CLC :: Volume #6

#555: Mysterious black earth

Song Zhong in has found out the Immortal World situation after Immortal Daoist Lie Huo. Then no longer disturbs others, very polite saying goodbye. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo knows that some Song Zhong a lot are dry , not many detains, then lets a subordinate, eagerly anticipates Song Zhong to go to Eastern Emperor World. 宋钟在和烈火真君了解了一下仙界的情况后。便不再打搅人家,很有礼貌的告辞。烈火真君知道宋钟还有很多事情要干,也不多加挽留,便让一位部属,引领宋钟东皇界 Goes to Eastern Emperor World transmission not to be far nearby this. Place that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is, is one of the God of Fire Heaven many cities, this place is mainly used to refine the weapon, God of Fire Heaven like the giant city, dozens. 东皇界的传送阵就在这附近不远。烈火真君所在的地方,乃是祝融天诸多城市之一,此地主要用于炼制兵器,祝融天像这样的巨型城市,还有几十个之多。 Rode transmission, Song Zhong arrived at own boundary quickly, Eastern Emperor World! After from a transmission institute place that comes out, Song Zhong immediately feels rich Qi of Immortal Spirit. Different from God of Fire Heaven, Immortal Qi of this place is not primarily some species alone, but is various species has, and is very average. This makes Song Zhong this practice the «Primal Chaos Secret Art» person feels comfortable of abnormal. 乘坐传送阵,宋钟很快就来到了自己的地界,东皇界!从传送阵所在的地方出来之后,宋钟马上就感受到了一股浓郁的仙灵之气。不同于祝融天,此地的仙气并非单独以某种属性为主,而是各种属性都有,并且还很平均。这让宋钟这个修炼《混沌决》的人感到异常的舒服。 Afterward, Song Zhong looked at the surrounding environment, has produced at heart immediately unprecedented shock. 随后,宋钟看了看周围的环境,心里马上就产生了一股前所未有的震撼。 Originally, Song Zhong now in floats in the spatial island, this surrounding area is about several li (0.5km) island almost does not have what thing, a transmission temple, side is several invincible forces is protecting. Looks at their strengths. It is not high, is the Earth Immortal rank. It seems like is only puts on an act. 原来,宋钟现在是在一个浮空岛上,这座方圆不过数里的小岛几乎没有什么东西,就一个传送阵神殿,旁边则是十几个天兵护卫着。看他们的实力。并不高,也就是地仙级别。看来只是装装样子而已。 This floats the spatial island not to have what strange place, but floats under the spatial island situation, made the person shock, that was vast Mountain of Garbage! 这浮空岛并没有什么稀奇之处,但是浮空岛下面的情况,就太让人震撼了,那是一望无际的垃圾山 Among these Mountain of Garbage is separated by to have distance, in two ravine also lou leave a wee bit land originally. On this wee bit land, is growing tenaciously some Spiritual Herb(s), during some spirit beasts appear and disappear. On Mountain of Garbage after these many years, there is scattered Spiritual Herb(s) to grow. Because Mountain of Garbage was really too high, therefore these Spiritual Herb(s) were most is the growth in the halfway up the mountainside, the crown was various dark junks. 这些垃圾山之间相隔有断距离,两座山间还lou出里面原本的一丁点土地。在这丁点土地上,顽强生长着一些灵草,还有一些灵兽出没其间。垃圾山上经过这么多年,也有稀稀落落的灵草生长着。只不过因为垃圾山实在是太高了,所以这些灵草最多就是生长在半山腰上,顶部还是黑乎乎的各种杂物。 This junks are anything have, by sediment that the blast furnace cleans up, as well as the weapon armor of refinement failure is a focus, but also is mixing with the combat tank of breakage, the saddle, bends the crossbow wait / etc. other military cargos, naturally discards. 这种杂物是什么都有,以高炉清理出来的渣子,以及炼制失败的武器铠甲为主,还夹杂着破损的战车,马鞍,弓弩等等其他军用物资,当然都是报废的。 Although these things have gone bad, is the material excellent, even if after several thousand years of repeated difficulties, does not have the rusty meaning, after erase dust, the cold brightness sparkles as before. 虽然这些东西都坏了,可是毕竟材料上乘,哪怕历经数万年的风风雨雨,也没有生锈的意思,抹去灰尘之后,依旧寒光闪闪。 Sees these many trash, Song Zhong to be pleasantly surprised at heart! What is happy, oneself later can have the thing that cannot decompose. What startled is, the thing are too really many, he does not know where changes to start to stop over! 看见这么多垃圾,宋钟心里是又惊又喜!喜的是,自己以后可以有分解不完的东西了。惊的是,东西实在太多,以至于他都不知道改从哪里开始落脚! But at this time, in transmission the blue light once more glittered. Then presented one group of yellow turbans people of great strength. They are holding a big basket respectively, walks from transmission, does not respond Song Zhong, arrives to float spatial island edge without consulting anybody, but actually gets down toward outside the thing in wicker basket. 而就在这个时候,传送阵里青光再次闪烁起来。接着就出现了一堆黄巾力士。他们各自抱着一个大筐,从传送阵里走出来,也不搭理宋钟,径自来到浮空岛边缘处,就把箩筐里的东西往外面倒下去。 Do not look at that wicker basket dark commonplace, may in fact also by the space immortal law has refined the treasure. They toward outside but actually, must spend several quarters each time the time, sees all kinds of junks crash-bang to fall endlessly. 别看那箩筐黑乎乎的不太起眼,可实际上也是被空间仙法炼制过的宝贝。他们每次往外面倒,都要花费好几刻钟的时间,就看见各式各样的杂物哗啦啦掉个没完。 These dozens yellow turbans people of great strength the wicker baskets of belt, almost pile up a new hill. It is estimated that has such 2-3 waves, can pile up several hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, several hundred li (0.5km) surrounding area Mountain of Garbage. 这几十个黄巾力士的带的箩筐,就差不多堆积起一座新的小山。估计,有这么两三波,就可以堆积起一座几十万丈高,数百里方圆的垃圾山 After these yellow turbans people of great strength end the trash but actually, valiant, spirited walked, from the start has not responded Song Zhong this World Lord. Follows Song Zhong comes this's Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is the officer sees that many are somewhat awkward, said to Song Zhong hurriedly: Sir, these yellow turbans people of great strength are change magically, the brain is not effective, only knows to work, does not understand the politeness. Do not mind!” 那些黄巾力士倒完垃圾后,就雄赳赳,气昂昂的走了,压根就没有搭理过宋钟这位界主。跟随宋钟来此的烈火真君的属官见状,多少有些尴尬,急忙对宋钟道:“大人,这些黄巾力士都是点化的,脑子不太管用,只知道干活,不懂礼貌。您可别介意!” Might as well!” Song Zhong naturally cannot haggle over with the fellows of some dry heavy manual labors. He is only curious asking: Like the person who them arrives at the trash, day of how many?” “无妨!”宋钟自然不会和一些干粗活的家伙计较。他只是好奇的问道:“像他们这样来到垃圾的人,一天有多少啊?” Are not many, these people come from the different cities, our God of Fire Heaven adds, every day also needs to come here but actually such 45 waves of trash!” That is the officer compensates to say with a smile. “不多,这些人来自不同的城市,我们祝融天加起来,每天也就需要来这里倒这么45波垃圾而已!”那位属官赔笑道。 Hears this, why Song Zhong understands here trash these many. One day 45 waves, in addition is at least two Mountain of Garbage! Mountain of Garbage several hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, several hundred li (0.5km) surrounding area, a day two, several million years later, that digit terroristly? Song Zhong now soon was in any case numb. 听到这,宋钟才明白为何这里的垃圾这么多。一天45波,加起来就是至少两座垃圾山啊!一座垃圾山就几十万丈高,数百里方圆,一天两座,几百万年下来,那数字得多恐怖?反正宋钟现在已经都快要麻木了。 In Song Zhong also when corona, that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo is the officer gives a Song Zhong sign, said with a smile: Sir World Lord, since you have officially taken office, then defers to the custom, this floated the spatial island to belong to you to have jurisdiction. This is the control floats the jade sign of spatial island, you take well!” 就在宋钟还在晕乎乎的时候,那位烈火真君的属官递给宋钟一块牌子,笑道:“界主大人,既然您已经正式上任,那么按照规矩,这座浮空岛就归属您管辖了。这是控制浮空岛的玉牌,您拿好!” Saying, is the officer gives a Song Zhong sign. 说着,属官就递给宋钟一块牌子。 After Song Zhong receives, inputs own Divine Sense mark, immediately can use. 宋钟接过来之后,输入自己的神识印记,就立刻可以使用了。 That is the officer then said afterward: Right Sir, after floating the spatial island is you, you not only need be responsible for its maintenance work, but must protect his security. Here invincible force subordinates God of Fire Heaven, my meeting must carry off.” 那位属官随后接着道:“对了大人,浮空岛属于您之后,您不仅要负责它的维护工作,而且还要保护他的安全。这里的天兵隶属祝融天,我一会要带走的。” After Song Zhong hear, immediately on surprise [say / way]: Why does here have the guard? Also has what danger to be inadequate?” 宋钟听后,立刻就诧异的道:“为何这里还有守卫?难道还有什么危险不成?” He He, generally speaking does not have what major problem, but sometimes, these malicious ghosts in blood spring, can come to disturb. In order to fear them destroys floats spatial island, therefore we have established these several invincible forces.” Is the officer says with a smile: Actually the majority of time are very safe! You compared with were not worried specially!” “呵呵,一般来说是没有什么大问题的,不过,血泉里的那些恶鬼,有时候会过来捣乱。为了怕他们破坏浮空岛,所以我们才设置了这十几个天兵。”属官笑道:“其实大部分时间都很安全!您也不比特别担心!” That is good!” Song Zhong then felt relieved. “那就好!”宋钟这才放下心来。 That was the officer sees Song Zhong to be all right, therefore then asked: Sir World Lord, if nothing, small must ask to be excused!” 那位属官见到宋钟没什么事了,于是便问道:“界主大人,如果没有什么事情的话,小的就要告退了!” Song Zhong just wants to make him go back, but thinks of the incident suddenly, changes a statement hurriedly temporarily: Wait / Etc., I have a matter to trouble your!” 宋钟刚想让他回去,但是忽然想到一事,急忙临时改口道:“等等,我还有件事情想麻烦你一下!” Doesn't dare to call the trouble? The Sir has the matter to tell freely!” Is the officer very polite [say / way]. He specially had been urged by Immortal Daoist Lie Huo, knows that this Song Zhong and boss relate extremely good, naturally does not dare to neglect. “不敢称麻烦?大人有事尽管吩咐!”属官很客气的道。他可是被烈火真君特意叮嘱过的,知道这位宋钟和自己上司关系极好,自然不敢怠慢。 Song Zhong therefore then said with a smile: You have a look, I am newly-arrived, here is unfamiliar with the people and place, which wants to find the stopping over place not to know well? Does not know whether you can recommend one?” 宋钟于是便笑道:“你看看,我初来乍到,在这里人生地不熟的,想要找个落脚的地方都不知道去哪好?不知道,你是否可以推荐一个?” „!” That was the officer has thought slightly, then said: Sir, small followed orders to investigate this, to here but actually also familiar. For you introduced that the appropriate stopping over place does not have the issue actually. However, I must know what place first you want? Places great emphasis on the scenery or the benefit? Regards as important Spiritual Qi?” “哦!”那位属官稍稍想了一下,然后道:“大人,小的曾经奉命调查过这一界,对这里倒也熟悉。为您介绍个合适的落脚地点倒是没问题。不过,我得先知道您是想要什么样的地方?是看重风景或者利益呢?还是看重灵气呢?” Em? What does this have to distinguish?” Song Zhong hear that, cannot bear curious asking. “恩?这还有什么区别吗?”宋钟闻言,忍不住好奇的问道。 That is natural!” Is the officer explains immediately: If you place great emphasis on the scenery or the benefit, then needs to find the place beyond the Mountain of Garbage range, I know actually several mineral lode, you can nearby that build the temporary palace. However, there Spiritual Qi is not most centralized. If you if likes Spiritual Qi being rich. Suits the practice place, is east the emperor old palace ruins is without doubt most appropriate. Can too be regarded as important by the eastern emperor, and builds the temporary palace is, Spiritual Qi affirmed that did not miss. Was only a pity that there had been covered by the trash, is somewhat dirty, the average people will not go.” “那是当然!”属官立刻解释道:“如果您看重风景或者利益,那么就需要在垃圾山范围之外找地方了,我倒是知道几处矿脉,您可以那附近建立行宫。不过,那里的灵气并不是最集中的。如果你要是更喜欢灵气丰厚。适合修炼的地方,那么无疑要数东皇旧宫废墟最为合适。能够被东皇太一看重,并建立行宫的所在,灵气肯定差不了。只可惜那里已经被垃圾掩盖了,有些脏,一般人都不会去。” Song Zhong naturally is not an average person, he does not care about the trash, therefore one hear of Spiritual Qi rich places, an eastern emperor too old times temporary palace was, immediately moved. Therefore he then directly said: I want to go to eastern emperor too temporary palace ruins!” 宋钟自然不是一般人,他也不在乎垃圾,所以一听灵气浓郁之地,还是东皇太一旧时的行宫所在,马上就动了心。于是他便直接道:“我想去东皇太一的行宫废墟!” He He, the Sir is wise!” Is the officer says with a smile immediately: That place, although trash many. However after cleaning up, is good, regardless of the scenery or Spiritual Qi are Eastern Emperor World are best, will otherwise not be regarded as important by the eastern emperor! Such being the case, you in this direction, fly about 3 million li (0.5km), should be able to see big remnants of destroyed buildings, there is the Eastern Imperial Palace ruins!” “呵呵,大人高明!”属官马上笑道:“那地方虽然垃圾多一点。但是清理之后,还是不错的,无论风景还是灵气都是东皇界最好的,要不然也不会被东皇看重了!既然如此,那您就往这个方向,飞行3000000里左右,应该就可以看见一大片残垣断壁,那里就是东皇宫的废墟!” Many thanks, many thanks!” Song Zhong cups one hand in the other across the chest to salute to say hurriedly. “多谢,多谢!”宋钟急忙拱手施礼道。 You were too polite!” Is the officer returns salute saying that afterward he also urged: Sir, if you go to that should better floating the spatial island stays here, because floats the spatial island to have the huge volume trash to appear every day, when the time comes, you have not perhaps cleaned up the old trash on ruins, this new trash piled up!” “您太客气了!”属官还礼道,随后他又叮嘱道:“大人,您要是去那,最好把浮空岛留在这里,因为浮空岛每天都有海量的垃圾出现,到时候,你恐怕没把废墟上的旧垃圾清理走,这新垃圾就又堆积如山了!” Ha Ha, what said that I will pay attention!” Song Zhong said with a smile immediately. “哈哈,说的是,我会注意的!”宋钟马上笑道。 That is good!” Is the officer bows afterward a ritual, said: So, said goodbye below!” “那就好!”属官随后躬身一礼,道:“如此,在下告辞!” Walks slowly does not deliver!” Song Zhong hurried polite [say / way]. “慢走不送!”宋钟急忙客气道。 Afterward, that is the officer has the guard to float the several invincible forces in spatial island, entered in transmission. 随后,那位属官就带着把守浮空岛的十几个天兵,进入了传送阵里。 Packs off Immortal Daoist Lie Huo after being the officer, Song Zhong first from following Mountain of Garbage, flew high to absorb big trash, entered to own life space, making Flower Monster throw into the black soil, had a look whether can decompose. 送走烈火真君的属官之后,宋钟首先从下面的垃圾山上,凌空摄取了一大片的垃圾,进入到自己的本命空间里,让花妖们扔进黑泥土中,看看是否可以分解。 Then Song Zhong directly controls is floating the spatial island, goes toward the place line of being the officer directing. 然后宋钟则直接驾驭着浮空岛,往属官指点的地方行去。 Floats the spatial island flying speed not to be quick, even might as well Thunderbolt Divine Boat, after all it is not the special flight tool. These several million li (0.5km) distances, it is estimated that it must fly for several days. 浮空岛飞行速度并不快,甚至还不如雷霆神舟,毕竟它不是专门的飞行工具。这几百万里的距离,估计它要飞行好几天。 However Song Zhong does not care about this, so long as can arrive on the line. He only cared that now a matter, that is own black soil, whether can decompose the Immortal World thing. 不过宋钟并不在乎这个,只要能到就行。他现在只关心一件事,那就是自己的黑泥土,是否可以分解仙界的东西。 Therefore Song Zhong after adjusting to float the direction of spatial island, personally enters this life space, observes. 所以宋钟在调整好浮空岛的航向之后,就亲自进入本命空间,进行观察。 Although said that black soil in the world of mortals, almost all things can decompose. Even if the spirit treasure fragment is the same. But this actually cannot explain that its really anything can decompose. At least Song Zhong knows the same thing, is the black soil is also incapable of decomposing, that is the Big Copper Bell fragment. 虽然说黑泥土在凡间的时候,几乎所有东西都可以分解。哪怕就是灵宝的碎片都一样。可是这却并不能说明它就真的什么都可以分解。至少宋钟就知道一样东西,是黑泥土也无力分解的,那就是大铜钟的碎片。 Can see from this matter that at least the resolution capability of this black soil also has a limit. Therefore some Song Zhong at heart also worries. 从这件事情就可以看出,至少这黑泥土的分解能力也有一个限度。所以宋钟心里也有些担心。 However, enters this life space in him, after that black mud side stayed a small meeting, he feels Qi of Immortal Spirit, is sending out in the muddy land, around the putty land, obviously several original manuscripts is the blank place, now is presenting some metals gradually. 不过,在他进入本命空间,在那黑泥地旁边停留了一小会之后,他就感受到了一股仙灵之气,正在泥地里散发出来,并且,在泥土地周围,明显有几个原本是空白的地方,现在正逐渐出现一些金属。 Very obviously, Song Zhong this Natal Artifact is very powerful, even if the Immortal World thing, can decompose in the same old way it. 很显然,宋钟的这件本命法宝很给力,即便是仙界的东西,也照样能够将其分解开来。 Passing through these many years later, the hard road in this life space, already several feet surrounding area that from most starts, turns into the present several thousand zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area, looks from afar, probably is one monster that keeps swallowing the thing is the same. 在经过了这么多年之后,本命空间里的黑土地,已经从最开始的几尺方圆,变成现在的数千丈方圆,远远望去,就好像是一只不停吞噬东西的怪兽一样。 The hard road area increases at the same time, decomposed the thing the speed to be also quicker. Flower Monster throw these trash shortly, decomposed many. 黑土地面积增大的同时,分解东西的速度也快了很多。花妖们才把那些垃圾扔进去不久,就已经分解了好多。 In order to test oneself this mysterious lands, has how formidable resolution capability. Song Zhong simply exits, made the hill same trash from outside, making Flower Monster under keep threw. 为了测试自己这片神奇的土地,到底有多么强大的分解能力。宋钟干脆又出去一趟,从外面弄来了小山一样的垃圾,让手下的花妖们不停的扔进去。 To be honest, since Song Zhong becomes an immortal, this hard road has almost not eaten to the full. After all its appetite was too big, but Song Zhong also does not have the fragments of that many treasures, it is at a hungry condition for a long time. 说实话,自从宋钟成仙之后,这片黑土地就几乎从来没有吃饱过。毕竟它的胃口实在太大了,而宋钟又没有那么多宝物的碎片,以至于它长期处于一个饥饿的状态。 However today, this black monster had the opportunity big show skill finally. Hill same trash, quick was swallowed by it. While producing massive Immortal Qi, metal mountains also rise straight from the ground. 但是今天,这黑色的怪兽终于是有机会大展身手了。小山一样的垃圾,很快就被它吞噬进去。在产生大量仙气的同时,一座座金属山也拔地而起。 Sudden massive Immortal Qi, here has also alarmed hideaway Ling Xiaozi, he flies after the practice place, saw these growing metal mountains, immediately greatly was startled, cannot bear call out in alarm said: I, is this good? Ten thousand years of Origin Steel , the essence of copper, the fire builds up the blue silver, best quality goods Purple gold! These many? You may get rich!” 突然出现的大量仙气,把隐藏在这里的凌霄子也惊动了,他从修炼的地方飞出来之后,一眼就看见了那些不断增长的金属山,顿时就大吃了一惊,忍不住惊呼道:“我,这都行?万年钢母,赤铜之精,还有火炼青银,极品紫金!这么多?你可发财啦!” After Song Zhong hear, cannot bear ask: „Are these things very valuable?” 宋钟听后,忍不住问道:“这些东西很值钱吗?” Specially is not valuable, but the issue is, the thing in your hand were too many! Moreover in different increase, this is inappropriate!” Ling Xiaozi looks Flower Monster keep throws each article to damage the thing that cannot bear call out in alarm said that little darling, which this is comes?” “不算特别值钱,可问题是,你手里的东西太多了!而且还在不同的增加,这就让人受不了啦!”凌霄子看着花妖们不停的扔出一件件破损的东西,忍不住惊呼道,“乖乖,这都是哪来的?” Hey, is gives for nothing!” Song Zhong along with, even if grinning the Eastern Emperor World many situations of own being in charge, said with Ling Xiaozi. “嘿嘿,都是白给的!”宋钟随即便笑嘻嘻的把自己主管的东皇界诸多情况,和凌霄子说了一遍。 After listening to the Song Zhong words, the Ling Xiaozi eyeball was green, he cannot bear yell: Day that doesn't this give for nothing you to waste money? What most comedy, they have delivered you money, hasn't collected your tax?” 听完宋钟的话之后,凌霄子眼珠子都绿了,他忍不住大叫道:“天那,这不是白给你送钱吗?最搞笑的是,他们送了你钱,还不收你的税?” Hey!” Song Zhong said with a smile: This is because they do not know, if they knew, that naturally will collect taxes. However, we cannot make them know obviously! Do you understand my meaning?” “嘿嘿!”宋钟笑道:“这是因为他们不知道,如果他们知道了,那自然就会收税了。不过,我们显然是不可以让他们知道的!你明白我的意思吗?” Yes!” Ling Xiaozi nods to say immediately: So-called ordinary man is innocent, cherishes wall its crime, if makes others know that you have the treasure of this recycling waste, perhaps will be the God will be crazy!” “明白!”凌霄子立刻点头道:“所谓匹夫无罪,怀壁其罪,要是让人家知道你有这种变废为宝的宝物,恐怕就是天帝都会为之疯狂的!” Is so!” Song Zhong said afterward with deep veneration: My Flower Monster is a trusted friend, will not leave this space easily. Therefore did not fear that they said that is worth the anxiety only, is the sales of these things, you said that how we should be able sells out it, received exchange for the thing that we need?” “正是如此!”宋钟随后肃然道:“我这里的花妖都是心腹,而且轻易不会出这个空间。所以不怕她们说出去,唯独值得忧虑的,就是这些东西的销路,你说,我们该怎么才能神不知鬼不觉的将其卖掉,换取咱们需要的东西呢?” This was too simple!” Ling Xiaozi strikes one's chest, says with a smile: Lower Nine Heavens has the innumerable influences to want these to refine the weapon Magical Artifact thing, after we can definitely masquerade, sold to them secretly!” “这个太简单了!”凌霄子一拍胸脯,笑道:“下九天有无数势力想要这些可以炼制兵器法宝的东西,我们完全可以乔装打扮之后,偷偷卖给他们!” . ..
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