CLC :: Volume #6

#556: Copper Bell secret

Heard Ling Xiaozi to say. Song Zhong immediately an eye bright, hurried [say / way]: You can really sells the thing?” 听见凌霄子这么说。宋钟顿时眼睛一亮,急忙道:“你真的可以神不知鬼不觉的将东西卖出去?” That is natural!” [Say / Way] that Ling Xiaozi has confidence very much: I roam about ten thousand years in Immortal World, is some paths.” “那是当然!”凌霄子很有把握的道:“我在仙界流浪万年之久,可是有些路子的。” Good!” Song Zhong immediately great happiness: If so, we did not need to be afraid violent lou. However ~ “太好了!”宋钟顿时大喜道:“如果是这样的话,咱们就不用害怕暴lou了。不过~” A Song Zhong suddenly voice revolution, somewhat strange [say / way]: You but now can the status of most wanted terrorist, look for the beforehand old relations really?” 宋钟忽然话音一转,有些怪异的道:“你现在可是通缉犯的身份,真的可以找以前的老关系?” Hey, I before and fellow relations of these black markets, with the alias and camouflage, nobody knows my real status.” Ling Xiaozi said with a smile: My this time goes to the world of mortals exactly, stayed for 400-500 years, happen to can say that I have made a bulk bargain, had the path of long-term goods supply. They to these material very much needs, believe that these fellow only happy going shopping, but will not manage my status! Just, the words of off-the-books deal, in the price must suffer a loss 30-40%!” “嘿嘿,我以前和那些黑市的家伙联系的时候,都是用化名和伪装,没人知道我的真实身份。”凌霄子笑道:“恰好我这次去凡间,呆了四五百年,正好可以说我做了一个大买卖,有了长期供货的路子。他们对这些种材料都很需要,相信,这些家伙只会高高兴兴的买东西,而不会管我的身份!只不过,黑市交易的话,价钱上要吃亏三到四成!” This is not the issue!” [Say / Way] that Song Zhong does not care about: We do not have a business in any case, owes has not related many again!, Making us have a look, carries on the decomposition fully time, my this treasure can achieve the what kind situation!” “这个不是问题!”宋钟不在乎的道:“反正我们都是无本的买卖,亏再多也没有关系!来来来,让我们看看,全力进行分解的时候,我这宝贝可以做到何等地步!” Saying. Song Zhong no longer spoke, then carefully observed the change of hard road. 说着。宋钟就不再说话,转而仔细观察起黑土地的变化来。 Underwent about one all day test, Song Zhong ultimately obtained the decomposition limit of hard road. Finally compared with being better that also he expects, almost can decompose about four Mountain of Garbage every day. Like this calculates the words that also want big one time compared with the new trash quantity, can empty this trash completely hopefully completely. 经过了大约一整天的测试,宋钟最终得到了黑土地的分解极限。结果比他预想的还要好,几乎每一天都可以分解将近四座垃圾山。这样算下来的话,比新增的垃圾数量还要大一倍,完全有希望可以将这一界的垃圾全部清空。 Naturally, this is an illusory hope. Here trash is several million years saves, to empty at the present speed, least also needs several million years to achieve. This time, light thinks that sufficing made the person collapse. 当然,这不过就是个虚无缥缈的希望而已。这里的垃圾可是数百万年积攒的,要想以现在的速度清空,最少也要几百万年才可以做到。这个时间,光想想就够让人崩溃了。 However, Song Zhong the life space is existence that keeps evolving, the hard road also in gradually expands, the speed of although expanding is quite slow, after having sufficient decomposition raw material, thinks that its expansion speed will also increase. Therefore it definitely has more than enough for several million years, can decompose this trash. 不过,宋钟的本命空间乃是不停进化的存在,黑土地也在逐渐扩张中,虽然扩张的速度比较慢,不过在有了充足的分解原料后,想必它的扩张速度也会增加的。所以它肯定用不了几百万年,就可以将这一界的垃圾都分解掉。 After reaching this conclusion, Song Zhong joyful looking, every day immerses in obtaining the joys of massive material. 得到这个结论之后,宋钟欣喜过望,每天都沉浸在获得大量材料的快乐之中。 In an instant, for half a month passed. On this day, Song Zhong looks for Ling Xiaozi, gives he big pile of Chu goods, inside is in half a month in the time, huge volume material that decomposes. 转眼间,半个月过去了。这一日,宋钟凌霄子找来,递给他一大堆的储物物品,里面就是这半个月时间内,分解出来的海量材料。 Naturally, Song Zhong has only given him the common these materials, these quantity scarce treasuring materials, he stayed behind. At least temporarily will not sell. 当然,宋钟只把常见的那些材料给了他,那些数量稀少的珍惜材料,他都自己留下了。至少暂时是不会卖的。 After Ling Xiaozi took the thing, serious and Song Zhong greeted. Then brought the thing to walk. 凌霄子拿了东西之后,郑重的和宋钟打个招呼。便带着东西走了。 To be honest, the one breath gives Ling Xiaozi to take away these many materials, Song Zhong also many somewhat was at heart worried that is afraid him to be gone forever. After all these materials are not the decimals. Although few times is not quite valuable, but can't support these materials to pile up? If must sell, traded Purple Jade to be able a big pile, can sell many Fourth Grade Immortal Tool! 说实话,一口气把这么多材料交给凌霄子拿走,宋钟心里也多少有些担心,害怕他一去不返。毕竟这些材料不是小数。虽然少量的时候不太值钱,可是架不住这些材料堆积如山啊?如果要卖,换紫玉都能一大堆了,能卖不少四品仙器呢! However, so-called doubts the person not to need, to choose a person does not doubt. Song Zhong and Ling Xiaozi are together for several hundred years, to this fellow is also the understanding. Knows that he is not that shortsighted person. Although pit Song Zhong this, can gain much, but in comparison, has the career development with Song Zhong! Song Zhong believes that Ling Xiaozi will make correct choice. 不过,所谓疑人不用,用人不疑。宋钟凌霄子相处数百年,对这家伙还算是了解。知道他不是那种目光短浅的人。虽然坑宋钟这一把,可以赚到不少,但是相比之下,跟着宋钟更有发展前途!宋钟相信凌霄子会做出正确选择的。 Shortly after packing off Ling Xiaozi, the Eastern Imperial Palace ruins arrived. Song Zhong in floating the spatial island looks toward below, only saw the peak on top of peak mountain, these Mountain of Garbage surfaces had been covered by the plant, obviously passed the how remote time. 在送走凌霄子之后不久,东皇宫的废墟就到了。宋钟在浮空岛上往下面望去,只看见了层峦叠嶂的青山,那些垃圾山的表面都被植物覆盖了,可见过去了多么久远的时间。 In this case, is very difficult to see the vestige the appearance, occasionally will present the remnants of destroyed buildings in mountain valley, but also is unable to identify. 在这种情况下,根本就很难看出遗迹的模样,要不是偶尔会出现在山谷里的残垣断壁,还真就无法辨认。 For better recognized here original condition, Song Zhong simply calls oneself huge volume Flower Monster under. First all around sends out part to go to search for the clue, then makes remaining Flower Monster start toward Song Zhong the life space to move surrounding Mountain of Garbage. 为了更好的认出这里的原貌,宋钟干脆就叫出了自己手下的海量花妖。先派出一部分去四周搜寻线索,然后让剩下的花妖开始往宋钟的本命空间里搬周围的垃圾山 Although Mountain of Garbage is very big, but cannot support numerous Flower Monster to begin. Each of them is bringing dimensional storage item, wields conveniently, can put many trash, then transports to this life space. 虽然垃圾山很大,可是架不住众多的花妖动手。她们每人都带着储物装备,随手一挥,就可以将很多的垃圾装走,然后运到本命空间里。 Therefore, in this case, was about a day of many time, Song Zhong moved out several Mountain of Garbage, cleaned up periphery several thousand li (0.5km) surrounding area place. 所以,在这种情况下,不过一天多的功夫,宋钟就搬走了十几座垃圾山,清理出周围数千里方圆的地方。 The original conditions of some Eastern Imperial Palace ruins, therefore then presents in the Song Zhong front. This should be ruins of piece of architectural complex, many places have the ground of winding corridor appearance, in addition has large quantities of broken pillars. 东皇宫一部分废墟的原貌,于是便呈现在宋钟的面前。这应该是一片建筑群的废墟,很多地方都有回廊模样的地基,另外还有大批的残破柱子。 Song Zhong examined ground and pillar first, the pleasantly surprised discovery, the ground uses is the high-grade jades, and was banned innumerably in addition holds, even if passed through these many years, with devastations of these many wars, is solid, complete, definitely after can patch , to continue to use. 宋钟先查看了一下地基和柱子,惊喜的发现,地基用的都是上等的玉石,并且被无数禁制加持过,哪怕经过了这么多岁月,和这么多战争的摧残,都还算是结实,完整,完全可以修补后继续使用。 As for these pillars, looking awful that although breaks in fight, however the material actually very high section, is Song Zhong has not seen the black jade material, not only firm incomparable, but also the color of that atmosphere also as if has a special function, can make people feel an unsurpassed dignity! 至于那些柱子,虽然在战斗中断裂的不成样子,但是本身的材料却非常高段,是一种宋钟都没有见过的黑色玉料,不仅坚固无比,而且那大气的颜色也似乎有种特殊的功能,可以让人感觉到一股无上的威严! Song Zhong looked to like in this black, was bringing the special jade material of Venus. Immediately ordered to throw into hard road it, after making them decompose. Combines again. 宋钟一看就喜欢上了这种黑色里,带着金星的特种玉料。马上就下令将其扔进黑土地里,让它们分解后。再重新组合起来。 When Song Zhong examines here situation, Flower Monster that sends in abundance has also fed in the news, tells Song Zhong the construction ruins that they found. 就在宋钟察看这里情况的时候,派出去的花妖也纷纷传回了消息,将她们找到的建筑遗址告诉宋钟 According to the descriptions of these Flower Monster, in the Song Zhong mind on the whole, had a preliminary impression to this Eastern Imperial Palace. 根据这些花妖的描述,宋钟脑海里大体上,对这东皇宫有了一个初步的印象。 This Eastern Imperial Palace, does not owe is the Celestial Emperor imperial palace, the core area, over 1 million li (0.5km) surrounding area, the appurtenance are more, the range is also broader. 这座东皇宫,不亏是天帝皇宫,核心占地面积,就超过1000000里方圆,附属建筑更多,范围也更广。 Was only a pity that such Huang Hong's grand imperial palace, finally turned into the ruins, but also was treated as Garbage Dump, buries in the trash, is several million years of! 只可惜,这么黄宏壮丽的皇宫,最终变成了废墟,还被当作垃圾场,掩埋在垃圾中,长达数百万年之久! Song Zhong is sighing with emotion, while according to the impression, drew the entire Eastern Imperial Palace outline on the ground slowly. Draws is drawing, Song Zhong felt that left not to suit. Because he as if thought that the appearance of this palace, his very familiar as. 宋钟一边感慨着,一边根据印象,在地上慢慢画出了整个东皇宫的轮廓。画着画着,宋钟就感觉出不太对劲来了。因为他似乎觉得,这宫殿的模样,他很熟悉似的。 This makes Song Zhong feel that abnormal surprise, oneself are first time comes this obviously, how to feel to Eastern Imperial Palace familiar? Beforehand time, haven't oneself heard including Eastern Emperor World? 这让宋钟感觉异常的诧异,自己明明是第一次来这,怎么会对东皇宫感觉熟悉呢?以前的时候,自己可是连东皇界都没有听说过啊? Although in the Song Zhong mind keeps told itself. Here impossible to be familiar with by oneself, but he more sees this outline, more is felt that leaves familiar. 虽然宋钟脑海里不停的告诉自己。这里不可能被自己所熟悉,可是他越是看到这轮廓,就越是感觉出熟悉。 Finally, Song Zhong could not bear, he according to his impression, at somewhere a point, the [say / way] that thought aloud: If I am really familiar, here should have one reaches as high as 1 million zhang (3.33 m) golden column supporting the main beam, seems the totem that the sacrificial offering uses.” 终于,宋钟忍不住了,他根据自己的印象,在某处一点,自言自语的道:“要是我真熟悉的话,这里应该有一根高达1000000丈的金色通天柱,似乎是祭祀用的图腾。” After saying, Song Zhong has distinguished under one , is direct to move sideways. At the maximum speed overtakes. 说完之后,宋钟就辨别了一下方向,然后直接一个闪身。就以最快的速度赶过去。 After more than double-hour, Song Zhong goes to a strange place. He rubbish, looked in all around directly. In the beginning, he looks right and left, has not seen 1 million zhang (3.33 m) high totem pole, at heart many relaxing some flavors. Thinks that possibly was wants to miss. 一个多时辰后,宋钟来到一片陌生的地方。他也不废话,直接就在四周找了起来。开始的时候,他左看右看,都没有见到1000000丈高的图腾柱,心里多少有些松了口气的味道。想到,可能是自己想差了。 However, when Song Zhong wants, his eye suddenly in a waist of Mountain of Garbage, had actually discovered a corner, looks at the shape, seems some giant column broken off trace, moreover color also golden yellow. 但是,就在宋钟想要回去的时候,他的眼睛却突然在一座垃圾山的腰部,发现了一个边角,看形状,似乎是某个巨大的圆柱被折断的痕迹,而且颜色也是金黄的。 Then Song Zhong immediately was shocked he, flies hurriedly, about both hands flaps, quick is clean all around trash cleaning up, therefore left inside on lou, that huge totem pole. 这下宋钟顿时就愣住了他,急忙飞过去,双手左右拍动,很快就把四周的垃圾清理干净,于是就lou出了里面,那一根巨大的图腾柱。 This totem pole about hundred li (0.5km) diameters, all over the body with a special all casting. Above portrays the innumerable reliefs, content contained almost all monster clans. 这根图腾柱大约有百里的直径,通体都是用一种特殊的尽数铸造而成。上面刻画着无数浮雕,内容包含了几乎所有的妖族。 Song Zhong does not know that its origin, is not clearer its function, but he actually knows that in Eastern Imperial Palace the position, indeed has such a master such as the cloud shining pillar! 宋钟并不知道它的来历,更不清楚它的作用,但是他却知道,在东皇宫的这个位置上,的确就是有这么一根高手如云的金灿灿的柱子! Saw this, the head of Song Zhong faints immediately. He cannot bear the lowering the head ponder of surprise say: Since this pillar, then explained in my mind not to have the guess of reason to here familiar, where I saw this Eastern Imperial Palace? I had not come Eastern Emperor World before, even hasn't seen Immortal World?” 看到这一幕,宋钟的脑袋顿时就晕了。他忍不住诧异的低头沉思道:“既然这根柱子在,那么就说明我脑海里对这里的熟悉并非是没有来由的猜测,那么,到底我是从哪里看见这东皇宫的呢?我以前可从来没有来过东皇界,甚至都没有见过仙界啊?” Thinks this time, Song Zhong suddenly eye one bright, he thought finally. Own this for a lifetime, sees only, related Immortal World picture, is same, that is the relief on Big Copper Bell! 想到这的时候,宋钟忽然眼睛一亮,他终于想到了。自己这一辈子,唯一见到的,有关仙界的景象,就只有一样,那就是大铜钟上的浮雕! After ravelling, Song Zhong, directly greeted Big Copper Bell. Then carefully watches the uppermost layer, relief about Immortal World. Finally, Immortal World picture that the Song Zhong shocking discovery, the relief on this Big Copper Bell described, was Eastern Emperor World Eastern Imperial Palace! 弄明白之后,宋钟二话没说,直接就把大铜钟招呼出来。然后仔细观看最上层,关于仙界的浮雕。结果,宋钟震惊的发现,这大铜钟上的浮雕所描绘的仙界景象,正是东皇界东皇宫 Song Zhong cannot believe that simply this is real, for fear that has made a mistake he, carries on the careful checkup hurriedly. Including the residual pillar relief appearance, as well as around it several landmarks, Song Zhong acted according to Big Copper Bell labelling of relief 11 to look. Has not had a mistake. 宋钟简直都不敢相信这是真的,生怕搞错了的他,急忙进行仔细的核对。包括残留柱子的浮雕模样,以及它周围的几个标志性建筑,宋钟都根据大铜钟上浮雕的标注11找了出来。就没有出现过一丝的差错。 Then, Song Zhong has believed finally, originally the relief on this Big Copper Bell, is not the baseless imagination, but really has its matter! 这下,宋钟终于相信了,原来这口大铜钟上的浮雕,并非是凭空想象,而是确有其事! This discovery, has given Song Zhong enormous shock. However afterward, was thrown one side by Song Zhong. After all Eastern Imperial Palace before was very famous place, perhaps was drawn by some immortal, then when made Magical Artifact Big Copper Bell, portrayed outside. This is very possible matter, anything should not make a fuss about nothing. 这个发现,给予了宋钟极大的震撼。不过随后,就被宋钟扔到一边去了。毕竟东皇宫在以前是很有名气的地方,说不定就被某位仙人画下来,然后在制造法宝大铜钟的时候,刻画到外面。这都是很可能的事,并没有什么值得大惊小怪的。 . ..
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