CLC :: Volume #6

#573: The startled day discovered

Then, monster clan has flustered, the person the clan was happy. Under the remaining only monster clan leader Jade Lake Goddess spins, numerous monster clans stopped the civil war finally, has avoided the destiny of thorough extermination of the clan. However rising of human immortal was inevitable, moreover once received the powerhouse who the monster clan has bullied, instead started to slaughter these monster clans to come. 这下,妖族慌了,人族乐了。在剩下的唯一一个妖族首领瑶池圣母的旋下,众多妖族终于停下了内战,避免了彻底灭族的命运。但是人类仙人的崛起已经不可避免,而且其中很多曾经受过妖族欺负的强者,反而开始杀戮起那些妖族来了。 In this case Jade Lake Goddess made one to let all monster clans for the it brokenhearted decision, that married to at that time of few Hao human five big powerhouses, was afterward Jade Emperor. But Jade Lake Goddess afterward was called a queen mother of the west. 在这种情况下瑶池圣母做出了一个让所有妖族都为之心碎的决定,那就是下嫁给当时人类五大强者之一的少昊,也就是后来的玉帝。而瑶池圣母后来又被称为西王母。 Must know, but few Hao the son of emperor Jun and human female, by rank compared with the Jade Lake Goddess bottom, although the immortal life is long, does not care about this, is regarding Jade Lake Goddess. This also absolutely is a stain. However is insufficient to exterminate for the monster clan, she also can only put in great inconvenience itself, it can be said that a great sacrifice. The sacrifice of Jade Lake Goddess has not wasted finally, after she gets married, melted the gratitude and grudges of monster clan and human immortal. And takes advantage of opportunity to help few Hao rebuild the Immortal World order, formed Five Great Celestial Emperors to hold the Immortal World aspect, and continuously steady maintains now. 要知道,少昊可是帝俊和人类女子的儿子,论辈分比瑶池圣母底,虽然仙人寿命悠长,不太在乎这个,可是对于瑶池圣母来说。这也绝对是一个污点。但是为了妖族不至于灭绝,她也只能委屈自己,可以说是一种伟大的牺牲。瑶池圣母的牺牲最终没有白费,在她成亲之后,就化解了妖族和人类仙人的恩怨。并顺势帮助少昊重建仙界秩序,形成了五大天帝共掌仙界的局面,并一直平稳的保持到现在。 Naturally, is not all monster clans is glad with human compromise, some Dragon Clan powerhouses, are not willing to reconcile as before, are determined to Candle Dragon to revenge, they have fought now, a Sea Dragon clan that is majestically located all sea day, is the best example, even if were hit lost all lands domains, they also insisted that in the sea and human fight, compelling Imperial Court to send out Gou Chen Celestial Emperor to lead the subordinates army, to resist their four Sea Dragon soldier unceasing making a harassing attack. Both sides continuously to the present, but also is fighting, had the massive celestial troops and generals dying in battle seashore every time, it may be said that was frigid! 当然,并不是所有妖族都乐意和人类妥协的,依旧有一些龙族的强者,不愿意和解,执意要给烛龙报仇,他们一直战斗到现在,雄踞四海天的海龙一族,便是最好的例子,哪怕是被打得失去了所有陆地的地盘,他们也坚持在海上和人类战斗,逼得天庭不得不派出勾陈天帝带领麾下大军,以抵御他们四海龙兵不断的袭扰。双方一直到现在,还在不停的战斗着,每时每刻都有大量的天兵天将战死海边,可谓是惨烈至极! Looks at these, when some situations of Song Zhong to antiquity, roughly had had understood, but, this was actually not his surprised place. Let Song Zhong feel that extremely surprised place lies in this animal skin volume records, various strong great power of antiquity big god can as well as their favorite treasures. 看完这些,宋钟对上古之时的一些情况,就大体的有了一些了解,不过,这却并非是他吃惊的地方。让宋钟感到万分吃惊的地方在于这兽皮卷上记载着,上古诸位大神的各种强大威能以及他们的得意宝物。 And, treasure that Celestial Emperor Eastern Emperor Tai Yi uses, is a name says Primordial Chaos Bell XianTian Supreme Divine Tool! According to the situation that Song Zhong these months inquired, the Immortal World strongest treasure by the thing of XianTian exercises. Then the thing of so-called XianTian, before is refers to Pangu is epoch-making, has the magical things in Primal Chaos universe. They contain the mystery of Heavenly Law, has the greatest prestige energy, after refining the treasure, the might, absolutely may be called the destruction world! 其中,那位天帝东皇太一所使用的宝物,便是一件名曰混沌钟先天至尊神器!按照宋钟这些月来打听的情况,仙界最强的宝物就是由先天之物练就的。所谓先天之物,便是指盘古开天辟地之前便存在于混沌宇宙中的灵物。它们都蕴含天道之奥妙,具有莫大的威能,炼制成宝物之后,威力至强,绝对堪称毁灭天地! The XianTian magical things prompt are scarce on abnormal in the Primal Chaos time, but is epoch-making in Pangu, branches out Immortal World, after the world of mortals, again also not has given birth, became the traditional music of which has been lost, therefore this type of thing, very few. Moreover it is not ordinary immortal can refine, even if Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, does not have the ability with the XianTian magical things refinement treasure, most at least also wants Celestial Emperor to get rid to be good. 只是先天灵物及时在混沌时期就异常稀少,而在盘古开天辟地,分出仙界,凡间之后,就再也无生出了,成为了绝响,所以这种东西,少之又少。而且它也不是普通仙人就能炼制的,哪怕就是混元金仙,也没有能力用先天灵物炼制宝物,最起码也要天帝出手才行。 But this XianTian treasure, is different according to the scale of refinement, is divided into three ranks, what bottom step is Celestial Emperor refines, is called Emperor Stage treasure, next is several strong sages refines, is called Yuan quantity Saint Tool, finally is by good-fitting is the treasure that the Heavenly Law great wild goose honored old ancestor refines, was called Supreme Divine Tool! 而这种先天宝物,根据炼制者的档次不同,又分成三个级别,最低一级的是天帝所炼制,被称为帝级宝器,其次便是几位超强圣人所炼制,被称为元量圣器,最后便是由合身为天道的鸿钧老祖所炼制的宝物,被称之为至尊神器 And the Supreme Divine Tool quantity is limited, has few merely, immeasurable Saint Tool is about dozens, Emperor Stage treasure, although several hundred, may also during Celestial Emperor grasps, little wanders about destitute to Primordial Stage Gold Immortal on extremely. If which Primordial Stage Gold Immortal can have Emperor Stage treasure, he absolutely is conceited to incorrect abnormally exists. 其中至尊神器数量有限,仅仅有寥寥几件而已,无量圣器不过几十件,帝级宝器虽然有几百件之多,可也多数在天帝掌握之中,极少流落到混元金仙手上。要是哪位混元金仙能有一件帝级宝器,那他就绝对是牛气到不行的变态存在。 But that Eastern Emperor Tai Yi control Primordial Chaos Bell that in the animal skin picture roll records, is Supreme Divine Tool! Reason that Song Zhong was shocked by this thing , because on animal skin picture roll, illustration, picture is Eastern Emperor Tai Yi grasps the Primordial Chaos Bell appearance. Song Zhong thought so that thinks that Primordial Chaos Bell, is completely same as own life treasure Big Copper Bell. The imposing manner, the modeling, is above as fine as the extreme relief, from the start does not have, even if tiny bit difference. Even on the animal skin picture roll has also recorded Primordial Chaos Bell several shallow wondrous uses, inside has the sound to attack, as well as summoned various monster clans, celestial soldier(s) wait / etc., this also and Song Zhong Big Copper Bell can be completely consistent! 而兽皮图卷里记载的那件东皇太一掌控的混沌钟,便是至尊神器宋钟之所以被这件东西所震撼,是因为兽皮图卷上,有一副插图,画的便是东皇太一手持混沌钟的样子。宋钟这么看,怎么觉得那混沌钟,和自己的本命宝大铜钟完全一样。无论是气势,造型,还是上面精致到极点的浮雕,就压根没有哪怕一丝一毫的区别。甚至于兽皮图卷上还记载了混沌钟的几种粗浅的妙用,里面就有音攻,以及召唤各类妖族,天兵等等,这也和宋钟大铜钟能完全一致! If above must say the two to have different, that is the Song Zhong Big Copper Bell might is small, does not have such terror that the animal skin picture roll said. Above record, Primordial Chaos Bell , on Eastern Emperor Tai Yi, waves to summon various Demonic Beast of tens of thousands of only Primordial Stage Gold Immortal rank, a ding sound, the surrounding area Gold Immortal within several million li (0.5km) must be frightened out of one's wits. 如果非要说二者有上面不同的话,那就是宋钟大铜钟威力还是小一点,没有兽皮图卷说的那样恐怖。上面记载,混沌钟东皇太一手上的时候,挥手就能呼唤出成千上万只混元金仙级别的各类妖兽,钟声一响,方圆数百万里内的金仙都要魂飞魄散。 Naturally, this is also possible to have the relations with the Song Zhong strength, after all good treasure, needs the immortal to display, can complete to play the might. This result, making Song Zhong be pleasantly surprised. Happy naturally was may obtain true Supreme Divine Tool Primordial Chaos Bell, startled was he is afraid this is the coincidence, if white happy, that pleasure may be big. Actually, if Song Zhong wants to distinguish, except that is also simple, to Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, or the fire virtue Star Lord identification turns, 80% can ravel. But the issue is, isn't Song Zhong having courage? 当然,这也可能和宋钟的实力有关系,毕竟再好的宝物,也需要仙人来发挥,才能完成发挥出威力来。这个结果,让宋钟是又惊又喜。喜的自然是自己有可能无意间获得了一件真正的至尊神器混沌钟,惊的则是他害怕这不过就是巧合,万一白高兴一场,那乐子可就大了。其实,要是宋钟真想鉴别除了,也非常简单,给烈火真君,或者火德星君辨认一翻,八成就能够弄明白了。可问题是,宋钟没这个胆子啊? What thing is Supreme Divine Tool that? Five big imperial capital no treasure! In the past in monster clan four big leaders, only then the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi luck height of burst, obtained this Primordial Chaos Bell, thus has held on to the position of monster clan giant. If no Primordial Chaos Bell, Eastern Emperor Tai Yi is in four big giants is absolutely weakest. After and this gadget, even if Candle Dragon is so rampant, does not dare to provoke him. 至尊神器那是什么东西?五大帝都没有的宝贝!当年妖族四大首领中,也就只有东皇太一运气爆高,才得到这件混沌钟,从而坐稳了妖族巨头的位置。如果没有混沌钟,东皇太一绝对是四大巨头里最弱的。而又了这玩意之后,即便是烛龙那么嚣张,也不敢招惹他。 If this gadget suddenly appears on Gold Immortal, does not need to ask that definitely will stir a controversy. When the time comes, perhaps Song Zhong cannot preserve including the life! Even if Chaos Titan Clan definitely cannot block numerous strong immortals, as well as the greeds of various group of evil spirit. Song Zhong as one person who fights with all might from next, knows the Taoist nature compared with anyone the danger, the so-called ordinary man is innocent, cherishes the jade to be guilty, where this truth is accepted. 要是这玩意突然出现在一个金仙身上,不用问,那肯定会引起一场轩然大波。到时候,宋钟恐怕连命都保不住!哪怕就是混沌巨灵族也肯定挡不住众多超强仙人,以及各路妖魔的贪欲。宋钟作为一个从下届拼杀上来的人,比谁都知道人性的险恶,所谓匹夫无罪,怀璧有罪,这道理在哪里都是行得通的。 After thinking of this, Song Zhong secretly wiped cold sweat, in the heart has cannot help but rejoiced saying: Luckily I read this animal skin picture roll at this time, if I have not read, but also is at the hazy condition, shines this Big Copper Bell at a martial arts contest congress of meeting, was recognized the origin by the surrounding master, hey, only feared that my poor life could not preserve!” 想到这之后,宋钟就暗自抹了一把冷汗,心中不由得庆幸道:“幸亏我在这个时候读了这兽皮图卷,要是我没读,还处于朦朦的状态,在一会的比武大会上把这大铜钟一亮出来,又被周围的高手认出来历,嘿嘿,只怕我的小命就保不住了呀!” When Song Zhong rejoices secretly, set firm resolve, no matter Big Copper Bell is Primordial Chaos Bell, in brief, before clarifying, cannot use in any case again. Luckily before , have revealed this gadget before some low level immortals. But Primordial Chaos Bell is Immortal World several million years ago on thing of disappearance, nobody thinks that it will appear in the world of mortals, therefore does not need to be worried to expose temporarily but actually, but, actually must be careful. 宋钟暗自庆幸之余,也下定了决心,不管大铜钟是不是混沌钟,总之,在弄清楚之前,反正是不能再使用了。幸好以前自己只是在一些低级仙人面前露出过这玩意。而混沌钟更是仙界数百万年前就消失的东西,也没有人会想到它会出现在下界,所以暂时倒也不必担心暴露,只不过以后却是要小心了。 But at this time, Song Zhong worried randomly, the heart said that he can take the favorite treasure that got rid, had Big Copper Bell, if cannot use in the competition, can only be unarmed! Can like this, be able to be victorious the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist favorite disciple? If lost, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo can probably lose to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist the fellow who he eats meal? How could do one do such matter? That was also unfair to others! 而这个时候,宋钟随机又发起愁来,心说,自己能够拿得出手的得意宝物,就只有大铜钟,要是不能在比试中使用的话,那自己就只能是赤手空拳了!可这样,能打得过裂天真君的得意弟子吗?要是自己输了,烈火真君可就要把他吃饭的家伙输给了裂天真君啊?自己岂能做这样的事啊?那也太对不起人家了! After thinking of this, Song Zhong is burning with impatience immediately, is similar to the ant on hot pot is the same, does not know that should not know what to do. Some of his even regrets participate in this so-called Martial Arts Convention, doesn't this look for trouble for oneself? Under absolutely cannot be helped, Song Zhong has to search in own life space, planned that from one pile of treasures, chooses one to be able the emergency thing. But he looks, had not found appropriately. 想到这之后,宋钟顿时是心急火燎,如同热锅上的蚂蚁一样,都不知道该如何是好了。他甚至都有些后悔来参加这个所谓的演武大会,这不是给自己找麻烦吗?万般无奈之下,宋钟只好在自己的本命空间里搜索,打算从一堆宝物里,挑选一件能够应急的东西。可是他找来找去,也没有找到合适。 The immortal of Gold Immortal rank, will use four Fifth Grade generally, even Sixth Grade Immortal Tool, but on Song Zhong, best is also three Immortal Tool. Do not look difference is good to think not many, may in fact actually be the difference of heaven and earth. Three Immortal Tool and others Fifth Grade Immortal Tool put together to be seriously battered hardly, make several to ruin again. Although Song Zhong is rich, may unable to spoil Immortal Tool in vain! 金仙级别的仙人,一般都会使用四五品,甚至六品仙器,而宋钟手上,最好的也就是三品仙器。别看差的好想不多,可实际上却是天壤之别。三品仙器和人家五品仙器硬拼一下就会遭受重创,再多弄几下就得毁掉。宋钟虽然有钱,可也不能白白糟蹋仙器啊! When Song Zhong is depressed, his vision sweeps Dashibei that just had bought suddenly! This gadget grade does not know that public does not know, but Song Zhong actually obviously can feel to leave, it probably very solid. Because after Song Zhong takes, with had pinched fully, by the strength of his Chaos Titan Clan terror, can pinch including 2-3 Immortal Tool badly, but actually how this stele, obviously its degree of hardness is not absolutely low. Song Zhong came the interest immediately, therefore he then puts forth a barrier eye, leaves behind a fantasy to replace itself outside, the true body actually entered in this life space. Then is being one beats to that Dashibei, Song Zhong hands and feet was shot painful by Dashibei, but others matter does not have. 就在宋钟郁闷的时候,他的眼光忽然扫过那块刚买来的大石碑!这玩意品级不知道,公用不知道,可是宋钟却明显能够感觉出,它好像非常的结实。因为宋钟拿到手之后,曾经用全力捏过,以他混沌巨灵族恐怖的力量,连两三品的仙器都能捏坏了,可是却丝毫奈何不得这块石碑,可见它的硬度绝对不低。宋钟顿时就来了兴致,于是他便使出一个障眼,在外面留下一个幻想代替自己,真身却进入了本命空间中。对着那大石碑便是一阵拳打脚踢,宋钟的手脚手被大石碑弹得生疼,可是人家却一点事没有。 Then Song Zhong finally has determined, this thing grade is not absolutely low, otherwise is also insufficient to resist itself to attack fully. Also no wonder that vendor settles a debt with it 20,000-30,000 Purple Jade, some have not preferred at heart! This gadget indeed has uncommon place. Therefore Song Zhong was happy, he directly appears the prototype, the entire 180 zhang (3.33 m) giant, took up Dashibei to think over, has brandished several movements. The feeling is really good, Taihe, probably together the brick was simply same, pats the person to be convenient. 这下宋钟终于确定了,这东西品级绝对不低,要不然也不至于抵挡自己全力的进攻。也难怪那位摊主用它抵账两三万紫玉,心里还有些不情愿呢!这玩意的确有不凡之处。于是宋钟就高兴了,他直接显出原型,整整180丈的巨人,拿起大石碑掂量了一下,又挥舞了几个动作。感觉真不错,简直太和手了,就好像一块板砖一样,拍人非常方便。 Therefore Song Zhong decided that from now on, his attention weapon, was this big brick! After having handled fellow while convenient, Song Zhong then once more comes out , to continue to watch the martial arts contest with the people. 于是宋钟就决定,从现在开始,他的注意武器,就是这块大板砖了!搞定了趁手的家伙之后,宋钟便再次出来,继续和众人看比武。 One month of husband on the past. Finally was one's turn the immortal of Gold Immortal rank to enter the stage. In the front competition, various group of Heavenly Immortal and True Immortal display well, making the person who surrounds look becomes addicted very much. Many immortals sit more than for one month, has not left. Also luckily everybody is an immortal, if the mortal wants. However regarding the immortal, this completely is the piece of cake. God of Fire Heaven is the volcano rock magma, Sun of space is also everywhere burning, almost never sets, therefore here does not have the night, always when daytime, luminous light and shade somewhat different changes. 不知不觉间,一个多月的夫就过去了。终于轮到了金仙级别的仙人出场。在前面的比试中,各路天仙真仙都发挥不错,让围观的人看得很是上瘾。很多仙人都是一坐一个月多,一刻都没有离开。也幸亏大家都是仙人,要是凡人就要累死了。但是对于仙人来说,这完全就是小菜一碟。祝融天到处都是火山岩浆,天上的太阳也火辣辣的,几乎从不落山,所以这里没有夜晚,总是白天,之时光亮明暗有些不同的变化而已。 Is one's turn Song Zhong goes on stage, is in one day, solar most sinister time, fierce positive almost straight photo on forehead. Repairs for the slightly low immortal, has to protect using the strength. Small Cha and Xiao Xue hide in the cool thing gauze account of bringing, obviously abnormal is relaxed. But Song Zhong actually can only be under the hot sun, arrives in the locations. 轮到宋钟上场的时候,便是一天中,太阳最毒辣的时候,烈阳几乎笔直的照在脑门上。修为稍低的仙人,都不得不运用力相护。小茶小雪都躲在自带的清凉物纱帐里,显然异常轻松。而宋钟却只能顶着烈日,来到场地中间。 Heavenly Immortal and True Immortal strength is not very strong, therefore among them the competition used hundred li (0.5km) square the location to be enough, but Gold Immortal was not so. A their Taoist skill can cover several hundred li (0.5km) square conveniently, the personal appearance then possibly fluttered in a flash beyond several hundred li (0.5km), therefore the location of 100 li (0.5km) square may unable they to display, therefore the location was divided, was divided nine, each more than 3000 li (0.5km) square, almost sufficed Gold Immortal to display. 天仙真仙的实力不算很强,所以他们之间的比试用百里见方的场地就足够了,但是金仙则不然。他们随手一道术就能覆盖数百里见方,身形一晃便可能飘出了数百里之外,所以100里见方的场地不可能够他们施展,所以场地被重新划分,被分割成九块,每块3000多里见方,差不多就够金仙施展了。 But Song Zhong went on stage in the first wave, his location is 5 th, in most central. But the match is a Gold Immortal late skilled person, the name says verve! Surname just, ferocity! After Song Zhong hear of referee registrations, has almost not smiled. The heart said how also some people did call such name? In the curious mood, in the Song Zhong appearance looked that discovered his match, can indeed be called is verve. This fellow is Immortal World monster clan family background, the prototype is anything, Song Zhong cannot guess correctly, but looks at his present appearance, knows that absolutely is verve type. 宋钟就在第一波上场了,他的场地是五号,在最中央。而对手则是一位金仙后期的强手,名曰刚猛!姓刚,名猛!宋钟听裁判报名之后,差点没笑出来。心说,怎么还有人叫这么名字啊?怀着好奇的心情,宋钟到场中一看,就发现他的对手,的确称得上是刚猛。这家伙乃是仙界妖族出身,原型是什么,宋钟猜不出,但是看他现在的样子,就知道绝对是刚猛类型的。 Sees only this person of height about ten zhang (3.33 m), the whole body muscle sticks out suddenly, the skin is the green. His upper body, the waist wears an animal skin apron, in the hand is carrying a great hammer respectively. That hammer is round, diameter about eight feet! The jet black metal, is glittering the gloomy dim light, above portrays the non- matrix ban, Murderous Qi shoots faintly from inside. Song Zhong is unprofessional, can affirm that this thing little said is also the Sixth Grade treasure! Gold Immortal can take such treasure, can only explain that an issue, that is behind him has the formidable influence support, otherwise, solely depends upon own effort, that is the countless sufferings and hardships. Even if obtained, will be robbed by others. 只见此人身高十丈开外,浑身肌肉暴起,皮肤乃是青色。他上身,腰间围着一条兽皮围裙,手里各自拎着一把巨锤。那锤子头是圆的,直径将近八尺开外!漆黑的金属,闪烁着暗淡的幽光,上面刻画着无数阵禁制,隐隐有一股杀气从里面射出来。宋钟就算是再外行,也敢肯定这东西少说也是六品的宝物!一个金仙能拿这样的宝贝,就只能说明一个问题,那就是他背后有强大的势力支持,要不然,仅仅依靠自己的努力,那是千难万难的。就算得到了,也会被别人抢走。 Song Zhong when sizes up the opposite party, the opposite party is also sizing up Song Zhong, his whole face looked at Song Zhong curiously, then strange whispered in a low voice: So is small personally, father fart collapsed, could the father also careful that asked me to divide absolutely? I depend, his dotard?” Although he thinks that is whispering low voice, is how his big voice to be again low voice, heard clearly by the surrounding person. Song Zhong smiles bitterly, has not said anything. 宋钟在打量对方的时候,对方也在打量宋钟,他满脸好奇的看了看宋钟,然后怪异的低声嘀咕道:“就这么小个人,老子一屁就崩死了,老爹还非得叫我万万分的小心?我靠,他老糊涂了吧?”虽然他以为是在小声嘀咕,可是他那大嗓门再怎么小声,也还是被周围的人听了个清清楚楚。宋钟只是苦笑一声,并没有多说什么。 Is referee the Daoist immortal of that Greater Gold Immortal rank to them on the contrary, cannot bear the show face smile, in heart secret passage: Was not your father was muddled, was your boy idiot! Chaos Titan Clan fellow, even if middle level Gold Immortal, is not you can resist?” 反倒是给他们做裁判的那位大罗金仙级别的真君,忍不住展颜一笑,心中暗道:“不是你老爹糊涂了,是你小子白痴啊!混沌巨灵族的家伙,哪怕就是中级金仙,也不是你能对抗的啊?” Naturally, as the referee, this Daoist immortal will not remind anybody, so as to avoid made the person say that he was unfair, that greatly will damage the face countenance. Therefore after he coughs two, the serious announcement competition starts, various rules sent in any case ahead of time, everybody knew how things stand, wants to deny also inadequately, he was also disinclined to speak the idle talk. 当然,作为裁判,这位真君并不会提醒任何人,免得让人说他不公平,那就会大损颜面了。所以他咳嗽两声之后,就一本正经的宣布比试开始,反正各种规则提前都发下去了,大家都有数,想抵赖也不成,他也懒得多说废话。
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