CLC :: Volume #6

#559: Princess Asura

In Demonic Desire Witch formidable has not attracted under ability, that one or two Tribulations loose Immortal Ghost King, already comprehensively fell to the enemy, the whole person has been by the control state, therefore after hearing the question of Demonic Desire Witch, he is almost without hesitation came one: This has our several million malicious ghost compatriots!” 天欲魔女强大的没魅惑能力下,那位不过一两劫散仙鬼王,早就全面沦陷了,整个人就处于了被控制状态,所以听见天欲魔女的问话之后,他几乎是毫不犹豫的就来了一句:“这一界有我们数百万恶鬼同胞呢!” Song Zhong has not thought that Demonic Desire Witch evolves to such fierce degree, does not need to take possession can let the Ghost King start to talk, after Ghost King spoke these words, Song Zhong is out of gas to have doubts, cannot bear said to Demonic Desire Witch: What he said is real?” 宋钟没想到天欲魔女一句进化到这么厉害的程度,不需要附体就可以让鬼王开口,不过在鬼王说完这句话之后,宋钟缺油疑惑起来,忍不住对天欲魔女道:“他说的是不是真的啊?” Demonic Desire Witch knits the brows: Director Qi Bing, he completely has been controlled by me now, definitely will not lie!” 天欲魔女皱眉道:“启禀主任,他现在已经被我完全控制,肯定不会撒谎的!” Right?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear knit the brows: You ask him again, why in this in so many malicious ghost!” “是吗?”宋钟闻言,忍不住皱眉道:“那你再问问他,为什么在这一界里面会有那么多的恶鬼!” Yes!” Demonic Desire Witch complied with one, along with thick asked malicious ghost question: Here, person who his side must serve, naturally many malicious ghosts! ” “是!”天欲魔女答应了一声,随厚就问了恶鬼这个问题:在这里,他身边要伺候的人,自然有不少恶鬼!” What?” Song Zhong one hear of this saying, had a scare immediately, pursues hurriedly asks: You talk clearly to me, which princess in my this?” “什么?”宋钟一听这话,顿时吓了一大跳,急忙追问道:“你给我说清楚,哪个公主在我这?” Demonic Desire Witch asked one according to the meaning of Song Zhong hurriedly: That Ghost King very happy reply: Naturally is the blood river old lord youngest daughter, little princess Your Highness Asura Xue!” 天欲魔女急忙按照宋钟的意思问了一句:“那位鬼王很痛快的回答道:自然是血河老主最小的女儿,小公主阿修罗雪殿下了!” I by Song Zhong one hear on ignorant. A Asura World princess, even if smallest, perhaps also has the strength of Greater Gold Immortal rank, how possibly in this? Therefore Song Zhong hurries to closely examine what's the matter. “我靠”宋钟一听就蒙了。一位阿修罗界的公主,哪怕就是最小的,恐怕也有大罗金仙级别的实力,怎么可能在他这吗?所以宋钟赶紧追问是怎么回事。 This Ghost King also really completely knows, under the control of Demonic Desire Witch, the whole story of matter saying. 这位鬼王还真的全部知道,在天欲魔女的控制下,就把事情的原委给说出来。 Originally about 100,000 years ago, Patriarch Blood River wants oneself youngest daughter flatter Asura Xue, to marry some senior general who oneself regard as important, but actually encounters flatter Asura Xue opposition of vigorously, must know that a Ashura clan has a very special place, 原来在大约100000年前,血河老祖想把自己最小的女儿阿修罗雪,嫁给自己非常看重的某位大将,但是却遭到阿修罗雪的极力反对,要知道阿修罗一族有个非常特别的地方, That is, the females in their clan are the beautiful women of beautiful woman, absolutely is the source of trouble level, therefore is called Charming Enchantress. However the male of Ashura Clan on tragedy, that were must ugly the ugly, fiendish features not say that the body also had the rank stink how could not wash clean. 那就是,他们族里的女性一个个都是沉鱼落雁的美女,绝对是祸水级的,所以又被称为诱惑魔女。但是阿修罗族的男性就悲剧了,那是要多丑有多丑,一个个青面獠牙不说,身上还有股怎么都洗不清的腥臭味。 If this said that also is really the strange waist dies, everybody was born in the nether world blood river, female inevitably is the appearance compared with Heavenly Immortal, male is the ironclad clown like the malicious ghost, always overflowed any exception! 这要是说起来,也真是奇怪的腰死,大家同是在幽冥血河出生的,女的就必然是貌比天仙,男的就是铁定丑如恶鬼,从来就没过任何一个例外! This Patriarch Blood River youngest daughter flatter Asura Xue night is the same, long not only attractive, but also intelligent clever, the talent is also high, even if in beautiful woman such as cloud Ashura in a clan, is the first beautiful woman of recognition, in addition the first talented woman, strength, catches up, even are many elder brother elder sisters to be fiercer than her. 血河老祖的小女儿阿修罗雪夜一样,长的不仅漂亮,而且聪明伶俐,天赋也高,哪怕就是在美女如云的阿修罗一族里,也是公认的第一美女,外加第一才女,实力之强,更是后来居上,甚至比她很多哥哥姐姐都厉害很多。 A such girl, it can be imagined, that Patriarch Blood River will have loved, that is wants anything to give anything simply, since childhood spoils must die. 这样的一个女孩子,可想而知,那血河老祖会有多么的疼爱了,那简直是想要什么给什么,从小就娇惯的要死。 Also because of so, has fostered the arrogance of flatter Asura Xue, arrogant, the temperament of not being obedient. In this case, her father must betroth her to a clansman, ugly Ashura Yaksha King that must die, her where will agree. 也正是因为如此,就养成了阿修罗雪的自大,傲慢,不听话的脾气。在这种情况下,她父亲要把她许配给一个族人,一个丑的要死的阿修罗夜叉王,她哪里会同意啊。 Although this husband, in a Ashura clan, is the unusual talent, the age several long live, is promoted is the village of Greater Gold Immortal rank. Because of several times the meritorious service, by Patriarch Blood River was Yaksha King, governed Ashura Yaksha armed forces. 虽然她这位夫君,在阿修罗一族里,也是少有的天才,年纪不过十几万岁,就晋级为大罗金仙级别的村庄。更是因为数次功勋,被血河老祖封为夜叉王,掌管一支阿修罗夜叉军。 Must know, a Ashura clan army, Yun Dan! Altogether three types, are lowest, is Asura Devil Army, next is elite Ashura Yaksha, what as for is most formidable is Patriarch Blood River Personal Guard Army, Asura Blood God Army! 要知道,阿修罗一族部队,云淡的!总共有三种类型,最低下的,是阿修罗恶鬼军,其次便是精锐的阿修罗夜叉君,至于最强大的是血河老祖亲卫军,阿修罗血神军,! The Asura Blood God Army quantity are not many, only obeys the order of Patriarch Blood River, therefore generals of Ashura clan, most become Yaksha King, governs Ashura Yaksha armed forces, Patriarch Blood River son, is Yaksha King. 阿修罗血神军数量不多,只听从血河老祖的命令,所以阿修罗一族的将军们,最多不过成为夜叉王,掌管一支阿修罗夜叉军,就连血河老祖的儿子,也不过是夜叉王而已。 Generally, Yaksha King is the powerhouse of Primordial Stage Gold Immortal rank, but this flatter Asura Xue fiance, because actually makes the peerless great merit, does not seal to enjoy greatly, is insufficient the obedience, in addition his talent is extremely high, is promoted Primordial Stage Gold Immortal is only the time issue, therefore Patriarch Blood River specially makes an exception, lets also be in Greater Gold Immortal him, becomes historically youngest Yaksha King. 一般情况下,夜叉王都是混元金仙级别的强者,但是这位阿修罗雪的未婚夫,却因为立下绝世大功,不大加封赏,不足以服众,再加上他的天赋极高,晋级混元金仙只是时间问题,所以血河老祖才特意破例,让还处于大罗金仙的他,成为历史上最年轻的夜叉王 Regarding young people of Ashura clan, the achievement that this fellow achieves is nothing less than high, Patriarch Blood River regards as important him, indeed reasonable. 对于阿修罗一族的年轻人来说,这家伙取得的成就不可谓不高,血河老祖看重他,的确是有道理的。 However unfortunately. flatter Asura Xue cannot have a liking for husband who he scolded him to want as before, not only wanted to be competent, must have the appearance to be good essential. Let the disfigured who he and a face singes the tooth whole body stink get married, might as well has killed her! 但是可惜的是。阿修罗雪依旧看不上他骂他想要的夫君,不仅要有实力,最关键要有模样才行。让他和一个情面燎牙浑身臭味的丑八怪成亲,还不如杀了她呢! However although flatter Asura Xue is favored, but actually as before cannot waver the Patriarch Blood River faith, completes a head of the clan of Ashura clan he to need. Be responsible for extension of own race, the beautiful woman like his daughter Asura Xue adds the capable person, can only marry, own clansman, cannot absolutely cheap outside fellow, therefore, how regardless of flatter Asura Xue opposed that he insisted his decision that feared is Asura Xue threatens by the autonomy, Patriarch Blood River compromise, he even did not speak, that feared Asura Xue died, the corpse must marry Yaksha King that was promoted newly! 不过阿修罗雪虽然受宠,可是却依旧不能动摇血河老祖的信念,做完阿修罗一族的族长他必须要。为自己的种族的延续负责任,像他女儿修罗雪这样的美人加能人,只能嫁给,自己的族人,绝对不能便宜了外面的家伙,故而,无论阿修罗雪如何反对,他都坚持自己的决定那怕就是修罗雪以自残相威胁,血河老祖绝不妥协,他甚至发话说,那怕修罗雪就是死,尸体也要嫁给那位新晋级的夜叉王 Thereupon flatter Asura Xue thorough despaired, she no longer places hopes in her father only to depend upon itself, she then has chosen thereupon the running away marriage! 于是乎阿修罗雪彻底绝望了,她不再寄希望于自己的父亲只能依靠自己,于是乎,她便选择了逃婚! However, entire nether world blood river in the control of Patriarch Blood River, where regardless of Asura Xue hides, will be looked by him, but goes to other Heaven Beyond the Heaven, although can avoid Patriarch Blood River, will actually have the danger. After all a Ashura clan and Immortal World immortals is a mortal enemy, if by the immortal is known flatter Asura Xue status, definitely while still alive the bang will kill her. 但是,整个幽冥血河都在血河老祖的掌控,无论修罗雪躲藏在哪里,都会被他找出来,而去其他天外天虽然能够避开血河老祖,却又会生出危险来。毕竟阿修罗一族和仙界的仙人都是死敌,要是被仙人知道阿修罗雪的身份,肯定会活活轰杀她的。 As a person of Ashura clan, moistening of blood river, flatter Asura Xue was similar to the fish left the water by her strength, even if were insufficient to wither, but her cultivation to not improve, this regarding her, was hard to accept. 况且,作为阿修罗一族的人,血河的滋润,阿修罗雪就如同鱼儿离开了水以她的实力纵然不至于干死,可是她的修为也不会有所提高,这对于她来说,也是难以接受的。 In this case, flatter Asura Xue hated to feel embarrassed the period of time. However intelligent she, had found finally a seeking asylum good place, that is Song Zhong Eastern Emperor World. 在这种情况下,阿修罗雪恨是为难了一阵子。不过聪明的她,最终还是找到了一个避难的好地方,那就是宋钟东皇界 100,000 years ago, here also merely is Garbage Dump, moreover there is a small space storm often to appear and disappear, adds here to need to pass through Middle Nine Heavens again is Upper Nine Heavens, a Lower Nine Heavens transmission basis does not even have the means and here link, will therefore not have any vagrant immortal to come this, but these Middle Nine Heavens, or Upper Nine Heavens person, not rare this trash place everywhere, will therefore make here in Immortal World, unusual pure. 在100000年前,这里还仅仅是个垃圾场,而且还有小型空间风暴不时出没,再加上来这里需要经过中九天甚至是上九天,下九天的传送阵根本没有办法和这里联通,所以没有任何流浪仙人会来这,而那些中九天,或者上九天的人,又不稀罕这个垃圾满地的地方,于是就让这里成为了仙界里,少有的清净之所。 Asura Xue therefore then quietly looked for a link here space channel, opens with the magic arts coordination treasure, then brings to be her these Ashura subordinates to arrive at this! 修罗雪于是便悄悄的找了一个联通这里的空间通道,用法术配合宝物撑开,然后就带着属于她的那些阿修罗下属来到这界! After arriving at this, she immediately eliminated the trace of magic arts, and makes these space channels reduce, became one touches with before is the same, moreover flatter Asura Xue sea before departure, has emitted many loathing balls, as the matter stands, again also nobody knows that she came this to seek asylum, even Patriarch Blood River could not find her. 来到这一界之后,她就马上清除了法术的痕迹,并让那些空间通道缩小,变得和以前一摸一样,另外阿修罗雪海在离开之前,放出了很多厌恶弹,这样一来,就再也没有人知道她来这避难了,甚至就连血河老祖也找不到她。 However, flatter Asura Xue is a smart person, she knows that this comparison belongs to Immortal World, perhaps some people will scurry about, therefore she not on a grand scale makes an appearance outside, but is the wholly-absorbed vigorous below underground river, 不过,阿修罗雪是聪明人,她知道这一界比较属于仙界,说不定就会有人乱窜,所以她并没有大张旗鼓的在外面露面,而是专心发奋的下暗河, Under Asura Xue 100,000 years of painstakingly planning, eastern heaven some underground, turned into the Asura World supreme headquarters. Does not have strip thick blood river, in a surrounding area several million li (0.5km) range, forms a big piece of network of rivers and lakes densely covered, is hiding the Asura Xue army, because some small space channels are connecting the bloodshed, therefore they here live moistening. 修罗雪100000年的苦心经营下,东皇天的某地下,已经变成阿修罗界的大本营。无所条粗大的血河,密布在方圆数百万里的范围内,形成一大片水网,在其中隐藏着修罗雪的部队,由于有很多小型的空间通道连通着血海,所以他们在这里活的很滋润。 From the mouth of this only Ghost King, Song Zhong also knew, this flatter Asura Xue some situations, as a talent of Ashura clan, he also when several long live, is promoted is Greater Gold Immortal, the strength happen to presses Song Zhong to plan, not only that her subordinate also has the proper Ashura clansman several thousands, each has the True Immortal above strength, in addition has at least 3 million Yaksha armed forces, as well as 5 million malicious ghost armed forces 从这只鬼王的嘴巴里,宋钟还知道了,这位阿修罗雪的一些情况,作为阿修罗一族的天才,他也在十几万岁的时候,就晋级为大罗金仙,实力正好压宋钟一筹,不仅如此,她的手下还有正经的阿修罗族人数千,每个都有真仙以上的实力,另外还有至少哦3000000的夜叉军,以及5000000的恶鬼军 Yaksha is being promoted variety of malicious ghost, the malicious ghost generally is the Divided Spirit above rank, after being promoted Earth Immortal, can become Yaksha. Therefore this by Ghost King of Song Zhong captive, actually is also a Yaksha soldier. 夜叉是恶鬼的晋级品种,恶鬼一般都是分神以上的级别,晋级地仙之后,就可以成为夜叉。所以这位被宋钟俘虏的鬼王,其实也是一名夜叉战士。 After listening to the narration of this Ghost King, the head of Song Zhong is about to have exploded, he thinks after one came Eastern Emperor World, can enjoy happiness relieved, who predicted that under own foot is also hiding such big bomb? 听完这位鬼王的叙述之后,宋钟的脑袋都快炸了,他本以为自己来了东皇界之后,就可以安心享福了,可是谁承想,自己的脚底下还隐藏着这么大一颗炸弹啊? The Ashura soldier of Greater Gold Immortal rank, Song Zhong, although is not necessarily able to hit, but actually very much does not care, because here after is Immortal World, Song Zhong can definitely make the Zhurong World immortal destroy completely it. 大罗金仙级别的阿修罗战士,宋钟虽然未必能打过,可是却也不是很在意,因为这里毕竟是仙界,宋钟完全可以让祝融界的仙人将其灭掉。 The issue is the status of Asura Xue this fellow was really too sensitive, youngest daughter who Patriarch Blood River most liked, even if were she has annoyed the Patriarch Blood River vitality, this flesh and blood kinship also in inside! 问题是修罗雪这家伙的身份实在是太敏感了,血河老祖最喜欢的小女儿,哪怕就是她惹了血河老祖生气,这骨肉亲情也在里面呢! If Song Zhong betrays Asura Xue to Zhurong World, making her die in these immortal hands, what to do then Patriarch Blood River can? 如果要是宋钟修罗雪出卖给祝融界,让她死在这些仙人手里,那么血河老祖会怎么办? The old fogies definitely do not have the skill to attack Zhurong World, but he completely has the ability to destroy completely dozens times Song Zhong Eastern Emperor World! 老家伙肯定没本事攻击祝融界,但是他却完全有能力把宋钟东皇界灭掉几十次! . ..
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