CLC :: Volume #6

#558: Captures alive the clever king

After looking at the luxury of Purple Star Palace. Song Zhong does not want to live in itself the family in this life space. Therefore, he makes Flower Monster hurry each construction detail to record immediately, picture on Jade Talisman. 看了紫辰殿的奢华之后。宋钟就再也不想多住自己在本命空间中的家了。于是,他马上就让花妖们赶紧把各个建筑细节都记录下来,画在玉符上。 With the efforts of several thousand Flower Monster, this work merely used for three days to be completed. During, Song Zhong magic power has been consuming once more, luckily does not have to fight, he can also insist, if some people Purple Star Palace that attacks him to transform, he definitely could not insist. 在数万花妖的努力下,这项工作仅仅之用去了三天就完成了。再次其间,宋钟法力一直都在消耗着,幸亏没有进行战斗,他还能坚持下来,要是有人攻击他幻化的紫辰殿,那他就肯定坚持不住了。 Under after picture Purple Star Palace blueprint, is the busy construction work. Personnel of construction naturally or Song Zhong Flower Monster and Puppet-man, as for needing the material, Song Zhong also already thought. 画下紫辰殿的图纸之后,就是繁忙的施工工作。施工的人员自然还是宋钟手下的花妖傀儡人,至于需要的材料,宋钟也早就想好了。 He Mountain of Garbage on, the scraps of all weapon armor concentrates, builds up to turn into the metal spindles, serves as the building material. 他把垃圾山上,所有武器铠甲的废品都集中起来,炼化成一个个的金属锭子,用作建筑材料。 Metal spindle that this type builds up thickly, is only quite solid, because the ingredient is extremely complex, not too strong attribute, therefore cannot serve as to make the celestial troops and generals weapon armor. However, is used to make the building material the words, they are quite qualified. Not is only solid enough. Moreover quantity also foot. 这种粗炼的金属锭子,只是比较结实一点,因为成分太过复杂,并没有太强的属性,所以不能被用作制造天兵天将的武器铠甲。但是,用来做建筑材料的话,它们还是比较合格的。不仅够结实。而且量也足。 What is most essential, after Song Zhong such does, can other people explain why will have the matter that Mountain of Garbage vanishes baseless. Then, will not cause the suspicions of too many person. Must otherwise, Song Zhong photolysis Mountain of Garbage, making this trash fewer and fewer, then changed everybody to suspect. 最为关键的是,宋钟这么做之后,就可以给其他人解释为何会有垃圾山凭空消失的事情了。如此一来,就不会引起太多人的怀疑。要不然的话,宋钟光分解垃圾山,使得这一界的垃圾越来越少,那么换了谁都会怀疑的。 Thereupon, in the following time, Song Zhong started to begin near Purple Star Palace wantonly. Dozens blast furnaces stood erect, although they do not have the God of Fire Heaven blast furnace to be big, does not have others function, but actually also enough melts these low level metal trash. 于是乎,在接下来的时间里,宋钟就开始在紫辰殿附近大肆开工了。数十个高炉被竖立起来,虽然它们没有祝融天的高炉大,也没有人家的功能强,可是却也足够融化这些低级的金属垃圾。 As for melting their flame, can only depend on high level Flower Monster Natal True Fire. Although this is quite big to the consumption of Flower Monster, but cannot support others Song Zhong subordinate to be many! The words that high level Flower Monster arranges in groups in turn, several months are one's turn one time, do not delay anything. 至于融化它们的火焰,就只能依高阶花妖本命真火了。虽然这对花妖的消耗比较大,可是架不住人家宋钟的手下多啊!高阶花妖轮流排班的话,好几个月才轮到一次,根本就不耽误什么。 While Song Zhong constructs Purple Star Palace, he has not forgotten in the hidden danger to eastern heaven, is these Blood Spring, investigates. These Flower Monster repayments that sends said that they inside and outside several thousand, had found two Blood Spring, each has formed dozens zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area blood pond. About several hundred ugly malicious ghosts shake around the blood pond. 就在宋钟建设紫辰殿的同时,他也没有忘记对东皇天里的隐患,也就是那些血泉,进行调查。派出去的那些花妖回报说,她们在几千里外,找到了两个血泉,每个都形成了数十丈方圆的血池。大约有数百只丑陋的恶鬼在血池周围晃悠。 Flower Monster strictly obeyed order the order of Song Zhong, has not alerted the enemy, but observed to come back from afar. 花妖们严格遵守了宋钟的命令,并没有打草惊蛇,只是远远观察了一下就回来了。 After Song Zhong has known the Blood Spring position, exactly recently nothing, therefore left behind the large unit to continue to construct Purple Star Palace here. But he is controlling Thunderbolt Divine Boat, alone examines the Blood Spring situation. 宋钟得知了血泉的位置后,恰好最近又没有什么事,于是就留下了大部队在这里继续建设紫辰殿。而他则驾驭着雷霆神舟,独自去查看血泉的情况。 A few days later. Song Zhong arrived a Blood Spring place. Here did not have Mountain of Garbage, everywhere is a prosperous spring picture, Immortal Herb, the jungle is everywhere densely covered, should be is similar to the wonderland same place. But is leaving far away, Song Zhong saw unharmonious thing appearing and disappearing. 几天后。宋钟就来到了其中一处血泉处。这里已经没有垃圾山了,到处都是一片欣欣向荣的春天景象,遍地仙草,丛林密布,本该是如同人间仙境一样的地方。可是离着大老远,宋钟就看见了很多不和谐的东西出没其中。 This is one whole body jet black human form monster, 35 ten feets in height, the whole body is the scale, is long abnormal to explain, in the hand also grabs a sword class the weapon, all weapons are all over the body the scarlet, but also is twining various ghosts faintly. These ugly fellows flee in the fairyland same wooded mountain, various search life Demonic Beast or Immortal Beast here. 这是一种浑身漆黑的人形怪物,身高35丈不等,满身都是鳞片,长得异常解释,手里还抓着一把刀剑类的武器,所有武器都是通体血色,还隐隐缠绕着各类冤魂。这些丑陋的家伙在仙境一样的山林里窜来窜去,搜寻生活在这里的各种妖兽或者仙兽 Since were Song Zhong came personally, he will be certainly impolite with these fellows. The big hand wields, a group of DaSheng above guards headed by Soul Devouring Ghost-Eyed Lotus, then flew, encircles these fellows. 既然是宋钟亲自来了,那他当然不会和这些家伙客气。大手一挥,以噬魂鬼眼莲为首的一批大乘以上护卫,便飞了下去,对这些家伙进行围剿。 Has saying that these Asura World malicious ghosts, in that Immortal World is restricted are very big, the strength drops unusual is fierce, has them of Void Refining above strength obviously. Quick was killed under the attack of Flower Monster. 不得不说,这些阿修罗界的恶鬼,在仙界受到的限制就是很大,实力下降的非常厉害,以至于明明都有炼虚以上实力的他们。在花妖的攻击下很快就被杀死了。 However, these fellows but actually also unyielding, even if clearly knows not to beat, the death that the meaning of also absolutely not having surrendered, acts boldly regardless of one's safety completely fights. This makes Song Zhong many somewhat accidental. He also planned wants to catch a living witness, actually unexpectedly right now completely fails. 不过,这些家伙倒也硬气,哪怕明知道不敌,也绝对没有投降的意思,全部奋不顾身的死战到底。这让宋钟多少有些意外。他原本还打算想抓个活口呢,却不料这下子完全就落空了。 However Song Zhong does not worry, in any case also some are the opportunities. While under encircles these malicious ghosts time, before he arrived at that Blood Spring. 不过宋钟也不着急,反正还有的是机会。趁着手下围剿那些恶鬼的时候,他就来到了那个血泉前。 This is number hundred zhang (333m) surrounding area pond, inside is scarlet-red such as the liquid of blood, the middle position has a mouth, puff braving bloody water. Has not arrived at this, Song Zhong that a flavor of stench smokes wrinkles the nose. 这是一个数百丈方圆的池子,里面全是赤红如血的液体,中间位置有个泉眼,正在噗噗的冒着血水。还没有到这,一股腥臭的味道就熏的宋钟直皱鼻子。 After he looked at one from afar, the feeling covers the nose, is wholly-absorbed with Divine Sense investigates. 以至于他远远看了一眼之后,就感觉捂住鼻子,然后专心用神识探查。 This bloody water is strange, viscous does not make sense, such as is similar to is pond mercury. Song Zhong Divine Sense in felt that is hard to be thorough. However was good because of Song Zhong now already becomes Gold Immortal, Divine Sense was quite formidable, therefore was blocked freely , this blood pond scanned as before completely. 这血水非常怪异,粘稠的不像话,就如如同是一池子水银似的。就连宋钟神识在里面都感觉难以深入。不过好在宋钟现在早已成为金仙,神识极为强大,所以尽管受阻,也依旧这这血池全部都扫描了一遍。 What some people Song Zhong many surprise is, although this blood pond looks like not big, but is deep, fully several thousand zhang (3.33 m), moreover bottommost, space channels to other Heaven Beyond the Heaven. Although this space channel was miserably small, perhaps is hard to pass including the malicious ghosts of DaSheng rank, but is connecting Asura World after all, perhaps when will turn into a huge hidden danger. 宋钟多少有些诧异的是,这血池虽然看起来不大,但是里面却非常深,足有数千丈,而且最下面,还有一个通往其他天外天的空间通道。虽然这个空间通道已经小得可怜,恐怕连大乘级别的恶鬼都难以通过,可是毕竟连接着阿修罗界,说不定什么时候就会变成一个巨大的隐患。 Because no one knows that the militants of opposite these Ashura Races, can emerge for a while, expands this space channel. Then hits. 因为谁也不知道对面的那些阿修罗族的好战份子,会不会一时兴起,将这个空间通道扩大。然后一口气打过来。 In order to avoid the occurrence of this matter, the Song Zhong best choice gives to stop up here. However, this somewhat is seemingly difficult. Must want to block a space channel completely, is not an easy matter, even if the miniature space channel, very difficult to stop up it thoroughly. 为了避免这种事情的发生,宋钟最好的选择就是把这里给堵住。不过,这貌似有些困难。要想完全堵住一个空间通道,并不是一件容易的事情,哪怕就是微型的空间通道,也很难将其彻底堵住。 Because this type of space channel, so long as appeared, will leave certain trace. How regardless of you stop up, others can act according to this trace, makes a connection with it again forcefully. 因为这种空间通道只要出现了,就会留下一定的痕迹。无论你怎么堵,别人都可以根据这个痕迹,再强行将其打通。 Wants initially, Song Zhong to be plotted by Black Tortoise clan and the others, by the seal in Thunder Prison, he in river chart Luoshu through both eyes, was planned the space node the position, then breaks four Feng Moyin who blocks the channel with Heaven's Swift Dazzling Fire forcefully, this happily hits. 想当初,宋钟玄龟一族等人暗算,被封印在雷狱中,他就是通过双眼中的河图洛书,重新算计出空间节点的位置,然后用炫疾天火强行破开堵住通道的四项封魔印,这才得意打出来。 Thus it can be seen, wants to stop up here thoroughly, is not a very easy matter. At least Song Zhong a short time cannot think of a better idea. In fact, if this matter is easy to do, God of Fire Heaven when knows that here had Blood Spring the affirmation to use, not when Song Zhong will worry. 由此可见,想将这里彻底堵住,并不是一件很容易的事情。至少宋钟一时半会儿想不到更好的主意。事实上,要是这种事情好办的话,祝融天在知道这里有血泉的时候就肯定已经用了,也不会等到宋钟来操心。 However, Song Zhong does not worry but actually, after all this Blood Spring is small, he has a lot of time to wait.. He does not know that perhaps seal here means that the Immortal World high level knows. Therefore the Song Zhong plan put the seal Blood Spring matter first, waits to find the opportunity, with others inquired that said again. 不过,宋钟倒也不着急,毕竟这血泉还小,他有不少时间可以等。况且。他不知道封印这里的办法,或许仙界的高层会知道。所以宋钟打算先把封印血泉的事情放一放,等找到机会,和别人打听一下再说。 However before then, Song Zhong planned all the malicious ghosts kill off. So as to avoid these fellows stayed here were being comfortable, went back to talk nonsense, provoked the senior Ashura clansman. 但是在此之前,宋钟打算将所有过来的恶鬼都杀光。免得这些家伙在这里呆着舒服了,就回去胡说八道一通,把高阶的阿修罗族人招惹过来。 After Song Zhong sets firm resolve, he immediately has taken the action. Lets under look around for the malicious ghost, looks to massacre, while greeted own Big Copper Bell. 宋钟下定决心之后,他就马上采取了行动。一边让手下四处搜寻恶鬼,找出来杀掉,一边招呼出了自己的大铜钟 Originally, Song Zhong when scanned a moment ago discovered. Here malicious ghost quantity must far exceed his imagination. Outside indeed is only then such several hundred, may in fact, in addition several thousand malicious ghosts, hide in blood Chi Li. And has Ghost King. 原来,宋钟在刚才扫描的时候发现。这里的恶鬼数量要远远超出他的想象。外面的确是就只有那么几百只,可实际上,另外还有数千只恶鬼,隐藏在血池里。其中更是有一只鬼王 On this fellow is growing a pair of black corner, the height about seven zhang (3.33 m), the body also left a black metal armor, grasps one zhang (3.33 m) long broadsword, is sitting in meditation the practice in the pool of water deep place. 这家伙头上长着一对黑色的犄角,身高七丈开外,身上也多出了一副黑色的金属铠甲,手持一把一丈多长的大刀,正在池水深处打坐修炼呢。 The depth that although this fellow hides, what a pity as before cannot escape from the Song Zhong Divine Sense reconnaissance scope. After he pulls out Big Copper Bell, makes it fly sky over the pool of water, then Song Zhong then springs together dusky rune. 虽然这家伙藏的深,可惜依旧没有能够逃出宋钟神识侦查范围。他掏出大铜钟之后,就让其飞到池水上空,然后宋钟便弹出一道灰蒙蒙的符文 An earthshaking clock whining noise then erupts. Under Song Zhong control of desirably, the sound wave might affects completely in the pool of water, entire pond with seething with excitement to be the same, splashes the innumerable blood splashes. 紧接着,一声惊天动地的钟鸣声便爆发开来。在宋钟的刻意操控下,声波的威力全部都作用在池水中,整个池子都和沸腾了一样,飞溅起无数血花。 Sleeps the malicious ghosts of practice in the pool of water as for these, that may have bad luck. Directly in sleep, was killed by shock by the Big Copper Bell terrifying sound wave livingly at the scene. Only then Ghost King of most deep place escaped by luck, what a pity also direct stupor. 至于那些在池水里睡觉修炼的恶鬼们,那可就倒了血霉了。一个个直接就在睡梦中,被大铜钟的恐怖声波活生生震死当场。只有最深处的鬼王侥幸逃过一劫,可惜也直接昏迷过去。 Time when this Ghost King sobers once more, his shocking discovery, oneself turned into a captive, not only magic power was sealed up, the body was also bundled the steamed rice dumpling to be the same by the rattan. Taoist that a whole face badly smiles fights in his front, but in surroundings, then is the attractive female. The appearance of that acme of beauty and deportment, looks at this Ghost King intent chaotic sentiment fan. If he were not being bundled, only feared that already directly rushed. 等到这位鬼王再次清醒过来的时候,他震惊的发现,自己已经变成了一个阶下囚,不仅法力被封住,就连身体也被藤条捆成了粽子一样。一个满脸坏笑的道人战在他的面前,而在周围,则全是漂亮至极的女子。那千娇百媚的模样,看得这位鬼王一阵意乱情迷。如果他不是被捆着,只怕早就直接冲上去了。 However, although this Ghost King has become the captive, but he actually as before rampant must die. Sees only his big mouth to cast aside, direct angry [say / way]: Idiot taoist priest who where you come? Does Uncle even/including also dare to grasp unexpectedly? You know that who I am?” 不过,尽管这鬼王成了俘虏,可是他却依旧嚣张的要死。只见他大嘴一撇,直接恼怒的道:“你是哪里来的白痴道士?竟然连大爷也敢抓?你知道我是谁吗?” Song Zhong has not thought that this fellow also dares unexpectedly such and speaks, immediately by one that he is mad happy. [Say / Way] that therefore then simply smiles: Oh, your this disfigured, what can't stir up the great person to be inadequate?” 宋钟没想到这家伙竟然还敢这么和自己说话,顿时就被他气的一乐。于是便干脆笑眯眯的道:“哎呀呀,难道你这丑八怪,还是什么惹不起大人物不成?” Ha Ha ~ surrounding Flower Monster listened to Song Zhong the word of teasing, fall about. “哈哈~”周围的花妖听了宋钟的调侃之言,都忍不住大笑起来。 That Ghost King was smiled shamelessly one red, along with, even if angry [say / way]: Nonsense! Sir I am the Asura World little princess's person, if you do not want dead, hurried to put me, then accompanied these little girls to me. If not so, I ask the princess to complain, she will certainly make you not seek livehood, asked unable!” 那位鬼王被笑得老脸一红,随即便恼怒的道:“废话!大爷我是阿修罗界小公主的人,你要是不想死,就赶紧把我放了,然后再把这些妞陪给我。如若不然,我就去找公主告状,她一定会让你求生不得,求死不能!” Song Zhong hear of Ling Xiaozi have mentioned, Ashura Clan is Ashura Clan wields, their head of the clan, are Patriarch Blood River. This Patriarch Blood River children are numerous, master who almost every very much becomes a useful person. Also has his son, the daughter, dares to be called the prince and princess in Asura World. 宋钟凌霄子说起过,阿修罗族界是阿修罗族执掌的,他们的族长,便是血河老祖。这位血河老祖子女众多,几乎每一个都是很成器的高手。也就只有他的儿子,女儿,才敢在阿修罗界称为王子和公主。 If this Ghost King said is not false, then he is really not low in the Asura World status. After all Patriarch Blood River that is a side overlord, the status and strength and no longer under Five Great Celestial Emperors, his princess, can be imagined in the Asura World status, keeps aloof inevitably. 如果这位鬼王说的不假,那么他在阿修罗界的地位还真就不低。毕竟血河老祖那是一方霸主,地位和实力并不再五大天帝之下,他的公主,在阿修罗界的地位可想而知,必然是高高在上的。 However, the threat of this Ghost King, is perhaps useful to others, what a pity does not affect to Song Zhong. Because he knows, between Asura World and this Eastern Emperor World, only then the small space node, can form Blood Spring merely reluctantly. In this case, the common masters cannot come. 不过,这鬼王的威胁,对别人或许有用,可惜对宋钟毫无影响。因为他知道,阿修罗界和自己这东皇界之间,只有微小的空间节点,仅仅能够勉强形成血泉。在这种情况下,一般的高手都是过不来的。 Let alone the Asura World princess cannot come to here, even if came, Song Zhong does not care from the start. Because behind him is God of Fire Heaven, if in own domain presented the great person of this rank, Song Zhong only then goes back to report one, God of Fire Heaven definitely will send the master to apprehend this monstruous talent. Perhaps when the time comes Song Zhong also will have reward to send! 况且,别说阿修罗界的公主根本就来不了这里,就算是真来了,宋钟也压根不在乎。因为他背后就是祝融天,如果自己的地盘里出现了这种级别的大人物,宋钟只有回去报告一声,祝融天就肯定会派遣高手来捉拿这位妖孽。说不定到时候宋钟还会有奖励发下来呢! Therefore Song Zhong does not care about the threat of this fellow. He is also disinclined many and this fool waste time, therefore then directly flew high to slap his face, hit the big tooth to fall this fellow at the scene several. 所以宋钟根本就不在乎这家伙的威胁。他也懒得多和这种傻蛋浪费时间,于是便直接凌空抽了他一个巴掌,把这家伙当场打得大牙都掉落了好几颗。 Then Song Zhong bowel movement threat maliciously said: Is short to me plays this set, no matter the father behind you are any princess( boar), sow. I want to ask your a few words now, this, how many Blood Spring?” 然后宋钟便恶狠狠的威胁道:“少给我玩这一套,老子才不管你背后是什么公主(公猪),母猪呢。我现在就想问你一句话,这一界,到底有多少血泉?” „Do you, your boy dare to hit me unexpectedly? You are waiting to me, my family princess will not forgive your!” The fellow actually does not pay attention to the interrogation of Song Zhong, but ablazing with anger scolded: You died!” “你,你小子竟然敢打我?你给我等着,我家公主不会饶恕你的!”那家伙却根本不理会宋钟的质问,而是怒气冲冲的骂道:“你死定了!” Song Zhong sees that cannot bear the knitting the brows head, then sneers saying: „Did I have dead, this no one was clear, actually your boy, if can with my suo, I guarantee again you can die was very embarrassed!” 宋钟见状,忍不住皱了皱眉头,然后冷笑道:“我有没有死定了,这个谁也不清楚,倒是你小子,如果敢再跟我嗦的话,我就保证你会死的很难堪!” Ha, the brat, you think that Sir I am frighten in a big way? I told you, how regardless of you tossed about Sir, gave up any idea of that made me betray the princess!” That Ghost King shouted abuse: „, Your this bastard, died, you died! You must die quickly!” “哈哈哈,臭小子,你以为大爷我是吓大的吗?我告诉你,无论你怎么折腾大爷,也休想让我出卖公主!”那位鬼王破口大骂道:“还有,你这混蛋,死定了,你死定了!你很快就要死啦!” Really does not know the good and evil thing!” Song Zhong somewhat annoyed, but also saw this boy who he scolded is an unyielding person, only feared that extorted evidence forcefully does not have what effect. Therefore he is then disinclined to take time, has pulled out Nine Beauties Painting directly. Then a leaf, greeted Demonic Desire Witch gently. “真是不知道好歹的东西!”宋钟被他骂的有些恼火,但是也看出这小子是个硬骨头,只怕强行逼供也没有什么效果。于是他便懒得多费手脚,直接掏出了九美图。然后轻轻一扇,就招呼出一位天欲魔女 Present Demonic Desire Witch, has succeeded to absorb destruction Demon Qi in big Heavenly Demon skeleton, all day the strength obtained a leap. She stands there merely, natural loose flavors, after letting the person looked, changes returns to the intent chaotic sentiment fan. Not only the king of that malicious ghost looks at saliva directing current, surrounding Flower Monster, is out of control somewhat to be out of sorts. 如今的天欲魔女,已经成功吸收大天魔骸骨里的毁灭魔气,整天实力都获得了一个飞跃。她仅仅站在那里,就有一种天然的风流韵味,让人看了之后,变回意乱情迷。不仅那恶鬼之王看得口水直流,就连周围的花妖,也禁不住有些失神。 Song Zhong knows that after this is Demonic Desire Witch magic power enters greatly, bringing Charm Technique, is he does not have the means to make it stop. Therefore can only hurry saying: Good, be not gawking, hurries to take possession this malicious ghost, I need to know in his brain, about this all matters!” 宋钟知道这是天欲魔女法力大进之后,自带的魅惑之术,就是他也没有办法让其停下来。所以只能赶紧道:“好啦,别愣着了,赶紧附体这只恶鬼,我需要知道他脑子里,关于这一界的所有事情!” Compliant, master!” That Demonic Desire Witch shows a faint smile to Song Zhong, then turns the face away to look to that only Ghost King, said with a smile: Pitiful villain, you can tell me, some how many Asura World malicious ghosts?” “遵命,主人!”那位天欲魔女宋钟微微一笑,然后便扭脸望向那只鬼王,笑道:“可怜的小人,你能告诉我,这一界都有多少阿修罗界的恶鬼吗?” . ..
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