not related, we listened your, hit casually, I did not matter! ” 觉得怕了,那没关系,咱就听你的,随便打,我可是无所谓!” Red, the giant was such prodded by the opposite party, immediately that face became redder, yelled directly: Who fears you? Our such ratio! Has not believed that I arrest do not die you!” 红色,的巨人被对方这么一激将,顿时那张脸就变得更红了,直接大叫道:“谁怕你啦?咱们就这么比!还不信了,难道我拘不死你!” Ha Ha, good, since this, we start!” The purple giant laughs “哈哈,好,既然这样,那咱们就开始吧!”紫色的巨人大笑 Red giant hear that, actually hurries to stroll: Words that „ wait / etc., started, who attacks first? Who 红色的巨人闻言,却赶紧逛:“等等,开始的话,谁先进攻?谁 First defends? ” 先防守?” Hey, since this is my proposition, I naturally must let your one step, you attack first, I “嘿嘿,既然这是我的提议,那我当然要让你一步,你先进攻,我 First defends, how? ” The purple giant magnanimous [say / way]. 先防守,如何?”紫色的巨人大度的道。 Good!” The red giant readily agrees, then in a flash the coiling dragon stick in hand with deep veneration “好!”红色的巨人一口答应下来,然后一晃手中的盘龙棍肃然 Said: You prepared, I may probably come!” 道:“那你准备好了,我可要来啦!” Ok , you come!” The purple giant holds up four corner mace to say. “行啊■,你来吧!”紫色的巨人举起四棱锏道。 So, gives me the batonet!” The red giant roars immediately, then brandishes the coiling dragon stick to be ruthless “如此,给我接棍!”红色的巨人随即怒吼一声,便抡起盘龙棍狠 Pounds ruthlessly. 狠砸过去。 This fellow, cultivates many years of Gold Immortal worthily, might be considered as the strength is greatly peerless, the stick law is surprised, this stick pounds, does not see sound from out of the blue, sees only layer upon layer the stick shade, seems like moves fast, regulations is heavy like Mount Tai 这家伙,不愧是修炼多年的金仙,堪称是力大绝伦,棍法惊奇,这一棍子砸下来,不见破空之声,只见层层棍影,看似飘忽,实则重如泰山 The coiling dragon stick pounds after four corner mace that the match resists, hears a bang that works as, the purple giant to be hit again and again backs up, every step steps on the earth shakes, first successive draws back dozens li (0.5km) to stop. 盘龙棍砸在对手招架的四棱锏上之后,就听见当的一声巨响,紫色巨人被打得连连倒退,每一步都踩得大地为止一震,一连退出去几十里远才停下。 He who the tremendous strength presses contorts one's face in agony, obviously does not feel better. 巨大的力量压的他呲牙裂嘴,显然非常不好受。 However, after is the strength approximate immortal, although defends time suffers a loss obviously, but under he resists fully, finally was supporting of being shocking but not dangerous. But what is most essential, the opposite red giant is amiable, has not seized the chance to continue to pursue hitting, if such, the purple giant possibly could not receive. 不过,毕竟是实力近似的仙人,虽然防守的时候明显吃亏,可是在他全力抵御之下,总算是有惊无险的撑住了。而最关键的是,对面的红色巨人非常仁义,没有趁机过去继续追着打,要是那样,紫色巨人就可能受不住了。 Red, after the giant the match fully restores, asked that how is it? Are you good?” 红色,的巨人等到对手完全恢复之后,才问道,“怎么样?你行不行?” Purple, giant immediately cold snort|hum a sound track: Small gift, we do not have the issue! You continue!” 紫色,巨人立刻冷哼一声道:“小意思,咱没问题啊!你继续来!” Then, suspends four corner mace, has been ready. 说完,一摆四棱锏,就做好了准备。 The red, the giant sees that were also not many speaks the idle talk 红色,巨人见状,也不多说废话 , And meets is a stick pounds, various front is the same, the purple giant withdraws from several to reduce brunts, stands firm. Finally the red giant in the same old way came third, similarly was blocked by the purple giant. ,且接就又是一棍子砸过去,各前面一样,紫色巨人退出几消减冲势,重新稳住。最后红色巨人又照样来了第三下,同样被紫色巨人挡住。 After these three have hit, the purple giant two arm numb and achings, saw stars, walk slightly somewhat shake. However no matter what, he supported forcefully, besides somewhat ill, has not received any injury. 这三下打过之后,紫色巨人两臂酸麻,眼冒金星,走路都稍稍有些晃悠了。但是不管怎么说,他强行撑过来了,除了有些不适之外,并没有受到任何伤害。 The purple, the giant moves the numb and aching slightly the both arms, then hey said with a smile: Friend, this I?” 紫色,巨人稍稍活动一下酸麻的双臂,然后嘿嘿笑道:“老兄,该我了吧?” The red, the giant naturally cannot brazen, the direct happy [say / way]: Right, winds!” Saying, he holds up coiling dragon stick, prepared for has wound imperial. 红色,巨人自然不会赖皮,直接痛快的道:“没错,络来吧!”说着,他举起盘龙棍,做好了络御准备。 Afterward, that purple giant then brandishes four corner mace to pound maliciously. Looks from the imposing manner and move, the single-handed weapon that the purple, the giant uses after all, at least in the strength was inferior that the coiling dragon sticks of others both hands are verve. 随后,那位紫色巨人便抡起四棱锏狠狠砸过去。从气势和招数上看,紫色,巨人毕竟是用的单手武器,至少在力量上是不如人家双手的盘龙棍刚猛的。 However, after all the attack takes too many advantages compared with the defense, in addition the strength and red giant of purple giant are equally matched, therefore is pounds freely single-handed, that tremendous strength also hits the red giant again and again retrocedes, the both arms a little tingle with numbness. 不过,毕竟进攻比防御占太多的便宜,再加上紫色巨人的实力和红色巨人不相上下,所以尽管是单手砸下去,那巨大的力量也把红色巨人打得连连后退,双臂有点发麻。 Originally, at this time, should make the red giant pant for breath, then the purple giant continues to attack again, after all others just also did. 本来,在这个时候,应该让红色巨人喘息一下,然后紫色巨人再继续来攻击,毕竟人家刚刚也是这么干的。 But who predicted that purple giant actually from the start no matter this set, after pounding first next, does not give the opportunity that the red giant pants for breath slightly, pursued to use other one to get rid to pound second. 可是谁承想,紫色巨人却压根就不管这一套,砸完第一下之后,根本不给红色巨人丝毫喘息的机会,追上去就用另外一出手砸出了第二下。 At this time, the red giant was mad freely, actually does not dare to start talking, spoke this tone to release, once were discouraged, left wants to block the offensive of opposite party again, perhaps could the severe wound at the scene. 在这个时候,红色巨人尽管气得要死,却丝毫不敢开口说话,一说话这口气就泄了,一旦泄了气,就别再想挡住对方的攻势,说不定都会重伤当场。 Therefore, to gain the victory, the red giant clenches teeth, has blocked, this time, he cannot withstand, the footsteps of backlash started to be somewhat disorderly. 所以,为了取得胜利,红色巨人咬着牙,又挡住了一下,这次,他更加不堪,后退的脚步都开始有些凌乱了。 However that purple giant, is actually in power does not forgive the person, rushes, while said with a smile crazily: Ha, third gets down!” 然而那位紫色巨人,却得势不饶人,一边跟着冲上去,一边狂笑道:“哈哈哈,第三下来啦!” The red, the great human spirit almost must spit blood! However in this at crucial moment, he forcefully bears, hurries to exhaust the strength of whole body, resists fully third. Meanwhile he in called out at heart darkly, is good your bastard, so is unexpectedly cunning, does not give me a point respite the opportunity. Ok, you are waiting, after these fires off, may should be one's turn the pitchfork, looked how I when the time comes tidy up you! ’ 红色,巨人气得几乎都要吐血了!不过在这个关键时候,他还是强行忍住,赶紧用尽全身的力量,全力抵挡第三下。同时他在心里暗叫道,好你个王八蛋,竟然这么奸猾,不给我一点喘息的机会。行,你等着,这一下打完之后可就该轮到杈了,看我到时候怎么收拾你!’ Then, the red giant clenches the teeth, almost with the nursing strength, gets down the last files. At this time, he felt under the foot with stepping on cotton, backlash: The step staggering, shortly must sit down. 就这样,红色巨人是咬紧牙关,几乎是用吃奶的力量,才把最后一下档下来。这个时候,他就感觉脚底下就和踩了棉花似的,后退的:步伐都踉踉跄跄,眼看就要一屁股坐下了。 But the red giant saw that three have blocked, relaxed at heart, calculation of being sore stood firm the footsteps to say other first again. 而红色巨人见到三下都挡住了,心里也松了一口气,酸痛的算先稳住脚步再说其他的。 However, at this time, the matter that made him have a dream cannot think of occurred. That purple giant, has not managed any nonsense agreement from the start, not only has not stopped, instead rushes once more, said with a smile crazily: Hey, Friend, comes last again!” Saying, his two lift up high two four corner mace, is pounding together to the red giant. 然而,就在这个时候,一件让他做梦都想不到的事情发生了。那位紫色巨人,压根就没管什么狗屁约定,不仅没有住手,反而再次冲上去,狂笑道:“嘿嘿,老兄,再来最后一下吧!”说着,他两手高举起两只四棱锏,对着红色巨人一起砸下来。 The red, the giant knew unable to catch, no longer was suppressing, spelled to try to carry on the final resistance, while shouted abuse: Bastard, your brazen!” 红色,巨人自知接不住了,也不再憋着,一边拼尽全力进行最后的抵御,一边破口大骂道:“王八蛋,你赖皮!” Although red great human spirit results in the raging fire on head to leap high, what a pity under such disadvantageous aspect, he eventually is incapable of changing anything. 虽然红色巨人气得脑袋上的烈火都腾起多高,可惜在这样不利的局面下,他终究还是无力改变什么。 Shouted the words, pounded to fly the coiling dragon stick on hand on the club purple giant, the chest has also suffered heavily, the whole person flew the enemy hundred zhang (333m) to be far directly, the mouth spat the blood unable to fall to the ground, was the stupor passes unexpectedly! 才喊完话,就梃紫色巨人砸飞了手上的盘龙棍,胸口也挨了一下重的,整个人直接飞出去敌百丈远,口吐鲜血倒地不起,竟是昏迷过去了! Ha Ha!” After the purple giant triumphs, complacent laughing said: „ Fool, this “哈哈!”紫色巨人得胜之后,得意洋洋的大笑道:“笨蛋,这 Called there can never be too much deception in war! ” 叫兵不厌诈啊!” Sees this, the surrounding audience to the moral behavior of purple giant expressed enormous disdaining, but also some people ridiculed the red giant to be stupid. 看见这一幕,周围的观众纷纷对紫色巨人的人品表示出极大的不屑,但是也有一些人则笑骂红色巨人愚蠢。 But the referee has not said anything much, but disdains after looking at purple giant one eyes, announced that he won. 而裁判也没有多说什么,只是不屑的看了紫色巨人一眼后,就宣布他胜利了。 On Immortal World Martial Arts Convention, may not have that many rules. Everybody lived such long immortal, is not the child. In this case was also deceived by others, that also can only blame you being stupid, does not have the place to reason things out. Therefore red giant owed is eats, will be scoffed stupidly. Naturally, purple giant She Shouhuo did not praise, instead will provoke one pile to cuss out. What the immortals emphasize is the demeanor, wins with this way, is really makes one despise! 仙界演武大会上,可没有那么多的条条框框。大家都是活了这么久的仙人了,又不是小孩子。在这种情况下还被人家骗,那也只能怪你蠢,是没有地方说理的。所以红色巨人这个亏是吃定了,而且还会被人耻笑愚蠢。当然,紫色巨人也不佘收获赞美,反而会招惹来一堆臭骂。仙人讲求的是风度,用这种方式获胜,实在是令人不齿啊! The purple giant does not care about that many but actually, since he dares to do such shameless matter in the presence of everyone, obviously also already had the preparation. At all not many idle talk, directly grinningly walked. But red giant by his relatives and friends lifting. 紫色巨人倒也不在乎那么多,他既然敢当众干出这么无耻的事,显然也早就有了心理准备。根本不多废话,直接笑嘻嘻的走了。而红色巨人则被他的亲朋好友给抬了下去。 Besides Song Zhong that these carries in the number was quick. 除了宋钟那一场之外,就数这一场进行的快了。 . ..
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