CLC :: Volume #6

#568: Crack day Daoist immortal

1 million?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, on ignorant, could not bear call out in alarm immediately said that these many people attended the competition, when can that project on?” “1000000?”宋钟一听这话,顿时就蒙了,忍不住惊呼道,“这么多人参加比试,那要打到什么时候啊?” Ha Ha, they are not compete with, but is observes. Person of true competition, each rank also several hundred.” Lie Yangzi said with a smile, „, but, that many usually the rare legendary character got together in together, may really shock, that was the out-and-out magnificent scene!” “哈哈,他们可不是来比试的,而是来观战的。真正比试的人,每个级别也就几百个而已。”烈阳子笑道,“不过,那么多平时难得一见的传奇人物聚会在一起,可真是震撼,那才是不折不扣的大场面!” Here time, Lie Yangzi whole face the color of expectation, was reviewing then Li Kuang obviously. 说到这的时候,烈阳子满脸的憧憬之色,显然是在重温当时的励况。 Song Zhong also by moving of he said that could not bear ask: Big can such scene, how long continue?” 宋钟也被他说的动了心,忍不住问道:“这么大的场面,要持续多久啊?” This must look at concrete competition, in general, the official competition, must spend for several months, will have in this period also all kinds of meetings, therefore generally speaking, must toss about for one year to be good!” Lie Yangzi said with a smile, was this, but also always some people dislike the time to be short, must leave behind some time again. Even many people of high skill, obstinately lingered the next congress to hold!” “这就要看具体的比试情况了,一般说来,正式的比试,就要花去几个月的时间,期间还会有各种各样的聚会,所以一般来说,怎么也要折腾一年才行!”烈阳子笑道,“就是这样,还总是有些人嫌时间短,非要再多留下一些时间。甚至有不少高人,都愣是盘桓到了下一次大会举行的时候!” He He, this does not have anything, regarding the immortal, hundred years of time really flashes in any case!” Song Zhong sigh with emotion [say / way]. “呵呵,这也没什么,反正对于仙人来说,百年光阴真是一晃而过啊!”宋钟感慨的道。 Who didn't say? I remember that previous time attended this congress, but also was probably same as yesterday!” Lie Yangzi also quite feelings [say / way]. “谁说不是呢?我记得上次参加这种大会,还好像和昨天一样呢!”烈阳子也颇为感触的道。 At this moment, Lie Yangzi saw not far away a stage to come up suddenly the person, has brought immediately to his attention, as soon as he drew Song Zhong, pointed at the stage in distant place saying: Sees not to have, that is the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist stage, he also came!” 就在这时,烈阳子忽然看见不远处的一座高台上来了人,马上就引起了他的注意,他一拉宋钟,指着远处的高台道:“看见没有,那就是裂天真君的高台,他也来了!” Song Zhong hear that, looks hurriedly toward there, really saw one dignifiedly, sits well on the giant chair. 宋钟闻言,急忙往那里望去,果然看见了一个威严的相,端坐在巨大的椅子上。 This is a look dignified immortal, seems like the middle age, is passing a sword intent from top to bottom, just like him is one sheath the sword is the same. 这是一个相貌威严的仙人,貌似中年,浑身上下都透着一股剑意,就宛如他本人就是一把出鞘的得剑一样。 But his following disciple , is almost so the welldoing, Sword Qi soar to the heavens, almost is the wise sword repairs. 而他下面的弟子,也差不多都是如此德行,一个个剑气冲霄,几乎全是高明的剑修。 As if was feels the Song Zhong vision, the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist sharp look transferred, stared Song Zhong one maliciously. 似乎是感受到了宋钟的目光,裂天真君犀利的眼神转了过来,狠狠瞪了宋钟一眼。 Song Zhong felt immediately resembles two swords to puncture to be the same, has turned the head hurriedly, does not dare to look at the eye of opposite party. He is also meanwhile out of control to say with amazement that this is the Greater Gold Immortal strength? Also was too rather abnormal?” 宋钟顿时就感觉好像有两把剑要刺过来一样,急忙转过头去,不敢看对方的眼睛。同时他心里也禁不住骇然道,“这便是大罗金仙的实力吗?未免也太变态了吧?” On this time, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also noted this situation, immediately on the discontented [say / way], Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, what do you mean? Why with no reason at all gets rid to a younger generation?” 就这时,烈火真君也注意到了这个情况,马上就不满的道,“裂天真君,你这是什么意思?为何无缘无故的对一个晚辈出手?” The Immortal Daoist Lie Huo voice is quite loud and clear, surrounding area the immortal within several hundred thousand li (0.5km) hears completely clearly, therefore then puts down own matter, then curious looks that these two great people compete. 烈火真君的话音极为洪亮,方圆几十万里内的仙人全部都听得清清楚楚,于是便纷纷放下自己的事情,转而好奇的看着这两个大人物较劲。 Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist hear does that, sneer directly a sound track? „If I gets rid, living that he can also sit?” 裂天真君闻言,直接冷笑一声道?“如果是我出手,他还能坐的住吗?” But in your look, clearly contained the unsurpassed strength, do you also want to deny inadequately?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sneers to say. “可是你刚才的眼神里,分明就蕴含了无上力,难道你还想抵赖不成?”烈火真君冷笑道。 My that is probes, whom may not have to injure!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist at a moderate pace [say / way]. “我那不过就是试探一下罢了,可没有伤了谁!”裂天真君不紧不慢的道。 Snort, even if this, that also can only explain you to be incompetent, but cannot conceal the behavior that you just harbored evil intentions!” [Say / Way] that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo disdains. “哼,就算是这样,那也只能说明你无能,而并不能掩饰你刚刚不怀好意的行为!”烈火真君不屑的道。 Although is in a public setting, but Immortal Daoist Lie Huo actually does not give Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist to save face, scolded directly. Obvious two person's relations bad to any situation. However thinks also normally, own world Dao soon by the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist person extinguishing, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo can be benignly strange with him! 虽然是在公共场合,但是烈火真君却也丝毫不给裂天真君留面子,直接就开骂了。可见两个人的关系恶劣到了什么地步。不过想想也正常,自己的人间道统都快要被裂天真君的人给灭了,烈火真君能和他和颜悦色才怪呢! Facing the provocation of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist has gotten immediately angry, he along with, even if Murderous Qi steaming [say / way]: I, if really harbors evil intentions, already extinguished him, by my status, how also to get rid personally awkward younger generation?” 面对烈火真君的挑衅,裂天真君顿时就怒了,他随即便杀气腾腾的道:“我如果真是不怀好意,早就把他灭了,以我的身份,又岂会亲自出手为难一个晚辈?” That may not say certainly!” The [say / way] that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo smiles, I looked that you are worried obviously he was too fierce, will hit your treasure disciples could not find north, therefore wants in secret under the killer, is right?” “那可说不准!”烈火真君笑眯眯的道,“我看,你明明是担心他太厉害了,会把你的宝贝弟子们打得找不到北,所以才想暗中下杀手,对不对?” Utter nonsense!” The Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist anger said that how my disciple fault will fear him?” “一派胡言!”裂天真君怒道,“我门下疵岂会怕了他?” Didn't fear? Ha Ha, good!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo then said immediately: We deferred to the old times old rule, bet one?” “不怕?哈哈,那好!”烈火真君立刻就接着道:“那咱们就按照往年的老规矩,赌一把吧?” „!” After Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist hear, immediately coughs, then the indifferent [say / way], your I am the status of Daoist immortal, how may be similar to the next mortal is the same, bets? Really is inappropriate!” “咳咳!”裂天真君听后,立刻咳嗽一声,然后淡然的道,“你我都是真君的身份,怎可如同下届凡人一样,赌来赌去?实在不妥当啊!” I!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo listened to this saying, is mad shouts abuse at the scene, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, thanks to you is also the honored and popular person, said that this saying you don't dislike to blush? Martial Arts Convention hundred years one time, your I, for this bet had several hundred chapters! Previous time you won my eight precious jades to be pleasant, this year you know to lose, shipped out a countenance of decent person to come, said that didn't bet? Are you also concerned about face?” “我呸!”烈火真君听了这话,气得当场就破口大骂道,“裂天真君,亏你也是有头有脸的人,说这话你就不嫌脸红吗?演武大会百年一次,你我为了这个赌了有几百回了!上一次你才赢走了我的八宝玉如意,今年你知道要输,就装出一副正派人的嘴脸来,说不赌了?你到底还要不要脸?” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist was scolded really somewhat by Immortal Daoist Lie Huo cannot gain ground, but he knows to be in the wrong, does not dare the multi- additional rebuttal, has the annoyed [say / way]: Bets on the gambling, who fears you?” 裂天真君烈火真君骂得实在有些抬不起头来,不过他自知理亏,也不敢多加反驳,只好恼火的道:“赌就赌,谁怕你啊?” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist was also forced, he knows, if now does not bet, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo affirmed that is endless with him, when the time comes publicizes in all directions, he does not want to gain ground before numerous Daoist immortals. Even if knows to lose , can only hold one's nose to bet. 裂天真君也是被逼无奈,他知道,今个要是不赌的话,烈火真君肯定和他没完没了,到时候四处宣扬一下,他就别想在众多真君面前抬起头来了。所以哪怕知道要输,也只能捏着鼻子去赌一把。 Immortal Daoist Lie Huo listened to this saying, complexion slightly to relax, then sneered saying that „, this also almost! Such being the case, that we bet this year in a big way!” 烈火真君听了这话,脸色才稍稍缓和一下,然后冷笑道,“哼,这还差不多!既然如此,那今年咱们就赌个大的!” Then, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, flings the same thing, places on the table, the wicked anger exclaimed: Crack day harmonious Monarch, you are not several times want me to bet this thing, I along with your intent, have bet this Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword with you today!” 说完,烈火真君啪的一声,甩出一样东西,放在桌子上,恶狠狠的怒吼道:“裂天睦君,你不是好几次都要我赌这东西,我今天随了你的意,就跟你赌这红莲业火剑!” Red Lotus Karmic Fire, is in a phoenix clan, Karma Fire Phoenix the abnormal flame of special product, is quite famous in Immortal World. Generally speaking, only then few immortals can control. Although Immortal Daoist Lie Huo the strength is good, what also practice is the Fire Type immortal, what a pity actually as before cannot use Red Lotus Karmic Fire to come. 红莲业火,乃是凤凰一族中,业火凤凰所特产的变态火焰,在仙界极为有名。一般来说,只有极少数仙人才能够操控。烈火真君虽然实力不错,也修炼的是火系仙,可惜却依旧不能使用出红莲业火来。 However, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo several thousand years ago, once helped a going too far phoenix clan. In order to express thanks, Primordial Stage Gold Immortal of Karma Fire Phoenix clan gets rid, helps Immortal Daoist Lie Huo his life treasure roaring flame sword, the promotion is the Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword. Enables Immortal Daoist Lie Huo also to use Red Lotus Karmic Fire. 但是,烈火真君在数万年前,曾经帮助过火凤凰一族。为了表示答谢,一位业火凤凰族的混元金仙出手,帮助烈火真君将他的本命宝烈焰剑,升级为红莲业火剑。使得烈火真君也可以动用红莲业火 Actually, by raging fire really original strength, he in the God of Fire Heaven 108 Daoist immortals, can only rank about 30, because of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword, made him sit the eighth position in a hierarchy, even also above Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist. 其实,以烈火真原实力来说,他在祝融天108位真君中,只能排名30左右,但是就因为红莲业火剑,才使得他坐上了第八位交椅,甚至还在裂天真君之上。 But Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, is the sword repairs, Natal Flying Sword did not have good that a fire repairs, naturally is in the heart not the indignation, but also has no alternative. 裂天真君,身为剑修,本命飞剑却还没有一个火修的好,自然是心中不忿,但是却也无可奈何啊。 Ten several thousand years ago, hot Daoist immortal world of mortals Dao was extinguished by Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist disciple, causing Immortal Daoist Lie Huo disciple to present the fault, suffers setbacks at the competition of this Martial Arts Convention repeatedly. 恰好在十数万年前,火真君凡间道统裂天真君门下所灭,导致烈火真君门下出现了断层,在这演武大会的比试上屡屡受挫。 Therefore Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist starts with prodding to make a bet with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, won Immortal Daoist Lie Huo many good things . The Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword that however he most wants, actually no matter how prods, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo does not comply. After all this is fellow who others eat meal, if did not have, the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo status must suffer a disastrous decline! 于是裂天真君就开始用激将和烈火真君打赌,着实赢走了烈火真君不少好东西。但是他最想要的红莲业火剑,却不管怎么激将,烈火真君都不答应。毕竟这是人家吃饭的家伙啊,要是没有了,烈火真君的地位就要一落千丈啊! Those but who make Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist not think, the arrival of Song Zhong, gives the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo infinite confidence all of a sudden, he put out this to make the gambling stake the Red Lotus Karmic Fire sword unexpectedly directly, obviously before wants him, lost to the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist thing, gave to win. 可是让裂天真君万万没有想到的是,宋钟的到来,一下子就给烈火真君无穷的信心,以至于他竟然直接拿出了这把红莲业火剑做赌注,显然是想把他以前输给裂天真君的东西,都给赢回来。 If Song Zhong has not come time, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist looks forward to Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to do, his disciple disciple cheerful good to exceed Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to plan, particularly on Gold Immortal, is the obvious advantage. But now, Song Zhong, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist at heart lacked self-confidence. 要是宋钟没来的时候,裂天真君巴不得烈火真君这么干呢,他门下弟子愉好都胜过烈火真君一筹,尤其是金仙上,更是优势明显。可是现在,宋钟一出,裂天真君就心里没底了。 Therefore he hurries to beckon with the hand saying: „, This is the fellow who you eat meal, I may win you embarrassed! Do we trade a thing?” 所以他赶紧摆手道:“别别,这是你吃饭的家伙,我可不好意思赢你!咱们还是换件东西吧?” Ha Ha!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that, the carefree [say / way], does not need to trade immediately, do not feign ignorance here! Before your boy, always didn't urge me to bet it? Today I took, how did you instigate?” “哈哈!”烈火真君闻言,立刻畅快的道,“不用换,也别在这里装蒜!你小子以前不是老劝我赌它吗?今天我拿出来了,你怎么就怂了?” „!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is red a shameless [say / way], I do not want to injure friendly!” “咳咳!”裂天真君红着一张老脸道,“我只是不想伤了和气!” Is friendly your head, I and you did not have the friendly this saying from the start!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo directly impolite scolding, is short with me approaches!” “和气你个头,我和你压根就没有和气这一说!”烈火真君直接不客气的骂道,“少跟我凑近乎!” Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist that face, turns instantaneously green. The air/Qi results in the whole body to tremble, but actually obstinately does not dare to say. After all now is not being swayed by personal feelings time, if really has bet with him, what oneself do take to compensate? That may probably lose everything really! 裂天真君那个脸啊,瞬间就变成绿色的了。气得浑身都哆嗦起来,可是却愣是不敢接话。毕竟现在不是意气用事的时候,真要是和他赌了,自己拿什么赔啊?那可真就要倾家荡产啦! Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sees Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist not to dare to speak, immediately also came the spirit , to continue to yell: Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, did your boy speak actually? How now has become the turtle? In the past you were the show rampant pointed at my nose to scold, did you have to plant continue to give me to be rampant?” 烈火真君裂天真君不敢说话,顿时也来了精神,继续大叫道:“裂天真君,你小子倒是说话啊?怎么现在成了缩头乌龟了?当年你可是秀嚣张的指着我鼻子骂来着,你丫有种就继续给我嚣张啊?” The immortals are looking at the same time, smiling that keeps at heart. They are the litigants of being worthy of the reputation, in the past, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist was aggressive, is in front of everybody to run on a bank Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, compelling him to put out each article good thing to bet. 众仙人在一边看着,心里不停的笑。他们都是名副其实的当事人,当年,裂天真君可是咄咄逼人,当着大家的面挤兑烈火真君,逼着他拿出一件件好东西来赌。 Then Immortal Daoist Lie Huo on tragedies, many immortals complained that secretly Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist is not quite sincere, oneself disciple has bullied others disciple, he also seizes the chance to bully Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, somewhat is really excessive, but is now booing, the geomancy transfers in turn, changes into Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to be aggressive, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist a few words do not dare to meet. This made many immortals look thought that specially was at heart happy. 然后烈火真君就一次次的悲剧,很多仙人暗地里都埋怨裂天真君不太厚道,自己门下欺负了人家门下也就罢了,他还趁机欺负烈火真君,实在有些过分,但是现在倒好,风水轮流转,换成烈火真君咄咄逼人,裂天真君一句话都不敢接了。这让很多仙人看了都觉得心里特别痛快。 Has not managed, the crack naive hundred quite overbearing people, in the Immortal World personal connection are not very good, therefore everybody is glad to look that he eats to fade. 没办,裂天真百个比较霸道的人,在仙界人缘也不是很好,所以大家都乐得看他吃蔫。 However, crack naive original poverty-stricken condition, has not continued to be too long, because the distant place floats scarlet-red clouds, with the intermittent heavenly music, after all immortals hear, respectful standing up, lowers the head to salute, nobody dares to speak again. Obviously, the God of Fire Heaven big chieftain, fire virtue Star Lord came! 不过,裂天真原窘迫境况,并没有持续太久,因为远处飘来一片赤红的云彩,伴随着阵阵仙乐,所有仙人听见之后,都恭恭敬敬的站起身来,低头施礼,再也没有谁敢说话。显然,祝融天的大头目,火德星君来了!
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