CLC :: Volume #6

#570: XianTian amethyst

Listened to the Lie Yangzi words, Song Zhong also to move at heart. He came Immortal World also nearly one year, all day bustled about in Eastern Emperor World , has almost not contacted with the bystander, happen to currently had this opportunity, that may really unable to let off. 听了烈阳子的话,宋钟心里也是一动。算起来,他来仙界也快一年了,整日忙碌在东皇界里,也几乎没有怎么和外人接触,正好现在有了这个机会,那可真是不能放过呢。 But at this time, the competition of Heavenly Immortal rank was also in progress, decided the victory and defeat on fate, changed into others to continue, has not decided the victory and defeat needs to keep hit. According to the endurance of immortal, meets the evenly matched time, is gets for several days several nights not to be strange. This is also why this selection congress must spend several months of reason. 而这个时候,天仙级别的比试还在进行中,分出胜负的就下场,换成别人继续,没有分出胜负的就需要不停的打下去。依照仙人的持久力,碰见势均力敌的时候,就是打上几天几夜也不稀奇。这也是为什么这次选拔大会要花费好几个月的原因。 Song Zhong therefore thinks, although the front competition is good. After all the rank slightly is but low, does not compare behind the competition of True Immortal and Gold Immortal, oneself wasted the time to look with its time the thing that again these immortals sold perhaps, earlier went, but can also snatch the good thing. 宋钟于是想到,前面的比试虽然不错。可是毕竟级别稍低,比不上后面真仙金仙的比试,自己与其那个时候再浪费时间去看那些仙人卖的东西,说不定早点去了,还能抢到好东西呢。 Song Zhong just thought of this, exactly following Xiao Xue and Small Cha beckon to him there, obviously has the matter. Song Zhong therefore then and fierce positive greeting, the diving posture gets down. 宋钟刚想到这,恰好下面的小雪小茶就在那里对他招手,显然是有事情。宋钟于是便和烈阳个招呼,飞身下来。 Saw Song Zhong to come, Small Cha ran immediately, held the hand of Song Zhong saying: There has many immortals to sell thing, we have a look!” 见到宋钟过来了,小茶马上就跑过去,拉着宋钟的手道:“那里有好多仙人卖东西,咱们去看看吧!” Yes, has a look together!” Xiao Xue also said with a smile. “是啊是啊,一起去看看吧!”小雪也跟着笑道。 Song Zhong looks at these two person ambiguous smiling faces, immediately understood their plans, therefore then could not bear the forced smile say: „Did your fellows, clearly have a liking for my purse?” 宋钟一看这两个人暧昧的笑容,就马上明白她们的打算了,于是便忍不住苦笑道:“你们两个家伙,分明就是看上了我的荷包吧?” Hey!” Two small girl saw that their scheme was seen through, no longer conceals. Xiao Xue said with a smile: Asked the girl to window-shop, shouldn't you show a sincerity?” “嘿嘿!”两个小丫头见到自己的计谋被识破,也不再掩饰。小雪笑道:“请女孩子逛街,你不该拿出点诚意吗?” But Small Cha also joins in the fun saying: Do not be so mean-spirited! You were Sir World Lord!” 小茶也跟着凑热闹道:“不要这么小气嘛!你都是界主大人了耶!” Tears off Song Zhong not to care about this thing, moreover he must go, therefore directly beckons with the hand saying: Ok, ok, walks together!” 拔下宋钟也不在乎这点东西,况且他也要去,所以就直接摆摆手道:“算了,算了,一起走吧!” „, You are really good!” Xiao Xue and Small Cha cheer one immediately, then respectively grasps a Song Zhong arm. “耶,你真好!”小雪小茶立刻欢呼一声,然后就各自抱住宋钟一条手臂。 Also let alone, was being contacted by two groups of soft things intimately, Song Zhong feels really well. Naturally, he does not dare to do well the appearance that narrows the eyes to come, but serious leads them to fly, bypasses the competition range, directly soars place that immortal gathers. 还别说,被两团软绵绵的东西亲密接触着,宋钟感觉真不错。当然,他可没敢表现出色眯眯的样子来,而是一本正经的带着两人飞起,绕过比赛场地,直奔那处仙人聚集的地方。 Several thousand li (0.5km) distance, Song Zhong did not fly a husband of meeting to arrive. After arriving at this, Song Zhong the surprised discovery, here person were really many. To far time, looks did not have anything, this approaches to look that has shocked, here little said that must have 100,000 people. 几千里的距离,宋钟也不去飞了一会的夫就到了。来到这之后,宋钟才惊讶的发现,原来这里的人还真不少。离得远的时候,看着还没什么,这走近一看,那就震撼了,这里少说也得有100000人。 ( ............ Minute ............ Shearing ............ Line ............ Country Elder Brother hit) (…………分…………割…………线…………国哥手打) Is good because of the immortal not and mortal equally crowded not being able to bear, will therefore not have the condition of sea of people. 好在仙人不会和凡人一样拥挤的受不了,所以不会出现人山人海的状况。 The immortals set up a stall here, has tasteful, cannot spread out a cloth casually, then places the thing, even if, that had the share. 仙人在这里摆摊,也是有讲究的,不能随便铺上一层布,然后把东西摆放上去就算,那就太有份了。 Generally speaking, they will use technique first, baseless in a ground raising several mu surrounding area, dozens zhang (3.33 m) high platform, this was their domains. Then puts away the table on the platform, own thing, neat laying is good. Simultaneously must in the side of stage, inscribe the introductions of some goods, sometimes also will inscribe him the thing that wants to buy and so on. But person who goes shopping, then meets each family by looks, unusual convenient. 一般来说,他们都会先施展术,凭空在地上升起数亩方圆,几十丈高的台子,这就是他们的地盘了。然后在台子上放好桌子,再把自己的东西,整齐的码放好。同时还要在高台的侧面,写上一些物品的介绍,有时候也会写上他想要求购的东西之类。而来买东西的人,则会一家家的挨着去看,非常的方便。 Do not look at nobody to manage, nobody coming out organization, is the immortals actually unusual autonomy. Calling that has not rushed to be first, does not have to make own platform intentionally specially in a big way, especially( original map did not have as follows) 别看没有人管理,也没有人出来组织,可是仙人们却都非常的自律。没有争先恐后的吆喝,也没有故意把自己的台子弄得特别大,特(原图已无下文) In fact, the altitude of platform has the stipulation. The vendor is any strength, what altitude uses, Gold Immortal is highest, the True Immortal next best, finally is Heavenly Immortal and Earth Immortal. The people are each level clearly demarcated, and according to strength height, is divided into the different regions, demonstrates the extremely good quality. 事实上,台子的高度都是有规定的。摊主是什么实力,就用什么样的高度,金仙最高,真仙次之,最后便是天仙地仙。众人层次分明,并且按照实力高低,分成不同的区域,显示出极为良好的素质。 Song Zhong looked roughly, the stage of here selling thing has tens of thousands, Earth Immortal are most, majority is they, Gold Immortal are least, has few several hundred merely, as for Greater Gold Immortal, that did not have. 宋钟大体看了一下,这里的卖东西的高台有几万座,地仙最多,大部分都是他们,金仙最少,仅仅有寥寥几百个,至于大罗金仙,那就一个也没有了。 Generally speaking, the immortal of any strength, will go to any strength the stage to look at the thing, only then the goods of same rank, are quite suitable they, lowered not being have a liking, too high having more than enough, is the waste. 一般来说,什么实力的仙人,就会去什么实力的高台看东西,只有同级别的物品,才比较适合他们,太低了看不上,太高了用不了,全是浪费。 However, regarding Xiao Xue and Small Cha that wants to watch the fun completely, no matter that set. The Small Cha strength, that called a tragedy, after Song Zhong turned forces, reluctantly achieved the Nascent Soul rank. 不过,对于完全是想看热闹的小雪小茶来说,就不管那一套了。小茶的实力,那叫一个悲剧,经过宋钟的一翻逼迫,也就才勉强达到元婴级别。 Said the child who the sentence words not of pleasant to hear, many high level immortals give birth, is born, Immortal Qi of that within the body implication cultivated several hundred years of fellow to be higher than Small Cha this! In other words, the Small Cha strength in Immortal World, that sets the base the level that radically cannot set the base again. Song Zhong was loses heart to her in any case thoroughly! 说句不好听的话,很多高级仙人生出的孩子,一出世,那体内蕴含的仙气就比小茶这个修炼了几百年的家伙还高!也就是说,小茶的实力在仙界,那根本就是垫底不能再垫底的水平。反正宋钟是对她彻底死心了! As for Xiao Xue, Song Zhong looks, on the Heavenly Immortal rank, but, Song Zhong always thought that this small girl has hidden. However he actually cannot look at the flaw, to the person a fuzziness, is similar to the feeling in fog is in any case same. 至于小雪,宋钟看着,也就天仙的级别,不过,宋钟总觉得这小丫头有所隐藏。但是他却又看不出来破绽来,反正就是给人一种模模糊糊,如同在雾里的感觉一样。 These two small girl, one is the through waste, one is small Heavenly Immortal, normally here is not anything, is their frame of mind is extremely high. Small Cha had been spoiled by Song Zhong, anything must be best, therefore Song Zhong is going to the Gold Immortal platform on pulling directly. 这两个小丫头,一个是彻头彻尾的废物,一个是小小的天仙,按说在这里都不算什么,可是她们却偏偏心气极高。小茶是被宋钟惯坏了,什么都要最好的,所以直接就拉着宋钟金仙的台子。 But Xiao Xue as if not spare a glance to the low level goods , helping , but also vigorously draws Song Zhong to fly toward the highest platform. 小雪似乎也对低级物品不屑一顾,帮而也极力拉着宋钟往最高的台子飞去。 Song Zhong is helpless, can only with. The Song Zhong strength is placed there luckily. These vendors have not given them but actually the bad complexion. Just, the immortal very much arrogance, they like the storekeeper in world of mortals, attentively will not receive to the guest. Just the opposite, they manner to the guest, look cold and indifferent completely. It is not from attending to judging tea, is Bi Mu sits in meditation, whatever others come and go. 宋钟无奈,只能跟着。幸好宋钟的实力摆在那里。那些摊主倒也没有给他们坏脸色。只不过,仙人都很傲气,他们可不会像凡间的掌柜一样,对客人殷勤接待。恰恰相反,他们对客人的态度,完全就是爱答不理。一个个的,不是在自顾品茶,就是闭目打坐,任凭别人来来去去。 Under their commodities, has labelled the price, some can buy with Bai Yu, Purple Jade, some need to use other goods exchange. To buy, leaves money with the thing to walk, in pouch shy, can say one, generally not too precious gadget, differs not many families not to haggle over, but by all means do not offer a very low price, that will be despised, even expels directly. 他们的商品下面,都标注了价钱,有的可以用白玉、紫玉去买,有的则需要用别的物品交换。想买,放下钱就可以拿东西走,囊中羞涩,也可以说一声,一般不太贵重的玩意,相差不多人家也不会太计较,但是千万别杀价,那会被人鄙视,甚至直接赶走的。 Although Song Zhong is first time comes to this place, here custom, already obtained from Ling Xiaozi there , helping , but will not make a boner but actually. 宋钟虽然是第一次来这种地方,不过这里的规矩,却早就从凌霄子那里得到了,帮而倒也不会出丑。 Xiao Xue is but different from Small Cha, these two people chirp, saw any good thing to be curious. Small Cha does not understand completely, but Xiao Xue is different, she is anything understands, a Small Cha pair of anything is interested, she immediately says the fit and unfit quality and uses of this thing, simply is familiar. 可是小雪小茶就不一样了,这两个人叽叽喳喳,见了什么好东西都好奇。小茶是完全不懂,而小雪就不一样了,她是什么都懂,小茶一对什么感兴趣,她就立刻把这件东西的优劣和用处说出来,简直就是如数家珍。 These arrogance immortal vendors, is out of control to look askance, gives the appreciation the expression, obviously approves to critical commentary of Xiao Xue very much. The common immortals are very honest, he did not fear that you said his thing is bad, so long as you said in the principle, penetrating that said that that will make them feel that the show was happy. 就连那些傲气的仙人摊主,也禁不住纷纷侧目,给予欣赏的表情,显然对小雪的中肯的评论很是赞同。一般的仙人都是很正直的,他不怕你说他的东西坏,只要你说的在理,说的精辟,那就会让他们感觉秀高兴。 But the Xiao Xue uncommon experience, making the small side onlooking Song Zhong be out of control to be startled in secret, the heart said that ‚the person of Ashura Clan, does have such wise experience?’ 小雪不凡的见识,让小边暗中旁观的宋钟都禁不住吃惊不已,心说,‘难道阿修罗族的人,都有这么高明的见识?’ Actually what Song Zhong has not to know, in fact, when he observes Xiao Xue, that Xiao Xue in secret is also observing him, and conclusion that draws at heart, is more surprised than Song Zhong. 其实宋钟有所不知的是,实际上,在他观察小雪的时候,那位小雪也在暗中观察他,并且心里得出的结论,比宋钟还要吃惊。 Because Xiao Xue in a moment ago a series of discussed that very obvious point several very good Immortal Tool and materials, are the rare high-quality goods . Moreover the price was also reasonable. By financial resource that Song Zhong displays, can afford absolutely. After all Xiao Xue lives in Purple Star Palace. Inside luxurious repair, she somewhat is surprised, can be occupied by the person in that place, possibly is not the poor person! 因为小雪在刚才一系列的品论中,非常明显的点出了几件非常不错的仙器和材料,都是难得一见的精品,而且价钱也非常合理。以宋钟表现出来的财力,绝对可以买得起。毕竟小雪就住在紫辰殿里。里面奢华的装修,就连她都有些吃惊,能住在那种地方的人,不可能是穷人! Those but who make Xiao Xue surprised is, although Song Zhong listened to the suggestion of Xiao Xue obviously, actually a wee bit purchases did not have. What did this indicate? This can only explain that Song Zhong can't have a liking for these things? 可是让小雪惊讶的是,宋钟虽然明显听出了小雪的暗示,却一丁点购买的都没有。这说明什么?这只能说明宋钟看不上那些东西啊? Xiao Xue really does not do clearly, some do Song Zhong big family properties, how link such good thing not to spare a glance? 小雪实在是搞不明白,宋钟到底有多大的家底,怎么连这么好的东西都不屑一顾呢? Actually Xiao Xue really has also guessed right, Song Zhong indeed does not spare a glance to these Immortal Tool and materials. These Immortal Tool strongest also three, present Song Zhong, fully strikes, can injure, even has destroyed it, cannot use. 其实小雪还真就猜对了,宋钟的确对那些仙器和材料不屑一顾。那些仙器最强的也就三品,现在的宋钟,全力一击,都能打伤,甚至将其打碎了,根本就用不上。 As for these materials, is the God of Fire Heaven special product ore, Song Zhong decomposes the time, does not know that makes many. He has more than enough, but can also the tip buy? 至于那些材料,全是祝融天特产的矿石,宋钟分解的时候,不知道弄出来多少。他自己都用不了,还怎么会茶钱去买啊? Therefore, these are also the good thing in the Xiao Xue eye, in Song Zhong, even in the Small Cha eye, is not considered as that anything. 所以,这些在小雪眼里还算不错的东西,在宋钟,甚至小茶眼里,都根本不算是什么了。 After strolling dozens outdoor shops, Xiao Xue understood finally. These two fellows are the high vision fellows, looks to the ordinary thing completely does not glance, therefore wisely has also chosen being perfunctory, no longer carefully explained. 在逛了几十个摊子之后,小雪终于明白了。这两人家伙都是高眼光的家伙,对普通的东西完全看不上眼,所以也就明智的选择了敷衍,不再仔仔细细的解释了。 After strolling dozens stalls, finally, Small Cha saw very attractive Purple Jade. This Purple Jade has about walnut size, had been refined obviously. Above is dense light immortal fog, appears extremely the illusion, was simply attractive. 在闲逛了几十个摊位之后,终于,小茶看见了一块非常漂亮的紫玉。这块紫玉约有核桃大小,明显被炼制过。上面氤氲着一层淡淡的仙雾,显得极为梦幻,简直漂亮死了。 Small Cha saw to like, asked hurriedly Xiao Xue said: Sister Xiao Xue, what thing is this? Good attractive!” 小茶一见就喜欢上了,急忙问小雪道:“小雪姐姐,这是什么东西啊?好漂亮耶!” „, This actually very rare gadget!” Xiao Xue surprised [say / way], „, if I have not guessed that wrong, should be Immortal Tool of XianTian Purple Jade essence burn!” “哦,这倒是件很少见的玩意!”小雪略带惊讶的道,“如果我没有猜错的话,应该是先天紫玉精华烧制的仙器!” Immortal Tool of XianTian Purple Jade essence burn?” Small Cha asked hurriedly, „was that it useful? Is what grade?” 先天紫玉精华烧制的仙器?”小茶急忙问道,“那它有什么用处?是什么品级呢?” „The XianTian Purple Jade essence, refers to inborn purple Immortal Jade, it is ordinarier than the use man-made Purple Jade to be purer us, what is especially rare, draws close to the nature, has a special activeness, was absorbed easily, increases the strength. If I have not misread, the function of this Immortal Tool is, can let wear its person to strengthen the strength automatically, on relative practice that therefore keeps.” Xiao Xue shrugs to say afterward, „, because XianTian Purple Jade essence abnormal is rare, moreover immortal strength abnormal that inside contains is boundless, therefore from this angel, this Immortal Tool can calculate on is five!” 先天紫玉精华,是指天生的紫色仙玉,它比我们普通使用的人造紫玉更为精纯,尤为难得的是,贴近自然,有种特殊的活性,容易被人吸收,增加力。要是我没有看错的话,这件仙器的作用就是,可以让佩戴它的人自动增强力,就相对于是不停的修炼。”小雪随后耸耸肩道,“由于先天紫玉精华异常少见,而且里面蕴含的仙力异常磅礴,所以从这个角度讲,这件仙器能算的上是五品!” Small Cha hear that, immediately pleasantly surprised asking: You said that after putting on it, does not need to practice, can strengthen the strength?” 小茶闻言,立刻惊喜的问道:“你是说,戴上它以后,就不需要修炼,也可以增强力?” Yes . Moreover the speed of increasing is not slow!” Xiao Xue nods to say. “是的,而且增加的速度还不慢!”小雪点点头道。 Oh, such good thing, how you can say that it is useless?” [Say / Way] that Small Cha worries immediately. “哎呀,这么好的东西,你怎么可以说它没用呢?”小茶立刻着急的道。 Although sounds well, may this gadget actually use not be in fact big, the strength of immortal must practice to consolidate by oneself, expands the strength blindly, but boundary not with the words, will perhaps practice the disabled person, only if has no recourse, nobody will absorb directly its inside immortal strength.” Xiao Xue cannot bear the forced smile say, „, therefore it is a trash!” “虽然听起来不错,可实际上这玩意其实用处不大,仙人的力必须要靠自己修炼出来才能稳固,盲目扩充力,而境界没有跟上去的话,说不定会练成废人,所以除非迫不得已的时候,没有人会直接吸收它里面的仙力。”小雪忍不住苦笑道,“所以它就是个垃圾啊!” „It is not, is not, others did not think that it is the trash!” Small Cha grasps the waist of Song Zhong afterward immediately, then entreated, I wanted, I wanted it! So long as there is this thing, others later did not need to be compelled to practice by you!” “不是,不是,人家才不觉得它是垃圾呢!”小茶随后马上抱住宋钟的腰部,然后哀求道,“我要,我要它!只要有了这东西,人家以后就不用被你逼着练了!” After Xiao Xue and Song Zhong hear, on forehead immediately is the cold sweat. In the heart cannot bear criticize saying that this dead girl, was really too lazy!’ 小雪宋钟听后,额头上顿时全是冷汗。心中忍不住暗骂道,‘这死丫头,真是太懒了!’ It looks like in Xiao Xue, five Immortal Tool, the value is expensive, no one will spend these much money to buy trash with no reason at all. Therefore she then smilingly looks at Song Zhong, how wants to have a look at him to reject Small Cha. 小雪看来,一件五品仙器,价值昂贵,谁也不会无缘无故的花这么多钱买一件垃圾的。所以她便笑眯眯的看着宋钟,想看看他如何拒绝小茶 However, what making Xiao Xue surprised is, Song Zhong had pondered slightly after one next, unexpectedly direct helpless nod said: Well good, buys buys!” 不过,让小雪吃惊的是,宋钟稍稍思考了一下之后,竟然直接无奈的点点头道:“好好好,买就买吧!” Xiao Xue one hear of this saying, have not fainted, she cannot bear call out in alarm said: „Are you insane? How much money do you know five value? Do these much money buy such a useless thing? You are money many hasn't located colored?” 小雪一听这话,差点没晕过去,她忍不住惊呼道:“你疯啦?你知道五品值多少钱?这么多钱就买这么一件没用的东西?你是不是钱多的没处花啦?” Actually no wonder Xiao Xue is also startled, because five Immortal Tool values are too high. But this thing too is also rotten, if really compared with usable, even cannot compare two-level Immortal Tool. The Pinyin is the trash in trash. 其实也难怪小雪吃惊,因为五品仙器的价值太高。而这件东西也实在太烂,真要是比实用性的话,甚至都比不上一两级的仙器。拼音就是垃圾中的垃圾。 However she actually does not know that Song Zhong has the plan, perhaps in his opinion, this thing to others, the use does not have, is regarding Small Cha, that was actually the supernatural object of bestowed by heaven! 但是她却不知道,宋钟是另有打算,在他看来,这件东西对别人来说,或许一点用处没有,可是对于小茶来说,那却是天赐的神物! Because Small Cha and others biggest different is, she never with worried for her boundary, Dao Comprehending Tea she, in the boundary only feared slightly is not worse than Song Zhong this Gold Immortal, her only issue is the strength is insufficient, therefore this thing, so long as makes up for Small Cha this shortcoming on, that sufficiently already had a powerful immortal to come out. This was also makes Song Zhong put down a worry. 因为小茶和别人最大的不同便是,她从来不用为自己的境界担忧,悟道茶所化的她,在境界上只怕不比宋钟这个金仙稍差,她唯一的问题就是力不足,所以这东西只要把小茶这个缺点弥补上,那就是足以早就出一位实力强大的仙人出来。这也算是让宋钟放下了一块心病。 Naturally, these words Song Zhong with the Xiao Xue explanation, he will not show a faint smile to Xiao Xue, then looked down a that XianTian Purple Jade essence, discovered that under has not labelled the price, therefore then both hands held the fist in the other hand, to that booth main road: This brother, I wants your XianTian Purple Jade essence, but does not know why hasn't price-marked?” 当然,这些话宋钟是不会和小雪解释的,他只是对小雪微微一笑,然后便低头看了一眼那块先天紫玉精华,发现下面并没有标注价格,于是便双手一抱拳,对那位摊主道:“这位道兄,我想要你的先天紫玉精华,只是不知道为何没有标价?” That vendor is a friendly old man, is sitting in meditation in Bi Mu, listening to Song Zhong such to ask, [say / way] that he cannot bear the surprise: „Do you want that thing really? Must know, just that young miss said not wrong, that is comparison weak Immortal Tool!” 那位摊主是个和气的老者,正在闭目打坐,听宋钟这么一问,他忍不住诧异的道:“你果真要那件东西?要知道,刚刚那位小姑娘说的一点没有错,那就是一件比较鸡肋的仙器啊!” I understand, but, I have him to use, therefore wants to buy!” Song Zhong light [say / way]. “我明白,不过,我另有他用,所以才想买下来!”宋钟淡淡的道。
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