CLC :: Volume #6

#564: Practicing wushu congress

On this day. Song Zhong in Ge Hao part of Purple Star Palace of long-drawn-out is drinking the tea. Simultaneously calculates next step plan. Some outside people reported back to say suddenly that God of Fire Heaven sent an immortal to look for Song Zhong. 这一日.宋钟正在盖好一部分的紫辰殿里悠哉的喝着茶水.同时盘算下一步的计划。外面忽然有人回报说,祝融天派遣了一位仙人来找宋钟 Song Zhong hurried zu comes to look that discovered a manager who this person Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sits down, personally delivers Song Zhong to come Eastern Emperor World that. 宋钟急忙诅进来一看,发现此人正是烈火真君坐下的一位主管、就是亲自送宋钟东皇界的那位。 Since is the acquaintance. Song Zhong will not neglect, must ask others to take a seat to drink tea. Then inquired the purpose in coming. However that main humble opinion actually swings the attachment, the forced smile said: „ Today official business in body. On non- place, 既然是熟人.宋钟不会怠慢、就要请人家入座喝茶.然后再询问来意。但是那位主管见却摇接头,苦笑道:“今日公务在身.就不座了、 Sir World Lord. I present the order of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to invite your. He makes you should better to see now at the same time. You look. Are we present leave? „ Song Zhong one hear is Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is invited. Immediately enforces. He has certainly no alternative but to others the face, therefore said immediately: „ Good, we walk now! 界主大人.我是奉烈火真君的命令来请您的.他让您最好现在就去见一面。您看.咱们是不是现在就动身?“宋钟一听是烈火真君有请.顿时就严肃起来.他当然不能不给人家面子,所以马上道:“好,咱们现在就走吧! Then, Song Zhong walks toward outside with this manager. On road, Song Zhong on curious pursues asks: This Fellow Daoist, but does not know that the Daoist immortal asked me to go. Has what important matter?” 说完,宋钟就跟着这位主管往外面走。在路上,宋钟就好奇的追问道:“这位道友、但不知真君叫我去.到底有何要事啊?” He He, was the good deed, you goes to know! „ Manager polite compensates to say with a smile. Although looked that his appearance is very friendly, but Song Zhong was actually equal to eating a soft nail, obviously he does not dare to reveal the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo matter easily. “呵呵、是好事、你去了就知道啦!“主管客气的赔笑道。虽然看他的样子很和气,但是宋钟却等于是吃了一个软钉子,显然他不敢轻易泄露烈火真君的事情。 Song Zhong has not managed. Has to smile bitterly. Then pulls open the topic, said with him one will include idly. 宋钟没有办.只好苦笑一声.然后就把话题拉开,和他说了一会闲括。 The time not big 0.2 people rode transmission to arrive have extended Allied Heavens, and quick arrived at the Immortal Daoist Lie Huo work temple again. 时间不大0.2个人就乘坐传送阵来到了宽融天,并很快再次来到烈火真君的办公神殿。 That manager brought Song Zhong directly to enter the innermost. Decides Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to entertain the Song Zhong place on. Song Zhong saw is waiting for own Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. 那位主管带着宋钟直接进入了最里面。在上决烈火真君招待宋钟的地方.宋钟见到了正在等将自己的烈火真君 Sees Song Zhong to come, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo very warm sets out to greet personally, welcomed the good snack , after Song Zhong. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sends other idlers, this polite asking: How is it? These time in Immortal World. Can also be able to pass?” 看见宋钟进来,烈火真君很热情的亲自起身迎接,把宋钟迎进来上好茶点之后.烈火真君打发走其他闲人,这才客气的问道:“怎么样?在仙界里的这些时间.可还过得去?” Also good!” Song Zhong said with a smile: Eastern Emperor World imagines compared with me is better much!, „. You can say that I also feel relieved!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo gratified saying with a smile „, if after you, has any difficulty. Although looks for me. Although my position is not very high, is at least in God of Fire Heaven, we can speak on words. “还不错!”宋钟笑道:“东皇界比我想象的要好不少!,“哈哈.你能这么说,那我也就放心啦!”烈火真君欣慰的笑道“如果你以后有什么困难.尽管来找我.虽然我的职位不是很高,可是至少在祝融天里,咱还是能说的上话的。 He He. Many thanks the senior shows loving concern, if there are troublesome, I will certainly open the mouth!” “呵呵.多谢前辈关爱,如果有麻烦的话,我一定会开口的!” Song Zhong hurried polite saying sees is very sincere, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo that Song Zhong said is very satisfied. His gratified nod, thenso good!, Afterward. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sighed gently, then somewhat helpless [say / way]: „ Oh. You may know that my this time invited the reason that you came? 宋钟急忙客气的说道见宋钟说的很真诚,烈火真君很满意.他欣慰的点点头,然后着“如此就好!,随后.烈火真君轻轻叹了一口气,然后有些无奈的道:“唉.你可知道我这次请你来的原因? Younger generation does not know!” Song Zhong very honest [say / way]. “晚辈不知!”宋钟很老实的道。 Actually I have the matter to request!” The [say / way] of Immortal Daoist Lie Huo anxious look over the face. “其实我是有事相求啊!”烈火真君愁容满面的道。 Em?” Song Zhong one hear was shocked, cannot bear the curious [say / way]: But does not know that what so makes you feel embarrassed? If I can help on busy, will not decline inevitably!” “恩?”宋钟一听就愣住了,忍不住好奇的道:“但不知何事如此让您为难?如果我能帮的上忙的话,必然不会推辞!” abnormal that Song Zhong this saying said is critical, indeed is his innermost thoughts, is not polite after all he now and Immortal Daoist Lie Huo leaves recently and must depend upon in the future mutually., Their temperament also very much gets along well, Song Zhong has the favorable impression to this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo very much, therefore is willing to help Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to see Song Zhong to him saying that immediately then very happy [say / way]: „ Ha Ha, that may be good. Actually said earnestly, this matter also really you get rid to be good!, 宋钟这话说的异常中肯,也的确是他的心里话,并非是客气毕竟他现在和烈火真君离的最近、日后必然要相互依靠。况且、两人脾气也很投契,宋钟对这位烈火真君很有好感、故而才愿意给他帮忙烈火真君宋钟这么说,顿时便非常高兴的道:“哈哈,那可太好了.其实认真说起来、这件事情还真就得你出手才能行呢!、 Right? What is this? „ Song Zhong along with, even if curious pursues asks. “是吗?这到底是何事啊?“宋钟随即便好奇的追问道。 Is this!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo lowered the head, said to Song Zhong with a smile: „ Virtuous nephew. Can you know hundred years of Martial Arts Convention once? “是这样的!”烈火真君低下头,笑着对宋钟道:“贤侄.你可知道百年一度的演武大会 Martial Arts Convention? This really is not quite clear!” Song Zhong immediately shaking the head [say / way] is this!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo explained with a smile: Our Imperial Court, all day and demons and monsters war of outside continuous. Therefore regards as important to Wu Shi extremely. In order to encourage the following immortal steps up to practice, Imperial Court then decided that each hundred years, have held time Martial Arts Convention, will convene good the crack troops of Five Great Celestial Emperors subordinates, compete with well. And the vagrant immortal who Imperial Court also permits the folk also participates, reason that this, to attract folk master, is good to gather the talented person. Absorption fresh blood: Another is also Five Great Celestial Emperors thinks that is comparing with the vigor in secret! Gradually, this grand meeting becomes extremely lively. Even not under at the Immortal Peach feast of queen mother of the west.” 演武大会?这还真就不太清楚!”宋钟立刻摇头道“是这样的!”烈火真君笑着解释道:“咱们天庭,整日和外界的妖魔鬼怪大战不休.所以对武事极为看重。为了激励下面的仙人加紧修炼,天庭便决定,每过百年、举行一次演武大会,将五大天帝麾下的精兵良将都召集起来,好好比试一下。并且天庭还允许民间的流浪仙人也参加,之所以这样,一个是为了吸引民间高手,好招揽人才.吸收新血:另外一个也是五大天帝想在暗中较一下劲!久而久之,这个盛会就变得极为热闹.甚至不下于西王母的蟠桃宴。” Oh, is such ~, Song Zhong nods, then said: „, Do you have the what place of feeling embarrassed?” “噢,原来是这样的啊~,宋钟点点头,然后道:“那么,您又有何为难之处呢?” This wanted me and my old enemy, Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist mentions! „ Fierce is the Daoist immortal helpless [say / way] of: Martial Arts Convention that is one of projects Imperial Court most regards as important, my God of Fire Heaven naturally cannot stay out, the quota that but Imperial Court gives is limited, person but who wants to go to actually, therefore to be fair, before each time congress, our God of Fire Heaven must have a small interior to try, to decide that is attended this grand meeting by whom. “这就要我和我的老对头,裂天真君说起了!“烈为真君无奈的道:演武大会那是天庭最为看重的项目之一,我祝融天自然也不能置身事外,但是天庭给的名额有限,可想去的人却又非常之多,所以为了公平起见,每次大会之前,我们祝融天都要有一个小型的内部试,以决定由谁去参加这次盛会。 When by. My disciple disciple is also light often on behalf of God of Fire Heaven, participates in Martial Arts Convention, although has not taken before the position, but at least on my also face has up. But since I was sneak attacked by the scoundrel of Sky Splitting Sword sect after others Dao. In disciple who my disciple flies upwards. “在以都的时候.我门下的弟子也是轻常代表祝融天,参加演武大会的、虽然没有拿过靠前的名次,但是至少我也脸上有光。可是自从我在人家的道统裂天剑宗的混账偷袭之后.我门下飞升的弟子中。 The disciple of becoming a useful person were getting fewer and fewer. Does not have to the talented person who I strive for honor. 成器的弟子就越来越少了。以至于都没有个能给我争面子的人才。 Is opposite with me. disciple of Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist that old bastard actually one by one abnormal, in recent ten thousand years. Participates in Martial Arts Convention one after another, in altogether Heavenly Immortal. In the immortals and Gold Immortal three ranks. Suppresses my disciple could not gain ground simply! ” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo angry [say / way]: You said. This tone, how can I swallow?” 与我相反.裂天真君那老混蛋的门下却一个比一个变态,在最近万年时间里.接连参与演武大会,在总共天仙.其仙和金仙三个级别里.都把我的门下打压的简直都抬不起头来了!”烈火真君气恼的道:“你说.这口气,我怎么能咽得下去?” Although some Immortal Daoist Lie Huo lots have not said. But Song Zhong can actually listen. Perhaps resenting of this Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, solely is not only the disciple is defeated. From they two relations, Song Zhong can conclude, after Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist victory, only feared that has not ridiculed little Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. Must otherwise. This words several hundred thousand years of old fogy will not be mad this. 虽然烈火真君还有很多东西没有说出来.可是宋钟却能够从中听出.这位烈火真君裂天真君的愤恨,恐怕不单单只是弟子落败。从他们两家的关系上,宋钟就敢断定,裂天真君胜利之后、只怕没少奚落烈火真君.要不然的话.这位话几十万年的老家伙也不会气成这样。 However. Although Song Zhong at heart knows how things stand, but mouth goes forward not to expose, is only the light [say / way]: „ Is your meaning?. 不过.宋钟心里虽然有数,可是嘴上前没有点破,只是淡淡的道:“那您的意思是?. I want to invite you, represents me. Participates in this Martial Arts Convention!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo [say / way] bitterly helps me take off the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist spirit maliciously! How?” “我想请你,代表我.参与这次演武大会!”烈火真君恨恨的道“帮我狠狠挫一下裂天真君的锐气!如何?” I? This appropriate?” Song Zhong cannot bear surprised asking: After all, do I come?” “我?这合适吗?”宋钟忍不住吃惊的问道:“毕竟,我才来啊?” This has not related. First. You are Eastern Emperor World World Lord. Subordinates my God of Fire Heaven. Then in principle. You had qualifications of participation. Next, I am the God of Fire Heaven effective Daoist immortal, have the right to recommend the talented person, I recommend anyone to be good! „ Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: „ Therefore. Now on your a few words!” “这个没有关系.首先.你是东皇界界主.隶属我祝融天.那么原则上.你就有了参与的资格.其次,我身为祝融天的管事真君、有权利推荐人才,我推荐谁都行!“烈火真君笑道:“所以.现在就等你一句话了!” „, This? „ Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear forced smile say: „ Sir. Although I am Gold Immortal not false am merely am the Gold Immortal intermediate stage and in Gold Immortal this rank. Should be more than person who I am stronger than „. Others so, are you are perhaps different. Chaos Titan Clan, is the Pangu descendant. Is known as strongly, that is not the wave empty, even if Gold Immortal of intermediate stage, the fellow who also resists the Gold Immortal peak sufficiently you did not use before me is modest!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile this to be actually modest!” The Song Zhong forced smile said: Matter that „ I really fear badly you? “哦,这个?“宋钟闻言,忍不住苦笑道:“大人.我虽然是金仙不假可是才仅仅是金仙中期、在金仙这个级别里.比我强的人应该不少吧“哈哈.别人或许如此,可是你不一样.混沌巨灵族,乃是盘古后裔.号称最强,那可不是浪得虚,哪怕就是中期的金仙,也足以对抗金仙巅峰的家伙你就不用在我面前谦虚了!”烈火真君笑道“这倒不是谦虚!”宋钟苦笑道:“我实在是怕坏了您的事啊? Actually, Song Zhong is lazy is too not willing to begin with the person. He does not care about that prize, why? After all this is the Imperial Court grand meeting. When the time comes comes is the Immortal World elite, Song Zhong, although has cannot guarantee that self-confidently and can win steadily. Moreover the sword does not have the eye. Perhaps when the time comes he must be plotted in the arena! 其实,宋钟是懒不太愿意和人动手。他又不在乎那点奖品,何必呢?毕竟这是天庭的盛会.到时候来的全是仙界的精英,宋钟虽然有自信、可是也不敢就保证能稳赢。而且刀剑无眼.说不定到时候他就要被人在擂台上暗算了呢! Immortal Daoist Lie Huo saw Song Zhong the meaning of being perfunctory obviously. However this is also the way things should be. Besides these fight madmen. Who is willing to be all right with others hits to live to kill? Therefore he is not angry. 烈火真君显然看出了宋钟的敷衍之意.不过这也是人之常情.除了那些战斗狂人之外.谁愿意没事和人家打生打死啊?所以他并不生气。 However is not angry not representative Immortal Daoist Lie Huo gave up in light of this. Sees only his suddenly villainous smile one, [say / way] „. Song Zhong, you may know that what the Martial Arts Convention prize is?” 但是不生气并不的代表烈火真君就此放弃了。只见他忽然奸笑一声,道“嘿嘿.宋钟啊,你可知道,演武大会的奖品是什么?” „It is not clear. After is Imperial Court gathers the grand meeting of subordinate, thinks that they will not be parsimonious, the Song Zhong light [say / way]that is natural!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile according to the custom. The first person of Gold Immortal rank can enter the Jade Emperor treasure house, optional three types of things. Other two ranks, reduce each article in turn.” “不清楚,、不过.毕竟是天庭招揽部属的盛会,想必他们不会吝啬,宋钟淡淡的道“那是当然!”烈火真君笑道“按照规矩.金仙级别的第一人可以进入玉帝宝库,任选三样东西.其他两个级别的,依次减少一件件。” Jade Emperor treasure house?” After Song Zhong hear. Immediately came the spirit. Hurried [say / way]: What thing does inside have?” 玉帝宝库?”宋钟听后.立刻就来了精神.急忙道:“里面有什么东西?” That may be many, from 9000 ripe Immortal Peach, has everything expected to find to various nine levels of Immortal Tool, only then you have not seen, in has not existed!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo favorite [say / way]. „ How is it? Has moved? „ „ This Song Zhong lowered the head to ponder, was then on the rise to ask: „ I want to ask a thing and on Guanyin, first Heaven True Water in semi-transparent jade neck bottle. Does not know that has?. “那可就多了,从9000年一熟的蟠桃,到各种九级的仙器、应有尽有,只有你没见过的、没有里面不存在的!”烈火真君得意的道.“怎么样?动心了没有?““这个宋钟低头思考了一下,然后抬头问道:“我就想问一件东西、南海观音手上,羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水.不知道有没有?. Naturally has!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo afterward strange [say / way]: „Did you ask this doing?” “当然有!”烈火真君随后奇怪的道:“你问这个干什么?” Song Zhong does not conceal, direct sigh with emotion [say / way]: I have two good sisters, was Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus melts, in the past, I was harmed by the evildoer. Being on the verge of death. Was their two had sacrificed from already the Second Step Wood essence of hundreds of thousands of years of saving. Can make me practice to mix Shen Juling body, and separation step that from must die extricates. However their two. Directly has actually struck back the prototype. Does not know that many years can restore! „. Really also has this matter?” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo calls out in alarm said: These two people to your obligation. Well the repayment is!” 宋钟也不隐瞒,直接感慨的道:“我有两个好姐妹,是冰火并蒂双莲所化、当年,我被奸人所害.危在旦夕.是她们两个牺牲了自已身上数十万年积攒的乙木精华.才得以让我练成混沈巨灵之身,并从必死的隔阶中解脱出来。但是她们两个.却直接打回了原型.不知道多少年才可以恢复!“啊.竟然还有此事?”烈火真君惊呼道:“这两个人对你大恩啊。好好报答才是!” I also think that therefore after arriving at Immortal World. The first matter that I do is inquired how can make them recover, finally obtained answered Cai much. What a pity. It is not too slow, has the side effect. Only remaining ease in doing. In first Heaven True Water with semi-transparent jade neck bottle fills, can make them fully restore, and does not have other side effects!” Song Zhong asked afterward does not know senior to believe that this office will do? ” “我也是这么想的,所以来到仙界之后.我做的第一件事就是打听如何才能让她们复原,结果得到了不少答蔡.可惜.不是太慢,就是有副作用。唯一剩下的一个好办.就是用羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水灌,可以让她们完全恢复,并且毫无其他副作用!”宋钟随后问道不知道前辈认为,这个办能行得通吗?” Definitely does not have the issue. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said immediately with deep veneration: „ First Heaven True Water in semi-transparent jade neck bottle has the infinite mystery, the legend, before that is the past Pangu was epoch-making, XianTian treasure that preserves. If waters with it, that Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus not only can recover. Moreover insurance drafts the strength also to further strengthen many! “肯定没问题。烈火真君立刻肃然道:“羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水具有无穷奥妙,传说,那是当年盘古开天辟地之前,就存留的先天宝物。要是用它浇灌的话,那冰火并蒂双莲不仅可以复原.而且保征实力还会进一步增强很多! I from others there, obtained such news!” Song Zhong forced smile [say / way]may issue be immediately. First Heaven True Water in semi-transparent jade neck bottle is the unsurpassed most precious object, others Goddess of Mercy will not see somebody off easily. My such unimportant person. Does not ration others to pull on shoes, won't she give for nothing me this eastern Siping obviously? “我从别人那里,也是得到了这样的消息!”宋钟随即苦笑道“可问题是.羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水是无上至宝,人家观音也不会轻易送人。我这么一个小人物.都不配给人家提鞋的,她显然是不会把这东西平白给我吧? Hey. That is natural. Let alone you. Is I. The affirmation or comes.” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo [say / way] with a laugh: But, Celestial Emperor in Goddess of Mercy there. Somewhat the face, therefore in his treasure house has first Heaven True Water in Goddess of Mercy semi-transparent jade neck bottle. If you can take first. That this thing was your!” “嘿嘿.那是自然.别说你了.就是我.都肯定要不来。”烈火真君笑呵呵的道:“不过,天帝在观音那里.还是有几分面子的,所以他的宝库里就有观音羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水。要是你可以拿下第一名.那这东西就是你的了!” Can participate in Martial Arts Convention? „ A Song Zhong face depressed [say / way]: Sufficing that „ I after next hit was tired, has not thought ascended the sky. Also must continue to hit, this may. Feels sad?” “难道非得参加演武大会?“宋钟一脸郁闷的道:“我在下届已经打的够烦了、没想到上天之后.还要继续打下去,这可真是让人.情何以堪啊?” Ha Ha, all right!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo has patted the shoulder of Song Zhong. Saying with a smile: „ Martial Arts Convention is the Imperial Court face countenance is at after all, therefore does not permit the killing life. Every one has the high level immortal to protect at the same time. These many years later, have not had the accident. “哈哈,没事!”烈火真君拍了拍宋钟的肩膀.笑道:“演武大会毕竟是天庭的颜面所在,所以并不允许杀伤性命.每一场都有高级仙人在一边为护.这么多年下来,就从来没有出现过意外。 Also. Even if were the severe wound, had the Immortal Family treatment method, will not make you have the permanent injury. Must otherwise. Immortal who these fear death. The risk will not participate in this deciding the grand meeting! ” 再说了.就算是重伤了、有仙家的治疗手段,也根本不会让你产生永久性的伤害.要不然的话.那些怕死的仙人.才不会冒险来参与这决盛会呢!” Oh, such being the case, I also can only brace oneself to comply!” Song Zhong afterward resigned-looking [say / way]: Does not know that I can become, can perhaps be punched in the first pass?” “唉,既然如此,那我也就只能硬着头皮答应了!”宋钟随后一脸无奈的道:“也不知道我能不能成,说不定在第一关就要被人揍回去呢?” Is impossible!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo laughs to say immediately: I to you confident!” “不可能!”烈火真君马上大笑道:“我对你有信心!” Song Zhong hear that. Cannot bear the curious [say / way], you have not seen me to fight. Such to favor how me?, „, The truth told you!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo favorite [say / way]: Beforehand time. Person who this chapter by, book gateway member renews to have Chaos Titan Clan appears. Even if they are only middle level. Even primary Gold Immortal. North not being able to find that also punches peak Gold Immortal. Almost does not have the defeat! „ „ You said. Almost?” Song Zhong keen notes this word. Then directly asked: That also has the failure time?” 宋钟闻言.忍不住好奇的道,“你又没有见过我打架.怎么会这么看好我?,“嘿嘿,实话告诉你吧!”烈火真君得意的道:“以前的时候.本章节由,书门户会员更新出有混沌巨灵族的人出现.哪怕他们只是中级.甚至初级的金仙.也把巅峰金仙揍的找不到北.几乎从无败绩!““你说.几乎,?”宋钟敏锐的注意到这个词.然后便直接问道:“那是不是还有失败的时候?” „Has, but is few. Before was for a while the general idea , the idea suffered defeat!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile: Therefore, when Immortal World convenes Martial Arts Convention. So long as there is participation of Chaos Titan Clan, almost inevitably can take away first. This must become the rule.” “有是有,不过很少.都是一时大意、中了前计才败北的!”烈火真君笑道:“所以,在仙界召开演武大会的时候.只要有混沌巨灵族的参加,就几乎必然可以拿走第一名。这都要成规律了。” „, If in that case. The other day of immortal not raising one's head?” Song Zhong cannot bear curious asking: That can Imperial Court comply?” “哈、要是那样的话.别的仙人岂不是没有出头之日了?”宋钟忍不住好奇的问道:“那天庭能答应?”
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