CLC :: Volume #6

#572: Animal skin volume axis

Why also does not know, Song Zhong saw this stele to like, he felt one were predestined friends with this stele probably is the same, therefore, directly received it, then the big hand wielded said: Was good, we two were clear!” 也不知道为什么,宋钟一看见这石碑就喜欢上了,他就感觉自己和这石碑好像有缘一样,所以二话没说,直接就将其收了起来,然后大手一挥道:“行了,咱们两清了!” As soon as the vendor old man listens, immediately is delighted. However Lie Yangzi actually frowned, said: I said the brother, this thing did you know?” 摊主老者一听,顿时是喜出望外。但是烈阳子却皱起了眉头,道:“我说老弟,这东西你认识?” Did not know that is looks to like!” Song Zhong [say / way] with a laugh. “不认识,就是看着喜欢!”宋钟笑呵呵的道。 Lie Yangzi one hear of this saying, have not fainted. He along with, even if breathless [say / way]: Because looks to like, then spends, 3 ten thousand do Purple Jade buy? You, your this suffered a loss. 烈阳子一听这话,差点没晕过去。他随即便气急败坏的道:“就因为看着喜欢,便花,3万紫玉买下来?你,你这吃大亏了呀”。 He He, might as well, perhaps suffers a loss is profits!” Song Zhong said with a smile. “呵呵,无妨,说不定吃亏就是占便宜呢!”宋钟微笑道。 Lie Yangzi one hear of this saying, were directly speechless. Elsewhere Song Zhong saw that smiles, then to draw him to go to stroll. 烈阳子一听这话,直接就无语了。宋钟见状,嘿嘿一笑,便拉着他去别处闲逛去了。 Heart and heart diverting attention wire core 心和心分心线心 The people stop from time to time, stroll to play the Gold Immortal stage, went to the Heavenly Immortal stage to take a stroll, can look pick to leak. Therefore this walks, has almost consumed 35 days of times. 众人走走停停,逛玩金仙的高台,又去天仙的高台溜达了一下,看看能不能捡个漏。于是这一路走下来,就差不多耗费了35天的功夫。 Also really let alone, indeed has a good thing, the fellow who can judge the quality of goods has displayed the outdoor shop, moreover was discovered by Lie Yangzi. 还真别说,的确就有件好东西,被不识货的家伙摆上了摊子,而且还被烈阳子发现了。 This thing called Rosy Cloud Stone, color was all over the body bright, was very attractive, was one very rare entire attribute high level material. Finally by the vendor was mistaken is the block quality heterogeneous all colors stone, but all colors stone compares low level builds up artifact material. Although both are very similar, if examines carefully, can distinguish fine distinction. 这东西叫彩云石,通体彩光闪闪,很是漂亮,乃是一种非常少见的全属性高级材料。结果被摊主误以为是块品质驳杂的五彩石,而五彩石只是比较低级的炼器材料而已。虽然两者很相似,可是如果细看,还是能分辨出其中的细微差别的。 However, not only this needs the extremely high eyesight, most essential also wants the rich experience to be good. General Heavenly Immortal, actually also not easy discernment. 但是,这不仅需要极高的眼力,最关键的还要要丰厚的见识才行。一般的天仙,却还不容易辨别的出。 After Lie Yangzi this fellow discovers, abandons corresponding White Jade, took away that thing. 烈阳子这家伙发现之后,二话没说,扔下相应的白玉,就把那东西收走了。 After exiting far away. Self-satisfied shows off to Song Zhong. Actually. This thing Song Zhong and Xiao Xue also looked, but they were letting Lie Yangzi, has not begun. 等到出去老远之后。才得意的对宋钟炫耀起来。其实。这东西宋钟小雪也都看出来了,只不过他们都让着烈阳子,才没有动手罢了。 Had this Rosy Cloud Stone, Lie Yangzi was also happy immediately, chatted with Song Zhong. Also wandered for 1-2 days, really could not find the thing, then once more returns to the stage. Matter that after all this picking leaks looks at the luck completely, before Lie Yangzi attended many such grand meetings, picks 2-3 times to leak merely, obviously this time he was also the luck erupts. 有了这块彩云石,烈阳子的心情也顿时好了起来,和宋钟说说笑笑。又转悠了一两天,实在找不到好东西了,便再次回到高台上。毕竟这种捡漏的事情完全看运气,以前烈阳子参加了不少次这样的盛会,也仅仅捡过两三次漏而已,可见这一次他也是运气爆发了。 After returning to the stage, Lie Yangzi complacent picked itself the matter that leaked to tell Immortal Daoist Lie Huo quietly. The Daoist immortals praised several with a smile, then also asks the Song Zhong situation, after he knew that Song Zhong spent the high price has bought a XianTian Purple Jade essence, in the heart slightly moves, looked at Small Cha one secretly, along with, even if no longer said. 回到高台之后,烈阳子得意洋洋的悄声把自己捡漏的事情告诉了烈火真君。真君笑着夸奖几句,然后又问了问宋钟的情况,当他得知宋钟花大价钱买了一块先天紫玉精华之后,心中微微一动,暗自看了小茶一眼,随即便不再多说。 But after Song Zhong and Xiao Xue and Small Cha distinguish. Sits returns to own chair, continued to watch the competition. 宋钟小雪小茶分别之后。坐回到自己的椅子上,继续看起了比试。 After these days compared with fighting, has eliminated many people, remaining is the essence of Heavenly Immortal rank is, each hitting is very intense, time of expenditure were also many. Naturally, has much, because the fear exposes weaknesses, but the discrete player bumps into the same place intentionally, such competition somewhat was tasteless. Looked for 1-2 days later, splendid had finished, but tasteless is still continuing. Song Zhong many somewhat is also chatty, therefore then puts out the animal skin picture roll that oneself buy, slowly appreciates. 经过这些天的比斗之后,已经淘汰了不少人,剩下的都是天仙级别的精华所在,每场打的都很激烈,花费的时间也多了些。当然,其中也有不少因为害怕露出破绽,而故意谨慎的选手碰到一起,这样的比试就有些乏味了。看了一两天之后,精彩的都已结束,而乏味的还在继续。宋钟多少也有些腻歪,于是便拿出自己买来的兽皮图卷,慢慢欣赏起来。 Finally Song Zhong this does not look importantly, quick on such as the fan, to subordinating own Eastern Emperor World, had a new understanding. 结果宋钟这一看不要紧,很快就如了迷,同时也对隶属自己的东皇界,有了一个新的认识。 Originally, in the antiquity time, the Immortal World 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven masters, was not the immortal, but was all kinds of monster clans. And includes Azure Dragon, white tiger, Black Tortoise, Vermilion Bird four big Divine Beast, Qilin, phoenix wait / etc. auspicious omen Divine Beast, as well as other innumerable various powerful monsters. 原来,在上古时期,仙界33层天外天的主人,并不是仙人,而是各式各样的妖族。其中就包括青龙,白虎,玄武,朱雀等四大神兽,还有麒麟,凤凰等等祥瑞神兽,以及其他数不清的各类实力强大的妖怪。 But the monster clan also compares to unite at that time slightly belongs to four big giants' rules separately. These four big giants are ancestor's of world dragon clan Candle Dragon, Jade Lake Goddess of head of world feather, two monster emperors who commands the world big monster, separately is Eastern Emperor Tai Yi, Western Emperor Dijun. 而妖族在那时候也比较团结小分别归属于四大巨头的统治。这四大巨头便是天下龙族之祖的烛龙,天下禽类之首的瑶池圣母,还有统领天下大妖的两位妖皇,分别是东皇太一,西皇帝俊 At that time, monster clan is Immortal World master young manager almost all boundary, any Western Paradise Buddha, Ashura Demon World, must stand out of the way entirely. 那时候,妖族是仙界的主人小主管几乎所有地界,什么西天佛界,阿修罗魔界,通通都得靠边站。 Does not have the means that the monster clan then supernatural power is inborn astonishing, in addition the quantity are also many, master like clouds, adds on four big leaders to be one by one formidable again slightly simply is the invincible abnormal influence! 没办法,妖族天生便神力惊人,加上数量又多,以至于高手如云,再加上四大首领一个比一个强大小简直就是不可战胜的变态势力! However afterward, had favorable turn. That is the human immortal starts to multiply in Immortal World. At that time they also very much weakly attached in the name of emperor handsome. 但是后来,却出现了转机。那就是人类仙人开始在仙界繁衍。那时候他们还很弱依附在帝俊的名下。 However humanity is astute, knows one weak, therefore offered two beautiful women to give the emperor to be handsome. They are the famous sunlight, Chang Xi. They gave the emperor to give birth to one group of children handsome, depended upon this merit, in addition the itself talent and good looks were astonishing, was handsome to the emperor, finally became his two empresses. 不过人类精明啊,知道自己弱于是就献上了两个美女给帝俊。她们就是大名鼎鼎曦和,还有常曦。她们给帝俊生出了一堆子女,依靠这个功劳,加上本身才貌惊人,又对帝俊忠心耿耿,最终成为了他的两位皇后。 Human immortal therefore with when production costs rise , prices rise too, in Immortal World sorrow \; Foot sobs a situation. Actually caused Candle Dragon motionless ga to delimit moistens insufficiently noble and formidable, the emperor actually married small and weak humanity handsome is a wife, this was profaning to monster clan bloodlines reads. 人类仙人于是跟着水涨船高,也在仙界忧\;脚嘉泣个情况。却引起了烛龙的不动噶划绌沾高贵而强大的,帝俊却娶了弱小的人类为妻,这是一种对妖族血脉的亵读。 Although Candle Dragon is discontented, but how he does not have the means to with be handsome for the emperor of monster clan giant, after all he impossible, because this minor matter attacks brutally. However, this actually does not hinder Candle Dragon to vent the anger on humanity. 虽然烛龙不满,可是他却也没有办法对同为妖族巨头的帝俊如何,毕竟他不可能因为这点小事就大打出手。但是,这却不妨碍烛龙把怒火发泄在人类身上。 Under his tolerates desirably, the dragon clan starts to carry on slaughtering wantonly to the human immortal. The same race pitiful condition makes the emperor handsome two humanity empresses quite distressed, has caused also the emperor handsome disaffection. Knows obviously my wife is humanity, you also specially kill them. Isn't this is pulling out my face? 在他的刻意纵容下,龙族开始对人类仙人进行大肆的杀戮。同族的惨状让帝俊的两位人类皇后极为痛心,同时也引起了帝俊的不满。明明知道我老婆是人类,你们还专门杀他们。这不是在抽我的脸吗? Thereupon, the emperor dispatches troops to protect humanity handsome, blatantly and Candle Dragon confronts. Monster clan two big giants' relations become at daggers drawn. 于是乎,帝俊就派兵保护起人类来,公然和烛龙进行对峙。妖族两大巨头的关系变得剑拔弩张。 At this time, another two big giants acted to take a stand, although they were holding the manner of settling a quarrel and make peace with the parties involved, but during the words, was actually is partial to the emperor to be handsome. Because Candle Dragon this fellow is extremely overbearing, takes advantage of oneself strength to be strongest, does not give a thought to the situation frequently ridicules other giants, to demonstrate own powerful. This had already caused the disaffection of other people. But Eastern Emperor Tai Yi and emperor Jun was the life and death best friend, the nature helps him at this time. 这时候,另外两大巨头就出面表态了,他们虽然抱着息事宁人的态度,但是言辞之间,却是偏向帝俊。因为烛龙这个家伙太过霸道,依仗自己实力最强,经常不顾场合的奚落其他巨头,以显示自己的强势。这早就引起了其他人的不满。而东皇太一和帝俊更是生死至交,自然在这个时候帮他。 The tyrannical life when Candle Dragon this fellow, is Pangu is epoch-making has, in the hand is controlling the fire and XianTian water of XianTian, was known as that world water and fire source, is in society strongest water and fire strength. 烛龙这个家伙,乃是盘古开天辟地之时就存在的强横生命,手里掌控着先天之火和先天之水,号称天下水火的本源,乃是世间最强的水火力量。 Therefore the list the battle efficiency, in four big great forks, he is the first person that deserves. 所以单以战斗力而言,在四大巨叉里,他是当之无愧的第一人。 But this has also fostered his overbearing individuality. Takes advantage of the strength to be tyrannical, Candle Dragon this fellow ran amuck, where will receive to be joined up the suppression? Therefore he is in a rage, then and three people got angry, broke off officially, has formed pair of three confrontation. 而这也养成了他霸道的个性。依仗实力强横,烛龙这家伙横行惯了,哪里会受到了被人联合起来压制啊?所以他一怒之下,便和三人翻了脸,正式决裂,形成了一对三的对峙。 Naturally, although has broken off, but suddenly both sides but actually are also insufficient to hit immediately. However, the fissure appeared, that only gradually will enlarge. As behind experienced many matters, fissure that finally causes both sides big to unredeemable situation. Therefore the civil war of monster clan fully breaks out. 当然,虽然决裂了,可是一时间双方倒也不至于马上就打起来。但是,裂痕已经出现,那就只会逐渐放大。随着后面又经历了很多很多的事情,最终使得双方的裂痕大到了不可弥补的地步。于是妖族的内战全面爆发。 Although Candle Dragon the strength in four big giants is most formidable, what a pity actually eventually is not the other enemies of three people of collaboration. Finally, after causing heavy losses to Eastern Emperor Tai Yi and Western Emperor Dijun, was slaughtered three people, the body was also refined a super formidable treasure, Candle Dragon Lantern. This thing uses the water of XianTian as the lamp oil, takes the fire of XianTian as the fireworks, is the might is seriously infinite. Actually, emperor handsome three people want to teach all of a sudden Candle Dragon, but after hitting, both sides moved really hot, finally has unknowingly gotten down the heavy hand. Especially in injury, could not attend to other, therefore turned into the war of life and death. 烛龙虽然在四大巨头里实力最为强大,可惜却终究不是其他三人联手之敌。最终,在重创了东皇太一西皇帝俊之后,惨遭三人杀戮,身体也被人炼制成一件超级强大的宝物,烛龙灯。这东西以先天之水为灯油,以先天之火为焰火,当真是威力无穷。其实,原本帝俊三人只是想教一下子烛龙,可是打起来之后,双方都动了真火,结果不知不觉就下了重手。尤其是在受了重伤之后,更是顾不得其他了,于是就变成了生死之战。 However, the death of Candle Dragon was not the end of monster clan civil war, just the opposite, this was the start of monster clan civil war comprehensive eruption. 不过,烛龙的死亡并不是妖族内战的结束,恰恰相反,这是妖族内战全面爆发的开始。 Because Candle Dragon is the ancestors of world dragon clan, then dragon clan, was is really formidable to each side. From Five-clawed Golden Dragon, to Huo Long, Azure Dragon, Sea Dragon, to the dragon of earth, the variety subdivides to have several hundred, each has several to several hundred clans and tribes. 因为烛龙乃是天下龙族之祖啊,当时的龙族,乃真是强大到每边了。从五爪金龙,到火龙,青龙,海龙,到大地之龙,品种细分下来有好几百,每个都有几支到几百支部族不等。 The itself talent on the high odd dragon clan, after having such huge population base has produced a very abnormal big clan and tribe, this inside hadrosaurus are innumerable. Even some catch up, strength misses Candle Dragon are not quite more than! 本身天赋就高的离谱的龙族,在有了这么庞大的人口基数之后就产生了一个非常变态的大部族,这里面强龙无数。甚至有一些都后来居上,实力比烛龙都差不太多! These fellows to killing does not have what big interest, when other Candle Dragon and three clans make war, only comes back part as before, majority still tour outside, or sleeps in the remote mountain. They think that is the piece of work, does not have what major problem. 这些家伙对打打杀杀的没有什么大兴趣,所以在烛龙和其他三族开战的时候,依旧只回来一部分,大多数还在外面游逛,或者在深山里睡大觉。他们以为不过就是小打小闹,没有什么大问题呢。 But who predicted that ancestor's of world dragon clan Candle Dragon actually died in battle, these dragon clan powerhouses of these concealment may not do. The father was killed, when son can also sleep? 可是谁承想天下龙族之祖的烛龙竟然战死了,这一下那些隐匿的龙族强者可就不干了。老爹被杀了,当儿子还能睡大觉吗? Therefore shouted, world Dragon Clan gathered, started one to Eastern Emperor Tai Yi and emperor Jun as well as Jade Lake Goddess ** attack. These fellows also know that independent combat is not the match, moreover this is the war of revenge, no one has cared about the fame and fortune, Candle Dragon was also besieged in any case dead. 于是呼,天下龙族聚集在一起,对着东皇太一和帝俊以及瑶池圣母就发动了一**的袭击。这些家伙也知道单打独斗不是对手,而且这是复仇之战,谁也没有在乎名利,反正烛龙也是被围攻死的。 Therefore these dragon clan powerhouses to revenge. That also stops at nothing, various type despicable methods used. First looked also in healing from a wound Eastern Emperor Tai Yi, got sick while him, wants him to assign. Several million dragon clan armies have carried on the most intense sneak attack, almost east the successive the heaven is about to break! Eastern Emperor Tai Yi was also besieged by the dragon clan powerhouses lethal. 所以这些龙族强者为了报仇。那也是无所不用其极,各式卑劣的手段都用上了。第一个就找上了还在养伤的东皇太一,趁他病,要他命。数百万龙族大军进行了最激烈的偷袭,几乎连东皇天都快打破了!东皇太一也被龙族强者围攻致死。 But emperor Jun and the others small no longer are also polite in suffering a loss, both sides then launched one to continue hundreds of thousands of years of frigid battle. The pitiful degree of this fight, was indescribable that Emperor even/including also died in battle handsome, Dragon Zugeng was Impairment 90% clansmen. Other monster clans also are almost so. 而帝俊等人在吃了大亏之后小也不再客气,双方便展开了一场持续数十万年的惨烈争斗。这场战斗的凄惨程度,根本就无法形容,连帝俊也战死在其中,龙族更是折损了九成的族人。其他妖族也差不多都是如此。 After the result fires off, they shocking discovery, the strength of monster clan reduced the freezing point suddenly all of a sudden, instead to was the human immortal, depended upon the formidable multiplication ability, suddenly became in 33 days strongest existence.( To be continued 结果打完之后,他们忽然震惊的发现,妖族的实力一下子就降低到了冰点,反到是人类仙人,依靠强大的繁衍能力,一举成为了33天里最强的存在。(未完待续
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