CLC :: Volume #6

#561: Small Cha fortuitous encounter

After listening to the Song Zhong words. Ling Xiaozi is also immediately surprised, his hurried [say / way]: Oh, has not thought that here also has such troublesome matter. If really this, that you indeed have also been in being in a dilemma region. The Patriarch Blood River manner hides shortcomings mean-spiritedly, if his unmarried girl had the matter, he to gather your here inevitably asks you to retaliate. But the Asura World fellow anything good thing, is not moves the axle on the avid follower of murder. If not guard, perhaps really will be given to harm by her!” 听完宋钟的话之后.凌霄子顿时也是大吃一惊,他急忙道:“哎呀,没想到这里还有这么麻烦的事情。如果真要是这样的话、那你还的确就是处于了两难的境地。血河老祖为人小气护短、要是他的闺女在您这里出了事情、他必然合找你报复的。可是阿修罗界的家伙也不什么好东西、都是动轨就杀人的狂徒。如果不加以提防,说不定就真会被她给害了!” Not!” Song Zhong helpless [say / way]: Therefore I am worrying for this matter! We cannot provoke Patriarch Blood River of Ashura Clan, can unable by that princess bullying is not? Therefore is thinking hurries to cause enough formidable Divine Lightning Flying Boat, is good to protect oneself.” “可不是吗!”宋钟无奈的道:“所以我正为这事发愁呢!咱们招惹不起阿修罗族的血河老祖,可也不能被那位公主给欺负了不是?所以才想着赶紧弄出一艘足够强大的神雷飞舟,好自保。” Subordinate understood!” Ling Xiaozi nods to say immediately: I will get so far as the core that you want as soon as possible. However. Even if had the core, you also do lack some divine lightning?” “属下明白了!”凌霄子立刻点点头道:“我会尽快弄到您要的核心。不过.就算是有了核心,您还缺少一些神雷吧?” Good, Divine Lightning Flying Boat needs divine lightning to be good. However our present manpower are not enough, moreover their strength is not strong. Condensation divine lightning cannot withstand uses greatly, therefore this matter is also very embarrassing!” Did Song Zhong ask the office that „ what you may have to solve afterward? “不错,神雷飞舟需要神雷才行.不过我们现在的人手不够多而且她们实力不强.凝聚的神雷也不堪大用所以这事也很让人为难!”宋钟随后问道“你可有什么解决的办? I remember that Immortal World has to plant probably refines divine lightning Lightning Gathering Platform specially. So long as Spiritual Qi enough can condense also to calculate good Five Elements Immortal Lightning automatically. Very suitable low level immortal to use. Perhaps that thing can help you!” Ling Xiaozi said. “我记得,仙界好像有种专门炼制神雷聚雷台.只要灵气足够就可以自动凝聚成还算不错的五行仙雷.非常适合低级仙人使用。或许那东西可以帮助您!”凌霄子道。 One hear, immediately eye clear bright, hurried [say / way]: „ That thing can definitely help me! To manage to make. 一听,顿时眼晴一亮,急忙道:“那东西肯定能帮我啊!想办弄来。 These special goods. Is certain thing that is good at sect of refiner trading outward. Wants you richly to buy . Moreover, quantity enough big words. They also can perhaps have custom-made stronger Lightning Gathering Platform!” Ling Guanzi said. “这些特殊物品.是某些擅长炼器的宗门对外贩卖的东西只。要您有钱就可以买到,而且,数量足够大的话.他们还说不定能够定制更强的聚雷台呢!”凌管子说道。 That was too good. I just want to make to restrain flatter to move to Divine Lightning Flying Boat of Luo clan specially, but actually does not get so far as that many special divine lightning, the person who if you know can make, you called them to open the mouth freely, other did not say. Purple Jade we do not lack!” The [say / way] of Song Zhong atmosphere. “那就太好了.我正想弄个专门克制阿移罗一族的神雷飞舟,可是却总也弄不到那么多特种神雷,要是你认识的人可以制造,你叫他们尽管开口,别的不说.紫玉咱们是不缺的!”宋钟大气的道。 Good, my this contacts!” The Ling Xiaozi nod complies to say. “好吧,我这就去联络!”凌霄子点头答应道。 Afterward. Ling Xiaozi then very happy brought Song Zhong to decompose the material that for serveral days, said goodbye to depart with that bag Purple Jade. 随后.凌霄子便很痛快的带着宋钟这些天来分解的材料,和那一袋子紫玉告辞离去。 Because of being important, Song Zhong has not detained, but exhorts his idea security problem. 因为事关重大,宋钟也没有挽留,只是一个劲的嘱咐他主意安全问题。 After packing off Ling Xiaozi, Song Zhong does not dare to run around, all day in floating the spatial island is staying. 送走凌霄子之后,宋钟也不敢到处乱跑了,整天在浮空岛上呆着. And lets under widen the reconnaissance scope to 1 million li (0.5km) surrounding area. If then, there is any slightest sign of trouble, he can also feel that sits transmission to run up to God of Fire Heaven to pray for rescue. 并且让手下把侦查范围扩大到1000000里方圆。如此一来,要是有什么风吹草动,他也可以感觉坐传送阵跑到祝融天去求救。 Although said existence of this princess that definitely will offend the terror Patriarch Blood River. But faced with the threat of life, Song Zhong when the time comes could not attend to that many. At the worst, he does not come back. Patriarch Blood River again has the skill. Also impossible to chase down him in the Immortal World center. 虽然将这位公主的存在说出去,必然会得罪恐怖的血河老祖.可是面临生命的威胁,宋钟到时候也就顾不了那么许多了。大不了以后他都不回来了。血河老祖就算是再有本事.也不可能在仙界腹地追杀他。 But as the matter stands, Song Zhong Eastern Emperor World must lose. This to him absolutely is a huge attack and loss. Therefore. In situation unless it is absolutely essential. Song Zhong is not willing to put together a fight in which both sides perish with this princess. 只不过这样一来,宋钟东皇界就要失去.这对他绝对是一个巨大的打击和损失。故而.在不到万不得已的情况下.宋钟是不愿意和这位公主拼个鱼死网破的。 Naturally, although Song Zhong has completed the worst plan, but Bi Jing has not been in that situation, this is provides for a rainy day merely. Therefore his project has not stopped, even also has the trend of speeding up. Regarding Small Cha. The situation becomes very bad, because Song Zhong was worried that she will have an accident, therefore does not make her exit to saunter. Only can play in this life space. 当然,尽管宋钟做好了最坏的打算,可是毕竞还没有到那种地步,这仅仅是未雨绸缪罢了。所以他的工程并没有停止,甚至还有加快的趋势。只是对于小茶来说.情况变得很糟糕,因为宋钟担心她会出事,所以不让她出去转悠.只能在本命空间里玩。 However. Although Song Zhong the life space had nearly ten thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area, but actually also puts up ten not to live in Small Cha one to treat in is several hundred years. Inside all amusing places she has played. 不过.宋钟的本命空间虽然已经有近万里方圆了,可是却也架不十住小茶在里面一待就是数百年。里面所有好玩的地方她都玩过了。 In addition most will speak Ling Xiaozi of story also no longer. A Small Cha person naturally is stuffy must die. 再加上最会讲故事的凌霄子也不再.小茶一个人自然是闷的要死。 Therefore the small girl all day and Song Zhong is restless, must go out to play. Song Zhong was entangled by her filament has not really managed. In addition uneventful in the recent several days. Nothing. Therefore Song Zhong at heart one soft. Agreed that makes Small Cha play in the nearby. 于是小丫头就整天和宋钟闹腾,非要出去玩。宋钟被她纤缠的实在是没有办。再加上最近几天都风平浪静.没有什么事。于是宋钟就心里一软.同意让小茶在附近游玩。 Song Zhong meaning originally, gives her a surrounding area several thousand li (0.5km) range, this distance, Song Zhong in a flash. Can take care. 宋钟原本的意思,就是给她方圆几千里的范围,这点距离,宋钟转瞬就到.可以照应的来。 But after Small Cha exits to forget, that with escaping the stiff wild horse is the same. Rides is used the respective rare metal to feed by her to ten levels of Gold Devouring Beast. The small girl ran unexpectedly hundreds of thousands li (0.5km). 可是小茶一出去忘后,那就和脱僵的野马一样.骑着已经被她用各自稀有金属喂食到十级的噬金兽.小丫头竟然跑出去了十几万里. Her side protected her person to cast off. 就连她身边保护她的人都被甩开了。 Song Zhong when protects Small Cha Flower Monster panic-stricken comes back to report that this matter, knows the frenzied move of small girl. 宋钟还是在保护小茶花妖惊恐的回来报告这事的时候,才知道小丫头的疯狂举动。 Now Song Zhong has a matter to process, really has not experienced to manage her, therefore then whatever simply she goes out to play. The small girl knows in heart in any case. Should be insufficient to run is too far. And the brother ten levels of Gold Devouring Beast are not affable, this whole body glittering metal Demonic Beast. Very fierce. Especially Song Zhong this, the rare metal that because feeds are specially many, good to be too more than wild Gold Devouring Beast yield condition. Therefore although his strength is also in ten levels of moments, is the one-to-one words, can hit many 11 levels of Demonic Beast absolutely. 现在宋钟有一的事情要处理,实在没有经历管她了,于是便索性任凭她出去玩吧。反正小丫头心里有数.应该不至于跑的太远。兄且十级的噬金兽也不是好惹的,这种浑身金光闪闪的金属妖兽.非常的厉害.尤其是宋钟这一只、因为喂养的稀有金属特别多,比野生的噬金兽生长条件好太多了.所以他的实力虽然还处于十级的关头,可是一对一的话,绝对能打过不少11级的妖兽 Has this fellow side Small Cha. Song Zhong believes that the small girl will not suffer a loss. After all this was equal to overthrowing to be heavy after that turbulent later and biosphere. In short time. 有这家伙在小茶身边.宋钟相信小丫头不会吃亏。毕竟这一界经过那次动荡之后、生物圈等于是重新推倒了重来。短短时间里. Also is not enough to produce enough threatens ten levels of Gold Devouring Beast monsters. Song Zhong sends out that many Flower Monster scouts in any case, strongest Demonic Beast that found, merely is one nine levels. 还不足以产生足够威胁到十级噬金兽的妖怪。反正宋钟派出那么多花妖探子,找到的最强妖兽、也仅仅是一只九级的。 Really, in the following day, Small Cha sets out early and returns late, the delight of playing, has not actually foreseen any danger. Comes back on the contrary each time. Will bring some wild spirit fruits to Song Zhong. The renewal is quicker 果然,接下来的日子里,小茶早出晚归,玩的不亦乐乎,却并没有预见任何危险。反倒是每次回来.都会给宋钟带来一些野生的灵果.更新更快 Looks at a she filial clever appearance. Song Zhong really could not say blame words to come, whatever she went. 看着她一副孝顺乖巧的模样.宋钟也实在说不出责备的话来,就任凭她去。 Express that the tranquil day always crosses. In an instant, was over half a month passes. Song Zhong Purple Star Palace has begun to take shape at this time. After consuming has been similar to mountain equally many metals. Occupying land area surrounding area several hundred li (0.5km) Purple Star Palace had the rack. The biggest several main shrines build, only remaining some small palaces, as well as internal ornamental work. 平静的日乎总是过的特快.转眼间,又是大半个月过去了。宋钟紫辰殿此时已经初具规模。在耗费了如同大山一样多的金属之后.占地方圆数百里的紫辰殿已经有了架子.最大的几个主殿都营造起来,只剩下一些小殿,以及内部的装饰工作。 Has to say. Although Flower Monster do not have what talent in the fight, is Heavenly Beauty they. Has creativity in the life extremely. In their careful designs, under construction. Perhaps Song Zhong eastern Chen Palace does not have original installation Purple Star Palace to be so luxurious, atmosphere, but actually left for several points to go toward to build with gently beautifully. 不得不说.花妖们虽然在战斗上没有什么天赋,可是天美的她们.却在生活上极有创意。在她们的精心设计,建造下。宋钟的东辰殿或许没有原装的紫辰殿那么奢华,大气,可是却多出了几分迤搭和柔美。 Because of new Purple Star Palace, although is completely same as old Purple Star Palace in the contour, however is joined to the color standard. Had obvious different beforehand Purple Star Palace. Although day purple Chen, may in fact. With purple not too big relations. However now is different, the entire main hall had been made into the purple by Flower Monster, just like the purple type, after polishing is luminous, seriously is glittering, auspicious sign Yingying, shining in sunlight was very attractive, probably is a giant amethyst is the same! 因为新的紫辰殿,虽然在外形上和老紫辰殿完全一样,但是在色彩的格配上.却有了明显的不同以前的紫辰殿.虽然名曰紫辰,可实际上.和紫色并没有太大的关系。但是现在就不一样了,整个大殿都被花妖们弄成了紫色,就宛如紫样,打磨光亮之后,当真是金光闪闪、紫气莹莹,在阳光的照耀就别提多漂亮了,就好像是一块巨型的紫水晶一样! Originally, in trash that God of Fire Heaven sends, includes many Purple gold. Flower Monster passed through tested several times. The discovery after some proportion mixes, melts in together metal, is this very sharp purple. Is paler than Purple gold, but actually left the calm of several gold, makes people pleasant. After Song Zhong looked. That is full of praise. As for Small Cha, the whole person almost soon Le Feng, every day must saunter several regarding new Purple Star Palace, gives up to play. 原来,祝融天发来的垃圾里,含有不少的紫金.花妖们经过数次实验.发现按照某种比例混合后,融化在一起的金属,就是这种非常亮丽的紫色。比紫金淡,但是却多出了几丝黄金的沉稳,非常让人赏心悦目。宋钟看了以后.那是赞不绝口。至于小茶,整个人几乎都快要乐疯了,每天都要围绕着新的紫辰殿转悠几圈,才舍得出去玩。 The following matter, is internal repair, the Flower Monster person are then many, wants to be also many, is thereupon easy to have the difference. But at this time needed Song Zhong to present to subside the dispute, and finally Bai Ban. 接下来的事情、便是内部的装修,花妖们人多,想也多,于是乎就容易产生分歧.而这个时候就需要宋钟在场平息纷争、并最终柏板。 Thereupon, he became busier, could not take care of Small Cha this girl completely. 于是乎,他就变得更加忙碌了,以至于完全照顾不到小茶这丫头。 However although Song Zhong neglected. But he under that several responsible person actually does not dare to neglect. Is fulfilling duty is looking after Small Cha that as before fulfills responsibility. But on this day early winds up a clock the time, the Five Elements quiet lotus Lian Qing, found Song Zhong suddenly quietly. Said that has the important matter to report. 然而宋钟虽然疏忽了.可是他手下那几个负责的人却并没有敢疏忽.依旧在尽职尽责的关照着小茶。而这一天早上钟时候,五行清静莲所化的莲青,忽然悄悄找到宋钟.说有要事禀告。 Since coming Immortal World, Shui Jing and the others who Song Zhong took advantage of before again could not count on. 自从来了仙界之后,宋钟以前依仗的水静等人就再也指望不上了。 He under most efficient several Flower Monster became he best assistants, has Soul Devouring Ghost-Eyed Lotus Lian Bai and Five Elements quiet lotus Lian Qing. 他手下最得力的几个花妖就成为了他最好的助手,其中就有噬魂鬼眼莲所化的莲白五行清静莲所化的莲青 Soul Devouring Ghost-Eyed Lotus Lian Bai. Inherited the Soul Devouring Ghost-Eyed Lotus savage natural disposition, very combative. In addition powerful and hot phoenix is approximate, therefore was appointed to be the military manager by Song Zhong, is responsible for outside patrol and defense, usually not here. 噬魂鬼眼莲所化的莲白.继承了噬魂鬼眼莲的凶残本性,非常好斗。再加上实力强大的和火凤凰近似,所以被宋钟委任为军事主管,负责外面的巡逻和防御,平时都不在这里。 As for the Five Elements quiet lotus Lian Qing, the thoughts are close, manages the master of internal affairs. 至于五行清静莲所化的莲青、则心思细密,是主理内政的高手. Therefore was appointed by Song Zhong for the manager. Be responsible for all matters of this big outdoor shop, compared with Song Zhong is busy, therefore, Song Zhong heard that she has the important matter to report in private. Immediately again, hurriedly received her in a secret room on Thunderbolt Divine Boat, then the straight grain asked: „ What matter had? 所以被宋钟委任为主管。负责这一大摊子的所有事情,比宋钟都忙所以,宋钟一听说她有要事想私下禀告.就马上重把起来,急忙在雷霆神舟上的一处密室里接见了她,然后直粮问道:“出什么事情了? Young Master Bing Jian! ” Lian Qing salutes saying that subordinate discovered recently Small Cha resembles some not to suit, therefore special your letter report!” 禀柬公子!”莲青施礼道,“属下最近发现小茶好像有些不对劲,所以特来禀报!” Doesn't suit? How doesn't suit?” Song Zhong hear that, frowns to say immediately: I daily visit her now, had not felt that her where doesn't suit?” “不对劲?怎么个不对劲?”宋钟闻言,立刻就皱着眉头道:“我现在天天都看着她,没有感觉她哪里不对劲啊?” Her manner behavior. Does not have too many leading actually often. But the issue is, I smelled the thick smell of blood from her!” Lian Qing in short supply [say / way]: Is one type is very ill-smelling, very evil flavor!” “她的举止行为.倒是没有太多的导常.可问题是,我从她身上闻见了浓厚的血腥味!”莲青紧张的道:“是一种很难闻,很邪恶的味道!” „Can you make a mistake?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear the forced smile say: I was just hugging her the time, but only smelled the fragrance? Is her unique tea is fragrant, this absolutely mistakenly!” “你会不会搞错了?”宋钟闻言,忍不住苦笑道:“我刚刚抱着她的时候,可是只闻见了香味啊?是她特有的茶香,这绝对错不了的!” Young Master!” [Say / Way] that Lian Qing one hear of Song Zhong this groups, worry immediately: „ Please redeem the subordinate to affront, although you are Chaos Titan Clan, but the nose of this clan is only ordinary. It is not keen. “公子!”莲青一听宋钟这帮,马上着急的道:“请赎属下冒犯,您虽然是混沌巨灵族,可是这一族的鼻子只是普通而已.并不灵敏。 But I am different. The subordinate is the incarnation of Five Elements quiet lotus, is most sensitive regarding the evil aura, I can promise, on Small Cha indeed to have the smell of blood you, moreover is very thick! ” 而我就不一样了.属下是五行清静莲的化身,对于邪气最为敏感,我可以向您保证、小茶身上的确有血腥味,而且很浓!” Right?” Song Zhong one hear of Lian Qing said that also attaches great importance to immediately. He knows fierce of Lian Qing. Five Elements quiet lotus that is one of the in society cleanest magical things, beforehand time. So long as Song Zhong exits to meet 0.1 to come back with the evil faction person. Lian Qing can from Song Zhong evil aura flavor, who distinguish Song Zhong is meets. Shui Jing and the others tested did not know many to return, has not made a mistake. Even compared with the Heavenly Cycle Calculation judgment of Shui Jing. “是吗?”宋钟一听莲青这么说,也马上就重视起来。他可是知道莲青的厉害.五行清静莲那可是世间最干净的灵物之一,以前的时候.宋钟只要出去和邪派的人见个面0.1回来.莲青就能从宋钟身上的邪气味道,分辨出宋钟到底是和谁碰面了。水静等人实验了不知道多少回,就从来没有失误过.甚至比水静周天易数判断的还准。 After all Shui Jing non- deduces Song Zhong this strength to surpass her immortal, but others Lian Qing can actually hear with the nose. 毕竟水静无推演宋钟这个实力远超过她的仙人,但是人家莲青却可以用鼻子闻出来。 Therefore, in this case, Song Zhong one hear of Lian Qing so affirmed. Immediately has believed her. Also realized. Probably Small Cha is contacting with any person secretly. 所以,在这种情况下,宋钟一听莲青如此肯定.就立刻相信了她.同时意识到.好像小茶暗地里在和什么人接触。 Therefore said then asks: „ Do you have to act according to her flavor, who judges her and meets? 于是讲便问道:“你有没有根据她身上的味道,判断出她和谁碰面? Only can conclude that is a person of Ashura clan, other does not know!” Lian Qing continues to say afterward: Moreover. Because I specially was recently busy, therefore has not seen Small Cha, this was in a moment ago. Meets to on the road she who goes out to play, finally smelled on her very strong smell of blood. I judge, Small Cha definitely incessantly to contact with that fellow one time. But has many times to be right!” “只能断定是阿修罗一族的人,其他的就不知道了!”莲青随后继续道:“另外.我因为最近特别忙,所以有一阵没有见过小茶了,这还是在刚才的时候.才在路上碰见要出去玩的她,结果就闻见了她身上很浓重的血腥味。我判断、小茶肯定不止和那家伙接触过一次.而是有很多次才对!” Damn!” Song Zhong hear that, was startled immediately, along with, even if cannot bear scoldthis dead girl not to know that lets my quiet meeting! “该死的!”宋钟闻言,顿时就吃了一惊,随即便忍不住骂道“这个死丫头就不知道让我清静一会! Although Song Zhong ruthless vitality. But the matter left, he must hurry to solve. [Say / Way] that therefore he then worries: Since you smell her flavor not to suit, how you haven't blocked her?” 虽然宋钟狠生气.可是事情已经出了,他也必须赶紧解决掉。于是他便着急的道:“既然你闻见她身上的味道不对劲了,那你怎么没有拦住她啊?” Young Master!” Lian Qing cannot bear the forced smile say: „The Small Cha temperament you are not do not know that after I discover do not suit. Immediately coaxes her do not run. But she does not listen, even is disinclined to listen to me to explain. Rode ten levels of Gold Devouring Beast to fly away. That Gold Devouring Beast is her one raises, only listens to her words, haven't I managed?” “公子!”莲青忍不住苦笑道:“小茶的脾气您又不是不知道,我发现不对劲之后.就马上哄她不要跑出去.可她就是不听,甚至都懒得听我解释.就骑着十级的噬金兽飞走了。那噬金兽是她一手养大的,只听她一个人的话,我也没有办啊?” Oh! „ Song Zhong hear that, can only heave a deep sigh. Then smiles bitterly saying: „ Ok, this also no wonder you, you told me, which direction did Small Cha run? I ask her to come back!. “唉!“宋钟闻言,只能长叹一声.然后苦笑道:“算了,这也怪不得你,你告诉我,小茶跑哪个方向去了?我自己去找她回来!. Is that direction!” Lian Qing is pointing at a direction hurriedly. Said: I see your time, asked specially others, they said that most Small Cha to walk toward that side. I guessed that what person she was is possibly better to meet?” This chapter by, the book gateway member hand hits upload not to draw the place of show in this bird, how to have the good person to appear and disappear at will? Did the brain of Small Cha irrigate? Unexpectedly and a stranger knows these many days, didn't say one to us?” Song Zhong startled fire was scolding, while the diving posture exited and control flying sword, pursued rapidly “是那个方向!”莲青急忙指着一个方向.道:“我来见您的时候,特意问了一下别人、她们说、最小茶都是往那边走的。我猜测她可能是和什么人越好了见面吧?”本章节由,书门户会员手打上传“在这鸟不拉展的地方,怎么会有好人随意出没?小茶的脑子灌水了吗?竟然和一个陌生人认识这么多天,都不跟我们说一声?”宋钟一边惊火的骂着,一边飞身出去、驾驭飞剑,急速追上去
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