CLC :: Volume #6

#574: One fist hundred li (0.5km)

Formally after starting to compete with, Song Zhong according to the custom of immortal, is holding the fist in the other hand of politeness salutes to say very much: „Below Song Zhong, but also asked Fellow Daoist to show mercy!” 正式开始比试之后,宋钟按照仙人的规矩,很是礼貌的抱拳施礼道:“在下宋钟,还请道友手下留情!” Opposite that was called verve guy, although looks uncouthly, but actually also understood the politeness, therefore then conveniently threw the big hammer on the ground, then held the fist in the other hand to salute, [say / way] in a muffled voice: „Below verve, has seen Fellow Daoist!” 对面那个叫刚猛的大汉虽然看着粗鲁,可是却也懂得礼貌,所以便随手把大锤子扔在地上,然后抱拳施礼,闷声闷气的道:“在下刚猛,见过道友!” After saluting, verve then said to Song Zhong: ” Fellow Daoist, you are so young, the strength is also lower than me, necessity that we have not really hit? My hammer can arrest the meat patty you, that may violate regulations! Or this, your f admitted defeat crisply, I did not arrest you! What kind of? ” 行礼完毕之后,刚猛便对宋钟道:”道友,你这么小,实力又比我低一层,咱们实在没有打的必要啊?我一锤子就能把你拘成肉饼,那可就违规啦!要不这样,你f脆认输得了,我就不拘你了!咋样?” Hears this to mix boy saying, referee at the same time is also good, the Daoist immortal in all around stage, was all happy, criticizes him not to know the good and evil. 听见这混小子这话,一边的裁判也好,四周高台上的真君也罢,全都乐了,一个劲的暗骂他不知道好歹。 But Song Zhong is not angry but actually, but shows a faint smile, then does intentionally awkward [say / way]: Oh, Dao Brother is fierce, I can also look, is helpless, this time really has the reason that has to come, therefore, can only brace oneself, lets Dao Brother you, arrests me one!” 宋钟倒也不生气,只是微微一笑,然后故作为难的道:“哎呀呀,道兄厉害,我也看得出来,可是无奈啊,这次实在有不得不来的理由,所以呢,就只能硬着头皮,让道兄你,拘我一下啦!” Verve one hear of this saying, said immediately: I throw over you, you may die!” 刚猛一听这话,马上就道:“我披你,你可就死了!” Has not related, I give a try to keep off!” [Say / Way] that Song Zhong smiles. “没关系,我试试看能不能挡一下!”宋钟笑眯眯的道。 Saw that Song Zhong said that the surrounding person knows this boy is playing a dirty trick, all in the heart laughs in one's heart, concentrates the attention - here. Especially Immortal Daoist Lie Huo and Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, do wink looks at this, even the competition of disciple does not look. 见到宋钟这么说,周围的人都知道这小子在使坏,全都心中暗笑,同时也把注意力集中到-这里。尤其是烈火真君裂天真君,更是一眨不眨的看着这,甚至连自己弟子的比试都不去看。 Because of the Song Zhong strength, relates to a ownership of big treasure, involves greatly. Although Song Zhong has the body of Chaos Titan, but his battle efficiency finishes competes everyone not to have the umbrella to see, is a fan. Therefore everybody wants from this competition, to see the Song Zhong details. 因为宋钟的实力,关系到一大笔宝物的归属,牵扯巨大。虽然宋钟混沌巨灵之身,可是他的战斗力毕竞谁也没伞见过,还是个迷。所以大家都想从这次比试中,看出宋钟的底细来。 That sees verve such is unappreciative, cold snort|hum a sound track that also becomes angry out of shame immediately: Well good, since your boy is not tactful, we help you!” 那刚猛见这么不识抬举,也随即恼羞成怒的冷哼一声道:“好好好,既然你小子不识趣,那咱就成全你!” Then, puts out a hand to grasp two big hammers verve, smashes the ground maliciously. Bang, has an earthshaking bang directly, the entire ground shakes, even in surface slightly some distortions. Can innumerably be banned here has reinforced in the ground leaves the trace, that was very extraordinary might. General Gold Immortal is hard to achieve, perhaps he has also moistened that to the light of Sixth Grade Immortal Tool hammer, achieves. 说完,刚猛伸手抓过两颗大锤子,狠狠一砸地面。砰的一声,直接发出一声惊天动地的巨响,整个地面都为之一震,甚至表面上都略微有些变形。能在这里被无数禁制加固过的地面上留下痕迹,那就是很了不得的威力了。一般的金仙都难以做到,恐怕他也是沾了那对六品仙器锤子的光,才做到的。 After the hammer ends the earth, verve along with, even if roars a sound track: Boy, looks at the hammer!” Then, his both arms extend suddenly, wields two sledgehammers to delimit a semicircle from about the path, then pounds together to Song Zhong. If the metal hammer heads of these 78 feet diameters pounding, the generation of commonplace directly must perhaps turn into the meat sauce! 锤完大地之后,刚猛随即便怒吼一声道:“小子,看锤!”说完,他双臂猛然伸展开来,挥动两个大锤从左右划出一个半圆的轨迹,然后一起砸向宋钟。这78尺直径的金属锤头要是砸上了,恐怕等闲之辈直接就要变成肉酱啊! Saw to get rid verve finally, the masters in all catwalks completely energy high degree of concentration, even fire virtue Star Lord was no exception, his also merit transported both eyes, carefully looks how Song Zhong dealt. 看见刚猛终于出手了,所有高台上的高手们全部把精力高度集中起来,甚至连火德星君都不例外,他也功运双目,仔细看着宋钟如何应对。 Time from the beginning, Song Zhong absolutely does not have - pays attention, but stands there smiles, must pound him until two sledgehammers the time. 才一开始的时候,宋钟根本就没有-理会,只是站在那里微笑,直到两只大锤就要砸上他的时候。 Song Zhong moved finally, the people saw that the Song Zhong personal appearance dodges, vanished instantaneously, a bang the place that stood from Song Zhong a moment ago explodes suddenly with the innumerable crushed stones, was smashed the ground that is all right verve, has blasted out a big hole obstinately, obviously is the Song Zhong high-speed start time, trace that the both feet steps on! 宋钟终于动了,众人就见到宋钟身形一闪,瞬间就消失了,紧接着,一声巨响伴随着无数碎石从宋钟刚才站立的地方突然爆开,被刚猛砸上都没事的地面,愣是炸开了一个大坑,显然是宋钟高速启动的时候,双脚踩出来的痕迹! Depends on this merely, immediately made all the people of observing hold breath an cold air/Qi, did not use Magical Artifact, destroyed such firm ground by the strength purely, obviously this Song Zhong strength anomaly to what husband's brother's wife, step? 仅仅就凭这一手,就顿时让所有观战的人都倒吸了一口冷气,不用法宝,纯以力量就破坏这么坚固的地面,可见这宋钟的力量变态到什么妯,步了? But this also merely starts, after treading out that big pit, Song Zhong obtained the extremely terrifying acceleration, several feet distance dodges, but, appeared before the verve body directly. 而这还仅仅只是开始,踩出那么大一个坑之后,宋钟获得了极为恐怖的加速度,数丈距离一闪而至,直接就出现在了刚猛的身前。 Song Zhong that clashes rapidly not slightly hesitant, brandished right fist then hitting maliciously in the verve chest middle spot. 急速冲过来的宋钟没有丝毫犹豫,抡起右拳便狠狠的打在了刚猛的前胸正中间的部位。 This time verve, even has not responded, until fought with the fists to fly by Song Zhong, he realized that had anything. However at this time, anything without enough time. 此时的刚猛,甚至都没有反应过来,直到被宋钟一拳打飞,他才意识到发生了什么。然而这个时候,什么都来不及了。 In a resounding sound of skeleton disruption, verve is similar to is been same by the young pig that the big dragon arrests to hit, whiz but was actually flying, flies beyond several hundred li (0.5km) to fall the ground, get lost does not know that many stops! Two big hammers first lost, whole person soft lying low on the ground, fell into the thorough stupor. 在一阵骨骼碎裂的脆响声中,刚猛就如同一只被巨龙拘打的小猪一样,嗖的一声就倒着飞了出去,足足飞出去几百里外才落到地上,又滚出去不知道多远才停下!两个大锤子第一时间就丢了,整个人软绵绵的平躺在地上,陷入了彻底的昏迷中。 Verve chest place left hollow, broke obviously does not know that many with the bone, the braving blood that in the mouth kept, clearly suffered the extremely serious attack, the injury was serious, little said that also lay down some days to be good on the bed! 刚猛的前胸处多出了一个凹陷,明显断裂了不知道多少跟骨头,嘴巴里不停的冒着鲜血,分明是遭受了极为惨重的打击,伤势非常重,少说也得在床上躺些日子才行! Even if this, the result of also Song Zhong shown mercy. If Song Zhong can place on the verve head goal of attack, he definitely incessantly caused heavy losses, that must the brain fluid crack to perish may not! 而即使是这样,也还是宋钟已经手下留情的结果。要是宋钟能把打击的目标放在刚猛脑袋上,他肯定就不止是重创了,那非得脑浆崩裂而亡不可啊! Sees this scene, immortals who surrounds after shock, immediately cannot bear the excitement in heart, shouted loudly together excitedly! 看到这场面,围观的仙人们在震惊过后,随即都忍不住心中的激动,一起兴奋高呼起来! Insta-Kill! Moreover is fist hundred li (0.5km) Insta-Kill! Really shakes 秒杀!而且还是一拳百里的秒杀!实在太震 Shook! Too splendid! Many Fengdu have met such quickly on the fight of conclusion! Also their these audiences so will be no wonder excited and crazy. 撼了!太精彩了!多少丰都遇见过这么快就结束的战斗啦!也难怪他们这些观众会如此兴奋和疯狂。 And, most excited without doubt must be Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, before the old fogy is glad , after being supine, shakes the head has almost not fallen from the chair! By battle efficiency that Song Zhong displays now, the most immortal who sufficiently sweeps away the Gold Immortal rank, let alone he also obviously kept the strength, even obviously has not come out including the true body! In other words, this and bet of Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, perhaps was Ying Ding! 其中,最为兴奋的无疑就要属烈火真君,老家伙乐得前仰后摇头差点没从椅子上掉下来!以宋钟现在表现出来的战斗力,就足以横扫金仙级别的绝大部分仙人了,更何况他还明显保留了实力,甚至连真身都没有显出来!也就是说,他这次和裂天真君的打赌,恐怕是嬴定了! In Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist that face ugly must die. Although he already knew Song Zhong to be fierce, as before has not actually expected him to be fierce to this situation. Although own favorite disciple in peer is an outstanding person, but compares with such anomaly, there is a distance? 烈火真君相反,裂天真君那张脸难看的要死。虽然他早就知道宋钟厉害,却依旧没有料到他会厉害到这种地步。自己的得意弟子虽然在同辈中是佼佼者,可是和这样的变态比较起来,还是有一段距离的啊? But those who most let the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist worry is, if merely is only gambling, lost him also to recognize, in any case was Ying to come things, did not love dearly. But the issue is, he and Song Zhong relational that already worsened perfect, conceivable, once Song Zhong becomes Greater Gold Immortal, even after Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, will that have his auspicious day? 而最让裂天真君忧心的是,如果仅仅只是一场赌博,输了他也认了,反正都是嬴来的东西,也不心疼。可问题是,他和宋钟的关系那早已恶化到了一个极致,可以想象,一旦宋钟成为大罗金仙,甚至混元金仙之后,那还会有他的好日子过吗? Remembers among enmity with Song Zhong, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist cannot bear a regret. 一想起和宋钟之间的仇怨,裂天真君就忍不住一阵后悔。 Early knows that he is so abnormal, which bastard meets the three Qin five times to ask him to trouble! 早知道他这么变态,哪个王八蛋才会三秦五次的找他麻烦呢! Naturally, the regret of Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, has not brought to the attention of other people, all audiences are caring about the Song Zhong situation, and was sighing Primal Chaos great Yan - the fearfulness of clan. Can look from Song Zhong this fellow, others really worthily are the Pangu bloodlines, was too fierce, no wonder becomes in the world the strongest race! 当然,裂天真君的后悔,并没有引起其他人的注意,所有观众都在关心着宋钟的情况,并且都在感叹混沌巨晏-族的可怕。从宋钟这家伙身上就可以看出来,人家真不愧是盘古血脉,实在太厉害了,也难怪被成为世上最强种族呢! ~~~~~ I ~~ ~~~~~我~~ ~~~ yes ~~~~~ with ~~~~~ harmony ~~~~~ ~~~~~ difference ~~~~~ shears ~~~是~~~~~和~~~~~谐~~~~~的~~~~~分~~~~~割 In all audiences, shock of fire virtue Star Lord is smallest, after all he experiences excessively true Chaos Titan Clan, that prestige can excessively be more than Song Zhong. Therefore after he is startled slightly one next, sobers, afterward then starts to worry for another matter exactly! 在所有观众中,火德星君的震撼是最小的,毕竟他见识过真正的混沌巨灵族,那威能又要比宋钟强过不少。所以他稍稍吃惊一下之后,就清醒过来,随后便开始为另外一件事恰发起愁来! You said that this Song Zhong is so fierce, the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist favorite disciple to living how Sky Sword can resist? According to Song Zhong and Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist enmity, perhaps that boy, once sees the personal enemy in the field, will punch?” Fire virtue Star Lord smiles bitterly to say afterward that „said that is very likable to Sky Sword that child, although arrogance some, may after all be a talented person, I am not really cruel enough he such to destroy on Song Zhong!” “你们说,这宋钟如此厉害,裂天真君的得意弟子冲天剑又如何能抵挡的住啊?依照宋钟裂天真君的仇怨,恐怕那小子一旦在场上见到仇人,就会往死里揍啊?”火德星君随后苦笑道,“说起来,冲天剑那孩子还挺讨人喜欢的,虽然傲气一些,可毕竟是个人才,我实在不忍心他就这么毁在宋钟手上啊!” Fire virtue Star Lord is speaking to the surrounding staff, they follow the fire virtue Star Lord many years, naturally knows that on main is worried about anything. After hearing this word, an old man then smiles bitterly the connection saying: Star Lord, although you do not give up to Sky Sword, what can be also incapable of changing? After all this Martial Arts Convention is the Imperial Court vital duty, the custom announced that the sensitive 100,000 years, cannot change at will.” 火德星君是在跟周围的幕僚说话,他们跟随火德星君多年,自然知道主上担心什么。闻听此言之后,一位老者便苦笑着接口道:“星君,虽然您舍不得冲天剑,可也无力改变什么啊?毕竟这演武大会乃是天庭重要的任务,规矩已经公布敏100000年,不能随意更改的。” I know, therefore is awkward?” Fire virtue Star Lord knits the brows to lose said: „ Can let “我知道,所以才为难吗?”火德星君皱着眉失道:“能不能让 Admits defeat to Sky Sword? I remember that in the rule can forfeit probably this saying? ” 冲天剑自己认输?我记得规则里好像可以有弃权这一说啊?” Although there is this custom, but you also know that to a Sky Sword that fellow arrogance, he rather dies on Song Zhong absolutely, will not fight to draw back!” That old man's helpless forced smile said that „, but we also do not have the means to force him, really difficult office?” “虽然有这个规矩,可是您也知道,冲天剑那家伙一身的傲气,他绝对是宁可死在宋钟手上,也不会不战而退的!”那位老者无奈的苦笑道,“而我们又没有办法去强迫他,实在难办啊?” This brat, but also is really troublesome!” Fire virtue Star Lord whispered, then said that „, or this, you passed my meaning to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, making him look at the office. Our asking human affairs, as for can result in flushed Sky Sword, looks at the divine intervention!” “这个臭小子,还真是麻烦啊!”火德星君嘀咕一句,然后道,“要不这样,你把我的意思透给裂天真君,让他自己看着办吧。咱们之求进一进人事,至于能不能就得了冲天剑,就看天意吧!” Yes!” That old man complies with one, then turns around to depart. “是!”那位老者答应一声,然后便转身离去。 He circles a garden quietly, avoids most people's vision, arrives in the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist stage, the stealth arrives at side Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, told him the meaning of fire virtue Star Lord, finally said: Brother, I know that you are not willingly, but things have gotten to this point, you endure, wants initially, others Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also to endure, moreover this matter, is you somewhat was excessive, do not implicate the younger generation!” 他悄悄绕个园子,避开大部分人的目光,来到裂天真君的高台上,隐身来到裂天真君身边,把火德星君的意思告诉了他,最后道:“老弟,我知道你不甘心,不过事已至此,你就忍忍吧,想当初,人家烈火真君也忍过,况且此事,原本就是你有些过分,就不要连累晚辈啦!” Oh!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist heaved a deep sigh, said: Good, I do not let to Sky Sword and Song Zhong as far as possible to, is only, the childish is stubborn, I worried that he will threaten with death, wasn't I when the time comes good to end?” “唉!”裂天真君长叹一声,道:“好吧,我尽量不让冲天剑和宋钟对上,只是,那孩子脾气倔强,我担心他会以死相逼,到时候我就不好收场了啊?” Matter that does not have the means that explained that he hits to have this tribulation!” The old men said afterward with deep veneration: Brother, no matter how this matter develops, is destined, Star Lord does not hope that between you and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo will erupt all -out conflict! The Immortal World situation is very at present subtle, our can't God of Fire Heaven the civil strife, know?” “那也是没有办法的事,说明他命中有此一劫!”老者随后肃然道:“老弟,不管此事如何发展,都是命中注定的,星君不希望你和烈火真君之间会爆发全面冲突!目前仙界的局势很微妙,我们祝融天万万不能内乱,知道吗?” Yes, I understand!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist nods to say hurriedly thatasked Star Lord to feel relieved, I knew “是,我明白!”裂天真君急忙点点头道,“请星君放心,我知 Said the weight. In any event, not with the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo all-out conflict! ” 道轻重。无论如何,也不会和烈火真君全面冲突!” That is good, I said goodbye, you urged that child well!” The old men said that then turns around to depart, reports after carrying out orders to fire virtue Star Lord. “那就好,我告辞了,你好好劝劝那孩子!”老者说完,便转身离去,向火德星君复命。 . ..
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