CLC :: Volume #6

#563: Begins the mighty waves

Thinks that Small Cha all sorts of magical things, Song Zhong is also out of control to vacillate own thinking, in the heart has pressed, in this Ashura clan also has the good person?” 想到小茶的种种神奇之处,宋钟也禁不住动摇了自己的想,心中按到,“难道这阿修罗一族里也有好人?” In order to confirm own thinking, Song Zhong therefore then turns the face away to that young miss said \; You said that you is a good person, you can explain, why will you appear in the place of this wilderness open country?” 为了证实自己的想,宋钟于是便扭脸对那小姑娘道\;“你说你是好人,那你能解释一下,你为什么会出现在这个荒郊野外的地方吗?” Others had driven out by the clansman, roams about outside!” The young misses were saying, the tears have streamed down, afterward then intimate complained tearfully: Others quite pitiful because is not willing to marry an ugly ghost, was been ominous by the family member, but also takes the blade to force me, I can only run away secretly, hum ~ “人家被族人赶出去了,在外面流浪啊!”小姑娘说着,眼泪都下来了,随后便戚戚的哭诉道:“人家好可怜的就因为不肯嫁给一个丑鬼,就被家里人凶,还拿刀逼我,我只能自己偷偷逃出来,呜呜~” Small Cha hear that, ran immediately grasped her in the past, then comforted, while said to Song Zhong \; What he said is the truth, coming out that I can listen to!” 小茶闻言,马上跑过去抱住她,然后一边安慰,一边对宋钟道\;“他说的是实话,我可以听的出来!” Regarding the judgment of Small Cha, Song Zhong is a question does not have. However for all this, he has alerted to this mysterious female. Therefore frowns to say \; Said such quite a while, haven't we known your name?” 对于小茶的判断,宋钟是一点疑问都没有。不过尽管如此,他还是对这位神秘兮兮的女子有所戒备。于是边皱着眉头道\;“说了这么半天,我们都还不知道你的名字呢?” Others called Xiao Xue, the sister-in-law paternal grandmother's trembling [say / way]: Is pitiful Ashura female Small Cha awaits carefully, nods to say once more: „ What said is the truth, coming out that I can listen to!” 人家叫小雪,小姑奶奶颤巍巍的道:“是个可怜的阿修罗女子小茶仔细听候,再次点点头道:“说的是实话,我能听的出来!” Song Zhong could not bear finally, complained: You, if anything can hear, that was deceived how also by him 宋钟终于忍不住了,抱怨道:“你要是什么都听得出来,那怎么还被他骗了” Oh, Small Cha hear that, actually extremely helpless [say / way] \; Strict, she has not deceived me, because after I meet her, two people together were playing. I had not asked that she is any race, but has regarded the monster clan subconsciously, but he had not acknowledged that but had not denied similarly that made me misunderstand you not to misunderstand intentionally actually, the young miss shrugged to say \; You think that Ashura one group is not the monster, this is also, no wonder you can deceive me, you radically were actually speaking the truth, but I want to miss! The Small Cha somewhat annoying racket own head said \; It seems like that I was too stupid have made up, the young miss actually held on the hand of Small Cha to say \; Is I am not good, I should not make you misunderstand this unable intentionally to blame you, after all a reputation of your clan, really Is -@00000000000000043125 knitting the brows head, has not continued, but asked \; Right, what to do do you later plan? 唉,小茶闻言,却极为无奈的道\;严格来说,她也没有骗我,因为我遇见她之后,两个人就在一起玩起来了。我并没有问她到底是什么种族,只是下意识的当成了妖族,而他也没有承认,只是同样没有否认,故意让我误会了其实你也没有误会啊,小姑娘耸耸肩道\;难道你以为阿修罗一组不是妖怪吗啊,这也是,怪不得你能骗得了我呢,却原来你根本就是在说实话,只是我自己想差了!小茶有些懊恼的拍拍自己的脑袋道\;看来,我还是太笨了补补,小姑娘却拉住了小茶的手道\;是我不好,我不该故意让你误会这也不能怪你,毕竟你们一族的名声,实在是~小茶皱了皱眉头,没有继续说下去,而是问道\;对了,你以后打算怎么办? What to do can also? Roams about outside! When perhaps, will be discovered by immortal, was massacred by them! The young miss miserable [say / way]. 还能怎么办?就是在外面流浪呗!说不定什么时候,就会被仙人发现,然后被他们杀掉!小姑娘楚楚可怜的道。 Does not want, Small Cha immediately anxious hugs him to say \; Outside was too dangerous, or you follow me, in our family has the monsters of many good intention, they will certainly like your! 不要,小茶立刻紧张的抱着他道\;外面太危险了,要不你跟我走吧,我们家里有很多好心的妖怪,她们一定会喜欢你的! Oh, how that can the young miss timid, too to be troublesome you, although she said that but big eyes of hope actually betrayed his innermost feelings thinks. 哎呀,那怎么可以小姑娘怯生生的到,岂不是太麻烦你们了虽然她是这么说,可是一双期盼的大眼睛却出卖了他内心的真实想。 When Song Zhong lets not be willing to let a Ashura female of unknown origin since own domain, particularly at this time, if his parents walk, that did trouble in a big way? 宋钟当让不愿意让一个来历不明的阿修罗女子进入自己的地盘,尤其是在这个时候,万一他的父母找上门来,那岂不是麻烦大了? But the words of Song Zhong opposition have not said that Small Cha of familiar Song Zhong temperament directly called, did not trouble to be many you, did not have anything! Is right? Saying, she looks at eye to Song Zhong, shows a stance decidedly. 可是宋钟反对的话还没有说出口,熟悉宋钟脾气的小茶就直接叫到,不麻烦多你一个人而已,根本没什么的!对不对?说着,她就把眼睛望向宋钟,摆出一副决然的架势。 Song Zhong looked that this expression head quickly worried to break to pieces him to know, this was Small Cha is indicating the determination to him, if did not comply, Small Cha definitely will not go back, but was chooses and young miss roams about together. How does Song Zhong give up Small Cha? 宋钟一看她这表情脑袋都快愁碎了他知道,这是小茶在向他表明决心,要是不答应,小茶肯定也不会回去,而是选择和小姑娘一起流浪。宋钟如何舍得小茶啊? But, Song Zhong has to probe [say / way] , do I give her in the nearby a house? 无奈之下,宋钟只好试探着道,要不,我在附近给她个房子? Small Cha hear that, obtains enlightenment immediately without hesitation, that constructs greatly, I must live, moreover later will not visit you! Then, he also maliciously stared Song Zhong one. 小茶闻言,立刻毫不犹豫得道,那就建大一点,我也要住进去,而且以后再也不会去看你了!说完,他还狠狠瞪了宋钟一眼。 Then delivered to attach great importance to losing heart thoroughly, has to hold up both hands surrender to say \; Calculates that I had feared you were good! Goes back together and that's the end! 这下送重视彻底死心了,只好举起双手投降道\;算我怕了你行了吧!一起回去就是了! Hee hee, Small Cha then shows the smiling face, draws the young miss to run over, said to Song Zhong that you felt relieved, I have the premonition, she will not be our enemies, moreover perhaps, later also will become our family members. Cannot be so parsimonious to the family member ~ 嘻嘻,小茶这才露出笑容,拉着小姑娘跑过来,对宋钟道,你就放心吧,我有预感,她不会是我们敌人,而且说不定,以后还会成为我们的家人。对家人可不能那么吝啬哦~ The Song Zhong scratching the head skin, in the heart secretly recorded this saying at heart. Because he knows, although Small Cha will not practice divination , because of the Heavenly Law connection too deep reason, often can make him know something ahead of time. Although is very fuzzy, is very difficult to act according to this information to obtain enlightenment the accurate judgment, but actually the accuracy that does not hinder her to predict! 宋钟挠挠头皮,心中则暗自把这话记到了心里。因为他知道,小茶虽然不会占卜,可是因为和天道关联太深的缘故,往往能够让他提前知道一些事情。虽然都很模糊,很难根据这点信息得道准确的判断,可是却不妨碍她预言的准确性! Therefore, after having Small Cha these words, impression of Song Zhong to young miss was also better. At that moment meets rudeness with a smile, asking them to ride the thunder flying boat, goes back the cut-off rule together 所以,有了小茶的这句话后,宋钟对小姑娘的观感也好了许多。当下就陪着笑脸,请他们坐上雷霆飞舟,一起回去分割线 After returning to Amethyst Imperial Palace, the young miss had been conquered by Amethyst Imperial Palace of charm instantaneously, the eye winks is looking at it that does not wink, cannot bear call out in alarm said that good pretty house! Is this place that you live in? 回到紫宸殿之后,小姑娘瞬间就被魅力的紫宸殿征服了,眼睛一眨也不眨的望着它,忍不住惊呼道,好漂亮的房子啊!这就是你住的地方吗? Now is also not, because has not covered! However, and that's the end! Small Cha holds the hand of young miss to say afterward \; Right, you later also live in inside, with me stays together? 现在还不是,因为没有盖好呢!不过以后就是了!小茶随后拉着小姑娘的手道\;对了,你以后也住在里面,就和我住在一起吧? Can I also live here? In the young miss excited eyes of started to brave the star naturally! Small Cha says with a smile immediately \; Do not forget, we are the good friend, the good friend should each other share the good thing! Come, in I lead you to have a look! 我也可以住在这里?小姑娘兴奋的眼睛里都开始冒星星了当然可以!小茶立刻笑道\;你别忘了,我们是好朋友,好朋友就应该彼此分享好东西!来,我带你去里面看看! Then, Small Cha drew young miss to go to Amethyst Imperial Palace to play, but Song Zhong after packing off them, actually immediately sank the complexion, immediately starts to convene under will do efficiently, told them, the severe restraint subordinate, no one can this life space secret, the revelation give the newly arrived Xiao Xue miss. 说完,小茶拉着小姑娘去紫宸殿游玩去了而宋钟在送走她们之后,却马上将脸色一沉,立刻开始召集手下的得力干将,告诉他们,严厉的约束手下,谁也不能把本命空间的秘密,泄露给新来的小雪姑娘。 The heart of so-called injuring someone cannot have, against person's heart must have! Although Song Zhong believes the judgment of Small Cha, but actually must carry on some necessary measures, prevents to have an accident after the warning, Song Zhong feared that causes the attention of Small Cha and Xiao Xue hurries to send the person, has only left behind the Five Elements quiet lotus Lian Qing azure, Song Zhong to Lian Qing with deep veneration, you said right, that and Small Cha really had the issue in the together young miss, she loves a person of Asura clan 所谓害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无!宋钟虽然相信小茶的判断,可是却依然要进行一些必要的措施,防止出事在警告过后,宋钟怕引起小茶小雪的注意就赶紧把人打发走,只留下了五行清静莲所化的莲青青儿,宋钟莲青肃然到,你说的没错,那个和小茶在一起的小姑娘确实有问题,她是爱修罗一族的人 Lian Qing hear that is surprised to say immediately \; Oh, Sir you a Ashura bringing? If he leaks our secrets, what to do that can? 啊,莲青闻言顿时大吃一惊道\;哎呀,大人你怎么把一个阿修罗给带回来了?他要是把我们的机密泄露出去,那可怎么办啊? I have not managed, this is the meaning of Small Cha! Song Zhong frowns to say \; Small Cha said that he is a good person, will become family member same existence with us! 我也没有办,这是小茶的意思!宋钟皱着眉头道\;小茶说,他是个好人,而且会和我们成为家人一样的存在! Did Small Cha say? Lian Qing hear that, cannot bear the strange [say / way] \; If so, that may feel strange. The Small Cha natural intuition is astonishing, there is an accurate premonition ability, he should not make a mistake. But can a Ashura's woman, how become a family member with us? ~ 小茶这么说么?莲青闻言,忍不住奇怪的道\;如果是这样的话,那可就奇怪了。小茶天生直觉惊人,又有精准的预感能力,他应该不会出错。可是一个阿修罗的女人,怎么会和我们成为家人?难道说~ A Lian Qing face strange is looking at Song Zhong, [say / way] cautiously \; Did the Sir you have a liking for him? 莲青一脸怪异的望着宋钟,小心翼翼的道\;大人你看上他了? Talked nonsense anything, Song Zhong hear that, she was a child, although Song Zhong said that but in the mind went to be out of control to recall the beautiful figure of that young miss. The females of this Ashura Clan have the title of source of trouble worthily. Present young miss, although did not have long neat, has the qualification of bringing disaster on the nation and people as before, her small face, that called a fineness, was the same with the chinaware. Moreover, his body has a monster not to flatter, noble and does not distort the personality the unique makings, is annoys the person to scare to death. Man who Song Zhong this year to year sways back and forth in the flowering shrubs, has to acknowledge that this girl is he has seen in all beautiful women, is most attractive, Lian Qing has not seen Song Zhong to be angry the Yuan also to be thought must be taught, unexpectedly afterward has not actually continued to be scolded, instead sees the appearance that Song Zhong was in a daze, she yes what's the matter, could not bear cover mouth hey to smile the Lian Qing laughter immediately to awaken Song Zhong, he knows immediately one were rude, cannot bear one shamelessly red, argued hurriedly that I just am thinking other matter, was not you wants such Lian Qing hear that, could not bear. Teased with a smile, the expert, you thinks that what your slave was imagining? 胡说什么,宋钟闻言,她还是个孩子虽然宋钟这么说,可是脑海里去禁不住回想起了那个小姑娘的倩影。这阿修罗族的女子不愧有着祸水的称号。眼前的小姑娘,虽然还没有长整齐,却依旧有着祸国殃民的本钱,她那张小脸,那叫一个精致,就和瓷器一样。不仅如此,他身上带着一股妖而不媚,高贵而又不失真性情的独特气质,更是惹人吓死。以至于就连宋钟这样常年在花丛里打滚的男人,也不得不承认,这丫头是他见过的所有美人里,最漂亮的,没有之一莲青宋钟生气元被还以为要被教训一顿,却不料随后没有继续被骂,反而看见了宋钟发呆的样子,她顿时就明白是怎么回事了,忍不住捂着嘴嘿嘿笑起来莲青的笑声惊醒了宋钟,他顿时就知道自己失态了,忍不住老脸一红,急忙辩解到,我刚刚在想别的事,不是你想的那样莲青闻言,忍不住。笑着调侃道,达人,你以为奴家在想象什么啊? The no 300 taels of silver buried, Song Zhong circled itself passive Song Zhong unable to bear one after another somewhat becomes angry out of shame, he along with, even if were annoyed \; What do I manage you to think? In brief, I give you now a duty, that in secret observes closely this young miss, having a look at him besides to play with Small Cha, what also has done, what especially must pay attention, looked that she is the outside has the relation to understand? 得,此地无银三百两,宋钟自己把自己绕进去了接连被动的宋钟忍不住有些恼羞成怒,他随即便恼火到\;我管你想什么?总之,我现在就交给你一个任务,那就是暗中盯住这位小姑娘,看看他除了和小茶玩耍之外,还干了些什么,尤其要注意的是,看她是不是和外界有联系明白吗? Saw Song Zhong to say the proper business, the affection also immediately received the heart of joke, with deep veneration \; Yes, I understand! I planned that platoon several astute competent people, in the name of serving Small Cha, follows in their side like this their every action and every movement, in our grasped. 宋钟说正事,恋情也马上收起了玩笑之心,肃然到\;是,我明白的!我打算排几个精明能干的人,以伺候小茶为名,跟在他们身边这样他们两个的一举一动,就都在我们的掌握了。 Very good, defers to the office that you said! Song Zhong happy complying arrives that my this told! Lian Qing said that afterward she then sets out to say goodbye in receiving several months, is uneventful, the young miss under the surveillance of Lian Qing, is honest, all day and Small Cha greasy in the same place, two play in the surroundings unusual is happy. 很好,就按照你说的办吧!宋钟痛快的答应到那么,我这就吩咐下去了!莲青道,随后她便起身告辞在接下的几个月时间里,一直都是风平浪静,小姑娘在莲青的监视下,非常老实,整天都和小茶腻在一起,两个在周围玩的非常开心。 By the appearance of knight, the affable temperament, as well as the miserable gentleman, the young miss won the consistent approval of Song Zhong under Flower Monster. Who likes to her, even if usually ominous Soul Devouring Ghost-Eyed Lotus, after facing her is Luo except for the rare smiling face. Thus it can be seen, this young miss is likable 凭借爵士的容颜,和蔼可亲的脾气,以及楚楚可怜的绅士,小姑娘赢得了宋钟手下花妖的一致认可。谁对她都非常喜欢,哪怕就是平时凶巴巴的噬魂鬼眼莲,也在面对她的是哦后罗除了罕见的笑容。由此可见,这小姑娘有多么讨人喜欢 The picture of this staying on good terms with everyone is Song Zhong likes seeing that moreover he wants to enjoy this tranquil life, the tranquil day that but, Song Zhong likes how long has not continued, finally by heartless interruption! 这种一团和气的景象是宋钟喜欢看到的,而且他非常想享受这种平静的生活,只不过,宋钟喜欢的平静的日子并没有持续多久,最终还是被无情的打断了!
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