CLC :: Volume #6

#569: Fire Jupiter Monarch

As the God of Fire Heaven Boss, powerful Primordial Stage Gold Immortal, the fire virtue Star Lord ostentation naturally is biggest, others are leading dozens disciples, he is having several hundred people, enormous and powerful, flies that specially to the stage that in he prepares. 作为祝融天的老大,实力强大的混元金仙,火德星君的排场自然是最大的,别人都带着几十个弟子,他则带着数百人,浩浩荡荡,飞到那个专门给他准备的高台上。 After fire virtue Star Lord sits, people then Qi Qigong from saluting saying: See Star Lord!” 等到火德星君坐好之后,众人便齐齐躬自施礼道:“参见星君!” While the husband who the people salute, Song Zhong looked at this renowned immortal secretly. Sees only him to be tall and powerfully built, front scattered in disorder red must, wear the gold crown steadily, wears a red big robe, above embroidered completely the lifelike golden bird brand. 趁着众人施礼的夫,宋钟偷偷看了一眼这位著名的仙人。只见他身材魁梧,胸前一部散乱的红色长须,头戴金冠,穿着一身红色大袍,上面绣满了活灵活现的金鸟。 Looks at the appearance, the fire virtue Star Lord ruddy complexion, just like the baby, on the face always with a laugh, making the person look that from at heart has given birth warm, is very likable. After Song Zhong looked in any case, cannot help but has several points of favorable impression to him, the secret passage, evidently, this seems a good-hearted person! 看面相,火德星君脸色红润,宛如婴儿,脸上总是笑呵呵的,让人一看就从心里生出了温暖,很惹人喜欢。反正宋钟看了以后,就不由自主的对他生出几分好感,暗道,看样子,这似乎是个老好人啊! Gets up!” After fire virtue Star Lord sits, immediately calls the people to set out. “都起来吧!”火德星君坐好之后,就立刻招呼众人起身。 After numerous immortals apologized, sitting that took the stations was good. 众多仙人谢过之后,才各就各位的坐好。 Then fire virtue Star Lord then frowns saying: Oh, is you are deliberately creating trouble, didn't this how many years, how have to end?” 然后火德星君便皱着眉头道:“哎呀呀,又是你们两个在胡闹,这都多少年了,怎么就没个完呢?” Although fire virtue Star Lord has not mentioned by name a surname, but everyone knows, he said is Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. 虽然火德星君没有点名道姓,可是谁都知道,他说的就是裂天真君烈火真君 Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that, sets out to reply immediately: Subordinate was bullied by him in the past miserably, must recover this gathering place!” 烈火真君闻言,马上就起身回答道:“属下往年被他欺负惨了,今个一定要找回这个场子!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist knows to be in the wrong, does not dare to speak. 裂天真君自知理亏,没敢说话。 Fire virtue Star Lord looked at Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, then also blamed looked at Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist. Looks at afraid Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, the head cannot help but lowers. 火德星君看了一眼烈火真君,然后又责怪的看了看裂天真君。把裂天真君看得一阵心虚,脑袋就不由自主的低下去。 Oh, since this, you again deliberately create trouble a time!” Fire virtue Star Lord said that next time like this, not making others laugh!” “唉,既然这样,那你们就再胡闹一次吧!”火德星君道,“不过下一次就不要这样了,让人家笑话!” Obviously, fire virtue Star Lord also thinks that beforehand Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is somewhat excessive, therefore chooses to support Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, but is also not to a precedent. 显然,火德星君也认为以前裂天真君有些过分,所以才选择支持烈火真君,不过也是下不为例。 Yes!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that the great happiness, complies with one immediately hurriedly, then said with a smile to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, heard not to have, Star Lord spoke, you a gambling must bet now, did not bet must bet!” “是!”烈火真君闻言顿时大喜,急忙答应一声,然后就对裂天真君笑道,“裂天真君,听见没有,星君发话了,你今个赌也得赌,不赌也得赌!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is resigned-looking, has to get a light from another light virtue Star Lord saying: Star Lord, this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is in power does not forgive the person, he must bet the Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword with me unexpectedly, the subordinate, may unable to bet!” 裂天真君一脸无奈,只好对火德星君道:“星君啊,这烈火真君得势不饶人,他竟然要和我赌红莲业火剑,属下,可赌不起啊!” Now bets does not get up? But before I remember you, always doesn't want to make him bet this?” Fire virtue Star Lord sneers to say immediately, oh, before gathering you, that is knows to win, therefore wants to empty glove Bailang is right?” “现在就赌不起了?可我记得你以前,不是老是想让他赌这个吗?”火德星君随即冷笑道,“噢,合着你以前,那是自知必胜,所以想空手套白狼对吧?” This ~ Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is shameless immediately one red, could not speak again. “这~”裂天真君顿时老脸一红,再也说不出话来了。 Fire virtue Star Lord shakes the head afterward, then said: Oh, you you, how calling me saying that was good! The thing that or this, you won the former gambling took, bet this with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, such general headquarters?” 火德星君随后摇摇头,然后道:“唉,你啊你,叫我怎么说才好!要不这样吧,你把以前赌赢的东西都拿出来,和烈火真君赌这一把,这样总行了吧?” Very obviously, fire virtue Star Lord is very amiable, but wants to make Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist gaining loses, like this everybody breaks even, was ties. 很显然,火德星君还是很仁义的,只是想让裂天真君把赚走的都输回去,这样大家都不赔不赚,也算是打平了。 Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist also knows that this is the fire virtue Daoist immortals to oneself under the stair, therefore hurries to comply. 裂天真君也知道这是火德真君给自己台阶下,所以赶紧答应下来。 After processing these other people's business, fire virtue Star Lord then formally announced that the competition starts. 处理完这些闲事之后,火德星君便正式宣布比试开始。 Afterward, then has special referee, has led the decree from the fire virtue Star Lord stage, goes to below to manage to compete with. 随后,便有专门的裁判,从火德星君的高台上领了旨意,去下面主持比试。 First what carries on is the martial arts contest of Heavenly Immortal rank. The immortal of this rank, the battle efficiency is not very strong, therefore they each can only use hundred li (0.5km) range the location. The gathering place of this 10,000 li (0.5km) square, can divide 100 regions exactly. 首先进行的是天仙级别的比武。这个级别的仙人,战斗力不算很强,所以他们每场都只能用百里范围的场地。这个10000里见方的场子,恰好可以划分成100个区域。 The referee of each region True Immortal rank flies, then they waited for that the player comes up. Because ahead of time divided group, after seeing the competition started, the immortal who was one's turn immediately flew own arena. 每个区域都有一个真仙级别的裁判飞过去,然后他们等待选手上来。由于都提前分好了组,所以在见到比试开始之后,轮到的仙人就马上飞去自己的擂台。 The efficiency of immortal is very high, after the husband who burns a joss stick merely, 200 player everybody. 仙人的效率还是很高的,仅仅一炷香的夫之后,200名选手就名就各位了。 Then the total referee issues an order, ban baseless raises together, isolates 100 blocks the location thoroughly. When bans raises, is the time that the competition starts. 然后总裁判一声令下,一道禁制就凭空升起,将场地彻底隔绝成100个方块。当禁制升起的时候,也就是比试开始的时刻。 However, the immortals compare to emphasize the demeanor, nobody meets first makes war, they must always salute mutually, even said that several smalltalk, will then pose the stance, after waiting for the opposite party to prepare completely, reminded again, this started to fight. 不过,仙人们都还是比较讲求风度的,没有人会第一时间开战,他们总是要相互施个礼,甚至说几句家常话,然后才会拉开架势,等对方完全准备好之后,再提醒一下,这才开始打斗。 Although this sluggish beginning is refined, but Song Zhong actually very much thinks otherwise. The heart said that this is also the arena contends in martial arts, if hits, who is polite with you? If you dare such suo before me, I already to pat 10,000 chapters you! 虽然这种慢腾腾的开场非常雅致,可是宋钟却很是不以为然。心说,这也就是擂台比武,要是真打起来,谁还跟你客气啊?要是你敢在我面前这么嗦,我早就把你拍死10000回了! Song Zhong unstated criticism, while carefully watches the martial arts contest of Immortal World. 宋钟一边腹诽着,一边仔细观看仙界的比武。 Has saying that Immortal World indeed is the place of talented person, immortal who these competed with, although merely is the Heavenly Immortal boundary, is equal( original map is unclear to 67, but elder brother looked is 67, Ha Ha) the Tribulations loose Immortal level, was very fierce. 不得不说,仙界的确是个出人才的地方,这些正在比试的仙人,虽然仅仅是天仙境界,相当于67(原图不清,但哥还是看出来了是67,哈哈)劫散仙的水平,可是一个个都非常之厉害。 The utilization of treasure, is the flying sword trend, abnormal is skillful and sharp. Understood at a glance that has practiced. This grade of experience, definitely does not divorce oneself from reality to have in any case. 无论是宝的运用,还是飞剑的走势,都异常纯熟、犀利。一看就知道都是练过的。反正这等经验,肯定并非闭门造车所能够拥有。 According to Song Zhong looks, even if his mount hot phoenix, perhaps may not defeat in this any immortal. 依照宋钟的看,就算是他的坐骑火凤凰,恐怕也不一定能战胜这里面的任何一个仙人。 After all the hot phoenix enters 11 levels of Demonic Beast boundaries, quite initial period Heavenly Immortal, but person who can compete with here, are least is also the Heavenly Immortal late strength. 毕竟火凤凰才进入11级妖兽的境界,也就相当于天仙初期,而能够在这里比试的人,却最少也是天仙后期的实力。 Although these people are inferior to Song Zhong to be fierce, but, their tactics and wars, some novel places, even part of Song Zhong have not seen in excess to listening. Therefore has also aroused the Song Zhong enormous interest. Because these wars have strong reference value, if can profit from, must be have the help of promotion to own battle efficiency. 虽然这些人都不如宋钟厉害,不过,他们的战术和战,都有很多新奇之处,甚至有一部分宋钟都没有见过甚至听过。所以也引起了宋钟极大的兴趣。因为这些战都有很强的参考价值,要是可以借鉴一下的话,必能对自己的战斗力有个提升的帮助。 Therefore in his heart cannot bear the secret passage, no wonder here came that many people, actually looked at this, to own help is also very big!’ 所以他心中忍不住暗道,‘怪不得这里来了那么多人呢,却原来看这个,对自己的帮助也是很大的啊!’ Originally, when Immortal Daoist Lie Huo and Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist quarrelled, here, had hundreds of thousands immortals . Moreover the quantity was still increasing. 原来,在烈火真君裂天真君吵架的时候,这里不知不觉间,就已经多出了十几万仙人,而且数量还在增加之中。 Some of them have the stage here, obviously is the status lofty generation. But more does not have the immortal in stage, they therefore flutter in airborne, watches in the distant place slowly, is estimating the showdown between masters. 他们有的在这里有高台,显然是身份崇高之辈。而更多的却是没有高台的仙人,他们于是就飘在空中,在远处慢慢观看,揣摩着高手之间的对决。 Fire virtue Star Lord, one face with deep veneration looks below, the appearance appears very earnest, does not have, because their strength is mean, reveals the impatient appearance. 就连火德星君,也都一脸肃然的看着下面,样子显得非常认真,丝毫没有因为他们实力低微,就露出不耐烦的样子。 Although the fight of Heavenly Immortal rank in Immortal World is not anything, may in fact also be very astonishing. Several thousand zhang (3.33 m) Sword Qi, covers several li (0.5km) surrounding area [say / way] to be everywhere, the form that they fight almost must fully occupy a surrounding area hundred li (0.5km) place. 虽然天仙级别的战斗在仙界不算什么,可实际上也是非常惊人的。几千丈的剑气,覆盖数里方圆的道比比皆是,他们战斗的身影几乎都要把方圆百里的地方都占满了。 But this also merely is warms up. Finally, after carrying on a contest of more than double-hour, everybody almost estimated thoroughly the details of opposite party, therefore then started to start killing move. 而这还仅仅是热身罢了。终于,在进行了一个多时辰的较量后,大家都差不多揣摩透了对方的底细,于是便纷纷开始发动杀招 Fight in field immediately becomes intense, and has produced very much the victor quickly. 场上的战斗随即就变得激烈起来,并很很快就产生了胜利者。 First the fellow of achievement is a pretty girl, uses attractive Fire Type to say. Her match also thinks that this is the ordinary human fire repairs, therefore then slightly negligent a point, was slightly nearer by the opposite party, result that girl opens mouth to spout flake gold yellow Great Sun Colored Glass True Fire, has burnt seven work eight elements him all of a sudden. If not the referee of True Immortal stepped roll gets rid promptly, he definitely while still alive was burnt. 第一个获胜的家伙是个漂亮的女孩子,使用一手漂亮的火系道。她的对手还以为这就是个普通的人类火修呢,于是便稍稍大意了一点,靠对方稍稍近了一些,结果那女孩子张嘴喷出一片金黄色的大日琉璃真火,一下子就把他烧了一个七劳八素。如果不是真仙级辊的裁判及时出手,他肯定就活活被烧死了。 Originally, that girl unexpectedly is Colored Glass Phoenix becomes, is only intentionally the camouflage class cultivator appearance, makes the opposite party suffer a loss, this may really play the role of the pig to eat the tiger! 原来,那个女孩子竟然是一个琉璃凤凰变得,只是故意伪装类修士的模样,就让对方吃了大亏,这可真是扮猪吃老虎啊! After Song Zhong looked, when is surprised, is out of control somewhat strange asked that Lie Yangzi said: Said the brother, did this competition also allow the monster clan to participate?” 宋钟看了以后,惊奇之余,也禁不住有些奇怪的问烈阳子道:“道兄,难道这比试也准许妖族参加?” That is natural, so long as there is a skill, everyone can participate, immortal who let alone the monster clan, Imperial Court even allowed some crimes, even was the demon clan participates, said anything without restraint of style, gathered the talented person!” Lie Yangzi said that monster clan, relates with us well, but the demon clan and can the crime immortal also participate? What did this call? I think very two in any case!” “那是当然,只要有本事,谁都可以参与,别说妖族了,天庭甚至准许一些犯罪的仙人,甚至是魔族参与,说什么不拘一格,招揽人才!”烈阳子道,“妖族也还罢了,和咱们关系不错,可是魔族和犯罪的仙人也能参加?这叫什么?反正我觉得挺二的!” He He!” Interest that Song Zhong hear of he said that could not bear smile, then curious asking, Imperial Court and relations of monster clan very?” “呵呵!”宋钟听他说的有趣,忍不住笑了起来,然后便好奇的问道,“天庭和妖族的关系很好吗?” Naturally, has not worn pants on the difference!” Lie Yangzi said that points at distant place these not to belong to the stage of fire virtue Star Lord under Daoist immortal, said that sees these fellows?” “当然,就差没有穿一条裤子了!”烈阳子说完,指着远处那些不属于火德星君手下真君的高台,道,“看见那些家伙没有?” Saw!” Song Zhong curious asking, „who are they?” “看见了!”宋钟好奇的问道,“他们都是什么人啊?” Is the monster clan!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile, had the hot phoenix clan, had the hot Qilin clan, a Huo Long clan, as well as other Fire Type Divine Beast. These fellows for generations lived in God of Fire Heaven, is local indigenous. Compared with them, our these human cultivator, are actually the bystanders!” “就是妖族呗!”烈阳子笑道,“有火凤凰族,有火麒麟族,还有火龙一族,以及其他的火系神兽。这些家伙都是世世代代居住在祝融天的,算是本地的土著。和他们比起来,我们这些人类修士,其实都是外人!” „, I said that to have how also their positions!” [Say / Way] that Song Zhong is then suddenly enlighted. Afterward he sees the distant place to have the dense big piece of immortal to gather suddenly, probably is doing anything. Therefore a Song Zhong then finger of that place, asked: Said the brother, what was there is at? How to resemble the appearances of many people?” “啊,原来如此,我说怎么还会有他们的位置呢!”宋钟这才恍然大悟的道。随后他忽然看见远处有黑压压一大片仙人聚集,好像在干着什么。于是宋钟便一指那个地方,问道:“道兄,那里是什么所在?怎么好像有很多人的样子?” There!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile, „ was the small market that some immortals spontaneously formed. This congress takes such as several months, the person are also many, some immortals seize the chance to set up a stall trade something. Here, can trade freely, but does not need to be worried that pumped water by the auction. In addition the person buys and sells, therefore many people like going. Inside will present some really usually the rare good thing, is I, will find the time to have a look! “那里啊!”烈阳子笑道,“是一些仙人自发形成的小市场。这个大会要如开好几个月,人又多,一些仙人就趁机摆摊贩卖一些东西。在这里,可以自由交易,而不必担心被拍卖会抽水。加上人多买卖好,所以很多人都喜欢去。里面着实会出现一些平时难得一见的好东西,就是我,也会抽时间去看看的!
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