CLC :: Volume #6

#554: Ashura

Generally speaking, indeed has the Lower Nine Heavens world to be able with several Demon World to be connected. However Eastern Emperor World is quite special!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo explained: You also know, several million years ago when there in society strongest several big gods battle is defeated, almost destroys thoroughly, at that time, its space becomes abnormal is unstable, accidentally in situation, with the Demon World involvement. However, you do not need to be worried. We have sent for investigating, only found several Blood Spring. “一般来说,的确是只有下九天的世界才会和几个魔界相连。但是东皇界比较特殊!”烈火真君解释道:“你也知道,几百万年前那里被世间最强的几位大神作战时击破,几乎彻底毁灭,也就在那时候,它的空间变得异常不稳定,偶然情况下,就和魔界勾连上了。不过,你也不用担心。我们已经派人去调查过了,只找到几个血泉而已”。 Blood Spring? What is that?” Song Zhong pursues hurriedly asks. 血泉?那是什么?”宋钟急忙追问道。 That is Asura World involvement space node. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo answered, „ Asura World entire established in the endless bloodshed, the legend, the endless bloodshed was the umbilical cord blood of Great God Pangu, represented evil. Regardless of which Plane/Planar and it is connected, this endless bloodshed can the spread in the past. If the space node is big, will form a big piece of bloodshed in the opposite, if will form the blood lake, again slightly was Blood Spring “那是和阿修罗界勾连的空间节点”。烈火真君解释道,“阿修罗界整个就建立在无尽血海里,传说,无尽血海是盘古大神的脐带血所化,代表至极的邪恶。无论哪个位面和它相连,这无尽血海都会蔓延过去。如果空间节点大,就会在对面形成一大片血海,如果就会形成血湖,再小就是血泉 After Song Zhong hear, immediately said: „ Is that malicious ghost who jumps over is also smaller and weaker?. 宋钟听后,马上就道:“那是不是越过来的恶鬼也就越弱小?。 Good, by your situation, the Blood Spring words, supports also to come the malicious ghosts of some Heavenly Immortal ranks. To you, at is not anything. Immortal Daoist Lie Huo said with a smile. “不错,以你的情况来说,血泉的话,撑死也就过来一些天仙级别的恶鬼。对你来说,根本不算什么”。烈火真君笑道。 Ha Ha, if in this case, I do not fear!” Song Zhong then relaxed, then he said with a smile suddenly: Was right, my this is World Lord, must pay taxes to Imperial Court?” “哈哈,要是这样的话,那我就不怕了!”宋钟这才松了一口气,然后他忽然笑道:“对了,我这界主,是不是还要给天庭缴税啊?” He He, generally speaking, should pay taxes. [Say / Way] that Immortal Daoist Lie Huo does not know whether to laugh or cry afterward suddenly: „ Your this situation, was really too special, if it is estimated that I made you pay taxes, your definitely this World Lord doesn't want to work as?. “呵呵,一般来说,是应该缴税的”。烈火真君随后忽然哭笑不得的道:“不过你这情况,实在是太特殊了,估计我要是让你缴税的话,你肯定连这界主都不想当了吧?。 He He, that also with asking?” Song Zhong curls the lip to say immediately: Gives me Garbage Dump, but also wants to ask me to pay taxes? You think that I can the trash turn into treasure?” “呵呵,那还用问吗?”宋钟立刻撇撇嘴道:“给我一个垃圾场,还想叫我缴税?您以为我能垃圾变成宝贝啊?” Although Song Zhong said that but actually cannot bear at heart secretly happily wants saying that „ trash is also what kind of? Refinement treasure remaining scraps, inevitably is the high-grade material stack, has the life space black soil, any trash can turn into the treasure! Ha Ha, then, Eastern Emperor World also really suits me!, 宋钟虽然这么说,但是心里却忍不住暗自得意的想道,“垃圾又怎么样?炼制宝物剩下的废品,也必然是上等材料堆积的,有本命空间的黑泥土在,什么垃圾都可以变成宝贝!哈哈,这么说来,东皇界还真是适合我呢!, Immortal Daoist Lie Huo does not know in the Song Zhong belly to have anything to plan that he also thinks Song Zhong is really suffering from injustice. Therefore hurries to comfort [say / way] well ” „ good, I know that you are difficult. Like this, if you comply to make us continue to throw the trash toward inside, I exempt your this tax revenue! How?. 烈火真君并不知道宋钟肚子里有什么打算,他还以为宋钟是真委屈呢。所以赶紧安慰道”“好啦好啦,我知道你困难。这样吧,如果你答应可以让我们继续往里面扔垃圾,我就免去你这一界的税收!如何?。 This, although in the Song Zhong belly blossomed happily, the appearance that but he makes pushing someone take on a difficult job comes, to do intentionally the helpless [say / way]: „ Oh, good, who called us poverty inhibits one's ambitions that? Has thrown in any case for several million years, does not care a little. “这尽管宋钟肚子里已经乐开了花,可他还是做出一副勉为其难的样子来,故作无奈的道:“唉,好吧,谁叫咱人穷志短那?反正都扔了几百万年了,也不在乎那么一点啦”。 Ha Ha!” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo sees Song Zhong to comply, immediately laughs saying that you feel relieved! Eastern Emperor World big very much, after stabilizing, although shrank one-third compared with before, cannot as before be smaller than God of Fire Heaven many, after all was also one of the once Upper Nine Heavens! Do not visit us to throw several million years of trash, has piled up thousands of thousands li (0.5km) surrounding area. “哈哈!”烈火真君宋钟答应,马上大笑道,“你放心吧!东皇界大的很,稳定下来之后,虽然比以前缩水了1,可是依旧比祝融天小不了多少,毕竟也是曾经的上九天之一啊!别看我们扔了几百万年的垃圾,才只是堆积了几万万里方圆而已”。 The Song Zhong hear this saying, face was green, cannot bear the face say painstakingly: „ Thousands of thousands li (0.5km) surrounding area?. „ Right, moreover is several hundred thousand zhang (3.33 m) high Mountain of Garbage. 宋钟听完这话,脸都绿了,忍不住苦着脸道:“几万万里方圆?。“没错,而且还都是几十万丈高的垃圾山 In any case many have not counted! ” Immortal Daoist Lie Huo shrugs saying: In any case, should be is impossible to clean up cleanly, you lost heart!” 反正多的没数了!”烈火真君耸耸肩道:“反正,应该是不可能清理干净,你就死了这条心吧!” Oh. Song Zhong sighed, the forced smile said: „ This matter puts down temporarily, when I looked said again! Right, I want to ask, after this ordinary immortal flies upwards, which goes?. “唉”。宋钟叹息一声,苦笑道:“此事暂时放下,等我去看了再说吧!对了,我想问一下,这普通的仙人飞升以后,都去哪啊?。 Actually, Song Zhong wants taking the opportunity to inquire, oneself that cheap master, Thunderbolt Taoist whereabouts. 其实,宋钟是想借机打听一下,自己那位便宜师傅,雷霆道人的下落。 Although why Immortal Daoist Lie Huo not clear Song Zhong such asked. However he is very happy explanation: Generally speaking, the immortal of flying upwards has three destinations, one type is to go to the master gate or the members of the same family, another type is to join a big influence, for example Imperial Court, Five Great Celestial Emperors may recruit the manpower! As for the last type, that was the vagrant immortal of striking out on one's own. They do not have the members of the same family to go for shelter, does not want to be restrained by the big influence, can only go to the wanderer!” 烈火真君虽然不清楚宋钟为何这么问。不过他还是很痛快的解释道:“一般来说,飞升的仙人有三种去处,一种就是投奔师门或者亲族,另外一种就是加入一个大势力,比如说天庭,五大天帝可都在招收人手呢!至于最后一种,那就是自谋生路的流浪仙人了。他们没有亲族投奔,也不想被大势力约束,就只能自己去闯荡了!” „Do that these vagrant immortals, where go to?” Song Zhong pursues hurriedly asks. He estimated that perhaps by the Thunderbolt Taoist arrogance , can only work as the vagrant immortal. “那这些流浪仙人,都去哪里呢?”宋钟急忙追问道。他估计,以雷霆道人的傲气,恐怕也就只能当流浪仙人了。 The Immortal Daoist Lie Huo hear Song Zhong this saying, cannot bear the forced smile say: Since is called the vagrant immortal, that naturally was of no fixed abode? They have not managed the small law to leave Lower Nine Heavens generally, but Lower Nine Heavens does not only know is big, the place that in addition the innumerable attached world, they may go to are too really many. 烈火真君听完宋钟这话,忍不住苦笑道:“既然称为流浪仙人,那自然就是居无定所了?他们一般没办小法离开下九天,可是光下九天就不知道多么大,再加上数不清的附属世界,他们可去的地方实在太多”。 Originally is this!” Song Zhong only knows that Immortal World is such a matter. It seems like wants to find own that cheap master, but also is really not an easy matter. “原来是这样啊!”宋钟这才知道仙界原来是这么回事。看来想找到自己的那个便宜师傅,还真不是件容易事。 However, can plan the Thunder Prison position to look from a Black Tortoise clan that Song Zhong thought they will know the Thunderbolt Taoist whereabouts, because also has Thunderbolt Taoist, knows the Thunder Prison exact location, if not he tells Black Tortoise a clan, these fellows will not call me there him 不过,从玄武一族能够算计到雷狱的位置看,宋钟觉得他们会知道雷霆道人的下落,因为也就只有雷霆道人,才知道雷狱的具体位置,如果不是他告诉玄武一族,这些家伙是不会叫我在那里堵他的 Then, Song Zhong also inquired the general knowledge about Immortal World. Originally, Immortal World also and world of mortals is similar, the influence stands in great numbers. And the biggest influence is Imperial Court, it is wielding 33 Heaven Beyond the Heaven as well as the attached all world, is the lord of nominal Immortal World. 接下来,宋钟又询问了一些关于仙界的常识。原来,仙界也和凡间差不多,势力林立。其中最大的势力便是天庭,它执掌着33层天外天以及附属所有世界,是名义上的仙界之主。 But Imperial Court leader. Then Five Great Celestial Emperors headed by Jade Emperor. Although among them has the status high under division, but does not have the relations of subordination. Be responsible for respective one piece respectively. Jade Emperor was most intelligent, won the queen mother of the west, finally as the matter stands, his influence became biggest, the status was also highest, this made him the head of Five Great Celestial Emperors. 天庭的领袖。便是以玉皇大帝为首的五大天帝。他们之间虽然有地位高下之分,可是却并没有统属的关系。各自负责各自的一片。只是玉皇大帝最聪明,赢取了西王母,结果这样一来,他势力变得最大,地位也就最高,这才让他成为五大天帝之首。 Besides Imperial Court, Immortal World also has other influences. Some are the big gods who antiquity Ancient Era had, they in own domain free and unrestrained. Nobody dares to provoke. Celestial Emperor the order under to them on, instead will not want to be respectful. Maintains the good relations. 除了天庭之外,仙界还有其他的各种势力。有的是上古时代就存在的大神,他们在自己的地盘上逍遥自在。没有人敢招惹。天帝也不会把命令下到他们头上,反而要恭敬着。保持良好的关系。 Moreover, some were afterward immortals. Increases in the strength, after and had own influence. Also encircled a piece of land for building, and found the way to obtain Imperial Court to confer rank and title. 另外,还有一些则是后来的仙人。在实力增加,并有了自己的势力之后。也圈下了一片地皮,并想办法求得天庭册封。 Generally speaking, Imperial Court to the land that below cannot manage, is glad to see that some people have jurisdiction. Therefore. So long as you are willing to obey the Imperial Court leadership. Is glad to pay the tax revenue, and still performs enough merit in the external war, then Imperial Court to will not be parsimonious. 一般来说,天庭对下面管不到的土地,也乐意见到有人去管辖。所以。只要你肯服从天庭领导。乐意缴纳税收,并且还在对外战争中立下足够的功劳,那么天庭到也不会吝啬。 However, after these many years conferring rank and title, Immortal World presented every large or small hundreds of thousands of influences. Sometimes they for the respective benefit, often eruption conflict, even need Imperial Court to adjust or the suppression. This let suffice some busy Imperial Court headaches. Therefore in recent 1 million years. Imperial Court has little conferred new influence, and also keeping takes back certain making mistakes influences the domain, in order to avoid they do in a big way. 不过,经过这么多年的册封后,仙界出现了大大小小数十万个势力。他们为了各自的利益,不时的爆发冲突,有时候甚至需要天庭去调节或者镇压。这让本来就够忙的天庭有些头疼了。所以在最近1000000年里。天庭已经很少册封新的势力了,并且还在不停的收回某些犯错势力的地盘,以免他们做大。 Naturally, this was to these immortal who flew upwards from below said that if you had the path, knew that these can say the words big god in front of Celestial Emperor. Seals the block land is also the matter of a few words. For example Song Zhong. Chaos Titan Clan some great person. A few words hand over, he has become Eastern Emperor World Sir World Lord! 当然,这都是对那些从下面才飞升上来的仙人说的,如果你有路子,认识那些可以在天帝面前说上话的大神。封块土地也是一句话的事。就比如说宋钟混沌巨灵族的某位大人物。一句话递过去,他就成了东皇界界主大人! In this no doubt has the reason of Eastern Emperor World comparison trash, but also has saying that others Chaos Titan Clan face is big enough. Must otherwise, this Eastern Emperor World. The ordinary immortal struggles for 1 million years. Also do not want to become World Lord! This some person and nobody's difference. 这里面固然有东皇界比较垃圾的原因,但是也不得不说人家混沌巨灵族面子够大。要不然的话,就这东皇界。普通仙人奋斗1000000年。也别想当上界主!这就是有人和没人的区别。 However, although the Immortal World mountain top stands in great numbers, the influence is complex, because Imperial Court is controlling the terror army. Therefore they to the entire 33 days of control abilities are very strong. Nobody dares not to listen to the Imperial Court words, will otherwise provoke the terror celestial troops and generals to encircle. Therefore. Immortal World is very basically harmonious, at least in surface everybody friendly one group. 不过,虽然仙界山头林立,势力复杂,但是由于天庭掌控着恐怖的部队。所以他们对整个33天的掌控能力还是很强的。以至于没有人敢不听天庭的话,不然就会招惹来恐怖的天兵天将围剿。所以。仙界内部基本上都很和谐,至少表面上大家和气一团。 Moreover, each several hundred thousand years, will have erupted the war of Imperial Court and outside. At that time Immortal World will send out to recruit command. Any immortal can participate, so long as performs the meritorious service in inside, Imperial Court will give the good reward. This is the good opportunity that each small influence and vagrant immortal raises one's head. Had this opportunity, these fellows to are not revolting for the superior anxiously. 另外,每过几十万年,就会爆发天庭和外界的大战。那时候仙界就会发出征召令。任何仙人都可以参加,只要在里面建立功勋,天庭就会给予不错的奖励。这是各个小势力和流浪仙人出头的好机会。有了这个机会在,那些家伙到也不急着为了上位而造反。 A matter must say, has the currency in Immortal World. What the world of mortals circulates is spiritual stone, is divided into High Grade, middle grade and low-grade. But Immortal World circulation is Immortal Jade, is divided into White Jade, Blue Jade, Purple Jade. 还有一件事必须说一下,在仙界也是有货币的。凡间流通的是灵石,分为上品,中品下品。而仙界流通的则是仙玉,分为白玉,青玉,紫玉 And, White Jade directly mines, Immortal Jade of most best quality goods, is containing purest Immortal Qi. But Blue Jade is White Jade after refinement. Essence of concentration. Immortal Qi of piece of Blue Jade implication, is equal to 10,000 White Jade. But Purple Jade is the essence of Blue Jade concentration, Immortal Qi of piece of Purple Jade small implication is equal to 10,000 pieces of Blue Jade Immortal Qi, is Immortal Qi of 100 million White Jade. 其中,白玉就是直接开采出来的,最极品的仙玉,蕴含着最纯粹的仙气。而青玉则是白玉经过炼制后。浓缩的精华。一片青玉蕴含的仙气,就等于10000片的白玉。而紫玉则是青玉浓缩的精华,一片紫玉小蕴含的仙气相当于10000片青玉仙气,也就是100000000片白玉的仙气 Because Blue Jade and Purple Jade to the immortal small are very important consumables. 由于青玉紫玉对仙人来说小都是很重要的消耗品。 For example usually cultivates, Concoct(ing) Pills. The refiner, needs to use, therefore they are very marketable. Naturally, exchange time, piece of Blue Jade must exchange 20,000 even many White Jade. Purple Jade is also same. This is because refines Blue Jade and Purple Jade process, must consume magic power, inside has not the small cost. 比如平时修炼,还有炼丹。炼器,都需要用到,所以它们都很抢手。当然,兑换的时候,一片青玉要兑换20000甚至更多的白玉。紫玉也是一样。这是因为炼制青玉紫玉的过程,也是要消耗法力的,里面有不小的成本。 Song Zhong asked here price. Generally speaking, First Grade Immortal Qi, value several hundred White Jade. Looked that the concrete attribute is slightly different. But Second Grade Immortal Tool, turns several to turn on value, almost several thousand White Jade. To Fourth Grade Immortal Tool, must pay up with Purple Jade. White Jade others do not want. 宋钟问了一下这里的物价。一般来说,一件一品仙气,价值数百白玉。看具体属性略有不同。而二品仙器,就价值翻几翻,差不多有数千白玉。到了四品仙器,就要用紫玉来结账了。白玉人家都不要。 But Song Zhong this World Lord, if must according to the custom, probably pay taxes according to the land area under his name. By the present Eastern Emperor World terrifying area, makes him lose everything sufficiently. Even if the present situation is not quite good, but there also has many mineral lode to unearth after all, actually can also have not the poor benefit. 宋钟这个界主,如果要按照规矩来说的话,要根据他名下的土地面积缴税。以现在东皇界的恐怖面积,足以让他倾家荡产。就算是现在情况不太好,可是毕竟那里也有不少的矿脉可以挖掘,其实也能够产生不菲的利益。 If changes a manager, can definitely wrangle in this above with Song Zhong. However Immortal Daoist Lie Huo received the Song Zhong that big advantage, is naturally careless. Merely with continue throw the trash condition, on erase Song Zhong this tax money. This makes Song Zhong not know that has saved many, in comparison, several flying boats, are really not anything!( ” Custom is continued old 如果换一个主管,肯定会和宋钟在这上面扯皮。但是烈火真君受了宋钟那么大的好处,自然就马马虎虎起来。仅仅用继续扔垃圾的条件,就抹去宋钟这笔税款。这让宋钟不知道节省了多少,相比之下,几艘飞舟,实在是不算什么!(未完待续”习旧
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