CLC :: Volume #6

#557: Purple house temple

Naturally. Although Song Zhong found a reason to convince itself reluctantly, is some of his infant. After all this matter too looks strangely, the design on own Natal Artifact Big Copper Bell, unexpectedly exactly is the Eastern Imperial Palace original condition. Must say that Song Zhong is not at heart irritable, that is absolutely false. 当然。尽管宋钟勉强找到了一个理由说服自己,可是他心里还是有些毛毛的。毕竟这事太诡异看,自己的本命法宝大铜钟上的图案,竟然恰好是东皇宫的原貌。要说宋钟心里不别扭,那绝对是假的。 But regarding Song Zhong, the most important matter does not consider the relief on Big Copper Bell now, but how to base in this Eastern Emperor World. Therefore Song Zhong depresses itself forcefully to the anxiety of this matter, then starts to ponder how to use the relief on Big Copper Bell. 只不过对于宋钟来说,现在最要紧的事情不是考虑大铜钟上的浮雕,而是如何在这东皇界立足。所以宋钟强行压下自己对这件事的疑虑,然后便开始思考如何利用大铜钟上的浮雕。 After some time ponder, Song Zhong thought that he as if can simply act according to this relief to reconstruct Eastern Imperial Palace. Because of present Song Zhong, financial resource influence is not strong, is in the time of starting. Too many experiences have not used in designing their den. 经过一段时间的思考后,宋钟觉得,自己似乎可以干脆根据这浮雕重建东皇宫。因为现在的宋钟,财力势力都不强,处于草创的时期。没有太多的经历用在设计自己的老巢上。 Uses with the Eastern Imperial Palace appearance directly, will save a lot, even did not need to hit the ground. Namely saved the time, saved the material, it may be said that kills several birds with one stone. 直接拿东皇宫的样子来用,就会节省很多事情,甚至于连地基都不用重新打了。即节约了时间,又节约了材料,可谓是一举数得。 Eastern Imperial Palace takes the Celestial Emperor temporary palace, the architectural style is magnificent, it may be said that is, broad atmosphere with overpowering momentum, Song Zhong extremely likes. In this case. Reconstructs Eastern Imperial Palace seems the best choice. 况且,东皇宫作为天帝行宫,建筑风格非常壮观,可谓是气势磅礴,恢弘大气,宋钟极为喜欢。在这种情况下。重建东皇宫似乎是最好的选择。 However, Eastern Imperial Palace was really too big, by the Song Zhong ability, wanted the complete restoration the words, even if had the help of life space, not 100,000 years was hard to achieve. Therefore he can only in Eastern Imperial Palace numerous temporary palaces, choose one, starts as ----. 但是,东皇宫实在是太大了,以宋钟的能力,想要完全复原的话,即便是有本命空间的帮助,没有100000年的时间都难以做到。所以他只能在东皇宫众多行宫里,选择一处,作为自己开始的----。 Thereupon, over the next few days, Song Zhong will crawl on Big Copper Bell, is scanning each construction of Eastern Imperial Palace. Simultaneously also dispatches Flower Monster, investigates to various places turns. 于是乎,接下来的几天里,宋钟就爬在大铜钟上,不停的扫描着东皇宫的各个建筑。同时还派遣花妖,到各处探查一翻。 Must know that the Eastern Imperial Palace destroyed degree is different, some places, were wrecked including the ground, completely is a big hole, but some places, even continually some constructions maintain is very complete. 要知道,东皇宫被破坏的程度并不一样,有的地方,连地基都被击毁了,完全就是一个大坑,而有的地方,甚至连部分建筑都保持的很完整。 Moreover, after these many year Vicissitudes, the Eastern Imperial Palace surroundings gather, reaches 108 super Dragon Vein, had the different changes. Causes the Immortal Qi density of Eastern Imperial Palace each place to be non-uniform, Song Zhong naturally must choose a richest place to be good. 另外,经过这么多年的沧海桑田之后,东皇宫周围汇聚的,多达108条的超级龙脉,也发生了不同的变化。导致东皇宫各个地方的仙气浓度不均匀,宋钟自然要选择一个最浓郁的地方才行。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the choice of several days, Song Zhong decided finally that in a Eastern Flower Palace minute of palace, starts the reconstruction. 经过数日的挑选后,宋钟最终决定,在一处名叫东华宫的分宫,开始重建工作。 This Eastern Flower Palace occupies a land area of nearly 20,000 li (0.5km) surrounding area, the central construction is Purple Star Palace. Analyzes from the entire Eastern Imperial Palace pattern. Here should be the place that the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi empress lives. 这座东华宫占地近20000里方圆,中心建筑乃是紫辰殿。从整个东皇宫的格局上分析。这里应该是东皇太一的皇后所居住的地方。 Entire Eastern Imperial Palace in the previous time war, was almost destroyed, but the most serious place, is the Eastern Imperial Palace core region, is the Eastern Emperor Tai Yi imperial palace. But Eastern Flower Palace also suffered the ruinous destruction, but fortunately, its ground mostly maintains complete. Therefore so long as Song Zhong makes up uneven overtop structure, can its reconstruction. 整个东皇宫在上一次的大战中,几乎都被摧毁了,但是最严重的地方,是东皇宫的核心区域,也就是东皇太一的寝宫。而东华宫虽然也遭受了毁灭性的破坏,但幸运的是,它的地基大多都保持完整。所以宋钟只要补齐上层建筑,就可以将其重建。 Another makes Song Zhong choose here reason is, around Eastern Flower Palace is also relating 18 super Dragon Vein. Must know that Immortal World Dragon Vein too be more than world of mortals, particularly Dragon Vein of Celestial Emperor temporary palace, frequently be continuous counted ten million li not saying that in this period also many branch Dragon Vein added that therefore it can also transfer Immortal Qi of Dragon Vein surrounding a large part of region, does not know that wanted formidable many compared with ordinary Dragon Vein! 另外一个让宋钟选择这里的原因是,东华宫周围还联系着18条超级龙脉。要知道,仙界龙脉可是要比凡间强太多了,尤其是天帝行宫的龙脉,动辄绵延数千万里不说,其间还有很多分支龙脉加进来,所以它还可以调动龙脉周围很大一部分区域的仙气,不知道比普通的龙脉要强大多少! Therefore, do not look that Eastern Flower Palace only has connected 18 Dragon Vein now, is the Qi of Immortal Spirit content, actually already arrived at a make the blood boil situation. Compared with the place of God of Fire Heaven Immortal Daoist Lie Huo work, is not bad! If Song Zhong and his subordinate practice there, the efficiency will achieve an acme absolutely. 故而,别看东华宫现在只连接了18条龙脉,可是其中仙灵之气的含量,却早已到达了一个令人发指的地步。比祝融天烈火真君办公的地方,都不差!如果宋钟和他的手下在那里修炼,效率绝对会达到一个极致。 Had these many advantage, Song Zhong naturally cannot hesitate again. Immediately ordered to fly. Thereupon, several million Flower Monster then start to set out, directly soars Eastern Flower Palace to go. 有了这么多好处,宋钟自然不会再多犹豫。马上就下令飞过去。于是乎,数百万花妖便启程开拔,直奔东华宫而去。 So many Flower Monster help, Song Zhong has saved many matters. Merely several days later, Eastern Flower Palace core Purple Star Palace was dug. 有那么多的花妖帮忙,宋钟节省了很多的事情。仅仅数日之后,东华宫的核心紫辰殿就被挖了出来。 Purple Star Palace occupies a land area of several hundred li (0.5km), is a main hall set of innumerable small palace, architectural complex that forms overlapping. Naturally, now there only then a ground of several hundred li (0.5km) square, the ground completely is one special golden jade material, steps on, soft, probably steps in the cotton is the same, abnormal is comfortable. Moreover is sending out a light fragrance, making the person hear drowsy, installs in the imperial palace best thing. 紫辰殿占地数百里,是大殿套无数小殿,层层叠叠形成的建筑群。当然,现在那里就只有一个数百里见方的地基,地面全部都是一种特殊的金色玉料,踩上去,软软的,就好像踩在棉花上一样,异常舒服。而且还散发着一股淡淡的香味,让人闻着就昏昏欲睡,是安装在寝宫最好的东西。 According to the status of Queen Eastern Emperor Tai Yi, Song Zhong does not dare to imagine this type of jade material simply high the value. However a little he actually knows, present Celestial Emperor definitely very luxurious, such good material, because the fight becomes is badly-damaged, thoroughly discards does not want. 依照东皇太一皇后的身份,宋钟简直都不敢想象这种玉料的价值会有多高。不过有一点他倒是知道,现在的天帝肯定非常非常的奢侈,以至于这么好的材料,就因为战斗变得残破不堪,就彻底舍弃不要。 Since others are not rare, that Song Zhong has to kindly accept. He orders Flower Monster under excitedly, curls upwards completely here golden floor, then throws into the hard road to decompose, when turns into new later, cuts again, installs. 既然人家不稀罕,那宋钟就只好笑纳了。他兴奋的命令手下的花妖们,将这里的金色地板全部翘起来,然后扔进黑土地里分解,等到都变成新的之后,再重新切割,安装回去。 When this process carries on, how Song Zhong starts to consider to reconstruct the Purple Star Palace matter. This Purple Star Palace construction detail is complex, the magnificently decorated building, manipulates strategically. Inside does not know that has many rooms, many room partition, many unconventional detail. But Song Zhong only then a relief, naturally cannot completely present the internal situation. Also is unable to return to original state completely, this lets Song Zhong is very depressed. 而在这个过程进行的时候,宋钟就开始考虑如何重建紫辰殿的事情。这紫辰殿的建筑细节非常复杂,雕梁画栋,勾心斗角。里面不知道有多少房间,多少隔断,多少别出心裁的细节。可是宋钟只有一个浮雕,自然不能完整的呈现出内部情况。也就无法全部还原,这让宋钟很是郁闷。 Can't he on such good floor, build a shed to settle casually? 他总不能在这么好的地板上,随便搭建一个棚子了事吧? When Song Zhong is depressed, he remembers the incident suddenly. That application method about Big Copper Bell. 就在宋钟郁闷的时候,他忽然又想起一事。那就是关于大铜钟的使用方法。 Since Song Zhong is promoted the immortal, this Big Copper Bell usage-style becomes completely is different from before. Leaves an ability of summon, can any relief on Big Copper Bell, summon the outside to fight by the true self. Song Zhong had summoned inside Colored Glass Phoenix, and has defeated many enemies. 自从宋钟晋级仙人之后,这大铜钟的使用方式就变得和以前完全不一样了。多出一个召唤的能力,可以把大铜钟上的任何一种浮雕,以本来面目召唤到外界进行战斗。宋钟就曾经召唤过里面的琉璃凤凰,并打败过很多敌人。 In this case, Song Zhong has therefore thought that since Colored Glass Phoenix can summon, then this Purple Star Palace is good? 在这种情况下,宋钟于是就想了,既然琉璃凤凰可以召唤出来,那么这紫辰殿行不行呢? Held the idea that gave a try, Song Zhong is pulling out dozens zhang (3.33 m) high Big Copper Bell, the revolution method has decided that then started to stimulate to movement. 抱着试试看的想法,宋钟掏出了数十丈高的大铜钟,运转法决,然后开始催动起来。 The next quarter, on golden light flashes along with Big Copper Bell dodges, resplendent in gold and jade green Purple Star Palace appeared in the Song Zhong front, was situated above the original ground exactly. 下一刻,随着大铜钟上金光一闪,一座金碧辉煌的紫辰殿就出现在了宋钟的面前,恰好坐落在原先的地基之上。 Song Zhong at the scene by this broad grand construction blowing, Flower Monster that surrounded, stared in a big way the eye, fell into the delay condition completely. Crossed the people to awaken good long while. Immediately erupts intermittent excited calling out in alarm. 宋钟当场就被这恢弘壮丽的建筑给镇住了,就连围观的花妖们,也都瞪大了眼睛,完全陷入了呆滞的状态。过了好半天众人才醒悟过来。随即就爆发出一阵阵兴奋的惊呼。 Then Small Cha wait / etc. several related most intimate Flower Monster to clash with Song Zhong, Small Cha preserved the neck of Song Zhong directly, yelled: Others must live in inside!” 然后小茶等等几个和宋钟关系最亲近的花妖就冲了过来,小茶直接保住宋钟的脖子,大叫道:“人家要住在里面!” „Can that also construct?” Song Zhong smiles bitterly, is bringing Flower Monster, marched into this fine to extreme Purple Star Palace. “那也得建筑好了啊?”宋钟苦笑一声,然后就带着花妖们,步入了这座精致到极点的紫辰殿中。 Do not look that this Purple Star Palace is only, it that the Big Copper Bell golden light transforms with really completely is actually same. Looks, touches, could not see that has anything to distinguish, resembles it is real Purple Star Palace. 别看这紫辰殿只是大铜钟的金光所幻化的,它其实和真的完全一样。无论是看,还是摸,都看不出有什么区别来,就好像它就是一座真实的紫辰殿似的。 Naturally, consumption Song Zhong magic power that the product that it transforms after all, needs to keep. Once magic power exhausts, will vanish. However this actually does not hinder Song Zhong and the others to carry on the wei tour in inside. 当然,它毕竟只是幻化出来的产物,需要不停的消耗宋钟法力。一旦法力耗尽,就会消失的。不过这却不妨碍宋钟等人在里面进行囗游览。 Has saying that the temporary palace of Queen Celestial Emperor was really too grand, let Song Zhong and his Flower Monster under was dazzled. These think the fellow who experience many market conditions, directly turned into the ground beetle of countryside, looked that anything is fresh, looked anything is amusing. Especially Small Cha, is leading several personal servants, scurries about in everywhere, the room examines one by one, whole person excited wanting insanely, scream, fully had demonstrated shock that she withstands has how in a big way. 不得不说,天帝皇后的行宫实在是太壮丽了,以至于让宋钟和他手下的花妖们都看花了眼。这些自以为见识过不少市面的家伙,在进去之后,就直接变成了乡下的土鳖,看什么都新鲜,看什么都好玩。尤其是小茶,带着几个跟班,在里面到处乱窜,挨个房间查看,整个人都兴奋的要疯了似的,一声声的尖叫,充分显示出她承受的震撼到底有多么的大。 After seeing others this imperial palaces, Song Zhong knows that what is luxurious, anything is called the king to enjoy. 见了人家这皇宫之后,宋钟才知道什么叫奢侈,什么叫做帝王享受。 Other did not say that only said the teahouse in this temporary palace, merely is to the place that the empress makes tea, they obstinately can toss about the innumerable patterns. 别的不说,只说这行宫里的茶室吧,仅仅就是个给皇后泡茶的地方,他们就愣是能折腾出无数的花样。 First is the tea set, the hall of occupying land area number hundred zhang (333m), is placing various more than 1 million type tea sets specially. Each set fine incomparable, absolutely is the priceless artware. Looked at Song Zhong and some Small Cha flowery eyed! 首先是茶具,专门有一个占地数百丈的大厅,摆放着不下1000000套各式茶具。每一套都精美无比,绝对是价值连城的艺术品。看得宋钟小茶都有些花眼了! Then is the tea leaves, that was several special halls, the tea garden that some imposition ready-made tea leaves, some specially opened, was planting several thousand mu tea tree. Also some specifically are used to roast the tea, the tea-making place. 然后是茶叶,那就是好几个专门的大厅了,有的安放现成的茶叶,有的则是专门开辟出来的茶园,种植着数万亩的茶树。还有的则是专门用来烤茶,制茶的地方。 Then is the water, occupies a land area of several thousand mu hall, is placing several thousand wells neatly, the well water of each well is different. 接下来是水,一个占地数万亩的大厅,整整齐齐摆放着数万口井,每口井的井水都不一样。 Finally is the making tea place, tea cooker several thousand of some types, other tea sets are innumerable. 最后便是泡茶的地方,有各式的茶炉数万只,还有其他茶具无数。 Then side is a special kitchenette, gives the empress to produce the snack specially. May be such kitchenette, there are several hundred stoves, several thousand various type cooking utensils. Only then Song Zhong cannot think that does not have here unable to see. 然后旁边便是一个特殊的小厨房,专门给皇后生产茶点的。可就算是这么一个‘小厨房’,也有几百个炉子,数千套各式炊具。只有宋钟想不到的,就没有这里见不到的。 Besides the set of drinking tea, special zither room. The chess room, the studio, each same occupies a land area broadly, is collecting the innumerable high-quality goods. 除了喝茶的这一套之外,还有专门的琴室。棋室,画室,每一样都占地极广,收藏着无数精品。 Even if Purple Star Palace occupies a land area of several hundred li (0.5km), cannot accommodate these many places, has to use Space Dao Technique, opens the new space in again, is installs reluctantly. Obviously this empress luxurious was in any degree. 哪怕紫辰殿占地数百里,也根本容不下这么多地方,不得不用空间道术,在里面再开辟出新的空间,才算是勉强装下。可见这位皇后的奢华都到了什么程度。 Naturally Song Zhong is impossible in all decorations this to duplicate, he can only act according to this illusion, will put in order a building to recover. Moreover the material that uses also definitely is inferior to others, but so, Song Zhong as before thought that if can be admitted to the duplication in Purple Star Palace, is unsurpassed enjoyment! 当然宋钟是不可能将这里面所有的装饰都复制出来的,他只能根据这幅幻象,将整座建筑复原。而且用的材料也肯定不如人家,但是就算如此,宋钟依旧觉得,要是能够住进复制的紫辰殿里,也是一种无上的享受! . ..
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