CLC :: Volume #6

#565: Three big Buddhist meeting

This you do not know that according to the stipulation, after having won the champion, did not allow to participate next time. But Chaos Titan Clan altogether on several hundred clansmen, therefore was taken away several champions by them, radically is the immaterial matter!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile, this, my shamelessness, but all can support by you?” “这你就不知道了,按照规定,得过冠军之后,就不允许下次参赛了。而混沌巨灵族总共就几百族人,所以被他们拿走了几个冠军,也根本是无关紧要的事情!”烈火真君笑道,“这一回,我的这张老脸,可就全都要靠你来支撑啦?” After Song Zhong hear, hurried polite [say / way]: I do everything possible!” 宋钟听后,急忙客气道:“我尽力而为!” Ha Ha, has your words, I felt relieved!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo then suddenly deceitfully said with a smile, was right, to increase the little power to you, I can tell you a matter, in God of Fire Heaven, but there is a gambling establishment. On internal competition of God of Fire Heaven, regarding us is also a grand meeting, on stoker virtue Star Lord including our tops will also come. When the time comes, you press a note to yourself, guarantees can gain one greatly!” “哈哈,有你这句话,我就放心了!”烈火真君然后忽然奸笑道,“对了,为了给你增加一点点动力,我可以告诉你一件事,祝融天里,可是有赌场的。每逢祝融天的内部比试,对于我们来说也是一次盛会,连我们的顶头上司火德星君也会来。到时候,你给自己压一注,保准能够大赚一把啊!” Oh? Really also had said like this?” Song Zhong immediately eye one bright, asked hurriedly, that I whether to hide some information in the registration( is joyful, extremely evil Pinyin), to increase my odds?” “噢?竟然还有这样的说?”宋钟随即眼睛一亮,急忙问道,“那我是不是可以在报名的时候隐藏一些信息(图里是欣喜,万恶的拼音啊),以增加我的赔率呢?” Naturally, but, I thought actually does not have this necessity. Because you have been pushing to be quite famous now. After all flies upwards, can serve as the World Lord person not to be many, so long as you register, others know that is you!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said that „, therefore, this time you are hit honestly, whose you definitely could not deceive in God of Fire Heaven. However, can perhaps deceive in other places, because they may not know our Heaven Beyond the Heaven situations.” “当然可以,不过,我倒是觉得没有这个必要。因为你现在已经在催办比较有名了。毕竟才一飞升,就能荣任界主的人可不多,只要你报名,人家就都知道是你!”烈火真君道,“所以,这次你还是老老实实的打吧,在祝融天你是肯定骗不了谁的。不过,或许在其他地方可以骗骗,因为他们不一定会知道咱们这一层天外天的情况。” That line, is when the time comes casual you to arrange!” Song Zhong said afterward that was right, when carries on Martial Arts Convention?” “那行,到时候就随便您安排吧!”宋钟随后道,“对了,什么时候进行演武大会?” Six months later, is the God of Fire Heaven internal competition, but these time will have many this people of high skill to come, even other Heaven Beyond the Heaven fellows will also join in the fun, wants to seize the chance under the understanding our situation. Then the Imperial Court big ratio, was arranged next year. If you passed internal test, to big ratio time, will have the specialist to invite you!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile, I looked that your this time 80% can God of Fire Heaven make every effort to succeed to us, first came back with! Must know that were so many before in a competition, we best one time, merely was the True Immortal rank first, was occupied by the phoenix clan masters here to take. Really teasy!” “半年之后,是祝融天内部的比试,不过这一次也会有很多本界的高人前来,甚至其他天外天的家伙也会凑热闹,想趁机了解下我们的情况。然后天庭的大比,则被安排在明年。如果你通过了内部测试,到了大比的时候,就会有专人来请你了!”烈火真君笑道,“我看,你这次八成能给咱们祝融天争一口气,拿个第一回来呢!要知道,在以前那么多次比试里,咱们最好的一次,也仅仅是真仙级别的第一,还是住在这里的凤凰族高手拿的。真是让人恼火啊!” What's wrong? Takes first so to be difficult Song Zhong to hear this word, cannot bear asking of surprise. “怎么?难道拿个第一就这么困难”宋钟闻听此言,忍不住诧异的问道。 That is natural, big ratio time, comes, but Imperial Court control talent characters of all Heaven Beyond the Heaven, that is the groups of heroes gathers together seriously. And, Five Great Celestial Emperors is under fiercest, after all they must fight with various demons and monsters frequently, basically in fighting with all might to grow, such immortal, the battle efficiency is most valiant, our these life in the rear immortal, could not compare!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo somewhat helpless [say / way]. “那是当然,大比的时候,来的可是天庭掌控的所有天外天的天才人物,那当真是群英荟萃。其中,五大天帝手下最厉害,毕竟他们经常要和各种妖魔鬼怪交手,基本上是在拼杀中成长起来的,这样的仙人,战斗力最为彪悍,我们这些生活在后方的仙人,是比不了的!”烈火真君有些无奈的道。 This but actually is also!” Song Zhong nods saying that „the person who kills from battlefield truly likes the easy and comfortable immortal wanting to be fiercer than our these.” “这倒也是!”宋钟点点头道,“从战场上杀出来的人确实比我们这些喜欢安逸的仙人要厉害一些。” What's wrong? Won't you fear?” [Say / Way] that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear that, worries hurriedly, you are Chaos Titan Clan! We cannot lose face to Great God Pangu!” “怎么?你不会怕了吧?”烈火真君闻言,急忙着急的道,“你可是混沌巨灵族啊!咱不能给盘古大神丢脸啊!” He He, you felt relieved that I, although does not dare saying that must win the champion, but whole-heartedly, otherwise, I will be unfair to that two sisters!” Song Zhong somewhat helpless [say / way]. “呵呵,你放心吧,我虽然不敢说必拿冠军,但是怎么也会全力以赴的,不然的话,我对不起那两姐妹啊!”宋钟有些无奈的道。 In fact, treats ice hot two flower stalk, needing first Heaven True Water in semi-transparent jade neck bottle be able to make the best progress, Song Zhong will be will not participate in this competition absolutely. Others are for the treasure and a good family background, Song Zhong anything do not strive, has not fought completely. Compelled has not managed, has to finish. 事实上,要不是医治冰火并蒂莲,必须要羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水才能取得最好的效果,宋钟是绝对不会参与这种比试的。别人是为了宝物和一个好的出身,宋钟却什么都不求,完全没有战斗的。只是被逼的没办,不得不战罢了。 Once more and raging fire real group said after meeting the sub- idle talk, Song Zhong hurries to say goodbye. Because Song Zhong is earnest to this matter, after all this relates to the recovery of Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus. Therefore, since he complied to participate, that must prepare to turn well, strives to attain first. 再次和烈火真群说的一会子闲话之后,宋钟就赶紧告辞回来。因为宋钟对此事非常认真,毕竟这关系到冰火并蒂双莲的康复。所以,他既然答应参赛了,那就必须要好好准备一翻,争取拿到第一名。 Besides first Heaven True Water in semi-transparent jade neck bottle, actually the attractions of another two things to Song Zhong is also very big, after all that is the treasure in Celestial Emperor treasure house! By the Celestial Emperor status, possibly has the trash? 除了羊脂玉颈瓶里的先天真水以外,其实另外两件东西对宋钟的吸引力也是很大的,毕竟那是天帝宝库里的宝物啊!以天帝的身份,其中又怎么可能有垃圾? Immortal Daoist Lie Huo will not feel embarrassed wholeheartedly Song Zhong that plans to win the championship, very polite delivers him. After Immortal Daoist Lie Huo comes back, he then cannot bear laugh saying: Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist, this old man looked that you do fight with me? Hey, I must think an office well, supposes the next wrap, making this thing owe to be good maliciously!” 烈火真君自己不会为难一心打算夺冠的宋钟,很客气的将他送出去。等到烈火真君回来之后,他便忍不住哈哈大笑道:“裂天真君,这次老夫看你怎么和我斗?嘿嘿,我得好好想个办,设下一个套,让这个混账东西狠狠亏一把才行!” How does not raise Immortal Daoist Lie Huo to plan to plan the Heaven Splitting Immortal Daoist matter secretly, said only Song Zhong leaves God of Fire Heaven, after returning to Eastern Emperor World, Small Cha and Xiao Xue that he immediately heard the news to catch up with blocking. 不提烈火真君如何暗地里谋划算计裂天真君的事,单说宋钟离开祝融天,回到东皇界之后,他就马上被闻讯赶来的小茶小雪给拦住了。 Small Cha holds the hand of Song Zhong to say directly: Had an accident, why I felt that your mood is somewhat chaotic?” 小茶直接拉着宋钟的手道:“到底出了什么事,为什么我感觉出你的心境有些乱呢?” He He!” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear say with a smile, has not thought that you were getting more and more fierce, unexpectedly links this to feel?” “呵呵!”宋钟闻言,忍不住笑道,“没想到你越来越厉害了,竟然连这个都能感受的到?” Appearance that your face is not feeling well, quickly wrote on the face, who couldn't see?” Xiao Xue then said that hurries, said that had an accident?” “你一脸不爽的样子,都快写在脸上了,谁看不出啊?”小雪接着道,“还是赶紧,说吧,到底出了什么事?” Song Zhong also mixed with Xiao Xue for serveral days ripe, felt that this is actually very good with same the fellow who Small Cha almost lacks the mind, their relations become slowly are also harmonious. Therefore saw that Xiao Xue such ridicules him, Song Zhong has not been angry, is only the light [say / way]: Actually does not have anything, but I comply with Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, represents him to attend the Martial Arts Convention selection competition!” 宋钟这些天也和小雪混熟了,感觉这个和小茶几乎一样缺心眼的家伙其实很不错,两人的关系也变得慢慢融洽起来。所以见到小雪这么奚落他,宋钟也没有生气,只是淡淡的道:“其实也没有什么,只是我答应烈火真君,代表他去参加演武大会选拔比试!” Martial Arts Convention? What is that?” Small Cha puzzled asking. 演武大会?那是什么?”小茶一脸不解的问道。 Probably is one martial arts contest congress that Imperial Court holds?” Song Zhong frowns saying that makes concrete me is actually not very clear!” “好像是天庭召开的一种比武大会吧?”宋钟皱着眉头道,“具体我其实也不是很清楚!” At this time, Xiao Xue at the same time said suddenly: „ I know that I know. Martial Arts Convention is the Imperial Court grand occasion, with the Immortal Peach meeting of queen mother of the west, Meng Lanpen meeting of Buddha Tathagata, and is called the Immortal World three big grand meetings. Just, the following two types are only these great people can participate, least is Primordial Stage Gold Immortal is also good. 这时,一边的小雪却忽然说道:“我知道,我知道。演武大会天庭盛事,和西王母的蟠桃会,佛祖如来的孟兰盆会,并称为仙界三大盛会。只不过,后面两种只是那些大人物才能参与,最少也得是混元金仙才行。 But Martial Arts Convention is different, although also has large quantities of senior immortals, even is Celestial Emperor must appear, may main participant, actually be lower-level Gold Immortal, True Immortal and Heavenly Immortal. Once wins in Martial Arts Convention, they not only will obtain the reward of over value, but also( in original map will be demonstrated strength by the Imperial Court influence, hand hits emperor changing) to regard as important, pledges the rich condition to win over. Many immortals for this opportunity, will be involved. ” 演武大会则不同,虽然也有大批的高阶仙人,甚至是天帝都要出现,可其中的主要参与者,却是下层的金仙真仙天仙。一旦在演武大会中夺魁,他们不仅会获得超值的奖励,而且还会被天庭的势力(原图里显示实力,手打帝改之)所看重,开出丰厚的条件进行拉拢。很多仙人为了这个机会,都会参与其中。” Oh, Imperial Court is so big, does not know that how many Gold Immortal, True Immortal and Heavenly Immortal, when can this congress compare to arrive is?” Small Cha cannot bear call out in alarm said. “哎呀呀,天庭这么大,不知道有多少的金仙真仙天仙,这大会得比到什么时候才算完?”小茶忍不住惊呼道。 Naturally is casual no one can participate, must first carry on a selection. Lower Nine Heavens, each will hold an invitational meet, whatever various immortals enter, each Heaven Beyond the Heaven takes out first ten, this is to the opportunity of folk master. Moreover, Imperial Court each influence also has the different quotas, probably in Five Great Celestial Emperors are most, ten, other strength very fierce big gods also will obtain respectively the quota, but most of them will not use, but occasionally will delegate the disciple to participate, in addition, is each Heaven Beyond the Heaven big influence carries on the assignment or fight. God of Fire Heaven that we are at merely has less than ten quotas probably, has fire virtue Star Lord many Daoist immortal recommendations, then competes with produce mutually!” “当然不是随便谁都可以参与,首先要进行一次选拔。下九天,每一层都会召开一次预选赛,任凭各种仙人报名参加,每一层天外天都取出前十名,这是给民间高手的机会。另外,天庭内部的各个势力也有不同的名额,好像五大天帝手里最多,各有十个,其他实力非常厉害的大神也会获得名额,不过他们多数都不会使用,只是偶尔才会委派弟子参与,除此之外,便是各个天外天的大势力进行分配或者争抢。我们所在的祝融天好像才仅仅有不到十个名额,有火德星君手下的诸多真君推荐,然后相互比试产生!” Good clear, you know!” Small Cha cannot bear call out in alarm said. “哇,你知道的好清楚耶!”小茶忍不住惊呼道。 Oh, I lived these many years in Immortal World, the Martial Arts Convention such big matter, how don't I possibly know?” Xiao Xue curls the lip saying that you also really by the hick who the manner hometown does get down?” “天哪,我在仙界住了这么多年,演武大会这么大的事情,我怎么可能不知道?”小雪撇撇嘴道,“你还真以为人家乡下来的土包子啊?” Ha Ha, where where, we are the countryside!” Small Cha grinning [say / way], „, since your this city person what knows that you and I said that this Martial Arts Convention is lively?” “哈哈,哪里哪里,我们才是乡下来的!”小茶笑嘻嘻的道,“既然你这城里人什么都知道,那你和我说说,这演武大会热闹不热闹?” Naturally lively!” Xiao Xue immediately the excited [say / way], it is said that this Martial Arts Convention holds in Jade Emperor Heaven, that is the Jade Emperor residence, in Upper Nine Heavens is also excellent. I have not gone to play!” “当然热闹啦!”小雪随即兴奋的道,“据说,这演武大会是在玉皇天举行,那可是玉皇大帝的居所,在上九天里也算是顶好的。我都没有去玩过的呢!” Right? Can we play?” Small Cha immediately curious [say / way]. “是吗?那我们能不能去玩一下?”小茶立刻好奇的道。 Naturally is not usually good, because the control between Heaven Beyond the Heaven is very strict, the miscellaneous personnel do not want to take a stroll everywhere. However, this time we had a good opportunity!” Xiao Xue excited said. “平常当然不行,因为天外天之间的管制是很严格的,闲杂人等别想到处溜达。不过,这次我们却有了一个好机会!”小雪一脸兴奋的说。 What good opportunity?” Small Cha hurries to pursue asks. “什么好机会?”小茶赶紧追问道。 Is he!” Xiao Xue points at the nose of Song Zhong saying that defers to the stipulation, the participating person can lead the family member. So long as he can through the invitational meet, earn the qualifications of Martial Arts Convention, we can camouflage his sister, plays together!” “就是他啦!”小雪指着宋钟的鼻子道,“按照规定,参赛的人可以带着家属。只要他能通过预选赛,拿到去演武大会的资格,那我们就可以伪装成他的妹妹,跟着一起去玩啦!” Oh, good!” Small Cha hear that, is overjoyed immediately, holds on the hand of Song Zhong to say hurriedly: You will certainly win, is right?” “哎呀,太好了!”小茶闻言,顿时喜出望外,急忙拉住宋钟的手道:“你一定会赢的,对不对?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the [say / way] that does not know whether to laugh or cry: „Are you only thinking playing?” 宋钟闻言,忍不住哭笑不得的道:“难道你们就只想着玩?” „It is not thinking playing, what can also think?” Small Cha innocent [say / way]. “不想着玩,还能想着什么?”小茶一脸无辜的道。 Song Zhong was really speechless to her, the small girl does not know that the Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus restoration needed the first Heaven True Water matter, because she was only and Xiao Xue everywhere runs like crazy daily. Song Zhong does not want to make her bear many responsibility, has not told her, therefore not good to be angry to her now, therefore then helpless [say / way]: Good, good, I can take a quota, can lead you to go! This general headquarters?” 宋钟对她是实在无语了,小丫头并不知道冰火并蒂双莲复原需要先天真水的事情,因为她天天就只是和小雪到处疯跑。宋钟也不想让她背负过多的责任,也就没有告诉她,所以现在也不好对她生气,于是便无奈的道:“好吧,好吧,我可以拿下一个名额,也可以带着你去!这总行了吧?” Although full assurance of Song Zhong to winning the championship not, but through the invitational meet, that is not worried. If cannot pass including Chaos Titan Clan the preelection, that Song Zhong can kill. 虽然宋钟对夺冠并没有十足的把握,但是通过预选赛,那还是丝毫不担心的。要是连混沌巨灵族都过不去预选,那宋钟就可以一头撞死了。 But Xiao Xue hear after at the same time, [say / way] that worries immediately: I? I? I also want to go!” 而一边的小雪听后,却立刻着急的道:“那我呢?我呢?我也想去啊!” You?” Song Zhong white her eyes said that do not think!” “你?”宋钟白了她一眼道,“你就别想了!” You bully the person!” Xiao Xue hears this saying, immediately resulted in the tears to want on the air/Qi! “你欺负人!”小雪听见这话,顿时就气得眼泪都要下来了!
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