CLC :: Volume #6

#567: Broad scene

Saw that Xiao Xue soon had been cried by the Song Zhong air/Qi, immediately Small Cha does not depend on is hammering the chest of Song Zhong, ominous [say / way]: Why do you bully the person? Asked her to go?” 见到小雪快要被宋钟气哭了,小茶立刻不依的锤着宋钟的胸口,凶道:“你干嘛欺负人?就叫她去吗?” „Are you cracking a joke?” After Song Zhong hear , the head must explode, cannot bear [say / way] that does not know whether to laugh or cry, where is that? Imperial Court center! Who is Xiao Xue? Ashura Clan! You called her to go to that was this plays or brings death?” “你在开什么玩笑?”宋钟听后脑袋都要炸了,忍不住哭笑不得的道,“那是什么地方?天庭中枢啊!小雪是什么人?阿修罗族!你叫她去那,这是玩还是送死啊?” Oh, said also!” Small Cha then awakens, holds the hand of small Xiao Xue to say hurriedly that looks like, haven't you really been able to go?” “哎呀,说的也是呢!”小茶这才醒悟过来,急忙拉着小小雪的手道,“看来,你还真是不能去呢?” Some where he said is so unreliable!” [Say / Way] that Xiao Xue is actually not convinced, in Immortal World, has our Ashura's women to appear and disappear, so long as you acknowledged that my status, is Ashura Clan has not related!” “哪有他说的那么玄!”小雪却不服气的道,“在仙界,也不是没有我们阿修罗的女人出没,只要你承认我的身份,就是阿修罗族也没关系的!” Right?” Song Zhong hears this word, immediately curious asking, „does Immortal World also allow Ashura Clan to walk around?” “是吗?”宋钟听闻此言,顿时大为好奇的问道,“仙界也允许阿修罗族到处走动?” Wanting is the relative of immortal on the line!” Xiao Xue answered, you also know that our Ashura Clan special product beautiful woman, some people, is too not willing to marry the disfigured in clan, eloped with the immortal of being perfectly suited to each other. Such female are many, they can take a walk in Immortal World, so long as there is an immortal to guarantee is OK!” “只要是仙人的亲属就行!”小雪解释道,“你也知道,我们阿修罗族特产美女,有些人,不太愿意嫁给族里的丑八怪,就和情投意合的仙人私奔了。这样的女子还不少,她们是可以在仙界走动的,只要有仙人担保就可以了!” Originally was not suitable such a saying!” Song Zhong cannot bear the forced smile say that I somewhat understood suddenly, why the man of your Ashura Clan, such was hostile to the Immortal World immortal! No matter who looks that own pretty wife ran, will act crazy!” “原来不宜这么一说!”宋钟忍不住苦笑道,“我忽然有些理解,为什么你们阿修罗族的男人,对仙界的仙人这么仇视了!不管谁看着自己的漂亮老婆跑了,也都会发飙的!” Hey, although you are cracking a joke, may also really almost say on the drop. As far as I know, the men in our clan mentioned the immortal to hate to the marrow of the bones, the biggest reason, was because the immortal enticed too many Ashura beautiful women, in our clan male female few, the old man has to keep bach for a lifetime!” Xiao Xue said afterward suddenly that you could rest assured that I will not run with you. Do we disguise, disguise you not to know?” “嘿嘿,你虽然是在开玩笑,可还真就差不多说在了点子上。据我所知,我们族里的男人一提起仙人就恨之入骨,其中最大的原因,就是因为仙人勾引走了太多的阿修罗美人,以至于我们族里男多女少,很多老男人不得不一辈子打光棍!”小雪随后却忽然道,“不过你放心,我是不会跟你跑的。咱们只是假装,假装你知道不?” „It is not quite clear?” Song Zhong plays the fool to say intentionally that you said what we do disguise become?” “不太明白?”宋钟故意装傻道,“你说我们假装成什么?” You were really the necrosis!” The Xiao Xue breathless [say / way], does not know that considers as finished!” Then, she then drew Small Cha to run away. “你真是坏死了!”小雪气急败坏的道,“不知道算了!”说完,她便拉着小茶跑掉了。 Ha Ha!” Song Zhong sees that cannot bear laugh. Can such attractive young miss being mad, is a very amusing matter. Naturally, although Song Zhong in the surface plays the fool, may already be in fact tenderhearted, if Xiao Xue when the time comes insisted that requests to play, he will not mind that works as one chapter to her man. “哈哈!”宋钟见状,忍不住就随之大笑起来。能把这么漂亮的小姑娘给气到,也算是一件很好玩的事情。当然,宋钟虽然表面上装傻,可实际上早就心软了,如果小雪到时候坚持要求去玩玩,他也不会介意给她当一回“男人”。 The following time, Song Zhong wants to spend in the practice. Although to Song Zhong this situation, wanted to progress, needs over ten thousand years of accumulation to be frequently good. However practices not to have fault, the Song Zhong hollow piece of jade to practice acquiring a skill, many several points of stratagem which ensures success. However, he has practiced merely only less than one month, Ling Xiaozi that once more come back broke. 接下来的时间,宋钟都想花费在修炼上。虽然到了宋钟这个地步,想要有所进步,都需要动辄上万年的积累才行。但是多练练也没有坏处,宋钟琮是想练练手,好多几分胜算。不过,他仅仅只练习了不到一个月时间,就被再次回来的凌霄子打断了。 In the past several months, Ling Xiaozi has come back 2-3 times. The Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus sisters the news that needs Heaven True Water completely to convalesce first, is he brings. In addition, he also helped Song Zhong sell large quantities of materials, and related several to be good at refining the Lightning Gathering Platform influence. Several months, he has almost run through Lower Nine Heavens, is really difficult high! 在过去的几个月里,凌霄子回来过两三次。冰火并蒂双莲姐妹需要先天真水才会完全痊愈的消息,就是他带回来的。除此之外,他还帮助宋钟卖了大批的材料,并联系上了几个擅长炼制聚雷台的势力。几个月的时间中,他几乎跑遍了下九天,真可谓是劳苦高! Therefore heard after the news that Ling Xiaozi comes back, Song Zhong immediately goes out to greet. But Ling Xiaozi lives up to the hope of Song Zhong, this time brought a good news to come back, that was he has attained several Lightning Gathering Platform samples. 所以听说凌霄子回来的消息之后,宋钟就立刻出关迎接。而凌霄子也不负宋钟的期盼,这次带来了一个好消息回来,那就是他拿到了几个聚雷台的样品。 These Lightning Gathering Platform are these influences specially refines, can condense most foundation Five Elements Immortal Lightning. Ling Xiaozi attains sample from their there separately, after wants to come back makes Song Zhong test, then chooses uses which type. 这些聚雷台都是那些势力专门炼制的,可以凝聚最基础的五行仙雷凌霄子从他们那里分别拿到样品,想回来让宋钟测试后,再选择到底用哪一种。 If before, Song Zhong definitely immediately impatient conducts the experiment( to project on here, has saying that this immediately and impatient adjective was seemingly redundant? Fellow dear readers, after needing me , when the hand hits again erases one? After all has the erroneous character, bringing the sentence wrong book to seem like not feeling well very much!), But now, is shouldering Song Zhong of win heavy responsibility, did not have this mood again. After encouraging Ling Xiaozi several, Song Zhong entered for the Martial Arts Convention matter and Ling Xiaozi says. 要是在以前,宋钟肯定就会马上迫不及待的进行试验(打到这里,不得不说,这个“马上”和“迫不及待”形容词貌似重复了吧?各位看官,需要我以后再手打时删掉一个吗?毕竟带错别字,带语句错误的书看起来很不爽啊!),但是现在,背负着夺魁重任的宋钟,却再也没有了这个心情。勉励凌霄子几句之后,宋钟就所自己报名参加演武大会的事情和凌霄子说了。 After Ling Xiaozi hear, immediately is overjoyed, hurried [say / way]: This is the good deed! If you can win at one fell swoop, will certainly move Imperial Court, when the time comes, the big will influence gather your. Actually my this coming back, planned that persuaded you to register, unexpectedly Immortal Daoist Lie Huo unexpectedly is actually willing to give you own quota, then may be short of us to trouble!” 凌霄子听完之后,顿时大喜过望,急忙道:“这是好事啊!要是您可以一举夺魁的话,必将名动天庭,到时候,很多大势力都会招揽您的。其实我这次回来,也打算劝说您去报名呢,却不料烈火真君竟然肯把属于自己的名额给你,这下可少我们很多麻烦!” You said actually dexterous, the person but who comes up to go all out really is actually I!” Song Zhong cannot bear seek vengeance saying that you think this first so is good to take?” “你说的倒是轻巧,可是真上去拼命的人却是我啊!”宋钟忍不住报怨道,“你以为这个第一就是那么好拿的?” Hey, if others, I indeed do not believe that who can have no trouble first, but if said that you, I definitely have this confidence! By the Chaos Titan Clan battle efficiency, you can lose are strange!” Ling Xiaozi said with a smile. “嘿嘿,要是别人,我的确不相信谁能稳拿第一,可要是说您的话,那我绝对有这个信心!以混沌巨灵族的战斗力而言,您能输才怪呢!”凌霄子笑道。 Hopes so!” Song Zhong helpless shaking the head, then said that „, but, I cannot be too negligent, therefore for serveral days, I must close up recently practice, perhaps outside matter, needs to trouble you to be busy!” “但愿如此吧!”宋钟无奈的摇摇头,然后道,“不过,我还是不能太大意了,所以最近这些天,我都要闭关修行,恐怕外面的事情,就需要麻烦你自己去忙了!” This you could rest assured that I will grasp!” Ling Xiaozi strikes one's chest to say. “这个您放心,我会抓紧的!”凌霄子拍着胸脯道。 That is good!” Song Zhong said that in the day that I close up, you must hold the Lightning Gathering Platform matter, but must help me urge to ask that with a sense of urgency Divine Boat core matter, in brief, these two matters are most important, does not may to delay!” “那就好!”宋钟道,“在我闭关的日子里,你要把聚雷台的事情办好,还得帮我抓紧催问神舟核心的事情,总之,这两件事都是重中之重,万万不可以耽误!” I understand!” Ling Xiaozi the serious [say / way], I one will make immediately Lian Qing test Lightning Gathering Platform, chooses good later, then can give under these influences directly the order. As for the matter of Divine Boat core, I also entrusted several influences to carry on the design and manufacture. However, you also know that refines ordinary Immortal Tool, wants to be good for a long time, but the core that you request, compared with ordinary Immortal Tool high level, therefore in a short time, we are impossible to attain the sample, can wait on for 2-3 years to be good?” “我明白的!”凌霄子马上严肃的道,“我一会就让莲青去测试聚雷台,挑选出好的之后,便可以直接给那些势力下订单了。至于神舟核心的事情,我也委托了好几个势力进行设计制造。不过,您也知道,就是炼制一件普通的仙器,都要很长时间才行,而您要求的这件核心,比普通仙器高级,所以短时间内,我们不可能拿到样品,怎么也要等上两三年才行啊?” Oh!” Song Zhong helpless said with a sigh, I also know that this matter could not be anxious, but has not managed, our present situation some are not really wonderful. The fellow of Xiao Xue this Ashura Clan, completely is a hidden danger, perhaps, her parents will find here. When the time comes unavoidably a war! Therefore we must make the best use of the time!” “唉!”宋钟无奈的叹息道,“我也知道这事急不得,可是没办,我们现在的处境实在有些不妙。小雪这个阿修罗族的家伙,完全就是个隐患,说不定什么时候,她的父母就会找到我们这里。到时候就免不了一场大战!所以咱们必须要抓紧时间啊!” This? Really difficult! Builds up the formulation is not matter in one single day, even if in several years handles, is quick. Or, do you simply process the woman of that being in the way? So as to avoid feels alarmed and anxious all day!” The Ling Xiaozi persuasion said. “这个?实在难啊!炼制定可不是一朝一夕的事,就算是几年内搞定,都算是快的了。要不,您干脆把那个碍事的女人处理掉吧?免得整天担惊受怕的!”凌霄子劝说道。 This is not good, Small Cha will kill me!” The Song Zhong forced smile said that „. Moreover, that is also a poor man, I really cannot do the heavy hand to destroy the colored matter, can only want to manage from elsewhere. Right, you said that with high level Immortal Tool, can refine stronger Divine Lightning Flying Boat?” “这可不行,小茶会杀了我的!”宋钟苦笑道,“况且,那也是个可怜人,我实在干不出辣手摧花的事,只能从别处想办了。对了,你说,用更为高级仙器,是不是可以炼制更强的神雷飞舟?” Theoretically should yes, but, high level Immortal Tool is not easy to make. Third-level following Immortal Tool said fortunately, once to four levels, basically could not buy in the market condition. But according to your request, can cope with the Greater Gold Immortal flying boat, the core installment most at least is also Seventh Grade Immortal Tool, that is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal has the treasure of refinement. Greater Gold Immortal of commonplace does not have. We cannot afford!” Ling Xiaozi the face was saying painstakingly. “理论上应该是可以的,不过,高阶仙器可不是那么容易弄来的。三级以下的仙器还好说,一旦到了四级,就基本上在市面上买不到了。而按照您的要求,能够对付大罗金仙的飞舟,核心装置最起码也得是七品仙器,那可是混元金仙才有炼制的宝物。等闲的大罗金仙都没有。我们根本就买不起啊!”凌霄子苦着脸道。 „Can that first picks buying of most high level, look get so far as Sixth Grade, even Fifth Grade Immortal Tool!” Song Zhong the wicked [say / way], quality is not good afterward, we use the quantity ratio. I do not believe that after Divine Lightning Flying Boat were many, their Ashura clan also dares before me wild!” “那就先捡着最高级的买,看看能不能弄到六品,甚至五品仙器!”宋钟随后恶狠狠的道,“质量不行,咱们就用数量比。我就不信,神雷飞舟多了之后,他们阿修罗一族还敢在我面前猖狂!” Good, I do everything possible!” Ling Xiaozi nods to say. “那好吧,我尽力而为!”凌霄子点点头道。 Afterward, Song Zhong and Ling Xiaozi discussed something, then sends him, started to close up the life of Solo-Cultivation once more. Regarding outside matter, Song Zhong completely does not manage. His under some are efficiently does in any case, has Ling Xiaozi to be in charge in the office, is responsible for the foreign trade, there is Lian Qing to be in charge at home, is responsible for constructing Purple Star Palace many matters concerned, what Song Zhong also has not to feel relieved? 随后,宋钟又和凌霄子商量了一些事情,然后便把他打发走,再次开始了闭关苦修的生活。对于外面的事情,宋钟就完全不管了。反正他手下有的是得力干将,有凌霄子主外,负责对外贸易,又有莲青主内,负责修建紫辰殿的诸多事宜,宋钟还有什么不放心的呢? Six months, a twinkling on the past. On this day, closes up Solo-Cultivation Song Zhong, was said. That manager, looks for Song Zhong on behalf of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, the goal only then, the time arrived, asking Song Zhong to enter the stage. 半年时间,一眨眼就过去了。这一日,闭关苦修宋钟,被人叫了出来。还是那位主管,代表烈火真君来找宋钟,目的就只有一个,时间到了,请宋钟出场。 Since promised others, Song Zhong cannot renege on a promise. Therefore he then wants to follow this manager. However one side actually unexpectedly already waited for Small Cha and Xiao Xue realized that their two run over immediately, a person grasps an arm of Song Zhong, dies does not let loose. 既然答应了人家,宋钟自己不能反悔。于是他便想跟着这位主管走。但是却不料被早就等候一边的小茶小雪察觉,她们两个立刻就跑过来,一个人抱住宋钟的一条胳膊,死也不放开。 The Small Cha threat said: Does not lead me to play, I do not drop!” 小茶威胁道:“不带我去玩,我就不放手!” But a Xiao Xue face hidden bitterness [say / way]: Your this dies not to have the conscience fellow, do not want to drop out me to exit merrily!” 小雪则一脸幽怨的道:“你这个死没良心儿的家伙,别想抛下我一个人出去快活!” Sees this situation, the manager who that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sends almost wanted to be happy( original map to show that wanted to be joyful, I scratched, did this do? Therefore changing), although in surface maintains composure, the shoulders that but his shivers actually betrayed him. Obviously, this fellow suppresses is very laborious! 看到这情况,那位烈火真君派来的主管几乎都要乐死了(原图显示,都要快乐死了,我擦,这怎么搞?所以改之),虽然表面上不露声色,可是他那颤抖的双肩却出卖了他。显然,这家伙憋的很辛苦啊! But Song Zhong is a face is depressed, helpless [say / way]: I am go to the ratio to fight, why do you go?” 宋钟则是一脸郁闷,无奈的道:“我是去比斗,你们跟着去干吗?” Watches the fun!” Small Cha and Xiao Xue immediately [say / way] as if by prior agreement. “看热闹!”小茶小雪立刻不约而同的道。 Do not deliberately create trouble, what amusing liveliness compared with fighting the field energy has to look?” [Say / Way] that Song Zhong does not know whether to laugh or cry, „is just one group of people kills!” “别胡闹了,比斗场能有什么好玩的热闹看啊?”宋钟哭笑不得的道,“只不过就是一群人打打杀杀罢了!” „, This is you do not understand!” Xiao Xue hear that, said on rebuttal immediately that takes for hundred years a time grand meeting, even if only the trials , will be very lively. The thousands immortal will observe, many people sell something while this opportunity ornaments stall, but also some immortals establish the gambling house, in brief, the scene may live it up! We must go!” “切,这就是你不懂了!”小雪闻言,马上就反驳道,“作为百年一次的盛会,即使只是选拔赛,也会很热闹的。数以万计的仙人都会去观战,很多人都趁着这个机会摆设地摊卖一些东西,还有的仙人设置赌局,总之,现场可热闹啦!我们一定要去!” „! We above hitting like mad, do you actually gamble to watch the fun below?” Song Zhong cannot bear the willingly [say / way], this what matter?!” “靠!我们在上面拼死拼活的打,你们却在下面赌博看热闹?”宋钟忍不住甘心的道,“这都什么事啊?!”
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