CLC :: Volume #6

#571: Stars stele

As soon as that immortal listens to this saying, immediately came the spirit. Then has hesitated slightly. Said: This XianTian Purple Jade essence, although is somewhat waste, Immortal Qi that but, its inside contains is relative to at least merit block Purple Jade, in addition carefully was refined by me turns, making Immortal Qi easier to be absorbed, will not have dissipated, and can also supplement through Immortal Qi of absorption outside , has spent many thoughts and materials. Therefore, receives your ugly four Purple Jade!” 那个仙人一听这话,马上就来了精神。然后稍微沉吟了一下。道:“这块先天紫玉精华虽然有些废,不过,它里面蕴含的仙气就相对于至少功块紫玉,再加上被我精心炼制一翻,使得其中的仙气更容易被人吸收,还不会消散,并且还能通过吸收外界的仙气进行补充,也算是费了不少心思和材料。所以,就收你丑四紫玉吧!” Small Cha one hear wants these many, was at that time anxious, must know, even if Song Zhong decomposes several Mountain of Garbage every day, low level material that sells, on the value is less than hundred Purple Jade. Purple Jade of ugly merit, this was equal to that Song Zhong more than half a year was busy at work in vain. 小茶一听要这么多,当时就急了,要知道,即便是宋钟每天分解几座垃圾山,所卖出去的低级材料,也就价值不到一百紫玉。丑功的紫玉,这就是等于是宋钟大半年白忙活了。 However Small Cha just wanted to speak, actually maliciously held on by Song Zhong. Because of here, may not have dozens counter-offer saying, that is will lose face. Clarity that others said that clear, obviously does not have the pit you, the reason of also really not having created a scene. 然而小茶刚想要说话,却被宋钟狠狠拉住了。因为在这里,可没有打价还价这一说,那是会丢人的。况且,人家说的清清楚楚,明明白白,显然并没有坑你,也实在没有无理取闹的理由。 After Song Zhong blocks Small Cha, holds the fist in the other hand slightly says with a smile: „The Dao Brother price is very just, but, my Purple Jade is exactly insufficient, does not know whether to use other material to redeem?” 宋钟拦住小茶之后,一抱拳小笑道:“道兄的价格很公道,只不过,我身上紫玉恰好不够数,不知道,可否用别的材料抵偿?” That Taoist sees Song Zhong to be so happy, immediately nods saying: „ Naturally, in fact, few immortals will bring these many Purple Jade on the body, in comparison, I like treasuring material some actually. 那位道人宋钟这么痛快,马上就点头道:“当然可以,事实上,也没几个仙人会在身上带这么多紫玉的,相比之下,我倒是更喜欢珍惜材料一些。 However the offensive talk we must say in front, I the too disappointing material! ” 不过丑话咱们得说在前面,我可不要太差劲的材料!” Naturally!” Song Zhong nods, then somewhat awkward [say / way]: But, I am not am quite clear to the Fellow Daoist demand. I look to be inferior to this, Dao Brother you want any material, I have a look here whether can have!” “当然可以!”宋钟点点头,然后有些为难的道:“不过,我却是对道友的需求不太清楚。我看不如这样吧,道兄你想要什么材料,我看看我这里是否能有!” That Taoist one hear of this saying, were immediately happy. Must know that on general Gold Immortal, can have the material that several types can be possible the XianTian Purple Jade essence to compare favorably with treasure is good, therefore in this. In the situation, will take generally on own initiative. But Song Zhong arrives, instead made him say that resembled in his hand anything to be the same. This makes him unable to bear somewhat funnily, secret passage, „, since your little boy is so wild, I simply feel embarrassed your, having a look at you to have is so conceited!, 那位道人一听这话,顿时就乐了。要知道,一般的金仙身上,能有几种可以可先天紫玉精华媲美珍惜的材料就算是不错了,所以在这个。情况下,一般都会主动拿出来。可是宋钟到好,反而让他自己说,就好像他手里什么都有一样。这让他忍不住有些好笑,暗道,“既然你小小子这么猖狂,那我就索性为难你一下,看看你到底有没有这么牛气!, Thinks of this. Saying with a smile that old man then maintains composure, such being the case, that does not know that Star-marked Steel this thing, you don't have?” 想到这。那个老者便不动声色的笑道,“既然如此,那不知星痕钢这东西,你没有啊?” Star-marked Steel?” Song Zhong hear that, said immediately: Please wait a bit, I look!” Saying, he then searches into Divine Sense his life space. 星痕钢?”宋钟闻言,立刻道:“请稍等,我找找!”说着,他便将神识探入自己的本命空间里。 That old man sees that cannot bear the corners of the mouth glance, sneers to say secretly that had not said doesn't have? Also here puts on airs. You think that Star-marked Steel is the trash on avenue? I looked for several thousand years, has not sufficiently collected the quantity refinement treasure 那位老者见状,忍不住嘴角一瞥,暗自冷笑道,“没有就说没有吧?还在这里装模作样。你以为星痕钢是大街上的垃圾啊?我都找了几千年了,都没有凑足数量炼制宝物呢” However, when the old man sneers, Song Zhong actually suddenly the hand extends, had revealed has the ferrous metal of number of people size fully. Although this gadget looks like common, but dark is actually glittering the trace of stars, therefore called Star-marked Steel. This refines the best quality goods Immortal Tool high level material, little sees in Immortal World. 然而,就在老者冷笑的时候,宋钟却突然把手一伸,亮出了一块足有人头大小的黑色金属。这玩意虽然看起来不起眼,可是却阴阴闪烁着星辰的痕迹,故而才叫星痕钢。这可是炼制极品仙器高级材料,在仙界都很少见到。 On Song Zhong, is not many, these were he about one-third storage quantities. But reason that he will have such high level material , because God of Fire Heaven besides refining the low level celestial soldier(s) weapon, will also be responsible for giving the day to provide the weapon armor and Magical Artifact, therefore sometimes also needs to refine the good treasure. In these things includes the high level material of Star-marked Steel this rank. 就连宋钟手上,也不是很多,这些就是他大约1的存量了。而他之所以会有如此高级的材料,是因为祝融天除了炼制低级天兵武器之外,还负责给天将们配备武器铠甲和法宝,所以有时候也需要炼制不错的宝物。这些东西里面就含有星痕钢这个级别的高级材料。 Even if the immortal, refines the treasure also has the failure time, but the scrap of failure, threw Song Zhong Eastern Emperor World. Although such high level thing rejection rate is very low, but actually cannot support the God of Fire Heaven output to be high, therefore this quantity came up. May be so, Song Zhong after decomposing several hundred Mountain of Garbage, has not obtained many Star-marked Steel. However, actually also sufficiently deals with the present matter. I touch heart heart to heart harmonious heartheart cut-off heart 即便是仙人,炼制宝物也有失败的时候,而失败的废品,就扔到了宋钟东皇界。虽然这样高级的东西废品率很低,可是却架不住祝融天的产量高,于是这数量就上去了。可就算是如此,宋钟在分解了数百座垃圾山之后,也没有得到多少星痕钢。不过,却也足以应付眼前的事情。我触心心心和谐心“心割线心 After that old man sees Star-marked Steel on Song Zhong, was shocked directly, cannot believe that simply own eye, cannot bear call out in alarm said: Probably is really Star-marked Steel, but will have these many? Should not be?” Although he has not said that is in the meaning in words. Also has shown the color of thick suspicion. 那位老者见到宋钟手上的星痕钢之后,直接就愣住了,简直都不敢相信自己的眼睛,忍不住惊呼道:“好像真是星痕钢,可是怎么会有这么多?该不会是?”虽然他没有说出来,可是话里的意思里。也透出了浓浓的怀疑之色。 You take away to have a look!” Song Zhong does not care, hands over conveniently. “你自己拿去看看!”宋钟也不在意,随手就递过去。 Good!” The old men comply with one, after receiving carefully looked, immediately pleasantly surprised [say / way]: Real, absolutely real!” “好!”老者答应一声,接过来仔细看了之后,立刻惊喜的道:“是真的,绝对是真的!” Really good!” Song Zhong said afterward that we whether to exchange?” “是真的就好!”宋钟随后道“那我们是不是可以交换了?” Naturally, this XianTian Purple Jade essence, is your!” The old men were saying, has given Song Zhong the XianTian Purple Jade essence conveniently. “当然可以,这块先天紫玉精华,是您的啦!”老者说着,随手就把先天紫玉精华递给了宋钟 Song Zhong just received, just wants to give Small Cha time, an angry sound actually suddenly conveys: Slow, your this fellow, how can cheat!” 宋钟刚刚接过来,正想送给小茶的时候,一个恼怒的声音却突然传来:“慢着,你这家伙,怎么可以坑人!” The voice falls, a red form appeared in Song Zhong and the others the front. Song Zhong carefully looks, is Lie Yangzi. 话音一落,一个红色的身影就出现在了宋钟等人的面前。宋钟仔细一看,正是烈阳子 Originally... Has been sick the competition old. Here does then runs to come to join in the fun, sees Song Zhong exactly in fluoro and easy, therefore then hurries to prevent. 原来…旧看腻了比试。干是便跑来这边凑热闹,恰好见到宋钟在氟代及易,于是便赶紧上来阻止。 After Lie Yangzi arrived here, holds on Song Zhong saying: „ Brother, you buy this trash, was flickered by this fellow?. 烈阳子来到这里之后,一把拉住宋钟道:“兄弟啊,你怎么买这垃圾,是不是被这家伙忽悠了?。 „!” Song Zhong explained hurriedly: I know the function of this XianTian Purple Jade essence, but the somewhat special reason, purchases!” “没有没有!”宋钟急忙解释道:“我知道这先天紫玉精华的作用,只不过有些特殊的原因,才采购下来!” Is so, are you also insufficient to trade with these many Star-marked Steel?” Lie Yangzi along with gets angry to that vendor: My this brothers come Immortal World. Does not understand the quotation, your boy looked that is frequently runs in Immortal World, how can install silly? This Star-marked Steel, little said that also the value unites four Purple Jade, but your this XianTian Purple Jade essence slightly supports also red four!” “就算是如此,你也不至于用这么多星痕钢去换啊?”烈阳子随着对那位摊主怒道:“我这兄弟才来仙界。不懂行情也就罢了,你小子一看就是经常在仙界跑的,怎么可以装糊涂?这块星痕钢,少说也价值联四紫玉,而你这先天紫玉精华小撑死也就红四!” That old man hear that is shameless immediately one red, hurried awkward answered, this, I one happy gave to forget, sorry, sorry!” 那位老者闻言顿时老脸一红,急忙尴尬的解释道,“这个,我一高兴就给忘了,抱歉,抱歉!” Snort, actually you forget enough quick!” A Lie Yangzi cold snort|hum sound track: That present, how did you say?” “哼,你倒是忘的够快的!”烈阳子冷哼一声道:“那现在呢,你怎么说?” This, or this, you take the thing in my this outdoor shop casually, I hit eight to make over to you, made you arrive at enough remaining Star-marked Steel absolutely, how? ” A [say / way] of old man face hope. “这个”要不这样,你们在我这摊子里随便拿东西,我都打八折给你,绝对让你们抵够了剩下的星痕钢,如何?”那老者一脸期盼的道。 Your here thing?” Lie Yangzi has swept several, [say / way] that then the whole face disdains: You thought how many have to be worth spending such high price to buy?” “你这里的东西?”烈阳子扫了几眼,然后满脸不屑的道:“你觉得有多少能值得我们花这么大价钱买的?” This I also know that the thing are not many, but, I really am urgently needed Star-marked Steel, if few same place, are insufficient!” The old man awkward [say / way] of: „, Calculates how I do owe a favour?” “这个我也知道好东西不多,不过,我实在是急需星痕钢,要是少一块,就不足啦!”老者为难的道:“诸位,算我欠一个人情如何?” Song Zhong looks at the pity that he said that in addition also not urgently needed Star-marked Steel, therefore then magnanimous beckons with the hand saying: Good, we choose something again.” 宋钟看他说的可怜,加上自己也并不急需星痕钢,于是便大度的一摆手道:“那好吧,我们再挑选一些东西。” Oh, really many thanks!” The old men express gratitude immediately excitedly. “哎呀,真是多谢多谢!”老者立刻兴奋的道谢道。 Although Lie Yangzi angry this fellow, since does not speak Song Zhong, he naturally many did not say anything, therefore one side then fell back on, started to help the Song Zhong choice thing. 烈阳子虽然气恼这家伙,可是既然连宋钟都不说话了,他自然也不好多说什么,于是便退到一边,开始帮着宋钟挑选东西。 Truly speaking, the thing on old man outdoor shop, although are many, but makes Song Zhong regard as important are not many. Really does not have under the means that Song Zhong lets Xiao Xue and tea choice, but he starts to glance over some junks. 说实在的,老者摊子上的东西虽然不少,可是让宋钟看重的并不多。实在没办法之下,宋钟就让小雪和茶挑选,而他则开始浏览一些杂物。 Also really let alone, old man here has several thick animal skin picture rolls, has aroused his interest. This type of picture roll was the antiquity time is popular, the present immortal record thing likes with jade Jane. Not only convenient, but also time-saving reduces effort. Therefore these animal skin picture rolls have become being out of print, has the collection value very much. 还真别说,老者这里有几本厚厚的兽皮图卷,引起了他的兴趣。这种图卷是上古时期才流行的,现在的仙人记录东西都喜欢用玉简。不仅方便,而且省时省力。所以这些兽皮图卷就成了绝版,很有收藏价值。 Song Zhong wants to turn casually, actually unexpectedly sees in this records the ancient times time unexpectedly about the monster clan matter, includes the eastern heaven the story. But then, immediately has brought to the attention of Song Zhong, after all he was Eastern Emperor World World Lord, the story of nature east heaven to before is interested now, therefore then put out a hand to receive these things. 宋钟原本只是想随便翻一翻,却不料看见这里面竟然记载着远古时期的一些关于妖族事情,其中就包括东皇天的故事。这下,可就立刻引起了宋钟的注意,毕竟他现在是东皇界界主,自然对以前东皇天的故事感兴趣,于是便伸手将这些东西收了起来。 The old men see that is very the free and easy [say / way]: These are not the valuable gadget, originally also on value several blue jade, since Fellow Daoist likes, even if I delivers!” 老者见状,很是洒脱的道:“这些都不是值钱的玩意,本来也就值几个蓝玉罢了,既然道友喜欢,就算是我送的!” Many thanks!” Polite of Song Zhong politeness, then discovered that Xiao Xue and Small Cha have selected one pile of gadget, has Medicine Pill, has other Spiritual Herb(s) also at sixes and sevens things, then did not discard, obviously is shuts out the thing to be too disappointing. “多谢!”宋钟礼貌的客气一句,然后就发现小雪小茶挑了一堆玩意,有丹药,有灵草还有其他一些乱七八糟的东西,然后就挑不下去了,显然是嫌弃东西太差劲。 Therefore Song Zhong then asked: „Did these things suffice?” 于是宋钟便问道:“这些东西够了么?” This that old man wipes the cold sweat of forehead, the forced smile said: The thing that „ they take adds, perhaps is unworthy several Purple Jade! I said Fellow Daoist, your was Plane/Planar too also nitpicking? Doesn't here really have such as you to send the eye thing?” “这那老者一抹额头的冷汗,苦笑道:“她们拿的东西加起来,恐怕都不值几个紫玉啊!我说道友,你位面也太挑剔了吧?难道我这里就真没有如您发眼的东西?” Perhaps did not have!” Song Zhong somewhat helpless [say / way]. “恐怕是没有了!”宋钟有些无奈的道。 The old men look at the Song Zhong expression, knows that he is earnest. If Song Zhong does not take the thing, he must break off half to give back to Song Zhong Star-marked Steel in hand! This may make him feel embarrassed. 老者一看宋钟的表情,就知道他是认真的。如果宋钟不拿东西,他就得把手里的星痕钢掰下一半来还给宋钟啊!这可让他为难了。 Thereupon, to grasp this Star-marked Steel, old man one cruel-heartedly, from own space ring, pulls out a giant stele, said: Fellow Daoist, here also has treasure together, is occasionally digs in God of Fire Heaven ruins, although I do not know to be useful. But this thing mysteriously, what method regardless of is indestructible, absolutely is a high-grade treasure, if you intend, I give to you, how counter-balances the Star-marked Steel bills due?” 于是乎,为了抱住这块星痕钢,老者一狠心,从自己的空间戒指里,掏出一块巨大的石碑,道:“道友,我这里还有一块宝贝,是偶尔在祝融天一处废墟里挖到的,虽然我不知道有什么用处。可是此物神奇至极,无论用什么方法都不能破坏,绝对是一件上等的宝贝,你要是有意,我就转让给你,抵消星痕钢的欠账如何?” Song Zhong hear that, has sized up carefully this stele. Sees only it to have zhang (3.33 m) high fully, more than five zhang (3.33 m) widths, three zhang (3.33 m) thick. All over the body jet black, is the dense and numerous inscribed texts, the writing shape such as pours out the material directly, no one can understand. Behind the stele is a stars design, fine abnormal. 宋钟闻言,仔细打量了一下这块石碑。只见它足有口丈高,五丈多宽,三丈厚。通体漆黑,正面是密密麻麻的碑文,文字形如斟料,谁也看不懂。石碑背后则是一副星辰图案,精美异常 This stele looks like from the semblance, is passing a feeling of plain vicissitudes, the modeling atmosphere is boundless, is worth looking. Moreover it also is very some place specially, first is it does not need the magic power support, can float automatically in airborne. Next is these stars in back stars chart, according to the twinkle that certain rule will keep, will appear abnormal is mystical.( To be continued,) 这块石碑从外表看起来,透着一股古朴沧桑的感觉,造型大气磅礴,非常耐看。而且它也很是有些特意之处,首先就是它并不需要法力支持,就可以自动漂浮在空中。其次就是背后的星辰图上的那些星辰,会按照一定的规律不停的闪烁,显得异常神秘。(未完待续,)
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