CLC :: Volume #6

#560: Ling Xiaozi returns

Song Zhong thinks after one betray Asura Xue, the appearance that Patriarch Blood River leads the innumerable Ashura army, control to be blotting out the sky the bloodshed that revenges, he has the feeling of being afraid. 宋钟一想到自己出卖修罗雪之后,血河老祖带着数不清的阿修罗大军,驾驭者铺天盖地的血海来报仇的样子,他就有种不寒而栗的感觉。 Therefore Song Zhong then darkly decides to say in the heart: „ In any event, cannot make this great-aunt have an accident in own ground absolutely! If the immortal, oneself have not calculated feared that after all the back has Primal Chaos to be great 于是宋钟便在心中暗下决心道:“无论如何,也绝对不能让这位姑奶奶在自己的地面上出事!要是仙人,自己还不算太怕,毕竟背后有混沌 Spirit clan backer. But regarding Patriarch Blood River, who he manages you are? Is the Jade Emperor crown prince, definitely the photo kills does not harm! Moreover killed is also Bai Sha! The Immortal World army cannot enter in any case 灵族这个靠山。可是对于血河老祖来说,他管你是谁?就是玉皇大帝的太子,也肯定照杀不误!而且杀了也是白杀!反正仙界的大军也打不进 His Ashura goes! ” 他的阿修罗去!” For own poor life considers, Song Zhong decides to disregard this information finally. Ordered directly: Has killed this idiot, we go back immediately, when comes out not to come, knows?” 为了自己的小命着想,宋钟最终决定无视这条信息。直接下令道:“杀了这白痴,咱们马上回去,就当出来没有来过,知道吗?” Yes!” Why although Flower Monster do not know Song Zhong to be able like this. But stemming from the trust Song Zhong, they are very clever complies, and this matter in heart. “是!”虽然花妖们不知道为何宋钟会这样。可是出于对宋钟的信任,她们还是很乖巧的答应下来,并将此事记在心中。 Song Zhong after Demonic Desire Witch strikes has killed that Ghost King, immediately her receives, then brought the large unit to go back hurriedly. 宋钟天欲魔女击杀了那个鬼王之后,马上就将她收起来,然后便带着大部队风风火火的回去了。 Returns to Amethyst Imperial Palace once more time, is several days later. Song Zhong accident saw Ling Xiaozi, originally he completes the transaction exactly, hurried back from Lower Nine Heavens. 再次回到紫宸殿的时候,已经是几天之后了。宋钟意外的见到了凌霄子,原来他恰好完成交易,从下九天赶了回来。 Song Zhong comes back, Small Cha is pestering Ling Xiaozi, calling him to tell the story, Ling Xiaozi by she pestered must not have the means the time, happen to saw Song Zhong Thunderbolt Divine Boat, he may sees the liberator, led her to fly the Song Zhong flying boat hurriedly. 宋钟回来的时候,小茶纠缠着凌霄子,叫他讲故事,凌霄子正被她纠缠得没办法的时候,正好看见宋钟雷霆神舟,他可算是见到救星了,急忙带着她飞上宋钟的飞舟。 Must know, although Small Cha is not the Ling Xiaozi match, is others status is special, is Song Zhong here little princess, even can be said as the uncrowned king, besides Song Zhong, was she most authoritative, rested does not dare to offend her. Although optional Ling Xiaozi is not willing to be this maid very much, but actually does not dare to say anything, can only manipulation. 要知道,小茶虽然不是凌霄子的对手,可是人家身份特殊,是宋钟这里的小公主,甚至可以说是无冕之王,除了宋钟之外,就属她最有权威的了,睡也不敢得罪她。随意凌霄子虽然很不愿意当这个保姆,可是却也不敢多说什么,只能一个劲的应付。 Luckily Small Cha after seeing Song Zhong, lost the interest to Ling Xiaozi, after on flying boat, directly soars Song Zhong to go, no longer pays attention to Ling Xiaozi. 幸好小茶在见到宋钟之后,就对凌霄子失去了兴趣了,上了飞舟之后,就直奔宋钟而去,不再理会凌霄子 After Song Zhong and Small Cha have played together, the immortal fruit that comes back the time to discover sends her with a tray, then had and opportunity of Ling Xiaozi in private speech. 宋钟小茶一起嬉戏了一阵之后,用一盘子回来时候发现的仙果将她打发走,然后这才得到了和凌霄子私下说话的机会。 After the miscellaneous personnel drive out, Song Zhong then impatient asking: How is it that matter manages? Did the thing get rid?” 将闲杂人等都赶出去之后,宋钟便迫不及待的问道:“事情办的怎么样?东西都出手了吗?” Naturally has gotten rid, you look!” Ling Xiaozi was saying, pulls out a bag to give Song Zhong directly. “当然都出手了,您看!”凌霄子说着,直接掏出一个袋子递给宋钟 Song Zhong opens looks, the discovery is bag Purple Jade. This Purple Jade takes the Immortal World general monetary unit, each one inch square, above has the Immortal World unique cloud pattern, the size is consistent, guarantees is a twofold. As for the fabrication, that was not too possible. After all in this rich Spiritual Qi may unable to deceive the immortal. 宋钟打开一看,发现是一袋子紫玉。这紫玉作为仙界通行的货币单位,每一块都有一寸见方,上面有仙界特有的云纹,大小都一致,保准是一两重。至于造假,那就不太可能了。毕竟这里面丰厚至极的灵气可骗不了仙人。 Song Zhong first time sees Purple Jade, with is holding appreciatively in the hand, is very novel. He just probably the number crossed, this bag Purple Jade enough more than 300, are not the decimals! 宋钟还是第一次见到紫玉,拿在手里把玩着,很是新奇。他刚刚已经大约数过了,这袋子紫玉足足有300多枚,可不是小数啊! Really listened to Ling Xiaozi happily to say very much: Your majesty, generally speaking, the low level material is impossible to carry out the transaction with Purple Jade, such others suffer a loss, generally settles accounts with White Jade. However, who called our things to be many! That many materials, enough made hundreds of thousands low-order immortals refine one set of Magical Artifact. These big sect urgently needed this types by thing of Imperial Court control, therefore, our time goods become very marketable, many influences think that swallows. However, I had not sold to them finally, but has been divided into several, was scattered to sell in 78 places, even if were this, they also delighted is willing to trade with Purple Jade.” 果然就听凌霄子很是得意的说:“主公,一般来说,低级材料是不可能用紫玉进行交易的,那样人家太吃亏,一般都是用白玉来结算。不过,谁叫咱们的东西多呢!那么多材料,足够让十几万低阶仙人炼制一套法宝了。那些大宗门都急需这种被天庭管制的东西,所以,咱们这次的货变得非常抢手,很多势力都想一口吞掉。不过,我最终并没有将它们卖给一家,而是分成了十几份,在78个地方零散着卖了出去,即使是这样,他们也都乐滋滋的愿意用紫玉来换呢。” Good!” Song Zhong is not silly, one listens to know that the meaning of Ling Xiaozi, cannot bear the appreciation say: Such good, sold to words, offended other people not saying that also not easy to lift the price. Moreover, the thing of such big quantity, is not good to explain, analyzes the small stock, haggles over does not cause others' suspicion!” “好!”宋钟也不傻,一听就知道凌霄子的意思,忍不住赞赏道:“这样好啊,卖给一家的话,得罪其他人不说,还不容易把价格抬上去。而且,这么大数量的东西,也不好解释,还是拆分成小股,计较不引起别人的怀疑!” Hey, I also like this think!” Ling Xiaozi said with a smile, after this time, before I not only contacted on, must relate, and son has developed many new channels. Your majesty, I will guarantee next time can sell certainly quickly, the price was higher!” “嘿嘿,我也是这样想的!”凌霄子笑道,“经过这一次之后,我不仅联络上以前得关系,儿且还开拓了不少新渠道。主公,我下次保准卖得贵快,价格更高!” After Song Zhong hear, although was very happy, but is slightly some anxieties [say / way]: You, if such has no scruples sells the massive materials continuously, can cause others' suspicion?” 宋钟听后虽然很高兴,可还是略微有些疑虑的道:“你要是这么毫无顾忌的连续卖出大量材料,会不会引起别人的怀疑呢?” He He, your majesty felt relieved that subordinate knows in heart, the place and object who this Lower Nine Heavens can trade in were too many. The subordinates do not stick continuously and a person trade. After my this time exits, will change the place and others trades, and my appearance nine nights of hui changes once more. insurance will not make anybody get suspicious is!” Ling Xiaozi strikes one's chest the guarantee to say. “呵呵,主公放心,属下心里有数,这下九天可以交易的地方和对象是在太多了。属下不糊连续和一个人交易的。我这次出去后,就会换地方和别人进行交易,并且我的形貌九夜茴再次变化。保准不会让任何人起疑心就是!”凌霄子拍着胸脯担保道。 Is very good, such I also felt relieved!” Song Zhong nods, then said: You leave these days, we saved many good things, you can take away. However, this time left has sold outside the thing, you also left a duty, that purchased!” “很好,那样我也就放心了!”宋钟点点头,然后道:“你离开的这些日子里,我们又积攒了不少好东西,你都可以拿走。不过,这次出了卖东西以外,你还多出了一个任务,那就是采购!” Purchase?” Ling Xiaozi hear that, immediately curious asking: What things did your majesty want to purchase?” “采购?”凌霄子闻言,马上好奇的问道:“主公想要采购些什么东西?” First is Elixir, prepares to Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus!” Song Zhong said with deep veneration that they initially for me, discarded several hundred thousand years of cultivation are, this benevolence I have remembered. Now we came Immortal World, in hand also to have the extra money, the first matter must help them restore the strength, you must help me pay attention well are!” “首先是灵药,给冰火并蒂双莲准备的!”宋钟肃然道,“她们当初为了我,舍弃了几十万年的修为,这个恩情我一直记得。现在咱们来了仙界,手上也有了余钱,第一件事就必须帮助她们恢复实力,你得好好帮我留意才是!” One hear is this matter, Ling Xiaozi immediately a complexion entire, serious [say / way]: Your majesty Gao Yi, I fully will naturally support. According to me said it, helping their Elixir have, but the price is a little high, perhaps is not necessarily able to buy including Purple Jade!” 一听是这事,凌霄子马上脸色一整,严肃的道:“主公高义,我自然会全力支持。据我说之,帮助她们的灵药不是没有,只不过价钱有点高,恐怕连紫玉都未必能够买到!” I, no matter, regardless of pays the big price, I also morning a point wants them to restore the strength, even goes a step further!” Even [say / way] with deep veneration, regarding us, money is not the issue, you look for the path by all means on the line.” “那我不管,无论付出多大的代价,我也早一点要她们恢复实力,甚至更进一步!”甚至肃然的道,“对于咱们来说,钱不是问题,你只管去找路子就行。” If, that were quite in this case simple!” Ling Xiaozi said that I can hang a duty in Lower Nine Heavens, the roll-call buy such Elixir, the price casual opposite party open. Generally speaking, the immortals have themselves to want thing that but also cannot obtain, therefore this news, if spreads, these have this Elixir, the person who and has not used greatly definitely will walk, puts forward the condition with us. However, in this case, we will fall into the passive aspect, preparation that often must make blackmail!” “要是这样的话,那就比较简单了!”凌霄子道,“我可以在下九天挂出一个任务,点名求购这样的灵药,价钱随便对方开。一般来说,仙人都有自己想要但是却又得不到的东西,所以这个消息要是传开的话,那些有这种灵药,而又没有大用的人就肯定会找上门来,跟咱们提条件。不过,这样的话,咱们就会陷入被动的局面,往往要做出被人敲诈的准备!” Blackmail blackmails, in any case also such!” Song Zhong said that other matters can actually slow one slow, is the Conjoined Stem Ice and Fire Dual Lotus sisters' matter, must be with a sense of urgency good, I may also be unable to continue watching their present pitiful appearances again!” “敲诈就敲诈吧,反正也就这么一回!”宋钟道,“其他的事情倒是可以缓一缓,可是冰火并蒂双莲姐妹的事情,一定要抓紧才行,我可再也看不下去她们现在的凄惨模样!” Yes, your majesty felt relieved that I do certainly utmost, handles this matter!” Ling Xiaozi guarantees to say. “是,主公放心,我一定竭尽全力,将此事办好!”凌霄子保证道。 Um, I believe your ability!” Song Zhong nods, then said: Moreover, a matter I must ask you to solve!” “嗯,我相信你的能力!”宋钟点点头,然后接着道:“另外,还有一件事情我得拜托你去解决!” Please say!” Ling Xiaozi said immediately, „, no matter any matter, I do fully!” “请说!”凌霄子马上道,“不管什么事,我都全力去做!” Um!” The Song Zhong bathroom access road, is this, I want to refine stronger Divine Lightning Flying Boat, but does not suffer from a better core, does not know that you can find the way to solve this matter?” “嗯!”宋钟浴室便道,“是这样的,我想来炼制更强的神雷飞舟,可是苦于没有更好的核心,不知道你能不能想办法解决此事?” This......” Ling Xiaozi knitting the brows head, then said that generally speaking, the top flying boat of world of mortals makes the core by Immortal Tool, but Immortal World flying boat, similarly so, the Immortal Tool grade that but they need is quite high! The subordinates thought that if you want to refine stronger flying boat, pours does not need to collect too many best quality goods Immortal Tool, such expenditure is too big. Would rather simply uses your injured rare and precious material, asking the person specially to be the Divine Lightning Flying Boat refinement core, in that case, the colored price were few, but the effect will be instead better. After all specially is Divine Boat refinement core, compared with core that using Immortal Tool makes, more suitable Divine Lightning Flying Boat need, you said that is?” “这个……”凌霄子皱了皱眉头,然后道,“一般来说,凡间的顶级飞舟都是靠仙器来做核心,而仙界的飞舟,也同样如此,只不过它们所需要的仙器品级比较高而已!属下觉得,您要是想炼制更强的飞舟,倒也没有必要收集太多极品仙器,那样花费太大。倒不如干脆用您受伤的珍稀材料,请人专门为神雷飞舟炼制的核心,那样的话,花的代价少,而效果反而会更好。毕竟专门为神舟炼制的核心,比用仙器做的核心,更加适合神雷飞舟的需要,您说是不是?” Rational!” Song Zhong hear that, nods saying that you said was too right, I want also to be so! Or this, my this time lets the genuine good thing that your other carries off to decompose, then finds the person to refine a core to come back, we test first, has a look at the situation, then decided whether production in enormous quantities!” “有理!”宋钟闻言,点点头道,“你说的太对了,我想也是如此!要不这样,我这次让你另外带走一些分解出来的真正好东西,然后找人去炼制一件核心回来,咱们先实验一下,看看情况,再决定是否大批量生产!” Good!” Ling Xiaozi readily agrees, then asked: What flying boat do you plan to make? I also quite make in the immortal person heart that everybody refines have the integer.” “好!”凌霄子一口答应下来,然后问道:“那您打算制造什么样的飞舟?我也好让大家炼制的仙人心中有个数。” Um!” Song Zhong thinks that said: Best to resist Greater Gold Immortal Divine Lightning Flying Boat!” “嗯!”宋钟想了想,道:“最好是可以对抗大罗金仙神雷飞舟!” „?” Ling Xiaozi one hear of this saying, had a scare immediately, the forced smile said: Your majesty, was your appetite also too rather big?” “啊?”凌霄子一听这话,顿时就吓了一跳,苦笑道:“主公,您的胃口未免也太大了吧?” Oh!” Song Zhong heaved a deep sigh, then smiled bitterly saying that my this was also has no alternative!” “唉!”宋钟长叹一声,然后苦笑道,“我这也是不得已而为之啊!” Sees the Song Zhong depressed appearance, Ling Xiaozi to know immediately does not suit, cannot bear ask, „? Had an accident?” 看见宋钟沮丧的样子,凌霄子立刻就知道不对劲,忍不住问道,“怎么?难道出事了?” Almost!” Song Zhong shakes the head, then said in a soft voice that I told you low voice, you did not want the to divulge to an outsider!” “差不多吧!”宋钟摇摇头,然后轻声道,“我小声告诉你,你可不要外传!” Um!” Ling Xiaozi complies to say immediately that your majesty felt relieved, my mouth is very solid!” “嗯!”凌霄子立刻答应道,“主公放心,我的嘴巴还是很严实的!” That is good!” Song Zhong then [say / way] cautiously, I just came back from several thousand inside and outside Blood Spring, there, I have captured alive wicked Ghost King, then from his mouth, obtained a shocking news......” “那就好!”宋钟这才小心翼翼的道,“我刚刚从几千里外的一处血泉回来,在那里,我活捉了一只恶鬼王,然后从他口里,得到了一个令人震惊的消息……” Then, Song Zhong the Patriarch Blood River youngest daughter, existence of Asura Xue, told Ling Xiaozi. Then said with a smile: You said that the great-aunt of this not being able to stir up in our here, I can not guard against this? If which day she is prompted by a sudden impulse to take a stroll, sees me in her top of the head, perhaps she directly butchered me! Therefore I must hurry to make one to suffice strong Divine Lightning Flying Boat, at least can resist with her is good, otherwise others get the gate, don't I have the strength of revolt?” 然后,宋钟就把血河老祖小女儿,修罗雪的存在,原原本本的告诉了凌霄子。然后笑道:“你说说,这位惹不起的姑奶奶在咱们这儿,我能不防备这点吗?万一哪天她心血来潮出来溜达,看见我就在她头顶上,她说不定就直接把我宰了!所以我得赶紧制造一艘够强的神雷飞舟,至少得能和她对抗才行,要不然人家打上门来,我都毫无反抗之力啊?” . ..
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